Re: What creates /etc/exim4

2010-09-10 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 9/10/2010 5:33 PM, Chris Davies wrote:

Kent West  wrote:

Apparently "aptitude purge exim4" does not remove /etc/exim4 or

"dpkg -L exim4" shows no reference to /etc/exim4 in the exim4
package. (But see below.)

I've apparently got wrong perms on /etc/exim4 [...]
What process creates these directories?

Somewhat belatedly,

 ls -ld /etc/exim4
 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 May  9 13:24 /etc/exim4

 apt-file search etc/exim4 | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u

(Remove the cut|sort to see the files each package would create.)

Where does exim4-config store its info [...]

In /etc/exim4 ("dpkg -L exim4-config").


apt-get autoremove exim4* --purge

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Re: Authenticating NFS users

2010-09-04 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 9/4/2010 5:29 AM, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:

Op 04-09-10 10:52, Tixy schreef:

I'm trying to set up NFS to use in a home made NAS and want to add some
form of server based authentication for access. All of the information I
can find seems to suggest using kerberos, is there a simpler alternative
that could do something like check a username+password?

You can use NFS via a SSH or VPN tunnel. The reason that it is
complicated is that when you authenticate to the server, you need also a
ticket that tells the server you authenticated. Else you'd need to type
your password every time you check a file on the NFS. Kerberos is a
clean way of exactly doing that: handing out the tickets to track
sessions. SSH and VPN tunnels basically do the same: keep a lasting session.
You can probably try some firewalling techniques for a simple
a-little-less-easy access to the NFS.


Well, on a non-public facing NFS /etc/exports would do the trick on 
which hosts can mount what.  There is also auth_sys, but that relies on 
a sort of trust ring really.  As far as SSH tunneling, it's an 
unnecessary overhead if it's not a public network or public-facing 
network (on the entire network), if it's not public-facing and has wifi 
or people you can't trust who access it, I would then look into stream 
encryption.  Normally in a cheapo situation I would have a public 
non-public NIC where the NAS server is on the non-public end tied to a 
switch and the public end (all computers but the NAS server) is simply 
tied to a router on the first NIC.

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Re: /home/user folder accidentally removed

2010-09-04 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 9/4/2010 5:16 AM, Fatih Tiryakioglu wrote:


I wanted to remove trash folder, but home folder/home/user is gone. There was 
only one user. I couldn't start any program. When I restarted computer, I 
couldn't login. How can I recover system. Please help..


Can you elaborate "removed"? rm -rf is irrecoverable by normal means.

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Re: [Semi-OT] Process *name* a valid concept in Unix/Linux?

2010-08-31 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/31/2010 9:26 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:


I know that you can see a pid and it's complete command line, but is 
there the concept of "name"?

For example, in OpenVMS, you can do:

Then in SHOW SYSTEM (similar to "ps aux") you'll see a line with a pid 
and the text SOMEUNIQUENAME.  Also, no other process can have the same 
name, thus performing a similar function as lock files.

Or, since fork() is so integral to Unix and processes keep flitting in 
an out of existence, is "name" not a relevant concept?


setproctitle(3) which is from BSD will do that if I remember right.  If 
I also recall correctly it was supposed to be implemented inside of 
Debian as libsetproctitle (you can google it and find the Wishlist bug) 
but never actually got implemented, read:

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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-08-31 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 08/30/2010 04:02 PM, Brian Ryans wrote:

Quoting Jordon Bedwell on 2010-08-30 07:10:33, in Message-Id

I'm wondering if you couldn't put them under /usr/share since it is

/usr/local/share ya mean? /usr/share, in my reading of FHS, seems to be
mainly used for distributions to place their data.

As I read FHS, I can see logic for stuff like what you want to store
placed in either /usr/local/share or /srv.

Quoting FHS, though:

Local placement of local files is a local issue, so FHS
does not attempt to usurp system administrators.

I meant /usr/share, I didn't type it wrong. I do however find your 
comprehension of some parts of the spec interesting. I'm not saying I'm 
absolutely right, but shouldn't assume every statement is a clever 
implication of something else.  In other words, it only implies that the 
system will overwrite it if it needs to, and local is a local issue and 
the system should not automatically overwrite on an upgrade.  local is 
given the same luxury as /etc, unless of course it's the ever so 
intriguing /etc/alternates which I have yet to figure out what use it 
serves even having been on debian since 3 but I can't remember that far 
back not on Debian at least, since it really has evolved a lot over the 
years.  Personally I would rather put them in any share be it /usr/share 
or /usr/local/share whatever the system administrators preference over 
/srv because /srv is for services.

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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-08-30 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/30/2010 6:18 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, Wolodja:

/pub -- this is not part of the FHS and you might want to search for a
better place. What kind of data do you have here?

Sorry for long absence here. Where would You put something common for
all the users, say movies, music, etc?

I'm not speaking about HDD structure - where every partition will be,
what it will contain, etc - just right (according to Debian way, FHS)
files/dir.s location.

What is '/srv' for?

According to the FHS (if I remember right) /srv is for served files, 
exp: cvs, ftp, www.  You see Apache and a lot of system administrators 
use /var/www which is not apart of the FHS (even though Wikipedia 
incorrectly lists it as apart of the FHS ~ I just removed it from 
Wikipedia) so they proposed /srv.  You would do something like 
/srv/%username/www /srv/%username/cvs and so forth.  As far shared 
videos that's a tough one, I'm wondering if you couldn't put them under 
/usr/share since it is static.

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Re: sid: Packages held back during upgrade

2010-08-29 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/30/2010 1:05 AM, Joel Roth wrote:

I just did an apt-get upgrade. Hundreds of packages
were held back. I suspect that some packages
I installed manually with checkinstall may
be responsible.

I've seen some warnings before about them, but I don't
know which they all are.

My question is in two parts:

1. How can I list which packages were manually installed?

2. How can I change their status to allow the regular
Debian dependency chain to take precedence?
  355 not upgraded.

apt-get dist-upgrade

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Re: I can't see my /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file after upgrade testing

2010-08-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/28/2010 1:23 AM, Eric KOM wrote:

I'm trying to solve this problem but not result.
After upgrade testing, I can't  fund the /etc/ldap/sdapd.conf but the
server is still running.

Thank you in advance

Try: find / -name sdapd.conf

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Re: ftp root password

2010-08-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/26/2010 11:25 PM, J.H.Kim wrote:

Hi, everyone

My root password, for exmple, is 1234.
When I do ftp to my debian, the password 1234 for root account is not permitted.
Other user account is well operated with ftp.

How can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

J.Hwan Kim

1.) You did not give us the FTP client and server you use.
2.) Root is never (usually) allowed by FTP, try SFTP with SSHD if you 
want root. Talk about breaking the ring of security. Plain text blah.

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Re: Tell Ubuntu and Debian apart in a shell script ...

2010-08-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/26/2010 9:31 PM, Kevin Ross wrote:

 On 8/26/2010 5:08 PM, T o n g wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 02:03:55 +0200, Oliver Schneider wrote:

(which lsb_release>  /dev/null&&  `which lsb_release` --id)|awk '{print

... does not work on older systems which don't have lsb_release, 

Is lsb_release mandatory? I'm using latest testing and I don't have it.
So if your script depends on lsb_release, then it is specific to your

I just checked, it comes from the lsb-release package, the priority of 
which is optional.

To Oliver:  if you're making a .deb package for your program, you 
could add lsb-release to its list of dependencies.

Could you not just use the uname command?

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Re: Eye Candy Window Manager

2010-08-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/26/2010 4:00 AM, Camaleón wrote:

KDE4 3D desktop

GNOME 3D desktop


Definably KDE4, I've almost ditched GNOME for the new KDE, seriously, 
but I just can't do it.  Not yet at least.

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Re: Verbatim 1TB external HDD

2010-08-25 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/25/2010 7:12 AM, Jochen Schulz wrote:

Jordon Bedwell:

Jochen Schulz wrote:

No, they couldn't. :) Windows (since at least XP) doesn't allow
formatting disks larger than (IIRC) 32GB with the FAT filesystem. It's
either NTFS or… NTFS.

[…] Yes, Windows XP will format a drive way past 32GB, it's
plain silly to say it won't, you have to manually chose the cluster
size though. Another anti-Microsoft fan I assume.

Maybe you should have read what Microsoft writes before calling me
names. Quoting<>:

| You cannot format a volume larger than 32 GB in size using the FAT32
| file system in Windows 2000. The Windows 2000 FastFAT driver can mount
| and support volumes larger than 32 GB that use the FAT32 file system
| (subject to the other limits), but you cannot create one using the
| Format tool. This behavior is by design. If you need to create a volume
| larger than 32 GB, use the NTFS file system instead.

This link lists all supported cluster/filesystem sizes:

(Yes, there are 3rd party tools to circumvent that limitation.)

BTW, I don't think this artificial limitation is unreasonable from
Microsoft's point of view. But from an outsider's perspective, it is
funny to see how hard MS has to fight in order to move their customer
base away from legacy systems and features.

Calling you names? lol? And I don't need to read out-dated KB articles, 
I logged into Windows XP machine here in the office and did it before I 
even posted...I formatted an external HD with FAT32 with no problems.

