Re: plptools & the Revo/(Diamond Mako)

2002-06-02 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Fri, 17 May 2002, Brian wrote:

> Has anyone used plptools, (p3nfsd and/or ncpd) to mount their Psion Revo 
> to their Linux box via the serial cable?

Yea, they work fine, for the most part. I used plptools-0.10
(forgot where I downloaded it from at the moment), built and installed it
according to the directions. 
I then put my Revo's docking cradle on /dev/ttyS0, and created the
/mnt/psion directory. Then, the first time I ran '/usr/local/bin/plpnfsd',
followed by '/usr/local/sbin/ncpd -d &' each time I stick the Revo into
the cradle. Apparently ncpd is supposed to be able to handle the Revo
being removed and inserted, but it always segfaults on me when I try. So I
just run ncpd each time I stick the Revo in the cradle, and after a few
seconds I can access its files via /mnt/psion without a problem.
I use rsync to backup the Revo to a directory on my computer's HD,
which on an average day only takes a few minutes. Something like 'rsync
-av --delete /mnt/psion/C:/ /home/.../revo/' works great.
My computer is running stock potato with a 2.2.19 kernel, so it is
pretty plain and boring. Here is what 'mount' has to say after running

$ mount
localhost:/psion on /mnt/psion type nfs (hard,intr)

> Do I need to transfer a file to the Revo first?  I tried the
> nfsc5.opl, but the Psion reads it as a text file.  The compiled
> version is not recognized either.  What are the steps to connecting
> the Psion to Linux?

I never had to upload anything to the Revo to make the above
work. I only configured the Revo to communicate via the 'Cable' link at
115200, and enabled the link. Then it was just plug-n-play. :)

> I tried 'p3nfsd' and it just hangs.  Any utilities associated with
> checking all mounted filesystems take a long time or hang, e.g.,
> 'df'--even if ncpd and p3nfsd aren't running.  My psion is plugged
> into my computer.

I have never tried p3nfsd, must be a different version/fork of the
tools that I am using. My recommendation would be try plptools-0.10 and
see if they work for you.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."|
|        --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |   |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trident display card

2002-03-19 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:

> A friend has a display card identified by lspci as:
> 00:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems TGUI 9660/968x/968x 
> (rev d3)
> I tried the xfree4 "trident" driver, but it didn't display quite right.
> (The display was ... um, "fragmented", though the mouse cursor moved
> fine, iirc.)

I was testing about ten of these cards (Trident 966x), and one of
them had a similar "fragmented" display. Almost as if the upper left hand
quarter of the screen was duplicated in the other four quarters. Very
strange. I was using XF86 3.3.6 (potato version), and used the same
configuration file in testing all the cards, only one gave this strange
behavior, and all the cards were identical.

> Any ideas about this card? I guess I could also try 3.3.6. And what
> XFree4 driver is the "general SVGA" one, if there is one? I saw "VGA",
> which also gave some trouble (again: iirc), is "VGA" the generic driver?

Does this card work correctly under say, M$ Windows? If not, or
not tested with it, I would suspect that the card is bad. That is what I
concluded in my case. 
Also, unless XF4 greatly improved the the trident driver from
3.3.6, I would just as soon consider the card bad and replace it. Under
3.3.6 those cards were slow as mud, while a S3Trio64 (same vintage) was
many times faster. 
Hope this is of help. TTYL.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."|
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |   |

Re: Matrox Millenium IIs and XFree86 3.6 - UPDATE

2001-09-03 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:

>   I am attempting to get a Matrox Millenium II card (4MB, PCI) to
> work with XFree86 3.6 (as found in potato), but no matter the resolution
> or color depth I choose, the picture has very obtrustive vertical lines
> (to the point that one can barely read any text).

