RE: lilo problem

1998-10-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

The boot should be /dev/sda.  The LI is a symptom of a geometry
mismatch that adding "linear" to lilo.conf usually fixes.

The message about the disk not being the first disk is just a
warning as some BIOSes don't provide support for booting from other
than the first disk.


On Friday, October 23, 1998 8:06 PM, steven [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> Howdy Folks!
> I'm having a small problem configuring lilo and I'm hoping someone
> can
> help.
> I have a Pentium 133 running slink with kernel 2.0.35.
> I have a SCSI bootdisk and I want to make my IDE drive my root drive.
> ie.. boot=/dev/sda3
>  root=/dev/hda2
> I wish to boot the SCSI drive because it contains a windoze partition
> I
> need to boot (sometimes).  I've recently aquired a 6 gig IDE drive
> and
> I've copied the linux over to it.  I'd like to continue booting the
> drive, but have something pointing to my IDE drive for Linux.  At
> this
> point I can boot either partition using loadlin.  If I boot the SCSI
> drive
> as root, I can use lilo to fix the MBR to boot linux off that drive.
> This is not desirable because the partition is too small. However, if
> I
> boot the IDE drive as root and attempt to use lilo I get the error
> message
> listed below.
> here is my lilo.conf file:
> boot=/dev/sda3
> root=/dev/hda2
> install=/boot/boot.b
> append="mem=80M"
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> delay=20
> image=/bzImage.2.0.35
> lable=Linux
> read-only
> image=/vmlinuz
> lable=OldLinux
> read-only
> when I run lilo, I get the following error:
> Warning: /dev/sda3 is not on the first disk
> scsi0: Adopting Geometry 128/32 from the Partition Table
> Added Linux *
> Added OldLinux
> Then if I'm silly enough to attempt the boot the system it freezes
> after
> LI.
> Does anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to fix this problem?
> As I
> said, right now I'm booting off the debian CD using loadlin and an
> older
> kernel. I would like to automate the process and use my kernel.
> Thanks for your help!
> Steven
> ps.  I'm not sure of what other information you may need. So if You
> need
> something else to solve this problem, let me know.
> --
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RE: Lilo/MBR boot problem: 1FA:

1998-10-22 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Debian doesn't install LILO as the MBR, but rather uses a program
called MBR.  It is MBR that is presenting this prompt.  Look in
/usr/doc/MBR for documentation.

You don't give enough of a description of your installation to
determine the problem.  Here's a guess though.  It sounds as if
you also have NT installed and so that is probably on primary
partition 1.  Since no other primary partitions show up in the
MBR prompt, you probably have Linux installed in a logical
partition.  The MBR boot loader can't load a boot sector from
a logical partition.  LILO can, but LILO can also load the
Linux kernel directly.  I'd recommend installing LILO as the
MBR.  Here's an example lilo.conf that will do the trick.  It
assumes NT is installed in sda1, Linux is in sda5, and the kernel
name is /vmlinuz.





On Friday, October 16, 1998 5:12 AM, Duncan Thomson   
> I'm hoping to run a course including the installation towards the end
> of next
> week, but the machines I'll be using have a problem.  When debian is
> installed to boot off the hard disk, a prompt:
> 1FA:
> comes up.  According to the docs, this should mean that I can boot
> off
> partition 1 of the hard disk, or a floppy, but booting off partition
> one
> doesn't work.
> Any solutions to this problem?  I know other people have had it, but
> haven't
> yet seen a solution on the lists.
> The disk controller is a AHA-2940 (SCSI), but booting NT from the BIOS
> is no
> problem...
> I know the problem is tied in some way to Lilo and the MBR, but don't
> know
> what to do to fix it...
> Please respond to my email as well as the list, since I read the list
> only
> through the web pages, and need an answer fairly soon (since we may
> need to
> cancel the course...).
> Cheers
> -duncan
> --
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RE: [Debian] getting only LI from LILO

1998-10-14 Thread Richardson,Anthony

It's covered in the LILO User's Guide.  It says it's either due
to a geometry mismatch (between LILO and the BIOS) or a moved
/boot/boot.b file.  I'd bet on the geometry mismatch.  You can
usually get around the mismatch problem by adding the "linear"
option to lilo.conf and rerunning lilo.  Alternatively, you
could force lilo to use the same geometry as the BIOS by adding
a disk= stanza to lilo.conf or you could force the kernel and
then lilo and fdisk to use the BIOS geometry with a kernel
boot option.


On Wednesday, October 14, 1998 3:05 AM, Nico De Ranter   
> Howdy,
> I just compiled a new kernel and ran lilo.  When I try to reboot
> I get only LI instead of the LILO prompt.  I know I saw something
> about this problem somewhere but I can't find it anymore.
> Any ideas?
> Nico
> --
> --
> Nico De Ranter
> Sony Service Center (PSDC-B/DNSE-B)
> Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
> 1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
> Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86
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RE: IBM W/"MCA" Board

1998-10-13 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Bo came with the MCA patches included.  I'm not sure about Hamm.

It worked right out of the box for me, but this will be very hardware
dependent.  There is an Linux for MCA web site.  Check there for info.
(Look in the related links area at


On Monday, October 12, 1998 2:50 PM, David Sherow   
> I need some help finding info on installing Debian on a IBM machine   
> a MCA board.
> Thank you much
> --
> Best regards
>   /***\
>  /***/ David Sherow \**\
> /*/ President,  Sherow Enterprises  \***\
>  \*\ /**/
>   \**/
> --
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RE: lilo - booting from a device

1998-10-13 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I don't know the answer to your question, but I've got an alternative   

Mount the boot partition of the new distribution:

 mount /dev/hda1 /mnt

Then add the following stanza (it's based on your entry below)
to lilo.conf:


Then lilo will figure out the sector to file mapping for you.


