Compatibility Issues With Windows Files

2011-10-04 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

When attempting to extract "rar" files in either Linux or Unix, the
file naming protocol seems to be a very crucial issue. To wit,
should a file be fraught with open spaces, many Unix and Linux
utilities will not work, because it seems that MS-Windows allows
for blank spaces within file names, whereas Dos, Linux and Unix do
not. This would seem to be the case from my personal point of view
based upon recent experience.

I am attempting to extract a large number of rar files using
"unrar-free" with no success. I understand that it might be
necessary to rename each and every file and put some sort of filler
in each blank space, such as a question mark or some other type of
punctuation. I am not sure if this is the case or not.

Ultimately this whole matter is nothing more than a product of the
ever-present conflict/ difference between MS_Windows and other
systems that lead to all manner of compatibility issues. Linux, DOS
and Unix users are for ever trying to find work-around solutions to
these compatibility problems. So, how would you Linux users go
about processing "rar" files that were produced in Windows using
Linux software? Would you try to do some sort of "unrar" or would
you try to convert them over to some version of zip format? If so,
would you try some variant of gzip?


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RAR/ apt-get Question

2011-09-14 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

Whilst trying to get and install the rar file compression utility,
I encountered a bit of an interesting  obstacle. It seems that this
file is either obsolete and hence no longer supported by Linux, or
something else of that nature has made this application unavailable
via mainstream measures. I have several radio plays, books and
documentaries that have been compressed using rar, so I therefore
don't quite know what to do in order to process these particular
files so they can be played by my media utilities. Here is the
error message that the "apt" command returned.

Quote On:
apt-get install rar
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package rar is not available, but is referred to by another
package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been
obsoleted, or is only available from another source

E: Package 'rar' has no installation candidate
Quote Off:

Since this is my first time encountering this particular problem,
I will be more than open to and thankful for any and all
suggestions concerning the matter.


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Re: Just a Quick Question

2011-09-13 Thread RiverWind

I use the gnome system; sorry I forgot to mention that.

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On Tue, 13 Sep 2011, Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 07:53:19PM -0400, RiverWind wrote:

How does one go about turning off the screen saver on the Debian
system? Thanks so much in advance.

It depends on which desktop environment you use
(KDE/GNOME/XFCE/Other?). Each one has its own way. Alternately, if you
run xscreensaver, xscreensaver-demo can be used to control the screen


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Problems with Orca Cutting Out

2011-09-12 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

For some reason, I have had quite a problem with Orca cutting out
when ever my system is in use. I have no way of knowing why this
phenomenon occurs, so I am hard put to try and find a solution for
the problem. I thought that I might have too many extraneous files
or windows open, but I haven't been able to verify this hypothesis.
If such be the case however, how might I go about ascertaining what
I need to have loaded and what I don't? In other words, if there
are too many things happening simultaneously, and my system's
memory or bandwidth is consequently compromised, what might I do
about the matter?

More to the point, how would I go about ferreting out the source of
my orca problem, assuming that the above scenario isn't the actual
issue? As usual, thanks so much in advance. Before upgrading to the
latest version of the squeeze disk, I did not have this trouble.


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In Need of Advice

2011-09-05 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I have two computers, a DOS and a Linux box. Now then, I am wanting
to access my Linux box via my DOS box. I would ultimately like to
use my Linux box as my sole ISP. I do not believe that using my
modem in order to dial up my Linux machine would work, but I also
know that there is such a thing as a "NUL" modem cable???

How would you good gentles go about putting such a plan as mine
into action? In other words, how would you go about accessing a
Linux machine with a DOS system? Is there any special software?
Would I have to use a USB port? If I am not mistaken, DOS doesn't
work with USB ports??? Even more desirable would be the ability to
use the terminal emulator "Commo" as my means of establishing
contact between the respective systems.

I would appreciate any and all advice I can get regarding this
matter, so that I won't need to pay for an ISP when I already have
one. Thanks so much in advance.


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Most Perplexing

2011-08-28 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

Well folks, in order to run the conversion suggested by Bob, I did
the following.

I first saved the script he outlined and called it I then
tried to make the file executable with "chmod +x". I then ran
the file with "./". I got the following response.

Quote On
[workshop] $ ./
'/ line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `do
'/ line 1: `  for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do
[workshop] $
Quote Off

I am sure that I have done something wrong, but I can't figure for
the life of me just what it was.