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Re: 2.6.34 Will Not Boot

2010-08-25 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/25/2010 4:58 AM, wrote:

I made changes recommended by replies to my original message since I have no 
idea what the drive's /dev files will be called on the new system. Low and 
behold, I get the error on booting both older 2.6.32 and new 2.6.34 kernels! It 
starts to boot up just fine but then panics at the root device which it cannot 

Since my knoppix disc does not have lvm, I cannot fix it. No Debian right now 

What can I do? (Writing this from the old knoppix 3.4 from a web-mail 

Use knoppix and tell us what the log files say.  Specifically the Kernel 
logs since you suspect it's the Kernel after all :D

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Re: Verbatim 1TB external HDD

2010-08-24 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/24/2010 6:22 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Jochen Schulz wrote:

Bob Proulx:

It is "just a disk drive".  There isn't anything magical about it
having come with FAT32.  That is just a mild convenience so that the
casual MS user does not need to format it themselves.  But they could
and you could too.

No, they couldn't. :) Windows (since at least XP) doesn't allow
formatting disks larger than (IIRC) 32GB with the FAT filesystem. It's
either NTFS or… NTFS.

So...  FAT32 supports up to 8T in size, MS-XP can use it, but MS-XP
won't format it?  Wow.  I did not know that XP had that limitation.
Thanks for that tidbit.  I will add it to my list of MS problems.

In any case, it just makes recommending moving to a native filesystem
like ext3 that much easier.


No, FAT supports up to 16TB, but I don't remember ever seeing Linux 
having cluster support that high, at least stably, I don't even think 
Linux has strong support for 32KB clusters. It's safe to say that 2TB is 
the universal size for FAT32. Which is what the average consumer would 
have, unless they actually got hold of some nice raid hardware. Yes, 
Windows XP will format a drive way past 32GB, it's plain silly to say it 
won't, you have to manually chose the cluster size though. Another 
anti-Microsoft fan I assume. Personally for backups I would rather 
choose XFS or EXT4. The company that stores the most data in the world 
obviously knows what they are doing, and XFS was number one for them 
until they learned you could do live migration to EXT4 from EXT2 which 
would streamline a lot of things and make it easier to manage data. 
Direct IO seems to be a lot better on EXT4 and XFS too.

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Re: color temperature of screens // dual screen

2010-08-24 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/24/2010 4:40 PM, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:


I have a laptop with warm colors (i guess near 5000 K) and an
additional screen with 6300  K (or 9000 K)

Is there a way to configure Xorg in order to see the same thing
on both screen ?


You need to do that with your monitors.  You also need to be aware that 
luminescence of the monitor plays a big part in it too so 5000K might 
look off-ish on another monitor, even with the same panel they can look 
different as I have both an LG and a Dell with an LG panel and they look 
way different.  Considerably different.

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static compile unable to find gnutls dev files

2010-08-23 Thread Jordon Bedwell
 I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out a problem with 
static compiling:


srv01:/usr/src/msmtp-1.4.21# LDFLAGS=-static ./configure --prefix=/usr


srv01:/usr/src/msmtp-1.4.21# CFLAGS=-I/usr/include CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/lib 
LDFLAGS=--static ./configure --prefix=/usr


checking for libgnutls... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find GNU TLS, disabling
checking for libssl... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find OpenSSL, disabling
configure: WARNING: Neither GNU TLS nor OpenSSL found, disabling TLS/SSL 

checking for libgsasl... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find GNU SASL, disabling
checking for libidn... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find GNU Libidn, disabling
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating build-aux/Makefile
config.status: creating gnulib/Makefile
config.status: creating src/Makefile
config.status: creating po/
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: creating scripts/Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing po-directories commands
config.status: creating po/POTFILES
config.status: creating po/Makefile

Install prefix . : /usr/local
TLS/SSL support  : no (Library: none)
GNU SASL support ... : no
GNU Libidn support . : no
NLS support  : yes
GNOME Keyring support .. : no
MacOS X Keychain support : no


srv01:/usr/src/msmtp-1.4.21# aptitude show libgnutls-dev
Package: libgnutls-dev
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 2.4.2-6+lenny2
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel


I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on.  I don't usually 
static compile but in this case I decided to try out the new PHP 5.3.3 
with CHROOT and CHDIR which requires me to static compile msmtp (or 
sendmail but lets be realistic about a full static compile on an MTA for 
a shared server) so that users don't have to rely solely on SMTP (we use 
smart hosting with msmtp ~ which again is unrealistic for a shared 
environment.) My only other solution is to manually CHROOT the entire 
server, however, I'm trying to avoid such a situation at this time since 
it would just decrease my reasons to switch to 5.3.3 when 5.4 is right 
around the corner.

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Re: Mounting cdrom ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 1 / ISOFS: changing to secondary root

2010-08-23 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/23/2010 2:47 PM, Wayne Topa wrote:

On 08/22/2010 11:33 AM, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

Hi there,

   I have been experiencing a very bizarre behavior in the last couple
of weeks. I am running a lenny system with kernel 2.6.32 from backport
and for some reason I cannot mount cdrom from the gnome session
   From the command line, it works after much struggle (*).

   What is odd is:
- DATA CD with ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A are fine, no problem
(typically my bootable cdrom of lenny) (3 different cd tested)
- DATA DVD are fine, no problem (3 different dvd tested)
- DATA CD with ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 1 seems to
all have the same symptoms on my machine (4 different cd tested). They
do load perfectly fine on a windows machine.

The only bug that ressemble those symptoms is:

However I find it hard that so few people would experience that.

Any suggestion ?

Sorry.  I missed the " I cannot mount cdrom from the gnome session".

Since i came in late, what are all the errors, command line too.

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Re: OT Re: mounting samsung galaxy S

2010-08-10 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 02:14 +1000, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> Alexander Samad wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Jordon Bedwell  
> > wrote:
> >> On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 23:08 +0800, Alexander Samad wrote:
> >>> whats froyo  ?
> >> Android 2.2.
> > 
> > so where can I get it and can I put it on the galaxy
> I would wait for Samsung to release the update, they have said that it 
> is on the way.
> Using any other source, _might_ not be a good idea (tm) as Samsung have 
> their own UI additions that a 3rd party might not bring to the table for 
> this device

Which can/are all recreated ;) I have a app drawer just like the Galaxy
on my Droid, actually, it's cleaner because I set the number of icons
per page (since I hate overlapping and double lined text in my drawer),
I've even had the HTC sense UI on my Droid at one point, but I'm not a
fan of HTC sense.

In some senses I would agree to wait, but in other sense, I wouldn't
make it a recommendation because it's his phone, the only reason I would
caution is because unlike my Droid he can't unbrick his phone, he
doesn't have the original source and flash software, I do for my Droid,
I can ubrick my Droid unless I totally destroy the hardware.

Either way, without the Galaxy mods, he gets his own experience, he gets
his own custom rom, he gets to choose what's on it, when it's on it, and
what runs on it.  He gets to install apps to the SD, he gets access to
the new PIN based lock.  It's his phone, and Cyanogen mod gives him
control over the hardware he licensed.

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Re: OT Re: mounting samsung galaxy S

2010-08-10 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 23:19 +0800, Alexander Samad wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Jordon Bedwell  wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 23:08 +0800, Alexander Samad wrote:
> >> whats froyo  ?
> >
> > Android 2.2.
> so where can I get it and can I put it on the galaxy

Personally, I run all my Android phones (which I have both Droid and
Droid X and soon Droid 2 ~ AKA R2-D2 ~ Engadget dubbed that name) with
Cyanogen mod, they're the most reputable ROM provider and if you pay the
couple of dollars you can autoupdate your rom with the latest compiles,
you can download custom ROM's to OC your device (if it supports it) and
blah blah blah, anyways here is a link: 

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Re: mounting samsung galaxy S

2010-08-10 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 23:08 +0800, Alexander Samad wrote:
> whats froyo  ?

Android 2.2.

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Re: mounting samsung galaxy S

2010-08-10 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 07:38 +, Camaleón wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:13:04 +0800, Alexander Samad wrote:
> > I am having problems mounting my galaxy S under linux
> (...)
> As per this users comments, it should be automounted:
> > [ 1282.802728] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... 
> > [ 1282.802850] scsi8 : usb-storage 2-1.2:2.0 
> > [ 1282.802941] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage 
> > [ 1282.802943] USB Mass Storage support registered. 
> > [ 1283.809301] scsi 8:0:0:0: Direct-Access SAMSUNG GT-I9000 Card    
> > PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
> > [ 1283.817281] scsi 8:0:0:1: Direct-Access SAMSUNG  GT-I9000    PQ: 
> > 0 ANSI: 2
> > [ 1283.817759] sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0 
> > [ 1283.818199] sd 8:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0 
> > [ 1283.819253] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk 
> > [ 1283.821385] sd 8:0:0:1: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk
> Mmm, there is no info about the SD cards size. Weird. 
> Check the USB settings in the phone.

