Re: Security?

2013-09-11 Thread Luther Blissett
On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 20:07 +0200, Slavko wrote: 
 Dňa Sun, 8 Sep 2013 11:27:36 -0700 napísal:
  Hello list.
  What do you think about it?
 What can one think about this? Here is part of Universal Declaration of
 Human Rights (Article 12) [1]:
 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy,
 family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and
 reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against
 such interference or attacks.
 Breaking this, the USA becomes thereby a cyberterrorist [2] country,
 which breaks our base rights.
 I think, that the USA is freeze in could war, but they forgot, that
 they are braking not only enemies communication, but they are breaking
 privacy as all.
 I don't want to depend on the fact, if i am target or not. I am
 expecting, that fair people will respect my privacy (and my human
 rights). I don't want to demonstrate my blamelessness by allowing (or
 tolerating) that activities. I don't want to be a part of these
 activities by tolerating them!
 One another problem is, that if these activities are incoming from
 China - anybody know, that this is bad. But if the same things are
 incoming from USA, a lot of people can consider them as OK :-(
 I hope, that here will be one good point of these things - that people
 will stop using the big companies (because breaking some big companies
 is simplest, than breaking more small). I hope, that these activities
 will ends the era of Google and Microsoft. And i hope, that this will be
 good thing for free software, because breaking (and infecting)
 free/open software is more problematic, than compromise some
 corporations and their products.
 But really, i don't believe, that the USA really break SSL/TLS
 encryption and i hope, that they breaks some keys (certificates,
 CA, ...) only. But beside this, they are opening the Pandora's box.
 Yesterday was Mr. Snowden taking (and publicize) documents, tomorrow can
 someone take and abuse the keys. The USA totally breaks the trust
 system. No one can trust, that the certificate is real, no one can
 trust that it is really talking with its bank, with its friends, etc.
 At any rate, anybody, who is using services, which are under USA law,
 become (privacy's) exhibitionist from these days.
 But anyhow, thanks to Mr. Snowden, that my paranoia has a name now ;-)

It's always a pleasure to read your bits Slavko! 

It was totally invisible. How's that possible? They used the earth's
magnetic field. x The information was gathered and transmitted
undergruund to an unknown location. x Does Langley know about this? They
should: it's buried out there somewhere. x Who knows the exact location?
Only WW. This was his last message: x Thirty-eight degrees fifty-seven
minutes six point five seconds North, seventy-seven degrees eight
minutes forty-four seconds West. x Layer Two.

but then,

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

They might and probably have backdoors on pretty much everything.
Computing and networks started as a military enterprise and remained so
for much of our computing history. But secret societies need to remain
secret and act under cover to keep its power, something that will be
increasingly difficult for those behind NSA from now on. After all,
Snowden was certainly not the only one with access to their systems who
happened to be capable of ethical behavior.

They are the ones on a bad situation now, not us. They can read pretty
much everything, but they cannot act freely on the info gathered. I can
sense some people there praying for a long war on Syria/Iran, as a means
to justify or at least distract people from what they are doing.

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Re: Problemas de espaço Rootfs

2013-09-05 Thread Luther Blissett
On Thu, 2013-09-05 at 13:08 -0300, Mauricio S. T. Neto wrote: 
 Bom dia a todos.
 Mas o que esta sendo gravado ma partição root / ?
 Já que o disco foi divido em /usr e /var entre outras, dois gigas e
 meio (2.5GB) é muito para root.
 Na meu notebook (com todas as firulas de uma maquina de uso geral) meu
 uso do root esta próximo dos 150 MB.
 Acho que deveria ser efetuada uma analise dos diretórios em root (/),
 deve ter algo copiado ou instalado erradamente.
Essa partição raiz está parecendo muito inchada para um sistema no qual
existem partições /usr, /var dedicadas.

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Re: ssh X

2013-09-05 Thread Luther Blissett
On Thu, 2013-09-05 at 20:50 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote: 
 Hello Verde, hope you are well :)
 Your error report/ request for assistance, is woefully inadequate. Let
 me suggest further details for you to provide:
 On 9/5/13, Verde Denim wrote:
  Just successfully got ssh -X to work to connect remotely to my BT5
 I have no idea wtf is BT5.