The script reads as follows.

  for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do

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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-26 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I wish to sincerely thank everyone who has responded to my queries
concerning the Linux Cookbook. Very few if any of your instructions
and/or descriptions have interfered with my screen-reader. I would
have disclosed initially the fact that I was a speech user, but I
honestly thought that everyone in the group was blind. This is
chiefly because I tend to subscribe to blind user groups for
technical issues. I have been disabused of the misguided notion
that all sighted people use windows and to hell with everything
else. Many blind computer users turn to Linux in order to escape
the necessity of having to use MS Windows.

If I am not mistaken, in order to run any script, it must be saved
in a certain format. How is that done?


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On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Bob Proulx wrote:

RiverWind wrote:

You see, the files have a bit of an unconventional extension, to
wit "cookbook3.html#SEC1 or cookbook14.html#SEC2" and so on. You
see, the first number before the ".html" I believe designates the
part, and the number following the "#SEC" indicates the different
sections in the respective parts of the book.

I see your problem now.  You are being confused by the types of links
used in the document.  This is simply a misunderstanding.  I think I
can clear this up for you.  When I look at this next URL:

I see a table of contents in 45 parts.  But each link has an id tag
associated with it to jump into the middle of the part.  Each link
jumps to the sub-section of the chapter.  This is how it is making it
convenient for readers to jump to the sub-part of the document.  But
you should ignore those.  They are not separate files.  They are
anchor tags in the middle of the section.

Let me dive into a little detail of the anchors.  But do keep reading
because after this I will show you how to solve your problem.

Let me repeat the html of the very first link on the page.  This might
confuse your screen reader and if so give me a hint on how I should
represent verbatim html text and I will be happy to do so.


That generates a link to cookbook_1.html#SEC1 as you already know.
But that "#SEC1" part is simply an anchor with an id attribute to jump
into the middle of a page.

Here let me repeat the html of the part it jumps to:


Each sub-section is referenced in this way.
You can read and learn more about these here at this URL to the World
Wide Web Consortium reference documentation page.  It itself uses an
id anchor to jump to the particular part of the document that
references these.

This would tend to make the use of wild cards a bit ticklish.

Actually, no.  Even if those were the filenames you could simply match
them with a wildcard with no problem.  But let's not talk about that
for a moment since it isn't important.  Let's help get you going in
the direction of solving your actual problem and not the side tracking

If I could just figure around this problem however, I would be in
business, because html2txt conversions would be easy, and the
concatenation even easier.

There are 45 links on the page.  They are named and numbered very
regularly.  You can simply write a for-loop to walk over all 45 of
them.  Let me say a three line shell script snippet that will do this
for you.

 for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do

Let me describe it with some verbosity hoping that it will make it
easier for your reader.  The 'seq' command generates a sequence of
numbers.  Here I am calling "seq 1 45" to generate the numbers from 1
through 45 inclusive.  Those are called within a dollar-parenthesis
command substitution to place those 45 numbers on the comand line for
the for-loop to iterate over.  Then the for-loop walks through each in
turn setting the variable named "chapternum" to the current index
value.  Then the wget command uses that dollar chapter num variable to
create the URL to pull each chapter in turn.  The "#SEC" parts are not
really in the filename nor should they be in the filename.

Running that three line shell script snippet should produce 45 files
called chapter_1.html through chapter_45.html in the current
directory.  I think at that point you should be okay to convert each
in turn to plain text.

Hope that helps,

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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-25 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

When you talk about converting all of the small files from html to
txt, and doing the concatenation, you are describing the most
desirable course of action, actually the very first method I
thought about. However, the file naming protocol doesn't at all
lend its self to such a conversion, none that I can come up with at
any rate.

You see, the files have a bit of an unconventional extension, to
wit "cookbook3.html#SEC1 or cookbook14.html#SEC2" and so on. You
see, the first number before the ".html" I believe designates the
part, and the number following the "#SEC" indicates the different
sections in the respective parts of the book. This would tend to
make the use of wild cards a bit ticklish. If I could just figure
around this problem however, I would be in business, because
html2txt conversions would be easy, and the concatenation even


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On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Bob Proulx wrote:

RiverWind wrote:

The idea was to concat a large html file and then convert it to
text. The pdf can be converted to text, and it so far seems like a
pretty viable translation.

If I were going to do that for myself I would convert each individual
html file to text first and then concatenate the individual text
files.  The reason being that the individual html files are at that
moment completely consistent.  Individually they should be able to
convert to text cleanly with no problems.  And then the text can be
concatenated.  But once you concatenate the html then you have created
a Frankenstein html file that is almost certainly going to be
problematic to convert to text.

