Upgrading from slink to potato

2000-01-03 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Please reply to debian-user@lists.debian.org
or directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I want to upgrade my Debian Linux Box from slink to potato. I have got a

4-CD copy of the potato system. It was obtained from a Debian mirror
around 20th december 1999.

A friend of mine told me that upgrading to potato was as easy as:

1) Installing apt-cdrom via dpkg --install path/apt-cdrom.version
2) Running apt-cdrom add for each CD of the potato distribution. This
way apt updates its packages database.
3) Running apt-get upgrade dist.

Nevertheless, I can't find the apt-cdrom package neither in any of the

four potato CD's nor in the www.debian.org  archives. What do I have to
do in order to install apt-cdrom? Are the options for dpkg correct? Do I

have to empty the apt database before doing step 2?

Thanks in advance,

 Manuel Arenaz

n:Arenaz Silva;Manuel
tel;work:981167000 Ext. 1212
org:University of A Coruña;Dpt. Electronics and Systems
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Laboratory 1.2
adr;quoted-printable:;;Campus de Elvi=F1a, s/n=0D=0A15074 A Coru=F1a;A Coruña;;;Spain
fn:Manuel Arenaz Silva

Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-17 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

Can I know how much memory is available in my Debian linux box?

Thanks in advance for your help,

  Manuel Arenaz

Making a backup

1999-12-17 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I want to do a back-up of my system. Is there any tool to do it
automatically? Which are the parts of the Debian system that is
mandatory to back-up?

Thanks in advance for your help,

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: The clock has gone crazy...

1999-12-16 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
The file /etc/adjtime has the following two lines:

cambados:~# cat /etc/adjtime
-115.758041 945099084 0.00

Is it important the fact that it has two lines?

Another question: What command do I have to use in order to set the clock up?

Thanks in advance and apologies for having replied to your mail so late.

Manuel Arenaz

Bryan Scaringe wrote:

 Try modifying /etc/adjtime so that it has one line:

 0.0 0 0.0

 Those are zeros, not the letter O.

 Then set the time.

 then reboot.

 /etc/adjtime is ment to keep track of the drift on your HW clock
 (since no clock is perfect).  However, the drift isn't always the same.
 If /etc/adjtime was made during a time when your clock had an extrodinary
 amount of drift in a short period of time, the hwclock program may have
 assumed your clock was always that screwed up.  Then it would
 try to correct that on every bootup.  In effect, it would always 
 This happened to me.

 Changeing /etc/adjtime to the line above should tell the system that your 
 is perfect.   Eventually your system will write a new /etc/adjtime, and fill 
 with more realistic values.

 Bryan Scaringe

 On 13-Dec-1999 Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
  The clock of my machine has gone crazy. When I set it up to the correct
  time in the BIOS everything works fine for a while. But after some time,
  the clock begins to accumulate more and more delay. When I reboot the
  machine and enter in the BIOS setup, the hardware clock has been
  changed. What is happening? May it be related to the timezone?
  I detected this strange behaviour two weeks ago, and the Linux Debian
  was installed in my PC in june.
  Thanks in advance,
Manuel Arenaz
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The clock has gone crazy...

1999-12-13 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

The clock of my machine has gone crazy. When I set it up to the correct
time in the BIOS everything works fine for a while. But after some time,
the clock begins to accumulate more and more delay. When I reboot the
machine and enter in the BIOS setup, the hardware clock has been
changed. What is happening? May it be related to the timezone?

I detected this strange behaviour two weeks ago, and the Linux Debian
was installed in my PC in june.

Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

CD-Writer recomendation!

1999-11-29 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Hello again,

A friend of mine is interested in buying a CD-Writer. He asked me to
recomend a model to him, but I have no idea. Can anyone help me to go
through this situation?

