[OT] Arvoden för programmering, administration etc

2001-10-09 Thread oivvio polite
Det här frågan relaterar inte till listans ämne men jag tror att
publiken här den bästa att fråga.

Jag har under många år arbetat som frilansskribent. Förra året gjorde
jag ett uppehåll i skrivandet och arbetade som programmerare hos
http://www.globalgenomics.com. Nu har jag återgått till skrivandet men tar
enskilda programmeringsuppdrag från min gamla arbetsgivare. 
Jag har också tänkt söka uppdrag från andra. I första hand är jag 
intresserad av pythonprogrammering, men har redan åkt på en del 

Var är rimliga arvodesnivåer för programmering och systemadministration?
Finns det någon jobsökarsajt som förmedlar uppdrag snarare än anställningar?

ciao o

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Crash postmortem.

2001-10-05 Thread oivvio polite

I've been experiencing some system instability lately.
The system crashes like once a week or something. Ctrl-Alt-Delete has no 
effect. And I can't even ssh in from another host to do a graceful shutdown. 
Of course I'm not asking any of you to analyze my problem with this little 
informatation. Rather I'm asking for tips an general methods for analyzing 
crashes after the fact. Or maybe some prog that monitor all processes and 
warns me when something is starting to go haywire?

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Setting up a bunch of boxen at a small school.

2001-09-23 Thread oivvio polite

I might soon have to set up some 20 - 30 boxes supporting some 200 students. 
They'll want to do word processing, browse the web, read mail. 

Of course any user should be able to log into his/her account from any box.
What are my options here? Have all applications run from a powerful server 
and use boxen as X-terminals, run applications on boxen and store only home 
dirs on server...

I'm looking for a setup that's easy to admin remotely and involves zero 
fiddling with the individual boxen.

All ideas are interesting but some ideas (that have actually been implemented 
and proven to work on a day-to-day basis) are more interesting.


oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: MS Windows users secretly dominating debian-user!

2001-09-20 Thread oivvio polite

Also sprach Nathan E Norman:
 Also, a more fair count would associate senders with user-agents ...
 if I send 100 emails with mutt, and 10 other users send 10 emails each
 with Outlook, which is more popular?  (From a number of users
 standpoint, Outlook should be the answer).  Your script doesn't account
 for this.

How silly of me. Obviously I have been duped by MS agents.

 Yeah, I know it was all for fun :)

For fun? Have you lost mind? Don't you see what THEY are trying to do. 
Obviously you're an MS agent.

New script, counting each sender once. (Couldn't do this in a oneliner. Maybe 
I'm an MS agent.) :

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import mailbox, sys, re, string
box = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(sys.argv[1]))
senders = {}
clientscount = {}
clientregexp = re.compile((.+?)[\d,\/,\[,\.,\(].*)
while 1:
msg = box.next()
if not msg:
sender = msg.getheader(From)
if not senders.has_key(sender):
senders[sender] = 1
client = msg.getheader(X-Mailer) or  msg.getheader(User-Agent) or 
match = clientregexp.match(client)
if match:
client = match.groups()[0]
client = string.strip(client)
if clientscount.has_key(client):
clientscount[client] =  clientscount[client] + 1
clientscount[client] =  1
results = [(key, value) for value, key in clientscount.items()]
for result in results:
print result[1], result[0]