There really are no "USB settings" for Android phones, you either mount
as debug for ADB commands or you mount as Mass Storage so you can access
phone (depending on phone) and Mass Storage. Have you tried to mount the
Galaxy S phone via Windows? Tried mounting with a different card in the

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Re: setting password via script

2010-08-09 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 01:52 +, T o n g wrote:
> Hi,
> What's the easiest way to set password for user account via script? 
> The most common tool would be fine, even if it means that the password 
> has to be clear text.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

You can write passwords directly to /etc/shadow as root, but it's rather
dangerous to do, but I shouldn't be here to warn you and caution you
since you should already know all this, on to the example:

echo "user_password"|openssl passwd -1 -stdin


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Re: ssl certificate to authenticate users in a web aplication

2010-08-09 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 11:31 +0200, Jesus arteche wrote:
> Hello,
> Anyone knows if it's possible to authenticate an user with ...user,
> pass and a personal certificateI mean, each user has name, pass
> and a certificate to login in aplication.
> Thanks

You need to elaborate what an "application" is.  PHP/Python/Perl
Websites are by all definitions applications too, even more so if
they're compiled, which all of them are, just some of them at runtime
rather then static compiles.

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Re: Can only access Debian website through proxy: SUCCESS

2010-08-08 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 18:59 +, Camaleón wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Aug 2010 11:50:22 +1000, pierre wrote:
> (...)
> >> A quick try: use openDNS dns servers instead your router's ones.
> >>
> > Sorry, I can only send where proxy permits me to send..
> :-)
> In Thunderbird 3.x, just click on the button "Reply to list" instead of 
> "Reply" so the replies can reach the list. IIRC, for older versions there 
> used to be a addon, but anyway, you can "Reply to all" _and_ remove each  
> user's e-mail addresses.
> > Ok, reconfiguring router with alternate dns for opendns...Router
> > rebooting...  typing (no proxy) into Iceweasel.
> > 
> > *SUCCESS I am now on the webpage and navigating !
> Hey, glad you can now browse the web "normally" :-)
> I wonder what kind of DNS servers was using the router, but for sure it 
> was delivering wrong/faked information :-?
> > Why am I the only one on this network who needs opendns to access
> > debian--- WHO CARES--  This community is what makes debian so great.
> > 
> > Thank you very much :-)
> You're welcome.
> Greetings,
> -- 
> Camaleón

Two versions before they released the "reply list" functionality reply
all acted the same way as reply list then they did some reworking to
make it easier.  Because even though it was basically the same it would
CC the people so some people would get double messages, sometimes even
3, got old real fast.  Not that we don't see double replies still, easy
to pick out the Windows users who don't use Thunderbird >.>

Now to convince Evolution developers to replace reply all with reply
list at the top, so I don't have to constantly type CTRL+L to reply list

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Re: backup system for servers

2010-08-07 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 08/07/2010 11:38 AM, Michael P. Soulier wrote:

On 07/08/10 Jordon Bedwell said:


You don't need "Software" all you need is a simple bash script that 1.)
GZIP's everything but: proc, sys and others, 2.) signs said backup and
then encrypts it and 3.) an SSH cert to the other server and the time to
make said simple script. You can even use Perl or PHP, both of which
support being daemonized so you can do incremental backups or backups of
specific files based on changes.  I usually prefer the Perl method, but
sometimes am forced to use PHP and when clients flat out refuse to let
me daemonize I tell them to do it themselves since it's not my problem
anyways I was just being nice and send them an SH script that does
exactly what I described.

Personally I pipe tar over ssh so I'm not dependent on enough disk space on
the machine being backed-up to create a local archive. Plus, it's only one
command that way.


I prefer it too but my clients need verbose lists of files that were 
backed up in certain places and we grep that out for their automatic emails.
In case the OP wants to know what we're on about, and so we don't stray 
to far off topic here is an example of piping tar to SSH:

tar cvpjf server_backup.tar.bz2 --same-owner \
--exclude=/proc/* \
--exclude=/media/* \
--exclude=/dev/* \
--exclude=/mnt/* \
--exclude=/sys/* \
--exclude=/tmp/* \
--exclude=/usr/tmp/* \
--exclude=/lost+found/* \
--exclude=/server_backup.tar.bz2 | ssh 
"dd of=server_backup.tar.bz2"

Also, to make things more secure, and so you can give clients access to 
their own shares, if this is the case, you can easily Chroot SSH to 
their client share. And just give them the SSH certificate (which 
they'll easily be able to get anyways if they're not dumb so it's better 
you go ahead and Chroot ahead of time) so they can pull down their own 

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Re: Reklama w serwisie

2010-08-07 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 08/07/2010 11:38 AM, Alois Mahdal wrote:

...I can't speak Polish, but if I can get the point, she is asking
about putting paid advertisement on :-)

I guess she might understand Czech at least as I "do" Polish:

Oh oh oh, I can speak some Czech! The second person said something along 
the lines of: "Debian does not accept advertisements since they are 
non-profit ~ This is an English speaking list ~ Post your messages in 
English" and of course you can translate the links for yourself :P

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Re: Onboard ethernet adapter lights not flash anymore... Network not connect too!

2010-08-07 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 08/06/2010 05:31 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:


I think my car is died :(

I have a Dell Latitude D630 and here is the commands outputs:

marc...@laia:~$ /usr/bin/lspci | grep Ethernet
09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5755M
Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)
marc...@laia:~$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  Endereço de HW 00:1e:4f:fd:9a:de
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   colisões:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Have you any idea about this?

My card is onboard.

Is an usb ethernet adapter suitable? Like this

thank you.


You called an engineer or computer tech in your area and had them look 
at it? They'll let you know what's wrong and if it's cheap to replace 
the part? It might not be worth it anyways since I remember seeing that 
laptop back in 200(7-8).  I came in too late, but have you tried 
switching to the wireless chipset?  Technically, unless you're doing 
network transfers your wireless G can out speed your public facing 
connection anyways (unless you're on Gigabit, FiOS [depending], etc...) 
so it might be worth it.  Anyways, be careful of which usb ethernet 
cable you use.

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Re: backup system for servers

2010-08-07 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 08/07/2010 10:46 AM, xserver80 wrote:

Hi All
I need to schedule the data backup for 3 servers (2 Debian and 1
Windows) into a dedicated server.
The problem is that I can't install any software in none of the data
source servers (2 Debian and 1 Windows).
The object of my backup are the data exported with samba (2 Debian
Server) and ftp server (Win Server).
That system should mounted the shares (samba and ftp) for download and
check data in other system server.
In the future my boss will ask me for the copy of data backup
exsisting in the dedicated server backup in the  LTO type carthage (or
Now I am looking for a software or hardware system to do that.
If I don't find any dedicated hardware system I will prepare a
dedicate server with big area storage inside.
I don't think that a script is a good idea, because I need to keep
data saved for long tine and I need to check data during or after each
backup cicle. (check data transfer and dada consistance).
Can you help me to find a solutions?
I will evaluate all solutions thet you post me. Whatever, software and
hardware, commercial or free.
I must show to my boss the best solution. :-)

I thank everybody in advance.


You don't need "Software" all you need is a simple bash script that 1.) 
GZIP's everything but: proc, sys and others, 2.) signs said backup and 
then encrypts it and 3.) an SSH cert to the other server and the time to 
make said simple script. You can even use Perl or PHP, both of which 
support being daemonized so you can do incremental backups or backups of 
specific files based on changes.  I usually prefer the Perl method, but 
sometimes am forced to use PHP and when clients flat out refuse to let 
me daemonize I tell them to do it themselves since it's not my problem 
anyways I was just being nice and send them an SH script that does 
exactly what I described.

Here is an example to start you off:

#!/bin/bash -e

echo $(date): [Info] Starting backup of server_name >> /var/log/backups.log
tar cvpjf server_backup.tar.bz2 --same-owner \
--exclude=/proc/* \
--exclude=/media/* \
--exclude=/dev/* \
--exclude=/mnt/* \
--exclude=/sys/* \
--exclude=/tmp/* \
--exclude=/usr/tmp/* \
--exclude=/lost+found/* \

You'll of course want to remove server_backup.tar.bz2, generate a 
certificate to sign and encrypt and move that certificate to your 
personal PC too and make more log entries throughout the process so you 
can diagnose a missed backup, but other than that it's pretty simple.  
Good luck.

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Re: Debian Squeeze Frozen

2010-08-06 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 8/6/2010 3:27 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On 06/08/10 15:27, Brent Clark wrote:
>> Flippen AWESOME.
>> Thanks to everyone. Now the real work begins.
>> Brent
> I was really hoping php 5.3.3 would make it into squeeze.  It will be
> the first version of php that properly supports sqlite3.  It looks like
> it might be too late :-(
> I am also not entirely sure whether sqlite is going to make it
> into squeeze.  There are some strange words in the developer pts
> regarding freeze break for it.

It was too late when it came out anyways considering it was just
released not to long ago and there hasn't been full testing yet, or not
even close to full testing.  I'm at least happy they finally pushed up
to php 5.3.2 so that companies like MediaTemple who apparently rely
solely on the repos will have php 5.3.2. Looks like they might also be
using sqlite 3.6.23 since sqlite 3.7 was released on the same day as php
5.3.3. Since Squeeze is still young we can only hope they get all the
proper testing done fast so we can see it in a few months.

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Re: Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" frozen

2010-08-06 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 8/6/2010 2:30 PM, Greg Madden wrote:
> FYI,  from debian-announce.