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

Presentations with latex

1999-11-18 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I use latex to prepare my presentations. Before installing Debian Slink
(default workstation setup), I had a latex class called seminar.cls
available. Nevertheless, I cannot use it now bacause it is not
installed. Which package(s) do I have to install? Are there any other
latex recomended packages to install?

Thanks in advance,

   Manuel Arenaz

Re: Accounting Package

1999-11-11 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
I have installed the package acct but how is it used? In the man pages there 
is no
information about how to account information.


Re: Sources of linux documentation (solved)

1999-11-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Thanks to everyone, I have solved the problem.

I succeeded by installing the package latex2html, which includes the file 


   Manuel Arenaz

Re: Sources of linux documentation

1999-11-04 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
I have downloaded the sources of the Debian linux documentation in the format
.tar.bz2. While compiling the .tex file using the default slink Latex2e, the 
couldn't found the file html.sty. Where can I found this file? Do I have  to
install any new package?

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

Re: Sources of linux documentation

1999-11-04 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
 I've tried some three times to get a book compressed in that bz2 format
 uncomperessed to a readable version. But no LaTex, TeX or LyX ever could
 read that stuff.

 Is there something in general wrong with that bz2 format or are there
 available some brand new TeX formats, which no Slink latex can read?

In first place, you have to decompress the debian-guide.tar.bz2 file by using:

  tar -xvIf debian-guide.tar.bz2

This command generates following files:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 1000 arenaz 55 Jun 10 21:02 clean.sh
-rw-r--r--   1 1000 arenaz 412100 Jul  1 18:16 coart.eps
-rw-r--r--   1 1000 arenaz 347507 Nov  3 12:26 debian-tutorial.tex
-rw-r--r--   1 1000 arenaz  27378 Jun  6 21:32 debian.cls
-rw-r--r--   1 1000 arenaz   8606 Jun  7 03:37 debian10.clo
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1048 Nov  3 12:05 debian10.log
-rw-r-   1 arenaz   340024367 Nov  3 12:11 html.sty
drwxr-sr-x   2 1000 arenaz   1024 Jul  1 18:16 images
-rwxr-xr-x   1 1000 arenaz258 Jun 11 17:39 remake.sh

Now you can compile the file debian-tutorial.tex by using latex. In my linux 
box the
compiling process stops because the file html.sty is not installed. Where can 
file by obtained from? Is it available in any package?


  Manuel Arenaz

Re: Sources of linux docu... html.sty ??? (solved)

1999-11-04 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
I have solved the problem ofcompiling the Tex file by installing the package
latex2html in my box.

Thak you very much,

 Manuel Arenaz

Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 virtanen wrote:

In my linux box the
   compiling process stops because the file html.sty is not installed.
   Where can this
   file by obtained from? Is it available in any package?
  I ended with the same problem...
  who knows? whre to get html.sty?

 Package latex2html in section tex

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Problems with the man

1999-11-04 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
In my slink box there are some packages (for example a2ps) whose man
pages are available only for the root user. The other users can execute
the commands (a2ps) but can not read their man pages (man a2ps fails).

What is the problem? Should these man pages be available as their are
related to packages that where installed in the system during the
default installation?

Thanks in advance,

   Manuel Arenaz

Re: Sources of linux documentation

1999-11-03 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 21:21:32 +0200, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
  Where can I download the Latex/EPS source of this package from?

 Same as with all source: do a dpkg --print-avail on the package so you have
 the source package name, and download that from your friendly neighbourhood
 mirror. Or use apt, and put in deb-src entries, then do apt-get source

Two questions:
1) How can I know the source package name from the output of the command dpkg
--print-avail debian-guide?

cambados:~# dpkg --print-avail debian-guide
Package: debian-guide
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 7223
Maintainer: John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 1.0.0
Size: 4667528
Description: Text from: Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
 This package will install the full text in HTML and PostScript formats
 from the book Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage by
 Debian developers John Goerzen and Ossama Othman (ISBN 0-7357-0914-9).
 You can find the installed items under /usr/doc/debian-guide.

