Re: Is Squeeze right for me?

2009-11-21 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Sat, 2009-11-21 at 09:44 -0800, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> I have several years of experience with Ubuntu, but I have never looked
> inside. I'm just a pointy-clicky desktop user. How things work has
> never been of interest to me except when they don't work. Even then I
> just learn enough to fix the problem and go back to living.

A reasonable approach to computers.

> However, several Linux friends have suggested it's time for me to move
> on. According to the advice I receive I no longer need the Ubuntu
> training wheels and I would be better served by going to a less
> newbie-oriented distro.

If you are okay with Ubuntu, why would they suggest this?

> Perhaps they are right, but I grew up with
> Synaptic and .deb files, and I really don't want to leave the Debian
> world. Therefore, this morning I installed testing on a new hard disk,
> leaving my old Ubuntu hard disk untouched so I can always go back to it.

Good call with the hard drive.

> Having spent just a day in testing I am not happy with the quantity of
> bugs. Yes, I know it is called "testing" for a reason.

Yep, there can be bugs...

> Yet I need a computer that I can
> use for real work. But at the same time I want the latest and greatest.
> I need OOo 3.1 and Scribus and the most recent versions of
> several other apps that I live in all day long. The stable versions of
> Debian are not sufficiently cutting edge for me. Or have I
> misunderstood that?

Nah, you got that. Debian stable is not cutting edge.

> The local Linux friends who thought I should move on from Ubuntu
> suggested testing as the closest in the Debian world to the Ubuntu way
> of doing things. After today I am thinking they were wrong. 
> I need advice.

I'd say stay with Ubuntu if you are comfy with it. The latest and
greatest of some/most apps (openoffice, thunderbird, firefox, etc.) can
be installed using debs (or "what-evers") from the relevant
application's website. 

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Re: Switching from GNOME to another window manager

2009-09-06 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 10:21 +0800, Jason Hsu wrote:
> I used the default install to install Debian on a laptop as the sole OS.
> It boots up in GNOME, which is too slow and sluggish.  How can I switch to 
> XFCE, Fluxbox, or some other lightweight window manager?
1) You could do a reinstall:
get the iso (debian-502a-i386-xfce+lxde-CD-1.iso) from here 

2) to install xfce on your current system:
aptitude install xfce4
aptitude install xfce4-goodies
log out
at the login screen press F10 and select the "Select Session" option.
Xfce will be one of the options.

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Lost task and memo window in Evolution

2009-06-30 Thread Robert Hodgins
I'm running Evolution on Debian Lenny.

While I was using the calendar, Evolution crashed. When I restarted it,
the memo and task lists were blank.

The relevant files are still present. (For
example, .evolution/memos/local/system/journal.ics is still on the hard
drive.) Any hints or links that will help me make the memo and task list
visible again?

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Re: Retrieving the signal while plugging a USB key

2009-05-05 Thread Robert Hodgins
> I would like to know if there is a command I can type with Debian to 
> detect if a USB key has physically connected to the computer.

A shot in the dark: lsusb?

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Re: debian and ubuntu

2009-04-26 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Sun, 2009-04-26 at 16:11 +0100, Nuno Magalhães wrote:

> Slightly OT-ish, but if i want to install an Ubuntu package on Debian.
> should i use dpkg -i or alien?

I wouldn't try to install an Ubuntu package on Debian.

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Re: OT: Hijack: EEE PC 10"

2009-04-20 Thread Robert Hodgins
> from the now inactive debian
> eeepc project:

Has this project come to an end?

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SOLVED Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-17 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 14:13 -0600, Robert Hodgins wrote:
> Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions. I'll keep fiddling
> around with this computer. If something works, I'll let you know.
Turns out the problem was likely hardware related. Over the
weekend, I had noticed that SBM wasn't detecting the DVD/CD player
all the time. Yesterday, the hard drive was undetectable. Given that both units
function on other machines, I believe that the computer's drive
controller was slowly dying while I was working with it and ultimately
gave up the ghost Monday.

Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this.

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-15 Thread Robert Hodgins
Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions. I'll keep fiddling
around with this computer. If something works, I'll let you know.

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-14 Thread Robert Hodgins

> I don't think so.  I was simply wrong about it being bad hardware (most
> likely).  However another poster pointed out that ACPI on a P1 is
> probably wrong and since the message say it's not giving results the
> kernel likes, it could certainly apply.  Try booting with 
> acpi=off
> or 
> noacpi
> (I forget which one, it might be listed in the Install Guide, or on the
> F1-F10 help pages of the CD (before starting the installer)).