First, let me thank everyone for their help, and the XF86Config
files you sent me. Unfortunately none of them work, but I figured out
why. After looking closer at the video card itself, I realized that a few
resistors have been sheared off! What I get for buying used computer
equipment w/o careful inspection. :(
Though I had two of these cards and the second one appears
intact/undamaged, so I installed that one. Much better, no more obtrusive
vertical lines. Though, I still have vertical lines and their behavior now
is much more interesting. They are even spaced across the screen, one
pixel wide, but only appear where there is text on the screen (i.e. in a
shell window, netscape, any where text is displayed), while graphics (i.e.
wallpaper or picture in netscape) are completely clean and fine. Even
stranger, the lines only extend on a line of text as far the text does. It
is almost like they are showing the tab settings or something!
I have tried all the XF86Config file sent to me again to no avail,
and messed with the HTotal value as well with out success. I doubt it is a
hardware problem this time as the lines are very software dependent
(i.e. hardware does not differentiate between graphics and text, it is just
pixels to it). So, does anyone have any more ideas? Thanks.

PS. If someone wants a screen shot to better see what I am
describing, let me know and I will send it to you via private email. 

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."|
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |   |

Matrox Millenium IIs and XFree86 3.6

2001-08-29 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick

I am attempting to get a Matrox Millenium II card (4MB, PCI) to
work with XFree86 3.6 (as found in potato), but no matter the resolution
or color depth I choose, the picture has very obtrustive vertical lines
(to the point that one can barely read any text).
I have attempted tweaking the HTotal parameter as recommended in
the MGA README file to no avail. I even tried using xvidtune and adjusted
the HTotal value over the entire specturm with no effect.
Is there anyone out there with a working Xfree86 setup for this
Matrox card? If so, I would greatly appreciate a copy of your XF86Config
file! Thanks.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."|
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |   |

i810 AGP Video Card LockUps w/XFree86!

2001-07-27 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick

I am attempting to get potato to run on a machine with an onboard
i810 (Intel) video card. I installed potato onto a blank system, installed
the SVGA X server, and installed the necessary agpgart.o module. Before
testing the X server, I compiled a new 2.2.19 kernel and then compiled the
agpgart.o module against that. I got the source for that module from the X
Strike Force web page (Debian XFree86 info page).
I configured the XF86Config file as instructed and fired up
Xwindows. At first everything appeared to work fine. I was able to run at
1152x864 at 24 bit color w/o a problem and the picture looked just fine. I
was able to run a gnome desktop and applications without any
problems. That is until about 5-10 minutes passed, when the entire system
locked up (not just the console, it fell of the network as well). I tried
a few more times, but whether I was in X or not, 5-10 minutes after
starting X for the first time, the system would lock up. If I was at the
console when it happened, there were no kernel messages.
I then did some research and found that Intel had their own
version of the SVGA X server for this card. I downloaded it, and installed
it in place of Debian's SVGA X server. Once again started up X, once again
it appeared to work fine, and once again it would crash within 5-10
At this point, my only options appears to be to try a 2.4 kernel
and XFree86 4.0, but I am not too hopeful. Is there any one else out there
who have gotten the i810 AGP video card to work with potato, and if so,
how did you do it? Thanks in advance for any and all help! 

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."|
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |   |

DVIPS is Generating Bad Postscript!

1999-09-02 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick

Ok, I have a wierd problem here and I am about at wits in trying
to solve it. At some point along the line in the last few months dvips
stopped generating correcting postscript files from dvi files. Specificly,
bullets are getting lost, and worse, any type of equations or mathematical
symbols are getting replaced with some courier looking font and totally
messed up (i.e. where there was an integration symbol, there is not a
capital 'R'!). 
I am running stock Debian 2.1 on three different machines, two
intels and one alpha, and they all are giving the same problems. After
some comparision with a RH5.2 machine, I was able to track the problem
down to the dvi->ps conversion. DVI files generated on Debian 2.1 convert
to ps just fine on RH5.2, while DVI files generated on RH5.2 have the same
problem when converted to ps on Debian 2.1.
I have tried downgrading tetex-* packages to the one that came
with Debian 2.0 (via dpkg -r, dpkg --purge, and then dpkg -i), which have
the same version number of dvips (5.78) as RH5.2, but I am still hitting
the same problem.
If I run latex on a tex file, and then view it with xdvi, the file
looks fine. If I then run dvips on the dvi file and generate a postscript
file, and view it with gv, the document is messed up in terms of bullets
and mathematical equations/symbols.
I have not seen any reference to this in mailing lists, but since
I have managed to repeat it on three different machines, I am quite
baffled as to what exactly is going on. Any one else ever hit this
problem? Any one have any idea on a solution to this problem? Thanks in
advance for any help you can provide! 