Result. Pretty much the same. :
Mutt 667
unknown 518
Mozilla 293
Microsoft Outlook Express 263
KMail 169
Gnus 105
Internet Mail Service 71
Microsoft Outlook IMO 61
Evolution 45
QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 38
Sylpheed version 32
Balsa 32
AOL 17
Pegasus Mail for Win 16
Microsoft Outlook 16
WWW-Mail 15
Microsoft Outlook CWS 15
VM 14
exmh version 11
IMP 11
The Bat! 10
SquirrelMail 8
Becky! ver 8
MIME-tools 7
XFMail 6
QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 6
Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition 6
Forte Agent 6
Web Mail 5
Spruce 5
Mew version 5
Lotus Notes Release 5
Pronto v 4
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent 4
Mulberry 4
Gnus v 4
Windows Eudora Pro Version 3
WebMail 3
Novell GroupWise 3
Mutt http: 3
EMUmail 3
tin 2
mutt-nntp 2
mailgate 2
emacs 2
Visto Server 2
Turnpike Integrated Version 2
QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 2
PocoMail 2
Opera 2
Netscape Webmail 2
NeoMail 2
NIMS ModWeb Module 2
Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 2
MailCity Service 2
MSN Explorer 2
InterChange 2
CommuniGate Pro Web Mailer v 2
Atlas Mailer 2
Apple Mail 2
ATT Message Center Version 2
slrn 1
nail 1
mutt 1
mPOP Web-Mail 1
internet mail service 1
dMail 1
Windows Eudora Version 1
Windows Eudora Light Version 1
Webmin 1
Wanadoo Webmail 1
WM Professional Edition v 1
Virtual Access by Atlantic Coast PLC 1
Version 1
Unknown 1
Ultrafunk Popcorn release 1
Turnpike 1
TkMail 1
SoftForum-WebMail 1
Sequoia 1
Semi-gnus 1
Postaci 1
Pluto 1
Pan 1
PMMail 1
Mutt- 1
Microsoft-Entourage 1
Microsoft Outlook Express for Macintosh - 1
Microsoft Internet Mail 1
Microsoft Internet E-mail 1
Mailsmith 1
Mailer? 1
Lynx 1
Kaufman Mail Warrior 1
KNode 1
Juno 1
JMail 1
J 1
Interfejs WWW poczty Wirtualnej Polski 1
InMail by Insite - www 1
Gmail 1
GNU Emacs 1
Forte Agent i 1
Excite Inbox 1
Endymion MailMan Standard Edition v 1
Elm 1
Edsamail 1
Daum Web Mailer 1
DMailWeb Web to Mail Gateway 1
Cronos II 1
CoreCommMail 1
CompuServe 1
Caramail - www 1
Calypso Version 1
CWMail Web to Mail Gateway 1
BeOS Mail 1
AspMail 1
AeroMail 1
IMail v 1
2 1
Alex Hart's Very Own Web Based Email 1
oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: MS Windows users secretly dominating debian-user!

2001-09-20 Thread oivvio polite

Also sprach Tony Crawford:
 Funny, I'm not in the list, but I can't see where that pipeline
 leaves out those of us with Debian in the first Received


Could you elaborate on that? Is there a way of discriminating subscribed 
posters from unsubscribed posters by watching the headers? 

  X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v4.0, beta 40)
you're obviusly an MS agent.

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

MS Windows users secretly dominating debian-user!

2001-09-19 Thread oivvio polite
Well not exactly dominating. Maybe not secretly either. But it sounded good.
This oneliner from the department of utterly useless info tells it all:

agrep ^User-Agent: ,^X-Mailer:  user|perl -ne 'chomp;/.+?: 
(.?.?.?[^\d,\(,\[,\/]{1,14}).*/; $o=$1; $o=~s/ //g;print $o\n;'|sort|uniq 
-dc|sort -rn 

   8032 Mutt
   1531 Mozilla
   1405 MicrosoftOutlook
944 KMail
930 Gnus
524 Evolution
261 QUALCOMMWindows
220 exmhversion
213 Balsa
211 Sylpheedversion
209 InternetMailSer
133 AOL
107 VM
 67 IMP
 52 TheBat!
 51 Prontov
 50 XFMail
 50 WWW-Mail
 31 Spruce
 30 SquirrelMail
 26 ELM
 25 WebMail
 25 Becky!ver.
 22 NovellGroupWise
 22 Mutthttp:
 21 VirtualAccessby
 20 Elm
 17 ForteAgent
 17 Edsamail
 15 Microsoft-Outlook
 14 tin
 14 Mutt-
 14 LotusNotesRelea
 14 DMailWebWebtoM
 14 CronosII
 12 SEMI
 12 GNUEmacs
 11 Mewversion
 10 mutt
 10 mailgate
 10 Unknown
  9 VistoServer
  9 Visto
  9 PMMail
  9 Mailsmith
  9 KNode
  9 JAWmail
  8 MIME-tools
  8 Gnusv
  7 WindowsEudoraLi
  7 Mulberry
  7 MH
  6 mutt-nntp
  6 mPOPWeb-Mail
  6 dMail
  6 CalypsoVersion
  5 nail
  5 WindowsEudoraPr
  5 TurnpikeIntegrat
  5 TkMail
  5 RMM
  5 AtlasMailer
  5 21.
  5 AlexHart'sVery
  4 emacs
  4 TWIG
  4 Opera
  4 MailCityService
  4 AppleMail
  3 Pluto
  3 PHP
  3 NeoMail
  3 NIMSModWebModul
  3 MicrosoftInterne
  3 MacSOUP
  3 EMUmail
  3 CommuniGateProW
  3 Becky!ver
  2 slrn
  2 dtmail
  2 Webmin
  2 UltrafunkPopcorn
  2 Turnpike
  2 SoftForum-WebMail
  2 Postaci
  2 PocoMail
  2 Pan
  2 NetscapeWebmail
  2 Mailer?
  2 MSNExplorer
  2 Lynx
  2 JMail
  2 InterChange
  2 InMailbyInsite
  2 Gmail
  2 ATTMessageCent
  2 IMailv
oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: what's the name?

