Re: What is the best way to install packages from their source?

1997-06-09 Thread Kari Davidsson
Mark Boyns wrote:
> I'm happy using binary packages most of the time, but certain packages
> like ssh and pgp I feel more comfortable compiling myself.
> So far I see that dpkg-source is used to create the patched source
> tree, but after that it only seems possible build a .deb file and
> install from that.  Is this the "best" way?
> Also, should I be running `debian/rules binary' directly or is there a
> package tool I should be using?

dpkg-buildpackage -b within the source directory builds the binary

man dpkg-buildpackage tells you more.

Hope this helps,


  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(0)50-5225153  *   *

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Re: Driver compiled under kernel 2.0.29 says it was compiled under 2.0.28

1997-05-20 Thread Kari Davidsson
Hopefully this one gets through 8-)

Harmon Sequoya Nine wrote:
> Hi.  I have this alpha-release driver for a PCI ethernet card that I compiled 
> under
> kernel 2.0.29 (my current kernel).  However, when I try to install it in the 
> kernel with
> "insmod", insmod reports that the driver was compiled under kernel 2.0.28 and 
> that
> it won't install it (at least not without a "-f" option).
> Any ideas on what's going on here?

Check the symlink /usr/src/linux

Hope this helps,


  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(0)50-5225153  *   *
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Harmon Sequoya Nine wrote:
> Hi.  I have this alpha-release driver for a PCI ethernet card that I compiled 
> under
> kernel 2.0.29 (my current kernel).  However, when I try to install it in the 
> kernel with
> "insmod", insmod reports that the driver was compiled under kernel 2.0.28 and 
> that
> it won't install it (at least not without a "-f" option).
> Any ideas on what's going on here?

Check the symlink /usr/src/linux

> Thanks. :-)
> -- Harmon
> --
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Hope this helps,


  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(0)50-5225153  *   *

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Re: Critical "Times" article on Linux

1997-04-22 Thread Kari Davidsson
[reply diverted to debian-user]

> "The Times", a respected British newspaper, published an article that was
> offensively critical of Linux in its Sunday edition.

Well, solong for repspected Folk that don't get their facts
straight don't deserve respect, especially if they are distributing
the "news" though out the world. 

I especyally liked the part about Mr. Gates, M$, standards, and
how "Computer geeks despise simple, common standards."

> I urge Debian users and developers to _not_ respond to this article.
> If you must respond, please do not represent yourself as having anything
> to do with Debian.
> When you're in a fight with an idiot, it's difficult for other people to
> tell which one the idiot is.

Yes, true. This guy obvioisly has his facts "straight", so no use
arguing with him.

> Thanks
> Bruce Perens
> Debian Project Leader
  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(0)50-5225153  *   *

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Re: Fonts

1997-03-31 Thread Kari Davidsson
Daniel Karlsson wrote:
> Hi
> I have some questions about fonts:
> 1. In what directory are they stored? I think I've seen it somewhere, but
> now I can't find them.
> 2. How do I install new fonts?
> 3. Where can I get new fonts?
> With hope to have all of them answered..

I asume that you are talking about the console fonts.
Check for fonts and translation tables 
Then for further details check
man setfont
man mapscrn
man loadkeys
man dumpkeys
man keytables
man showkey

My system seem to be missing the man page for mapscrn, but you can also
man mapscrn
if you have that man page.

Hope that this helps,


  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(0)50-5225153  *   *

pgp problems

1996-11-15 Thread Kari Davidsson

I was just reinstalling my debian system. Anyway I had on the
"old" system  pgp version 2.6.2i and now I installed pgp version 2.63i.
The problem is now that every time I try to decrypt a message/file or
verify signature of a message/file I always get the error:

Invalid ASCII armor header line: "Version: 2.6.2i"
ASCII armor corrupted.

Error: 'file' is not a ciphertext, signature, or key file.

This happens for foles encrypted by me, by other people, encrypted on
my maschine or other maschines. The strange thing is that other people
can decrypt messages/files encrypted by me. So I think that there is a
proplem with version 2.6.3i of pgp. Can somebody verify this. If this
is the case, where can I find a debian package for pgp-2.6.2i, which
worked flawlessly for me on the "old" debian setup?

My current debian is version 1.1.14. The old one was begun at 1.1.0 and
ended somewhere in 1.1.8 or 9.


  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 F 330   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(9)50-5225153  *   *

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Latex (Quite long)

1996-08-14 Thread Kari Davidsson
Hi there,

I was just installing again Latex, after some accidental purging
of my old Latex setup. Among the things that I installed are:

latex   2e-7
kpathsea2.6-2   Path searching "tool".
mfbasfnt1.0-4   Tex default fonts.
mfbin   2.71-4  Metafont.

What happens now is that when I try to Latex the following,

\author{Kári Davíðsson.}
\title{Unknown yet.}

I get the following error from MetaFont, which I did not get before:

>(/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/t1enc.stykpathsea: Running MakeTeXTFM 
>Running MakeTeXPK dcr1200.tfm
>mf \mode:=nullmode; mag:=1; scrollmode; input dcr1200 \This is METAFONT, Version 2.71 (C version 6.1)
>kpathsea: Running MakeTeXMF 
>! I can't find file `'.
><*> ...nullmode; mag:=1; scrollmode; input dcr1200
>Please type another input file name: 
>! Emergency stop.
><*> ...nullmode; mag:=1; scrollmode; input dcr1200
>Transcript written on mfput.log.
>Metafont failed for some reason on dcr1200.tfm
>kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.

When doing a soft link (ln -s)  from dcr1200.tfm to dcr12.tfm in
/usr/lib/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/dc, I get the same error later in the
"latex startup/premable" for font dcr2074.tfm and after the \maketitle
command for font dcr1440.tfm. I am completly clueless about what is 
happening, as I said it worked before this unfortunate reinstall.
Neadless to say, these font files  dcr1200.tfm, dcr2074.tfm and
dcr1440.tfm do not seem to excist any where on the system.

I even zapped the nev installation compleatly and installed it once
more with no luck. I was going to use the ln -s trick for all the fonts
but, I am not shure which font files are the correct one to link to
dcr2074.tfm and dcr1440.tfm, besides I don't belive that to be the
correct solution.

Thanks in advance

  * Kári Davíðsson*   *
  * Opiskelijankatu 4 C 151   *   *
  * 33720 Tampere * Your advertisement here.  *
  * Finland   * Low prices.   *
  * Tel: + 358-(9)50-5225153  *   *