RE: Request for info/help

2005-08-08 Thread Mark Huff
Well, I did some further testing and checking and here is what I come to 
find out.  Debian 2.2 shipped with perl5.004 while Debian 3.0 shipped 
with perl 5.6.1.  From what I can find out, perl5.004 is in no way 
compatible with 5.6.1, and because of the path differences, module 
differences, etc, the upgrade broke.

But who would of thunk that a system showing you it was at Debian 3.0 
would have had the old old perl stuff on it???No wonder the company 
was having problems

fn:Mark Huff
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:0422 904 650
tel;cell:0422 904 650

Request for info/help

2005-08-08 Thread Mark Huff
I am having a problem with a user and would like some clarification if I 
did correct or incorrectly.  Honest answers appreciated.

I performed some work for a company on a Debian Linux system with the 
prompt on the system (no graphic frontends, etc) indicated it was a 
Debian 3.0 (Woody) built.  The initial issue was a user outside of the 
company could not get an email sent to a user on the company's server.  
The company I was performing the work for is using Exim for the mail 
server, SMTP transactions are not logged.

Because of the above fact, I desired to move them to Postfix email.  As 
the system was showing me Woody build, I started dselect using the 
repository for debian sarge stable build (as I have in the past 
installed Sarge release candidates from 8/04).  Dselect indicated 
numberous upgrades available for the system (which the system needed 
regardless).  I started the update process, and Perl immediately 
crashed.  User data, email access from pop/smtp, passwords, etc, were 
not effected, but web mail access via neomail was, needless to say, 

In doing a little research, I found a Debian 2.2 cd (labeled disk1), a 
Debian 3.0 cd (labeled disk1), and a Debian 3.1 cd (labeled disk1) 
laying near this system.  What I am thinking is that while they may have 
upgraded enough of the Debian 2.2 for the prompt to indicate is was a 
Woody 3.0 system, there was still quite a bit of 2.2 (the perl is what I 
think was not upgraded), so that when the Perl 5.8.6 from the new stable 
build tried to install, the stuff on the system was so old that the 
install broke, and broke the perl that was on the system.

Question is - Are my assumptions correct?  If anyone else has walked up 
to the box seeing the prompt I did would they have had any issue in 
trying the upgrade? 

Just wondering,


fn:Mark Huff
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:0422 904 650
tel;cell:0422 904 650

Request for info/help

2005-08-08 Thread Mark Huff

Sorry if this repostsnot sure it got through the first time

I am having a problem with a user and would like some clarification if I 
did correct or incorrectly.  Honest answers appreciated.

I performed some work for a company on a Debian Linux system with the 
prompt on the system (no graphic frontends, etc) indicated it was a 
Debian 3.0 (Woody) built.  The initial issue was a user outside of the 
company could not get an email sent to a user on the company's server.  
The company I was performing the work for is using Exim for the mail 
server, SMTP transactions are not logged.

Because of the above fact, I desired to move them to Postfix email.  As 
the system was showing me Woody build, I started dselect using the 
repository for debian sarge stable build (as I have in the past 
installed Sarge release candidates from 8/04).  Dselect indicated 
numberous upgrades available for the system (which the system needed 
regardless).  I started the update process, and Perl immediately 
crashed.  User data, email access from pop/smtp, passwords, etc, were 
not effected, but web mail access via neomail was, needless to say, 

In doing a little research, I found a Debian 2.2 cd (labeled disk1), a 
Debian 3.0 cd (labeled disk1), and a Debian 3.1 cd (labeled disk1) 
laying near this system.  What I am thinking is that while they may have 
upgraded enough of the Debian 2.2 for the prompt to indicate is was a 
Woody 3.0 system, there was still quite a bit of 2.2 (the perl is what I 
think was not upgraded), so that when the Perl 5.8.6 from the new stable 
build tried to install, the stuff on the system was so old that the 
install broke, and broke the perl that was on the system.

Question is - Are my assumptions correct?  If anyone else has walked up 
to the box seeing the prompt I did would they have had any issue in 
trying the upgrade? 

Just wondering,



fn:Mark Huff
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:0422 904 650
tel;cell:0422 904 650

Re: [OT] X-friendly KVM switch?

2005-05-01 Thread Mark Huff
I use a "ServerLink SOHO KVM 4 port switch that is made here in 
Australia, and have never had a problem switching between my linux boxes 
and windows systems i am working on.  The only problem I have found in 
using my KVM is during the install phase of Debian - it does not detect 
the mouse properly, requiring me to us xf86config and editting the 
XF86Config file to get things set right.  After that it works great...

Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
I'm looking for an X-friendly PS/2-style KVM switch.  Currently, I
have a Belkin 4-port Omniview E series, and whenever I switch back to
X from another system, the mouse goes all crazy and I have to
Anyone have a well-behaved KVM switch?
4-port would be great, but I can live with 2.  As long as I'm asking,
it would be great if you could tell me if
a) you can switch systems with keystrokes instead of having to touch
the switch
b) if the switch beeps when you switch systems
Thanks in advance!

fn:Mark Huff
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:0422 904 650
tel;cell:0422 904 650