Re: Debugger for C programming?

2001-10-02 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 11:32:40PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there a good debugger for C programming.  You know, the kind of thing
> that lets you step through a line at a time running your program and put
> watches on variables etc.

gdb is the usually used debugger under Linux. There's a nice graphical
user interface for it, called ddd. It will compile under most Unices
also ... give it a try. There're packages for Debian and
everything. Just apt-get. And have a nice day.

-- Jsb

Re: shell script for bash [timeboy@Calculusterix]

2001-09-05 Thread Jordi S. Bunster
> Hi!
> I like to write a litte shell script that first makes a
> connection to my ISP and then runs fetchmail. This is no
> problem for me. But cause it takes some seconds till the
> connection to ISP is done, the script needs to wait for 5 or
>  10 seconds bevore it runs fetchmail. How can i do this
> waiting with a bash kommand?
> Timo
> -- 
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"Apesar de que é dito que a fé pode mover montanhas,
a experiência nos mostra que dinamite funciona melhor."

  Jordi S. Bunster


2001-09-01 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 08:59:39PM -0400, Jeff Reed wrote:

> i'm enjoying it immenseley.

We all do ... every single day. :)

 -- Jordi


2001-08-31 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 08:51:35AM +0200, javi wrote:

>A ver , tengo un problema con el nessus, trabajo en SID y he
> instalado el nessus, tanto cliente como servidor para (...) estoy
> haciendo algo mal?.

Perdona, no te puedo ayudar con eso, ya que no tengo experiencia con
nessus, tampoco con unstable. Pero, por favor, el idioma oficial de
esta lista es el ingles ... por favor ayuda a mantener eso ok? Si te
resulta imposible, verifica la pagina de las listas, de seguro debe
existir alguna en español.

Espero que entiendas, no es nada personal.

 -- Jordi S. Bunster

Re: Installing downloaded .deb files

2001-08-25 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 02:06:58PM -0700, David Frischknecht wrote:
> Hello,
> I downloaded a .deb file, but I'm having trouble
> installing it using apt-get.  Could someone help me?  Thanks.

You shouldn't use apt-get if you already have the file. You should use
dpkg -i file.deb

Re: tar/gzip mistake

2001-08-20 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 10:50:20PM +0020, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there some other way to get tar and gzip back on my system
> without reinstalling?

Unpack the source somewere else, and pack it with ar or zip, or
whatever else you may have already installed on your system. Rsync
maybe. Or wget to get the whole directory. Something like that.

Re: Quota command not working

2001-08-16 Thread Jordi S . Bunster
On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:51:20AM +1000, Tadeusz Bak wrote:

> However the command 'quota' issued by user or 'quota -u user' issued
> by root always results in:
> Disk quotas for user ... : none
> According to the manual page the output should show disk usage and set
> limits. Do you have any ideas what may be wrong? Thanks!

Just to be sure  the actual user has user quotas? edquota -u user?

And also, just to check if you are not having a problem similar to the
one I had  can you post here the lines of your /etc/fstab, related
to the filesystems on which you want to have quota enabled?

Re: woody-install

2001-08-12 Thread Jordi S . Bunster

On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:27:05PM +0200, Gabriel Pickard wrote:

> file:/instmnt/pool/main/e/exim/exim_3.22-4_i386.deb was corrupt
> in consequence, i cannot continue my installation ;-{

If the file is corrupt, is probably consequence of a scratch on the
CD' surface. Using other MTA, or downloading exim from the Internet
will solve the issue with this package, but the CD may have other
(even non-replaceable ones) corrupted files. In that case, get another
CD, or install from the Net.

-- Jsb

Cloning servers

2001-08-09 Thread Jordi S . Bunster

I've got a Debian box running a lot of services, so there's lots of
disk activity. I was thinking about cloning it (the server) to a
redundant one, identical to the other. Just wondering  Is there a
way to do this in a sane way while the system is running? Or should I
just power off and use dd?

Thanks in advance ...

