woody broken

2001-03-07 Thread Mathew Johnston
I recently updated my woody/testing package list and
have found that many packages are either no longer available
or are obsolete. Some examples include mount, passwd, samba,
rlinetd, and MANY more. I've tried many mirrors including
ftp.debian.org and ftp.us.debian.org and they're all exhibiting
this problem. It's not just me, I had other people with woody
boxes update and try to install stuff, and had the same experience.

Mathew Johnston

woody still missing a bunch of packages?

2001-03-07 Thread Mathew Johnston
It looks like woody is still missing lilo, passwd, slang1
and some other packages. Is there an ETA for these packages?

Earlier today there were a lot more missing packages, but
tonight they were back. Where are the rest? :)

Mathew Johnston

samba / smbmount problems

2000-09-04 Thread Mathew Johnston
I have a mixed windows/linux network, and am looking to do file sharing
over my LAN.  Samba seems pretty good, except that mounted smb shares
(in linux) sometimes lose connectivity.  It really liked to do it when
xmms crashed as I tried to add a directory to my playlist that was
inside an smb share.  If I tried to get a directory listing or change to
the smb moutned directory, it would say input/output error.  Has anyone
seen this sort of problem before? I'd like to use samba, as I dont think
that nfs is really very well supported in windows.  Ideas? :)

Mathew Johnston

memory usage

2000-09-02 Thread Mathew Johnston
When I boot up, and launch, gdm, log in, it runs sawfish and I run licq,
netscape, some xterms, etc. When I type 'free' I'm told that about 40mb
ram is being used, and no swap.  Over the course of a day, this number
grows to about 75 megs being used for the same stuff.  Before starting
X, my box takes about 15mb ram, but if I simply log out of X, and do a
free in console mode, it's using 40 mb without running X!  Top does not
report any processes that have run away with a bunch of ram, and x is
properly shut down... I want to know where my ram is going! Also,
eventually swap space gets used.  After about a week of running, I'm
using on avg 70mb ram and 60 mb swap all the time.  Maybe I'm missing
something about these numbers? Maybe I actually have more available free
memory than it's telling me? Could someone help me understand this?
 Thank you :)

Mathew Johnston

Mailing list software.

2000-08-28 Thread Mathew Johnston
I'm wondering if anyone has reccomendations for mailing list software.
I need to maintain something like 10 lists, with maybe 10 people per
list.  Users should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe, but I wish to
limit which addresses may subscribe. If possible, maybe a list of
addresses which are permitted to subscribe to each list?  The idea is
that these are private mailing lists and I dont want just anyone
joining (security through obscurity is bad ;). The list software should
keep an archive of the list in some sort of html format with okay
navigation - threads are good.  Does such a piece of software exist?
 Thanks :)

Mathew Johnston

potato froze up

2000-08-15 Thread Mathew Johnston
I have a potato box that is running samba, mysql, apache, proftpd,
Xwindows (but connects to another box to run all of its apps) and is a
masq firewall.  Last night it froze up while running a screensaver
remotely (on the other xwindows box, over the lan).  No messages in
syslog.  I'd like to stop this from happening again.  Any ideas as to
how to track downt he offending software? By froze up, btw, I mean
wouldnt accept ssh connections, etc, not just like X froze up on it's
own.   I know its just one crash, but I dont want to have to put up with
an unstable box :) (and yes, I know its probably x doing it, but x has
to run, as i dont have another spare box laying around :)

Thanks a bunch :)
Mathew Johnston

Re: OT: what's the point of mp3's?

2000-08-09 Thread Mathew Johnston
I think that he's asking why not just gzip waves and gunzip when you need to 
listen to
them.  The answer, is that gzip is not designed for audio, and gzip is 
lossless.  MP3
is designed for audio - it is lossful in that it removed bits of audio that 
normally a
person wouldnt be able to hear anyway.  MP3 gets what is it... 1:10 compression 
or so
on a wave? gzip would get much less.  Also, mp3 can be decompressed as needed 
you'd have to totally unpack with gunzip and then play.  Unless... someone 
wants to
write a sort of streaming gunzip engine :)

Mathew Johnston

Krzys Majewski wrote:

 gunzip -c hef1153mp3.wav.gz | bplay

 Actually I screwed up in the first post. Should've said

 -rw-r--r--1 krzyskrzys  118700 Jul 31 17:28 hip1302mp3.mp3
 -rw-rw-r--1 krzyskrzys 1118870 Aug  9 11:05 hip1302mp3.wav.gz

 which answers my question I guess.. -chris

 On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, [iso-8859-15] André Dahlqvist wrote:

  On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 10:22:30AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
   -rw-r--r--1 krzyskrzys  118700 Jul 31 17:28 hip1302mp3.mp3
   -rw-rw-r--1 krzyskrzys 1308716 Aug  9 10:05 hip1302mp3.wav
   -rw-rw-r--1 krzyskrzys  117718 Aug  9 10:06 hip1302mp3.wav.gz
   So what's the point of .mp3?  -chris
  Try loading the gzipped file in XMMS and see what happens:-)
  // André
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

128 bit encryption netscape?

2000-07-30 Thread Mathew Johnston
is there a 128 bit encryption netscape package floating around? I cant
find it in my packages list.

Thanks :)

time is off by 1 hour

2000-07-27 Thread Mathew Johnston
my timezone file contains Canada/Eastern

when i type date, it tells me that its EST, not EDT like it should (i

so when I run ntpdate it gives me the time, minus 1 hour.

any ideas as to how to fix this? Thanks :)

Mathew Johnston

how to set up an xterminal?

2000-07-26 Thread Mathew Johnston
I have a box which has a primary use of a server/firewall.  I desperatly
need another workstation tho, and I dont have the money to buy another
computer.  So, I was thinking, I'd install a barebones X, and run all of
the apps over the network from another machine, so that i can keep the
fw fairly clean.

How should I go about this? I want it to be at most like, 1 command to
be typed on the firewall to load up an x session with an xdm login for
the other machine.  Possible?

Thanks a bunch for any help :)
Mathew Johnston

odd dma_intr error

2000-07-25 Thread Mathew Johnston
Hi, on one of my boxes I get the following error once in a while:

hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: dma_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=1253727,

it repeats sometimes, and lists other sectors, but the same idea.  Any
idea what's going on? I was thinking of installing a newer kernel to fix
it? (im running 2.2.14 right now)


asking x not to listen on an interface

2000-07-18 Thread Mathew Johnston
I've been lookin in the docs, and I cant find any info on how to do
this... I want to stop X from listening on a particular interface... or
even stop it from listening on any tcp port at all.  I'd prefer that it
just use a unix socket or something - something non public.

Any ideas? Thanks
Mathew Johnston

checksecurity script

2000-07-09 Thread Mathew Johnston
The script checksecurity which creates the setuid.* log file and is
distributed with cron doesnt have a whole lot of documentation.  How
does it log? Can it be made to log through syslog?

Also, I'd love to see this distrubuted in it's own package, so that it
may be build upon further to do md5 checksums and stuff.   Maybe some
mechanism to store logs on remote servers?  Log via syslog and then have
the syslog box have some daemon to share the said logs?

I mean, I'd write some tcl or perl script to do this maybe.  Just
wondering what sorta info is out there about the package so far.  Altho,
maybe since tripwire is open it'd be better to leave the checksum stuff
to it :)

Mathew Johnston