Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
AG  writes:
> On one disk I found something that booted into the grub prompt.  I
> did some reading up on grub and some basic commands.  I didn't get
> very far - it reports back that there is an ext2fs loaded on
> /dev/hda1 which I'm assuming was root, although I am sure that when
> I partitioned the drive today I selected ext3.

That's to be expected. Ext3 filesystems are basically ext2 filesystems
with a journal. Many tools will recognize them as ext2 filesystems,
and they can even be mounted, read, and written by pre-ext3 Linux
kernels as if they were ext2 filesystems.

And Andrew is right. If you've got a bootable GRUB disk, then you need
to try that first. You didn't say what GRUB commands you tried, but
did you try something like this:

root (hd0,0)
## If this fails, try (hd0,1) or (hd0,2) until "ls" gives you what
## looks like your newly installed Debian root filesystem.
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-xx.yy.zz-aa-generic root=/dev/hda1
initrd /boot/initrd.img-xx.yy.zz-aa-generic

For the kernel and initrd file names, you can use  to complete
the filenames (or the GRUB "ls" command to poke around until you find
the right names). The "root=/dev/hda1" option might not be
necessary. Try with and without it.


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Re: Slow booting

2009-11-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kamil Kułaga  writes:
> After init of soundcard and before swap activation i have 90 seconds
> hole. Is it normal? Can I configure kernel to somewhat avoid this?

Unfortunately, I think adding a large swap partition (yours is 6GB)
can be a slow operation under Linux. Google for "slow swapon" and
you'll see several complaints.

One simple solution might be to try running "swapon" in the background
in your startup scripts. That's what I do on my (Ubuntu) laptop (which
is frequently rebooted and would pause for a significant amount of
time waiting on its 3GB swap file otherwise). Note that, on a Lenny
installation, "swapon" is run twice, in "/etc/init.d/" and
in "/etc/init.d/", so make sure you make the change in the
right place.


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Re: Problem with removing a chroot

2008-07-23 Thread Kevin Buhr
Ryan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am having a problem removing the remains of a chroot; I used the
> script in /usr/share/doc/libpam-chroot/examples/ and it created hard
> links for the entire /proc folder in /var/chroot/user/testuser/proc/
> and I cannot remove it. Can someone let me know how to remove these
> hard links so that I can remove /var/chroot/users/*?

Actually, you've probably got another copy of "proc" mounted there.
Try "umount /var/chroot/user/testuser/proc", and see if that fixes
things up.

It's not possible to create hardlinks across different filesystems, so
in particular you can't create hardlinks to "/proc" files in your real
filesystem.  (Try it, and you'll get an "Invalid cross-device link"
error or something similar.)


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Re: files encrypted with openssl enc?

2008-05-15 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone know if files encrypted with openssl's enc would be affected
> by the openssl fiasco?

Yes, there is an effect, though it may be of limited practical
significance.  If you used a strong passphrase and the CBC mode of
encryption (e.g., "-aes-128-cbc" or "-aes128", which defaults to CBC),
then your file should be safe.  If you encrypted multiple files with
the same passphrase, an attacker may be able to tell when the
beginnings of two files match but should not be able to decrypt the

The bug only affected random number generation, so for symmetric
encryption, this should only affect the random salt used.

The man page says that, by default, no salt is used, but that's wrong.
By default, OpenSSL *does* use random salt.  The bad OpenSSL would
presumably have used salt from a limited set of possible values.  This
is still much better than using no salt at all, but not as good as
using salt from the full set of intended values.

The passphrase and salt are used together to produce the actual key
and initial value (IV) for encryption.  The main implications of using
salt from a limited set are that:

1.  It's more feasible for an attacker to perform precomputed attacks
from a dictionary of passphrases.

2.  It increases the chance that two files encrypted with the same
passphrase will use the exact same key and IV.

For point #1, it's not an issue for a targetted attack on a specific
file.  It might be worth some people's time to perform this type of
precomputation if they're in the business of examining many OpenSSL
encrypted files every day, but if you aren't presently worried about a
visit from the NSA, I think there's little reason to worry about this.

For point #2, *if* this happens (two different files encrypted with
same key and IV), the impact depends on the block cipher mode used.
If you used OFB mode (e.g., -aes-128-ofb), security is destroyed.  If
you used CFB, information about the first encrypted block (128-bits
for "-aes-128-cfb") of the files may be leaked.  Neither ECB nor CBC
modes leak information in this manner.

However, for any mode (including ECB or CBC), an attacker can tell if
two encrypted files (using same key and IV) have the same beginning or
not.  And for ECB, the attacker can tell whether or not any two blocks
are the same.  This is a big problem if the attacker gets the
plaintext of one of the files, because he can use it as a "dictionary"
to decode blocks of the other file, regardless of where they appear.
For CBC, the attacker is limited to determining if the beginnings of
two files match.  After the first difference in the files, he can't
mount a useful attack.

I hope that helps.  You should probably double-check on an appropriate
OpenSSL list or something if you're really concerned, though.


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Re: openssl vulnerability and RSA keys

2008-05-15 Thread Kevin Buhr
Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The recent security advisory for Debian's version of openssl says that
> you should regenerate all keys, and that DSA keys should be considered
> compromised.
> Does this mean that RSA keys for openssh should not be considered
> compromised?  If so, why the need to regenerate them?

To clarify, *all* SSH keys, whether DSA or RSA, generated using the
bad version of OpenSSL are garbage: they are easily guessable.

Furthermore, as I read the advisories and other sources, because of
the way DSA keys are used, even strong DSA keys (generated by good
versions of OpenSSL) are compromised if they were used locally with
the bad OpenSSL.

"Locally" here means that the strong DSA key was used on the same side
of the connection as the bad OpenSSL: if you used a user DSA key to
"ssh" to a remote server and your local OpenSSL library was bad, or if
a server DSA key was used by "sshd" to accept a remote connection and
the server's OpenSSL library was bad, then the respective key is
compromised (even if it was a strong key generated by a good OpenSSL

"Compromised" means that anyone who intercepted and saved such an SSH
conversation can now use this new knowledge of the OpenSSL
vulnerability to recover the private DSA key from the connection data.

At least, that's how I've interpreted what I've heard.


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Re: [Kind of OT] Why's this look like gibberish to me?

2008-05-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What about man aptitude?  Under Command Line Options, the first line, I
> see:
> ... begin with a hyphen ("\fB-\fR")
> And, under "The following actions are available", each heading has the
> same thing, e.g.:
>   \fBinstall\fR

This is definitely a bug, but not UTF-8 related: it renders this way
on my UTF-8 capable terminals, as well.  It looks like it's already
documented in bug #438725 and fixed in testing, but we're stuck with
it in stable.


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Re: [Kind of OT] Why's this look like gibberish to me?

2008-05-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The problem isn't the manpage author, it's your setup.
>> Specifically, you're using a locale that sports UTF-8 encoding, but
> wrong.  Lang=C.  I don't have any locales installed.  This is regular
> stock VT (no fonts, etc).

Well, let's put it this way.  Create a text file named "test.1"
containing the following:

.TH TEST "1"
test \- it's elementary

Now, run "man -l test.1".  Does your fontless, stock VT show an ASCII
apostrophe or a little block?

If it shows a block, your setup is broken, no matter what LANG is set

If it shows an ASCII apostrophe, I would be grateful if you could send
me the name of a stock Debian manpage that shows a block instead of an
apostrophe (preferably with its owning package name and version, if
you aren't using plain Etch).  I would very much like to track down
the problem and file bug reports on the offending manpages.



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Re: [Kind of OT] Why's this look like gibberish to me?

2008-05-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
Chris Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Interesting, I have:
>   LANG=en_NZ.UTF-8
> and in /etc/console-tools/config
>   SCREEN_FONT=lat0-sun16
> With that setup, Dotan Cohen's line looks like solid black squares
> separated by dashes.

You mean this is happening on the Linux console, right?

Your LANG setting is fine, but the "lat0-sun16" console font doesn't
contain any Hebrew characters, so that's why you're getting solid
black squares (indicating "no character available") separated by
dashes.  You can load a Hebrew font on the current console:

consolechars -f iso08.f16.psf.gz

and Dotan's list should show up fine, but then accented latin
characters won't be available.

I think without special support, the Linux console handles only 256
characters at once (or 512 if you're willing to give up bold text).
You can use the "dynafont" package, which uses dynamic font loading
tricks to allow displaying text that requires more code space than
that.  It comes with a font that includes about 7900 glyphs and does
pretty well if you don't care about Asian language support.


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Re: [Kind of OT] Why's this look like gibberish to me?

2008-05-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What gets me is when a man page is written in english and "'" gets
> translated as "?", as in can?t or "'" is a square white blob (on a
> regular VT).  Why couldn't whoever wrote it in english have used the
> standard english "'" glyph instead of a UTF thingy?

The problem isn't the manpage author, it's your setup.

Specifically, you're using a locale that sports UTF-8 encoding, but
you're using a terminal/font combination that is not capable of
correctly rendering UTF-8-encoded common typographical symbols used
for English language text, like the right single quote / apostrophe.
If you use a locale based on ASCII encoding instead, those manpages
will render more correctly (for example, substituting the unsightly
ASCII vertical apostrophe for its more urbane cousin or writing (C) in
place of the copyright symbol).  See the bottom of this post if LANG=C
isn't good enough for you.

Unlike some people here, I couldn't give a σθιτ if you, S. Keeling, or
anyone else wants to use UTF-8 or not---I'm not on any crusade---but
an environment variable setting of "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" is basically an
announcement to applications that your terminal is UTF-8 capable.  You
don't have to run a UTF-8-capable terminal if you don't want to, but
you shouldn't lie to your applications and then whine about those damn
foreigners writing manpages incorrectly (just a joke, just a joke).

In truth, if you look at the manpage source, you'll probably find that
the manpage authors *have* used the ASCII "'" character for
apostrophes and right single quotes.  That's because this is the
encoding convention used in the typesetting language "roff" in which
manpages are written.  You write `stuff like this' knowing that a
correctly configured manpage rendering pipeline will convert those
ASCII backticks and apostrophes into the correct English typographical
symbols (if the manpage is being printed or being displayed on a
sophisticated terminal) or at least do the best it can (if it's being
delivered to an ASCII-only terminal).  If manpage writers were really
on the ball, they'd use \(lqleft and right double-quotes\(rq too, but
you don't see too much of that.

To clarify further, there's nothing English about "'".  If it's
anything, it's ASCII, not English.  I'm not sure that the ASCII
standard actually specifies what printable characters, including "'",
are supposed to look like, but in most fonts with ASCII-compatible
encoding, the "'" character is rendered as an undirected,
typewriter-style apostrophe, like a vertical tickmark, and I believe
this is pretty much universally accepted as the "correct" rendering of
this character, among those who care about these things.  In
particular, it is *not* the character used in typeset English text as
an apostrophe or right single quote.  It's rarely used in English text
at all, except in historically ASCII contents like email and computer
plain text files.  It's about as un-English as you can get.  It's very
ASCII, though.

Anyway, to really take a stand on this UTF-8 crap and announce to the
world that 7 bits were good enough for cavemen so, by God, they're
good enough for you too, you can simply use a preexisting ASCII-only
locale (like LANG=C) or you can generate one.  Add this line to

en_US ANSI_X3.4-1968

run "/usr/sbin/locale-gen" as root, and find some way to set
"LANG=en_US" or "LC_ALL=en_US".  ANSI_X3.4-1968 is another name for
ASCII, so your new "en_US" locale shouldn't bother you with heretical
characters.  Some applications will still give up and print a "?" for
non-ASCII characters, but "man" should do an excellent job displaying
a pure ASCII rendering of your manpages for you.


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Re: iptables "whitelist" rule

2008-05-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now I want to be able to run the amuled daemon ON the debian router but
> I am not really sure how to tell iptables to whitelist the traffic that
> is not being forwarded.
> In other words, the ipp2p module should not drop the packets originating
> from/destinated to the router itself.

[ . . . ]

> # Block P2P
> iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP
> iptables -A OUTPUT -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP

I haven't used "ipp2p" before, but if you delete the INPUT and OUTPUT
rules and keep the FORWARD rule, I think that would do what you want.
Packets to and from the amuled daemon (whether from the Internet,
wireless nodes, or whatever) will pass through the INPUT and OUTPUT
tables and be permitted, but P2P packets between wireless nodes and
the big, bad Internet will pass through the FORWARD table and be
dropped by the remaining rule.


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Re: How to create an ssh chain A->B->C to do http over ssh across the chain?

2008-03-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Mitchell Laks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Here is the situation. You have machines A->B->C. You want to create a ssh 
> tunnel directly
> from A to C.
> Machine A can see machine B and machine B can see C, but A can't see C 
> directly.
> A and B are on a local network and only B has 'limited net access'.

I tested the following two solutions, and they seem to work.

First, running the following on host A:

hosta$ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 B ssh -D 8080 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

will set things up so that localhost connections on A to port 8080
will be forwarded over an SSH connection to port 8080 on host B.  The
second "ssh" command running on B, meanwhile, will then act as a SOCKS
server on port 8080, accepting connections forwarded from A,
demultiplexing the SOCKS stream, and managing connections as if they
originated from C.

Note that you could do:

hosta$ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 B ssh -N -D 8080 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(i.e., specifying the -N flag) instead, but I had trouble with the
second "ssh" connection sticking around after the first died when I
tested it, so the former might be better, even though it ties up a terminal.

Note also that, using this method, other users on host B could also
connect to local port 8080 and use that socks server to manage
connections originating from host C.  This may or may not be a

Second, another possibility, which may be more flexible, would be to
set up an SSH tunnel from A to B to accomodate a direct SSH connection
from A to C.  That is, the command (run on host A):

hosta$ ssh -NL B &

will set things up so that local connections to port 8022 will be
forwarded over the tunnel B to become a connection from B to port 22
on C.  Now, if you run the command (on host A):

hosta$ ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
>-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -ND 8080 -p 8022 localhost

that will connect to the SSH server on C providing a local SOCKS
server on A.  Note that the first SSH tunnel is being used only for
its tunnelling side effect, not security.  In fact, the traffic
between B and C will travel "in the clear", but the traffic here is
from the second SSH connection which is separately encrypted and so safe.

