Re: the developers have spoken

2014-11-19 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 20/11/14 09:41, GypsyRoseLee wrote:
> On Thu 20 Nov 2014 at 06:57:03 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On 20/11/14 04:01, golinux wrote:
>>> On Wed, 11/19/14, songbird  wrote:
>>>  Subject: the developers have spoken
>>>  To:
>>>  Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 8:11 AM
>>>the vote is in.
>>>  [cut]
>>> My beloved Debian, RIP. Very sad that the ride will be over when when
>>> Squeeze and Wheezy (and possibly Jessie - jury is still out) get to EOL
>>> . . .
>>> golinux
>>> (soon to be linuxrip)
>> You can always start a business telling fortunes - in those countries
>> that allow it.
> Dear Mr  Ferguson,
> We really must object. 

As foretold by the tea leaves - though I 'knew' you were going to say
that anyway.

> You will surely be aware that our company has the
> rights to Fortune Telling throughout most countriea in the world.  

(sigh) Yes - obtained by humbuggery and magic tricks.

> For
> you to encourage a random person to encroach on our intellectual
> property, patents and trademarks is very questionable.
> Way back in 2004 our Crystall Ball Complex ran a program on the fuiure
> of init systems. The first word it churned out was 'ringettoper'. We
> were perplexed but, realising the system was running on a Red Hat base,
> we changed to Debian and got 'tringeepot', which made a lot more sense
> to us.

How are those crystal balls working out for you?  Do you find it makes
jogging difficult?

> Early in 2005 'stemdys' mixed up with 'startup' and 'vinitsys' started
> to appear on the Jessie Predictor and we realised we had trouble on our
> hands, The question was whether to release our findings to the world or
> be cautious. We chose the later course. Half our directors resigned from
> the company over the decision.

And now write our stunningly successful Astrology supplements for my
dear friend Rupert's informative tabloids - as well as performing
iridology and chiropractic advice. Thanks again for expanding our
enormously successful range of services.

> The management of GypsyRoseLee does not regret the course of action we
> took. It is a reliable predictor of the future - not a manipulator of it.
> Our state of the art Palm Reading and Bumps on Head Cloud Cluster is at
> present predicting a bright future for Debian using systemd. If everyone
> pulls together the coming release could be the best ever.

[frown] I note you are not a suitably qualified member of
PhrenologistsRUs... though I hesitate to immediately denounce you are as
a quack and a snake oil salesman.

> We urge you to refrain from damaging our business. As a mark of good
> faith on our part we would like you to be aware that one of our
> predictions for 2015 is that corks dangling from strings from the brim
> of a hat will be out of fashion,

I believe you made similar, patently and demonstrably, false
prognostications about our other line of time proven and internationally
renowned products - the only tablets with rounded corners.

> Star Gazingly yours,
> GypsyRoseLee.

You'll get no silver from me.

Yours in debian solidarity.

Apropos of little (just some that came to me in a vision):-

Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!

Join my Youtube channel "Out of my tree" ~ Shirley McLaine

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-20 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 21/03/14 08:42, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Wed 19 Mar 2014 at 09:32:37 +, Curt wrote:
>> On 2014-03-19, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES  wrote:
>>> As I've come to realise, sound advice for anything imortant. Even
>>> then you can only work within the technology of the time.
>> I've come to realise that giving advice (sound or otherwise) is a
>> safe activity, seeing that hardly anyone ever takes it (with
>> apologies to C.G. Jung).
>> But seriously an Ancient such as yourself must appreciate the irony
>> of the modern world, now so concerned about safeguarding things
>> for eternity, but seeming to produce almost nothing worth
>> preserving beyond a second or two, which I suppose is the ultimate
>> back-up strategy (create nothing of lasting value).
> Thank you for your perceptive comment, Curt. It means a lot when I
> now find myself close to death. I am sad to not live (in our
> calendar) to the Year of Jessie but cannot say missing out on the
> accompanying enforced change to System D for our Hieroglyphic System
> is something I will grieve about.
> The camel train is crossing the Taklamakan desert. The last watering 
> place was dry and the camels are staggering.