2001-09-19 Thread oivvio polite
Who gets to wote, developers, users, Rush Limbaugh? I relly like the little 
green fellows that gets saved by Buzz Lightyear in the first movie. Don't 
remember their name though.

Also sprach Steve Kowalik:
 On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 10:24:15PM -0400, Jeff Maxson uttered:
  slink, potato, woody...what's going to be the name of the next testing?

 Buzz, Rex, Bo, Hamm, Slink, Potato, Woody.
 At the moment, it's dubbed 'woody+1', but I doubt that will stick. :-)

[OT] Re: Evolution

2001-09-11 Thread oivvio polite
This is in no way a debian specific question, but since we're talking about 
Evolution I wonder how it's doing these days. I tried it some six months ago 
and found it a bit to shaky. What's the status today? Is the Palm Pilot sync 
working yet? Does is handle very large folders (like the one for this list) 
any faster then say kmail or other other agents that use simple mbox files? I 
think that I remember some talk about MySQL integration that was supposed to 
make searching gigs of old emails  really snappy. Did that ever happen? Etc 


oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: i810 sound?

2001-09-07 Thread oivvio polite
I have this soundchip and it has been causing me a lot of woes.
The sound will work for an hour or sometimes an entire day and then it will 
break and I'll get  this kernel error:  i810_audio: drain_dac, dma 
timeout?\n  My guess is that the driver still has a few bugs. But I'm no 
guru (don't even now how to properly report a driver bug) so don't take my 
word for it.

 KDE sound works for awhile then I get kernel overload
 I have to restart it.
 Also esd still doesnt work.. for enlightenment.  Is this a conflict
 between esd and arts???  I prefer enlightenment so would it be better
 to get rid of kde and go with enlightenment and the esd sound will
 BTW I am running testing/unstable on a celeron 700 i810 w/384 ram.
 here is esd output :
 # esd -trust
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo,
 16bit failed
 Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit
 Trying 48Khz, 16bit stereo.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit
 Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit stereo.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 22.05Khz, stereo,
 8bit failed
 Trying 44.1Khz, 16bit mono.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 44.1Khz, mono, 8bit
 Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit mono.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 22.05Khz, mono, 8bit
 Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit stereo.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 11.025Khz, stereo,
 8bit failed
 Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit mono.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 11.025Khz, mono, 8bit
 Trying 8.192Khz, 8bit mono.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Audio device open for 8.192Khz, mono, 8bit
 Trying 8Khz, 8bit mono.
 audio_alsa: no cards found!Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.

 Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.  Thank-You

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: Lokalisering och tidsformat

2001-09-05 Thread oivvio polite

 ons sep  5 19:27:44 CEST 2001

date +%Y-%m-%d %H.%M 

För den som garanterat vill få det rätt.

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: apt-get install stopped working

2001-09-05 Thread Oivvio Polite
Found it. I'd shot myself in the foot be adding a 
when I wanted to mix sid and woody and then I didn't remove when
I got tired of the mix.


On Sunday 02 September 2001 12:43, oivvio polite wrote:
 apt-get install on my woody system has stopped working.