A little behind times eh? Already a thread about it :P

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Re: Clef 3G+ - E1752 sous Debian

2010-08-06 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 8/6/2010 12:21 PM, Bernard wrote:
> Merci d'avance pour vos commentaires et suggestions.

Liste en anglais, s'il vous plaît parler anglais.

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 8/5/2010 12:54 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:
> The solution is to use a bigger font, as I had tried to explain.

Yes, that was your solution, until he explained (which you merrily
missed apparently) that even though he used your "fix" the font resets
back to a small size a little ways into the boot.

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/5/2010 8:59 AM, Thomas H. George wrote:

I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT

About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
kbd-compat was already installed.

What now?


Don't change the subject line unless you plan to change the topic.

sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst

kernel /boot/blah-blah-kernel root=/my/device ro quiet splash


Size 640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
 8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x3030x3050x1610x307 0x31C
15 bits |? 0x310   0x3130x3160x1620x319 0x31D
16 bits |? 0x311   0x3140x3170x1630x31A 0x31E

In otherwords, changing the console resolution should solve your 
problem.  You just have to be careful because you could end up with 
squishy text but it will be bigger.

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Re: Anti virus and Firewall

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/4/2010 12:43 PM, Brian wrote:

On Wed 04 Aug 2010 at 10:09:17 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
Correct. It wouldn't be there in the first place and I don't plan on
having my root acoount compromised. Besides, I know my system.

Naive but cute you think that though. You obviously don't to the latter.

You're speaking hypothetically. When rootkits with these capabilities
exist neither chkrootkit nor rkhunter will detect them. By the time
they get round to it my updates will have brought in the fixes, just
as they did when Lion, which chkrootkit spuriously claims to defend
me against, was about.

Let me know when the security industry does not run on theory and 
hypothetical (until proven) proof of concepts.  if it weren't for theory 
and hypothetical situations you would still think MD5 was secure because 
nobody would have hypothesized that if MD5 was vulnerable to clashes and 
then could be vulnerable to rainbow tables, and then come up with a 
proof of concept which is now generally accepted as true and proven by 
the security and non-security industry.  The world runs off of 
hypothetical situations, without them, you would still be using a pen 
and paper sir, actually, possibly and probably not because you wouldn't 
even have fire.

Let me know when you can't noexec mount that drive onto a clean system, 
or onto the current system with a liveCD and check for rootkits so that 
the rootkit can't constantly hide itself, even if it's in the Kernel.

Chkrootkit does not claim to "defend you", "protect you", "warn you 
ahead of  time with constant monitoring", "secure you" or "fix problems" 
it merely only claims to try and find rootkits, they don't say on their 
site "you are protected from rootkits if you use our software", "you 
will be safe from rootkits if you use our software", "rootkits are no 
more with our software!", "we will remove the rootkits for you with our 
software and you will be safe!", no, it only claims to detect them.  As 
a matter of fact, is the tagline of chkrootkit not: "locally checks for 
signs of a rootkit" not "locally checks and removes rootkits".

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Re: Anti virus and Firewall

2010-08-04 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/4/2010 9:24 AM, Brian wrote:

On Wed 04 Aug 2010 at 10:53:42 +0200, Wolodja Wentland wrote:

 chkrootkit - rootkit detector
 rkhunter - rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner

If ckkrootkit really did detect worms like Lupper, Lion
and Adore (as opposed to the false positives both programs
appear fond of generating) the user should take a close
look at the Debian release he is using.

My problem with software like this is that it gives the
impression of providing security over and above what the
normal updating procedure provides.

Because a rootkit can't remain hidden and inject itself back into the 
binary after a "security update" right? I mean it's never happened 
before, that's why Tripwire doesn't exist...Or because apt does trigger 
checks and validates once after the install and then once more a few 
minutes later to trigger integrity violations? Or because doing a 
security update on grub will remove a rootkit in your system that will 
just inject itself back into the boot? All this is just figments of our 
imagination and it's impossible for any of this to happen because all 
you have to do is apt-get upgrade and you'll be legit.

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Re: wget question

2010-08-03 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/3/2010 2:56 PM, Curt Howland wrote:

Hash: SHA1


I've wanted to do one thing with wget that just seems like it should
be easy, but I haven't been able to get a combination of "recurse"
and "level" that will do it.

All I want to do is download all the files in a specific directory.

The directories are viewable, for example,

But wget just gets the index.html
file, wget* returns an error, and
the one time I put -r for recursion, it started downloading
everything in the directory!

Does anyone have a trick? Using Konqueror and click-and-dragging every
single file is a long, boring task that wears out my mouse.


Check out: it has some 
neat tricks for wget, perhaps some along the lines of what you want.  I 
would test a few but my server is too smart for wget and flat out tells 
it where it can go.

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Re: how to dual boot debian with redhat?

2010-08-03 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/3/2010 9:55 AM, Greg Madden wrote:

On Tuesday 03 August 2010 03:52:19 hadi motamedi wrote:

Dear All
On my debian machine, I need to install redhat on one of its partitions and
so make it dual boot . Can you please let me know how this can be
Thank you

If you have the resources, I prefer using a VM,  Virtualbox, KVM ...

No need to bother with any of that on Redhat, Redhat has virtualization 
built in all you have to do is enable it, they are the leader in Xen 
based research.  No, I'm not a Redhat fanboy, just had the luxury of 
deploying a couple hundred RHEL based Xen servers into a grid.

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Re: keylogger.c

2010-08-02 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/2/2010 3:59 PM, Jozsi Vadkan wrote:

are there any working keyloggers, written in c, that works under Debian
Does anyone has one ready? :P or just an url?

Purpose? I know plenty keyloggers, some C, some not C, some for the 
Kernel, others that aren't, some that are in the Kernel and rootkits and 
some that aren't, but unfortunately, I like every other legit researcher 
on the planet, want to know your purpose before I bother helping you 
with something that could turn out to be nasty and against the law in 
all countries with due process, and no, a simply "because I want to try 
it" won't work, a legit full explanation will only do for me, others 
might help you without it, but I won't.

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Re: Argument to start_daemon, use of --

2010-08-02 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/2/2010 3:36 AM, Malte Forkel wrote:

So its a bug that I should report?

If the -- is in a Debian specific script from a maintainer I would, and 
post the proof that -- is being passed to the executable before _OPTS 
and ask them if this is intended and then explain to them how it breaks 
whatever it breaks and point to the man page.

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Re: brightness control on Dell Studio 1558

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 9:42 PM, Martín Jamilis wrote:

Dell Studio 1558

Did you try: 
which is how dell does their factory injections of Ubuntu when you 
request Ubuntu on their computers.

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Re: IDE lost interrupt followed by lock-up

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 6:32 PM, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Hi, I've had sporadic problems with errors such as the following:
This problem appears related to the pc being in a cool environment (e.g.
10 degrees Celsius), and has occurred almost daily for a while then not
occurring for nearly a week.
Any suggestions for pinpointing this problem welcome.

As somebody else pointed out, try running memtest to see if you have 
memory issues, and while it might drive you nuts, try another Linux 
distro to test it out and see if you have the same problems, this does 
sound like perhaps your board might be going bad.

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Re: DPKG search by architecture

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 1:23 PM, Joey Hess wrote:

Jordon Bedwell wrote:

On 8/1/2010 10:19 AM, Camaleón wrote:

dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\t${Architecture}\n'

You are awesome man, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks :D

Except the architecture will be "amd64" or "all" for every package,
since as the other "childish" poster told you, Debian is not a
dual-architecture system.

Worthless and moot statement. Also, another fine example of how 
ambiguous people can be when reading simple English.

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Re: webcam Bruneau DV-288

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 12:36 PM, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

Hi there,

I am wondering if anyone got the bruneau dv-288 (digital camcorder)
working in webcam mode ? If so what system/utilities did you use ?
I cannot get xawtv or cheese to recognize it.
Here is the lsusb dump, when you switch to pc cam (from msdc):
Thanks !
I'm wondering if this wouldn't help you: even though it's for 
Ubuntu they do upstream from Debian so it could possibly work.

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Re: DPKG search by architecture

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 10:19 AM, Camaleón wrote:

dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\t${Architecture}\n'

You are awesome man, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks :D

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Re: DPKG search by architecture

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 11:34 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Du, 01 aug 10, 09:09:38, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

I can't for the life of me remember how to do it outside of CentOS,
but we want to remove 32bit libs and simply leave a plain 64bit
system, yes I removed ia32-libs but there are still some remains so
does anybody remember how to search for packages by architecture?

Try uninstalling libc6-i386, it will probably pull any 32bit libraries
with it.


This worked for most of them, thanks.

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Re: DPKG search by architecture

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 11:45 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Debian isn't like CentOS and isn't a "dual" architecture system in the
same way.  Instead it is more of a single architecture system but with
the added capability that if the kernel supports it additional
libraries can be installed and multiple architectures run.  So if you
are running an amd64 system you are already running a plain 64-bit

Ambiguous interpretation. Moot statement.

That is really all that you need to do.

False. Some 32bit libs remain.  Some of us don't like to have unclean 
systems. I know, it's common for Linux users to install all, leave all 
and live with it, (most of the time,) but I, as a system administrator, 
am picky about what is on my system, if I install it, and I remove it, 
all of it is gone, or I manually remove it.

but there are still some remains so does anybody remember how to
search for packages by architecture?