2) I have been reading the man for apt-get and sources.list looking for the
sintax of a deb-src entry in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, but I have found no
documentation about it. Where can I find this information? Which is the sintax 
this type of entry?

This is the version of apt installed in this Debian box:

cambados:~# dpkg --print-avail apt
Package: apt
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 1068
Maintainer: APT Development Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.1.9
Replaces: deity
Depends: libc6 (= 2.0.7u), libstdc++2.9
Conflicts: deity
Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/admin/apt_0.1.9.deb
Size: 319114
MD5sum: fe1aee4c9f2a2c95e2b6ad1ca807b09d
Description: Front-End for dpkg
 This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager.
 It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a
 simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
 APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
 and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

html to postscript converter

1999-11-02 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Where can I find a html to postscript converter for slink? I can perform
the conversion by using netscape-SaveAs, but this way I have to open
and SaveAs each file, which is very tedious and embarrasing.

Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

Sources of linux documentation

1999-10-29 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
I have installed the package debian-guide from the unstable distribution
in slink and every has gone right.

Now I would like to build the postscript file by myself in order to
change some appearance features. Where can I download the Latex/EPS
source of this package from?

Thanks in advance,

 Manuel Arenaz

files with extension tar.bz2

1999-10-29 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
What kind of fiels are those that end with .tar.bz2? How are they

Thaks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: Ver .doc desde Netscape

1999-10-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

He probado el script para ver ficheros .doc en netscape y funciona. El unico 
problema es que la
aplicacion mswordview no reconoce muchos de los ficheros .doc. ¿Existe alguna 
otra aplicacion
que interprete los ficheros .doc sin tantos fallos? Si existe, ¿es posible 
generar ficheros
.html con ella?


  Manuel Arenaz

David Charro Ripa wrote:

 He puesto en marcha en mi Debian unos scripts para poder ver directamente 
 desde el Netscape
 los documentos de word 8 (office97)
 Estaban en la web de mswordview pero no funcionaban en mi debian.
 Son dos scripts: nswordview y nsopen.
 Para que funcionen en Debian hay que decirles donde esta el tcsh, ellos 
 suponen que esta en
 /bin pero en Debian lo tenemos en /usr/bin

 Ademas la llamada a mswordview desde nswordview la he cambiado porque creaba 
 un documento

 En netscapeeditpreferencesnavigatorapplications se edita la opcion 
 Microsoft Word
 Document y ponemos el comando /usr/bin/nswordview %s
 Y si un enlace apunta a un archivo .doc, cuando pinchas te lo convierte en 
 .html y te lo
 muestra sobre la marcha.
 Hay que tener cuidado con el directorio /tmp porque crea alli los archivos 
 html convertidos y
 si no los borras crece y crece.

 Os los adjunto porque son muy cortos y espero que no cargue mucho la red.




 if ($#argv != 1) then
 echo Usage: $0 file
 exit 1

 set file = $argv[1]
 if (!(-r $file)) then
 echo $0: File $file cannot be read
 exit 1

 #Try to open file in an existing netscape window
 (netscape -remote openFile(${file}))  /dev/null

 #if this fails, it means that netscape is not running, so start it
 if ($status) then
   netscape -no-install file:${file}


 if ($#argv != 1) then
 echo Usage: $0 file.doc
 exit 1

 set source = $argv[1]

 #Generate a unique html filename (/tmp/scriptname.pidnum.html)
 set com = $0
 set temp = /tmp/$com:t.$$
 set html = $temp.html

 mswordview -o $html $source
 if ((!(-s $html)) | ($status)) then
 echo $0: failed to generate HTML file
 exit 1

 #File exists and is of length  0, so open it
 nsopen $html

 #I do NOT remove the html file so that the user
 #can click on the Back button without generating
 #a file not found error

 exit 0

Linux documentation

1999-10-21 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I am a beginner in Linux and I am interested in obtaining linux
documentation for free (at least for the moment). Following one of the
suggestions that appeared in the list, I have downloaded an online
Debian Linux book from the O'Reilly site:

  wget -r --no-parent www.ora.com/catalog/debian/chapter

This command generates a file tree with a lot of html and gif files. My
question is: Is there any tool to generate a postscript file (for
example) starting from all those files? If such a tool doesn't exist,
which is the easiest way to print the whole book?