On Tuesday, October 13, 1998 1:32 AM, G. Crimp   
>  Does anyone know how to determine what sectors on a partition a
> given file is occupying ?  The lilo docs state that when specifying a   
> name, one also has to say what sectors to map (either by giving a   
> and an end, or a beginning and an offset).
>  Here is what I am trying to do.  I want to play with different
> distributions just to see what they are like, but boot them from the
> harddrive.  I currently have Deb installed to hda3.  hda1 and hda2 are   
> partitions, on which I install /boot from another distro, so that the   
> images within fall well below the 1024 cyl. limit.
>  I am not at the machine I am doing this on, nor are they networked,
> so the following details may not be 100% accurate (syntax wise).  This   
> has no DOS.  Lilo is installed directly to the MBR.  So, the lilo.conf   
> something like
> ---
> boot=/dev/hda
> [prompt, delay, timeout, etc.]
> image=/vmlinuz
> --
> to which I want to add something like
> -
> image=/dev/hda1  # this is the partition /w kernel of new distro
>root=/dev/hda12  #this is / of new distro
>sectors[or whatever the variable name is]=
> For floppies I've seen that it is something like 1+512, so I guess the   
> must start on the second sector of the floppy.  there must be someway   
> determine the sector info for any file.
> Any ideas ? TIA.
> Gerald
> --
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RE: rawrite2 & NT

1998-10-07 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I've used rawrite2 with NT without problems.  I have administrator
privileges on the NT box that I'm using though. (Maybe that's
important for writing to the floppy drive through DOS under NT?  I
wouldn't think so, but I don't know.).

I also use a DOS program named hd-copy (search for it on the web,
I'm pretty sure I found it on   
It also works under NT and can write raw images to disk.  It has more
features than rawrite2, is menu based, and can also create raw image   
from disk.

Tony Richardson

On Wednesday, October 07, 1998 9:48 AM, Greg Vence [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> Hello,
> It appears that rawrite2 doesn't work with NT.  Is there one that does?   

> I didn't see it going 0-1-0-1-... on side.  Is there something I'm
> missing?
> I'm not sure if I can find a Win95 box.  But would it work there?
> Thanx -- Greg.
> --
> What do you want to spend today?
> Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
> Greg VenceKH2EA/4
> --
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Does HAMM support MCA?

1998-09-14 Thread Richardson,Anthony

BO used a kernel patched to support MCA and worked right out the
box for me on on old 386 PS/2 Model 80.  Has the kernel for HAMM
been patched to support MCA as well?

Tony Richardson


RE: boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-18 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Yes, so can LILO.  I have linux installed on a logical partition on a   
second drive
and with either LILO or System Commander installed as MBR it boots fine.

On Tuesday, August 18, 1998 2:03 PM, Paul Miller   
> Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
> System Commander?
> Thanks
> -Paul
> --
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RE: LILO Problem

1998-07-29 Thread Richardson,Anthony

The prompts you are referring to aren't LILO prompts. When you run   
LILO isn't installed as the master boot loader on your system another   
is (I can't recall the name of the program that is used, but look thru   
liloconfig script for details and then look into the appropriate /usr/doc
subdirectory for boot manager configuration options.)

Alternatively, skip liloconfig and create your own lilo.conf file that   
lilo as master boot loader. You have a lot more options available and a   
more features as well (lilo can load a boot sector from a logical   
partition or load
the kernel directly from a logical partition for example, the boot   
manager used with
bo can only load boot sectors from primary partitions.)

Tony Richardson

On Wednesday, July 29, 1998 11:15 AM, Matthew D. Myers   
> I recently decided to install LILO on my laptop.  According to the   
> and liloconfig I should be able to hold shift while booting and get the
> following prompt:
> F1234:
> but mine has an extra step... when I hold shift while booting I get   
> prompt:
> AF1:
> If I press A (not lowercase, lowercase locks it up.)  it runs the   
> drive.  If I press 1 it boots my default win95 (which is fine.)  If I   
> F (not lowercase, same as above) I get the F1234: menu at which time I   
> press 1 (Win95), or 2(Linux).
> I want to skip the first (AF1:) menu and go straight to the F1234: menu   
> I hold shift while booting.  What did I do wrong?
> --
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RE: Can less read its input from the std

1998-07-28 Thread Richardson,Anthony

To switch stdout and stderr try this (in bash):

program 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | less

stderr will be paged thru less, while stdout will be sent to
the display.

Does any one have a cleaner solution? (I don't like using the
temporary file discriptor (3)).

Tony Richardson

On Monday, July 27, 1998 3:25 PM, beitamos [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> Supose I have a program that output long text to stderr. Can I use the   
> command to page in it ? How ?
> Can I switch the stdout with the stderr ?
> --
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RE: "sys c:" doesn't work for me. Why ?

1998-07-22 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I'd guess you are trying to setup DOSEMU. I don't know why
what you are doing doesn't work, but you might try downloading and
installing the latest version of DOSEMU. It provides a much nicer
way to create a bootable hard drive image. (You don't need a floppy
anymore, just run the script setup-hdimage.)

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 3:47 PM
To: debian-user
Subject: "sys c:" doesn't work for me. Why ? What

As is stated in the quickstart instructions, I tried to run 'dos -A',   
"dir c:"
and "sys c:". Everything seems to be O.K until the "sys c:", when I got:
ERROR: write protect!
ERROR: write protect!
What is wrong and how to fix it ?

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RE: Unix commands on NT

1998-07-22 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Check out the gnuwin32 project at the cygnus site. It includes
win32 ports of most of the gnu software including bash, the
standard file utils, gcc, etc.  A lot of the X windows client
stuff has been ported as well. (You still need an X server for NT
but there are a couple of no-cost ones available.)

The software is all free with source available.

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 7:33 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: Unix commands on NT

Hi !
Sometimes I have to use NT machine at work, but I miss UNIX commands.
Are there any shells/utils for NT which have similair interaction/syntax   
 their UNIX
protoplatst ?


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RE: Drive mounting

1998-07-20 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Should be:

mkdir /dos
mount -t msdos /dev/hdb6 /dos

The mkdir command only has to be given once. The mount command needs
to be given everytime you log in (or you can edit the /etc/fstab file
so that the partition is automatically mounted).

The second logical partition on the second drive is hdb6. The first   
is hdb5. The primaries are hdb1, hdb2, hdb3 but you don't have any
primary partitions on the second drive (which is a good thing). Run
"cfdisk /dev/hdb" to see which partitions are on the second drive and
how /dev names are assigned.

By the way, I would probably do

mkdir /dos_e
mount -t msdos /dev/hdb6 /dos_e

instead. You can then mount /dos_c and /dos_d later if you want.

You might want to reconfigure System Commander, it boots Linux off
of a second drive just fine for me. (It should for you too as long as
you can access the second drive via BIOS routines.)

Just run dselect again and change your access option to point to your
/dos directory.

Sorry, I can't help with the zip drive (don't have one) or ethernet card
(I've got the same card, but haven't installed it.)

Good luck
Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Cristov Russell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 1998 5:43 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: Drive mounting

Hello all.  I'm very green at Linux and unfortunately no one that I
know is currently using it.

