util. for users of dual-boot systems: ms-windows linux

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

i came across this tonight, hoping it won't seem spam-ish to mention it, and
that it might be of use to those who are running a dual-boot system with
ms-windows 95,98, or NT installed alongside debian:


's for reading an ex2fs partition from a boot-to-ms-w.


'menu' package : question : console support ? ; mailing-lists

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

if the debian 'menu' package [
http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ ] does offer
console-support , this email can probably be disregarded.

( having a need to stay booted to ms-w right now, i can't check this myself,
yet. also, the following )

if it ('menu') doesn't offer console-only support:

 this email will hopefully be taken as a request for that feature, and as a
presentation to the forum for the opening of discussion about how some
console-support could be implemented.

( on a tangent is a question that has been pending for a while, here.

would people like|support a (probably, very minor) degree of regulated
parliamentary procedure, on the mailing-lists?

, and i'm not meaning anything like what might be used by the 
freemasons or
congress or the UN, by that.  but it seems like there would be a few general
classifications of mailing-list traffic:

- request-for-feature
- intent-to-package ( to be directed to debian-devel , no?)
- bug-report ( debian-bugs ? )
- usage-question
- general question
- others?

... and certain ways that a list-post of each type would be handled.

( and the option to develop some software-ish things to handle the posting and
managing of such list-posts )

and this should maybe be stated in a seperate email, but i like to present it
when there's an example of something that it seems relevant to.  namely, the
intent of this email . also, kind of like pinging people with the idea, to see
what comes back in-reply.


if 'menu' does not have console-support yet, here are some initial ideas about
how this might be implemented. 

feel free to disregard the following if your time is short and|or if you're not
a developer and|or if you're not interested in it, but i'm still working my way
into development, and would like to hear what some experienced people would have
to say about the following, time-allowing . 

( ... 'community'  . )

1)  i'd installed the 'screen' package. it seems like this might be used as a
route towards implementing a console-based menu system. 

a) problem-issues:

1) something about the way the screen would flash at times.
(ech and a feeling of something that might be
fishy in or about the code or 
method-of-implementation . )

2)  i don't know how to rate 'screen' on resource-usage,
or if it might have any other problems that i'm
not yet aware of.

2) i know that there are already some console-based menu systems that have been
developed. saw one of them somewhere in the debian package-tree. ( as well as
suggestions on what their names are ... it was a while ago that i saw them ) any
help with deciding about which is the better of the options, would be

3)  the following tasks would seem to be worth inclusion 
as functions accessible via a menu-system:

-- mailing-list posting, 
categorized by the purpose of the post

-- package-management, probably just something
to start-up dselect, but maybe otherwise.

-- system-management. 

(e.g.: easy access to config-files,
   as a means for the new user to get acquainted
   with what's where and which files
   and paths are for what purposes )

-- help-doc access. maybe just an interface to
dhelp. maybe otherwise.

( when 'otherwise' is meant kind of like a stub-code
for some pending reports, proposals, 
and work  )

-- debian-tips , when that finally gets developed
and released.

-- maybe something for new-users. sort of an (interactive)
walk-through, towards familiarizing someone with the 
Linux environment.

and a 'debian-devel' module to handle things like:

-- debian-rules 

-- CVS-functions

-- (insert-[helpful|time-saving]-thing-here)

(  I still haven't made it throughly
   into debian-devel, packaging, and updating
   of out-of-date packages. ( pppoe , for example ) .
   i don't know what's out there for development-tools, 
   yet. )

...and that might be enough, for now.

hoping that the statement, feel free to disregard the following, was enough to
keep this from seeming like some excessive text,


feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

i've come across a need to reinstall some packages, a few times so far.

( yeah, this probably shouldn't need to be done, by someone who knows
what they're doing. that's why i'm trying to learn. )

( and most recently, this reinstall-need is a result of kluding up some things
xFree-related, while trying to install x 4.0.1 from the un-debianized

( now, xemacs works from root, but for non-root attempts at use it (xemacs)
complains about libXaw.6.so , or something like that, and does not start. ) )

so, a proposal:

maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?

( even reinstalling xfree86-common and xlib6g hasn't seemed to fix the emacs
problem, and it looks like )


using the '--force-yes' arg on apt-get 
still didn't accomplish the desired effect
( which was: remove xlib6g and _only_ xlib6g )

and, restating the request:

something to remove a package, without removing _any_ of the packages 
depend upon it ( with the intended purpose of an immediate re-install of that
package )

( and a final comment: this should be helpful for any case of a mistake that
breaks some things that were installed by package-z )

ready for comments,


x-windows 4.0.1

2000-08-10 Thread Sean Champ

I tried a search in the debian mailing-lists about this, and on irc.debian.org ,
but wasn't finding anything.

has anyone tried alien'ing the x-windows 4.0.1 binaries?

( the current standard x-w dist. is breaking on my graphics card, with the
mach64 server. returning a meaningless-to-me error-message about the value of
Q, or something like that. )

thank you.

-- sean