Thanks in advance,

 Manuel Arenaz

Re: HP 9070cxi ???

1999-10-15 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Rob Reesor wrote:


 Sorry for the intrusion. I noticed your exchange muc.lists.debian.user. I'm
 having trouble posting, so thought I'd send email directly.

 I've just ordered a Red Hat Linux system and am having a hard time finding
 a printer. Seems that most of the printers listed on the various
 compatibility lists are no longer sold. The lists are very out of date.

 One list (gatekeeper.picante.com/~gtaylor/pht/printer_list.cgi) lists the
 970cxi as being perfectly compatible with Linux. However, it also claims
 that driver information is incomplete and there is no autoprobe available.

 Have either of you gotten the 970cxi working with Linux? If you don't mind,
 will you please let me know what printer you *have* gotten working with Linux?

 Many thanks,


I still have not decided what pirnter I am going to buy. I am still gathering
more information.

I have only gotten working an Epson Stylus Color 850 in my Debian linux box. I
have not tried to configure another printer yet. This model has been easy to
configure by using magicfilter.

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: Printer suggestion

1999-10-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva


 Hewlett-Packard, but avoid the Winprinters
 Best value for my money would be the HP 970cxi.  It's 12 ppm in BW
 fast draft mode.  It can do two-sided printing (!!!) and street prices
 are under $350.  I don't know of any other inexpensive printer that
 will automatically print on both sides of the paper.  That sells this
 one to me.

You have hardly convinced me about buying a HP970cxi because of the
two-sided printing. It is a very interesting characteristic. If I finally
decided to buy this one, would I need to carry out any special setup in
my system? I mean (I have Debian 2.1 with the default Scientific
Workstation configuration):

1) Could I install the printer by using magicfilter 1.2-28 and gs

2) What filter do I have to use with the gs 5.10-1?

3) What special options do I have to use in order to setup the two-sided

I am not very experienced with Linux and I dread to have to upgrade my
system or any of its components (because of the dependences).

Thank you very much in advanced,

 Manuel Arenaz

Re: Printer suggestion

1999-10-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Justin Settle wrote:

 For an ink jet, however, I own and Epson and, IMHO, they make a better
 product.  They are a bit cheaper, but built just as well, have high res
 and are pretty fast.  You mention higher cost to maintain (what are you
 referring to?) but I don't see that.  I have a 440 and it works very
 well for color printing; If you have money, buy something with a faster
 pages per minute.  I mention this because the 440 is about the same
 price as the bottom of the line HP but that model has only one cartridge
 - i.e. you can only do black and white or color.  The 440 has a CMYK
 with a K cartridge and a CMY cartridge.

I work with an Epson Stylus Color 850 at work. We have a lot of problems with 
the ink
cartridges because the printer wastes a lot of ink (for example, it cleans the 
on every startup by using quite much ink).

Besides, epson inkjet printers have a problem with injectors. In HP the 
injectors come
together with the cartridge, so every time you change the cartridges you are 
changing the
injectors. In Epson, if the printer is not used quite often (THIS IS MY CASE), 
injectors stall and they stop working. Therefore, the injectors have to be 

I have collected this information by asking to several friends and sellers. The
characteristics explained above, finally, lead to higher cost maintenance.

What do you think about this?

Manuel Arenaz

Re: SB-PCI-64

1999-10-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Jordi wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 02:50:40AM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  On jue, oct 07, 1999 at 07:08:56 +0200, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
   La SoundBlaster 64 PCI es realmente una Ensoniq 1371, no una
   soundblaster. Ponle sus parámetros al kernel
  Cuidado que puede ser o una es1370 o una es1371 depende del chipset que
  tenga la tarjeta. Probar es lo único para saber cual es el caso.