  Jordi S. Bunster

Quota problems (SOLVED)

2001-08-09 Thread Jordi S . Bunster

A few weeks ago, I posted here a question about quota. I had some
files called "continue", sometimes with random data inside, and
sometimes with nothing at all. Well, quota worked horribly, showing
the same filesystem usage for all the different filesystems, or
sometimes not working.

Well, I found out (just yesterday) that on fstab we had:

device ... all the other stuff ... and then usrquota,errors=continue

Removing the errors=continue part solved the problem.

Reading the ext2 manpage, I found that mount ignores the keywords
quota,usrquota,grpquota,noquota on fstab. Its actually the quota
utilities that read those. But, for a reason I'm not sure of, they
also read the errors=continue statement, that was intended for ext2,
and is documented (and supported) for it.

So, I should maybe put the errors=continue before the quota
information tags, to see if it works. (or not to put it at all).

Hope this can help any soul in the future. Also, thanks to the ones
that at least read the question.

Jordi S. Bunster

Kernel messages on console

2001-08-08 Thread Jordi S . Bunster

How can I prevent kernel messages from showing up on certain ttys? I
have tons of samba messages on the screen  but the SMB mount are
in fact working ok, and the messages are annoying. The message

smb_request: result -32, setting invalid
smb_retry: sucessful, new pid=23748, generation=4

Also, if anyone could tell what can I do about the message, even
though everything is working ok ... I'd appreciate.

Thanks in advance ...

Jordi S. Bunster

Re: restarting a service

2001-08-07 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

> How do I do that with Debian?

Just ommit the /rc.d part

  Jordi S. Bunster

Re: NIS / NIS+ / NYS ???

2001-08-01 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

> How can I get all my linux machines to "log into" one linux box ?
> like you can with NT - get all the workstations to log into one
> server etc ?

You found it out by yourself. Runs NIS. :)

> Have read of a little bit on NIS, NYS etc. Is this equivalent to what
> NT offers ? Is there something else that may be better or easier to
> configure ?

Better, I don't know. Easier to configure, probably not.

> Any advice / pointers appreciated.

Follow the howto's. In Debian there're a couple of things that behave
differently, but no big deal. I run NIS here at the ISP, no problem.

By the way, NIS will let you log on like on NT, but will not solve you
the problem of having a network filesystem so you can have the same
environment everywere. You'll have to:

a) Replicate the /home/user contents upon login (very bad!)

b) Export /home under some kind of networked file system.

I've done it with NFS, and I haven't had time to try other things like
Coda, but I really want to.

Good luck 

Jordi S. Bunster

Procmail questions

2001-07-30 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Hello list ... wonder if anyone gives me a hand on this one:

Here at my job two bosses need to send mail to everyone from time
to time. There're about 20 accounts only, so I did a small script
that runs every week and adds new accounts to the .forward file
of a special account. You get the idea. The boss sends to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and everyone gets the message.

But ... right now everyone can send messages to that account. How
can I block mail to it from everyone except the two bosses (with
This is procmail and sendmail, and, of course a Debian box (2.2r3
in case it matters).

Thanks in andvance ....

Jordi S. Bunster

  Jordi S. Bunster

Quota problems

2001-07-03 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Ahhh .. I'm going nuts. Why quotas don't work the way they should
under potato here? I am doing everything the different HOWTOs
say, but I get random errors. repquota -a, sometimes says:

continue: no such file or directory

And if I cd to a directory where those "continue" files are
found, repquota -a apparently works, but it shows the same quota
information for two different filesystems, where users have
different amount of files.

I read, read, but I did not find a thing about the "continue"

fstab options on filesystem entries are usrquota,grpquota,quota.

Wonder if anyone can give me a hand ... before I lose my /var. :)

  Jordi S. Bunster

Re: Why is setting up X so arcane?

2001-06-28 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

> As far as I know, the card is Plug and Play. Why can't X
> probe the card and  find out for me?

Did you try SuperProbe? log in as root, type: SuperProbe. Turn
off your monitor(s), hit ENTER, wait for about 10 seconds and
turn the monitor back again.
> I have found a sheet of paper that might be the monitor's
> manual, and got  the scan frequencies from there. But how am
> I supposed to find out the vag  card dotclock frequency?