The two "-o" options here are to prevent SSH from verifying and
storing the host key for this connection.  You are actually connecting
to host C, but it looks to SSH like you are connecting to "localhost",
so SSH will store C's host key as if it's the localhost key, and
you'll get warnings and errors about changed keys in the future.  This
would open the door to a man-in-the-middle attack, but it's probably
not a big concern for your purposes.


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2008-03-18 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> and change it to this:
> iface eth0 inet manual
>   up dhclient3 -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.$IFACE.leases -pf 
> /var/run/dhclient.$ $IFACE
>   down kill $(< /var/run/dhclient.$

Whoops.  One problem with this is that it doesn't actually bring the
interface down.  I hadn't noticed before.  You might want to add one
more line, like so, and I think that will work properly:

 iface eth0 inet manual
   up [same as above]
   down kill $(< /var/run/dhclient.$
       down ifconfig $IFACE down


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2008-03-15 Thread Kevin Buhr
Cassiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Every time I restart my Lenny I obtain a new ip addr from one of the 2
>dhcp servers. We have a 1 month lease on this servers and this should
>never happen within this period.
>any experience on this?

I'm assuming that your interfaces are automatically configured and
deconfigured by the startup scripts and so implicitly by "ifup" and
"ifdown" using the configuration in "/etc/network/interfaces".  I'm
also further assuming you have the "dhcp3-client" package installed.

The "dhclient3" DHCP client in the "dhcp3-client" package is capable
of reacquiring an old lease on reboot, but the reason it isn't working
is because of an issue with the Debian "ifdown" program.  It's
hardcoded to run "dhclient3 -r ..."  on interface shutdown.  This
causes "dhclient3" to release the lease and change the times in the
"/var/lib/dhcp3/" file to expire the lease before
exiting.  If it wasn't for this, "dhclient3" would happily try to
reuse that lease after reboot.

You can work around this by explicitly specifying commands to bring
the interface up and down.  Assuming the interface is "eth0", first
bring it down with "ifdown eth0".  Then, in "/etc/network/interfaces",
find the clause for your interface, which will probably look like

iface eth0 inet dhcp

and change it to this:

iface eth0 inet manual
  up dhclient3 -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.$IFACE.leases -pf 
/var/run/dhclient.$ $IFACE
  down kill $(< /var/run/dhclient.$

The "up" line here (make sure it's all one line) is the same as the
internal version hardcoded into "ifup".  The "down" line is changed to
simply kill the old "dhclient3" instead of running "dhclient3 -r ..."
as mentioned above.

Now, do "ifup eth0" again.  The first time, it'll allocate a new IP
address.  Make sure "dhclient3" is running.  Now, try "ifdown eth0",
and make sure "dhclient3" is no longer running.  Finally, try "ifup
eth0" again, and you'll hopefully get back your old IP address.
Try rebooting, and---again---you should get back your old IP address.

Good luck.


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Re: [OT] how to clean grime off old computer MB?

2008-03-09 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a couple of new-to-me old computers.  They've been well used in
> what looks like a normal office environment and they're a bit grimey
> inside; not just dust that blows away.  I figure that I should clean
> that off so the dust doesn't act like a thermal insulator but I'm unsure
> what to use, since air alone isn't doing it.  I don't want to remove
> e.g. the CPU from its socket. (P-133, socket 7).

As another take on the issue, there's also such a thing as leaving
well enough alone.

Provided the computers are working now, the most likely outcome of a
good, thorough cleaning, is that they will work exactly as well as
before.  The second most likely outcome is that one or more will stop
working, and you'll need to fiddle around for hours getting them
working again.

>From a thermal perspective, others may have better advice, but here's
my take on it.  Most components don't generate much heat and can
dissipate most of it through leads soldered to the motherboard, so
grime on their surface doesn't matter much here.  As long as the
motherboard isn't entirely caked with a layer of filth and as long as
loose dust has been blown or dusted away so air can flow over the
motherboard surface, it'll probably be fine.

The components to worry about are any that have either a fan or a
passive heatsink: these components are generating the most heat, and
dust and grime are most likely to affect the operation of active or
passive cooling systems.  Note that the issue is less a coating of
grime acting as a thermal insulator and more one of dust (dry or
greasy) clogging the cooling fins so that air cannot flow through

If the CPU, main chipset chips, and graphics chips have heatsinks and
fans that are relatively free of dust and the metal components of the
heatsink aren't entirely coated with grime, they'll probably cool just
fine.  (This assumes that the case fans and grills are clean, too.)
Taking a dry toothbrush to the problem and tackling the biggest clumps
without worrying too much about getting everything sparkling will
probably be the safest and most useful approach.

On the other hand, this is hardly valuable equipment, is it?  If you
want a cool war story to impress friend and relatives, then I believe
Marty's suggestion is sound: I recall people on
"" claiming to have had good success putting
circuit boards (stripped of socketed components) in the dishwasher.
I'm not sure whether the dishwasher's heated dry cycle would be
recommended, and I hadn't previously heard about the leakage problems
with electrolytic capacitors that Russell mentioned.


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Re: OMG! Think I did something stupid with dmcrypt

2008-02-16 Thread Kevin Buhr
Andrew Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have debian lenny on a server with full disk encryption (the guided
> partitioning option) and an external usb WD Mybook that is also
> encrypted with dmcrypt/LUKS.

LUKS stores the encrypted master key (generally decryptable by
supplying just the passphrase, though it's possible for a keyfile to
be used) in a header at the start of the partition.  So, you probably
haven't lost your data.

But why are we talking about this?  Have you tried sticking your
bloody USB stick in a Linux machine and mounting the partition?  If
you need to do it manually:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 mydata
...enter passphrase when prompted...
mount /dev/mapper/mydata /mnt
ls /mnt

where "/dev/sda1" is the partition.

Good luck!


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Re: How to work with portable mail server?

2008-02-13 Thread Kevin Buhr
Jabka Atu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> is there a way to use exim to get mails also from the net ?
> Althow i know that it can be done using 24 working server that uses
> dyndns / no-ip etc.
> but what about when my mail server is on a laptop that can be offline
> for 10-12 hours or even days.

You pretty much need an "always up" mail server to accept your mail,
because that's just how Internet mail works.  Mail will be sent to
your server at random times (not long after the sender clicks "Send")
and---where it fails---retried according to the sender's schedule
(i.e., according to the configuration of the sender's outgoing
mailhost, typically) which you can't control.

If your laptop really was online at least 12 hours a day, you might
eventually receive most of your mail (some on first try, some on
retries), but it's really a crapshoot, and there would be all sorts of
problems.  Many senders would receive those unsettling messages about
"temporary failure - no need to resend" that always result in the
unschooled resending an additional copy anyway and then calling you on
the phone to make sure you got it.  High-traffic mailing lists
wouldn't work: most will give up after a few failed messages and send
you a note asking you for manual confirmation to restart.  And if
there were a couple of days that you couldn't get your laptop online
or could only get it online for a couple of hours, you'd probably lose
a chunk of mail.

> is there any way to halt the messages any where ?

The way to halt the messages is to have an "always up" mail server
accept them for you.  This may be your 24-hour home server, it may be
an ISP server, it may be a mail hosting service's server, or whatever.
Then, you use "fetchmail" to get the mail onto your laptop and
delivered through your local copy of "exim".

If you don't like your ISP and/or want to use your own domain name and
your ISP won't cooperate, mail hosting services are cheap (say
$10/year) if you just need a modest amount of POPpable storage and an
outgoing relay.


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Re: Dbus, Hald Groups?

2008-02-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dbus is running in the 111 "crontab" group!
> Hal is running in the 127 "boinc" Are!

Note that "ps", by default, displays process *users*, not groups.  For
"dbus" and "hal", the correct users are "messagebus" and "haldaemon".
Since these names are unusually long, "ps" will display them as
numbers instead of names, but you need to look them up in
"/etc/passwd", not "/etc/group", since the user ids and corresponding
group ids won't necessarily match.

These numbers aren't fixed---they will differ from system to system,
depending on the exact order packages were installed.  For example, on
one of my machines, the user ids are 102 and 107; on another, they are
104 and 108.

If you double-check and "dbus" and "hal" *really* are running as the
wrong users, then---assuming a reboot doesn't fix the problem---it
might be the case that you have multiple users in "passwd" with the
same userid.  This shouldn't happen, but you can probably fix the
damage by changing the "messagebus" and "haldaemon" numbers to
something that isn't used and rebooting (but make a backup of "passwd"
first in case things go horribly wrong).  In general, renumbering
userids like this won't work very well, because file ownership is
stored by number, not name, and renumbering will screw that up.  I
don't believe that "messagebus" and "haldaemon" own any files, though,
so this probably won't be a problem.

> To access these, do I need to be a "member" of these groups? This
> could be why kde4 seems to need root privileges to start a session!

You do not need to be a member of the "messagebus" or "haldaemon"
groups to start a KDE session, so the problem must be something else.


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Re: su doesn't work "Authentication failure"

2008-02-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Dennis G. Wicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Kevin Buhr wrote the following on 01/31/2008 12:50 PM:
> From aptitude show login ==>>  1:  <<==
>> should give:
>>  1381ae1ac77b512258657b096522bb6a  /bin/su
>c80fc747e24fa8bfa099cbef0bfb926f  /bin/su <<==
> from md5sum /bin/su
>> If your Etch version matches mine but the md5 doesn't, you might start
>> to get pretty worried.

Dennis, I posted a followup message but you might have missed it.  I
was sloppy: the 1381... hash I posted was for the amd64 architecture;
the c80f... hash you list matches what should be expected for i386, so
there's no problem with your copy of "/bin/su".

> What should I be worried about and start looking for?

Since yours *does* match, you don't have any worries.

More generally, though, in the normal course of events, files (other
than configuration files and the like) installed on your system should
match the version in the appropriate Debian package.  A hash mismatch
just means the files don't match.  There are many possible
explanations for this, most of them innocent:

1.  First, as we encountered above, the package version, architecture,
or official source of the package might not match precisely.

When I say "official source", the main Debian archive and any of
its mirrors would be considered a single source, so all should
have precisely matching packages.  On the other hand, if you
install packages you've compiled from source or gotten from a
"backports" site or from a derivative distribution (Ubuntu, etc.),
a mismatch is likely occur even with a perfect
version/architecture match.

2.  The file might be a "special" file that gets modified on
installation.  Configuration files in "/etc" for example will
frequently differ from the source, even when a package is freshly

3.  The file might have been intentionally modified by the system

4.  The file might have become corrupted.

5.  The file might have been installed from original installation
media whose copy didn't precisely match the file in the official
package and no later version of the package has ever been

6.  The file might have been tampered with by someone who broke into
your system.

7.  You may have somehow been tricked into installing a malicious
version of the package.

These are probably in roughly the order of likelihood, so I should
have tried harder not to sound alarmist, since the ones to worry about
are way down at the bottom of the list.

For "/bin/su", a mismatch is cause for immediate suspicion (especially
if, as seemed to be the case for the original poster, something weird
is going on with that file anyway) simply because it's a
security-sensitive utility that is a frequent target for rootkits and
the like.


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Re: su doesn't work "Authentication failure"

2008-01-31 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If your version of the "login" package is the latest official Etch
> version 1:, then "md5sum /bin/su" should give:
>  1381ae1ac77b512258657b096522bb6a  /bin/su

Sorry.  That was sloppy of me.  The above hash is for the amd64
architecture.  The md5sum for the i386 architecture should be:

   c80fc747e24fa8bfa099cbef0bfb926f  /bin/su


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Re: su doesn't work "Authentication failure"

2008-01-31 Thread Kevin Buhr
paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is possible to do 'su someuser' from root but it's not possible to
> get back to root then using just 'su' or change from a normal user to
> another user account.

[ . . . ]

> Jan 31 15:44:18 myserver su[27729]: (pam_unix) authentication failure;
> logname= uid=1000 euid=1000 tty=pts/4 ruser=myuser rhost=  user=root

The "euid=1000" should read "euid=0": your "su" is running as the
invoking user, so it fails for non-root users.  The most likely
explanation is that "/bin/su" doesn't have the setuid flag set, so
that would be the first thing to check.  (If the setuid bit *is* set,
the problem may be that your root partition has been mounted with the
"nosuid" mount flag or something.)

If you have a logical explanation for the missing bit, great,
otherwise good security practice would suggest that you give a little
thought before restoring setuid bits on files where it has
mysteriously disappeared.  If your version of the "login" package is
the latest official Etch version 1:, then "md5sum /bin/su"
should give:

 1381ae1ac77b512258657b096522bb6a  /bin/su

If your Etch version matches mine but the md5 doesn't, you might start
to get pretty worried.


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Re: exim - what is it? (how does it run)

2007-12-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Bob Goldberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>What exactly IS exim?
>IOW: when I setup sendmail, I'm working with bash scripts.
>when I setup an exim conf file - what exactly runs it? perl?

The exim configuration file is written in an Exim-specific language
parsed by nothing but Exim.  It is documented in the Exim manual,
though not always very well.  General syntax is documented in the
section "The Exim run time configuration file" or "The Exim
configuration file", documentation on the "${lookup...}" expansion is
available in the section "String expansions", and specific types of
lookups are documented in the section "File and database lookups".

The general syntax for a "lookup" is:

${lookup{key}lookuptype{On success}{On failure}}

So, for your example,

data = [EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/exim4/email-accept}
{:fail: User unknown }}

your {:fail: User unknown} block is being expanded on *success*.  That
is, this code looks up the expansion of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in
"/etc/exim4/email-accept", and---if it is found---sets data to ":fail:
User unknown", which is exactly the opposite of what you want.