I'm having a little trouble understanding how to mount a drive.  I
have to physical hard drives and a parallel zip drive and I am dual
booting with Win95.  The primary HD has a single FAT16 partition and
second HD has an extended partition with two logical drives also
FAT16.  Linux is also on the second HD (I'm still booting from a
floppy BTW) and I'm using System commander as my loader.

I've tried using the following command immediately after logging in as

mkdir dos
mount -t msdos /dev/hdb3 /dos

I get an error that says the mount point doesn't exist.  Also, i'm
attempting to access the second logical drive (E in DOS).  Is the
syntax correct?  What do I use to access the zip drive?

The reason I want to mount the drive is to install the packages I
downloaded.  How do I run dselect again after going through the setup.

One more.  I have a Linksys EtherPCI II Lan card in my system.  They
say that I should choose the NE2000 driver.  When I choose the driver
and try to install it, setup says that the I/O address must be
specified.  I know what IRQ (9) the card is using and I can look in
Windows for the I/O settings it's using (6400 starting) but I still
can't install the driver.  Any suggestions?

Cristov Russell

BTW - If anyone could suggest a really good book I'd appreciate it.  I
have a copy of Linux In A Nutshell and it covers mostly command
syntax.  I'd like something along the line of a users guide.


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RE: linux + win95: linux boot partition/

1998-07-15 Thread Richardson,Anthony

SCSI drives have the 8 GB BIOS limitation on booting as well. So
SCSI won't help. The goods news is that there are new BIOS routines
that have been defined that support disks up to 2 TB.  Support for
these new routines will have to added to boot manager software (LILO).


 -Original Message-
From: Christopher Barry [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 4:02 PM
To: Nils Rennebarth
Cc: Richardson,Anthony; Hamish Moffatt; p.meidl; debian-user
Subject: Re: linux + win95: linux boot partition/


SCSI is not so expensive anymore, just check out and Unless  you want the latest bleeding edge Adaptec   
controller, you don't have to dish out a lot of dough for scsi. And there   
a lot
of $160 4.5 GB Quantum Viking 7200RPM 8ms disks floating around on those
They use an 80 pin SCA interface, but you can get an adapter to 68-pin   
$20. That's a whole lot of high performance storage for the price, and rated the viking very well to.

Nils Rennebarth wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 03:26:00PM -0400, Richardson,Anthony wrote:
> > As larger hard drives become more common, maybe soon we'll be talking
> > about the 1024/8 GB problem. As in "Help I've installed Linux in the   
> > 1 GB of my 10 GB drive and LILO won't boot it."
> That really is a serious concern. Sigh, why is SCSI so expensive?
> Nils
> --
> | Quotes from the net:  L> Linus Torvalds, W> Winfried Truemper   

> | L>this is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called
1.3.84 |
> | W>Umh, oh. What do you mean by "special easter release"?. Will it   
> * W>working today and rise on easter?   


>Part 1.2   Type: application/pgp-signature

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RE: linux + win95: linux boot partition/

1998-07-15 Thread Richardson,Anthony

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

>If I understand this correctly, LILO gets a fake geometry from the bios,   
>boot time, uses this to convert linearly numbered sectors to CHS form.   
>BIOS takes this CHS form, converts it back to a linear number again and   
>this to talk to the drive. This at least guarantees (barring grossly   
>BIOSes) that the linear number LILO starts with is the same that is   
>communicated to the drive. (What a mess btw.)

That's exactly it. I'd clear it up by saying that it is the LILO boot   
that gets its geometry from the BIOS. The LILO map installer (the "lilo"   
run at a Linux prompt) gets the geometry from the Linux kernel (which   
gets the geometry from the BIOS at boot time I believe).

>On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 03:26:00PM -0400, Richardson,Anthony wrote:

>> I'd rather get the geometries to match not only for LILO but also for
>> fdisk/cfdisk. fdisk is important if you are also running DOS on the   
>> machine.
>But I never had problems with fdisk nor cfdisk and big harddrives. And I
>never specified any geometry anywhere.

Normally the geometry that LILO and fdisk get from the kernel match that   
the BIOS and there is no problem. Also, you won't have a problem if you   
only running Linux. A geometry mismatch will only cause problems if you   
dual-booting between Linux and another OS that uses a different geometry.
(We're talking about problems other than the 1024 problem here.)

I've got an old 386 PS/2 MCA which dual-boots DOS and Linux. I have to   
sure Linux uses the same geometry as DOS so that partitions created under
either OS are compatible. Actually I tell Linux to use the same number
of heads and sectors as DOS but more cylinders (more than 1024) so that
LILO and fdisk do the right thing and DOS compatibility is maintained and
I can see the whole disk from Linux.

>I would like to mention that I do have a lot of old mainboards around,   
>will be put to good use eventually, using Linux of course, and very much
>appreciate the fact that it is possible to still use those with larger
>disks. Some of them even do not even have a flash eprom, so BIOS upgrade
>isn't an option. But you shouldn't scare newbies that usually have   
>hardware away with all these talks about geometries, 1024 cylinders etc.

Agreed. But newbies trying to run Linux on old hardware are going to need
to know why there is a problem and how best to fix it. (I think loadlin
is the best thing for newbies to use anyway. No need to install a new   
loader. No 1024 cylinder problems) Too much of the documentation implies
that there is a 528 MB problem. That is not true for modern hardware.


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RE: linux + win95: linux boot partition/

1998-07-15 Thread Richardson,Anthony

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

>>On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 08:39:00AM -0400, Richardson,Anthony wrote:
>> The 1024 problem is a very "real" one.
>Please, it really occurs in very few systems/configurations. It had been   
>problem for me occasinally because of some older mainboards lying around
>here. It is no problem with harddisks and mainboards bought over the   
>three years.

Sorry. I've still got a couple of old systems that I've added larger hard
drives too and the 1024/528 MB problem is one I've run into several   
As larger hard drives become more common, maybe soon we'll be talking   
the 1024/8 GB problem. As in "Help I've installed Linux in the last 1 GB   
my 10 GB drive and LILO won't boot it."

>> that the BIOS uses. You can fix this by 1) passing the BIOS
>> geometry to the kernel as a boot option, 2) telling LILO
>> the BIOS geometry through LILO config options, 3)using LILO's
>> "linear" option which causes LILO to record linear sector
>> numbers in the map file instead of cylinder/head/sector
>> locations. I prefer option 1) because fdisk will also use the
>> "correct" geometry. Option 3) just postpones conversion of sector
>> numbers to C/H/S locations until boot time (when LILO can get
>> the BIOS geometry directly from the BIOS). It doesn't solve
>> the 1024 cylinder problem (which is a 528 MB or an 8 GB
>> problem depending on your BIOS).
>The last sentence is wrong. In case of LBA, BIOS as well as LILO to use
>linear sector numbers. The conversion is made in the drive itself, in a   
>noone else needs to be interested in.
>In short: Select LBA in the BIOS and linear als lilo option. Thats it.

