Scanner, TV tuner, PC-TV support on Debian 2.1

1999-06-16 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh

I am trying to find out some information on scanner support for Debian 2.1.
Can someone recommend a good scanner for use?

Also, what would be a good PC-to-TV card that is supported on Linux. I am
looking to run my graphics output to my computer output to my TV (preferably
through a S-video connection).

Any recommendation on TV-tuner cards and software for Linux?

Where can I find info. on USA support for Linux?

Thanks in advance.


x11amp installation problems

1999-06-07 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I have been trying to install x11amp for quite sometime now but I keep
running into installation problems. I tried it with both the .deb package
(from www.debian .org) as well as the source. I get the following error:

Libc6 conflicts with apt.

FYI: x11amp requires a newer version of libc6 but when I try to install that
it says there is a conflict with apt.

Any help???



NTFS support

1999-06-02 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh

I am trying to findout how I can enable NTFS support on my Debian 2.1
system. I am to access some files on my Windows NT partition but I am unable
to mount the partition. Any suggestions???



RE: awe64 sound problems

1999-05-26 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I read somewhere that AWE32 driver works only for kernels later than 2.0.36.
I might be wrong (anybody???).


-Original Message-
From:   Mark Bathie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 26, 1999 3:25 AM
Subject:awe64 sound problems

I have been trying to set up my awe64Pnp on kernel 2.0.36. I
have been through just about every doc there is but still I have no luck.

Here is a copy of my /dev/sndstat file

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Tue May 25 17:35:07 EST 1999
Linux flod 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i686
Kernel: Linux flod 2.0.36 #1 Tue May 25 17:35:33 EST 1999
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
(Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5)
(SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 1 drq 0)
(OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0)

Audio devices:

Synth devices:

Midi devices:

0: System clock


I think the problem is that I have no audio devce, synth,
etc install. How do I install these components ?

also when I do a modprobe -a sound it tells says AWE32: not
detected ??



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RE: Some kde questions

1999-05-25 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
Where did you get the KDE distribution from. I downloaded 1.1.1 from kde.ord
(.deb files) but after I installed them, I could not start startkde. I
inserted the line in my .xsession file and when I log in through xdm, it
simply returns me to xdm instead of starting KDE. Is there a problem with
version 1.1.1?

-Original Message-
From: Joel Keating [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 9:58 PM
Subject: Some kde questions

My  kde is semi-working.  My backspace key acts the same as a delete key
should.  If i change some things in Xmod keymap it doesn't work at all.
Another thing is that I don't get color when i set backgrounds that are .jpg
or .gif images.  Any help would be great. 
- -- 
Joel Keating 


Kernel 2.2 Upgrade questions

1999-05-25 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I downloaded the source files for Kernel 2.2.1 from the Debian site. I
currently am running Slink (2.0.36) and was hoping to upgrade to 2.2 (good
idea???). As I was going through the configuration menus (using make
menuconfig) and found that some of the configuration options available under
slink are not there. For example Parallel port Zip drive support. Is there
a Kernel-HOWTO for the new 2.2 kernel? I would like to find out what
options are available and what needs to be turned on and what to be turned
off. I also found that some of the option with regard to sound were not the
same. When I selected Sound Blaster sound card, there was no prompt or place
to enter the IRQ, DMA, etc. info. for the card. I would like to learn a
little more about the new kernel and why there is such a big difference in
configuration options.

I heard that the new kernel is very modular. Does this mean I can have a
lean mean kernel and include only the modules I need? Is SMP turned on by
default? If so would it make sense to turn it off for single processor
systems so as to get better performance?



Debian applications - where to get them???

1999-05-24 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I am running into problems getting applications for Debian.

1.  I wanted to get the Communicator 4.5 and so I checked the Debian
archives. There is a listing for Communicator 4.5 but when I add up the file
sizes, they don't match nowhere close to the Netscape Binary posting (of
around 12MB). Are there any other files that I should be installing along
with these (there are no other dependencies shown on the package listing)

2.  I have seen posting on Real G2 player for Linux but I could not find
it at . Is there a G2 player for Linux
yet or is it still version 5.0?

3.  I wanted to download x11amp (also called winamp in the Windows
world) to play MP3 files but could not find it anywhere. Any suggestions on
where I might be able to get a copy (preferably in .deb format)? (Any
suggestions for a better player are also welcome :-)  ).




1999-05-21 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
This is not meant to start a debate on which is better but I just want to
find some facts about each one.

1.  Is Debian more leaning towards KDE or is this just 'news' from the
Corel folks? Is there a reason why they chose KDE and not GNOME?
2.  Which is faster?
3.  Which uses less memory and is more stable?
4.  I heard GNOME uses CORBA. What advantage does this give from a
system perspective where multiple applications are running?

Thanks is advance.


Installing Sound Module

1999-05-21 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I recently installed Slink have been quite happy with its performance except
that I am unable to get the sound card working. I have tried a couple of
other Linux distributions like Red Hat and Caldera's and have found loading
the sound driver as a module was much easier. Is there a program that can
do this under Debian also (I mean without recompiling the Kernel - I would
like to be able to load it as a module). I have a SoundBlaster AWE32 card.

Thanks for any help.