If a package is "removed" the configuration files are left behind.  If
the package is "purged" then along with the normal files the
configuration files are removed too.

Ambiguous misinterpretation. Moot statement.

[SNIP all the childish explanations like I don't know how to work Linux]

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Re: how can a non-root user mount .iso file?

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 9:25 AM, Guo Jiahua wrote:

I wander if it's possible for a non-root user to get access into a .iso

I know if I'm root, I can mount iso. but when I try to mount it, as I'm
not root, 'mount' sais "mount: only root can do that".


I guess you could, theoretically, while I've never personally tried but:
BossHog.local:~# aptitude show fuseiso
Package: fuseiso
State: not installed
Version: 20070708-1
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Maintainer: David Paleino
Uncompressed Size: 98.3k
Description: FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images. This package 
provides a module to mount ISO filesystem images using FUSE. With FUSE 
it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a userspace 


I snipped some useless information that you can just aptitude yourself 
but you can try it and let us know how it works out. If it works good, I 
would personally love to know so I check it out further.

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Re: Argument to start_daemon, use of --

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/1/2010 9:03 AM, Malte Forkel wrote:


The example init script init.d.lsb.ex provided by dh-make 0.46 contains
this call to start_daemon:

start_daemon -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS

This always passes "--" as first argument to my daemon. Wouldn't

start_daemon -p $PIDFILE -- $DAEMON $DAEMON_OPTS

be the proper call?

I haven't found a reference to "--" in the LSB init function
documentation, but the implementation of start_daemon in
/lib/lsb/init-function (from lsb-base) handles "--" explicitly. The use
of "--" is documented in bash(1) though. Is this a convention? What
status has it?


According to the man page it should be:

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DPKG search by architecture

2010-08-01 Thread Jordon Bedwell
I can't for the life of me remember how to do it outside of CentOS, but 
we want to remove 32bit libs and simply leave a plain 64bit system, yes 
I removed ia32-libs but there are still some remains so does anybody 
remember how to search for packages by architecture?

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Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/31/2010 12:53 AM, Zoran Kolic wrote:

I have a question regarding SD card, which should be used to
upgrade firmware on ebook reader. I assume there will be just
one try before bricking the device.
The card should be formatted as ext3, followed with copying
untarred files to it. At first, I did not formatted it again,
since it was brand new card. I made ext3 partition and piped
untarred files directly to the card (usb card reader). After
a while, brain worm started to move and ask if I should do
explicite format first. Does it matter at all?
Try to mount SD card as vfat failed, as ext3 succeeded. Should
I repeat steps with fdisk first anyway?
Best regards

What error does it get when you mount it via command line? Is this an 
Android based E-Reader? Or better yet, who makes the E-Reader and why 
are they not doing firmware upgrades via the memory in the device if 
it's public facing?

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Re: find+grep [was: Re: Amaya W3C Web browser and sid]

2010-07-29 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/29/10 11:51 AM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

On Thursday 29 July 2010 11:31:05 Jordan Metzmeier wrote:

On 07/29/2010 12:22 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

I understand your issues with all but the last one.  A user may need
to "sudo su" due to configuration outside of their control.  A system
that requires you to "sudo su" for some task is likely misconfigured,
but it is a useful tool to have around, as a user.

The rest are less useful, and generally imply a limited, incomplete,
or flawed understanding of one or more of the tools you are using.

I no longer configure my machines in a way that it allows a user to gain
full root via sudo. However, when I did, I found "sudo -i" to be more
appropriate than "sudo su" which seems to be more like "su -l". Of
course, you could always do "sudo su -l".

See my reply to Eduardo.  In short, having (sudo su) available does not mean
that (sudo -i) will work.

I miss the logic here, as the logic is flawed.  If you have the ability 
to sudo su, you certainly have the ability to sudo -i otherwise you 
would do "sudo su /u/" would you not?

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Re: find+grep [was: Re: Amaya W3C Web browser and sid]

2010-07-29 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/29/10 11:31 AM, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:

Hash: SHA256

On 07/29/2010 12:22 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

I understand your issues with all but the last one.  A user may need
to "sudo su" due to configuration outside of their control.  A system
that requires you to "sudo su" for some task is likely misconfigured,
but it is a useful tool to have around, as a user.

The rest are less useful, and generally imply a limited, incomplete,
or flawed understanding of one or more of the tools you are using.

I no longer configure my machines in a way that it allows a user to gain
full root via sudo. However, when I did, I found "sudo -i" to be more
appropriate than "sudo su" which seems to be more like "su -l". Of
course, you could always do "sudo su -l".

- From the manpage:

- -i  The -i (simulate initial login) option runs the shell specified in
the passwd(5) entry of the user that the command is being run as.
The command name argument given to the shell begins with a ‘-’ to
tell the shell to run as a login shell.  sudo attempts to change to
that user’s home directory before running the shell.  It also ini‐
tializes the environment, leaving TERM unchanged, setting HOME,
SHELL, USER, LOGNAME, and PATH, and unsetting all other environment
variables.  Note that because the shell to use is determined before
the sudoers file is parsed, a runas_default setting in sudoers will
specify the user to run the shell as but will not affect which
shell is actually run.

I think the irony is still hitting from: "generally imply a limited, 
incomplete, or flawed understanding of one or more of the tools you are 

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Re: find+grep [was: Re: Amaya W3C Web browser and sid]

2010-07-29 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/29/10 4:57 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Jo, 29 iul 10, 09:50:32, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

If you stop it with ctrl-C, both find and grep get interrupted and stop,

Actually I don't know how shell pipes work here. Is the output of find
piped to grep only when find finishes or as soon as there is some


As soon as there is an output (which is always immediately) so think of 
each iteration of find as being piped to grep, you don't lose *much* 
efficiency but you do lose *some*, efficiency is subjective here since 
it's CPU time you lose. So if you do a find on root "var and home" would 
an iteration (like normal), except instead of staying inside of find 
it's piped to grep for each iteration, this is where you lose *some* CPU 
time, but you gain a lot more power.  You can exit out of the find using 
CTRL+C though as somebody did point out CTRL+C is the universal knock 
your shit off hot-key for terminals.

I opt to pipe to grep because I usually do a lot more complicated things 
with find and over time, I just kept using grep, it's a personal 
preference really.  Just like using locate is far faster than using find 
and find -name is slower and so forth on down the line.  I've never been 
a big fan of locate though because it can miss on some machines with 
horrible i/o.

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 4:40 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 09:43:59PM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, Wolodja:

Using ext4 for /boot is discouraged but you can give it a try. Why do
you need /boot to be ext4?

Because I have single partition. :)

What was the reason for that? The usual plan is to put /home, at least,
on a separate partition.

The *usual* plan is to put it on a separate drive (but since debian 
can't judge how smart a user is ~ they put it on the same drive 
different partition) or if you use network storage, to keep it on the 
same drive in the same partition.  Not everybody runs critical systems 
or even stores anything in /home.  I know on my Debian installs nothing 
is in /home/username.

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Re: Amaya W3C Web browser and sid

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 4:03 PM, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:

Hash: SHA256

On 07/28/2010 04:11 PM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

find / |grep libraptor

if you don't come up with it in lib then which ever one is there that
says "1" symlink to it.  Then go on about your way, or
you can download the source to amaya and compile it against your
libraptor install (which is what I recommend personally).

Perhaps you wanted find's -name option? find / -name 'libraptor*'

- --
Jordan Metzmeier

I personally prefer to grep over find, but to each their own :P as each 
have their own methods to do things that ultimately lead to the same 

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Re: Amaya W3C Web browser and sid

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 2:46 PM, Charles Kroeger wrote:

Is is possible to get amaya_wx-11.3.1-1_amd64.deb to run on sid?
I've installed it with dpkg but get the following error message:

~$ amaya
/usr/lib/Amaya/wx/bin/amaya_bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory to

I installed libraptor but got this:

libraptor1 is already the newest version.
libraptor1 set to manually installed.

I did remember installing it a while back, come to think of it.

Is it not functioning with apt setting it to manually installed?


find / |grep libraptor

if you don't come up with it in lib then which ever one is there that 
says "1" symlink to it.  Then go on about your way, or 
you can download the source to amaya and compile it against your 
libraptor install (which is what I recommend personally).

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Re: controlling fanspeed - gnome lenny - acer laptop

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 8:19 AM, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:


These are my first days with running Lenny on an Acer Aspire 3613WLCi
and I see temps like: TZS0 70 TZS1 52 but I can't seem to find a utility
to control the fan: I would like to turn in on and see if those temps


I don't know about controlling the fan manually outside of the bios or 
an Acer approved application, but I do know you can install some tools 
to stop the fan from being so noisy: should still 
work with the latest Ubuntu.

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Re: Shell Expansion in Bourne Shell Script Question

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 7:06 AM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

for MAGFILE in $(ls *\.[zZ][iI][pP])
echo "File: $MAGFILE";

I would prefer to rely on $() before `` in a bash script.

Sorry, I did that script on OS X, you should switch the SH shebang to 
Bash, it's just aliased on OS X but not on Debian, but in your case it 
probably won't matter that much since you aren't doing anything but a 
for loop so far that I can see.