 Puedes buscar el identificador de la tarjeta con lspci.
 Yo tengo una SB128 y es la es1370, no siempre es la es1371.

 El id para la es1370 es 1274:5000
 Para la es1371 es 1274:1371

 Haz lspci y busca cualquiera de estas 2 cadenas y ya sabes la que tienes.

Yo tambien tengo una Soundblaster PCI64, con lo cual todo lo dicho en esta
discusion es valido en mi caso. El problema es que en mi sistema no esta
instalado el comando lspci. ¿Tengo que instalar algun paquete adicional? Mi
sistema es Debian 2.1 con la instalacion por defecto de Scientific

¿Que debo hacer?


 Manuel Arenaz

Printer suggestion

1999-10-07 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I am interested in buying a printer, but I want to avoid as many
installation problems as posible. For this reason I would appreciate if
someone could advice me about a mark and a model.

What do you prefer? An epson printer (highest resolution but expensive
to mantain), a HP printer (very robust but lower resolution) or a
Cannon/Oki/... printer (secondary marks that are cheaper to mantain).

Take into account that:
1) Most of the time I am going to print postscript documents (with
graphics included) generated by latex.
2) The printer will be installed in my home computer, so I will use it
very few times each month.

Any suggestion will be carefully considered.
Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

Shell bash

1999-10-04 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

In my work in have to use some machines where the bash shell is not
available. Normally, these machine have Solaris or IRIX installed. When
I connect to those machines I have to use other different shells which I
am not used to using. You can  imagine how embarrasing is this

I have though of compiling the bash shell for those machines and
installing it in my $HOME directory. How can I do this? Where can I
download the sources of the bash shell?

Thanks in advance,

   Manuel Arenaz

Re: How to filter this list?

1999-10-01 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I am interrested in filtering the incoming mail. On my opinion, my situation is 
different from the explained in this thread. I am the administrator of a PC K6-3
400MHz running Debian Linux. I use a mail server (mercurio.des.fi.udc.es) to 
send and
receive mails.

[mercurio:/home/des/becarios/arenaz]$ uname -a
SunOS mercurio 5.7 Generic sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCclassic

My question is: What do I need in order to filter the incomming mail received 
in the
server? Can I manage using elm?

I am currently using netscape messenger to filter the mail, but, first, I 
have to
download the mail to my machine and, second, perform the filtering action by 
hand. You
can imagine that this a tedious and embarrasing task.

I would be very grateful if you could help me.

Thanks in advance,

   Manuel Arenaz

Re: configuration of a printer

1999-09-29 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I have already solved my problem. My problem came from the fact that I
created the /etc/printcap properly (for example, using magicfilter)
but I didn't know that, in order to use the new configuration, I had to
make the lpd daemon re-read the printcap file. This can be done by
executing the lpc program first and the reread command from its
prompt later. To check that the printcap file has been read, execute the
command printcap from the lpc prompt.

Doing this, my printer has work properly. I hope it also works for you.

Thanks to every one for their advices because they have allowed me to
discard some wrong alternatives during the configuration process.

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: configuration of a printer

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Andreas Piesk wrote:

 are you sure about the /dev/lp1 ? the first lpt is lp0.

 what are the permissions of /etc/printcap ? readable by everyone ?
 the printcap itself seems to be ok.

At first sight everything looks OK: the /dev files, the printcat file...

cambados:~# ls -lisa /dev/lp*
 9409650 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   0 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp0
 9409660 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   1 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp1
 9409670 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   2 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp2
cambados:~# ls -lisa /etc/printcap
  349431 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  340 Sep 23 21:40 

But even if I change /dev/lp1 by /dev/lp0

cambados:~# cat /etc/printcap
# Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
# Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
# Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
# This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.


the result reamains the same.

cambados:~# lpr -P epson /root/fstab
no printcap for printer 'epson'
job 'cfA368cambados.des.fi.udc.es' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

What can I do? Does anybody has some idea?


