Would like to ask for some information regarding about debian's ins

2001-07-08 Thread Marko Simendic
 D-> Subject: Would like to ask for some information regarding about
 D-> debian's ins 
 D-> From: D-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 D-> Sender: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 D-> Header-To: debian-user@lists.debian.org

 D-> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 07:07:11PM -0500, John Hughes wrote:
 D-> | On Thursday 05 July 2001 13:03, D-Man wrote:
 | >
 | > I guess you mean that you are in 10th grade (or your local equivalent)
 | > because middle school is really young to be understanding how Unix (or
 | > computers in general) work.  I started out with DOS 3.3 in 7th grade,
 D-> | 
 D-> | I think grade 7 is when I first installed redhat.
 | > and to tell the truth I didn't learn anything other than windows until
 | > I started college (I had a brief glimpse of Solaris, but not enough to
 | > understand that there was something other than MS and Apple :-)).
 D-> | 
 D-> | Now, im in grade 11, have long forgotten the ill-ness of redhat, and
 D-> am quite 
 D-> | comfortable with Debian and unix in general :)

 D-> Cool!  It is nice to see some people getting an early start using a
 D-> decent system :-).

 D-> -D

Greetings to all...
I decided to participate more actively in this list from now and I think that
writing this is the right way to start. :) The only thing that is preventing
me is the fact that I use e-mail over bbs (BW/MM combination) and the mail
exchange is very slow. And I have some technical dificulties, too. In spite of
that I will try to be more active (until I go on vacation, that is :>).
Anyway, my first Linux distro was Debian 2.1 in my 7th grade (summer vacation,
between 7th and 8th grade, to be more precise)only a year before I got my
first PC. Then I used RH and SuSE for a while, and came back to the real
thing with Debian 2.2. Now I have finished 1st grade (mid-school, 15 years
old) and I am still using it. The only thing I am sorry about is that when I
installed Debian, (knew nothing about it, had no one to ask) I didn`t knew a
nice feature of Debian - the Debian community. That`s the reason I want to
help. While we are at it, are there any Debianers from Yugoslavia here? I
woud like to exchange opinions in my native tongue specially about forming
some kind of unformal debian-user-society in Yu, if there isn`t any yet, of
course. :)

 ___ _   _        _  __ ___ _ __  _   _  __ __
 )  | \_/ | / _  ||  _ \ | |/ // _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / _)( |_| )| _)  )
(   |  _  |( (_| || |_) )|   (( (_) )   ( (_ |  _  || _) (
 )__|_| |_| \__'_||_|\_\ |_|\_\\___/_[ Debian ]__\__)(_| |_)|__) _)
... Testis unus testis nullus.



2001-07-08 Thread Marko Simendic
 JC> Newbie here...

 JC> I've used unix systems for years and am certainly not an expert.
 JC> I'm new to Linux and just installed it on my pc. Why can't I print?
 JC> There is no lp, lpr command. There is a /dev/lp0 device and
 JC> my printer was recognized during installation.
 JC> I found documentation that said I needed to install a
 JC> package like LPD, but haven't found any packages that
 JC> refer to printer in dselect.

 JC> I think I'm going down the wrong path with this print
 JC> thing.

 JC> Any suggestions for getting print capability?

First do a "apt-get install lpr apsfilter". Then run apsfilterconfig.
You should be able to manage to do the configuration by yourself. If 
apsfilterconfig reports that he can not find a filter for your printer, 
just write down its name and apt-get it. Then check for /etc/printcap.
There are your printer names. Among them there is raw. Type "echo something 
> text" then a "lpr -Praw text". A paper containing "something" should come
out. :) Probably someone could give you a more sofisticated instructions, 
but this worked for me, so I see no reason that it shouldn`t work for you.


networking windows and linux

2001-07-08 Thread Marko Simendic

 DC> I'm currently trying to network a windows box and a debian box. I'm =
 DC> using ethernet cards and am able to ping both boxes respectfully. I use
 DC> = the windows box for the internet and mail (although once I am =
 DC> comfortable with Linux I will be converting fully).My question is how
 DC> do = I share the files from the windows box with the Linux box? And
 DC> while I'm = at it how do I share the Linux files with the windows box
 DC> (I really = don't care about that right now, but for future reference
 DC> maybe)? = Thanks.