Also, my naive experience with this is that converting html to text is
a lot easier than converting pdf to text.  With html it is already a
text type.  The mime type is "text/html" after all.  But pdf has been
less accessible for conversions for me.  The mime time is
"application/pdf" and isn't a text type.  That introduces more room
for error to be introduced.


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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-25 Thread RiverWind


The idea was to concat a large html file and then convert it to text. The 
pdf can be converted to text, and it so far seems like a pretty viable 


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On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Curt wrote:

On 2011-08-25, Jude DaShiell  wrote:

pdf has accessibility issues for screen reader users and riverwind and

I missed the part about screen reading, if it was included in the OP.

I found the following for Gnome, with Orca:

I admit I don't understand the requirement of accessing the document as
a single html file.

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A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-24 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I first of all wish to thank everyone who helped me out with my
secure shell issues. It turns out that there was an addressing
problem with my router, modem and my ISP, not to mention the fact
that my linux box has a static IPP address. Things got a bit
interesting, but the matter is about to be in hand.

I have downloaded the linux cookbook, which consists of over five-
hundred html files. I am wanting to concatenate them all into one
big neat file, with all of the smaller files in perfect order. Now
I know that "cat" can do this, but the file naming protocol is a
bit strange. The names of the smaller files have to accommodate
both "parts" and "sections", which makes for an interesting naming
format. For instance, the first is named "cookbook1.html#SEC1." I
tried the following command.

cat *.html#SEC0*

Now, were the files named something like "cookbook01-100.html",
there wouldn't be a problem. However, how does one go about
accommodating files that have two extensions? There is the standard
".html" extension, followed by the not so conventional "#SEC", and
I am not sure how to work it into the cat command.

Any suggestions will be highly welcomed, because I am wanting to
begin learning linux in earnest. I am trying to use books and
manuals before yelling for help, and I am very much looking forward
to the time when I can start giving help instead of always
hollering for it.


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Followup With ssh problem

2011-08-23 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I would first of all like to thank everyone who responded
altruistically to my originally posts. I would say that I now have
half a problem compared to the whole specimen that I had before.

I do indeed have an "ssh" server installed on my linux box, and it
seems to be working just fine. I am able to ssh over to my
"shellworld" account without any problem. However, I am not able to
ssh over from shellworld to my linux box. When ever I attempt to do
so, I receive the following error message after several minutes of
complete inactivity.

[~] $ ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation
timed out
[~] $

For what ever reason, the system just seems to hang up and then
time out. When once I get this problem taken care of, I will then
be able to tackle my email problem.

As always, any help would be highly appreciated.


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Re: Just a Quick Question

2011-08-19 Thread RiverWind
Ok, so I do indeed have an "ssh" server, and I am able to ssh into my 
ISP's shell account. However, I can not ssh over to my linux box. In other 
words, I can get out but not in.


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On Fri, 19 Aug 2011, Bob Proulx wrote:

Including the mailing list back in the discussion...

RiverWind wrote:

I do not seem to have an ssh server installed on my system. How
could I get one, and how extensive would the config process bee?


 # apt-get install openssh-server

That is all that you need to do.  The server will be configured and
started automatically.

Thanks so much for your first response; it was quite helpful to say
the least.

Glad to help.


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Just a Quick Question

2011-08-19 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I used to be able to "ssh" from my shellworld account into my Linux
box before I got the latest version of the squeeze disk. I am not
able to do so now. Exactly what needs to be set up or in place in
order for me to once again be able to access my Linux box via "ssh"
or "telnet" from another site?

I need to be able to do this if I am going to be able to set up my
email so that it will work with Alpine. This is because I am much
more comfortable with using Jaws for DOS as apposed to using Orca's
speech package.

I really would need to know the entire procedure. After having a
more comfortable work environment, I will then be able to work more
freely with my Linux system, as I learn the os.

As always, thanks so much in advance.


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Setting up Email on A Linux Box Using Alpine

2011-08-16 Thread RiverWind

Hi There,

I would sincerely appreciate all the input I can get regarding
setting up email on my debian system using alpine. At present,
alpine is behaving very strangely, and it would require quite a
lengthy email to this list in order to demonstrate the problems. I
am wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to get rid of the
version of Alpine that is resident on my system and just reacquire
it and start over.

The fellow who built the system for me did his best to get email
working, but he was ultimately unable, and hence gave it up as a
bad job. I know nothing about setting up email on my system, as I
am a novice linux user who has of late had very little time to work
on things. It has been a very busy summer, and I have only been on
line once every week or two. I now have more down time to devote to
learning linux and tieing up loose ends and setting up the system
that  I want to wind up with.

I wish to thank any and all altruistic parties who are disposed to
help me out.


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