I'll stand by my last sentence based on the LILO documentation and my
understanding of disk access through the BIOS (which comes from The
Undocumented PC).

LILO use BIOS routines to read sectors from the disk. Those
BIOS routines are all based on CHS addressing not LBA. Most modern IDE
disk can be addressed using either CHS or LBA (SCSI just use LBA). When
LBA mode is enabled in the BIOS, the BIOS converts the CHS address to an
LBA one to talk to the disk. In summary, programs communicate to the
BIOS using CHS, if LBA is enable the BIOS communicates to the disk using
LBA. The BIOS has to convert the CHS address to an LBA one.

The "linear" LILO option doesn't solve or fix anything. It causes sector
addresses to be written to the map file in LBA form.  At boot time LILO
gets the CHS geometry from the BIOS and converts the LBA addresses to CHS
ones so that it can call the BIOS routines to read sectors from the disk.
(The BIOS then converts this to LBA to communicate with the disk if LBA   
emabled.) You can avoid using "linear" by getting the LILO and BIOS
geometries to match. (Specifying "linear" has the disadvantage of slowing
down the boot process - although the slow down is completely   
I'd rather get the geometries to match not only for LILO but also for
fdisk/cfdisk. fdisk is important if you are also running DOS on the same

Tony Richardson

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RE: linux + win95: linux boot partition/

1998-07-15 Thread Richardson,Anthony

The 1024 problem is a very "real" one.
On old BIOSes the 1024 cylinder corresponded to 528 MB.
Newer BIOSes do translation (they pretend the drive has more
heads than it actually does so they can pretend that it
has fewer cylinders than it actually does) and the 1024
cylinder corresponds to about 8 GB. Some BIOSes allow
you to choose whether translation should be done with
settings like "Large" or "LBA" for other BIOSes
translation is on by default.

Only LILO uses the BIOS so only LILO needs to know what
(translated) disk geometry the BIOS is using. (Well fdisk
needs to know the translated geometry when creating new
partitions if you want to maintain compatibility with other
OSes.)  LILO gets the disk geometry from the kernel. For
some systems the kernel doesn't default to the same geometry
that the BIOS uses. You can fix this by 1) passing the BIOS
geometry to the kernel as a boot option, 2) telling LILO
the BIOS geometry through LILO config options, 3)using LILO's
"linear" option which causes LILO to record linear sector
numbers in the map file instead of cylinder/head/sector
locations. I prefer option 1) because fdisk will also use the
"correct" geometry. Option 3) just postpones conversion of sector
numbers to C/H/S locations until boot time (when LILO can get
the BIOS geometry directly from the BIOS). It doesn't solve
the 1024 cylinder problem (which is a 528 MB or an 8 GB
problem depending on your BIOS).

I agree that there are problems with the documentation.  Too much
of it implies that the 1024 cylinder problem = 528 MB problem.

Note 1: The DOS program (that comes as part of the LILO
distribution) can be used to determine the translated BIOS geometry.

Note 2: Some very new BIOSes support extended 32 bit C/H/S addressing
(up to 2 TB drives) through new BIOS routines. I don't think LILO
supports these new BIOS routines yet.

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Hamish Moffatt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 9:37 PM
To: p.meidl; debian-user
Subject: Re: linux + win95: linux boot partition/

On Tue, Jul 14, 1998 at 06:42:19PM +, Patrick Meidl wrote:
> after reading the relevant FAQs, HowTOs, installation instructions etc.   

> I recognized that all bootable partitions must start before the 1024th
> cylinder (I would like to use LILO), so I thought the best solution
> might be to have these partitions:

With LBA this appears to be incorrect. I have previously had systems
booting Linux from the last 500mb of a 1.6gb drive; the 1024 limit
only takes you to 528mb or so. I boot NT 2gb into a 6gb drive; no   

I have never encountered any 1024 cylinder problem with Linux. I wish
the documentation would not keep spreading these ideas.

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RE: how to boot from other disk?

1998-07-14 Thread Richardson,Anthony

DOS and Windows (up through Win95 at least) can't be
booted from anything other than the first disk. There
are ways to fake an OS that only uses the BIOS (DOS)
into thinking the second drive is the first one.
(LILO's map-drive option can do this.) I'm fairly sure
this won't work for Win95 though.

Fortunately Linux doesn't mind being on the second
disk. LILO when installed as MBR can boot Linux
from the second disk (even from a logical partition).

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 8:45 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: how to boot from other disk?


Is that possible to boot Linux or Win from other disk then hda ?
I have one disk with Debian 1.3.1 and another with Win95.
Can I setup LILO to choose option "windows" to boot from hdb1 ?
Is this depends from BIOS?

Adam Sztuka

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RE: Two Questions

1998-07-14 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Maybe I can help with the boot problem.  Debian doesn't use LILO
as a MBR boot manager. They use a program known just as MBR. (At
least this is true for the bo release, is it true for hamm?) I'm
not quite sure why LILO isn't used as the MBR boot manager, because
it appears to be superior to MBR in many ways.  Anyway, LILO,
when installed as an MBR boot manager can boot Linux on a second
drive, the MBR program can't. If you want to install LILO as MBR
you can do what I did. Just make a boot floppy. Use it to start
Linux and then configure LILO to be installed as MBR.

It sounds as if you'd rather start Linux through the NT Loader
(a boot sector loader instead of an MBR loader). To do this make a
LILO config file that installs LILO as a boot sector loader on your
Linux partition. Then copy the boot sector
(dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1) to your NT Loader
partition and modify your boot.ini file or use bootpart to do all
of this for you. Everytime you install
a new kernel you will need to re-run LILO and copy the boot sector
to the NT partition.

Sorry I can't help with the more serious boot failure problem.

Good luck,
Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 13, 1998 2:44 PM
To: debian-user
Subject: Two Questions

Hi Everyone,

I am a Debian newbie.  Actually I'm ALMOST a Linux newbie.