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Re: Shell Expansion in Bourne Shell Script Question

2010-07-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/28/10 6:33 AM, Martin McCormick wrote:

I could have sworn I have done this before but obviously
not because I can't get it to work no matter what I try.

I am running a shell script that is supposed to find
every .zip or .ZIP file in a directory and do an extraction of
the contents. I don't want any other files to be included in the
script as they are not zip files. What works exactly from the
command line is:

ls *.[Zz][Ii][Pp]

I get any .zip or .ZIP file that is in the directory. In the
script, there is some code as follows:

  for MAGFILE in `ls *.[Zz][Ii][Pp] $MAGDIR/`; do
#lots of other stuff

I think I have tried about every form of escaping there
is and the error is that *.[Zz][Ii][Pp] is no such file or

If I leave out the attempted regular expression of
*.[Zz][Ii][Pp], the loop works but then any other non-zip or
non-ZIP files get processed.

Many thanks for any suggestions or explanations as to
why this does not seem to work.

Martin McCormick

for MAGFILE in $(ls *\.[zZ][iI][pP])
   echo "File: $MAGFILE";

I would prefer to rely on $() before `` in a bash script.

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Re: Monitoring tools to use on an account

2010-07-27 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/27/10 12:24 PM, Mike Bird wrote:

On Tue July 27 2010 09:53:40 AG wrote:

Any suggestions, please?

If you have the right to supervise a child then
supervise them.  Stay in the room and make sure
they're not surfing porn.  Do so openly.

If you don't have the right to supervise an
adult then don't spy on them.

Speaking for myself, not Debian, ...

--Mike Bird

Nobody has any right to monitor somebody else without consent or a 
warrant.  This is a very grey area companies play in and one the supreme 
court and others are trying to address and have been trying to address. 
 In some states (especially the state I'm in) even monitoring your kids 
or wifes activities can cross the line into being criminal, if you're 
not careful, especially if you break some kind of encryption to do so. 
I'm no lawyer.

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Re: MIB compiler Browser

2010-07-27 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/27/10 12:26 PM, Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:

Hello all,

can someone recommend an opensource MIB compiler/ browser?


Men in black compiler? You didn't believe my email about the pew pew 
lazer alienz being here did you?  Sometimes people take me seriously :(. 
No all joking aside:

aptitude show mbrowse

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Re: how do I know if CPU temperature exceed max limit

2010-07-27 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/27/10 2:26 AM, Joe wrote:

On 27/07/10 06:56, Long Wind wrote:

(sorry, this question isn't debian specific)
I have a P3/550, SECC2
I get its manual from Intel
It says max T junction is 80 C
The motherboard BIOS reports CPU temperature
but is the reported value equal to T junction?

That doesn't sound right. A typical maximum junction temperature for
most semiconductors would be about 200C. 80C might be right for the
maximum temperature for the heatsink area on the CPU package, which in
those days would probably be the whole top of the case.

A junction temperature of 80C would imply a heatsink temperature of
about 20C-30C, which would be difficult to maintain, and probably no
more than about 10MHz clock speed. Doesn't sound like a P3.

I'm sorry but lolwut, Joe? The T-Junction max for most Intel processors 
is between 60-100c and your processor will shut itself down when it 
reaches these temperatures... 200c, lol, this isn't a mobile processor. 
 Anyways, Pentium 3's do not use Tjunction they use Tcase, which is 
what your motherboard is reporting, and for most Pentium 3's it is 68°C 
which means if you were to try and guess Tjunction if it were there, it 
would be around, 80-85c (depending on which way you round) max internal 
temperature before it shuts down.

And Joe, in the future, don't give false information while confusing 
TJunction with Junction and the definition of "TJunction" on Google.

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Re: External USB HDD : files disappeared

2010-07-27 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/27/10 4:40 AM, rudu wrote:

Any reference on that? I remember reading about some errors that Windows
was not able to repair, but the equivalent Linux tools did.

What you hear and what's true are two different things. It's Microsoft's 
technology, they would be better with it than anybody else. Regardless 
of what anybody says.  That's like claiming OSX is better at working 
with EXT4 than Linux.

I can't trust build in windows utilities as I'm sure they would delete
every incoherent data.

Entirely illogical thinking. The files are already unavailable, and if 
those sectors are dead (which could be possible as this does sound like 
a typical dying drive) well, you can figure out that logic. Windows 
ckdisk does not "delete" files, you are assuming that Windows is a bad 
guy, this is typical.  Did you hear? The aliens are here and they 
brought their pew pew lazer guns.  If you are that scared, uncheck the 
automatic repair and only checking.

Sorry for being mean but it had to be done.  And, no, I'm no windows 
fan-boy, I work from Debian mostly and main OS X but I also run enough 
Windows servers to know that Windows is not what everybody says it is.

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Re: Debian virus/spy-ware detection and detection technique.

2010-07-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/26/10 4:38 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

Not according to the relevant standards.

1Mb  = 1 000 000 bits
1MB  = 1 000 000 bytes
1Mib = 2 ^ 20 bits
1MiB = 2 ^ 20 bytes

You need to explain to people what these values actually mean, 
technically both of you are right, but neither of you understand how or 
where you are right, apparently (not saying you do or don't, just adding 
apparently because it seems this way.)  In memory calculations yes the 
following table applies AKA base-two meaning:

1 megabyte (MB)  = 8,388,608 bits
1 megabit (Mb) = 1,048,576 bits
1 mebibyte (MiB) = 8,388,608 bits
1 mebibit (Mib) = 1 048 576 bits

1 megabyte (MB) = 1,048,576 bytes
1 megabit (Mb) = 131,072 bytes
1 mebibyte (MiB) = 1,048,576 bytes
1 mebibit (Mib) = 131,072 bytes

The reason some major companies (that don't like to play the line of 
politically-correct or politically-incorrect or you're an idiot or you 
should learn to computer foo) switched to measuring in MiB for storage 
is because people think that base-two meaning is the correct measurment 
for storage, when according to standards yes Mega means a million 
(10^6). As a matter of fact, most computer scientists still readily and 
unreliably use base-two meaning (2^20) for measurement :/

The IEC added some terms (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB) to ease the 
confusion (which nobody outside of the computer industry noticed) which 
does use the base 2 calculations and not base 10. So when you think hard 
drive, think 10^6 when you think computer memory think 2^20. When you 
think, blame Americans, this is one thing you truly can blame on us.

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Re: permission denied

2010-07-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/26/10 4:35 PM, Jimmi Nielsen wrote:


i have a small problems with my debian server.
alle files are permission 644/600 or something, so i can't change anything
on it.
how can i change it back with root login.

i have try but it say  Permission denied
i try to login with SSH but it say permission denied
how can i change this.

The only way to do this would be trough a console, or some companies 
offer the ability to repair permissions [for example server beach has a 
utility for this].  As soon as you login to console and repair the 
permissions [for SSH first and only ~ at first], make sure you the first 
thing you do is block ALL external communications outside of port 80 and 
SSH [or all communications outside at all ~ if you're in a console 
session, stay in console and just lock all communications] as your 
server might have been hacked.  Coming from somebody who does security, 
this is the first thing I would do, lock down SSH so you can't get in 
and fix anything right away. If you can't get to a console, call the 
company that hosts it, and ask them if they can repair SSH for you and 
verify it's integrity (which they should be willing to do at the least) 
and if they can't, I guess you're screwed unless you get physical access.

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Re: External USB HDD : files disappeared

2010-07-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/26/10 4:52 PM, rudu wrote:

A friend of mine recently experienced a loss of data on his 500G
external WD drive.
Quite inexplicably, some directories became empty, some file sizes
became null while others stayed intact.
df -h
Sys. de fichiers Taille Uti. Disp. Uti% Monté sur
/dev/sdb1 466G 196G 270G 43% /media/My Book

du -sh /media/My\ Book
32G /media/My Book

fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x44fdfe06

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 1 60801 488384001 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

What I tried :
Photorec : the renaming of restored files would take years, not an
option for my friend ...

Testdisk : No need to partition recovery here, the "Repair FAT" option
only states that everything's OK.

dosfsck -v /dev/sdb1 : shows a lot of " Start does point to root
directory. Deleting dir."
I suppose it's going to wipe out all incoherent result.

I'd suspect the FAT file system for having messed something for some
Is there any chance to restore the FAT tables or to reconstruct them ?

Thanks for any help.

Do us a favor and mount it on a Windows partition and see if you have 
the same problem.  If you do Repair it from the Windows partition as 
well since Windows is far better with FAT and NTFS than any other 
operating system and then check again.  If they're still missing post 
back and let us know and we'll go from there.

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Re: is this result of keylogger? am i hacked?

2010-07-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/26/10 5:05 PM, Sergey Spiridonov wrote:


On 26.07.2010 00:51, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

Also, to add, if you plan on doing a cryptographic integrity check, you
need to do this from a liveCD not from a liveUSB. The only reason you
would do a liveUSB is for things like fsck and chkrootkit (where you
would mount as readonly at first)

I tried to use Debian Live DVD with squeeze and latest Knoppix 6.2.1
with no success. I managed to boot and to run cryptsetup, but lvm does
not recognize partitions.