This is probably being used in a "redirect" router.  If the sole
purpose of this router is to reject email addresses that don't appear
in "email-accept", then:

data = [EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/exim4/email-accept}
{}{:fail: User unknown }}

might work.  Now, if the lookup succeeds, the data is set to the empty
string, and the router will decline to process the address, leaving it
for a different router (to deliver, for example).  If the lookup
fails, the router will process a :fail: redirect with the given error

Taking a step back, though, I'm not so sure writing your own Exim file
from scratch, as you seem to be doing, is the best way to get Exim
"working".  It's much easier to start with a barebones configuration,
such as one of the stock configurations generated by Debian, and tweak
that as necessary.


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Re: Email programs that work.

2006-09-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Still, there are some unpleasant problems I couldn't solve. The worst
>> one was that Mutt downloads the whole message. That is, it does not
>> support selective retrieval of MIME parts, AFAIU.
> I do not know one single IMAP client which can do this...
> Even under Windows

Thunderbird 1.5 does.  Non-inline attachments over 3 bytes should
be downloaded only on demand, provided the server supports it.  Inline
attachments get downloaded no matter how big they are, unfortunately.


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Re: Use of dpkg --set-selections is brain-dead?

2006-08-31 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Michael S. Peek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Which begs the question: Why doesn't 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' install
> the package?

Does your package have any unsatisfied dependencies?  They need to be
scheduled for install via "dselect --set-selections", too.  If you're
going to go this route, you have to do all the dependency resolution

This is an intentional design feature, so you can "Q" out of
"dselect"'s Select step with unresolved dependencies and still have
the Install step install the packages whose dependencies you *have*

If you want to install packages with automatic dependency resolution
from the command line, then "apt-get install x y z" (or "aptitude
install x y z") would normally be the way to go.


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Re: Use of dpkg --set-selections is brain-dead?

2006-08-31 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mumia W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The man-page for dpkg suggests that Michael's method should have
> worked:
>> dpkg --set-selections
>>Set package selections using file read from stdin.
> Notice that additional parameters are not required, and the input
> comes from stdin.

I was talking about "dpkg --get-selections", not "dpkg

To be more explicit, "3dchess" is currently purged from my system.
Now, watch and be amazed:

 # dpkg --get-selections | egrep 3dchess
 # dpkg --get-selections 3dchess
 3dchess purge
 # echo '3dchess install' | dpkg --set-selections
 # dpkg --get-selections | egrep 3dchess
 # dpkg --get-selections 3dchess
 3dchess install

You'll note that, even after "3dchess" has been selected for
installation, it will not be listed by:

dpkg --get-selections

because that doesn't list purged packages, even ones ready to be
installed.  Instead, you must instead explicitly write:

dpkg --get-selections 3dchess

to verify that the selection status of this package has changed.


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Re: Use of dpkg --set-selections is brain-dead?

2006-08-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Michael S. Peek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've traced my problem down to the use of 'dpkg --set-selections'
> command.  As an example, I have a package named tiem-nis-client-cfg
> that sets up NIS for generic workstations.  If I understand correctly,
> I should be able to do the following:
>echo "tiem-nis-client-cfg  install" | dpkg --set-selections
> And then, when I type 'dpkg --get-selections', I should see
> "tiem-nis-client-cfg   install" one some line in the output.

No, "dpkg --get-selections" without further arguments only lists
packages that are either installed or deinstalled (but still have
their config files on the system), not purged packages or those that
have never been on your system, even if those packages have been
selected for installation.  If you run:

dpkg --get-selections tiem-nis-client-cfg

that should show that your new package has been selected for


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Re: [OT] Sourceforge lists and Return-Path header

2006-08-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The final alternative is to employ ugly per-MUA hacks, like the
> "use_from" Mutt option that Andrew mentioned.

Whoops...  It looks like Andrew's descriptions were a little mixed up.
According to the Mutt manual, it isn't "use_from" that does this, it's
"envelope_from".  That is, setting "envelope_from" will derive the
envelope sender from the "From" address and pass it to "sendmail" via
the "-f" option, so *that* would be the ugly hack you'd want, if you
like ugly hacks.


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Re: [OT] Sourceforge lists and Return-Path header

2006-08-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I send from thunderbird from any machine, it works as it is
> connecting directly to santiago.  If I use mutt on santiago, it works
> fine there as well since it is running an instance of Postfix which can
> be reached from the public internet.  My question is this, is my setup
> broken (mutt/postfix/smarthost) or is sourceforge's setup broken?

It looks like *your* setup.  Your return path (AKA envelope sender)
must be routable.  That's how remote mailers get bounces back to you,
for one thing.

If "santiago" is or can be set up to accept mail for "miami" as local
mail (i.e., "" or "*" is listed in
"santiago"'s "Other destinations to accept mail for?" in Debian
Postfix configuration parlance), then all you're missing is the MX
record for "miami" pointing to "santiago": MX 0

If you can't or don't want to do this, you should either reconfigure
Postfix on "miami" to rewrite the envelope sender as if the mail
originated from "santiago", or reconfigure Postfix on "santiago" to do
the rewriting, at least on email that leaves your private domain.

The final alternative is to employ ugly per-MUA hacks, like the
"use_from" Mutt option that Andrew mentioned.


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Re: Weird cursor problem in X11

2006-08-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Jacob S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Both in gdm and after logging into an x session, a copy of the mouse
> pointer will 'freeze' in one spot on the screen.

The usual blanket solution for X cursor problems is to try disabling
the hardware cursor.  Try adding:

Option "SWcursor" "on"

to the "Driver" (or "Screen" or "Monitor"---any of these should work)
section of your "XF86Config-4".


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Re: Where's the grub boot menu?

2006-08-19 Thread Kevin Buhr

Is it possible that GRUB is looking for "/boot/boot/grub/menu.lst",
instead of "/boot/grub/menu.lst"?  The "README" makes reference to
this when "/boot" is a separate partition.

When you ran "grub-install", did it not create a "/boot/boot/grub"
directory with a "menu.lst" template in there?  If so, GRUB is
probably using that one instead of the one you've been modifying.  The
"update-grub" script, unfortunately, only updates the first of
"/boot/grub" and "/boot/boot/grub" that it finds, so it won't have
touched the version that GRUB is using, if this is the case.

The only difference I see between our "menu.lst" files is that my Xen
boot stanzas have no "root" line in mine:

title   Xen 3.0 running
kernel  /xen-3.0-amd64.gz dom0_mem=262144
module  /vmlinuz-2.6.16-2-xen-amd64-k8 root=/dev/mapper/main-buddharoot ro 
module  /initrd.img-2.6.16-2-xen-amd64-k8

However, I doubt your problem has anything to do with problems in the
"menu.lst"---it seems pretty clear that GRUB is just failing to find
the file entirely or using a different copy.


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Re: Making a mixed audio and data CD with cdrecord?

2006-06-08 Thread Kevin Buhr
Adam Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'd like to make a mixed audio and data CD that can be played in a
> normal audio CD player or mounted on a GNU/Linux or Windows box.

What you're trying to create is sometimes called a "CDplus" or "CD+"
disc.  These are multisession discs with an initial audio session
followed by a data session.  Normal audio players don't recognize
multisession discs, so they just read the first (audio) session.

Such discs need to be written in two "cdrecord" passes, using
something like this:

   cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdd -multi -pad -audio track1.wav track2.wav track3.wav
   mkisofs -r -J -C `cdrecord -msinfo dev=/dev/hdd` -M /dev/hdd -o foo.iso data/
   cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdd -data foo.iso

Obviously, it'd be a good idea to create a test CD-RW first, assuming
your audio player reads CD-RWs okay.

Googling for <> and < may
help, too.  In particular, there's a "README.cdplus" floating around
that gives instructions on creating these kinds of discs.


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Re: Firefox question about pop-up menus; (solved?) and a new annoyance

2006-05-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
Paul E Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Then the mozilla extension installer worked, *but* the new image of
> firefox has a problem that is in its own internal configuration.  It
> is most noticeable in the top line of buttons (File Edit View
> ...). When I click on any of these it becomes 'highlighted' by
> changing the backgound from gray to white and the foreground lettering
> from black to white.

This is a known problem with Firefox 1.0.x's interaction with Debian's
version of the Gnome "Simple" theme.  See the Debian bug:

It's fixed in Firefox 1.5 (and the above bug report includes a
backport of the fix), but that's of little help if you want to use the
official Debian package without compiling your own.

Fortunately, there is a reasonably straightforward workaround.  From
your Gnome menu, select "Applications -> Desktop Preferences ->
Themes", and pick just about any theme other than "Simple".  "Crux"
and "Default" look about the same as "Simple", and if I recall
correctly neither of them exhibits the problem.


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Re: df discrepencies

2006-05-01 Thread Kevin Buhr
charlie derr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks Kent, Liam and Martin for the quick responses.   I wasn't
> entirely clear on the situation -- the machine didn't always show this
> discrepency, so I don't think it's due to the "system overhead" sort
> of thing.


Martin's got it right.  By default, 5% of the disk is reserved for use
by processes running as "root", probably including your "rsync"
scripts.  The fourth column of the "df" output, on the other hand,
reports the free space available to regular users.

This reserved space business is documented in the "mke2fs" manpage
(see the "-m" option), and the size of the reserved portion can be
changed on an existing filesystem with "tune2fs" and specified either
as a percentage ("-m") or a raw number of blocks ("-r").

In particular, you can use "tune2fs" to set it to zero, and the
columns of "df" output will be consistent, but you probably shouldn't.
In addition to providing a little bit of slack space for processes
running as root to continue functioning when the disk fills up,
keeping some small percentage of the disk free helps reduce the
severity of fragmentation that would otherwise occur if the disk was
to fill up completely (and that could then remain even when space was
subsequently freed).

Reducing it to 1% should be fine, though.

> I am absolutely certain that in the past I've seen output similar to
> the following:
> /dev/sda1 440G  431G 9G  98%

I don't think you would have seen this on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem,
unless you explicitly created one with no reserved space.  The default
has been 5% as long as I can remember.

> and over time, this "degrades" to the present situation -- it does
> appear to me that the 2nd and 3rd columns are definitive (and that the
> 4th column is in error) because the rsync scripts that ran last night
> all seemed to succeed in writing to this partition despite the fact
> that column 4 was reporting 0 as the available disk space.

Again, writes as a normal user probably would have failed, but an
"rsync" running as "root" would have continued writing to the reserved


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Re: what is the stack size in Debian kernels?

2005-10-20 Thread Kevin Buhr
"H.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This may be a dumb questions, but how do I find what stack size that my
> Debian kernel (2.6.12) has? More generally, how do I determine the stack
> size of any running Linux kernel? Is there an option in the .config file
> that determins the stack size?

As others have pointed out, for the i386 architecture, there are only
two stack sizes available in the "normal" kernel.  8K is the default,
but there is a CONFIG_4KSTACKS configuration variable that changes it
to 4K (but uses a separate stack for interrupt handling to partially

Debian kernel-image packages don't normally have the "/proc/config.gz"
feature enabled, but they should install a copy of the ".config" used
to build the kernel in a "/boot/config-*" file, and no stock Debian
kernels have this variable set, as far as I know, so the Debian stack
should be the default of 8k.

A patch to add a 16k stacks option that *also* uses a separate
interrupt-handling stack to give even more free space is available at:


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Re: Mozilla Firefox Menus

2005-08-20 Thread Kevin Buhr
Carl Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Submit a bug.  I don't care if it DOES come from upstream, it's a bug.  At
> the least, a bug existing would mean that apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges
> would notify people to change themes.

It looks like it's already submitted as Debian bug #257430.  A fix is
already in the Mozilla trunk (see Mozilla bugs 251492 and 244955 for
reference), but it won't be fixed in the Firefox/Thunderbird 1.0.x
branch, so an upstream fix will have to wait until 1.5.x.

I'm currently testing a backport of the patch to 1.0.x, and I'll
attach it to Debian bug #257430 when it's tested; I don't know if the
maintainer will want to apply it or not.


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Re: Any package on Debian to convert a WAVE file into MP3?

2005-08-14 Thread Kevin Buhr
Rishi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is the output of the 'file' command which I guess indicates the
> type of audio file format.
> ---
> rec02.wav:  RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, IMA ADPCM, mono 8000 Hz
> ---
> When I run lame to convert it into MP3 it gives this error and proceeds.
> ---
> Warning: corrupt or unsupported WAVE format
> Assuming raw pcm input file
> ---

It appears that "lame" doesn't support the IMA ADPCM format.

Instead of first converting to OGG and then to MP3 (which will produce
a poor quality result), you can use SoX to convert the WAVE file to a
new WAVE format that "lame" supports:

$ file test.wav
test.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, IMA ADPCM, mono 8000 Hz
$ sox test.wav -s test2.wav
$ file test2.wav
test2.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, 
mono 8000 Hz
$ lame test2.wav test.mp3
[ . . . ]


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Re: [Bit OT]: Latex Gurus?

2005-08-10 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Byron Hillis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A quick Q for a Latex document layout. I want a single 
> column output, but on the right hand side I want a line 
> that separates the \marginpar notes from the rest of the
> text. Like this
>   Body Text Body Text Body Text |
>   Body Text Body Text Body Text |
>   Body Text Body Text Body Text | MarginPar
>   Body Text Body Text Body Text |

The following should do what you want and doesn't require any special
LaTeX packages.  You can adjust the \marginrulewidth and \marginparsep
parameters at the top: the \marginparsep is the separation between the
text and marginpars, and a rule of width \marginrulewidth will be
placed in the middle of that separation.


  \vrule width\marginrulewidth


Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text
Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text%
Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text
Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text
Body Text Body Text Body Text Body Text



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Re: CPU fans shut off by Debian?

2005-07-11 Thread Kevin Buhr
Stephen Lokitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   I am running Sarge 2.4.27-2-686-smp on an intel SR1435VP2(which is
> a 1U server platform)  with dual 2.8 Xeon processors.  I am required to
> run the 2.4 kernel for my application.  What appears to happen is that at
> some random time after power on (~6-20 hrs), the cpu fans shut off which 
> causes the system to overheat and shut down.