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: [Summary] UPS anyone?

1999-08-19 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

>  `Best Power' general comments (
>   - manufacturer has `free' Linux software which may be packaged
> for Debian soon (All I have found in the source are lines
> like: CheckUPS II BASIC V3.23Copyright (c)1985-99 by Best
> Power, All Rights Reserved.  They'll need to clarify this).
> Both the dumb and smart models listed below use the same
> software download, which supports both `basic' and `advanced'
> programs for dumb and smart UPS.
>   - bpowerd Debian pacakge does not currently support the INT-0051 cable
> packaged by Best Power for all OSes

Just to throw my two cents in, the Best Fortress line of UPS fully
support Linux with included/downloadable software. I set two of these up
at work, one for a PII running RH4.2. Just downloaded the UNIX checkups
software, and compilied the included c source code, and it works great. It
communicates with the UPS, pulls a decent amount of information from it,
and can intelligently handling power events (via a resident daemons and a
few custimizable shell scripts and logging capablities). They might be a
bit more than the average linux user might need, but when you have more
than 1-2 boxes, or are in a production environment, I would highly
recommend them.
Also, go to for excellent prices on them (40-45% of
list), and decent shipping (for huge, heavy UPS :). No, I don't work for
them, just a recent, happy customer. :)

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: backing up a complete Debian GNU/Linux system

1999-08-06 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, x x wrote:

> Hi! Could anyone tell me what's a good hardware/software combination
> to use to make frequent FULL backups of a Debian system (operating
> system, "applications", and data).  I asked recently at a fairly large
> Linux group meeting, and everyone seemed suprised by the question and
> there were no good answers, which completely floored me... how could
> anyone smart enough to use Linux not back up their entire system

Well, here are my two cents on this subject. First method of
backup: Once a week I backup the system (/, /var, /usr, /etc, etc...) of
each of my machines to tape, and then the next night I backup the data of
my machines (/home, /web, databases). Every other night I just do an
incremental of everything. I have about 4-5 machines I backup regularly,
via a network, and NFS mounting the root of each system to the machine
with the tape drive, and then backing up from there with afio. I hacked up
my own scripts to handle all of it. 
As for hardware, I use an Exabyte 8700LT external, scsi, 8mm tape
drive. It is about 1.5yrs old, and runs great! I can use either 5GB or 7GB
tapes (native size), and by spliting the system from the data into
seperate backups, that make maximum backup about 14GB, which is pretty
large for even medium sized networks. While the drive was a bit expensive
(~$600), the media is cheap (~$4 for 5GB, ~$9 for 7GB per tape), and the
reliablity is excellent. Though you can now get the equivalent internal
drive, an 8505XL, from Ebay for $300 to $400. 
So, far as I see it, if you are serious/smart enough to use Linux,
you will also be serious/smart enough to set aside some money for a good
quality backup hardware. After that, software is a matter of choice.
Ok, my two cents. Hope they help.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: Browser for a slow computer?

1999-02-01 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, [iso-8859-1] Daniel González Gasull wrote:

> And the 3.04 source archive is not in the Netscape
> server!
> Where can I get it?


These were pulled from, in answer to just
this question. :)

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: Termcap and Libc5/6 with Debian Problems...

1999-01-02 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On 31 Dec 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Ryan Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Now, how, if possible, can one get this binary running? I imagine
>that I need a libtermcap2 built/linked with libc6. Does such a debian
>package exists? Or do I need to go find the sources and built it myself?
> AFAIK there is no libtermcap precompiled for Debian, since we use
> ncurses with everything.  I think your best bet is to fetch the
> sources for the libtermcap-compat package and attempt to build it for
> libc6.

Yea, that is what I figured. Though I went and grabbed the source
to termcap-compat, uncompressed it, ran 'debian/rules binary' in the
resulting directory, and then installed the resulting debian package. The
resulting library according to ldd was linked with libc6, while the one in
the original termcap-compat package had been linked with lic5. 
After resolving a few ncurse version issues (yes, this annoying
program is linked with both termcap and ncurses!), I got it to work just
fine. Thanks for everyone's help!