Manuel Arenaz

Re: What does mountd is used for?

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Wayne Topa wrote:

 Subject: What does mountd is used for?
 Date: Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 09:03:31PM +0200

 In reply to:Manuel Arenaz Silva

 Quoting Manuel Arenaz Silva([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I would like what is the usage of the mountd daemon.

 man mountd

 That man command is very useful.

I know, but in my system there is no man page for mountd

cambados:~# man mountd
No manual entry for mountd

telnet to my machine (cont)

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I really want the telnet service installed. But, what is SSM? I have
never heard about it.


telnet to my machine (cont)

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Jim McCloskey wrote:

 Hello, Manuel:

 [1] If you simply install the telnetd package, the daemon, I believe,
 will start running. If you reboot, it certainly will. So install
 it with:

 dpkg --install


 apt-get install telnetd

 and you should be fine.

 [2] The daemon is started in the file /etc/init.d/ which calls
 /usr/sbin/intetd (but obviously the program has to be installed on
 the system before inetd can start it).

I have installed telnetd via dpkg --install and, after that, I have
rebooted the machine. Nevertheless, the daemon was not started.

The contents of the directory /etc/init.d are:

cambados:/etc/init.d# ls -la
total 66
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Jun 15 13:39 .
drwxr-xr-x  63 root root 4096 Sep 22 13:23 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  840 Jan 12  1999 README
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  512 May 14  1998 anacron
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1164 Oct 24  1998 atd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1683 Jan  8  1999 bootmisc.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  728 Jun 21  1998 checkfs.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2776 Jan 12  1999 checkroot.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  835 Mar 18  1998 cron
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1046 Nov  7  1998 exim
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1164 Oct 31  1998 gpm
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  281 May 19  1998 halt
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  132 Jun 21  1998 hostname.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  969 Jan 27  1999 hwclock.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  317 Nov 22  1998 isapnp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1281 Dec 29  1998 isdnutils
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  641 Nov 25  1998 junkbuster
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  968 Oct 18  1998 kerneld
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  843 Nov 17  1998 keymaps.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  630 Jul 17  1998 logoutd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  818 Jan 30  1999 lprng
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  981 Nov  1  1998 modutils
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  561 Dec 10  1998 mountall.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1056 Oct  5  1998 mountnfs.sh
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 3254 Dec  5  1998 netbase
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  410 Feb 13  1999 netstd_init
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  583 Feb 13  1999 netstd_misc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  322 Jun 15 14:20 network
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1428 Jan 24  1999 nviboot
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  653 Sep 17  1998 omniorb
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  649 May 26  1998 ppp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2100 Nov 26  1997 rc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1038 Feb 23  1999 rcS
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  197 Jun 21  1998 reboot
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  252 Jun 21  1998 rmnologin
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  349 Jun 21  1998 sendsigs
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  476 Jun 21  1998 single
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1753 Mar  3  1998 skeleton
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1471 Jan 20  1999 sysklogd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  394 Jun 21  1998 umountfs
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1128 Jun 21  1998 urandom
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1859 Feb 23  1999 xdm
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  915 Feb 23  1999 xfs
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  501 Jun 15 12:54 xntp3

where de daemon telnetd does not appear. What else do I have to
configure in order to set up the telnet service? I have checked through
the HOWTOs but I could not find any clue.


  Manuel Arenaz

telnet to my machine (succes)

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
This is to inform that I have had succes.

Next, I intend to install ssh so as to improve the security of my

Thanks to everyone,

  Manuel Arenaz

About mountd

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

Right now, when I want to read the contents of a CD or a floppy I have
to mount the corresponding directory (/cdrom in my machine) manually. I
would like the system to configure the mount point automatically when I
try to read or write the contents of that directory.

