kernel compilation in Potato...

2001-04-08 Thread Marcin Landowski

I've reinstalled my Potato (changed partition) and I
can't recompile kernel.
The output of make manuconfig is:

rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=""   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

I've installed packages kernel-headers-2.2.17  and
kernel-source-2.2.17. I can't find what other packages are missed 
to perform compilation.


~QLIVER~~~Marcin Landowski
  _ *\  *\ ~~~

Is it possible...

2001-03-05 Thread Marcin Landowski start Linux (DemoLinux - CD distribution) on NT-workstation? 
I haven't admin privilages, boot possible only from HDD 
(BIOS settings), I can't open box (plombs).

thnx in advance

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~~~~~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can hang up my potato every time...

2001-03-03 Thread Marcin Landowski

It's idiotical, i haven't seen it before.

Linux debian 2.2.17 Potato  
kde 2.0, kdm 2.0-20001004-0
luxman 0.41-11
Celeron 333MHz 64MB RAM, ATI RAGE PRO

When I switch to text console (ctrl+alt+Fn), login and start
luxman game, the system every time has been hang up!!!
I can do nothing (keyboard dead) and can only press reset.

When I was using startx instead of graphical login (it's true for
gdm/wdm/xdm also), there was no such problem.

My mistake or bug?

Any ideas?

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: WM for GNOME

2000-12-07 Thread Marcin Landowski
On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:30:38AM +0100, Ignasi Tura wrote:
>   F12 on wmaker -> window managers -> info panel...

OK, I'll try from the second side ;-)

>   wmaker says it's Gnome compliant. There are a pair of options in 
> WPrefs, at the far right of the menu, regarding compatiblity with Gnome.
>   Hope that you like Gnome 

Oh, there are problems...

My first look in GNOME from Potato seems terrible.
1) It's behaviour is like the M$ Windows - it makes changes to
   system without asking for permition, and sometimes without
inform me about those changes!
For example automatically change default x-window-manager to
2) As a user I can start every gnome application one time - first
   time only!!! Every try to start any GNOME application later
causes starting background this application (don't open it's
window, so I can't really use it!);
3) There are two possibilities of using window managers with
   GNOME - icewm-gnome (starting without problems), and sawmill
(gnome) - starts... never (I can choose sawmill from the
window managers list in kdm, I've istalled sawmill package, I
can start it... but nothing appears);
4) I've asked befoure to intergate WindowMaker with GNOME.
   The answer indicated it's very easy. I tried and...
in GNOME Control Center I can configure only backgraund theme!!!
There are no more options possible to configure (nothing in the
right window, unactive every buttons).
Apart of the fact, after first starting GNOME Control Center I
couldn't start it never again...

I've unistalled all GNOME packages with purging the
configuration. Next install all gnome packages from the Potato
distribution. The same like above. I've tried two times to do it
- every time the same...

I'm starting hate GNOME - it seems unusual...

The GNOME in Potato is one big bug or I'm an crazy?

best regards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X and iso-8859-2 fonts...

2000-12-06 Thread Marcin Landowski


When I've used Slink there was no problem with using
iso-8859-2 fonts everywere.
A 2 months ago I've installed Potato and until today I cannot
force system to use iso-8859-2 fonts in X-window. Most
applications give possibility to choose iso-8859-2 fonts, but I
can't see them - I can see instead "bushes" or "?" (in KDE).
The only applications which uses iso-8859-2 fonts without any problem 
are Netscape and gnome-terminal. Reasume, the fonts has bin
installed in system, but hasnot bin displayed and printed.
I've standard Potato instalation, iso-8859-2 fonts from Biznet
packages (deb from Potato).
There are corretly fonts.dir and fonts.alias files in
/etc/X11/fonts/ and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/. There is corretly
path to these fonts for font-server. I've locales set to pl_PL
(but I've tried en_GB also).

Any ideas?

best regards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~~~~~~~~~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PPP connection.

2000-12-06 Thread Marcin Landowski
On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 03:12:06PM -0800, Junaedi Kartawijaya wrote:
> I use pppconfig. 

Do You try connect as a root or as a user?
(I can as a root and as a selected user...)

Try wvdial - is better and most simply (there is also kwvdial for

> I add the user to 'dip' group and 'dialout' group 

Have You a "set uid root" for /usr/sbin/pppd?

Have You a "group right to write" for device /dev/ttyS0?

In my system:

debian:~# ls -l `which pppd`
-rwsr-x---1 root dip183504 lis 11 00:33
debian:~# ls -l /dev/ttyS1
crw-rw1 root dialout4,  65 gru  6 21:53

> (for /dev/ttyS0).