I ran like that:

# cryptsetup create md1-crypt /dev/md1
# pvdisplay /dev/mapper/crypt-md1
No physical volume label read from /dev/mapper/md1-crypt
Failed to read physical volume "/dev/mapper/md1-crypt"

I should probably start separate thread about this problem, because it
is not related to the original problem.

Even though this is for *Ubuntu* they are still closely related to the 
core because Debian is still upstream, so check this out and see if it 
helps you any:

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Re: is this result of keylogger? am i hacked?

2010-07-25 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/25/10 5:30 PM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

On 7/25/10 12:52 PM, Sergey Spiridonov wrote:


I ran memcheck 4.0, it showed no problem. Unfortunately I can not use
knoppix to mount and check my partitions with fsck and chkrootkit,
bevause latest knoppix (6.2.1) for whatever reason does not include
cryptsetup. :(

You can however use the Ubuntu live CD (or preferably liveUSB ~ since
you can install a few necessary packages you might want) to do that.
Knoppix is just godly because it includes a lot of tools that you will
want to repair your system, but you can of course, build the same thing
using any liveCD if you so choose.

Also, to add, if you plan on doing a cryptographic integrity check, you 
need to do this from a liveCD not from a liveUSB.  The only reason you 
would do a liveUSB is for things like fsck and chkrootkit (where you 
would mount as readonly at first)

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Re: is this result of keylogger? am i hacked?

2010-07-25 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/25/10 12:52 PM, Sergey Spiridonov wrote:


I ran memcheck 4.0, it showed no problem. Unfortunately I can not use
knoppix to mount and check my partitions with fsck and chkrootkit,
bevause latest knoppix (6.2.1) for whatever reason does not include
cryptsetup. :(

You can however use the Ubuntu live CD (or preferably liveUSB ~ since 
you can install a few necessary packages you might want) to do that. 
Knoppix is just godly because it includes a lot of tools that you will 
want to repair your system, but you can of course, build the same thing 
using any liveCD if you so choose.

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Re: python-twisted-core on my machines inexplicably still old, breaking installation of python-twisted

2010-07-25 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/25/10 3:37 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

Scratch that, I have the exact same issue. shows
10.1.0-1 for python-twisted and I can even download it from (via, but if I try aptitude with
the same mirror I still get the old version.

I downloaded Packages.bz2 and Packages.gz with Iceweasel and indeed it
is still showing 10.0.0-3. This means it is either the mirror (but I
tried several already) or something else. Can somebody please confirm
this in order to exclude ISP problems?

I confirmed this a few days ago.  This is a repo issue that should be 
reported to Debian so they can correct the version mismatch, I mean we 
shouldn't get all mad about it since it is SID after all, but they 
should know that there is a problem so they can get it fixed as soon as 
they possibly can.

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Re: Installing Squeeze i386

2010-07-23 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/23/10 4:08 PM, Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:27:19 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

Has anyone noticed that the recent Squeeze i386 installation
CDs/installers have been in an unusable state?  They can't load network
drivers, they can't partition with LVM, they can't mount an ext3


Same here (weekly ISO).

No network adapter detection neither ext3/ext4/reiserfs/jfs/xfs
formatting options.

BTW, netinstall (~180 MiB.) works fine.


Maybe it's your network cards ~ perhaps a specific model missing 
drivers? I was able to get it to work on both Xen and VMWare Fusion.  We 
don't slipstream our drivers and we were using unmodified kernels.

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Re: Installing Squeeze i386

2010-07-23 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/23/10 1:27 PM, Mark Allums wrote:

Has anyone noticed that the recent Squeeze i386 installation
CDs/installers have been in an unusable state? They can't load network
drivers, they can't partition with LVM, they can't mount an ext3 partition.


That's probably because Squeeze is considered unstable by all means. 
Lenny is the latest stable version of Debian. What do the errors say? 
Errors usually help us diagnose...

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Re: python-twisted-core on my machines inexplicably still old, breaking installation of python-twisted

2010-07-22 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/22/10 5:48 PM, d8uv wrote:

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Camaleón  wrote:

No need to post this twice :-)

I didn't mean to, honest! I suppose not being smart enough to use a
mailing list means that I'm also not smart enough to use Debian Sid...

- Are you behind a proxy? Maybe your ISP is somehow caching data or
reading the old one :-?

No proxy. I highly doubt my ISP is caching things, but if they are,
man I am all flavors of screwed.

- Are you using some pinning/restrictions/rules for packages?

Nope. No pinning, no restrictions, no rules. No fancy apt ninja stuff.

- Try with another mirror from where to get the data or give "apt-get
update" a chance.

I've tried about 7 different mirrors, all to the same avail. apt-get
update doesn't help, either. If only it were that simple...

This is a problem with the SID repos, I double checked it myself and 
could only pull down 10.0 not 10.1, I would submit a ticket on the 
ticket system to let them know that there is a mismatch in versions. It 
happens since it is afterall very unstable and crazy in the head :P

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Re: bash: chroot: command not found

2010-07-22 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/22/10 12:42 PM, Paul Chany wrote:


I'm trying to follow

but can't to run the
'chroot /chroot64'

command because I get an error message:
bash: chroot: command not found

I can run command 'man chroot' and get a man page.
I have installed 'fakechroot' deb package.

Why can't I run the 'chroot' command?

Regards, Paul Chany

Did you make sure to install debootstrap?

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Re: Winsonic Motherboards

2010-07-21 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/21/10 8:53 AM, David Baron wrote:

Anybody had experience with these?

Have SATA, Giga NIC, everything. Intel chipset.

Anything special needed in kernel?

Who makes the SATA controller? Who makes the NIC? Chipset is standard, 
and unless it's newer Intel it could have a completely different SATA 
controller, even some of the newer Intel's throw in multiple controllers 
(like JMicron and Intel together).

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Re: When is best time to upgrade lenny to squeeze

2010-07-21 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 21, 2010, at 5:33 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> On Wed July 21 2010, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
>> Could you not just hold back the KDE3 to KDE4 upgrade when you upgrade
>> Debian?
> the problem is applications that require KDE4 libs.. I've already run into 
> that more than once.In the end, I'm sure I will have to upgrade to KDE4, but 
> I know my wife won't be happy for a while...
> -- 
> Paul Cartwright
> Registered Linux user # 367800
> Registered Ubuntu User #12459
> -- 
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This reminds me of when they started messing with GNOME and started switching 
defaults and ended up alienating a lot of true Linux users (this was mostly 
Ubuntu using their sway to do it.)

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze - Howto?

2010-07-21 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 21, 2010, at 5:00 AM, Paul Chany wrote:
> Could you please drop me the dd command for this task?

Here is a little article that explains it (while it might seem out of date it 
still works ~ gotta love linux for that)

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Re: When is best time to upgrade lenny to squeeze

2010-07-21 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 21, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:

> Paul Cartwright schreef:
>> On Wed July 21 2010, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
>>> In squeeze, they shipped a dkms-version of the nvidia drivers, and it
>>> actually works. I've updated my kernel quite a few times and didn't had
>>> to do any 'm-a a-i nvidia'.
>>> Does your network card also require some alternative driver?
>> well, not alternate driver, just nvidia, as in the NOT-FREE driver. I have 
>> been using sgfxi to install my drivers, the last few upgrades. But there 
>> hasn't been an upgrade in a while, at least I don't remember one messing up 
>> my video setup.
>> But that is good to know, thanks! Do you run gnome or KDE? just curious, in 
>> squeeze is KDE changed to KDE4 ? my wife still runs KDE3 and it would be a 
>> real shock for her to have to switch to KDE4.. I run gnome myself.
> I run KDE, and am quite happy with KDE4 (at version 4.4 now). Yet, opinions 
> differ, so your wife has to find out if KDE4 suits her or not.
> Of course, staying with Lenny for KDE3 is only a short term solution. In the 
> long run, you'll either have to accept KDE4 or use the fork of KDE 3.5 at 
> Sjoerd

Could you not just hold back the KDE3 to KDE4 upgrade when you upgrade Debian?

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze - Howto?

2010-07-21 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 21, 2010, at 4:23 AM, Paul Chany wrote:

> Jochen Schulz  writes:
>> Paul Chany:
>>> I decide today that I'm going to upgrade my Debian GNU/Linux Lenny
>>> to Squeeze.
>>> I try to search on site for an exact howto for this, but
>>> find nothing. Mayhep I don't know how to search effectively?
>> The keyword you need to look for is "release notes". You will find
>> this page:
>> That means there is no official howto yet. As an approximation, you
>> might replace "squeeze" with "lenny" in the URL above to look for
>> lenny's release notes.
> Thanks!
> Moreover, I decide to migrate my 32-bit Debian GNU/Linux Lenny
> installation to 64-bit one (i386 to x86_64). I'm going to use this
> howto:

Just make sure you dd the entire drive over to a backup drive before you try to 
migrate, unless it's trivial to just start over in the event of a major failure 
(which can always happen.)

