Debian Lists

1999-08-11 Thread Rahsheen Porter
I have 3 systems to which I receive mail: A, B, and C. A forwards mail
to B using a .forward file. System C is my home system and I fetchmail
from B usingwait for it...fetchmail. My problem is that it seems
like the To fields are being messed with somehow and not showing who the mail
was really to. What I'm really trying to fix is that all the mail I receive
from these lists doesn't contain *any* of my email addresses in any of the 
headers, so I have no clue what address they were originally sent to and
don't remember what address I signed up as. ANyone know how I can figure this
situation out?

That probably all made no sense, but try and help me anyway :)
Rahsheen Porter -- cipher-Ra
UIN: 2464469

Re: Have we been cracked?

1999-06-22 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:50:51PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Rahsheen Porter wrote:
  Portsentry will block any host that tries to scan you
 Does it detect spoofed packets? For example, if someone detected you're
 using portsentry (because their scan didn't work?), could they spoof
 packets to make it look like your gateway machine was scanning you, and
 thereby make you cut yourself off from the 'net?

No, cuz you can tell it hosts that it should never block. 

Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469

Re: Have we been cracked?

1999-06-21 Thread Rahsheen Porter
If you're really should format and start over. Otherwise, start
running portsentry and logcheck (search freshmeat). Portsentry will block
any host that tries to scan you and logcheck will email you weird log
entries. Portsentry has blocked at least 10 hosts since I started running
itvery useful.

On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 04:28:54PM -0500, Marc Mongeon wrote:
 It looks like somebody ran some sort of port scanner against your
 system, looking for a vulnerability.  From the attached logs, it wasn't
 obvious that the attack was successful.  Did you find evidence on
 the system that it had been cracked?  It's possible that imapd with-
 stood the attack.  I'm no security expert, and only responded with
 my 2 cents worth to keep the topic from dying.  Any input from more
 knowledgeable people out there?
 Unix Specialist
 Ban-Koe Systems
 9100 W Bloomington Fwy
 Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
 (612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
 It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
-- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap
  Dan DeMond [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/21 2:44 PM 
 Hello all,
   I'm think that our system may have been cracked.  I think they got
 in through imapd, because of what was in the logfile(see attachment).
   My question is, did they really get in through imapd?  On there was an advisory for imapd, but that was last year this
 time.  Cert said the affected versions were =10.234, while our version
 reports 11.241.  Are newer versions still vulnerable?
   Thanks in Advance,
   Dan DeMond
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469

Re: Enlightenment's mini-desktop windows

1999-06-05 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 10:38:45PM -0400, Stuart Ballard wrote:
 Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
  I'm using Enlightenment 0.15.5 with GNOME, and
  every time I start up four mini-desktop windows
  appear at the top left of the screen (I have four
  desktops configured in E). I can't find any way
  of stopping these appearing, and closing them
  every time is becoming tedious.
 I would love to know the answer to this too, but here's a cheat that I
 found - instead of closing the windows, size them very small and hide
 them under the panel. They'll then reappear in that position, and you
 won't see them.
 If anyone knows the RIGHT way to do this, add me to the list of people
 who'd love to know.
There is no Right Way(TM) to do this in 0.15.5. For some odd reason, mandrake
had the code that would allow you to do:
eesh -e 'pager off'

commented out :)
Rahsheen Porter -- cipher
UIN: 2464469

Re: emusic

1999-06-03 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 10:38:50AM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 I'm trying to use emusic on my half slink, half potato
 system (I've upgraded glibc to 2.1 and lots of other
 stuff too).
 I ran `apt-get install emusic', and all was well. However,
 when I run emusic, I simply get a standard help message
 (`This is eMusic DR0.9' and so on) and no window appears.
 If I use a filename of an mp3 as an input to the command
 `emusic', the file is played, but still no window appears.
 Am I doing something incredibly stupid, is emusic broken
 or am I just asking in the wrong place?

I'm pretty sure the gui part of emusic was broken. It's fixed now, though.
Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469


1999-05-07 Thread Rahsheen Porter
I recently (this morning), had a power outtage. I started up my computer and
LILO started going nuts. Not only did it just say LI, but the cursor was 
jumping all over the screen and the printer started to print. I used a rescue
disk and ran LILO, then rebooted. Now it prints 01  over and over. Then I
realized I had the wrong root device set in the kernel image, so I fixed it.
No dice. LILO wouldn't even work off of a floppy. 

This is an all linux system, potato, with kernel 2.2.3.

Below is lilo.conf, all also had it where boot was /dev/hda.

# Generated by liloconfig

# Specifies the boot device

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.
# If the special name CURRENT is used, the root device is set to the
# device on which the root file system is currently mounted. If the root
# has been changed with  -r , the respective device is used. If the
# variable ROOT is omitted, the root device setting contained in the
# kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev program.

# Enables map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the map
# smaller. Using COMPACT is especially recommended when booting from a
# floppy disk.

# Install the specified file as the new boot sector.
# If INSTALL is omitted, /boot/boot.b is used as the default.

# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.  LILO
# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.

# Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is
# omitted, a file /boot/map is used.


# Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when
# booting. The following values are recognized (case is ignored):
#   NORMAL  select normal 80x25 text mode.
#   EXTENDED  select 80x50 text mode. The word EXTENDED can be
# abbreviated to EXT.
#   ASK  stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
#   number  use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes
# can be obtained by booting with  vga=ask  and pressing [Enter].



# If you have another OS on this machine (say DOS),
# you can boot if by uncommenting the following lines
# (Of course, change /dev/hda2 to wherever your DOS partition is.)
# other=/dev/hda2
#   label=dos

Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469

Re: dhcp

1999-02-27 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 11:12:56AM -0500, Thomas and Donna Lopolito wrote:
 has anyone successsfully gotten dhcp to run on a box with 2 ethernet cards?
 If so, then what did you use and how did you setup the dhcpd.conf file?

Hmm. I used the HOWTO. The only problem I had was that the ethernet cards
were 3c509's and were configured to use the same resources (irq, io). I had
to get some utilities to set up the cards, then add some params to LILO to 
make them act right. 

# dhcpd.conf
# Configuration file for ISC dhcpd

subnet netmask {
range dynamic-bootp;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name;

subnet netmask {

-- Lilo command --
append=mem=128M ether=3,0x280,eth0 ether=10,0x300,eth1

Hope that helps

Re: System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-08 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 12:34:10PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the same situation to Tam. Whenever I boot my PC, It only 
 show  LI and freeze. The different thing is I have only one disk ( 
 2GB) and all dedicated to linux. No other operating system inside.
 The /etc/lilo.conf content is 
  [22:02:27 shaul]$ cat /etc/lilo.conf
  # /etc/lilo.conf
  [22:02:59 shaul]$ 
 I really need some (PLEASE). After I successfully installed the base 
   system, I configured the /etc/lilo.conf file and when I reboot, my sytem 
   displays this : 
   and then freezes. Hopefully someone can help me. 
   Now I will give you a description of what I am trying to do so you can 
   understand my problem better.
 I have two hard drives and I'll call them /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. 
   /dev/hda is a master on the first IDE chain and /dev/hdc is also a 
   but on the second IDE chain. I have DOS/win95 on /dev/hda and just 
   installed the base of Linux on /dev/hdc (dedicate only to Linux). 
   ***When I make the /root partition on /dev/hdc, I make it bootable***
   This is what I want to do:
 I want to have a choice to of DOS/win95 or Linux when I boot my system
   This is what I did, I not sure if it is right or not:
 -run liloconfig
   -said YES to the first question to install a partition boot 
 record on /dev/hdc. 
   -said NO to making a master boot record on my second drive 
 cuz to want to boot from /dev/hda and I assume that it is 
 right not making a mbr on /dev/hdc.
 -said NO to the third question, not making my /dev/hdc active.
   Now I go in /etc/lilo.conf and fix it by hand and this is what 
   it looks like: (I delete the original data that lilo provided such as 
   compact, install=/boot/boot.b, etc)
are you sure this exists? ^
 root=/dev/hdc2   #hdc2 is my root partition
should be:  label=Linux

Re: dhcp and boot-up network configuration

1999-01-08 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 08:01:27PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 I have setup a dhcp successfully, It works great
 But, it is started by rc* scripts _after_ /etc/rcS.d/S40network script
 wich uses static config info

Well, all my network script does is: 
1. set up lo
2. set up eth1 (local network)
3. do some ipfwadm stuff for IP Masquerading
4. set up default gw 
5. and add as a route (for dhcpd) 

I don't set up eth0 because this is done by the dhcp stuff.
Which I assume comes later...or before. I guess it really
doesn't matter with this setup. 

That guy

Re: XWP - NOT!

1999-01-07 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 02:35:20AM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 James R. Lunsford wrote:
  Hello all.  I installed Wordperfect 8 into  /usr/local/wp8 and there's
  no xwp file to be found anywhere on my system.  The only thing that was
  really out of the ordinary in my installation was that it didn't run
  under X.  I got some kind of error message and it ran in an xterm
  window.  Anyone have any clues as to why I can't run wordperfect on my
  system?  I saw a message about placing DISPLAY=:0.0 into my profile or
  one of the bash files to eliminate some problems, but I don't know if
  that will help.
   Hmmm, I believe I installed wp8 to /usr/local/ too.  The xwp binary is 
 found on
 my system at /usr/local/lib/xwp/wpbin/xwp.  Lord knows why they made it so

Well, I installed wp8 as root into /usr/local/wp8.
Whenever I try to start xwp as anyone, it segfaults. Any ideas?

I ran strace on it and it stops either at getpid() or mprotect.


Re: route add default

1999-01-07 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 12:02:39AM +, debian wrote:
 i set up ppp with PAP protocol. i can dial up my provider
 and am able to ping the gateway. 
 however i when i type
 route add default (gateway)
 i get the error message
 SIOCADDRT: Operation not supported by device
 how do i add the default route?

route add default gw 

that should do it...

Re: Debian Linux and AMD Computers

1999-01-07 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 12:42:46AM -0500, PATRICK DAHIROC wrote:
 i would like to whether Linux in general will run on an AMD based computer
 and if it does how well does it perform.