I'd say he's referring to backtrack linux, which is a pentest debian
based linux distro now on its 5th version;

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Re: Headers for Debian 3.0.4 on ARM

2013-09-05 Thread Luther Blissett
On Wed, 2013-09-04 at 23:33 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote: 
 Hi, all,
 I'm still pretty new to Debian, so this may be a *very* stupid question, 
 but here goes.
 I have Debian 3.0.4 (via uname -r) on an ARM processor (after 
 update/upgrade) and am trying to get the kernel headers to compile a 
 module for it.
 aptitude shows the only headers available are for versions 2.6 and
 My sources.list contains:
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 deb-src stable main contrib non-free
 Two questions:
 1. Why would the kernel be at 3.0.4 when the headers are at

I do not know. Kernel 3.0 was never part of a stable debian distro. It
only came to debian during wheezing development period. The answer to
this question requires knowing how the system was first installed and

 2. Where can I find the appropriate headers for version 3.0.4? has 3.0.94 as the most recent stable release of this kernel
gen. You may download from there and compile from source.

 Alternatively, how can I update Debian to

with your current sources, apt-get update; apt-get install
linux-headers-3.2.0-4{$your_cpu_arch} (warning pseudo-code).

You will need to reboot after that to start using the new kernel.

 I appreciate any suggestions.

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Re: strange bash behavior

2013-09-04 Thread Luther Blissett
On Tue, 2013-09-03 at 20:01 -0400, William Hopkins wrote: 
 On 09/03/13 at 03:45pm, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
  Stephen Powell writes:
   Interesting.  If break appears out of context, you should get
   an error message something like:
  bash: break: only meaningful in a 'for', 'while', or 'until' loop
   You didn't get an error message, so part of bash thinks it is in context.
   Yet it did not exit the loop.  It seems to me that you should get one
   behavior or the other.  Either you should get an error message or it
   should exit the loop.
  Good point -- it is odd that it isn't giving the error message.
 The loop context is inherited by the subshell, so break thinks it is fine. It
 is only that it is totally meaningless to break there, since that signal 
 be captured by parent shell environment. 
 This seems to be expected behavior..

I would say so. The list creates a second shell that is not reporting
the error message back to the parent shell because the error was
supposed to be of minor importance and not critical to the parent. The
message is most likely sent to the subshell before it's killed remaining
hidden from stdout. But you should check this out, I'm just saying it
makes sense.

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[OT] kernels, OSes, C, assembly: how far goes the rabbit hole?

2013-09-02 Thread Luther Blissett
So I've been late-reading 2 threads here (solaris, freebsd e linux
kernel) that brought up the same curiosity though not directed related
to any of those, so decided to start a new one as to not mislead others.

Have anyone ever tried any of those:


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Re: Olá, sou nova usuária de Debian

2013-08-26 Thread Luther Blissett
On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 11:54 -0300, Sheldon Led wrote: 
 Geralmente a interrogação aparece apertando as teclas Alt Gr e w
 A câmera do facebook eu não sei, mas procure pelo programa chamado
 cheese. Se o Gnome Cheese não reconhecer sua câmera, pode ser um
 driver faltando

Eu uso um teclado estrangeiro tb e adotei essa solução. O bom é que ela
funciona com qualquer teclado configurado como ABNT2.

Bem vinda à lista é sempre bom receber novas pessoas! Quando tiver uma
dúvida, tente ser o mais informativa possível sobre o seu sistema.
Diferentemente do que ocorre nos sistemas proprietários, no debian e
outros sistemas livres as interfaces, softwares e configurações costumam
ser muito distintas de máquina para máquina.

Eu nunca utilizei a webcam no facebook, mas eles usam o JABBER/XMPP e
podem ser acessados usando o pidgin ou similar, que fornece suporte para
video. O pidgin é a recomendação oficial do facebook para sistemas GNU.

Mas na página nada explicativa sobre o streaming de vídeo eles fazem uma
referencia ao skype, então talvez você seja forçada a instalá-lo.

Como nunca utilizei, não garanto que vá funcionar, mas o pidgin seria
minha primeira tentativa caso não conseguisse direto no navegador. UM
usuário apontou uma tentativa usando java e flash. Você já possui estes
dois softwares instalados?