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Termcap and Libc5/6 with Debian Problems...

1998-12-31 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick

I have a binary that is linked with both libc6 and libtermcap2
that I am trying to get running. I tried installing the termcap-compat
debian package, and that provide the binary with the needed libtermcap
library. Unfortuntely, since libtermcap was built and linked using libc5
(as stated in the package description), both libc5 and libc6 end up linked
to my binary when I do a 'ldd' on it (I do have the libc5 package
installed). I am rewarded for my efforts by a segfault of the binary when
I try to run it, which is quite understandable given the two, conflicting,
libcs present.
The worse news is that I can not recompile the binary, as it is a
commerical product. The product is C/BASE 4GL from Conetic
( if any one is interested. It is actually thier demo
version, and I have had the same problems with both thier Eval kit for
RH5.0 and the one for RH5.1.
Now, how, if possible, can one get this binary running? I imagine
that I need a libtermcap2 built/linked with libc6. Does such a debian
package exists? Or do I need to go find the sources and built it myself?
Or should I just find a RH machine to test out this program? :( Thanks in
adavance for any help!

PS. This is better than thier previous Eval kit they had up until
just recently... Zmagic binaries linked with libc4! :(

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: Thinkpad 360CSE questions

1998-11-21 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

> Does anyone have any of the following for the 360CSE?

I actually have a 360CE, but it should be rather close.

> Working libvga.config

No, and I would like a working one. Of course this was with RH4.0,
so I have yet to try it with Debian 2.0, which is what is currently

> Working X configs

Yes, attached. It came from one of a ThinkPad+Linux sites I found.
It was listed for another laptop, but worked for me. I get 640x480x256,
and looks just fine!

> Working gpm config for the mouse-thingy

Yes, try the below. It worked out of the box for me with Debian

append="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\""

Hope this helps. Any more question about this laptop, feel free to
ask. I got Linux running pretty well on mine. :)

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


 Section "Files"
  RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
Section "ServerFlags"
Section "Keyboard"
  Protocol   "Standard"
  AutoRepeat 500 5
  RightAlt   ModeShift
  RightCtl   Compose
  ScrollLock ModeLock
Section "Pointer"
  Protocol  "ps/2"
Section "Monitor"
  Identifier  "Generic Monitor"
  VendorName  "Unknown"
  ModelName   "370C"
  Bandwidth   80
  HorizSync   35.38  
  VertRefresh 67.38
  ModeLine   "640x480" 28.3 640 672 768 800 480 490 492 525
Section "Device"
  Identifier  "Generic SVGA"
  VendorName  "IBM"
  BoardName   "Unknown"
  Chipset "wd90c30"
Section "Screen"
  Driver   "svga"
  Device   "Generic SVGA"
  Monitor  "Generic Monitor"
  Subsection "Display"
ViewPort 0 0
Virtual  640 480 

Re: Haunted PPP daemon.....

1998-11-03 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On 1 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ryan Kirkpatrick writes:
> > They never specified what authentication protocal to be used (chap or
> > pap), while I was.
> You need to understand that ppp is a peer to peer protocol.  There is no
> server and no client: it works exactly the same way whether you are a user
> dialing in or an ISP.  When you specify an authentication protocol you are
> telling pppd to demand that the other end authenticate to you using that
> protocol.  That's how an ISP goes about requiring you to use PAP.  He, of
> course, will not authenticate to you.

Sorry, you are correct... I just needed some way to differentiate
between my ISP and my system, and since they are "serving" me an Internet
connection, and I am the "client" of the Internet connection, I used the
naming as such.
As for the authentication protocal, I understand now. The ISP was
demanding an auth protocol and I was demanding one as well. Guess it does
not work even when both demand the same auth protocal... Guess the reason
I got confused is that my old RH4.2 desktop box demands pap (via +ua) and
has been working fine. Of course that is version 2.2.0 of pppd, and the
one I had on my laptop was 2.3.x, a relatively large jump. :)
Thanks for the clarifications.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: Haunted PPP daemon.....