Why /dev/ttyS0? This device is often "reserved" for a mice.
I've ps2 mouse on /dev/psaux but modem is on /dev/ttyS1.
As a ttyS0 doesn't want to work!!!

Usual wvdial can scan ports and "find" properly modem.

> pon  starts the connection. However, when I try to
> telnet (outside), a message appears: 'Hostname lookup failure'.
> My /etc/ppp/resolv/ contains files. Each contains:
> nameserver
> nameserver

It looks as a DNS problem. In /etc/resolv.conf must be right DNS
server (depends on your ISP).

best regards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie XDM question

2000-12-06 Thread Marcin Landowski
On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 10:53:40PM -0600, sc wrote:
> -
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverM
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to ServerM
> xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverM
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to ServerM
> xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to ServerM
> /usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker fatal error: could not open display ":0"
> -

You can take a look inside a config files in /etc/X11/xdm[kdm/gdm/wdm] -mayby 
you will find something interested?

But really I suppose there is something wrong in Potato about.
When I've used Slink there was no problem - I've used startx or
xdm/kdem/gdm (no problems).
For today:
1) After first installation Potato I've used startx - worked properly.
   But when I tried xdm - only errors.
2) So I've reinstalled X (first purge old version). During new
   installation I've choose xdm.

And what?

For today xdm/kdm/gdm/wdm works properly but I can't start X from
console using startx!!! (when kdm is shut down to console mode or
with option --:1). In Slink I could start a few X session
simoultanously. In Potato - impossible!

When I try to use startx I can see:

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

Bugs in Potato or I haven't read properly documentation?

best regards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNOME aplications background?

2000-12-05 Thread Marcin Landowski
Hi :-)

I've take a look at GNOME. During working as a root all is OK.
But when I'm simply user many GNOME aplications start running...
background! For example, when I start a gnome-terminal or gedit
as an user, the aplications never opens their windows. I can see
using top/ps they are working but I can't use them!
Whats wrong?

best regards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-05 Thread Marcin Landowski

I have never used GNOME before but I have taken an interest in
possibilities of this environment and plane to learn and use
I very like WindowMaker, but GNOME in Potato uses icewm or
sawmil. How can I integrity GNOME and WindowMaker to use it

best rigards

PS. I know it is inside documentation but I'd like for an
nice start - there will be a time to study documentation
 later...  ;-)

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome

2000-12-04 Thread Marcin Landowski
> > I've installed Debian 2.2 with gnome packages, but my default environment
> is
> > TWM. Do you guys have any idea hot to change that.
> update-alternatives -config x-window-manager
> for more do man update-alternatives

More clearly (for the newbie and thous who has no time to read

1) there are in /usr/bin a link named "x-window-manager";
2) it points to /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager;
3) /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager points to real
   default x-window-manager.


The most easy way is remove link /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager 
and make it once again pointing to our favourite window manager


After instalation Potato my defaults window manager seems
icewm-gnome. So, it looks like:

| point to
| point to

#cd /etc/alternatives/
/etc/alternatives/# rm x-window-manager
/etc/alternatives/#ln -s /usr/bin/X11/fvwm2 x-window-manager

After this x-window-manager point to my favourite fvwm2 :-), and
for now it's the default window manager.
Run startx once again or reset X-server by CTR+ALT+BS

best rigards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~~~~~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shutdown&power off for ordinary users

2000-12-04 Thread Marcin Landowski
On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 12:57:11PM +0100, Alson van der Meulen wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 12:36:34PM +0100, A.E. Roy wrote:
> > I´m running 2.2 with two users, #1 has the rootpassword, #2 don´t. When #2 
> > is finnished using the machine, he does a logout, and the machine reboots, 
> > he then turns the power off, and when restarting it all the partitions has 
> > to be cheched because they weren´t cleanly unmounted. How to I make #2 able 
> > to cleanly unmount?
> Look for /etc/shutdown.allow

In my opinion the simplest way to resolve this problem is to
modify /etc/inittab standard line

# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now

In this situation (the best in home use) everybody can easly shut
down corretly the system by simple CTRL-ALT-DEL :-).
In KDE it is possible, using kdm, configure the simple user allow shut
down the system. If I remember in wdm it is possible also.
best rigards

~~~   /*   | 
QLIVER  /  | / | ~~~~~
~~/|   /   | ~Marcin Landowski
  _| /_| ~
   *_|o|___|___|__@   [EMAIL PROTECTED]