 DC> Dan

"apt-get install task-samba"
then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf (it is easy)
and that`s it. You can connect to windows shares using smbclient 
"//windowsboxname/share -I [windows machine ip]"
use -I only if you don`t have a windows machine ip in /etc/hosts.


newbie installation problem

2001-07-08 Thread Marko Simendic
 ft> seem to find the module for the CD ROM drive during the installation. I
 ft> could

 ft> however run a shell & make a directory as /mnt/fd0 using
 ft> #mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom and then *cd* into cdrom and browse
 ft> directory etc of installation CD!!

 ft> And I also checked /lib/2.2.17/modules and there are modules, tho I
 ft> ain't sure

 ft> they are for the cdrom! The problem I figure is maybe the driver for
 ft> the cdrom
 ft> (TEAC CD 540-E manufactured Jan200 - I removed the cover and
 ft> checked..)is missing, tho installation CD had a module for TEAC,
 ft> matsushita etc.. and when I tried installing it said installation
 ft> failed! Any ideas what's wrong here? Should I go for 2.2r3?

I have the same cd-rom, and he doesn`t need any modules, as most of the IDE
devices... Just skip installing module for cd-rom.


KDE2 compile...

2001-05-01 Thread Marko Simendic
Hello all!
Once again I am in need of your help... I wish to use this chance to thank
people who helped me... Thanks guys! Maybe this is a question for an other
mail list... Anyway here it goes: when I try to do a "dpkg-buildpackage
-rfakeroot" KDE2 starts to compile (or prepare to, anyway) and exit with error
"aclocal: command not found". I have searched my Debian 2.2 disks for that
file and find libguile6-dev and installed it... Now I have directory
/usr/share/aclocal and a couple of scripts in it. Fine. When I have re-run the
build process it has exited with "execvs: aclocal: Permission denied". Then
I have changed file atributes for all of those scripts to 777. This error went
away, but "execvs: command not found" apeared. I searched for execvs but found
nothing. What should I do to make KDE2 up-and running? Compile in a standard
way (./configure, make, make install) works ok, but i want to do it in a
Debian way... :) The package has been "debianised" already (debian dir), of
course... KDE is v2.01, Debian v2.2, Kernel v2.4.3.

 ___ _   _        _  __ ___ _ __  _   _  __ __
 )  | \_/ | / _  ||  _ \ | |/ // _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / _)( |_| )| _)  )
(   |  _  |( (_| || |_) )|   (( (_) )   ( (_ |  _  || _) (
 )__|_| |_| \__'_||_|\_\ |_|\_\\___/_[ Debian ]__\__)(_| |_)|__) _)
... Iza svakog ugla vreba Dragan Kojic - Keba...


Framebuffer question

2001-04-18 Thread Marko Simendic
How can I set framebuffer to work using higher refresh rates then 60hz? I
have a Geforce2 card and I am using 2.4.0-pre12 kernel which is not going to
change soon. Is there a new kernel driver for nvidia cards? There is one for
Rivas but not for Geforce2 based cards.

Thanks for your help.
 ___ _   _        _  __ ___ _ __  _   _  __ __
 )  | \_/ | / _  ||  _ \ | |/ // _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / _)( |_| )| _)  )
(   |  _  |( (_| || |_) )|   (( (_) )   ( (_ |  _  || _) (
 )__|_| |_| \__'_||_|\_\ |_|\_\\___/_[ Debian ]__\__)(_| |_)|__) _)
... Boldly calling where no modem has called before


Mail question

2001-03-12 Thread Marko Simendic

 > Hello all!
 > I have two computers running Potato and Windows. What should I set for the
 > "mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]" to work on host2 and vice versa?=20

 Km> Say you have two computers on your network, potato and mswin.

 Km> Are you asking how to send mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL 
 Km> vice versa?

I am asking what packages should I install on Debian for mail transfer between
two debian hosts (send & recieve), and how to set them up?
It will be great if I could do that for win host to. I want to send & recieve
mail from mswin using potato as a mail server, as well. This is all only for
lan needs, I have no need for transfering mail out of lan.

 ___ _   _        _  __ ___ _ __  _   _  __ __
 )  | \_/ | / _  ||  _ \ | |/ // _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / _)( |_| )| _)  )
(   |  _  |( (_| || |_) )|   (( (_) )   ( (_ |  _  || _) (
 )__|_| |_| \__'_||_|\_\ |_|\_\\___/_[ Debian ]__\__)(_| |_)|__) _)
... Aurora musis amica.


Mail question

2001-03-09 Thread Marko Simendic
Hello all!

I have two computers running Potato and Windows. What should I set for the
"mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]" to work on host2 and vice versa? Local mail delivery is
working fine. Also, what I need to set if I want to enable recieving and
sending mail from Windows to Linux too?

Could someone point me to the right FAQs or mans for that issue.

 ___ _   _        _  __ ___ _ __  _   _  __ __
 )  | \_/ | / _  ||  _ \ | |/ // _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / _)( |_| )| _)  )
(   |  _  |( (_| || |_) )|   (( (_) )   ( (_ |  _  || _) (
 )__|_| |_| \__'_||_|\_\ |_|\_\\___/_[ Debian ]__\__)(_| |_)|__) _)
... Verba volat scripta manent.