1998-11-01 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, Klaus Lepschi wrote:

> As far as I know there is a little bug in the example scripts
> for  insofar it does not mention a necessaray
> parameter that is needed when  is called. To connect you
> to your service provider  needs to know your .
> This can be set via an entry in  ("name
> " or "user "). Alternatively this setting can be
> made on the pppd commandline in .

Thanks for the suggestion. I did have this in the ppp options on
my desktop RH4.2 machine, just didn't think it made much of a difference
(since the user name was wrong for the connection it was using). 
Though adding this option did not help the situtation, I got the
same behavior. After a few more hours of hacking away and trying to read
lcp debug messages I think I figured it out. DO NOT specify the
authentication method to use. Simply set in ppp options the username that
is going to be used in the authentication (via the user option), and then
put the username/password pair in either pap-secrets or chap-secrets as
needed. Then just let ppp loose and let it dailup as normal, and let it
figure out with the prompting for the remote end which authentication
method is wanted. It gets everything sorted out automagically. 
This maybe of course a function of my ISP (Worldnet ATT and my
local university). Anyway, I manged to find the solution through the use
of the pppconfig program and reverse engineering why thier setup worked
and my hand craft one didn't. They never specified what authentication
protocal to be used (chap or pap), while I was. 
Well, it is all working now. Thanks for you suggestion Klaus, it
lead me in the right direction towards the solution. Now on to getting a
firewall going... does it ever end? :)

PS. If any one wants any more specific details, just point where
and I will expand.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Haunted PPP daemon.....

1998-11-01 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick

Well, apparently in the spirt of Halloween, pppd has decided to
become haunted and not cooperate at all. I am trying to set up a dialup
internet connection on my laptop running Debian 2.0. I just updated it
from this morning, so everything is about as current as it
can get. It is also running kernel 2.0.35, and ppp 2.3.5-2. 
First let me say I have tried everything to get it to work, both
with and without the use of diald. I know the service provider is
working, as I can dial over the same line from desktop machine running
RH4.2 and ppp 2.2.0 and connect to the ISP fine. It is also not the modem
in the laptop, as it has worked fine in the past with ppp connections when
it was running RH4.2, and when using minicom it gives me no trouble at
With that said, here is my problem: Whenever the dialup is
complete, and chat is done, control is passed to ppp, which states that it
is starting up ppp, and then all of a sudden shows a SIGHUP and a modem
hangup. This signal is not coming from any other program, or is it due to
an actual hangup. Here is the syslog of a such an attempt via diald (same
behavior when all is done manually): {edited to protect the innocent}

Oct 31 18:37:19 stargazer diald[903]: FIFO: Link up request received.
Oct 31 18:37:20 stargazer diald[903]: Running connect (pid = 933).
Oct 31 18:37:20 stargazer chat[933]: abort on (BUSY)
Oct 31 18:37:20 stargazer chat[933]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Oct 31 18:37:20 stargazer chat[933]: send (ATZ^M)
Oct 31 18:37:20 stargazer chat[933]: expect (OK)
Oct 31 18:37:21 stargazer chat[933]: ATZ^M^M
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: ^M
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: OK
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]:  -- got it 
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: send (ATM0^M)
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: expect (OK)
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: ^M
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: ATM0^M^M
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: OK
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]:  -- got it 
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: send (ATDTxxx-^M)
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: expect (CONNECT)
Oct 31 18:37:22 stargazer chat[933]: ^M
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]: ATDTxxx-^M^M
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]: CONNECT
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]:  -- got it 
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]: send (^M)
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]: expect (ign)
Oct 31 18:37:43 stargazer chat[933]:  38400^M
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: ^M
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: STATION ID - {}^M
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: ^M
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: Welcome ^M
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: Please Sign
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]:  -- got it 
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer chat[933]: send (username^M)
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer diald[903]: Running pppd (pid = 934).
Oct 31 18:37:45 stargazer diald[934]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach 
modem crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 netmask 
Oct 31 18:37:46 stargazer pppd[934]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Oct 31 18:37:46 stargazer pppd[934]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 31 18:37:46 stargazer pppd[934]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Oct 31 18:37:47 stargazer pppd[934]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Oct 31 18:37:47 stargazer pppd[934]: Modem hangup
Oct 31 18:37:47 stargazer pppd[934]: Connection terminated.
Oct 31 18:37:48 stargazer pppd[934]: Exit.
Oct 31 18:37:51 stargazer diald[903]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to dial.