 I can reinstall already installed packages but can not install
 any new packages. Whenever I run apt-get install I get a response
 like the following:

  apt-get install saytime
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  Package saytime has no available version, but exists in the database.
  This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
  never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
  of sources.list
  E: Package saytime has no installation candidate

 I've tried apt-get clean and apt-get update. I've scrutinized the lines
 in sources.list and even tried alternate sites. Downloading the packages
 from the sites in sources.list and installing them with dpkg works fine.

 Does any one recognize this?


oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

apt-get install stopped working

2001-09-03 Thread oivvio polite
apt-get install on my woody system has stopped working.

I can reinstall already installed packages but can not install 
any new packages. Whenever I run apt-get install I get a response
like the following:

 apt-get install saytime 
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Package saytime has no available version, but exists in the database.
 This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
 never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
 of sources.list
 E: Package saytime has no installation candidate

I've tried apt-get clean and apt-get update. I've scrutinized the lines 
in sources.list and even tried alternate sites. Downloading the packages from 
the sites in sources.list and installing them with dpkg works fine.

Does any one recognize this?


oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: [OT] IP to phone

2001-07-23 Thread oivvio polite

 for pc-to-realphone . just found 2 linux-based apps

that's what i'm lookin for. did  you try them out? you have any urls?

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

[OT] IP to phone

2001-07-20 Thread oivvio polite

I've been doing some transatlantic phone calls lately and plan on doing a lot 
more. Even though phone rates have droped a lot in Sweden the last years my 
phone bill is bound to get rather high.

Are there any IP-to-telephone services that  will work with debian? 

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: Sammarbetsringen?

2001-07-13 Thread oivvio polite
Anarkoprogrammerare. Det låter intressant, men vad betyder det? Vilken typ av 
projket diskuterar ni?


  Hur går det med den anarkistiska sammarbetsring om fri mjukvara som det

 Jo vi träffades på kafé 44 (fast eg på Carmen) och snackade lite, än så
 länge så har vi inte kommit fram till något (vi var tre personer) men om
 det finns intresse så ses jag gärna igen.

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: flera nätverkskort...

2001-06-29 Thread oivvio polite

Systemet kommer alltid att identifiera korten i samma ordning. eth0 kommer 
att tilldelas det förs identifierade kortet, eth1  nästa kort osv. Alias 
krånglar bara till saker. Allt du behöver se till är att ladda rätt moduler 
(eller ha dem kompilerade i kärnan). modconf är ett bekvämt verktyg för att 
att meka med moduler. Pröva alla nätverksmoduler tills du hittar en som 
identifierar ditt kort. Ipnummer mm för korten sätter du i 
/etc/network/interfaces. Kör /etc/init.d/networking restart, för att få 
ändringarna att ta effekt.

On Thursday 28 June 2001 12:43, Kaddik wrote:
 Jag försöker få in ett nätverkskort till i burken.
 jag har sedan förut ett 3c509, och försöker nu få in ett Dlink DFE-530TX
 kort. Enligt tidigare uppgifter skall det vara via-rhine, men var skall jag
 tala om för burken vad som är vad? I ethernet-howton sägs att jag skall
 skriva 'alias eth0 3c509' osv i /etc/conf.module. Heter den något annat i

 Hjälp av alla slag uppskattas!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: I've got a corrupt filesys. How do I check integrity of all installed packages?

2001-06-14 Thread oivvio polite

Found the answer over at http://www.debianhelp.org

I did all this as root.

Clean out the package cache. Since I had suffered a filesystem corruption I 
couldn't trust the files in /var/cache/apt/archives to be ok.

 apt-get clean

Find installed packages 

  dpkg --get-selections | grep -v 'deinstall' | grep 'install'|awk '{print $1}' 

Now we have a file 'pack' with the names of all installed packages. This bash 
oneliner will install

   for p in `cat packs`; do apt-get install --reinstall --yes $p ;done

Although we gave the --yes option, some packages will still ask you questions, 
so you'll 
have to monitor the process. This will be a bit less boring if you separate 
downloading and
installation. I didn't do this, but I sure will next time. This should do the 

   for p in `cat packs`; do apt-get install --download-only --reinstall --yes 
$p ;done

 and install

   for p in `cat packs`; do apt-get install --reinstall --yes $p ;done

This method worked like a charm. The only problem was that I had installed an 
that wasn't deb packed. This had the packaging systems dependency calculations 
and it took some manual fiddling to sort it out.