Assuming the fans are plugged in via standard 3-pin cables to the
motherboard, have you considered the low-tech solution of getting a
couple of Y-adapters of the kind shown here:

and plugging the fans into the "dumb" 4-pin power supply so they never
shut off?

If you want to monitor the fan speed (but still stop the BIOS from
trying to control it), you can get the variation shown here:

which has the additional advantage that it's a little more compact.


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Re: DNS lookup problems.

2005-05-14 Thread Kevin Buhr
Christopher Rueber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Okay, I've been looking for an answer for this for a little while, and
> have been unable to find one. Here's the problem:

Have you tried to Google for:

dns actiontec ""

It looks like a common issue with the Actiontec 701 modem.  In
particular, see:,11430965

for some suggested solutions.


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Re: Internet (Once and for all)

2005-05-12 Thread Kevin Buhr
"David R. Litwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I use the script /usr/local/bin/start-pppoe (one of the scripts
> that is part of the software), it says no sir; eth0 still
> broadcasting.

I'm assuming the error message that appears on your screen is *not*:

no sir; eth0 still broadcasting

so what is the exact message you are seeing?

> There is also a mysterious inet6 under both the lo (local loopback)
> and the eth0. How do I get rid of this?

This should be harmless, but on the off chance that it's causing
problems, you can use:

ifconfig eth0 del xxx/nn

with "xxx/nn" replaced with whatever's listed as the inet6 address for
that interface.


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Re: Background question

2005-05-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
"M. Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Between the boot splash and the graphical login manager, there is a
> screen with a black and white checkerd background and a big black
> "X" which is the mouse.

There's a barely documented command line option on recent X servers.
If you pass "-br" (short for "black root") to the X server, the root
window will come up solid black instead of the stippled checkerboard
you're seeing.

The exact mechanics of passing "-br" to your X server will depend on
which login manager you're using, of course.


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Re: DHCP questions...

2004-10-28 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Kevin Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Second, where or how to check if the lease of DHCP expires? I know "ipconfig
> /all" can do this under Windows.

Information about your leases is probably stored in the textfile
"/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases" (or maybe
"/var/run/dhclient.eth0.leases", depending on your configuration).
There may be several unexpired leases there, only one of which you're
using.  Generally, if you do:

   egrep expire /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases

to list all the expiry times, the last (both the last displayed and
the latest date) will be when your current lease expires.


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Re: On the verge of suicide:tar & gunzip problems

2004-07-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
Vittorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> zcat /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz |
>>  perl -ne 'm,home/vic/, && do { ++$count[($l + length($`)) % 512] };
>>  $l += length($_); END { for (0..511) { printf "%3d %5d\n", $_,
>>  $count[$_] if $count[$_] } }' | sort -nr +1 | head -20
> For the time being I've pit aside tghe idea of suicide but the complex program 
> you suggested (see above) doesn't work. I put it inside an executable file 
> and try to execute but It invariably says
> cannot execute binary file

Well, for some weird reason, it looks like you've introduced a bunch
of 0xA0 characters at the beginning of each line in your version that
weren't in my original.  Also, it isn't meant to be pasted as 4 lines
into a file but pasted as 1 single, very long line at a Bash command

Anyway, let's try it a different way.  I've put a Perl program here:

You can save this and then run the following command at a shell

zcat yourtar.gz | perl home/vic/ | head -20


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Re: Do I *have* to have xauth (and all that it brings in?)

2004-07-28 Thread Kevin Buhr
Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> But, I have a case where I need to first ssh to a machine on a public
> IP and then from there ssh into the machine on the local LAN where I
> want to run the application.

If you don't mind the overhead of double-encrypting, you can tunnel
SSH over SSH.  If the public machine is "pubhost" and it knows the
machine on which you want to run the application as "apphost", then
start with the following on your machine:

yourhost% ssh -f pubhost -L 8022:apphost:22 sleep 60

and, within 60 seconds, run:

yourhost% ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -X localhost -p 8022

This will establish an X11-tunnelling SSH connection to "apphost" over
the previous SSH tunnel, so any password or passphrase you're prompted
for will be whatever you'd use on "apphost".  

The "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" option is to avoid checking (or
adding) a bogus entry for "localhost" (with the public key of
"apphost") to your "~/.ssh/known_hosts" file.

Note that packets sent across this connection are encrypted on
"yourhost" by the second SSH command, then reencrypted on "yourhost"
by the first SSH command for transmission across the tunnel.  On the
other side, "pubhost" decrypts the latter layer of encryption and
passes the packets on to "apphost" which decrypts the former layer.
"yourhost" has to do double duty, but no packets are passed in the


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Re: On the verge of suicide:tar & gunzip problems

2004-07-28 Thread Kevin Buhr
> vic:/# tar -xvzf /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz
> home/
> home/victor/
> home/victor/.R/
> home/victor/.R/help.db
> tar: Skipping to next header
> tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
> vic:/# gunzip /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz
> gunzip: /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error
> gunzip: /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--length error
> vic:/#


Don't kill yourself quite yet.  These are the usual symptoms of
corruption in the middle of a gzip-compressed archive.  If it was only
a couple of corrupt blocks, you have a pretty good chance of
recovering most of your data.

"zcat" will happily plow through the corrupt compressed file and
generate uncompressed text as best it can.  Because of the nature of
the compression algorithm, a single bad compressed input block will
result in a long string of corrupt uncompressed output blocks.

Eventually, the decompression state will probably resynchronize
(though this is not 100% guaranteed, it'll probably happen within a
few hundred kilobytes).  Assuming this happens, "zcat" will start
generating good output again.

The trouble is, the output won't generally be properly aligned, so
"tar" (which started skipping 512-byte blocks at the first bad header)
won't find another header aligned at the start of a 512-byte block,
and will gobble up the whole file without finding anything else to

So, how do you realign?

Well, assuming most of the files in your tarfile are from the
"home/vic/" directory, every header block will start with the string
"home/vic/".  You can run the following one-liner:

zcat /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz | 
  perl -ne 'm,home/vic/, && do { ++$count[($l + length($`)) % 512] }; 
  $l += length($_); END { for (0..511) { printf "%3d %5d\n", $_, 
  $count[$_] if $count[$_] } }' | sort -nr +1 | head -20

(I've formatted it onto multiple lines, but it should be typed in as a
single line.)  This simply counts the number of times the string
"home/vic/" appears in the file at each possible offset within a
512-byte block.  It outputs, at most, the 20 most frequent offsets.
For a small, corrupt tarfile, the output might look like:

165   291
 18 2
398 1

The left column list the offsets; the right column gives the count of
each offset.

This indicates that the string appeared 291 times at offset 165, 27
times at offset 0, and a handful of times at offsets 18 and 398.
These last two are false positives (occurrences of "home/vic/" that
weren't from a tar header).  The 27 occurrences of 0 are the headers
before the corruption.  After the corruption, when the decompressed
stream recovered, it was offset by 165 bytes, and those 291 other
headers are recovered files at the wrong offset.

When you do this (since your tarfile is so gigantic), you'll probably
have a good number of false positives.  However, if there was
corruption in only one place, there should be one non-zero offset that
is overwhelmingly more frequent than the rest.

Anyway, to recover files at a particular offset, for example offset
165, use the following:

zcat /mnt/backup-compaq/home.tar.gz | tail -c +166 | tar tvf -

Note that the number in the "tail" command should be one more than the
offset output by the one-liner.

Good luck!


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Re: Enabling telnet access

2004-06-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Paal Marker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When telneting the box I get into the login, asked for username. When
> entering a valid username I get this message:
> "System bootup in progress -please wait"

You probably have an "/etc/nologin" file (containing this text you
see) that wasn't deleted by the bootscripts.  The presence of this
file is supposed to prevent *any* non-root logins.  (See the
nologin(5) manpage.)

Any chance you're running this machine in single-user mode or
in some other nonstandard configuration?

Assuming the standard runlevel (number 2) and standard Debian startup
scripts, the "/etc/nologin" file should have been removed by
"/etc/rc2.d/S99rmnologin" link to "/etc/init.d/rmnologin".


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Re: Computer shut down unexpectedly while unattended.

2004-03-10 Thread Kevin Buhr
Adam Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I got up this morning I found that my computer had 
> mysteriously powered down overnight around 02:50.

There's nothing the least bit suspicious in the logs you gave.  It was
probably just a power outage.  Do you have any reason to believe it
was something else?

> Here are are the last log entries before it happened.

If you really want to know what caused them...

> /var/log/syslog
> Mar 10 02:30:01 garcia /USR/SBIN/CRON[23159]: (root) CMD (test -x 
> /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1 && /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1)
> Mar 10 02:40:01 garcia /USR/SBIN/CRON[23166]: (root) CMD (test -x 
> /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1 && /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1)
> Mar 10 02:40:01 garcia /USR/SBIN/CRON[23167]: (root) CMD (nice -7 
> /usr/local/exim/bin/exim -q)
> Mar 10 02:50:01 garcia /USR/SBIN/CRON[23173]: (root) CMD (test -x 
> /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1 && /usr/lib/atsar/atsa1)

Cron ran four jobs as root because:

1.  You have "atsar" installed.  I've never used it, but judging from
the package description, it's no surprise that it runs
periodically to collect system performance information.

2.  You have a custom Exim installion.  The above line is the usual,
periodic queue run to retry sending messages that have temporary
delivery failures.

> /var/log/messages
> Mar 10 01:50:46 garcia -- MARK --
> Mar 10 02:10:46 garcia -- MARK --
> Mar 10 02:30:46 garcia -- MARK --

These lines are inserted by "syslogd".  It's just to ensure a regular
message gets written to "messages".

> /var/log/auth.log
> Mar 10 02:40:01 garcia cron(pam_unix)[23165]: session closed for user root
> Mar 10 02:50:01 garcia cron(pam_unix)[23172]: session opened for user root by (uid=0)
> Mar 10 02:50:01 garcia cron(pam_unix)[23172]: session closed for user root

These are normal.  Cron generates these messages when it's running
jobs as root.  These specific messages correspond to cron running the
"atsar" and Exim cron jobs mentioned above.


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Re: unexplained network problems

2004-03-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I now see that the driver only writes information about transmission
>> errors when its debug flag is set higher than the
> Where do you see that Kevin? And since I suspect an ongoing problem
> would it make sense for me to change this to possibly capture more
> errors than now, and if so, how?

I meant I saw it while looking at the Tulip driver source.

If you load the driver with "tulip_debug" set to 2, it should log
transmit errors.  (However, it may also log lots of other stuff, too,
which could slow things down or fill your logs.)  Here's how to unload
and reload the driver with a different tulip_debug setting:

ifdown eth0
rmmod tulip
modprobe tulip tulip_debug=2
ifup eth0

There's no guarantee that the resulting log will actually tell you
anything useful, however.


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Re: Debian Slow?

2004-03-07 Thread Kevin Buhr
> I'm guessing it has something to do with the memory usage, because
> the machines here use about 15 MB of swap, with 20ish MB of memory
> free by the time I'm halfway through my 1 GB swap at home! I've
> cleaned up the services, and turned off things like FTP, Samba, and
> so on, but it hasn't made much of a difference (according to top,
> they weren't using much ram anyway).

Gentoo optimizations can't account for a 10-15 performance factor in
software startup times.  A difference like that is probably a result
of memory pressure, and the swap numbers above suggest that this is
indeed your problem.

If the machines at the lab have 256MB of memory and are using about
15MB of swap and your machine at home has 256MB of memory and is using
512MB of swap, then you're going to have to account for that 497MB.
What's using it?

After your machines has been running (slowly) for a while, do a "ps
avx".  The "DRS" column will give you rough idea of how many kilobytes
of potentially swappable memory a process is using, and the "MAJFL"
column will tell you how many times that process has experienced a
major page fault (i.e., a request for memory that probably resulted in
disk access including swapping).  What are the worst offenders in that


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Re: unexplained network problems

2004-03-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> woody:~# more /var/log/kern.log | grep eth0
> Mar  4 09:11:41 woody kernel: eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 33 at
> 0xe400, 00:A0:CC:40:3E:9B, IRQ 11.

[ . . . ]

Oh, I see you found the logs.

Well, obviously the driver didn't write anything relevant to the
logs.  And I now see that the driver only writes information about
transmission errors when its debug flag is set higher than the

Now that your machine's been running for a while without trouble, does
the "ifconfig" output show any accumulated transmission errors?

If not, I think your best bet is to try swapping cards with your
wife's machine to determine whether it's really a hardware or software


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Re: unexplained network problems

2004-03-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> so I could've just done
> %ifdown -a && ifup -a

Yes, that would work.  In fact, "ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0" would just
restart the specific interface.  The "-a" flag just means all
interfaces flagged with "auto" in "/etc/network/interfaces".

> A fast steady blink, normal color (green for that particular nic). The
> steadiness is what made it look strange,

Okay, so, for whatever reason, the switch didn't like what the NIC was
doing and, probably, disabled the port.

> Newbie here, where are the kernel logs? I'm not ashamed to admit being
> an idiot, obviously ;x

All the logs are in "/var/log".  Kernel messages, and just about
everything else, are written to the "syslog" series of files.  Like
almost all the files in "/var/log", these files are rotated
periodically (for "syslog", it's on a daily basis), so you'll find the
most recent messages in "syslog", the next most recent in "syslog.0",
and older ones in "syslog.1.gz" through "syslog.6.gz".  Because
"syslog" is rotated daily, the relevant messages may have already
fallen off the end if this happened more than a week ago.

Fortunately, there's also a dedicated kernel logfile that contains
only kernel messages, the "kern.log*" series.  These are rotated once
a week, so you should be able to find your messages in there, if you
can't find them in "syslog*".

> If it's either the nic or the driver I vote for the driver since that
> nic's identical twin is installed on my wife's workstation which is
> running w98.

But your specific unit could be faulty.  For that matter, the cable
between your NIC and the switch might be flakey, or the specific port
on the switch might have a problem.