> Also apic and local apic could be a problem.  Basically anything that
> your board tried to support but wasn't up to the standards that
> eventually came into force, but are what the kernel expects.

I've tried the following
-expert acpi=off
-expert noapic nolapic
-expert acpi=off noapic nolapic
-removing the USB card (no more querys about loading the usb module)
-selecting No whenever the installer asks about PCMCIA

The result is always the same: installation stops shortly after the base
install starts (bootstrap-base).

Not too sure what else to try.

> > 
> > > I guess one other possibility is if the installer is not using the
> > > 486 kernel but the 686 one (/var/log/syslog in the installer will
> > > tell you the answer to that).

As various modules were being loaded in, I noticed some had
"2.6.28-1-486" as a part of their name. I assume if these were being
loaded, then the correct kernel was selected?

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch.

2009-03-12 Thread Robert Hodgins

> How about doing an upgrade instead?
> You could even try to do it incrementally.
Thank you. You are right. I could do that.

Still, I'd like to know why the Etch installer is successful and the
Lenny installer isn't. Should I still be using this machine "down the
road" (and I'd like to keep it going as long as the hardware holds up),
incremental upgrades from Etch to Lenny to the next version...and so
on...are going to get a bit tedious.

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-12 Thread Robert Hodgins
Daniel, thank you for your suggestions.

> Assuming you are using the text installer (if you haven't you should,
> just in case), you should be able Alt-F4 to see the system logs (ctrl
> is unnecessary in text mode.  Alt-F3 and Alt-F2 should be alternate
> consoles you can use.

I'm using the text installer.

> I recommend watching the syslog in Alt-F4 and only switching to Alt-F1
> when you need to do input. 

I did this. I hit Alt-F4 as the installer was finishing the formatting
of the hard drive. When the cursor stopped blinking and the keyboard no
longer responded, I took a picture.

I posted it here as Photo 1:

> Perhaps a kernel fault, or bad CD-ROM
> drive?  It could also be bad RAM (have you tried memtest?), or some
> other intermittent fault in hardware (like IDE).

I reinstalled (a minimal) Etch last night. It was successful. Top
and /proc/meminfo both reported that RAM was 127192 KB...very close to
the 128 MB that is in the machine. So, the Etch installer had no issues
with the RAM or other hardware.

Would the Lenny installer be more sensitive to potentially bad RAM or
hardware than the Etch installer?

> Basically if you haven't already do so I would test the hardware.  You
> seem to have enough RAM so that shouldn't be the issue, and assuming
> good media that leaves hardware or driver problems as the most likely
> causes.

Right after selecting Install, the installer printed the screen (Photo
2) that is at I didn't get this
screen when I was installing Etch and I don't recall seeing it when I
installed Lenny on other (more modern) machines. I can't interpret what
it means.
Is it relevant to the failure of the Lenny installer?

> I guess one other possibility is if the installer is not using the 486
> kernel but the 686 one (/var/log/syslog in the installer will tell you
> the answer to that).

When the Lenny installation freezes, the keyboard is locked up. There is
no way to run shutdown -h now. I've just been powering off.

At this stage of the installation, how can I get the /var/log/syslog?

Thank you again for your suggestions and ideas.

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch.

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 19:00 -0400, Chris Jones wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 04:39:51PM EDT, Robert Hodgins wrote:
> > Any ideas to diagnose what is going on or to get the installation to
> > complete would be appreciated. 
> Not sure.. but have you tried (re)installing etch.. just to make sure
> lenny vs. etch is really the problem?

Yup, I did a reinstall of Etch. I just did a minimal install this time
(unchecked all the options in tasksel). I was able to get througt the
base install and right up to the installation of GRUB and the reboot and
could log in. In other words, no surprises. Etch is installable.

I've not got through the base install the Lenny CDs, however.

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Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 16:22 -0600, Robert Hodgins wrote:
> ATA Force card so that the machine can recognize the "large"
> hard drive

The computer came with a 1.2 GB hard drive. The BIOS doesn't recognize
the larger 4 GB hard drive. So, I use a ATA Force card (Micro Firmware

>  and boot from the CD reader using an SBM card

Not a card. Sorry. I meant a floppy.
I use a floppy with Smart Boot Manager v. 3.7.1 on it so that the
computer will boot from the CD.