Generally, I skip that part, and I don't probe clocks either. But
that's with relatively new PCI cards ... don't know about yours.

> I like Debian because its  package
> installation is so simple, but it really falls down when it
> gets to configuring X.

Well, actually it doesn't fall down, it asks you for support. You
are letting it down. :)

That's not really a Debian issue, technically speaking. AFAIK,
that's a potato issue. woody (or was it sid) have better
configurators for X. Or am I wrong? List?

  Jordi S. Bunster

Re: big IBM harddisk

2001-06-27 Thread Jordi S. Bunster
>> Good info. I had a 486/66MHz system. I pulled out the huge
>> 350mb hard drive and installed my 20Gb wd. The bios seen
>> *something* and then I installed debian. Never had a hitch
>> with it.I don't really think debian gives a rip what the
>> bios thinks at any rate!

Is actually Linux who doesn't read disk geometry from the BIOS.
Not really a Debian issue, more a kernel one. :)

Guys, sorry if someone already said it (I wasn't following this
thread), but, can't you tell the kernel (via boot parameters)
that you have a hdd located in controller X position X with X
geometry info, manually? To bypass BIOS recognition of it? This
should be documented in a HOWTO, Boot-Param I guess. 

  Jordi S. Bunster

Great quota problem...

2001-06-07 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Hi all again ... the Load problem is solved (it was Amavis), but
now I've got a newer (and weireder) one:

 I'm trying to use quotas in Debian, but there is a problem.
 I setup the quota with edquota -p login1 login2 or with
 edquota -u login, and everithing looks OK. I use repquota,
 and I see all the quotas that I setup.

 After all, when I use repquota again, the quotas are
 missing... I mean, NO QUOTA. After, I use repquota, and I see
 quotas again.

 Some tips: when I can't see quotas, the error is no such file
 CONTINUE. This file is in some directories but I even imagine
 what it does:

zeus:/home# repquota -a
continue: No such file or directory

continue: No such file or directory

 The file quota.users that I create is always empty. When I
 used Slackware, with quotas, the file continue never exists
 and the quota.users has data.


  Jordi S. Bunster

Re: High Load Average

2001-06-03 Thread Jordi S. Bunster
> you have a run away process and/or a memory leak
> ( amd and intel cpu behave slightly differently for 
> ( the same code...

Mmm .. speaking about internal programs, we only have some perl
scripts. Perl is the compiled one, right?

> what apps is running???

We JUST installed the server. I mean, there's nothing hand
compiled, except for Amavis. But it doesn't eat that much CPU
time. In fact, top reveals that everyone uses CPU all the time. A
ipop3d session easily goes for 18%, and a apache or sendmail one
goes for 47% ~ 56%. It is just like everyone is using the machine
at its most.


91 processes: 89 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 68.7% user, 31.2% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  257856K av, 229104K used,  28752K free, 103600K shrd, 
73192K buff
Swap: 128484K av,  0K used, 128484K free
86696K cached