Since you're fortunate enough to have a twin NIC, I would suggest
swapping the NICs, being careful to swap the cable and port connection
at the same time (so your wife's machine is using the same
NIC-cable-port combination that you ran into trouble with on your
machine).  If the problem resurfaces, you have very strong evidence
for a driver problem.


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Re: unexplained network problems

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ifconfig eth0 down
> rmmod tulip # using this driver for my netgear fs310tx nic
> modprobe tulip
> /etc/rc.d/networking restart
> bash: /etc/rc.d/networking: No such file or directory
> route add gw
> gw: host name lookup failure
> ping
> ping: sendto: network is unreachable

You meant "/etc/init.d/networking", not "/etc/rc.d/networking".
(Also, your "route add" command had the wrong syntax as someone else
pointed out, but you shouldn't need the "route add" command if your
"/etc/init.d/networking" command works properly.)  In other words, you
reloaded the module, which might have had some effect, but you didn't
bring the interface back up.  That's why the ping failed here.

> The light for this nic on my switch was on and blinking so I removed
> it and reinserted; stopped blinking, went through the commands above
> again with similar results and then rebooted.

Depending on your switch, this may mean the switch didn't like the way
the NIC was behaving and automatically disconnected it from the
network (until you disconnected and reconnected the cable).  Usually,
of course, the LED blinks when there's activity.  Was this a different
kind of blink than the usual activity blink, say a different colour or
a different blinking rate?

You said there were 1311 TX errors in the "ifconfig" output.  The
Tulip driver sometimes writes information to the logs.  Do you have
any lines like:

eth0: Transmit error, Tx status NNN.

or any other network-related lines in the kernel logs during the

Without further information, it looks like your NIC (either because
it's faulty or there's a problem with the Tulip driver) is behaving
badly---jabbering or causing too many collisions---and the switch is
disconnecting it from the network so it doesn't bring everything


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Re: ntpdate leap year

2004-03-03 Thread Kevin Buhr
Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Get a real NTP client?  chrony didn't screw up...

Surely "ntp-simple" is a "real" NTP client.  I mean, it's *the* NTP
software package (i.e., the official reference implementation of the
NTPv4 protocol).  The "-simple" part just means it doesn't include
drivers to interface with radio and other reference clocks like
"ntp-refclock" does.


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Re: ntpdate leap year

2004-03-01 Thread Kevin Buhr
Greg Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I use ntp-simpl. This is a leap year, 29 days in February, but ntp is 
> short by one day. I can adjust the date manually but when ntp runs it 
> sets me back a day. Is there away to tell ntp about leap years ?

First, not to be a wiseass, but you might want to check that the
source you're using to manually set your computer's clock is correct.
Just because your watch says it's March 2 doesn't make it true.

NTP should already know everything it needs to about leap years.  If
you're synchronizing to a single NTP server, that server may be
misconfigured (or may have handled the leap year incorrectly).

To see if this is the case, install the "ntpdate" package if you
haven't already.  Try setting the correct date and time manually, then

ntpdate -q

This will produce output like:

server, stratum 2, offset 0.001581, delay 0.06384
server, stratum 3, offset -0.005527, delay 0.06911
server x.x.x.x, stratum 2, offset 0.004713, delay 0.04111
 1 Mar 22:48:29 ntpdate[30017]: adjust time server offset 0.004713 sec

For each server line, the offset gives the difference, in seconds,
between that server's clock and your machine's clock.  If your offset
from known, good servers like "" and "" is
a couple of seconds or less but your offset from the server you're
trying to synchronize to is enormous (around 86400 seconds, say), then
that server is misconfigured.

If the server offsets are all just a few seconds, but "date" still
shows a bogus date, something's probably wrong with your timezone
setting.  Does "date -R" show an offset of "-0900" at the end, which
should be the correct value for Alaska at this time of year?


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Re: wireless bridge, & nic IP addressing

2004-03-01 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Rodney D. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just got my wireless internet this morning, and have run into a
> small problem.
> The wireless bridge, attached to my nic has been assigned a static IP
> (for the time being), and to get my nic (eth0) to find it, it was also
> assigned an IP address in my ISP's range. Not a good thing.

Assuming you haven't already solved your problem...

This is one of those cases where people can easily talk right past
each other.  

Most things marketted as "wireless bridges" aren't bridges at all.
However, I gather from your email address that you're talking about a
Skyriver connection, so they might very well give you a box with a
10BaseT connection that for all intents and purposes is a dumb bridge.

But if this is the case, I have no idea what you mean when you say the
wireless bridge "has been assigned a static IP (for the time being)".
Who assigned it this IP address?  You, through a configuration screen
of some kind?  Or were you just told that a static IP address had been
assigned and assumed they were talking about the "bridge"?

If the latter, then the other response you got was correct.  Your
bridge doesn't have an IP address at all (or at least not one that
should concern you).  Instead, you want to assign the static address
that you thought was assigned to the bridge (namely, from your
other message) to "eth0" on your Linux firewall and have that firewall
do NAT for the home network connected to "eth1".  Therefore,

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add default gw

should give the desired result *IF* your netmask really is  But, of course, use the static IP address, netmask,
broadcast, and gateway addresses you were actually assigned.


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Re: How do I get a warm fuzzy feeling about kernel upgrade?

2003-12-10 Thread Kevin Buhr
> I have reaffirmed that I'm clueless this morning.  I found this security
> bulletin:
> this morning.  This worried me since I just installed debian last week on
> a server directly connected to the internet.  I'm confused because it says
> in the text that the update is "version 2.4.18-14 of the i386 kernel   
> images" but in the list of upgraded packages all of them seem to have just  
> a -12

The security bulletin was in error.  The updated kernel *source*
package version was -14; the i386 kernel image packages were -12.

If you look at your:


you'll see:

. Added TASK_SIZE check to do_brk in mm/mmap.c

at the top.  That's the fix.


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Re: print command

2003-11-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
Vivek Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there any other command to print any character say "*" 80 times..

The Bash-specific solution already proposed:

for (( i=0; i<80; ++i )); do echo -n '*'; done; echo

has the advantage that, since "echo" is an internal command, the
entire loop is executed in the current shell process.  (But see

For some other possibilities that do require launching one or more
processes, these work:

head -c80 /dev/zero | tr '\000' '*'; echo


dc -e '80[[*]n1-d0/dev/null

these are the elapsed real times (in seconds on my slow computer) for
various solutions proposed in this thread:

X  secs/1000
-- -

python -c 'print "*"*80'35.488
for x in `seq 80`; do echo -n \*; done; echo10.772
yes '*' | head -n 80 | tr -d '\n'; echo  9.051
for ((i=0;i<80;i++)); do echo -n '*'; done ; echo9.773
perl -e 'print "*"x80 ."\n"' 6.727
head -c80 /dev/zero | tr '\000' '*'; echo5.787
dc -e '80[[*]n1-d0

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Re: procmail "solution" against swen

2003-09-22 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Um, credits go to Kevin Buhr on alt.sysadmin.recovery, thank you very
> much, unless Victor and I happened to come up with exactly the same
> recipe down to the byte range and choice of Base64 line.  ;)

Okay, I found Victor's post, and it looks like Victor and I *did* come
up with the same choice of Base64 line (for an obvious reason---it
contains the URL of the vanity counter the virus author is using to
keep track of the spread and so is unlikely to give a false positive),
but I can still comfortably take credit for the particular procmail
formulation posted in this thread.


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Re: procmail "solution" against swen

2003-09-22 Thread Kevin Buhr
> Credits to go Victor Duchovni. He posted it on the postfix-users list
> after some experiments with body_checks. It does do a very good job
> stopping these mails indeed.

Um, credits go to Kevin Buhr on alt.sysadmin.recovery, thank you very
much, unless Victor and I happened to come up with exactly the same
recipe down to the byte range and choice of Base64 line.  ;)


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Re: Why such volume with W32/Swen@MM?

2003-09-21 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> At least one technical description of Swen (which I can no longer
> find) states that [ . . . ]

Found the reference.  See:

under the heading "Spreading in e-mails and to newsgroups", second


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Re: Why such volume with W32/Swen@MM?

2003-09-21 Thread Kevin Buhr
Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm curious why I'm getting so many of these viruses sent to me.  On
> various technical lists I've read of lots of people that are getting
> hammered by the mail, too.

At least one technical description of Swen (which I can no longer
find) states that, in addition to spreading by *posting* Usenet
articles, Swen also collects addresses from recent Usenet posts.  A
"strings" search shows that Swen is set up to issue "HEAD" and
"NEWNEWS" commands to news servers.  It wouldn't need to do this to
post, only to collect recently used addresses, so it seems likely this
is correct information.

Note that this list is echoed to the Usenet group "linux.debian.user"
on many servers, so anyone posting here is probably getting lots of

I've gotten 3400 since I started keeping track Thursday at 1:00pm PDT
(all dutifully discarded by "procmail").  That doesn't include the 350
or so copies that have been stripped of the executable attachment by
antivirus software or the copies that appear to simply be missing the
attachment without evidence of being actively cleaned by anything (a
bug in Swen, perhaps?).


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Re: Traffic Shaping -- I Need a Push in the Right Direction

2003-09-10 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Specifically, you can set up an HTB (which is included in standard
> 2.4.x kernels but probably requires a patch for 2.2.x kernels)

Oh, sorry.  Looks like it's standard from 2.4.20 on but would require
a patch for earlier 2.4.x kernels.

You could use the CBQ discipline instead.  The Adv-Routing authors
can't say enough bad things about it, but at least it's standard.  ;)


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Re: Traffic Shaping -- I Need a Push in the Right Direction

2003-09-10 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Greg Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I need to perform bandwidth traffic shaping on a Debian Gateway
> machine.  I've done a good bit of surfing but have not been able to
> find what I want.

The 2.2 and 2.4 kernels contain an immense amount of packet scheduling
code.  Start by reading section 9 of the "Adv-Routing-HOWTO" (which is
probably installed under "/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/...") and then install
the "iproute" package and take a look at:


and the "tc" manpage.

Specifically, you can set up an HTB (which is included in standard
2.4.x kernels but probably requires a patch for 2.2.x kernels) queue
discipline that filters packets based on their source or destination
IP addresses and limits their rates separately.  See section 9.4.5 of
the Adv-Routing-HOWTO for an example (that limits based on ports
rather than addresses).


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Re: **Getting** dhcp to write /etc/resolv.conf

2003-09-09 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kenward Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The only thing I can see which appears a bit odd is a line in the
> dhclient-script:
> make_resolv_conf() {
>   if [ "x$new_domain_name" != x ] && [ x"$new_domain_name_servers" != x ]; then
>^   compared with   ^^^
> echo search $new_domain_name >/etc/resolv.conf

No, there's nothing overtly wrong with that---the comparisons will do
the same thing.

Try adding two lines to the beginning of that function:

make_resolve_conf() {
  echo new_domain_name="$new_domain_name" > /etc/resolv.log
  echo new_domain_name_servers="$new_domain_name_servers" >>/etc/resolv.log
  . . . 

and bring the interface "ifdown" and back "ifup".  Make sure that
"/etc/resolv.log" is created and that it shows that both variables
have been assigned non-null values.  It may be that your ISP's DHCP
server is simply not configured to provide both pieces of requested
information, even when asked.

If the problem is that its supplying the servers but not the domain
name, replace the whole function with:

make_resolve_conf() {
  if [ x"$new_domain_name_servers" != x ]; then
> /etc/resolv.conf
chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do
  echo nameserver $nameserver >>/etc/resolv.conf

[[ There's no particular reason to use an ISP-supplied search path
anyway.  Do you really want to use "http://www/"; to access your ISP's
homepage?  ;) ]]

> I _could_ keep running off the old isp's DNS, but that doesn't feel right,
> and I think it contributes to some latency (not critical to me, but my wife
> keeps looking for the perfect shopping experience... :)

Well, you should be able to determine your new ISP's DNS servers and
hardcode them manually.  Try "host", "host", or "host" and try out those IP
addresses.  Or, take a peek at your ISP's support pages.  They
probably have it documented somewhere.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-08 Thread Kevin Buhr
doc's on that?

I've gotten MPPE working for the PPTP client, but I compile my kernels
the old-fashioned way, not using the Debian-sanctioned
"kernel-package" way.  I assume it's relatively straightforward: once
the "kernel-patch-mppe" package is installed, install the appropriate
"kernel-source-*" package and the "kernel-package" package, and follow
the latter's instructions to recompile a patched kernel and create
Debian "kernel-image-*" and "kernel-headers-*" packages.  Then,
install those, and you've got an MPPE-patched kernel.  To make any
real use of this, though, you also need an MPPE-patched PPP daemon.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mark Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I use the MS pptp client and login to the pptpd server on this machine
> i can ping all networks from the client, but cannot reach the internet.
> Pinging results in the name beeing resolved to the ip adress of
> but the request don't ever reach

Oh boy...

We're getting to the stage where you may have to explain what it is
you're trying to accomplish and give a lot more detail about your
network topology.

Why are you setting up this PPTP tunnel?  Are you using it as an
(expensive) way to connect a single machine on the intranet to the
Internet through the ADSL (??) on the Linux box?  Or are you
eventually aiming to have a Windows machine out on the big, bad
Internet connect to your intranet through the secure PPTP tunnel and
have access to all intranet machines and also the rest of the

Besides the ADSL on your Linux box, are there any other connections
from the intranet to the Internet?  Are other machines forwarding
traffic through your Linux box right now?  Or are they even able to
connect to the Internet?  Do you have a single external IP address or
a block of them?

In a nutshell, what's probably going wrong is that your Windows
machine, whatever its original IP address was, reconfigured itself
when you started up its PPTP client.  It's now using its original IP
address only to shuttle packets across the PPTP tunnel to and from the
Linux box.  For all other purposes, it's using the IP address assigned
by the copy of "pppd" running on the Linux box (in the "remote IP
address" line in your log).  This is presumably some address on the
192.168.8.x network, say

When you ping, say, the intranet gateway "", from the
Windows box, the packet goes out with source IP and
destination across the PPTP tunnel.  The Linux box
forwards the packet out to the "eth0" interface where
picks it up and generates a reply.  The reply needs to go to, and that's fine---the Linux box has configured itself
to do proxy ARP for, so packets destined for that
address go to your Linux box which recognizes that it's destined for
the Windows machine and shuttles the packet back across the PPTP
tunnel and you get your reply.