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Re: FIREWALL - Capturar senhas de acessos das páginas

2013-08-26 Thread Luther Blissett
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 18:11 -0300, Christian Rosa wrote: 
 Violação de direito humano ? Por favor poste a fonte aqui que até irei
 estudar sobre isso.

Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos art. XII
Convenção Interamericana de Direitos Humanos - Pacto de San José da
Costa Rica art. 11.2.
Constituição Federal do Brasil art. 5º, X e XII.
Lei Nacional de Telecomunicações nº9472/97, art.3, V.

Não é porque você é capaz de fazer algo que você deve fazê-lo sem
quaisquer considerações. Terceiros indefesos e absolutamente não
relacionados à você serão afetados pela sua obediência cega a uma ordem

Leia Eichmann em Jerusalém da Hanna Arendt. A máquina fascista não é
operada por grandes seres do mal, mas por pequenos servos cumpridores de
ordens. Não se desresponsabilize por sua decisão. 

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Re: dhcpdump not seeing dhclient messages

2013-08-26 Thread Luther Blissett
On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 06:46 -0400, Sean Alexandre wrote: 
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 02:54:27PM +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Sean Alexandre wrote:
   I have a machine that's not acquiring a DHCP lease from my ISP. I can see 
   dhclient is sending DHCPDISCOVER messages. My system log has:
   Aug 25 17:36:41 athabasca dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth-wan to port 67 interval 7
   The odd thing is if I do the exact same thing with this machine connected 
   a local TP-LINK router instead of my ISP cable modem, dhcpdump sees the
   DHCPDISCOVER, and the machine acquires a DHCP lease.
 OK, thanks. I just tried that now, and it got a DHCP lease this time, for some
 reason. So it's working again. I'll do a tcpdump next time, if I see the
 problem again, and hopefully that will tell me what's going on.

I do not know if this is the case, but ISP's usually record its
customers MAC address which is universally unique. Maybe, just maybe,
when you switched from your tp-link router to direct wan link, the ISP
machine noticed that there was an unknown MAC attempting to connect and
refused connection. Then your dhcp discover packets would reach ISP
hardware, but would not receive any responses.

BTW, you should notice that dchp communications are not held with the
same machines when you have a direct link as opposed to routed link.
When routed through some gateway, you have two sets of dhcp ISP --
router -- pc.

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Re: Wireless works, wired doesn't [Debian 6.0.7]

2013-08-26 Thread Luther Blissett
On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 16:09 +0300, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
 Problem is, I can't seem to log onto the router's amin console at from my desktop. I did manage to log onto it from my
 laptop wirelessly. The DHCP server was reported as running. All the
 other settings seemed OK as well.

You should probably re-read Zenaan's mail. It offered the most sensible
test until now and you didn't even care. nm is know to offer headaches
from time to time so you should first single out if it's not nm related.

 On Aug 26, 2013 3:55 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 8/26/13, Alexander Kapshuk
  My desktop uses wired networking. While my laptop is capable
 of utilizing
  both wired and wireless interfaces. My modem is a TP-LINK
 ADSL + wireless
  Wired networking stopped working on both the desktop and
 laptop, while the
  wireless networking continues to work on my laptop.
  Tried using a different cable. Still no luck.
  Is there a way to check if there's anything amiss with my
 read the manual, or duckduckgo the manual if you don't have
 it, and
 log in and check it out
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Re: FIREWALL - Capturar senhas de acessos das páginas

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 10:34 -0300, Christian Rosa wrote: 
 Pois é,
 Nunca pensei que pegaria um caso desses, para mim na verdade é um
 desafio de certa forma, só que tem toda uma questão até mesmo de
 privacidade. Eu não queria entraria no mérito social da questão,
 contudo já estou nele. Eu até já conversei com ele no contexto de
 privacidade, outra alternativa, mas ELE é o PAI, não sou pisicologo e
 nem tenho conhecimento semelhante para indica-lo o que é melhor.
 Tecnicamente se existir um metódo que com software livre eu possa
 atende-lo e ajuda-lo, farei por 2 motivos; 1- O desafio do trabalho
 técnico, conhecimento e etc. 2- Posso estar cooperando com uma pessoa
 que talvez esteja em sérios apuros,
 Quando da conversa, ele se demonstrou bem atucanado, quando atendeu
 seu celular, falou para outra pessoa do outro lado da linha Estou
 passando por problemas familiares, ai fiquei tenso, por que vi que a
 coisa é séria, não é um pai querendo xeretar os filhos.
 Abraço a todos !