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Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch.

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
I have a (old) Pentium 75 that used to run Etch. I have been trying to
install Lenny on it without success. The installation stops at the 6%
point of the "Installation of Base System" step. Various packages are
being retrieved at that point. At different times, the installation has
stopped while it was getting dpkg, coreutils, bdsutils, and libselinux1.

When the installation stalls, I can't get CTRL-ALT-F4 to open another
console, so I can't tell exactly what was going on.

I have tried both the Lenny debian-500-i386-CD-1.iso and the
debian-500-i386-netinst.iso. Neither works. The disks have been used to
install Lenny on other machines, so I know that they are not the

Any ideas to diagnose what is going on or to get the installation to
complete would be appreciated. The output of lshw (from the System
Rescue CD) is below.

Thank you.

description: Computer
width: 32 bits
   description: Motherboard
   physical id: 2
  description: System memory
  physical id: 0
  size: 128MB
  product: Pentium 75 - 200
  vendor: Intel Corp.
  physical id: 1
  bus info: c...@0
  version: 5.2.5
  size: 100MHz
  width: 32 bits
  capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8
  description: Host bridge
  product: 85C501/2
  vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
  physical id: 100
  bus info: p...@00:00.0
  version: 00
  width: 32 bits
  clock: 33MHz
 description: ISA bridge
 product: SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
 vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
 physical id: 1
 bus info: p...@00:01.0
 version: 00
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: isa bus_master
 configuration: latency=0
 description: IDE interface
 product: PCI0640
 vendor: Silicon Image, Inc.
 physical id: 6
 bus info: p...@00:06.0
 version: 02
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ide
 configuration: latency=0
 description: VGA compatible controller
 product: GD 5434-8 [Alpine]
 vendor: Cirrus Logic
 physical id: 7
 bus info: p...@00:07.0
 version: fc
 size: 16MB
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: vga
 configuration: latency=0
 resources: iomemory:8100-81ff
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11
 bus info: p...@00:11.0
 version: 41
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ohci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ohci_hcd latency=64 maxlatency=42
 resources: iomemory:8200-82000fff irq:10
product: OHCI Host Controller
vendor: Linux 2.6.18-6-486 ohci_hcd
physical id: 1
bus info: u...@1
logical name: usb1
version: 2.06
capabilities: usb-1.10
configuration: driver=hub maxpower=0mA slots=3
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11.1
 bus info: p...@00:11.1
 version: 41
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ohci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ohci_hcd latency=64 maxlatency=42
 resources: iomemory:82001000-82001fff irq:10
product: OHCI Host Controller
vendor: Linux 2.6.18-6-486 ohci_hcd
physical id: 1
bus info: u...@2
logical name: usb2
version: 2.06
capabilities: usb-1.10
configuration: driver=hub maxpower=0mA slots=2
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB 2.0
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11.2
 bus info: p...@00:11.2
 version: 02
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ehci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ehci_hcd latency=132 maxlatency=34
 resources: iomemory:82002000-820020ff irq:10
product: EHCI Host Controller
vendor: Linux 2.6.18-6-486 ehci_hcd

Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch. Try 2

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
I sent this email in two parts. It seems that only the second part got
through. So, here are both parts combined into one email.

I have a (old) Pentium 75 that used to run Etch. I have been trying to
install Lenny on it without success. The installation stops at the 6%
point of the "Installation of Base System" step. Various packages are
being retrieved at that point. At different times, the installation has
stopped while it was getting dpkg, coreutils, bdsutils, and libselinux1.

When the installation stalls, I can't get CTRL-ALT-F4 to open another
console, so I can't tell exactly what was going on.

I have tried both the Lenny debian-500-i386-CD-1.iso and the
debian-500-i386-netinst.iso. Neither works. The disks have been used to
install Lenny on other machines, so I know that they are not the

Any ideas to diagnose what is going on or to get the installation to
complete would be appreciated. The output of lshw (from the System
Rescue CD) is below.

I use an ATA Force card so that the machine can recognize the "large"
hard drive and boot from the CD reader using an SBM card. I doubt that
these are the problem since Etch installed okay, but heck, who knows.