I have scanned the file /etc/inetd.conf and I have found the following

#mountd/1   dgram   rpc/udp waitroot/usr/sbin/tcpd

Next, I have looked for the daemon /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd but it is not
installed in my system:

cambados# ls -lsia /usr/sbin/rpc*
  4   10 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 9420 Feb 13  1999
  41116   14 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root12988 Feb 13  1999
  411128 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 7836 Feb 13  1999
  411156 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 5996 Feb 13  1999

As in the case of telnetd I have looked for the package mountd in
the CDs of the distribution, but surprisingly there was not any
package with that name.

My questions are:
* What do I need?
* What about the daemon mountd?

My system is a Linux Debian 2.1 running on an AMD K6-III. If the
following information is useful for you, here it is:

cambados# dpkg --list *mount*
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription

ii  mount   2.9g-6 Tools for mounting and manipulating
un  xmountains  none (no description available)


   Manuel Arenaz

configuration of a printer

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I want to install an Epson Stylus Color 850 printer directly attached to
my machine (local printer). I have been looking at the
Printing-HOWTO-6.html that comes with the default installation of Linux
Debian 2.1 (slink).

After reading the introduction, I have tried to print an ascii text to
the printer but the systems gives me the following error:

no printcap for printer 'epson'
job 'cfA886cambados.des.fi.udc.es' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Despite the previous message, I have confiugred an /etc/printcap entry


and I have also created the corresponding spool directory:

10588531 drwxr-sr-x   2 root lp   1024 Sep 22 20:42

What about the lpd daemon? The output of the command ps aux | grep
lpd is:

lp 161  0.0  0.6  1500   800  ?  S13:23   0:00 lpd MAIN

So I suppose that the daemon is correctly installed and initialized. Is
that correct? Maybe that the error comes from the initialization of

I have tried to configure this printer several times but I have always
obtained the same result.  I have also studied the questions and answers
about printer configuration that appear in the list, but even though I
have not been able to find the error.

I hope you can help me.


  Manuel Arenaz

What does mountd is used for?

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
I would like what is the usage of the mountd daemon.

telnet to my machine (cont)

1999-09-21 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I have checked the daemons that are installed in my system, and I have
noticed that inetd is working but there is no telnetd installed.

¿How can I make my system install telnetd on start-up? I don't know
where the daemons to be installed are specified. Is there any HOW-TO

NOTE: I cannot telnet to my machine but I can connect via ftp. The
strange is that I have no ftpd installed. ¿How is this posible?

Thanks in advance,

 Manuel Arenaz

Library glibc

1999-09-21 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I want to install an MP3 player. I want to download it from
www.freeamp.org, but I have to chose between to configurations:

*  FreeAmp_1.3.1_for_Linux2.0.x_glic2.0_Intel_x86
*  FreeAmp_1.3.1_for_Linux2.0.x_glic2.1_Intel_x86

How can I know which version must I download? I have installed Linux
Debian 2.1 with Kernel 2.0.36.

Is there a site where I can download this MP3 player in .deb format?

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

GoZilla for Linux

1999-09-21 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

Does anyone knows I there is an ftp client for Linux Debian with, more
or less, the same functionality as GoZilla for Windows?

Some of the more interesting caracteristics of GoZilla are:

* Restart donwload if connection fails
* Continue donwloading (without restart) if connection fails
* Programmable downloads
* Posibilityh of downloading dirctories

Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

telnet to my machine (cont)

1999-09-21 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I have taken a look at the file /var/log/syslog, which registers the
same information every time a telnet conection is refused:

Sep 21 17:11:49 cambados in.telnetd[8102]: connect from
Sep 21 17:11:49 cambados in.telnetd[8102]: error: cannot execute
/usr/sbin/in.telnetd: No such file or directory

Efectively, the file /usr/sbin/in.telnetd doesn't exist. How can I
solve this problem?

Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

telnet to my machine

1999-09-20 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I have installed Debian on my computer. Surprinsingly, sometimes when I
try to stablish a telnet conection to my machine I obtain the following

venus% telnet cambados.des.fi.udc.es
Connected to cambados.des.fi.udc.es.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

I have tried to solve the problem by modifying the files
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny, but the conection is always

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

Thanks to all

1999-09-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Thank you very much for the information about StarOffice (the dowload,
the license,...)


Manuel Arenaz

Where is apt-cdrom?

1999-09-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I keep on trying to know more about apt.

In a message sent to the list a few days ago, someone talked about
installing .deb packages from a CDROM via a command called apt-cdrom.
I have searched for this tool in my system but it isn't installed.

cambados:~# find / -name apt* -ls
 30723   91 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root92568 Nov  6  1998
 30724  115 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   116940 Nov  6  1998
3174411 drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 Jun 15 14:21
3256331 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Jun 15 14:21
1310731 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Jun 15 14:21
3051564 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 3172 Jul 16  1998
3051573 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 2456 Jul 16  1998
 614411 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep  7 21:30
8806411 drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 Jul  2 17:14
331 drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 Jul  2 17:07
9011471 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  292 Nov  6  1998
9011481 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  920 Feb 23  1999
9011491 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   22 Jul 17  1998
9011501 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   13 Nov  6  1998
9011512 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 1179 Nov  6  1998
4854064 -rw-r--r--   1 man  root 3360 Sep  3 20:23
find: /home/des: Permission denied

Maybe I haven't read the mail properly. Does this tool really exist?
Does apt-get perform this function?
If apt-get does, what do I have to add to my apt/sources.list?

Thanks in advance.

  Manuel Arenaz

How do you apt-get WORDVIEW?

1999-09-07 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
It is very interesting to be able to view Microsoft Word files under
Linux. What must I include in my apt/source.list in order to install the
program wordview? What is the name of the corresponding package?

On the other hand, is there any program to edit and generate Microsoft
Word files under Linux?

Thanks in advance,

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: Reading Word format files?

1999-09-07 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Anthony Campbell wrote:

 Thanks to all for replies. I've now found two apps that will do this:
 word2x and mswordview. Both are available for slink; I found word2x to
 be the more convenient.

Where can you install these aplications from? Via apt-get?

Re: How do you apt-get WORDVIEW?

1999-09-07 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Kent West wrote:

 Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
  It is very interesting to be able to view Microsoft Word files under
  Linux. What must I include in my apt/source.list in order to install the
  program wordview? What is the name of the corresponding package?

 Your normal location for .deb packages should work I would think. The
 package name is mswordview.

The problem is that I still haven't used apt-get, so I don't know which is a 
location for .deb packages because I don't anyone. Could you pleasa tell me 
which is
the content of your apt/source.list


Entry in apt/sources.list to install StarOffice

1999-09-07 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

Can someone tell me what entry must I add to my apt/sources.list in
order to install StarOffice?


Printer configuration

1999-09-02 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I would like to know what I have to do to configure a printer. I need to

1) A local printer attached to a parallel port.
2) A remote printer that is accesed through a local area network.

¿Is there any tool to configure printers (as there is in RedHat)?

Thanks in advance.

   Manuel Arenaz

System defaults: user enviroment

1999-09-02 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I would like to know where the default user enviroment is configured.

Thanks in advance.

Manuel Arenaz

This is only to verify subscription

1999-09-01 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Do not read. This is only to verify subscription.

Please reply to this email

1999-09-01 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Hello, I have just subscribed to this mailling list and I would be very
grateful if you could reply to this message. That way I could confirm
that the subscription has been properly made.

Thank you very mauch in advance. I hope I can learn a lot from all of
you and I can help you even though my knowledge of Linux is very

Best regards,

   Manuel Arenaz