Hello everyone:

I have downloaded the whole Debian 2.0 distribution in order to make installation CDs for me
and people working in our laboratory. When I did so for the release 1.3.1 I had no problems at all
but this time I can not make the official CD bootable. The steps were the following:

1 - Installation via ftp of a working system running Debian 2.0 -> OK
2 - Mirroring of the entire distribution using the nearest mirror -> OK
3 - Building of a CD image using the debian-cd package and saved in a FAT partition
4 - Burning of the CD under Windows NT using the HP CD-Writer Plus 7.200 and the Adaptec Easy CD-Creator

When I did similar steps for the burning of the Debian 1.3.1 CD, it worked at the very first time. What is up in this case then?

Can anyone suggest an explanation. Any comment is welcome

PD: The image "resc1440.bin" in the /boot directory of the CD when put in a disket make it bootable.


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


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