Thank you.

description: Computer
width: 32 bits
   description: Motherboard
   physical id: 2
  description: System memory
  physical id: 0
  size: 128MB
  product: Pentium 75 - 200
  vendor: Intel Corp.
  physical id: 1
  bus info: c...@0
  version: 5.2.5
  size: 100MHz
  width: 32 bits
  capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8
  description: Host bridge
  product: 85C501/2
  vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
  physical id: 100
  bus info: p...@00:00.0
  version: 00
  width: 32 bits
  clock: 33MHz
 description: ISA bridge
 product: SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
 vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
 physical id: 1
 bus info: p...@00:01.0
 version: 00
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: isa bus_master
 configuration: latency=0
 description: IDE interface
 product: PCI0640
 vendor: Silicon Image, Inc.
 physical id: 6
 bus info: p...@00:06.0
 version: 02
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ide
 configuration: latency=0
 description: VGA compatible controller
 product: GD 5434-8 [Alpine]
 vendor: Cirrus Logic
 physical id: 7
 bus info: p...@00:07.0
 version: fc
 size: 16MB
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: vga
 configuration: latency=0
 resources: iomemory:8100-81ff
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11
 bus info: p...@00:11.0
 version: 41
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ohci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ohci_hcd latency=64 maxlatency=42
 resources: iomemory:8200-82000fff irq:10
product: OHCI Host Controller
vendor: Linux 2.6.18-6-486 ohci_hcd
physical id: 1
bus info: u...@1
logical name: usb1
version: 2.06
capabilities: usb-1.10
configuration: driver=hub maxpower=0mA slots=3
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11.1
 bus info: p...@00:11.1
 version: 41
 width: 32 bits
 clock: 33MHz
 capabilities: ohci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ohci_hcd latency=64 maxlatency=42
 resources: iomemory:82001000-82001fff irq:10
product: OHCI Host Controller
vendor: Linux 2.6.18-6-486 ohci_hcd
physical id: 1
bus info: u...@2
logical name: usb2
version: 2.06
capabilities: usb-1.10
configuration: driver=hub maxpower=0mA slots=2
 description: USB Controller
 product: USB 2.0
 vendor: NEC Corporation
 physical id: 11.2
 bus info: p...@00:11.2
 version: 02
 width: 32 bits

Re: Lenny won't install on an old Pentium that used to run Etch.

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
I use an ATA Force card so that the machine can recognize the "large"
hard drive and boot from the CD reader using an SBM card. I doubt that
these are the problem since Etch installed okay, but heck, who knows.

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Re: Old versions of Debian

2009-03-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 15:36 +0500, Ata ur Rehman wrote:
> Dear All
> I'm new to this list.  I'm looking for CD/DVD images for Debian 4.0 r7
> but I could not find.  Can someone help me?
> I tried my best to find the archives at but unfortunately
> couldn't

Try this location:

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Re: New installation can only boot to command line as root

2009-03-05 Thread Robert Hodgins
> The graphic installation from small CD went well but could not boot into
> the graphic login afterward. I just get a blank monitor and the hard
> drive stops activity.
> I re-installed a couple of times, hoping that something would change. No
> luck.

Is the "small CD" the netinst? I tried several times to install Lenny
using the netinst CD and had problems like those you describe. After a
couple of retries, I just downloaded the first CD
(debian-500-i386-CD-1.iso) and installation went to completion. 

This sort of issue with the netinst CD has been encountered by other


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Re: Web page development tools in Lenny?

2009-01-31 Thread Robert Hodgins
> Found some hits: seamonkey, kompozer/nvu, but none of them
> are in Lenny.  I'd like to keep the installation as standard as possible,
> so I'd prefer not to have to get non-aptitude packages. 

Would iceape work for you?

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Re: debian standard tool for config services?

2008-12-30 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 19:00 -0600, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I'm too new to know what is the standard or default tool to configure
> what services are started at boot.
> I've installed chkconfig from ancient expierence on various linux
> distros but suspect their is something more popular or maybe something
> installed with default install.
I think sysv-rc-conf is what you are looking for.

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Re: What is this "update" ISO image?

2008-12-30 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 22:04 +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2008-12-30 21:27 +0100, Robert Hodgins wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 12:02 -0800, Ken Teague wrote:
> >> What is this "update" ISO image I see in the cd-image archives?  For
> >> example, on I
> >> see debian-update-4.0r6-i386-DVD-1.iso.  What are these update ISO
> >> images used for?  Thanks in advance.
> >
> > I think that the update iso contains all the package updates that were
> > released between r5 and r6. 
> Actually, it contains all package updates since r0.