  170 root   0   0   632  632   516 S   0  5.3  0.2  
6:00 syslogd
13533 root  10   0  1124 1120   780 S   0  4.3  0.4  
0:00 scanmails
12172 jsb8   0  1192 1192   688 R   0  4.1  0.4  
0:03 top
13532 root   0   0  1552 1552  1200 S   0  0.7  0.6  
0:00 sendmail
  177 root   0   0  4160 4160   804 S   0  0.5  1.6  
2:30 named
11006 www-data   0   0  7632 7632  4776 S   0  0.5  2.9  
0:01 apache
13271 www-data   0   0  4804 4804  4656 S   0  0.5  1.8  
0:00 apache
13673 root  11   0   464  464   296 R   0  0.5  0.1  
0:00 file
11825 root   0   0  1480 1480  1220 S   0  0.3  0.5  
0:00 sshd
12136 rosanak1   0  1460 1460   972 S   0  0.3  0.5  
0:00 ipop3d
13529 root   0   0  1412 1412  1200 S   0  0.3  0.5  
0:00 sendmail
13627 root   0   0  1396 1396  1160 S   0  0.3  0.5  
0:00 sendmail
  357 root   0   0  1212 1212  1072 S   0  0.1  0.4  
0:06 sendmail
15976 thomas 0   0  5752 5752   972 S   0  0.1  2.2  
0:06 ipop3d
11525 www-data   0   0  4828 4828  4680 S   0  0.1  1.8  
0:00 apache
1 root   0   0   472  472   400 S   0  0.0  0.1  
0:12 init
2 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0  
0:00 kflushd
3 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0  
0:03 kupdate
4 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0  
0:02 kswapd
5 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0  
0:00 keventd
6 root -20 -20 00 0 SW< 0  0.0  0.0  
0:00 mdrecoveryd
  102 daemon 0   0   492  492   408 S   0  0.0  0.1  
0:00 portmap
  172 root   0   0   760  760   384 S   0  0.0  0.2  
0:00 klogd
  230 root   0   0   440  440   376 S   0  0.0  0.1  
0:00 gpm
  241 root   0   0   560  560   476 S   0  0.0  0.2  
0:00 lpd
  356 root   0   0  1188 1188   832 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:02 nmbd
  371 root   0   0  1204 1204   532 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 xfs
  380 root   0   0  1548 1548  1320 S   0  0.0  0.6  
0:00 ntpd
  398 root   0   0   848  844   684 S   0  0.0  0.3  
0:00 radwatch
  399 root   0   0   856  856   792 S   0  0.0  0.3  
0:02 radiusd
  438 root   0   0   844  844   788 S   0  0.0  0.3  
0:13 radiusd
  469 root   0   0   616  616   512 S   0  0.0  0.2  
0:00 cron
 6613 root   0   0   440  440   376 S   0  0.0  0.1  
0:00 getty
22159 root   0   0   584  584   500 S   0  0.0  0.2  
0:03 inetd
31116 root   0   0  1224 1224   644 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 smbmount-2.2
31129 root   0   0  1216 1216   744 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 smbmount-2.2
31141 root   0   0  1220 1220   744 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 smbmount-2.2
31159 root   0   0  1220 1220   744 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 smbmount-2.2
31172 root   0   0  1220 1220   744 S   0  0.0  0.4  
0:00 smbmount-2.2

At this moment, Load is a little bit lower (about 4), but idle is
still 0%. Quite weird uh?

If any command output is helpful, please let me know.

  Jordi S. Bunster

High Load Average

2001-06-03 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Just a question: Is there any reason in particular for a Debian
Box keep its load average always over 6?

It is a AMD Athlon 750 Mhz with 256 Megs of RAM, running potato
and 2.2.19, compiled to run on i686. It has the Patches Debian
puts on the stock kernel, and the new-style raid patches,
although no RAIDs are set up yet.

Sometimes the Load Average goes over 10, making sendmail refuse
connections. It is running sendmail, IMAP, POP3, apache+perl,
Radius(cistron) and that's it. What can possibly be wrong?

Sidenote: We had another similar machine (processor was a PIII
550 Mhz) running the same stuff, but with Slackware. Load was
never that high, and the machine swapped all the time, at least
25 Megs. The new Debian Box never swaps, but has a high load

Any thoughts?

  Jordi S. Bunster


2001-06-03 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Anyone using Mgetty and a Cyclades multi port board?

I installed the mgetty package and created the devices, as well 
as the inittab entries (just like the examples found in Debian) 
but the modems wont stop blinking the ARQ/FAX light , and they 
don't answer.

What's possibly wrong?

  Jordi S. Bunster

Woody release date

2001-05-27 Thread Jordi S. Bunster

Ok folks, I already know Debian is only ready with it's ready, but,
beign involved with the community, can anyone risk a probable time
range for woody to become stable?

Just wanted to know to see if I download 2.2r3 CDs or wait for
official woody iso images.

Thanks in advance 

 -- Jsb