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Re: ETA on Debian whois client compatible with new ARIN whois service

2010-07-19 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 20, 2010, at 12:17 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> "A demo of this service has been available since October 2009. The
> demonstration service is available at
> From:
> The announcement of the new API was sometime last year, before October when
> they put the demo server up, giving developers at least 9 months of lead time
> before the new service went live.  The announcement of July 15 was merely a
> "relaunch" of the service which showed problems when it was officially
> launched for the first time on June 26, 2010.
> Your apparent outrage over my simple question is unjustified, Jordan.
> -- 
> Stan
> -- 
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> Archive:

I fail to see the outrage (since there was none, I will note to sugar coat 
replies for now on), and I fail to see how you managed to spell my name wrong 
(which is somewhat of an insult to be honest).  If you knew months ago, why did 
you not bring this up in a ticket months ago? It would have been much more 
viable (and feasible) to bring it up months in advance (to the developers) then 
it would have to expect them (again) to instantly patch it after it's final 
release.  While I have no doubt the package maintainer will update soon, you 
can't always expect that (take a look at some of our major packages some 
servers rely on which take a while), try checking sid and see if it has an 
updated package.  There is a wishlist on the ticket system.

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Re: ETA on Debian whois client compatible with new ARIN whois service

2010-07-19 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> Anyone know when the Debian whois client will be upgraded to be compatible
> with the changes in the ARIN whois service?
> -- 
> Stan
> -- 
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> Archive:

You don't even give them time to learn the new changes and get it done.  They 
just announced it not to long ago, actually, last Thursday if i remember right, 
do you think they just instantly update for non-critical things almost 

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Re: cloning/saving system

2010-07-18 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/18/2010 7:20 AM, John Lindsay wrote:
> I am currently using debian lenny as my primary computer. It's a Dell
> Dimension 8300, P4, 3.4G with 1G Ram. 60G HD.
> I also have a Dell Optiplex GX620 which currently has win7 on a 300G HD
> with 1.5g ram. I will be removing files from the win7 and storing them
> on DVDs and installing Debian on it. How can I clone/transfer my current
> working machine with all it's files/programs like thunderbird/iceweasel
> etc to the GX520 and still retain a working system?
> John
> PS I have file backup manager 'Pybackpack' currently running but I don't
> think that is what I want.

Backup Windows first, put the old HD into the new computer, boot up to
Linux (you might have to edit Grub at this point) then dd the MBR to the
new drive on the new computer, then sync the rest of the drive either
using rsync, copy or dd. Then move the HD's back in their original
places and edit grub again.


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: Debian virus/spy-ware detection and detection technique.

2010-07-17 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Sb, 17 iul 10, 14:06:58, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Good day.
> I have 3 questions on virus/spy-ware detection and detection technique.

If you must because of incoming mail try using ClamAV. Which a lot of
servers are readily able to integrate and unless you're dumb enough (and
this is just a subjective opinion) to allow elevated privileges without
knowing what the program is, or you run as root, you won't run into any
problems (normally ~ lets not forget the possible potential security
hole ~ it's happened before) with something jacking your system.  Even
though Linux is open too, if it's in the repo somebody manages it, so
you can always assume that software found in official repositories is safe.


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: Nvidia card and Xen in lenny

2010-07-16 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/16/2010 2:49 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
> On 07/16/2010 09:31 AM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
>> Run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
>> > From terminal.
>> Install Nvidia drivers:
> I tried dpkg-reconfigure but to no effect. I have already tried the
> nvidia drivers using module assistant. The computer hangs when using xen
> (but not on a regular kernel).
> Thanks!

You need to make sure you are not using GLX with Xen because Zen has no
support for 3D on anything but Windows, and on Windows it's very
experimental at best and it's very expensive because it requires
dedicated GPU's for domu and then dom/n/.  You need to make sure the Xen
kernel is installed first, and then install the Nvidia module.


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: Nvidia card and Xen in lenny

2010-07-15 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/16/2010 1:26 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
> Hi and thanks!
> This is my xorg.conf
> # xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
>  ...

Run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
>From terminal.
Install Nvidia drivers:


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: Nvidia card and Xen in lenny

2010-07-15 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/16/2010 1:06 AM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 7/16/2010 12:48 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am trying to setup Lenny as dom0. However I cannot get the X server to
>> start. I have tried drivers vesa, nv and nvidia. The latter causes the
>> system to hang. Here is my output from driver nv. The output from vesa
>> is similar (has the same errors).
>> Many thanks in advance!
>> Panayiotis
>> SELinux: Disabled on system, not enabling in X server
>> (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not
>> found)
>> (II) NV(0): Setting screen physical size to 338 x 211
>> (EE) XKB: Could not invoke xkbcomp
>> (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap
>> XKB: Failed to compile keymap
>> Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect
>> setup of xkeyboard-config.
>> Fatal server error:
>> Failed to activate core devices.
>> Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
>>  at
>>  for help.
>> Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional
>> information.
> I know this might seem like a dumb question, but did you install the
> OpenSource Nvidia drivers? Or even the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia
> themselves and make sure they were working and tested correctly?

Sorry, sound like an idiot, it seems you did. What are the contents of
your xorg.conf and after you installed nvidia-glx and it failed did you
try running: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from console?


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: Nvidia card and Xen in lenny

2010-07-15 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/16/2010 12:48 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to setup Lenny as dom0. However I cannot get the X server to
> start. I have tried drivers vesa, nv and nvidia. The latter causes the
> system to hang. Here is my output from driver nv. The output from vesa
> is similar (has the same errors).
> Many thanks in advance!
> Panayiotis
> SELinux: Disabled on system, not enabling in X server
> (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not
> found)
> (II) NV(0): Setting screen physical size to 338 x 211
> (EE) XKB: Could not invoke xkbcomp
> (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap
> XKB: Failed to compile keymap
> Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect
> setup of xkeyboard-config.
> Fatal server error:
> Failed to activate core devices.
> Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
>  at
>  for help.
> Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional
> information.

I know this might seem like a dumb question, but did you install the
OpenSource Nvidia drivers? Or even the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia
themselves and make sure they were working and tested correctly?


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: simple way to securely destroy deleted files in a file system

2010-07-15 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 7/15/2010 4:53 PM, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> On 07/15/2010 11:55 AM, H.S. wrote:
>> I was looking for just making the already deleted files unrecoverable by
>> a casual user. In other words, since a deleted file frees the space on
>> disk, by filling up the disk with all zeros and then deleting that zeros
>> file would be overwriting the earlier deleted files with zero. Am I
>> correct in this?
> If the filesystem is NTFS, then it's rather trivial to recover
> overwritten data, due to the journal. While you're probably safe in
> assuming that the next user won't bother doing anything like that, the
> only way to truly, and securely remove the previous data, is to wipe out
> the filesystem too, which means taking out the OS.
> On the flip, I've been happy with "Eraser":
> Good luck.

On 7/15/2010 4:53 PM, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> On 07/15/2010 11:55 AM, H.S. wrote:
>> I was looking for just making the already deleted files unrecoverable by
>> a casual user. In other words, since a deleted file frees the space on
>> disk, by filling up the disk with all zeros and then deleting that zeros
>> file would be overwriting the earlier deleted files with zero. Am I
>> correct in this?
> If the filesystem is NTFS, then it's rather trivial to recover
> overwritten data, due to the journal. While you're probably safe in
> assuming that the next user won't bother doing anything like that, the
> only way to truly, and securely remove the previous data, is to wipe out
> the filesystem too, which means taking out the OS.
> On the flip, I've been happy with "Eraser":
> Good luck.

Anything, and I repeat anything, is recoverable, even if you remove the
filesystem you can recover pieces of the file. You can remove remnants
of the file using over write methods but you need to make sure they
properly implement the algorithm and do your own research on the
algorithms to make sure they were designed or were updated for modern
hard drives. EXP: Gutmann method was designed for older HD's and will
not work on newer HD's most of the time (depending on who implements
it).  Now, removing remnants of the file doesn't make it unrecoverable
(in all circumstances), you might be able to still do a very low level
recovery, something they would generally reserve for say, a RICO
investigation, terrorists an those sorts.  The only way to stop any and
all data leaks, recoveries or anything of the sort is to either Degauss,
Destroy or use Encryption on the drive from the get go and to be honest,
the only proper implementation of drive encryption (beyond the actual
encryption) would be RedHat (and this is only because they offer the
ability to span encryption across multiple drives and recommend it) and
no drive encryption (beyond truecrypt) offers deniability. Something
I've brought up on both Debian and Ubuntu and even to Redhat. As a
matter of fact, Ubuntu developers fought with me over the idea telling
me that only criminals could possibly want plausible deniability, but
Ubuntu is rather closed minded most of the time when it comes to this
sort of thing.


Jordon Bedwell

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Re: cron does not launch jobs correctly

2010-07-11 Thread Jordon Bedwell
Hash: SHA1

On 7/12/2010 1:24 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Good day.
> Why is it so:
> when a job is been run by cron then I get:
> /etc/cron.weekly/ntping:
> run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.weekly/ntping: Exec format error
> run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/ntping exited with return code 1
> when I lunch at command prompt, then:
> /etc/cron.weekly/ntping
> 12 Jul 13:20:10 ntpdate[10915]: step time server
> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd offset 2.974808 sec
> ?
> Thank You for Your time.

Try adding a shebang to the top of your file:

- -- 

Jordon Bedwell
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)


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