Bentonite would have sealed that oasis. Cheap, simple, all-natural,
non-toxic, and lasts forever. Have you heard of it? It's part of our
extensive range of clay products.

> The bricking was ineffective because they are all of the female
> variety. How anyone who is employed by Virgin Desertways could make
> such a mistake is beyond me.

Perhaps if you'd paid them as handsomely as I had oh well, too late
now. But - as any properous camel train driver will tell you, the female
variant is a, um, cecum prompt sharply applied.

> I can envisage this to be my final missive.

My money is on that being a fact. No hard feeling? It's just business
(as I told the company pushing Beta "taypes"). But all's well that ends
well - or pool in this instance. Death is not the end - be assured that
we have a long-term position for you, standing in the same pool as
Steve, forever beneath a shady tree loaded with luscious fruit.

> Even if that poltroon Myceneaen Magic from that sheep-infestered
> culture

Don't forget grapes, basil, and the olives.

> responds I doubt I have the strength to summon up a riposte.
> Let him sew new corks onto the brim of his hat to ward off the advent
> of the new technology; clay has had its day.

New corks, new hats, and new range of products (thanks to a fire sale
we've diversified our range of products to include "papyr").

> To the OP: Use either CD or USB media and cross your fingers it will 
> last.

And for the long term - print it on acid free stock. Eyes and scanners
will be around for a long time (longer than papyrus anyway).

Kind regards

Clay - it's here to stay, the competition not so much

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Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-18 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 19/03/14 08:03, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 20:09:03 +0400, Reco wrote:
>> Can you guys please take the reminder of this enlightening
>> discussion to
> My Dear Reco and fellow subscribers to this esteemed List,

Especially the esteemed subscribers to this list

> My caravan departure has been delayed. There is a security issue and
> the camels need bricking (details available on request, but you
> really don't want to know).
> I realise (and I'm sure Myceneaen Magic does too) that we have let
> our commercial interests override our responsibility to help and
> advise users of the Debian OS. The thread drifted after I posted a
> serious comment about the longevity of stored data on CD, DVD and USB
> media. I realise now it could have been couched in better terms and
> promise to up the standard of my responses and make amends in
> future.
> We let our emotions dictate our responses.

I suspect some may have taken the humour at face value, when it was
simply a humorous highlighting of some of the overlooked (evaluation)
issues involved in deciding a suitable backup strategy.

OK - it 'may' have been mostly humour for the sake of humour (I can't
speak for PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGY, at least until the lawyers have finalised
our takeover of their business).

> In spite of our difference I think his product (lasting a proven 5000
> years) and mine (good for at least 3000 years) are both
> top-of-the-range when you want the integrity of your data to be
> inviolate for many generations.
> So Reco, my friend, how do CD, DVD and USB media compare? We would 
> welcome your input on this; will my family photographs or the deeds
> to my house be viewable on these modern devices in a thousand years
> time?

One consideration not included in many backup evaluation matrices is a
complete evaluation of the risk. Ralf has noted that solely relying on
on-site backups is, um, less than optimal (oxymoronic?).

On-line backups have major failings too:-
;you're relying on an entity you've never met, often in another country
subject to different laws, with unknown[*1] media management and backup
;when you *need* that on-line backup restored where did you put the
contacts, account details, and recovery tools?

[*1] My experience is that claims and assumed expectations don't always
match reality.

Any backup strategy should be based on "how much will it hurt if I lose
it", and include careful consideration about *how* you will restore it
when you need it[*2].  As PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGY notes - recovering the data
is of little use if the knowledge, hardware, and software needed to make
information out of the data when that backup becomes a worthwhile
investment. i.e. if you backup WORM drives you'll need to separately
backup the software, hardware, and necessary manuals. CDs, and even
Blueray and magnetic/Flash drives won't be supported forever.

As a general rule - a single backup strategy is not as useful as
multiple separate ones. Risk and "how much will it hurt" should be the
determining factors in deciding how, and how often, is appropriate.

Now that we've acquired PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGY (at a knock-down price plus a
small consideration to the camel train company) I'd suggest if the
information is "heirloom" value, consider printing it on acid-free paper
and placing it in a bank vault.

[*2]too often we get calls from customers who neglected to retain a
Linear B fluent staff member.

