1999-11-07 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
I had the same problem upgrading from kernel 2.0.x to 2.2.13:

SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

I solved the SIOCADDRT error message updating the
/etc/init.d/network script. Just to be safe I installed also the
netbase_3.12-2 package for Slink
BTW, just to be pedantic, the loopback interface is supposed to
be on a class A network, so the netmask should be and
the command is:

  ifconfig lo
  route add -net netmask lo

I wonder if kernel 2.2.x does not require loopback setted
properly anymore...

Firenze - Italy

Contro la Tariffa Urbana a Tempo -

Default TERM value.

1999-03-29 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
When I login from a Windows 98 to a Linux box (Debian 2.0), the TERM
variable is set to "ansi", which is not the best for Windows telnet (which
works best with vt100).

Where can I set the default TERM value depending on tty device?

I put a line in /etc/login.defs like this "TTYTYPE /etc/ttytype" and
then I created /etc/ttytype with lines like "vt100 ttyp0". But this does
not work, TERM is still stick to "ansi".

Am I doing something wrong or man login.defs is faulty?

Re: Tin hangs on Debian 2.0

1998-10-03 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
As suggested by Paul Haggart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, I upgraded to the new
version of tin (in "slink"), and everything is working fine again.

Don't know the reason of the problem, but may be I will post something
to the Debian bug tracking system?

Any suggestion?

> I am using tin_980226-3.deb on Debian 2.0.
> I can read news, but I can't post because of some 7/8 bit matter which I
> didn't look into.
> Few days ago there was someone asking on this list about this 7/8 bit matter.
> I think he is using it under Hamm too.
> > I installed a fresh Debian 2.0 system via FTP. The tin newsreader shows
> > the groups available, but when I press Enter to see the headers, the
> > program hangs.
> >
> > I found this problem on two different systems.
> >
> > I fixed the problem by purging tin_980226-3.deb and installing the old
> > version from a Debian 1.3.1 CD-ROM. The old package is tin_97.03.21-1.deb
> > which required the old lib ncurses3.0.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

Tin hangs on Debian 2.0

1998-10-01 Thread Niccolo&#x27; Rigacci
I installed a fresh Debian 2.0 system via FTP. The tin newsreader shows
the groups available, but when I press Enter to see the headers, the
program hangs.

I found this problem on two different systems.

I fixed the problem by purging tin_980226-3.deb and installing the old
version from a Debian 1.3.1 CD-ROM. The old package is tin_97.03.21-1.deb
which required the old lib ncurses3.0.

I noticed that tin has moved from the main directory to the non-free, does
this mean something? 

Is there anybody using the new tin on a new 2.0 Debian?

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

AMD K5, Netscape, netstat & zombies

1998-03-30 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
I got some problem running Netscape 3.04 after I recompiled the kernel.
Simply Netscape hangs waiting for a netstat process which becomes zombie.
Searching on the net I found this message that was the answer:

> From   "Lev Babiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have K5-100, and when I compiled kernel for Pentium or Ppro I go some
> really nasty problems. Netscape would spawn zombie tasks (netstat) and I
> couldn't even recompile kernel - GCC dumped core. Once I recompiled the
> kernel for 386 everything works fine. Tried this with 2.0.30 and 2.0.32
So I recompiled for 386 and the problem is solved. Neither 486 is working.

Does someone have traced more extensively this problem? Are other programs
affected besides Netscape? Is it only a K5-100 CPU problem? Are newer
kernels affected too?

For the statistics my system is

- AMD K5-100
- Debian 1.3.1.r6 with custom kernel 2.0.30
- Netscape 3.04 (the only program which seems to be affected, but I do
  not tested extensively).

To solve the problem I changed only the CPU option in kernel config.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PPP to multiple Internet Provider

1998-03-20 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
Some days ago I posted a mail to debian-user mailing list asking for the

> I successfuly installed Debian 1.3.1.r6 and ran pop, poff to connect to my
> provider. I would like to use a command that let me choose between several
> providers, something like "pon atslink" or "pon dadanet".
> I would like also:
> - Users in a selected group (e.g. dip) can do po and poff without being
>   superuser.
> - An appropriate "nameserver" line should be put in top of
>   /etc/resolv.conf, so the nameserver of the selected provider is used
>   first (again users should do that not being root).