Isso é violação de direito humano fundamental e se você fizer, eu
ficarei feliz em denunciar. Você e seu chefe. 

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Re: Res: Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 01:26 +, wrote:
 Apesar disso, a alguns anos atrás, aqui nesta mesma lista, levantou-se
 uma determinada marca que tinha problemas, digo, característica de
 estragar/degradar os discos na posição vertical, mesmo q devidamente
 ímobilizado o computador. Pode nao existir mais esta característica
 nesta determinada. marca/modelo, porem esta pergunta, a alguns anos
 atrás, seria mto pertinente. Hoje talvez nem tanto. Ou nao. :) 
 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 From: Helio Loureiro
 Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:06:18 -0300
 Subject: Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

Talvez tenha sido eu, talvez não. Eu tive um problema com um HD Externo
da Seagate há uns três anos. Ele começou a apresentar badblocks
rapidamente e frequentemente superaquecia e desmontava automaticamente.
Um belo dia parou completamente de funcionar, consegui tirar apenas uma
parte dos dados que estavam nele e perdi um monte de coisas.

Como estava na garantia consegui a troca por um equivalente. A
assistência técnica da empresa disse não ter conseguido identificar o
problema, mas cogitaram a posição do HD ou defeito na fonte de energia.

Não sei o que foi, talvez o HD tivesse um defeito de fabricação. Fato é
que o HD substituto nunca apresentou qualquer problema e está deitado
desde sempre. Se você me oferecer o preço de um novo eu faço o teste e
deixo ele em pé pra ver o que acontece... :D 

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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
Since everyone is giving away their bits os appreciation, I felt like
giving mine.

My first ever GNU/Linux distro was some old Red Hat, which I couldn't
handle well and was dropped in favor of Suse. Once again I had trouble
with network hardware and was forced to dive in the command line with
almost no understanding and no one to help. tar -xvzf, what the hell?!

So I did a long search around, since I had absolutely no idea where I
was getting into. Back then I used to think that what was getting in the
way of free software were usability and shinny. Tried gNewSense and
again, had to go offroads and take chances messing around to just make
my wireless card work. While researching three distros were always
popping up as being the base, where true hackers lived: arch, debian and

Since my main reason to moving was an ethical one but I was already
experiencing a lot of difficulty, debian's promises sounded the most
appealing. Non-free software only for vital tasks, usually firmware, not
by default and hopefully no more. A path, not a total jump in the abyss.
Moreover, community sounded more central issue. No ties. No boss. No
leader, no guarantees. Debian is inseparable of its community. It grows
with community, it is the result of communitarian work on its own needs.
If some software becomes unmantained, it's because less people rely or
care for it, not because someone atop had the hipster idea of the month.

In someways I think that debian incarnates better the world to come of
free software. It is now the dream of a future society were we got over
money and started working for meaningful reasons. We already have the
technology and the intel on how to build and deliver goods throughout
the world, money just distorts how it's done. What applies to software
applies to physical goods. 

Funny I never *really* tried other distros, debian became addiction.
Something I can never get the time because I'm also felling shorthanded
before my debian peers and willing to give something back from all the
help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
little thing, full of secrets.

On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 18:58 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote: 
 On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 18:06 +0200, wrote:
  [ ubuntu | archlinux | gentoo ]
 $ cat /etc/issue
 Arch Linux \r (\l)
 This is my main distro, IOW the distro I like the best, while
 switching to systemd wasn't the best idea, it split the community,
 people were banned from the mailing list and now it's a hardcore
 moderated mailing list.
 I suspect the best mailing lists for newbies are Ubuntu mailing lists,
 followed by this Debian list, other lists are a little bit strange. IOW
 newbies should use Ubuntu or Debian.
 Funny thread:
 And I run into similar situation, so I closed a thread at
 I would call the Ubuntu and Debian communities liberal :), FWIW the Arch
 community is liberal too, just the original mailing list is hard to use.
 However, an issue, especially for newbies are many Linux mailing lists.
 It seems to be, that Jesus Christ had not to suffer that hard, as
 several Linux (userspace) coders and some disciples do from those many
 evil users who don't contribute by following their directives and
 opinions :D.
 There are many good linux distributions we could install, but there are
 only a few communities with normal [1] people.
 [1] normal in this context is for people who have a live
 beside Linux, with friends who don't know what Linux is. I bet
 the friends of some of those abnormal coders and disciples be
 sick of hearing them talking about Linux.
 A major distro with a huge community of normal people (Arch btw. is a
 major distro too), IMO is the best way to go.
 2 Cents,