> (You may omit any discussion about the quantum energy changes
> occuring spontaneously in magnetic and optical materials. Mentioning
> Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle would also allow Myceneaen Magic
> to start on about volcanic action and clay stability, so it is better
> you keep quiet about it).

And let's say nothing of acidic papyrus.

Yours without wax, Proto Cuneiform

The enemy of ignorance and faith is knowledge and humour

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-18 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 19/03/14 00:46, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 21:50:18 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>> On 18/03/14 20:54, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 11:34:29 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>>>> On 18/03/14 11:02, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>>>> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 08:52:14 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>>>>>> On 18/03/14 06:41, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon 17 Mar 2014 at 17:51:15 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>>>>>>> The longevity of flash is still a big unknown.
>>>>>>> Well observered, Sir. The same might be said for CDs and
>>>>>>> DVDs. Why anyone should entrust their data to such volatile
>>>>>>> media is beyond our comprehension.
>>>>>>> We are an very old, established company who operate in the
>>>>>>> Dead Sea area of the Middle East.
>>>>>>> Our product has a proven record and is used by many
>>>>>>> discerning clients who require the data they have entrusted
>>>>>>> to us to be accessible at any time. We offer a 3000 year
>>>>>>> guarantee that the material we use is suitable for long term
>>>>>>> storagei.
>>>>>>> We have scribes who rarely mistake 1s for 0s or vice versa.
>>>>>>> Employees who do are weeded out by our Quality Control
>>>>>>> Section and transferred to our sister company, Pyramid
>>>>>>> Enterprises PLC.
>>>>>>> Security of your data is of paramount importance to us; there
>>>>>>> is no compromise in this area of our operations. Even
>>>>>>> shepherd boys and goats are actively dissuaded from entering
>>>>>>> within a 10 km radius of our operations.
>>>>>>> Our distinguised clients Nefertiti, Isaiah and Tutankhamun
>>>>>>> have many, many good things to say about our services.
>>>>>>> Unfortunately, they are offline at present so are unable to
>>>>>>> answer your queries.
>>>>>>> Forget the Cloud - choose the Cave. You know it makes sense.
>>>>>> Yet another desperate attempt by a failing company to
>>>>>> capitalize on this list's readership by pushing unproven
>>>>>> technology. A passing fad - what next? Asterix trying to sell
>>>>>> bolders as portable?
>>>>>> Get with it - tablets are the only way to go. Always have been
>>>>>> been, always will be.
>>>>>> Yours without wax, Proto Cuneiform
>>>>>> -- Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!
>>>>> It's always the same; some attitudes never change. Introduce the
>>>>> most exciting invention since that of the abacus (thank you Jobs
>>>>> of Memphis) and some Stone Age Old Worlder chips in with a plea
>>>>> to continue the depletion of one of the Earth's non-renewable
>>>>> resources.
>>>>> Ever tried transporting the Epic of Gilgamesh from Babylon to
>>>>> Thebes in tablet form? Let me tell you, it's horrendous.
>> Papyrus is the favoured medium of smugglers and other ne'er-do-wells.
>> We're an honest company catering to the needs of honest, upright and
>> enterprising customers.
>> All good, informed consumers know the TSA never found a tourist trying
>> to smuggle a tablet onto a barge.
>>>>> Can't remember the number of donkeys and carts it took but the
>>>>> feed bill was astonomical. As for customs at the borders, they
>>>>> though we were importing buiding materials so the bribes mounted
>>>>> up. And don't have an accident; sticking the broken pieces back
>>>>> together is no fun, even after the pain in your toes has worn
>>>>> off.
>>>>> Papyrus: just a few sheets which 

Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-18 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 18/03/14 20:54, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 11:34:29 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>> On 18/03/14 11:02, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 08:52:14 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>>>> On 18/03/14 06:41, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>>>> On Mon 17 Mar 2014 at 17:51:15 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>>>>> The longevity of flash is still a big unknown.
>>>>> Well observered, Sir. The same might be said for CDs and
>>>>> DVDs. Why anyone should entrust their data to such volatile
>>>>> media is beyond our comprehension.
>>>>> We are an very old, established company who operate in the
>>>>> Dead Sea area of the Middle East.
>>>>> Our product has a proven record and is used by many
>>>>> discerning clients who require the data they have entrusted
>>>>> to us to be accessible at any time. We offer a 3000 year
>>>>> guarantee that the material we use is suitable for long term
>>>>> storagei.
>>>>> We have scribes who rarely mistake 1s for 0s or vice versa.
>>>>> Employees who do are weeded out by our Quality Control
>>>>> Section and transferred to our sister company, Pyramid
>>>>> Enterprises PLC.
>>>>> Security of your data is of paramount importance to us; there
>>>>> is no compromise in this area of our operations. Even
>>>>> shepherd boys and goats are actively dissuaded from entering
>>>>> within a 10 km radius of our operations.
>>>>> Our distinguised clients Nefertiti, Isaiah and Tutankhamun
>>>>> have many, many good things to say about our services.
>>>>> Unfortunately, they are offline at present so are unable to
>>>>> answer your queries.
>>>>> Forget the Cloud - choose the Cave. You know it makes sense.
>>>> Yet another desperate attempt by a failing company to
>>>> capitalize on this list's readership by pushing unproven
>>>> technology. A passing fad - what next? Asterix trying to sell
>>>> bolders as portable?
>>>> Get with it - tablets are the only way to go. Always have been
>>>> been, always will be.
>>>> Yours without wax, Proto Cuneiform
>>>> -- Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!
>>> It's always the same; some attitudes never change. Introduce the
>>> most exciting invention since that of the abacus (thank you Jobs
>>> of Memphis) and some Stone Age Old Worlder chips in with a plea
>>> to continue the depletion of one of the Earth's non-renewable
>>> resources.
>>> Ever tried transporting the Epic of Gilgamesh from Babylon to
>>> Thebes in tablet form? Let me tell you, it's horrendous.

Papyrus is the favoured medium of smugglers and other ne'er-do-wells.
We're an honest company catering to the needs of honest, upright and
enterprising customers.

All good, informed consumers know the TSA never found a tourist trying
to smuggle a tablet onto a barge.

>>> Can't remember the number of donkeys and carts it took but the
>>> feed bill was astonomical. As for customs at the borders, they
>>> though we were importing buiding materials so the bribes mounted
>>> up. And don't have an accident; sticking the broken pieces back
>>> together is no fun, even after the pain in your toes has worn
>>> off.
>>> Papyrus: just a few sheets which can be rolled up and put in
>>> your pocket. Reading it while riding on the back of a camel is
>>> also a pleasant way of passing the time on a long journey.
>>> Someone who sold blank tablets once said 640 is enough for
>>> anyone. We envisage information as unlimited and we're expanding,
>>> with branches opened recently in Athens and Rome. Tomorrow the
>>> world!
>> It 'sounds' very attractive... until the donkey eats your backups.
>> Tablets - just do it! (no ink required)
>> For a limited time only we'll throw in not one, but two free reeds
>> with every order from debian user subsc

Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-17 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 18/03/14 11:02, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 at 08:52:14 +1100, Myceneaen Magic wrote:
>> On 18/03/14 06:41, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
>>> On Mon 17 Mar 2014 at 17:51:15 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>>> The longevity of flash is still a big unknown.
>>> Well observered, Sir. The same might be said for CDs and DVDs. Why
>>> anyone should entrust their data to such volatile media is beyond our
>>> comprehension. 
>>> We are an very old, established company who operate in the Dead Sea area
>>> of the Middle East.
>>> Our product has a proven record and is used by many discerning clients
>>> who require the data they have entrusted to us to be accessible at any
>>> time. We offer a 3000 year guarantee that the material we use is
>>> suitable for long term storagei.
>>> We have scribes who rarely mistake 1s for 0s or vice versa. Employees
>>> who do are weeded out by our Quality Control Section and transferred to
>>> our sister company, Pyramid Enterprises PLC.
>>> Security of your data is of paramount importance to us; there is no
>>> compromise in this area of our operations. Even shepherd boys and goats
>>> are actively dissuaded from entering within a 10 km radius of our
>>> operations.
>>> Our distinguised clients Nefertiti, Isaiah and Tutankhamun have many,
>>> many good things to say about our services. Unfortunately, they are
>>> offline at present so are unable to answer your queries.
>>> Forget the Cloud - choose the Cave. You know it makes sense.
>> Yet another desperate attempt by a failing company to capitalize on this
>> list's readership by pushing unproven technology.
>> A passing fad - what next? Asterix trying to sell bolders as portable?
>> Get with it - tablets are the only way to go.
>> Always have been been, always will be.
>> Yours without wax, Proto Cuneiform
>> -- 
>> Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!
> It's always the same; some attitudes never change. Introduce the most
> exciting invention since that of the abacus (thank you Jobs of Memphis)
> and some Stone Age Old Worlder chips in with a plea to continue the
> depletion of one of the Earth's non-renewable resources.
> Ever tried transporting the Epic of Gilgamesh from Babylon to Thebes in
> tablet form? Let me tell you, it's horrendous.
> Can't remember the number of donkeys and carts it took but the feed bill
> was astonomical. As for customs at the borders, they though we were
> importing buiding materials so the bribes mounted up. And don't have an
> accident; sticking the broken pieces back together is no fun, even after
> the pain in your toes has worn off.
> Papyrus: just a few sheets which can be rolled up and put in your
> pocket. Reading it while riding on the back of a camel is also a
> pleasant way of passing the time on a long journey.
> Someone who sold blank tablets once said 640 is enough for anyone. We
> envisage information as unlimited and we're expanding, with branches
> opened recently in Athens and Rome. Tomorrow the world!

It 'sounds' very attractive... until the donkey eats your backups.

Tablets - just do it! (no ink required)

For a limited time only we'll throw in not one, but two free reeds with
every order from debian user subscribers.

We built our reputation on tablets (and our office). They're a solid
investment in time proven technology. You can't build anything
substantial with papyrus. There's only one thing it's good for and
that's not writing on - but it does come on a roll.

Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-17 Thread Myceneaen Magic
On 18/03/14 06:41, PAPYRUS TECHNOLOGIES wrote:
> On Mon 17 Mar 2014 at 17:51:15 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
>> The longevity of flash is still a big unknown.
> Well observered, Sir. The same might be said for CDs and DVDs. Why
> anyone should entrust their data to such volatile media is beyond our
> comprehension. 
> We are an very old, established company who operate in the Dead Sea area
> of the Middle East.
> Our product has a proven record and is used by many discerning clients
> who require the data they have entrusted to us to be accessible at any
> time. We offer a 3000 year guarantee that the material we use is
> suitable for long term storagei.
> We have scribes who rarely mistake 1s for 0s or vice versa. Employees
> who do are weeded out by our Quality Control Section and transferred to
> our sister company, Pyramid Enterprises PLC.
> Security of your data is of paramount importance to us; there is no
> compromise in this area of our operations. Even shepherd boys and goats
> are actively dissuaded from entering within a 10 km radius of our
> operations.
> Our distinguised clients Nefertiti, Isaiah and Tutankhamun have many,
> many good things to say about our services. Unfortunately, they are
> offline at present so are unable to answer your queries.
> Forget the Cloud - choose the Cave. You know it makes sense.

Yet another desperate attempt by a failing company to capitalize on this
list's readership by pushing unproven technology.
A passing fad - what next? Asterix trying to sell bolders as portable?

Get with it - tablets are the only way to go.
Always have been been, always will be.

Yours without wax, Proto Cuneiform

Clay - it's here to stay and it's goat-proof!

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

libdl1 ??

1997-11-04 Thread Magic

Upss... sorry 4 last subject ;)

Where can I find libdl1 ?
linuxconf depends on it...

 Czymze jest zycie, jesli nie ustawiczna mozliwoscia popelniania bledow.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: sendmail -> smail: easiest way!

1997-11-04 Thread Magic

Where can I find libdl1 ?
linuxconf depends on it...

 Czymze jest zycie, jesli nie ustawiczna mozliwoscia popelniania bledow.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


1997-08-05 Thread Magic
Hehhh... I want to install xisp and

# dpkg -i xisp_1.3-1.deb
(Reading database ... 21024 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xisp 1.3-1 (using xisp_1.3-1.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement xisp ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of xisp:
xisp depends on xforms (>= 0.81-1); however:
Package xforms is not installed.