Runs fine on my K6-200 (oc'd to 233).


Re: cdrom

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:35:26PM +, ktb wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:24:59PM +, ktb wrote:
 This is what I get when I tried both programs:
 $ xmixer
 xmixer: Can't open /dev/mixer: Operation not supported by device
 $ aumix
 aumix: error opening /dev/mixer.

Does that device exist? What are you using for sound? Modules? 
Are they loaded? Is your sound configured properly to begin with?

Re: cdrom

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 09:40:47PM +, ktb wrote:
 Rahsheen Porter wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:35:26PM +, ktb wrote:
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:24:59PM +, ktb wrote:
   This is what I get when I tried both programs:
   $ xmixer
   xmixer: Can't open /dev/mixer: Operation not supported by device
   $ aumix
   aumix: error opening /dev/mixer.
  Does that device exist? What are you using for sound? Modules?
  Are they loaded? Is your sound configured properly to begin with?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 The device exists.
 $ locate /dev/mixer
 What do you mean by, What are you using for sound?

Did you compile sound into your kernel? You can't just *have* sound
when you start up linux. Your PC Speaker does not work from your sound
card. You PC speaker has nothing to do with your soundcard (usually).


Re: What is this in my mailbox??

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 09:36:38PM -0600, William Flores wrote:
 I am getting this in my POP mail..and it keeps try to show up in my
 remailer program..what is it..and why does it keep popping up???
 I don't quite understand it.  It doesn't show up when I enter
 PINE...but whenI try to do POP mail it does..
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 William Flores
 Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
 /var/spool/mail/funlist: 1 message
1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Jan  5 15:17  13/556   DON'T DELETE THIS

I'm pretty sure that's normal. I get it on my school mail account every
so often. Just don't delete it :)


Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:43:40PM -0700, Tim Heuser wrote:

 Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 20:38:10 -0700
 From: Tim Heuser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Subject: Installing debian with Win98
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
 (please excuse the non-use of Linux vocabulary)
-- snip --
 I was running OS/2 and doing ok.  I decided to try Linux seeing as OS/2 is 
 pretty much dropping any kind of
 appreation for home users and I don't like Gates.  For my classes at college 
 I decided I needed Windows
 (seeing as everything they use is windows based so far).  I decided to put 
 windows on c:, already had OS/2 on
 E:, and was going to put Linux on D: (boot)  F; with G: being an all around 
 fat drive, using the boot
 manager that came with OS/2. (C: and D: being on the 840 meg drive, E: F: and 
 G: being on the 6gig.  Couldn't
 get it to work, and like I said, I needed the computer.
 On installation of Windows98 It saw I had a boot manager and gave me 2 
 choises, erase the boot manager or
 stop installation.  I decided I had to do it and erased the boot manager and 
 dumped my OS/2.
 I'd still like to get both windows and Linux running on the same machine.

My friend is currently running LInux+Win98. I think as long as you install
win98 first you'll be okay. The latest version of Fips (2.20 I think) will
even let you chop off part of the 98 partition if you didn't partition
before installing.   After you run all the Linux installation stuff, and
it's installed properly, LILO will work just fine with win98. At least
my friend hasn't had any problems with it...

Hope this helps.


1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter

Why do I keep getting this almost everytime I put something on one of the 
debian mailing lists?


To: Rahsheen Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail failure
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:30:00 +0700 
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8)

[005] The mail retry count was exceeded sending to NWUPPDNV/POUPPDNV.
[015] There is insufficient disk space to send this message.

Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: Rahsheen Porter
Subject:  Re: cdrom
Date: 1999-01-06 11:06
Priority: 3
Message ID: 91EFA868FAA4D211BB7100A024772261

Text of message here 

- End forwarded message -

- End forwarded message -

Re: Background(color)

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 09:16:05AM +0100, CUNO wrote:
 Can I change the background(color) of the xdm login screen.
I think you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want to xdm.
Swiped from #e on efnet:

marjaana Info on configuring xdm -

Hope that helps.


1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 01:16:29PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 06:48:25 -0500, Rahsheen Porter wrote:
  Why do I keep getting this almost everytime I put something on one of the
  debian mailing lists?
 Because the mail transfer system of a subscriber is broken (it should not
 report back to the From: address of a message with Priority: bulk or junk);
 I've mailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] to ask for the removal of the
 problematic address from the list; hopefully it'll get fixed soon.

Ah, ok. I thought I screwed something up :)


Re: Inserting mod_perl into apache

1999-01-06 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 04:20:06PM +0100, Ryszard Lach wrote:
 Could someone tell me in few words, how to build apache*.deb with mod_perl
 support? I have mod_perl-1.16_02, apache packet source files
 (apache_1.3.0-5.dsc, apache_1.3.0-5.tar.gz and apache_1.3.0-5.diff). I 
 mod_perl, apache (using dpkg-source -x), and... what now? I've been trying 
 yesterday with instructions in mod_perl's README (make install etc.) and 
 need help. 

Sorry to seem ignorant, but why are you doing it this way? Can't you just
both packages and load the module dynamically or whatever in srm.conf?