I have stripped the pppd command line all the way back until there
was nothing but the netmask and the device being specified, and got the
same behavior. I saw a similar problem in the email archives for this
list, but no resolution was ever posted. Is there some config option I am
missing? Or is this some sort of known problem with ppp? If the later,
what is the work around? Thanks!

PS. Or is just because I am trying to do this on Halloween? :(

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: SVGALib, Xpert@Play and sQuake/Quake II

1998-09-21 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Adrian Bridgett wrote:

> Matrox Millenium isn't particularly well supported by SVGAlib at the moment.
> I have an improved patch here, but I'm a bit wary of some trimmed security
> patches which are in the upstream release  - the fewer patches we apply the
> better, however we don't want to compromise security.  Have you tried other
> SVGAlib programs.

No, this is the only SVGAlib program I have tried. I have not had
time to try others. As for support, I just switched from a S3-968 based
Diamond card because it was not supported very well either. :( Actually,
the Matrox card came with a server I got a two months back, and it was to
be headless, so I hated for a good card to go to waste, and dropped it in
my workstation. :)

> > => /lib/ (0x4000b000)
> > => /usr/lib/ (0x40014000)
> > => /lib/ (0x40051000)
> > => /lib/ (0x4010f000)
> > => /lib/ (0x401b4000)
> Have you tried "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; unset LD_PRELOAD" - you may be
> forcing something nasty upon squake.

Thought of that, and tried it, no luck.

> Wierd - the netscape wrapper script doesn't appear to do anything to the
> library loading.  "ldd /usr/lib/netscape/netscape" shows libc5 stuff only.
> What are the contents of /etc/ Here are mine:

Here it is: 


> I agree - the dynamic loader seems to have got confused what versions of
> these packages are you using (dpkg -s package-name):
> libc5 5.4.38-11 => **Mine: 5.4.38-1.1
> libc6 2.0.7t-1 => **Mine: 2.0.7r-3
> ldso  1.9.9-5 => **Mine: 1.9.9-1
> I'm running slink (aka unstable) - last upgraded about a fortnight ago (two
> weeks for Americans and other non-English readers ) so your versions are
> likely to be a bit older.

Yea, they are. Haven't updated as I only have a slow 28.8 line to
the net, and the school has been telling us any day they will have the
dorm LANs up and connected to the Internet. Currently it is week three or
four of that. :(

Thanks for you help!

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."     |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|

|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


Re: SVGALib, Xpert@Play and sQuake/Quake II

1998-09-19 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Adrian Bridgett wrote:

> > >Does "ldd squake.real" say anything useful?
> > 
> > Er, que? (spot the newbie sysadmin...)
> Which seems okay to me - the top one is the libc5 maths library, the bottom
> one is the libc5 C library and the middle one is the libc5 vga library.

I am having exactly the same problem with squake on my Debian 2.0
system as well, only I have a Matrox Millium(sp?) card. 'ldd `which
squake.real`' gives me: => /lib/ (0x4000b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40014000) => /lib/ (0x40051000) => /lib/ (0x4010f000) => /lib/ (0x401b4000)

Something is definetely wierd here, as linking to two libc (different
versions no less) can not be good for the health. I have tried different
values for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD, but to no avail. 
The only lead I have on this is that Netscape 4.x was giving me
simular problems to this as well. If I hand installed a copy of netscape
into /usr/local/..., it would segfault on start, and an ldd showed that
that it has also linked to both libc's, 5 and 6. When I feed the debian
wrapper package for netscape the same tar.gz distrib file as I had used to
install manually, netscape magically got installed in such a way that it
looks for only libc5.
From this, I suspect that the problem has little to do with svga
lib or video cards, but with messed up linking. I need to look at the
source to the debian wrapper package for netscape, the answer probably
lies there, but I have not had time yet.
My two cents, hope they help!

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