Unfortunately, when you ping "", the packet goes out with
source IP across the PPTP tunnel.  The Linux box
forwards the packet out to the "eth1" interface (becaause its
destination matches the default route), and it goes out to ""
with an internal source IP.  It either gets filtered at your or
""'s ISP perimeter (when the firewalls notice that its source
IP is an unroutable address) or "" actually gets the packet,
formulates a reply, and discovers it can't deliver it.

If you really want things to work this way, you need to do source NAT
on behalf of the Windows machine (or any other internal machine that's
trying to send packets to the Internet through your Linux machine) so
packets that hit the Internet can find there way back to your Linux
machine through its public (ADSL) IP address.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mark Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is what my table looked like:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
> localnet*   U 0  00 eth0
>*   U 0  00 eth1
> default UG0  00 eth1
> default UG0  00 eth0

Whoops...  Sorry for that earlier blank reply.  My finger slipped.

I assume "localnet" here is and that is the
gateway on the local LAN which you were successfully using to contact
the other firms before bringing up "eth1".

I'd suggest doing:

route del default gw

to get rid of that spurious extra default route and:

route add -net gw
route add -net gw

to try and route the two other private LANs through the old gateway.
Your final routing table will look like:

  localnet*   U 0  00 eth0   UG0  00 eth0   UG0  00 eth0*   U 0  00 eth1
  default UG0  00 eth1

To make this change permanent, assuming you're using
"/etc/network/interfaces" and "eth0" is configured statically, you
want to comment out its "gateway" line (which adds that incorrect
default route) and add two "up" commands to statically route the two
"special" networks through the old gateway, like so:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.8.whatever
#   gateway
up route add -net gw
up route add -net gw

Is "eth1" a DHCP-configured ADSL modem or something?  If so, it'll get
the default route to assigned automatically during the
DHCP negotiation, so there's nothing to add for that.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-05 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mark Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is what my table looked like:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
> localnet*   U 0  00 eth0
>*   U 0  00 eth1
> default UG0  00 eth1
> default UG0  00 eth0
> so what do I need to do?
> Just keep: route add -net eth0 ?
> Thanks again.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kevin Buhr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mark Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 1:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Routing
> > Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > route add -net netmask eth0
> >
> > Oh, and David Z Maze is probably correct.  Even if this works, it
> > probably isn't what you want to do anyway.
> >
> > When you only brought "eth0" up and were able to reach the
> > 192.168.3/24 and 10.1.0/24 networks, what did your routing table look
> > like?  If you had a route to eth0 and a
> > default route to a specific gateway machine (say, then
> > packets to those other networks were going out via that gateway
> > machine and you want to duplicate that environment in your new
> > configuration.
> >
> > --
> >
> >

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Re: route function of actiontec 1524, please help

2003-09-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
"eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I had actiontec 1524 dsl modem, firmware, with one pc
> (wtih linux, redhat 9) with one static ip, I want to broadcast
> webserver by above
> but when I type in my (static ip) in my browser, it show the modem
> configuration page, not my apache test page which I suppose to see.

I don't have an Actiontec modem, but it looks like it's a combination
DSL modem and NATting router.

Working from their user manual, I gather that---under the "WAN IP
Address" advanced setting page---you've set the modem up to either
obtain its (static) IP address automatically or you've specified the
static IP address manually.  In particular, you don't have
"transparent bridging" enabled, so your WAN IP address is your global
static IP address and your RedHat machine is obtaining a
IP address from the modem via DHCP, right?

If this is correct, I'd suggest that you begin by entering the
advanced configuration and double-check that "remote management" is
disabled and that, on the "port forwarding" screen, you have an entry
that will forward packets for TCP port 80 to the *internal* IP
address, say, of your PC.

Now, even with everything set up this way, it may *still* be the case
that when you "http://my.static.ip/"; from within your internal
network, you get the configuration pages for your modem (or you get
nothing at all).  In fact, this probably *is* what will happen; it's
just a pecularity of how NAT works.  The only way to get to your
RedHat webserver from your internal network will be to do

The key is whether or not a buddy, connecting from the *outside* to
"http://my.static.ip/"; gets your RedHat webserver or not.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> route add -net netmask eth0

Oh, and David Z Maze is probably correct.  Even if this works, it
probably isn't what you want to do anyway.

When you only brought "eth0" up and were able to reach the
192.168.3/24 and 10.1.0/24 networks, what did your routing table look
like?  If you had a route to eth0 and a
default route to a specific gateway machine (say, then
packets to those other networks were going out via that gateway
machine and you want to duplicate that environment in your new


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Re: "route" issue

2003-09-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
Nick Lindsell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a problem with portsentry in that I cannot remove
> blocked IPs.  The portsentry.conf is configured to use
> "route add -host $TARGET$ reject" for any $TARGET that crosses
> its path - in my previous experience "route del -host $TARGET$ reject"
> would remove the offender from the reject route. However on this
> machine I get "SIOCDELRT: no such process" and the target remains
> in the routing table. 

If you manually perform:

route add -host reject
route del -host reject

does it still fail?

Which Debian version of the net-tools package do you have installed?
It works for me with net-tools 1.60-4 on the stable Debian
2.4.18-bf2.4 kernel.


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Re: Routing

2003-09-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mark Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok thanks, tried it but I get:
> SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
> when I issue:
> route add -net eth0

Include the netmask anyway:

route add -net netmask eth0

or, if you prefer the short version (CIDR style address):

route add -net eth0

The manpage was presumably correct at some point, but it's wrong now.
This was either a kernel or "route" change.  The IP address class
system has been largely obsoleted by CIDR, and that's made it
inappropriate for either "route" or the kernel to try to guess a
netmask for the most part.


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Re: [OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?

2003-09-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Aside from the present market penetration of X (which could also be
> used to argue to stick with Windows instead of ever having adopted
> Linux), what would be the obstacle (other than, of course, the
> time/effort for development) for a new graphics paradigm to sit atop
> Linux? [Yes, I know there'd be a lot of apps to redo and so forth as
> well, although if there were a Gtk+ compatibility layer...)

I see three ways in which you've answered your own question.
Obstacles include (i) existing "market" penetration of X, (ii) time
and effort required to develop a replacement, and (iii) a large
installed base of existing X-compatible applications.


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Re: Bizarre one-way network disconnection

2003-08-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
Mark Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> All of a sudden, the server will reject all network communication on
> eth0, won't respond to pings, no ssh, no samba. (ssh gives the message :
> No route to host) However, if I ssh in through eth1 I am able to ping
> addresses _from_ eth0. If I ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 everything starts
> working again.

Sounds a little like it's not responding to ARPs on the "eth0" side.
Machines that don't already know "eth0"'s MAC address can't send
packets to it until it responds to an ARP request, but it's not a
problem when pinging out, for example, because the target host (or the
router) remembers the IP->MAC mapping when it receives the request
packet and knows where to deliver the reply on that basis.

Running "tcpdump" on both the misbehaving host and another host while
trying to (unsuccessfully) ping in to the misbehaving host would
certainly help show what's going on.

> The only strange thing that I noticed is that each time this has
> happened, when I do a "ps ax" the process listing pauses midway, and
> hangs for a few seconds before displaying the next process (an smbd
> process) there is nothing in the syslog, ifconfig doesn't show any
> errors on the interface

Is this on the console?  Or over an SSH connection?


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Re: telnet localhost slow, telnet ok

2003-08-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
> If I run telnet localhost 22 then I have to wait 15-30 seconds before it
> connects; with telnet 22 it connects at once. I have the same
> results using other open ports.


telnet -4 localhost

give the same delay?  If not, then the problem is IPv6 support.  Even
though all your resolution configuration files are set up correctly,
"telnet" is using "getaddrinfo()" to grab *both* IPv4 and IPv6
addresses for "localhost".  The former gets looked up in the "hosts"
file, but the latter goes out to your nameserver.  If you want, you
can add "localhost" to the "::1" line in "/etc/hosts" like so:

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback localhost

and that'll allow you to do "telnet localhost" without delay.  That
may cause problems with other programs, though, which might try to use
IPv6 addresses in preference to IPv4 addresses without falling back if
they can't connect to the IPv6 address.

And, if the nameserver you're using always chokes on IPv6 queries (not
just for "localhost"), then "telnet anyhostname" will always give the
same delay, and you're better off aliasing "telnet" to "telnet -4".


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Re: is exim attempting to relay ???

2003-08-29 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Michael D. Schleif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> However, correct me if I'm wrong, it looks to me that -- initially --
> fetchmail gets an email message from one of my many remote mail servers,
> and passes it off to exim for local processing.
> The To: header is mangled, and noted, and 550 is returned.
> Then, somehow -- this is the part that I do not understand, and that I
> want to *STOP* happening -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> attempts to send an email -- containing this 550 error -- to some
> address unknown to me.  Note: the URL is only one (1) of many
> _different_ examples I am seeing.

Keep in mind that there are SMTP envelope MAIL FROM and RCPT TO
addresses that often get stripped even from the "full" headers of a
message.  If they do appear, they will appear as "Return-Path" and
"Envelope-To" respectively.

In this case, it appears that the original message was sent with
envelope headers indicating a mail from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, but the actual "From" and "To" headers were
garbage.  Nonetheless, the mail server at "" accepted it
for delivery to the "mds" mailbox.

When your "fetchmail" (on "bragi", I gather) ran to grab mail from
your <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mailbox, it ran across this message and
attempted it to deliver it via SMTP to the local mail server on
"bragi".  But "bragi"'s server didn't like the empty "To" header and
complained with a 550 error, so "fetchmail" tried to bounce the error
message back to the envelope "from" address, namely

It tried to send this bounce by connecting to your localhost's SMTP
port (on "bragi") and sending a bounce with an envelope indicating a
mail from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Unfortunately, the "exim" on "bragi"
wasn't configured to rewrite the envelope "from" address of the
FETCHMAIL-DAEMON to something more useful.  It passed it on to "trout"
which passed it on to the qmail server on "", and
qmail attempted to deliver it via SMTP to the mail server on
"".  That host bitched about the invalid envelope
"from" address (because "" is clearly invalid
outside your private network) during the SMTP exchange with
"", so "" tried to bounce it
back to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

To do this, it contacted the SMTP server on "",
but "bragi" didn't have an account or matching alias for
"FETCHMAIL-DAEMON", so it refused the message.

The "qmail" program on "" was so fed up at having
its bounce bounce that it mailed the postmaster in frustration.

Got that?

You can easily head this off at the pass by passing "fetchmail" the
"--nobounce" command line option.  With this option, it'll just send
bounces to the postmaster on "bragi" instead of trying to deliver them
back to the message sender.


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Re: Passing parameters to a telnet session?

2003-08-29 Thread Kevin Buhr
Marc Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone know if there is a way to pass a parameter to a telnet session?

A mechanism exists for the "telnet" client to send arbitrary
environment variables to the "telnetd" server.  The Debian version of
the client will send USER (if "-a" or "-l" is specified on the command
line), PRINTER, and DISPLAY by default.  It also sends TERM, though
via a technically different mechanism.  It can also be told, via an
"environment export ..." command at the "telnet>" command prompt or in
an /etc/telnetrc or .telnetrc file, to send other environment

The Debian version of the server, however, for security reasons, will
only accept values set for USER, LOGNAME, DISPLAY, POSIXLY_CORRECT,
and TERM.

You can't overload USER, because that's the value the "-l" is sending,
and you can't generally overload TERM because it undergoes some
processing that changes its value to "unknown" if it isn't recognized.
So, the easiest one to use (the one that the client sends by default
and that the server accepts without question) is DISPLAY, so if you

DISPLAY=format_harddisk telnet hostname -l username
DISPLAY=destroy_universe telnet hostname -l username

you're all set.  The only caveat is that the value shouldn't start
with ":" or "unix:" since that will result in the local hostname being
stuck in there.

> I have set up a user on one box that does not require a password to
> log in.

This is generally considered dangerous if the user's shell is an
unrestricted shell such as Bash, even if you create a special-purpose
".bash_profile" to try and restrict the user's activities.  For
example, while Bash is reading ".bash_profile", if it receives a
keyboard interrupt (i.e., a SIGINT signal), it will stop processing
and drop the user to a shell prompt.  Oops!


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Re: Spamassassin and procmail

2003-08-04 Thread Kevin Buhr
Antony Gelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I currently use fetchmail and procmail to get and sort my mail.  I'd
> like to use spamassassin as well, however when I add
> :0fw: spamassassin.lock
> | /usr/bin/spamassassin
> to my .procmailrc, it works ok, but then the mail gets delivered to
> /var/mail/, rather than following the rest of my procmail
> recipes.

Rich's answer is right.  You need the "-P" option for the stable
version of SpamAssassin, and you don't need a lock, so the complete
rule should read:

| /usr/bin/spamassassin -P

As an extra bit of advice, you might want to consider upgrading to the
version in "unstable" instead (which, by the way, doesn't need the
"-P" option).  A while back, I decided to give SpamAssassin a try to
see if it did a better job than the homespun rules that I'd
accumulated over the last few years.  I installed the 2.20-1woody
version from stable, and I was very disappointed.  It missed almost
everything.  For me, it was essentially useless.

Before tossing SpamAssassin entirely in the bit bucket, I decided to
give it a second chance by installing 2.55-3 from unstable.  It was
like night and day.  The newer version does a much, much better job.

The 2.55-3 source package builds fine on a vanilla Woody machine.  (In
fact, the unstable "spamassassin" binary package would install fine on
a vanilla Woody system, too, except it has an apparently unnecessary
dependency on "spamc" which depends on the unstable C library.)


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Re: Identify dhcp client to server using hostname

2003-07-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
Robert Ian Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have created a range of dynamic ip-numbers and have tried to find
> a way to identify those hosts that need a fixed address using host
> statements. 

