base-config net install not installing any packages

2004-10-13 Thread Matthew Jackson

During the base-config, I receive an error message 
saying that the instalaion can not continue die to bugs in software or not 
enougth space or other problems. This is after I select if i want a Desktop 
enviro, file server, mail server etc and hit ok.
Any Ideas?
I got the net install cd from debain. I also tried 
the lastest build net install cd from today. Still no 

Not installing gnome

2004-10-13 Thread Matthew Jackson

I am a KDE user and was wondering when I install 
sarge is there a way to not install anything Gnome and only use 

Dual Boot

2004-09-24 Thread Matthew Jackson

I am trying to dual boot, so I am copying the boot 
sector from linux using the dd command. I copy the 512 byte file to my XP 
machine and setup boot.ini. When I reboot and I select Debain instead of XP, the 
screen just says "GRUB " in the top left and then a flashing cursor. I cannot 
enter anything and nothing else occurs.

What iso files are people using for sarge?

2004-09-20 Thread Matthew Jackson

Are you all using the weekly build isos or other 
isos to install sarge with?
Also, is sarge installed with a 2.4 kernel and if 
so can it be changed to install with a 2.6 kernel?

NDIS Wrapper

2004-09-19 Thread Matthew Jackson

How do I go about installing NDIS wrapper. I have 
tried to follow the directions on the website but it is unable to build the 

Sarge Weekly Builds

2004-09-17 Thread Matthew Jackson

How come on the debian website the latest "weekly" 
iso build is from 17 Aug. Is this really the latest version of sarge we  
can get?

Bootloader for Sarge

2004-09-17 Thread Matthew Jackson

I just downloaded the weekly build for Sarge and 
burnt the first iso. The install goes great but when asked to install GRUB, I 
decide not to install to the MBR so it asks me where to install it to. The 
reason is I have XP on one hard disk and Linux on the other hard disk. the linux 
hard disk comes up as 'hdc'. On it I have partitioned it into 
/boot 250mb
/tmp 750mb
/var 1gb
/ 10gb
/usr 20gb
swap 1gb
/home remainder ~40gb
in that order. I tell the debian installer to 
install GRUB into /dev/hdc1 meaning the /boot partition. I want to use the NTLDR 
so it does not mess with windows MBR. I then have installed bootpart onto my xp 
drive and added to boot.ini the 250mb (/boot) linux drive as read here: In 
bootpart my /boot is number 2.
So is it the debiban installer not putting it where 
I want or is it bootpart not finding it?
Any help? Hope I was clear with 

Install to USB HD

2004-09-15 Thread Matthew Jackson

Does anyone know if it is possible to install 
debian to an external USB 2.0 Hard disc?