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 16:57, oivvio polite wrote:
 OK, here's an other:

 Last week I played around with hdparm to optimize hd performance.
 Not only did manage to speed up the hd considerably, I also managed
 to corrupt my file system. I could still boot after fsck. I can still get
 up kmail to write you this. Most stuff still works but some services
 want come up. I know for sure that some symlinks disappeared and I suspect
 that some files are gone or corrupt.

 Is there an dpkg or apt trick to go through all installed packages,  check
 their integrity and reinstall any files that need it?

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

loki games under woody

2001-06-12 Thread oivvio polite

Descent3 from www.lokigames.com states glic 2.1 as a requirement and 
wan't install under woody (glibc 2.2) 

Has anyone found a workaround for this?

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: loki games under woody

2001-06-12 Thread oivvio polite
Aquila and Lance,
Thanks a lot to both of you.

It turned out glibc 2.2 was not the problem.
I was installing from iso images I made on an other machine (the machine I'm 
installing on is a subnote book with no cdrom) and mkisofs had decided to 
rename some files.


On Tuesday 12 June 2001 15:00, Lance Simmons wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 12:36:34PM +0200, oivvio polite wrote:
  Descent3 from www.lokigames.com states glic 2.1 as a requirement and
  wan't install under woody (glibc 2.2)
  Has anyone found a workaround for this?

 There may be other ways to do it, but this works:

 1. copy the cd files to a temporary directory.

 2. in the bin/x86 directory of the cd files, make the following
symbolic link:

  ln -s glibc-2.1 glibc-2.2

 3. Run the installer from the temporary directory.

 The reason it won't install from the cd is that the installer
 asks your machine what glibc it has, and then looks on the cd
 for the appropriate binaries. The symbolic link tricks the
 installer into installing the glibc-2.1 binaries from the
 temporary directory.

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

I've got a corrupt filesys. How do I check integrity of all installed packages?

2001-06-12 Thread oivvio polite
OK, here's an other:

Last week I played around with hdparm to optimize hd performance.
Not only did manage to speed up the hd considerably, I also managed
to corrupt my file system. I could still boot after fsck. I can still get up 
kmail to write you this. Most stuff still works but some services
want come up. I know for sure that some symlinks disappeared and I suspect 
that some files are gone or corrupt. 

Is there an dpkg or apt trick to go through all installed packages,  check 
their integrity and reinstall any files that need it?

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Mail indexing

2001-06-08 Thread oivvio polite
A long time ago when I was using an other OS I also used Altavista Personal 
to index my email. Worked great. I've found a couple of tools (htdig, 
glimpse)  for linux that index files. I haven't researched theese tools that 
deeply because it seams like they both index entire files rather than 
separate email messages within a large mbox file.

Ideas, anyone?
oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: 486 router is very slow

2001-06-07 Thread oivvio polite
I find it very unlikely that the 486 CPU should be a limiting factor.
If your ISDN modem is connected to an old (not UART 16650) serial 
port, that may be a problem.
I had a similar problem when I ran ISDN. It finally turned out that I had

ATDT phone number of ISP

in the call up script. Where it should have been.

ATDI phone number of ISP

This change gave a performance boost from 1.5-2 kb/s to 5-7 kb/s
Fiddling  with MTU sizes and all that other stuff in ppp never made any 

good luck.


On Monday 04 June 2001 17:01, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
 Hi all

 I set up a router with my old 486 computer. I have there potato witch
 kernel 2.4 installed.

 Normally i have have rates of 7.8 kb/s (ISDN) throughput. But if i try it
 over my new router the rate is not more than 2 kb/s. Is it possible that
 the Masquerading process takes too much recources on that machine? It's a
 33 Mhz Intel DX Processor.

 Any hints to speed that up?


oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: Antialiased fonts

2001-06-07 Thread oivvio polite
Checkout the XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO


I haven't set it up myself because my graphics card isn't fully supported yet.

good luck

On Wednesday 06 June 2001 19:50, Ed Falis wrote:
 Anyone know offhand the configuration file in which to set for antialised
 fonts in XFree86 4.0.3?


 - Ed

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden