Thanks everyone for the 'startx' tip.
I need to buy a book I think.
I got Linux of the Boot magazine CD and since I had read about it here and
there I decided to try it. It looks great but it takes a while to get the
hang of some of the commands, even the concepts. You can see, however,
how much early DOS must have cribbed from UNIX. I used DOS until WIN95
came out (never did use Win3.1), and while WIN95 is ok for the most part,
I miss the tuning I could do with DOS. Actually, I still use DOS batch
files to clean up my Windows directories (MSIE 4.0 history files for
example), since it works faster and more cleanly than WIN95.
I'm starting to see that Linux has a lot of power under the hood. Still
have to figure out how to open it though.
So...thanks for the help from a newbie.
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