My system environment is as follows:

 IBM Mod 365 200 MHz Pentium Pro system (32 MB RAM)
 HD 0 is a 2.5 GB IDE (NT 4.0 loaded)
 HD1 is a 540 MB IDE (Linux)
 Network Card is an IBM Auto 16/4 Token Ring ISA card

 I'm using BOOTPART to allow my NT boot manager to boot Linux

Here are my questions/problems:

1. After I installed the base disks and went through the config steps, I   
the point where I was asked whether I wanted to set up Linux to boot from   
HD.  I said 'yes'.  I received an error message telling me that it was
impossible to boot from the second HD, even though it used to work fine   
Red Hat 4.2.  I was expecting the config program to ask me whether I   
use the MBR or place the boot sector on the first track of the Linux boot   

partition, but it didn't.

2. When I tried to reboot the system (by selecting my 'Linux' choice from   
NT boot menu), I got the following screen:

 Disk formatted with WinImage 2.20 (c) 1993-95 Gilles Vollant.
 Bootsector from C. H. Hochstatter.

 No Systemdisk.  Booting from harddisk.
 Cannot load from harddisk.
  Insert Systemdisk and press any key.

3. I inserted my rescue disk and pressed .  At the boot: prompt, I   

entered: rescue root=/dev/hdb1

4. The system responded with:

 Loading linux . . .

 and proceeded with the boot process.

 After the normal two dozen or so boot messages, I got to the following   
in the boot process:

  Checking all file systems . . .
  Parallelizing fsck version 1.10 (24-Apr-97)
  /dev/hdb5: clean, 11/16632 files, 2129/66496 blocks
  /dev/hdb6: clean, 2333/92520 files, 22425/368641 blocks
  Mounting local file systems . . .
  /dev/hdb5 on /home type ext2 (rw)
  /dev/hdb6 on /usr type ext2 (rw)

 and then my system froze up tight.

I suspect that the boot freezeup is some kind of difugilty with the Token
card (I never did get it to work with Red Hat 4.2).  A few lines earlier   
boot process, I got messages indicating that the tr0 device was found,   
but I
never received any message indicating that the adapter had been opened
successfully.  I'd really like to get the TR support to work, because   
what we use here at work, and I'd like to be able to use Linux to connect   
the LAN.  I know I have all the IP stuff set up correctly, because I had   
telecomm guru on the line while I was filling in the blanks.

Can anyone shed some light on my somewhat dimly-lit world regarding these   

All help will be greatly rewarded with virtual beer.


Mike Harmon

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RE: lilo & lilo.conf

1998-07-09 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I don't believe that it is required for any of the MS operating
systems.  I don't use it in my lilo.conf file and everything
works. Have you tried omitting it?

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Nathan E Norman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 1998 7:17 PM
To: debian-user
Cc: debian-user
Subject: Re: lilo & lilo.conf

On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, matthew tebbens wrote:

: Does anyone know why the "table=" config statement
: is required in the subsections of "other" operating systems
: for the lilo.conf file ? ...why does windows or msdos have
: to know where the partition information is ?
: Thanks,
: Matthew
: --
:   This  specifies the device that contains the parti
:   tion table.  The boot loader will not  pass  parti
:   tion  information to the booted operating system if
:   this variable is omitted. (Some  operating  systems
:   have  other means to determine from which partition
:   they have been booted.  E.g., MS-DOS usually stores
:   the  geometry  of the boot disk or partition in its
:   boot sector.)  Note that /sbin/lilo must be  re-run

:   if a partition table mapped referenced with `table'
:   is modified.

I would say that's the reason right there :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
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RE: MCA support?

1998-07-08 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I don't know about the next version (hamm) but did you
know that the current version (bo) already includes
MCA support? It works beautifully on my PS2 Model 85
(386 with 11 MB RAM and 2 GB IDE HD and ATAPI CDROM.) I
just needed to use a couple of boot options so the
kernel could find my disk controller. (I use
the ARCO MCA IDE controller.)

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 1998 9:14 AM
To: Debian-user
Subject: MCA support?

Does the upcoming distribution support Micro Channel installations?

On the MCA Linux page, at
is made the statement that the next debian "should" include MCA
support.  Is it?

Alan Davis

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RE: Linux/WinNT dual booting

1998-06-29 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Check out the Linux+NT-Loader mini-HOWTO.

Basically run LILO to create a Linux boot sector. Here's an
example lilo.conf:


This assumes that Linux is installed on the second logical
partition on disk 2. Change hdb6 as needed. Add kernel
options as needed.

After running LILO, copy the boosector to a file:

  dd if=/dev/hdb6 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Copy the bootsect.lnx file to the partition where boot.ini and
the NT loader reside (perhaps via floppy if the partition is
not mounted).

Add the following line to the [operating systems] section of
the boot.ini file:


You'll want to replace your current LILO MBR with the
original one by booting into DOS and running "fdisk /mbr" or
using dd to restore the LILO backed up copy. Make sure the NT
partition is active.

After reboot, you should see "Linux" listed in the NT boot loader

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Monday, June 29, 1998 3:00 PM
To: Debian User; Linux Admin
Subject: Linux/WinNT dual booting

How can I boot WinNT4 using LILO or boot Linux using WinNT?

I have a MS-DOS partiton that currently boots MS-DOS or WinNT (using
WinNT's boot menu), but I can't figure out how to specify a Linux
partition in the boot.ini file.

As an ugly work around, LILO boots Linux or MS-DOS.  Then if MS-DOS,
WinNT's boot menu boots MS-DOS or WinNT...


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RE: lilo-password-dos

1998-06-25 Thread Richardson,Anthony

You just need to add a "password=XX" line to each OS stanza as
shown in the lilo.conf file below.  You are prompted for
a password after entering your OS selection at the lilo prompt:





Since the passwords are plain text, you want to make sure that only root   
read permission on your lilo.conf file. Note: I've got version 20 of LILO   
I need the partition activation/deactivation and partition   
hiding/unhiding stuff
that is only present in version 20), but I believe passwords were   
supported in
the same manner in the version that comes with BO (version 19).

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 1998 9:34 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: lilo-password-dos

don't you know, how to passwordize
dos part of lilo - to make safer computer.
(I know, that the best is to formate dos,
but sometimes I need dos a bit).
Thak's a lot.
Martin S.

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RE: 8 GB limit on cfdisk?