I received some reply, among them Marcelo E. Magallon

> The ppp on hamm does this. You can say "pon provider". The newest
> proposal to ppp on hamm, will (I think) address the second
> situation. 

I checked the new ppp_2.3.3-5.deb hamm package, currently it fixes only
first problem, so I opted for this solution which is highly compatible
the future release of the ppp package:

Mantained the ppp_2.2.0f-23.deb package included in bo 1.3.1.r6.

Removed the /etc/ppp.options_out file and replaced it with a file called
/etc/ppp/peers/provider. This one contains the ppp options for the
provider, if you have other providers place additional files with other
names, like /etc/ppp/peers/flashnet (this is also done in the new ppp

Removed the /etc/ppp.chatscript file and replaced it with a file called
/etc/ppp/chatscripts/provider. Others chat scripts can be added in the
directory (this is also done in the new ppp package, with the difference
that chatscripts are in /etc/chatscripts).

Changed the /usr/bin/pon script with the following:

   /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/peers/${1:-provider}

It is very similar at the pon in the new ppp package, except it uses the
"file" option of ppd instead of the new "call" option. If pon is called
without parameter it uses the default file /etc/ppp/peers/provider, if
instead is called - say - as "pon flashnet", it uses

The /etc/ppp/peers/provider files are like this:

   connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chatscripts/provider"
   ipparam /etc/ppp/peers/provider.dns

The connect option points to the proper chatscript. The ipparam instead
used to pass a parameter to the /etc/ppp/ip-up script, which is called
after the ppp interface is up. This extra parameter is a file name
containing the nameservers directives that must added to
So with those lines in /etc/ppp/ip-up I resolved the nameserver problem

   # Write ISP's and default nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf. No more
   # than 3 nameserver directives are allowed.
   # Filename containing ISP's nameservers is passed as 6th argument
   # by pppd (see ipparam option).
   if [ -r "$6" ]; then
  grep -v "^nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf > $TFILE
  cat $6 /etc/ppp/peers/_default.dns | grep "^nameserver" | head -3
>> \
  cat $TFILE > /etc/resolv.conf
  rm $TFILE

I just added the required /etc/ppp/peers/provider.dns files and an
/etc/ppp/peers/_default.dns file which contain lines like:


For the security I put all the users that can dial-uot in the dip group,
files in /etc/ppp/peers and /etc/ppp/chatscripts are owned by root.dip
have mode 640, directory /etc/ppp is owned by root.dip, with mode 750.

It is a bit complicate, but it works and it is a step forward the new


Firenze - Italy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PPP to multiple Internet Provider

1998-03-17 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
I successfuly installed Debian 1.3.1.r6 and ran pop, poff to connect to my
provider. I would like to use a command that let me choose between several
providers, something like "pon atslink" or "pon dadanet".
I would like also:

- Users in a selected group (e.g. dip) can do po and poff without being
- An appropriate "nameserver" line should be put in top of
  /etc/resolv.conf, so the nameserver of the selected provider is used
  first (again users should do that not being root).

I think this is a simple task of writing some scripts, but does Debian
have something already done?

Please reply by mail too!

Firenze - Italy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Man does not display tables

1998-02-17 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
I installed Debian 1.3.1 from the Official CD. I installed the packages
that dselect suggests.

I found that the man program don't understand some tags. For example in
the /usr/man/man4/console_codes.4.gz file I see the following that is
supposed to be a table:

.SS "ESC- but not CSI-sequences"
l l l.
ESC c   RIS Reset.
ESC D   IND Linefeed.
ESC E   NEL Newline.
ESC H   HTS Set tab stop at current column.

But when I run "man console_codes" I get the following output:

   ESC- but not CSI-sequences
   l l l.  ESC  c RIS  Reset.   ESC  D IND  Linefeed.
   ESC  ENEL  Newline.   ESC  H HTS  Set  tab stop at
   current column.   ESC  M RI   Reverse  linefeed.   ESC
   Z DECID DEC  private  identification.  The  kernel

Should I install something to have the man program to understand the .TS

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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