security issues

2017-08-26 Thread R Calleja
Buenos dias, soy usuario de debian 8.9 desde hace 2 años.
Tengo problemas de seguridad que me obligan a reinstalar el sistema a
menudo, una vez al año.
He leido documentos y ayuda para mejorar la seguridad.
Pero no soy un usuario con conocimientos avanzados de sistemas.
Mi objetivo es conseguir una estacion de trabajo segura .
He conocido herramientas como:
Lynis, openval, nessus, grsecurity,apparmor, selinux, etc
Si puede alguien con conocimientos de seguridad  ayudarme. O hay alguna
empresa que de soporte.

Muchas gracias, Roberto

Good afternoon, I have been debian 8.9 user for 2 years.
I have security issues that force me to reinstall the system often, once a year.
I have read documents and help to improve security.
But I am not a user with advanced systems knowledge.
My goal is to get a safe work station.
I have known tools like:
Lynis, openval, nessus, grsecurity, apparmor, selinux, etc.
If anyone with safety knowledge can help me. Or is there any support company.

Thank you very much, Roberto

How to execute another login process in a different virtual terminal, where To enter the chroot directly. And run X and GNOME in your Chroot. In Debian 8 with systemd

2016-11-15 Thread R Calleja
Good morning, thank you very much for the help of the attached document.
You can tell me how it's done
with systemd in debian 8.3
Thank you very much, Robert.

How to execute another login process in a different virtual terminal, where
To enter the chroot directly. And run X and GNOME in your
Chroot. In Debian 8 with systemd

3. Establishing access or login
Run chroot / sid / it is simple, but maintains all kinds of environment
variables around you may not want,
and some other things. A much better approach is to run another login
process on a virtual terminal
different, where you can enter the chroot directly.
1. In the main system, edit the / etc / inittab, searching and modifying
the following lines:
# Note that most Debian tty7 systems used for the system
# X window (X Windows System). If desired, therefore, add more access
# In text mode (FIXME gettys) keep adding lines like this but
# Skip the tty7 if you run X.
1: 2345: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty1
2: 23: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty2
3: 23: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty3
4: 23: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty4
5: 23: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty5
6: 23: respawn: / sbin / getty 38400 tty6
2. Now, add a line similar to the following:
8: 23: respawn: chroot / sid / / sbin / getty 38400 tty8
"8" refers to the end in which the new access (login) will run. You can
choose another if you
3. Restart init:
init q
4Installation a system Debian chroot
4. Configuring gdm
Would you like to run X and GNOME in your chroot? It's totally possible!
The following example will make GDM run
in the virtual terminal 8; You should select another (such as 9) if you
have already configured to run on vt8 login in
example above. Below you are what to do:
1. (enter your chroot, either chroot / sid / or login previously
apt-get install gnome gdm x-window-system
2. Copy your / etc / X11 / XF86Config-4 from the host to chroot
environment, such as:
cp / etc / X11 / XF86Config-4 / sid / etc / X11 / XF86Config-4
3. Then enter the chroot again and edit the file /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
within it. Scroll down to the
[servers] section. You will see a line like:
0 = Standard vt7
Change that line to:
0 = Standard vt8
Again, substitute 8 virtual terminal you want instead of "8".
4. And, still in the chroot, run:
/etc/init.d/gdm start
Now you can switch between your chroot environment X and X environment
your main system simply switching
Tando as you would in Linux virtual terminals; for example, using Ctrl +
Alt + F7 and Ctrl + Alt + F8. Diviér-