1998-06-18 Thread Richardson,Anthony

> Mark H. Mabry wrote:
> I'm having a problem partitioning my 9.6 GB harddrive on my Dell P-II
> 400.  This is an EIDE drive.  When I use cfdisk, it sees only 8 GB.
> I believe that this is due to a limit in cfdisk which sets the max
> number of sectors to 1024.  Mine should have 1227 (approx).
> When I boot Linux it identifies my hard drive and says it has 9.6 GB.
> Also, when I used Partition Magic to reformat my windoze 95 area, it
> saw all of my disk.
> I am running linux 2.0.34, cfdisk 0.8l (from util-linux-2.8), on
> Debian 1.3.1r8.
> Is this a program limitation?  Is there a workaround?  Is there
> another program for Linux that I could use?
> Any and all help is much appreciated.
> Mark Mabry

1024 is the maximum number of cylinders that may be stored
in a partition table entry (10 bits). 1024 is also the
maximum cylinder that can addressed using the standard
BIOS routines. (With a tranlating BIOS this limits you
to 8 GB, with an old BIOS the limit was 504 MB). Fortunately
Linux doesn't use the BIOS functions to talk to the disk
or use the CYL/HEAD/SECT addresses in the partition table
to locate partitions. You can tell Linux that you've got more
cylinders with the hd=cyls,heads,sects boot option. (cfdisk
will ask the kernel for the disk geometry. You can also tell
cfdisk that you've got more than 1024 cylinders with the -c
option. See the man page.) Make sure the number of heads and
sectors match the numbers used by the BIOS.

One note: Since most (all?) boot managers use the BIOS
to load the OS, you should make sure the kernel stays
under the 8 GB limit by having your root partition
lie entirely under the 8 GB limit. (With an old, non-
translating BIOS this limit is only 504 MB.) How do you
know if you have a translating BIOS? If you can make a
partition greater than 504 MB under DOS, you've got one.

See the following for detailed info:
1) Large-Disk mini HOWTO
2) cfdisk man page
3) BootPrompt HOWTO for info on hd=cyls,heads,sects

Good luck!
Tony Richardson

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Diagnostic tool recommendations?

1998-05-22 Thread Richardson,Anthony

First, kudos to the Debian and Linux developers.  I was given a
PS/2 Model 80 (386 - Microchannel (MCA) machine) with an
MCA IDE controller.  I added a 2 GB IDE drive and an ATAPI
CDROM.  The debian installation went flawlessly!!! Both the
hard disk and CDROM were recognized and usable.

I'm impressed and very happy. Almost. :-(  I get segmentation
faults at various times after using the system for awhile.
I suspect that this could be do to a bad memory SIMM.
I've got five 2 MB SIMMs spread across two MCA memory
expansion cards for a whopping 11 MB (1MB on system board).
I think that one of these SIMMs could be bad.  Can anyone
suggest tools for locating the bad SIMM?  (If not, I'll just start
pulling them one at a time.)  Or should I be looking else where
for the problem?

Symptoms: Seg fault error may occur at any time, running any program.
No problems under DOS. (But I understand that DOS isn't nearly as
aggressive in using memory as Linux.)

Thanks for any help
Tony Richardson

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RE: mgetty counting rings

1998-05-08 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Here in the US, the ringing signal (what the receiver hears) and the   
signal (what the caller hears) are completely separate signals.  The   
are put on the line by the local central office serving each phone.  They   
completely independent signals and not necessarily in sync.  It's quite   
for one more (or one fewer) rings to be heard by the receiver than the   
I would suspect that this is what is going on in NZ too.

Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Michael Beattie [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 08, 1998 8:36 AM
To: David Wright
Cc: Debian User List
Subject: Re: mgetty counting rings

On Thu, 7 May 1998, David Wright wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 1998, Remco van de Meent wrote:
> > Is there a way to have mgetty (or something else) counting the number   
> > RING's it receives on the modem line? I want it to write the results   
> > timestamp in a logfile, if possible.
> Every ring of my phone is timestamped in /var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyS1.log   
> 05/07 09:17:38 yS1  waiting...
> 05/07 09:46:19 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:19 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:22 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:25 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:28 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:31 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:34 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:37 yS1  waiting for ``RING'' ** found **
> 05/07 09:46:40 yS1  send: ATA[0d]
> Or is it the precise number of rings that's important to you?
> I'm not convinced that the number of rings I hear in the earpiece
> precisely matches what's being "heard" and logged at the other end.

In New Zealand, the system is thus:


So that the same number of rings is not always heard at both ends. It is
never more than one either side though.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: OK I'm stupid. How do I get to my fl

1998-03-14 Thread Richardson,Anthony

All disk access in Unix is through the directory tree and all directories   
are under
the root (/) directory.

If the NT partition is FAT you're in luck.  While logged in as root:

1) Create a mount point for the partition somewhere under the root   

mkdir /winnt

2) Mount the partition on the mount point

mount -t msdos /dev/hda4 /winnt

3) All files and directories will then appear under the /winnt directory.   
 For longfile
name support mount as type (-t option) vfat instead of as msdos.   
 Vfat support
is provided through a module though and that requires a (very) little   
bit more
work, so try the above first.  If it works we can move on to vfat.

If the NT partition is NTFS you have quite a bit more work to do.  NTFS   
support for Linux is available, but requires kernel patches and a kernel   
Instead of doing this, I'd recommend creating a FAT partition (if you   
have the free
space) that both NT and Linux can share.  It's not real convenient for   
moving files
back and forth, but is the approach I'd recommend for a newbie.

For the floppy (assuming it is a FAT floppy) the mount command is
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
(Create the /floppy directory first)

Good luck,

 -Original Message-
From: Tristan Day  [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 1998 11:52 PM
To: Debianlist
Subject: OK I'm stupid. How do I get to my floppy

It's me again, I'm stupid. I come with a label on me saying "Please help
this poor inexperienced ex-DOS user who knows nothing about linux!"

how do I get to my floppy without using mtools and how do I get to my   
hard drive partition? I have got Windows NT (sorry) on the other   
and all my stuff is there so it's imperitive that I get into it.

cfdisk says it's hda4 but I can't get into it...

Thanks everyone...

PS if you know somewhere that will give me a load of simple Linux codes   
please tell me!

PPS Please give any reply in simple English, as if you were teaching a   
how to do it...

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RE: Help installing NT and Linux

1998-03-02 Thread Richardson,Anthony

There are some pecularities with regard to MS
OS's that you need to watch out for.  They require that their boot   
partition be marked
active or bootable.  You can do that with Linux's fdisk.  Linux doesn't   
care whether its
partition is marked active or not.  (If you run multiple independent MS   
OS's , i.e. not
a dual boot setup through the boot sector loader, you'll want to use a   
boot manager
that will mark the MS partition active before loading the boot sector for   
that OS.  Recent
versions of LILO won't do this (at least the last time I checked it   
wouldn't), so you'll need a
boot manager.  (I use OSBS and like it.)  Again this is only true if you   
are running multiple
independent MS OS's  you don't need this if you only have NT and Linux or   
if you are
allowing the MS boot sector loader to handle dual booting.)

I don't believe your setup will work.  I'm pretty sure NT boot partition   
to be on a primary partition on the first drive.  This partition has to   
be either FAT16 or NTFS
ans has to be large enough to hold NTLDR and boot.ini and ???.  The   
partition holding the
WINNT directory can be on any disk in either a primary or extended   
partition.  (Note: Under
NT terminology the boot partition is the one containing the WINNT   
directory, the system
partition is the one containing NTLDR.  This is counterintuitive and   
against convention.  Most
people refer to the partition containing the boot sector loader as the   
boot partition and the root
or system partition as the one containing the OS.  I'm using conventional   
terminology and not
NT terminology.)

You have two choices I believe:

1) Let the NT drive be the master drive.  You'll have to use the debian   
installation disk to
mount the Linux root partition from the second drive and change the   
/etc/fstab file.
Also create a new boot floppy from the debian installation menu and
after rebooting with it, make the necessary changes to the LILO   
configuration.  You'll need to
install LILO as the master boot record on the first disk, in order to   
boot to either NT or Linux.
(There is also a program called bootpart that will allow you to boot   
Linux from the NTLDR
menu.  Then you would not need to install LILO as the MBR.)

2) Let the Linux drive be the master and find a way to create a small   
primary partition on the Linux drive.  You'll need to set this up as NT's   
boot partition.  Again
you can use LILO as the MBR to boot between Linux and NT.  (You may need   
to install LILO as
the MBR after installing NT.  I've had NT complain about the MBR if it   
isn't one that comes with
one of the MS OS's.)

Good luck,
Tony Richardson

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RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I don't have wu-ftpd installed.  I'm using the ftpd from the
basic networking stuff.  I will install wu-ftpd,  it sounds as if
this might take care of the problem.

 -Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 1998 3:27 PM
To: Richardson,Anthony
Cc: Alan Su; Ossama Othman; debian-user
Subject: RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Richardson,Anthony wrote:

> Maybe installing wu-ftpd will solve the problem then?  I was trying
> to set things up by man according to the man page.  I'm still
> curious as to what I need to set up for chroot to work.

You will have to copy the files as Ossama suggested.  What package are   
currently using to get ftpd?


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Maybe installing wu-ftpd will solve the problem then?  I was trying
to set things up by man according to the man page.  I'm still
curious as to what I need to set up for chroot to work.


 -Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 1998 2:44 PM
To: Alan Su
Cc: Ossama Othman; Richardson,Anthony; debian-user
Subject: Re: Setting up Anon FTP?

I was having the same problem (wu-ftpd, hamm distribution) and sent a
message to the list a few days ago with no responses.

After seeing Ossama's message, I copied the lib files to /home/ftp/lib as
suggested.  It fixed it for me.  chroot works also, by the way.

I tried static linking, but that didn't work, although I would think that
it should.


On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Alan Su wrote:

> Ossama Othman wrote (Thu, 26 Feb 1998 12:31:56 -0500 (EST) ):
> |>Why are you trying to chroot to /bin/ls?  The ftpd daemon   
> |>does a chroot when someone logs in as "anonymous" or "ftp."  Here is   
> |>excerpt from the ftpd man page.  Did you follow what it says?
> |>
> Tony was trying to diagnose the problem, the same problem I'm having.
> Namely, ls depends on libc (at least) and simply copying the library
> to the ~ftp/lib directory doesn't work.  The man page mentions nothing
> about this, leading me to believe that it assumes that ls is
> statically linked.
> -alan
> --
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Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I'm not chroot'ing  to /bin/ls but to /home/ftp.
The reason I tried to chroot to /home/ftp and run ls is to troubleshoot
the anonymous ftp login problem.  It's a lot easier to just make changes
and use chroot than to ftp/login/check/logout.  I figure the chroot   
and the fact that ls doesn't work from an anonymous ftp login are   

I did follow the steps in the ftpd man page.  Except for setting up the
pwd.db file in etc (the pwd_mkdb command doesn't exist).  I don't think
this is the problem though and the man page says this is just necessary
to print names instead of numbers in ls output.  (I did copy passwd and
group files to etc while trying to find the problem.)

In addition to the man page instructions is there anything else I need to

Thanks again,
Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Ossama Othman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 1998 12:34 PM
To: Richardson,Anthony
Cc: debian-user
Subject: RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

Why are you trying to chroot to /bin/ls?  The ftpd daemon automatically
does a chroot when someone logs in as "anonymous" or "ftp."  Here is an
excerpt from the ftpd man page.  Did you follow what it says?

In the last case, ftpd takes special measures to restrict the client's
access privileges.  The server performs a chroot(2) to the home directory   

of the ``ftp'' user.  In order that system security is not breached, it   
recommended that the ``ftp'' subtree be constructed with care, following
these rules:

 ~ftp Make the home directory owned by ``root'' and unwritable
  by anyone (mode 555).

 ~ftp/bin  Make this directory owned by ``root'' and unwritable by
  anyone (mode 511).  The program ls(1) must be present   
  support the list command.  This program should be mode
  111 (executable only).

~ftp/etc  Make this directory owned by ``root'' and unwritable by
  anyone (mode 511).  The files pwd.db (see pwd_mkdb(8))
  and group(5) must be present for the ls command to be
  able to produce owner names rather than numbers.  The
  password field in pwd.db is not used, and should not
contain real passwords.  The file motd, if present, will
be printed after a successful login.  These files should
be mode 444.

 ~ftp/pub  Make this directory mode 555 and owned by ``root''.
This is traditionally where publically accessible files
are stored for download.

I've setup several anonymous ftp servers following similar directions on
Solaris machines, too.  The above setup procedure seems to be pretty
standard, except for some character devices that are placed in ~ftp/dev.

If you can tell me/us specifically what you have done and what
problems/errors you get, it will be easier to determine what is wrong.  I
apologize if you have already done this.  I just got on to this list last

Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I had already done what is suggested below, but no luck.  The following:
  chroot /home/ftp /bin/ls
  chroot: cannot execute /bin/ls: No such file or directory
(using ls or bin/ls instead of /bin/ls gives the same message).

I've got all the libraries copied to /home/ftp/lib, but still no luck.

Any other ideas?
Continued thanks,
Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Ossama Othman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 1998 8:47 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

Run ldd on ls.   For example,

 ldd /bin/ls   (you need the absolute path)

You should get output like: => /lib/ (0x4000f000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x4000)

Copy the the libraries from the ldd output to ~ftp/lib, or wherever the
above libraries are relative to root (i.e. if in /usr/lib, copy to
~ftp/usr/lib).  Make sure the libraries have a+rx permissions.