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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 00:15 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote: 
 On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 17:56 -0400, Doug wrote:
  On 08/23/2013 04:24 PM, Luther Blissett wrote:
   So I did a long search around, since I had absolutely no idea where I
   was getting into. Back then I used to think that what was getting in the
   way of free software were usability and shinny. 
   Funny I never *really* tried other distros, debian became addiction.
   Something I can never get the time because I'm also felling shorthanded
   before my debian peers and willing to give something back from all the
   help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
   little thing, full of secrets.
  I'm confused. I only know shinny as a verb: to shinny up a pole, or a
  tree, etc. To climb, as a kid would. Here he uses it as a noun and an
  adjective, and I have no idea what he meant.
  Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.
 I don't like the Stooges or Iggy, but
  . Regarding to this kind of rock'n'roll, I prefer Radio Birdman.
 My apologise, assumed you should have something completely different in
 mind :p. SICR

I shall use you both as my personal debuggers with easter eggs. I'm
right now laughing at the screen, but have to leave... n'Abend!



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lvm2 on top of dm-crypt - how to add new hard disk

2013-08-21 Thread Luther Blissett
Hello folks,

So I might better ask before attempting something stupid. I need to add
a new hard drive to an encrypted debian box. The encryption scheme was
set using debian installer defaults which resulted in just /dev/sda1
- /boot outside block device encryption. Everything else is encrypted
and lvm is used instead of ordinary partitions.

My initial guess was that it should be possible to extend this
encryption scheme to the new hard disk using standard lvm tools and the
unencrypted open disk as physical volume to the already existing
volume group. However, after some research the nearest I got was someone
who added the disk while creating a new volume group:

and this arch wiki saying I should better have the reverse: luks on lvm.

But it does not state it is impossible, it just says that it requires
modifying the encrypted hook. Also, it's clear that once this is done,
if one disk fails, the system will be unbootable.

So my question is: have anyone here ever done that? How to I tell init
to unlock both disks before mapping lvm?

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lvm2 on top of dm-crypt - how to add new hard disk

2013-08-21 Thread Luther Blissett
Hello folks,

So I might better ask before attempting something stupid. I need to add
a new hard drive to an encrypted debian box. The encryption scheme was
set using debian installer defaults which resulted in just /dev/sda1
- /boot outside block device encryption. Everything else is encrypted
and lvm is used instead of ordinary partitions.

My initial guess was that it should be possible to extend this
encryption scheme to the new hard disk using standard lvm tools and the
unencrypted open disk as physical volume to the already existing
volume group. However, after some research the nearest I got was someone
who added the disk while creating a new volume group:

and this arch wiki saying I should better have the reverse: luks on lvm.

But it does not state it is impossible, it just says that it requires
modifying the encrypted hook. Also, it's clear that once this is done,
if one disk fails, the system will be unbootable.

So my question is: have anyone here ever done that? How to I tell init
to unlock both disks before mapping lvm?

André N. Batista

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Is heimdall capable of flashing to s5670 froyo?

2013-08-13 Thread Luther Blissett
Hello all,

I've been trying to flash freer and newer firmware to a Samsung Galaxy
Fit s5670b, Froyo, 2.2.1 using a jessie box.

The official install procedure on xda-devel forums only support windows,
through Odin and gives little info on the actual flashing procedure.
Though some people said Heimdall would be capable of achieving this, I
have no clue as to which firmware file to use. Is heimdall compatible
with beni.ops?

I spent much time reading contradictory / unreliable info on web. Could
anyone provide some sort of info on the logic of flashing rom?

Until now, I have only succeeded on rooting and installing busybox, su
and Superuser.apk. I went on to make those permanent and now I'm unsure
how to proceed. What does Odin and Heimdall do that couldn't be done
using standard shell features? 

I have logs for heimdall and adb. Fastboot does not work. Since the logs
are pretty verbose, I'll send them privately to those who volunteer to
help me.

Thank you all,

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