Oops, my mistake. You are right.

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Re: What is this "update" ISO image?

2008-12-30 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 12:02 -0800, Ken Teague wrote:
> What is this "update" ISO image I see in the cd-image archives?  For
> example, on I
> see debian-update-4.0r6-i386-DVD-1.iso.  What are these update ISO
> images used for?  Thanks in advance.

I think that the update iso contains all the package updates that were
released between r5 and r6. 

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Re: need a past release of Debian

2008-12-29 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 12:19 -0500, ttmann wrote:
> Hello
> I am in need of a past release which i have misplaced the originals
> this is the DVD iso release I require
> Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 r0 2007
I'm assuming that you are interested in the i386 version

I found this site by googling for debian-40r0-i386-DVD-1.iso

Many other hits were torrent downloads. They might work for you as well.

Cheapbytes sells the r0 set but it is CDs:

Other vendors are here:

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Re: [OT]I just got a phish call!!!

2008-12-19 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 20:15 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> An automated voice told me that my (non-existant, of course) 
> Jefferson Parish[0] Credit Union Visa card has been blocked.
> I immediately hung up on it, of course, and am slightly unnerved 
> that "they" are now calling people at home with  personalized scams.

I get calls like that all the time from different places in the U.S.

> [0] Which is the county I live in.

Well, I live in Canada. Don't be unnerved.

It appears that the call-list that they are using isn't too focused.

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Re: Instructions for upgrading from Etch to Lenny?

2008-12-18 Thread Robert Hodgins

> At some point in the distant past, there were instructions in the release 
> notes for upgrading from Debian releases other than the prior release.

The release notes for Etch are here:

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Re: Instructions for upgrading from Etch to Lenny?

2008-12-17 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 13:57 -0500, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Are there step-by-step instructions somewhere for doing a dist- 
> upgrade from Etch (current stable) to Lenny (soon-to-be stable)?
> I'll be glad to RTFM if somebody can point me to the right FM...

Googling etch lenny upgrade gives ~143,000 hits.

This one is recent:

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Re: Lenny sources.list example

2008-12-03 Thread Robert Hodgins

> I'm new to Debian (sorta - a recent Ubuntu convert to Debian).
> Can someone show me an example of what the sources.list file should
> look like for Lenny please?

Here is one example:

Google for lenny + "sources.list" + example

There are a lot of examples on the web.

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Re: scanning question

2008-11-11 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 21:57 +0200, Bogdan wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm on Debian Sid / KDE 4.1. I have a HP PSC 1110 multifunction printer. 
> I found a way to configure the printing function, but I don't seem to be 
> able to scan with it. I installed Kooka but it didn't do the trick ( 
> afterwards I noticed that kooka has been removed from KDE 4.1 ).
> Any suggestions will be appreciated :).
 I have an HP PSC 1610. I can scan with the Xsane Image Scanning

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Re: icedove

2008-10-07 Thread Robert Hodgins
>  In icedove, if i click on a url 
> it opens up the default web browser. I would much prefer it to open up 
> the Iceweasel browser which is my preferred browser. Where in icedove 
> can I change it to open iceweasel?

Actually, you can change it from the desktop. In the menu bar, click on
Desktop, then Preferences, then Preferred Applications. Under Web
Browser, you can select Iceweasel to be your preferred browser.

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Re: need sarge

2008-08-04 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 06:54 -0700, Vwaju wrote:
> For historical reasons, I need  to  install sarge .
> has release information, but none
> of the links on that page lead to a page where you can actually
> *download* sarge.
> I will need to download the basic sarge plumbing *and* I will need
> access to a network mirror that has all the sarge packages.
> Can someone give me a direction?

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Re: hello, houston (debian) we have a problem ....