The client-supplied "host-name" parameter won't do it.  Instead, you
need to configure the client to send a textual "dhcp-client-identifier",
and the server will use that (instead of its MAC address) to identify

That is, on the DHCP client side, you want:

send dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";

and on the DHCP server side, you want:

host myhost {
  option dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";

I haven't tested it myself, but that should work.  Search for
"dhcp-client-identifier" in the dhcpd.conf(5) manpage for more
information.  The following shows another example someone got to

He also included a "send host-name" tag in the client configuration,
though I don't think that's necessary.


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Re: pptp client behind firewall

2003-04-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
Kevin Buhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > I have a linux server setup with pptpd which appears to be working ok (port 
> > 1723 is definitely open) but i'm having trouble connecting to it from behind 
> > my firewall - a debian pentium running stable using iptables.
> You have my sympathies.

Someone pointed out to me in email that there's a userspace
"pptpproxy" daemon (not Debianized yet) that you can run on the
firewall to tunnel PPTP connections.  I've never tried it myself, but
it would undoubtedly be much simpler to set up if it does what you


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Re: pptp client behind firewall

2003-04-01 Thread Kevin Buhr
> I have a linux server setup with pptpd which appears to be working ok (port 
> 1723 is definitely open) but i'm having trouble connecting to it from behind 
> my firewall - a debian pentium running stable using iptables.

You have my sympathies.

> does this mean that i need to forward ip type 47 to a specific host on my 
> private net? this would mean only one machine could ever use pptp so this 
> doenst sound right.

You need to patch your firewall kernel with the PPTP connection
tracking patch.  Unfortunately, this patch is evidently broken in the
latest stable release of Patch-o-matic (20030107 from
"www.netfilter.ord")---at least, I never got it to work on forwarding
the responses from the server properly---so you need to pull the
latest from CVS.

The patch you need to apply is "extra/pptp-conntrack-nat.patch", and
you'll need to enable (compiled in or as modules):

Networking options:
  Connection tracking
GRE protocol support (CONFIG_IP_NF_CT_PROTO_GRE)  Y/M
  PPTP protocol support (CONFIG_IP_NF_PPTP)   Y/M

in your kernel configuration.

If you go the module route, you'll need to ensure that both
"ip_nat_pptp" and "ip_nat_proto_gre" modules are manually loaded.
(Neither will be autoloaded, and PPTP NAT won't work if they aren't
both loaded.)

Finally, then, the usual kinds of forwarding/masquerading rules:

iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -m state \
iptables -A FORWARD -i $INTIF -o $EXTIF -j ACCEPT

(or whatever you probably already have in place) will take care of the
rest automatically.


I can vouch for this working under 2.4.20 (tested with only one
Windows client behind the firewall connecting to a Windows server
elsewhere, though), and I can probably put together a patch against
vanilla 2.4.20 for you, if you don't want to bother dealing with


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Re: dhclient problem

2003-03-30 Thread Kevin Buhr
David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is the log with the right options (yesterday I forgot some, so I
> didn't send it since I didn't think it would be useful). I hope you still
> have some time to look at it, the problem keeps annoying me. Thanks!

Well, after every DHCP REQUEST, there's an immediate ARP packet from trying to resolve the offered IP address.

It looks like is trying to deliver the DHCP ACK packet by
using ARP to resolve the IP address that hasn't yet been assigned to
your machine instead of by grabbing the MAC address from the chaddr
field of the packet.  Your ISP can see the ACK leave their DHCP server
at; the problem is that their broken router/relay at isn't delivering the ACK to your machine.  It's just
unsuccessfully ARPing for the offered IP address and dropping the
packet.  That's so broken it hurts.

The fact that it delivers the OFFER correctly and that changing your
MAC address, client identifier, or both can convince it to correctly
deliver the ACK packet (by broadcast) just makes it weirder.

You may be able to work around the problem by setting the BOOTP
broadcast flag on your DHCP REQUEST---this may convince the errant
relay to broadcast the DHCP ACK instead.  Here's a patch against
Debian's dhcp-2.0pl5 to do so:

--- dhcp-2.0pl5/client/dhclient.c.orig  Sun Mar 30 15:16:18 2003
+++ dhcp-2.0pl5/client/dhclient.c   Sun Mar 30 15:20:03 2003
@@ -1586,9 +1586,11 @@
} else {
memset (&ip -> client -> packet.ciaddr, 0,
sizeof ip -> client -> packet.ciaddr);
+#if 0
if (can_receive_unicast_unconfigured (ip))
ip -> client -> packet.flags = 0;
ip -> client -> packet.flags = htons (BOOTP_BROADCAST);

I'll be surprised if that works, but it's worth a try.


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Re: Permission denied -- Say what?

2003-03-25 Thread Kevin Buhr
> bash:/home/ronin/files/seti$ ./setiathome
> bash: ./setiathome: Permission denied

Is the partition containing your home directory mounted "noexec",


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Re: dhclient problem

2003-03-25 Thread Kevin Buhr
David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Since this post, I contacted my ISP and they say they can see my REQUEST,
> and hey! Yes, there goes the ACK! Another REQUEST, another ACK! But
> somehow, I don't receive them. I use tcpdump  | dhcpdump and that
> works perfectly, I can see all DHCP options, addresses and things and the
> REQUEST is for the same address as the original one. Even the OFFER offers
> this old address. The DHCPACK leaves the server (they say), but doesn't
> reach me.

If you aren't seeing the alleged DHCPACK packet even in raw "tcpdump"
output, there's not much you can do.  If you have a "smart" router or
something between your ADSL modem and your computer, it may be doing
something remarkably stupid to those ACKs, but if your computer is
directly connected to the ADSL modem and no ACK packet gets to your
machine, then the problem is obviously theirs.

Try running:

tcpdump -s 2000 -nXe

(without piping it through "dhcpdump", in case that's swallowing some
of the packets for some reason) and go through a connection attempt.
Send that output along, and I'll take a look at it.


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Re: dhclient problem

2003-03-25 Thread Kevin Buhr
David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  I don't know what's going on since the syslog shows that after
> each DHCPREQUEST there is a DHCPOFFER from the correct server.

That's broken server behaviour.  The server is supposed to respond
with either a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK (or not respond at all).  If it
responds with DHCPACK, the client gets the address it asked for.  If
it responds with DHCPNAK, *then* the client generates a DHCPDISCOVER
to which the server responds with a DHCPOFFER.

Anyway, after getting no correct answer to a DHCPREQUEST for a bit,
the DHCP client is supposed to fall back to a DHCPDISCOVER to get a
new address.  By default it does so in only 10 seconds, but this can
be overridden by the "reboot" value in "/etc/dhclient.conf".  Perhaps
you've overridden it with too large a value?  Or what does "dhclient
hangs (almost) forever" mean?

If you can't get it to work correctly, a quick fix is to add a line
near the beginning of the "/sbin/dhclient" to:

rm /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases

Then, since the DHCP client has no leases, it'll start out by doing a
DHCPDISCOVER without delay.  Depending on the DHCP server at the other
end, you may still get the same IP address every time.


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Re: What the heck did emacs do with my email?

2003-03-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Joseph Barillari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If you can, you may want to suspend mail delivery when you do that, in
> case sendmail decides to write to the mailspool at the same time you
> do. (Incidentally, does anyone know a better way to lock a mailspool
> before appending messages to it?)

The "mail-lock" and "mail-unlock" commands from the "lockfile-progs"
package will lock and unlock a mailbox in a way that should be
compatible with all Debian mail programs.  Mail locks are considered
stale after about five minutes, so you need to finish your fiddling
within that time window or use "mail-touchlock" to keep the lock
fresh.  (See the mail-lock(1) manpage for more information.)


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Re: tar ate my symlinks

2003-03-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Brian Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I believe you're right.  It was "exiting now" when untarring /proc,
> which apparently prevented it from finishing the job.
> >tar -jtvf linuxbackup.tar.bz2 | egrep '^l' | \
> >   perl -lane 'print "ln -snf $F[7] $F[5]" if (@F == 8 && $F[6] eq "->")' \
> This gave me warm unix fuzzies like you wouldn't believe.

I'm glad it worked, but since you went this route, be extra careful
that there were no more files after that "exiting now" error that you
missed restoring!

> One last question.  I'm planning on doing a similar procedure to my
> other machine.  Is there anything other than /proc that I need to
> exclude?  I was surprised to find that /dev made it through intact.

It'll depend on your kernel and what other "special filesystems"
you've mounted.  If you run "mount" without options, it'll list what's
mounted, and you can figure out what isn't a real filesystem from
there.  In addition to "proc", you might see "usbdevfs", "devpts", and
"shm" filesystems that shouldn't be copied.


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Re: tar ate my symlinks

2003-03-17 Thread Kevin Buhr
Brian Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Can you tell if the tarball actually has the symlinks in it but the
> >restore messed up, or if the files are stored incorrectly and restored
> >correctly?
> I don't know; is there any way to tell that in a compressed (or even a
> decompressed) tarball?

Sure, use:

tar tvfj linuxbackup.tar.bz2 | less

and you'll get an "ls -l"-style directory listing.

The symlinks should have an "lrwxrwxrwx" mode, and you should be able
to see their values.

I believe you've been bitten by a queer bit of "tar" behaviour.

Some time ago, there was a security bug where "tar" could be tricked
into following a symlink it had just created and then overwrite files
outside the directory where the restore was supposedly contained.  To
fix this problem, "tar" was patched to use a regular file placeholder
for possibly troublesome symlinks.  When "tar" completes, it's
supposed to go back and change those placeholder files back into
symlinks, but if "tar" crashes (or is stopped) before the restore
completes, the symlinks will be left as (zero-length) regular files.

Perhaps you interrupted the restore, or perhaps it crashed while
trying to restore "/proc" or something.  Then, "tar" wouldn't have had
a chance to go back and fix all the placeholders.

I would suggest reattempting the restore without extracting "/proc".
"tar"'s exclude mechanism is singularly stupid, so:

tar -jxv --exclude=proc

will exclude *all* files and directories named "proc", not just the
top-level one.  However, you can do:

ssh '...' | tar -jt | egrep -v '^proc' >FILES_TO_RESTORE
ssh '...' | tar -jxv --files-from=FILES_TO_RESTORE

to avoid restoring the problematic "/proc" directory while still
restoring any "proc" files and directories hiding elsewhere.

If you still end up with screwed up symlinks no matter what you do,
all is not lost.  On the machine, run the following

tar -jtvf linuxbackup.tar.bz2 | egrep '^l' | \
   perl -lane 'print "ln -snf $F[7] $F[5]" if (@F == 8 && $F[6] eq "->")' \

That'll create a shell script capable of recreating all the broken
symlinks (except those where the symlink filename or value contained
whitespace---hopefully you don't have any of those that matter).
After you've double-checked that the commands in FIX_MY_SYMLINKS
aren't total nonsense, then on the broken machine, run:

cd /
ssh cat FIX_MY_SYMLINKS | sh

and your symlinks should be restored.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Iptables is driving me nuts (beginner)

2003-03-14 Thread Kevin Buhr
"n/a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Apparently there's something i'm not getting thru my thick skull about
> packet filtering.

I think others have pointed out the main problem---packets being
forwarded by the machine don't pass through the INPUT and OUTPUT
chains.  This behaviour differs from the old "ipchains" behaviour: see
iptables(8), the section titled "COMPATIBILITY WITH IPCHAINS".  If
you're trying to build your tables based on old "ipchains" examples,
you'll run into trouble.

>   Could someone explain to me in text (no diagrams) how a
> packet is evaluated and then processed tru the chains, also what is done and
> not-done any more after a packet has passed thru a chain.

There's a good explanation in the Netfilter Hacking HOWTO:

though it uses a couple of ASCII diagrams.

In a nutshell, the kernel networking code includes several netfilter
"hooks" where packets can be examined, dropped, modified, rerouted, or

An IP packet arriving on any interface (even the loopback interface)
is first passed to the NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING hook.  This happens even
before the kernel decides whether the packet is destined for a local
process or needs to be forwarded to another machine.

Next, the packet enters the kernel routing code which decides what to
do with it.  Packets directed at a local IP address pass through the
NF_IP_LOCAL_IN hook.  After this, they are dealt with by the kernel in
the "usual" manner (including passing the data up to an appropriate
user process).  Packets that must be forwarded don't pass through this
hook.  Instead, they pass through the NF_IP_FORWARD hook, then through
the NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hook, and then to the appropriate device

Locally generated packets are handled first by the routing code before
being passed to the NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook (which can change their
routing) and then the NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hook, and then to the
appropriate device.

The upshot is this:  Packets arriving from a different machine and
directed at one of the firewall's IP addresses pass through the
NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING and NF_IP_LOCAL_IN hooks.  Packets arriving from a
different machine that must be forwarded to another machine pass
through the NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING, the NF_IP_FORWARD, and the
NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hooks.  Locally generated packets destined for
another machine pass through the NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT and NF_IP_POST_ROUTING

Packets sent from the firewall back into the firewall (e.g., "telnet
localhost") pass out through the NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT and
NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hooks and then back in through the

That's all assuming that none of the hooks interfere with the packet.
Since the hooks can drop, modify, or otherwise reroute the packet, the
actual path of a packet can be even more complicated.

The hooks can do all sorts of things.  One of the main things they do
is apply the rules that you set with "iptables".  If the only table
you configure is the "filter" table, its three chains INPUT, OUTPUT,
and FORWARD, will be applied at the LOCAL_IN, LOCAL_OUT, and FORWARD
hooks.  Therefore, packets will only pass through one of the three
filter chains (except packets through the loopback which are processed
by the OUTPUT chain on the way out and the INPUT chain on the way in).

In your case, it looks like you need to do some masquerading for your
internal LAN, so things get a bit more complicated.