# dpkg -l | grep xforms
ii  xforms-dev  0.81-6 GUI Toolkit for X Window Systems
ii  xforms0 0.81-6 GUI Toolkit for X Window Systems

so... where can I find xforms but not xforms0 ?
THX :)
 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
Ludzie mysla czasem, jak zabic czas, a to czas ich zabija.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: problem with afterstep

1997-06-02 Thread Magic
On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, J.H.M.Dassen wrote:

> On Jun 2, Magic wrote

> > I have a problem with afterstep. I love this window-maneger but...
> > I haven't an icon on my Wharf :-( For example...
> Are your running in 8bpp mode (256 colours) perhaps?

Hehhh... I forgot... It was in 16bpp

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ startx -- -bpp 16

> >From /usr/doc/afterstep/FAQ.gz:
>   3.3.  Icons disappear from Wharf. What's wrong?

So... it isn't this problem Any other ideas?
 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
   Ze swiata tego kazdy ma tyle, ile sam sobie wezmie.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

problem with afterstep

1997-06-02 Thread Magic


I have a problem with afterstep. I love this window-maneger but...
I haven't an icon on my Wharf :-( For example...

Part of .steprc
# Paths...
IconPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/
PixmapPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/

# and main Folder (dafault!)

*Wharf AfterStep AFstep.xpm Folder

*Wharf Shutdown  shutdown.xpm  Quit
*Wharf xlock KeysOnChain.xpm Exec "-" xlock -modelist "braid flame grav pyro 
qix rock spiral spline swarm worm" -mode random -duration 0 -allowroot 
-usefirst &

*Wharf ~Folder

and of course...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ls -al /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/AFstep.xpm
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 8716 May 18 15:42 

Hehhh... xpm is in right directory, in my .steprc i think it's good written...
Can somebody help me? Thx!

ps. and version...

ii  afterstep   1.0-3  A window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and

 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
   W naturze czlowieka lezy rozsadne myslenie i nielogiczne dzialanie.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


1997-04-03 Thread Magic
me have only one - maybe dumb ;) - question... Where is
AfterStep-1.0pre6 ???
 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
Wszystko, co nieznane, uchodzi za wielkie.

nis problem...

1997-03-13 Thread Magic

I have some computers in the laboratory with RH 4.1 One of tem is a nis
server, a the rest - clients. Now i would like to have one PC with Debian on
my desk :) and... i've a problem...

I instaled:

libc5   5.4.23-2
netbase 2.10-1

In /etc/deafultdomain i have my nis domain...
In /etc/yp.conf adreess of my nis server
and in /etc/passwd i've add +::

/etc/init.d/nis stop ; /etc/init.d/nist start

and... what can i do now? It's my first touch nis and i havn't idea.
can u help me? thank's...

what about /var/yp/binding ?

 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
  Dzialac mozna dopoty, dopoki sie ma marzenia.

Procmail story...

1996-12-10 Thread Magic
I think that some questions may be solved here... ;)



 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
   W naturze czlowieka lezy rozsadne myslenie i nielogiczne dzialanie.

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Re: displaying pgp public key and xface in finger info???

1996-11-27 Thread Magic
On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Andrew Y Ng wrote:

>   What file do I put my PGP public key in to have it displayed in my
> finger info in Debian Linux?


c u...
Artur Zaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: HELP - :(

1996-11-13 Thread Magic
Sorry, that it was twice... And... THANKS! :
It was it! :)
Artur Zaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for Public Key  

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HELP - :(

1996-11-13 Thread Magic

I instaled debian and, have one problem. When i try to run mc i see:
mc: can't load library ''
I have:
Hehhh... Where can I find this library? :( Any ideas? 
Thank's a lot...
Artur Zaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for Public Key  

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HELP - :(

1996-11-13 Thread Magic

I instaled debian and, have one problem. When i try to run mc i see:
mc: can't load library ''
I have:
Hehhh... Where can I find this library? :( Any ideas? 
Thank's a lot...
Artur Zaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for Public Key  

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