2008-06-24 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 12:33 -0430, juan alberto zarate sanoja wrote:
> hi, my name is juan zarate from caracas - venezuela,
> I am developer of aplications (artificial intelligence, expert
> systems, tailor's made aplications)
> with over 20 years of experience
> and i am also, a linux administradtor certificated  by
> i write to you because I did bought a modem (huawei EC226)
> conection usb, but i can't use it with linux, can you help me?
> exist any way of work with this modem under linux?
> because i am working with debian and i like offer to my clients
> install debian but, i need the internet conection for this reason
> work with this modem is important to me. and in general is important
> to debian that all modem in the market can work under debian linux
> (the conection is very important).
> thank you for all.
> Note: If i can help to debian of any way, please tell me how?
> i will be happy of work with debian.
> juan zarate.
> movil phone
> 04142295995

My Spanish stinks, but I think that this page will help you.

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Re: Debian vs. the Eee PC

2008-04-07 Thread Robert Hodgins

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 16:46 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:
> I expect this has been covered before, but people undoubtedly have more 
> experience with it now, and it won't hurt to discuss it again.

I've been using one for about 3 months. Guess that makes me experienced.

> What variety of Linux is installed on the EeePC?  Does it bear any 
> relationship to Debian?

The OS is Xandros. It is related to Debian. I didn't like it (personal
reasons) so I installed eeeXubuntu on it:

> Have people been using Debian with/on the Asus EeePC?  What issues have 
> come up?  Is installing it easy, hard?

Installation was easy. No issues.

> How is the experience?
The machine has replaced my Palm PDA and my desktop. The keyboard is
cramped and the LCD resolution is quite low. However, when on the go,
both are acceptable. At home, I connect the machine to a USB keyboard
and an old CRT monitor (PanaSync/Pro P50 that just "worked" when it was
plugged into the machine).

> Would a $400 budget laptop from Acer or somebody 
> be a better choice?

It depends on what you want to do with the machine. The eeePc is "low
resource" (900 MHz CPU, 2 Gb max of RAM and a max of 4 Gb of "drive
space" on the SD card). On the other hand, it has no hard drive, is very
small and light and therefore easy to carry around.

> Is the SSD on the basic/original model adequate?

My installation takes up about 2 Gb. Lots of space left over on the

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Re: Creating CD's frpm .iso files

2008-01-21 Thread Robert Hodgins

> I am trying to use the "InfraRecorder" program that I downloaded from
> the Ubuntu web site.

I've used CdBurnerXP Pro with no problems:

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Re: [OT] top posting

2008-01-16 Thread Robert Hodgins

> Given that you're in the country that invented the witch-hunt, that's
> not much surprise.

I wasn't aware that he was from Babylonia!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2007-12-23 Thread Robert Hodgins
Best of the season to all.
And may we spend the new year helping and being helped on this list.

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Re: Top-posting (was Re: CD to acc)

2007-11-28 Thread Robert Hodgins

But then some genius gave us the > sign to allowed us to select how far back in 
a thread we wished to read and also saved our scroll wheels many many miles of 
rolling through text that we had already read only to find a one-liner at the 
bottom of the message.
> > A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> > > Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> > > >  A: Top-posting.
> > > > > Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
> - --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA  USA
> %SYSTEM-F-FISH, my hovercraft is full of eels
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFHTduZS9HxQb37XmcRAs8IAJ4uAnQVMIbSEJTk6n57Bh9QaghdHgCeNvPy
> /8o+Etzbrh8frsKLF7vhHFo=
> =iuLS

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Re: netstat output evidence of a cracker?

2007-11-10 Thread Robert Hodgins

> That would be Steve Gibsons's site, that I've often used.

Gibosn's site scans the first 1056 ports. This site 
( scans up to 65535.

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Re: Command to see ip address on etch stable

2007-08-24 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Thu, 2007-23-08 at 14:20 -0700, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
> Ralph Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Is there a command on debian etch stable that you can run to see what ip
> > > address you are?
> > 
> > Your local network address:
> > ~$ /sbin/ifconfig
> > 
> > Your internet address:
> > ~$  wget -O - 2>/dev/null
> Or for the blind:
Naw, that one is for the very lonely!

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Re: etch - iptables question

2007-06-13 Thread Robert Hodgins
On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 15:47 -0700, ann kok wrote:
> Hi all
> I just install new debian.
> but it seems nothing iptable in the default
> installation
> how can I install?

1) you can use a pre-written script like this one:

Getting it going is discussed here:
under the section called Networking, Upgrading and Apt-secure

2) you can install a package that will assist you in setting a firewall.
Shorewall, fwbuilder are a couple that folks use.

> and
> how can I install new kernel?

if you have synaptic installed search for ¨linux-image¨ and take your

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