If you configure the "nat" table, too, destination NAT (i.e., changing
the destination of a packet) in the "nat" PREROUTING chain is applied
in the PRE_ROUTING hook: a packet arriving from the big, bad Internet
that *seems* to be for the firewall's external IP address could be
*really* for the firewall or it might be for a machine on the internal
LAN.  The destination NAT is applied at the PRE_ROUTING stage so that
it can rewrite the destination address before the kernel routing code
makes its decision.  Then, it gets passed to LOCAL_IN or FORWARD as

(Destination NAT can also be applied via the "nat" OUTPUT chain in the
OUTPUT hook if you want to redirect locally generated packets for
some reason; and source NAT is applied via the "nat" POSTROUTING chain
in the POST_ROUTING hook after the packet has already passed through
the "filter" OUTPUT or FORWARD chains.)

I hope that helps.

I can't tell from the configuration rules you gave exactly what it is
you're trying to do.  It looks like you want internal hosts to be able
to make direct SMTP and POP connections to a certain subnet of
external hosts and web connections to "kottweb", but you want to
prevent all other connections (except web connections proxied through
the firewall).

Can you clarify this?


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Re: adduser wants root passwd though I am root

2003-03-13 Thread Kevin Buhr
> I am root and want create new user ...
> $> whoami
> $> root
> $> adduser test
> $> Password:

Under the hood, "adduser" uses "useradd" (from the "passwd" package)
to do its work.  My "adduser" and "passwd" packages are the current
Woody/stable version:  adduser version 3.47 and passwd version

When I run "adduser" as root, it does *not* prompt for the root
password; it immediately creates the new user and prompts for the new
user's password (twice).  If I run "adduser" as a regular user, it
prints the message:

adduser: Only root may add a user or group to the system.

It's possible this behaviour is changed in newer versions of "adduser"
and "passwd", but your suspicions are justified.

The MD5s for "adduser" and "useradd" on my (Woody) system are:

   b7783a6c5057bd917b303f8c79ab4186  /usr/sbin/adduser
   c62fb94c47a8af25768e5db96e5a6d52  /usr/sbin/useradd


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Re: Shadow RAM can't be disabled

2003-03-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Mark A. F." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Here are the forced Shadow RAM settings:
> F000 -  (System BIOS)
> E800 - EFFF (Rapid Resume BIOS)
> E000 - E7FF (System POST) 
> Upper Memory Boundary F200
> I am working through my installation of Debian.
> What misbehaviors might I experience due to these settings?

Most likely, none.  Unless the descriptions are inaccurate, those
ranges are plain old ROM, so shadowing won't cause a problem.  The
only worry is shadowing over top of a range of memory that some device
(like an ISA network card, for example) is using for memory-mapped
I/O, but those are the ranges you've already disabled.


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Re: AW: pppd problem...

2003-03-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
"Christof Hurschler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sorry, but how do I get rid of the "tap0" default route?

The "diald" dial-on-demand package is probably doing it.  You can
"apt-get remove diald" to get it out of the way, at least until you
get things working with "pon/poff".


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Re: pptp ...

2003-03-02 Thread Kevin Buhr
Karoly Vegh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Im trying to get into my firm's LAN with pptp from a cable-provider at
> homel.

Colin Ellis is right.

> Feb 26 10:41:59 hb pppd[1271]: rcvd [CHAP Failure id=0x0 "E=691 R=1
> C=3BEDB47127E2081CF23A3BBDAA861AF9 V=3"]

The error code here E=691 is a simple authentication failure.

> ps. ofcourse i changed the real IP to SERRVER_IP, useraccount to 'username'
> and so on through the whola mail.

I hope you also changed your real password to "password", or else
you're trying to log in with password "password".

Besides that, the culprit is probably extra backslashes.  Instead of:

name "domainname.atusername"

you want:

name "domain\\username"

with the backslash doubled instead of quadrupled.  Note that "domain"
should probably be the simple NT domain name (not a fully qualified
hostname).  Similarly, the entries in "chap-secrets" should look like:

# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# clientserver  secret  IP addresses
domainname\\username PPTP  YourRealPassword SERVER_IP
PPTP domainname\\username  YourRealPassword SERVER_IP

with the backslashes doubled, not quadrupled.

On my PPTP tunnel, if I use double backslashes, it works.  If I
quadruple the backslashes like you've done, I get the same
authentication failure you do.


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Re: Multiple NICs with Monolithic kernel

2003-02-25 Thread Kevin Buhr
Michael West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  The final thing which I still do not understand is that, after I
>  passed the ether= kernel parameters for each card, only eth0 would
>  work.  But if I `ifdown eth0` then only eth1 would work.  Finally
>  if I `ifdown eth1` then eth2 would work.  This one has got me
>  stumped.  

I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with the "ether=" kernel
parameter.  It would work the same either way.

It's just the way Linux does business: if you run "tcpdump -i eth1" on
the Linux machine, you'll probably see it accepting packets on eth1.
However, there's nothing forcing it to *reply* to, say, a ping on the
same interface the original packet came in on.  With "eth1" connected,
packets are coming in on that interface but trying to go out on the
disconnected "eth0".  You have to bring "eth0" down before they go out
on "eth1" instead.  Then, you have to bring "eth1" down before they go
out on "eth2" instead.

There are ways to force interface affinity, in the sense that a packet
whose source address is can be forced to route out on eth1,
but that requires something like rule-based routing.


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Re: Multiple NICs with Monolithic kernel

2003-02-25 Thread Kevin Buhr
Michael West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I tried passing kernel parameters
> ether=11,0x2000,eth0 ether=10,0x4000,eth1 ether=9,0x6000,eth2

Actually, if I read the source right, these aren't having any effect.
They certainly aren't doing what you want them to do: they aren't
determining which physical card gets assigned to which logical

> Now I can only ping all three addresses if eth0 is connected by cable.
> eth1 and eth2 no longer respond though ifconfig output has not changed.

Maybe check again---I believe the machine will behave the same whether
you include that kernel setup string or not.  If it's a genuine
effect, see if there's any difference in the kernel log messages
between the two cases.

The behaviour can---in theory---vary from driver to driver, but here's
the way it should work for the eepro100 driver and most other PCI
drivers.  Whether the eepro100 driver is loaded as a module or
compiled into the kernel, at some point its initialization function
will be called.  The initialization function uses the standard kernel
"pci_module_init()" function which, ultimately, enumerates the PCI
devices in bus/device/function order, the same order you see the
devices if you do a "cat /proc/pci".

At this point, the behaviour can differ from driver to driver, but the
eepro100 driver allocates the next "eth%d" device, binds it to that
card, and overwrites the irq and I/O port base with the correct values
for the card, completely ignoring the values you supplied in the setup

The order *is* deterministic, you just can't determine it using the
kernel setup string---eth0 through eth2 will always be assigned in
bus/device/function order, which means they'll be assigned in order
according to the physical PCI slot.

I believe the person who said most drivers probe in MAC-address order
was mistaken.  According to an old mailing list post by Donald Becker:

the 3c509 driver is unique in activating multiple cards in MAC address
order.  The PCI drivers all (?) detect them in PCI bus/device/function

This gets much more complicated if you have PCI cards of multiple
types (they are enumerated in bus/device/function order *within* each
driver, but the order the driver initialization functions are called
depends on the order they're compiled into the kernel, more or less).
If you have (E)ISA legacy cards or certain motherboard chipsets, it's
complicated even further.

> Also if I bring the interfaces down and backup I get an error both
> ways on the last interface.  The order of the interfaces does not
> matter.
[ . . . ]
> ifup eth1
> ifup eth0
> ifup eth2
> SIOCADDRT: File exists

You can see which command is generating this by running "ifup" with
the "-v" option.  "ifup" implicitly does a:

route add default gw eth0 (or eth1 or eth2)

for each "ifup" with a "gateway" line, and I assume that's
the culprit.  I don't know why it's working twice but failing the
third time.  Again, the "-v" flag might help.


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Re: set up a LAN DNS so that it doesn't conflict with external DNSes

2003-02-17 Thread Kevin Buhr
Jerome "Lacoste (Frisurf)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My needs are the following:
> - from my LAN I want that the address resolves directly
> to our server (
> - I want all my former settings to work. I.e. resolves
> to the ISP located site.
> I managed to do the first step. Unfortunately, my bind configuration
> made is so that I couldn't resolve anymore. Everything
> else (google, slashdot) resolves correctly.

You presumably made your local server authoritative for
"", and put an SOA record for "" and an A
record for "" in your zone file, but you didn't
include any records for "".

You have a few choices:

1.  You can keep doing things that way and manually duplicate the
address record your ISP has for "" in your own zone
file.  If your ISP changes the IP address out from under you, you'll
need to manually fix your own records.

2.  You can keep doing things that way and delegate the
"" domain to your ISP's name server using an NS record
on your local name server.  This is terrible DNS practice (because the
ISP's name server won't normally have an SOA record for
""; instead, it'll have one for "" that
conflicts with the one *you* have), but that doesn't particularly
matter for an internal DNS server, and I believe things will work
correctly in this particular case.  No guarantee, though...

3.  You can make your local server authoritative for
"" instead of "" and include SOA and A
records for *that* domain name.  This will work fine unless you later
decide that there are lots of names at "" that you'd
rather have resolve to local hosts and "" is the only
exception.  Then, you either need a separate zone file for every such
host, or you need to switch to method 1 or 2.

> I tried to play with BIND's configuration through webmin, but I didn't
> make it work as expected. Worse I broke my first working step. 

I've never used "webmin" so I don't know what it botched up.  To
implement scheme (3) above, what you want is this.  In what follows,
I'm assuming that ( is also the machine
running your local DNS service.

[ . . . ]
// add entries for other zones below here

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";

; authoritative for $ORIGIN

@   in  soa @ hostmaster (
20030217 ; Serial
28800; refresh period (8 hours)
7200 ; retry interval (2 hours)
604800   ; expire time (7 days)
86400 )  ; negative TTL (1 day)
in  ns  @
in  a


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Re: how to get rid of the staircase effect

2003-02-17 Thread Kevin Buhr
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> apsfilter. is there another method, maybe one with less weight?

Well, the "ifhp" package contains the "standard" LPRng input filter,
assuming you're using LPRng.

If you want a dumb filter (one that doesn't make any effort to, say,
print PostScript to non-PostScript printers or do the right thing with
DVI files sent directly to the printer), "lpf" is included in the
"lprng" package, and the LPRng-HOWTO (included in the "lprng-doc"
package) mentions using it:

4.10.3. The Jaggies - LF to CR-LF Conversion With lpf

Let me add that, in the past, I've had nothing but trouble using HP's
JetDirect... erm... directly.  They've probably improved things since
I last had to deal with it, but their old network stack couldn't
handle more than one connection at once so, if a job was printing, the
printer would just refuse new connections until it completed;
sometimes jobs would simply mysteriously get lost; the printer would
just get wedged as machines trying to print jobs fought for its
attention; and on and on.

The solution was (and is) to designate one machine as the spooler for
that printer and have all the other machines send the jobs through it.
This is straightforward to set up using LPRng, and it has the added
bonus that you can install and configure all sorts of fancy printer
filtering stuff on just the one, spooling, machine and have all the
clients take instant advantage of it.  (Samba can be used to provide
shared printer service for any Windows clients that are lounging
around, too.)  This is well worth setting up, in my opinion.


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Re: Special case of VPN : how can I do this ?

2002-12-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
"eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> in my peer/dsl-provider
> pty ...
> it also have similar situation,
> but I really did not know why my pppoe keep not work
> that is in 2.4.20 kernel of 686 from unstable

Which version of "pppd" are you running?  Since about 2.4.2, the 2.4.x
kernels have required "pppd" version 2.4.0 or later.  "pppd" version
2.3.x won't work.

If your "pppd" is up to date and still doesn't work, check your
"/var/log/syslog" after a connection attempt.  Are there any messages
in there?


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Re: Special case of VPN : how can I do this ?

2002-12-06 Thread Kevin Buhr
Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'd like to setup a VPN between my own computer and a computer in my
> university, on which, of course, I don't have root access.

You could look at the "slirp" package.  The "slirp" server runs with
normal user privileges on the remote machine and mimics a PPP server
for the benefit of a "pppd" daemon running on the local machine.

The usual way of setting it up would be to give your "pppd" an
appropriate "pty" configuration line to automagically SSH to the
remote machine and launch "slirp" through the resulting connection.
My guess for the right "pty" line is:

pty "ssh -t -e none remotehost slirp ppp"

Because "slirp" only runs as a normal user process, there are limits
to what it can do, of course, but for web browsing it will probably
work quite nicely.

Be careful of your routing, too.  Add an explicit route for the remote
Solaris machine through your "real" network interface before changing
your default route to the new tunnel interface (or letting PPP do it).
Otherwise, the first packet you send will be tunnelled back through
the tunnel in an infinite loop.  Oops.

Googling for "ssh slirp tunnel" might help.


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Re: getting an address from DHCP without an interface

2002-11-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> eth0:1 is a virtual interface of eth0, but it has the same MAC
> address, so it will get the same IP assigned as eth0 did by the DHCP
> server.

Depending on the DHCP server at the other end, you may be able to use
the ISC DHCP client (with an appropriately modified "/etc/dhclient-script"),
and simply put:

send dhcp-client-identifier 00:ff:de:ad:be:ef;

in the "/etc/dhclient.conf" file, where 00:ff:de:ad:be:ef is whatever
MAC address you want the DHCP server to use in assigning you your

A DHCP server is *supposed* to use this parameter to identify the
client and only fall back to the MAC address (as supplied in the DHCP
packet's "chaddr" field) if no client identifier is provided by the


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Re: Procmail + debian +Qmail

2002-11-19 Thread Kevin Buhr
Mikael Jirari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I built the receipe
> :0
> *
> $HOME/.Maildir/
> and it works.

Yes, this is the correct way to put all messages into a single
maildir-format directory.

Recompiling "procmail" is only necessary if you want to stop an empty
"/var/spool/mail/mikael" file from being created everytime "procmail"
runs (or if you want to change "/var/spool/mail/mikael/" into a
maildir-style directory).


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