Good luck.


Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I'd forgot about the shared library stuff.  I'd expect we'd also need in lib and to set up the library cache file in etc.  This doesn't
seem too easy ... Are we missing an easier solution?

Perhaps a statically linked ls is the way to go.


 -Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 8:27 PM
To: Richardson,Anthony
Cc: 'debian-user'
Subject: Re: Setting up Anon FTP?

"Richardson,Anthony" wrote (Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:01:00 -0500 ):
|>I'm trying to set up an anonymous ftp server.  Everything seems to be   

|>working except
|>ls or dir.  I copied /bin/ls to /home/ftp/bin/ls and set up permissions   

|>as described in the
|>ftpd man page.  When I type "ls" however I get:
|>   150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
|>  226 Transfer complete.
|>and then nothing.
|>nlist works.
|>Any ideas?  Thanks

Well, and idea, but I'm not sure if it's right or if this is going to
help.  I think that the problem is that /home/ftp/bin/ls depends on  Since anonymous ftp sessions run chroot'd to the ~ftp
directory, it can't see the shared library.

I tried making a /home/ftp/lib directory and putting a copy of there, but that didn't help.  Is my/our only recourse to
compile a statically-linked version of ls?


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Setting up Anon FTP?

1998-02-26 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I'm trying to set up an anonymous ftp server.  Everything seems to be   
working except
ls or dir.  I copied /bin/ls to /home/ftp/bin/ls and set up permissions   
as described in the
ftpd man page.  When I type "ls" however I get:

   150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
  226 Transfer complete.

and then nothing.

nlist works.

Any ideas?  Thanks

Tony RIchardson

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How to run multiple X display servers?

1998-02-24 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I'm working thru some of the exercises in the book "A Practical Guide to   
In the GUI chapter the author mentions that you can start multiple X   
servers in
different blank virtual consoles.  I thought this would be neat and   
thought I'd try it.
When I do "startx -- :1.0 &" the server starts, but the clients complain   
not having authorization to connect to the server.

I played around with xauth to add an entry to the .Xauthority file and   
everything to work.  The xauth man page mentions that entries in the
.Xauthority file are normally created by xdm, so I don't believe the way   
I got
things to work is proper.  (Something seemed strange about the way I just
typed in a long, random, hex number.)  Would someone please provide   
enlightenment as to the correct procedure or point me to appropriate

Tony Richardson

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RE: Problems with dual boot NT/linux

1998-02-04 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Try setting the bootable flag using Liunx's fdisk and then rebooting.  If   
you get an
"Operating system not found" or "Non-system disk message"  the boot   
sector on the
boot partition has been corrupted.  (The boot sector is not the same as   
the MBR.  The MBR is
the first sector on the first drive.  A boot sector is the first record   
on a partition.  The MBR code
loads the boot sector code from the partition marked "bootable".  The   
boot sector code is then
responsible for loading the OS.  Each OS will have an associated boot   
sector loader.)

I suspect that the NT boot sector was somehow corrupted.  This code reads   
the NT boot.ini file
and allows you to dual boot between DOS/NT. You can restore the NT boot   
sector.  You'll need to
make a set of (three) NT installation disks off of the NT CD.  Boot to   
disk one, and insert disk two
when prompted.  Eventually you'll reach a menu asking if you want to   
install NT or fix a previously
installed NT setup.  Take the "fix" or "repair" option.  I don't remember   
the exact set of menu options,
but when I did it all of the directions seemed to be pretty clear.  The   
whole process takes about 10
minutes tops.

Good luck,
Tony Richardson

 -Original Message-
From: Abdelrazak Younes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 1998 10:15 AM
Cc:; younes
Subject: Re: Problems with dual boot NT/linux

>> First I thought that it was just because Debian has somehow installed

>>something on the master boot record, so I booted dos with dos system
>> floppy and I did "fdisk /MBR" in order to clear the MBR and I
>> that my dos partion was OK; but I didn't work out. I also tried to
>> remove the second hard-drive (/dev/sdb) but it still tells me :
>> "Missing operationg system"
>Yes, I encouneterd something similar also. The reason I was unable to
>NT was simple - somehow the bootable flag for /dev/sda1 partition was
>erased. And the worse thing that after restoring it with linux fdisk,
>I got another message: "invalid partition table". The fix was to make
>(or DOS) to run it's own fdisk to resrtre the flag correctly.
>fdisk /mbr does nothing, 'cause MBR is OK! try just starting fdisk
>in dos and exit without chnaging anything.

I tried that and it tells me :
"Error reading fixed disk"

But I still can read data on drive C: under DOS !!

I also tried to toggle the bootable flag with linux fdisk and then try
to launch dos fdisk again but it did the same : "Error reading fixed

Do you have an idear ?


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Kernel Configuration?

1998-02-03 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Is there a command which displays how a kernel is configured?  For   
say I walk up to a Linux box and want to see if the kernel was compiled   
gateway support.  How do I do that?

Tony Richardson

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RE: Copying CD-ROM's from Linux

1998-01-29 Thread Richardson,Anthony

cdrecord ( will do a direct CD   
to CD
copy.  (I don't believe that X-CD-Roast will.).  It compiled and   
installed easily
on my Debian 1.3 box.

Tony Richardson

p.s. There is an article on X-CD-Roast in the Jan. issue of Linux   
The author mentions that the next release of the software will use   
to do the actual writing.

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tar permission problems

1998-01-22 Thread Richardson,Anthony

I've set up one machine in a lab of identical machines with Debian.  I   
then create a tar
file from that set up and transfer the tar file to CD.  I then untar on   
the other machines.
The procedure works nice (I can set up a machine in about 15 minutes)   
 but I'm having
trouble with a lot of the file permissions on the cloned machines.  /tmp   
and /dev/null are
created without write permission for groups and other.  I can restore   
these permissions
but I have no idea what other premissions aren't restored.

I untar with the -p option which is supposed to preserve permissions, but   
it doesn't seem
to.  I thought my umask might be a problem, but it doesn't seem to be.

Help please.  Thank you.

Tony Richardson

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RE: Good Linux books??

1998-01-12 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Check out " A Practical Guide to Linux" by Mark Sobell and published
by Addison-Wesley.  It's one of the few Unix books that is written in
text book style (with exercises and end-of-chapter problems).  It's also
useful as a reference.

The foreword is by Linus Torvalds and he mentions that one of the books
he used to learn Unix was "A Practical Guide to Unix" from the same

Tony Richardson

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