Re: What is the best way to install vim 8.1 on stretch?

2018-11-15 Thread Shane Dev
> So, I can't offer a better suggestion than those already offered
> (rebuild from source package or install with pinning, though I would
> personally opt for rebuilding the package from buster).  However, I am
> quite curious what new features are in vim 8.1 that would cause you to
> go to all the trouble.
> - The main new feature of Vim 8.1
is support for running a terminal in a Vim window

but I am having second thoughts after reading the dire warnings in -

 When pinning, you must ensure compatibility of packages by yourself
since Debian does not guarantee it. Note that pinning is completely
optional, and Debian does not encourage pinning without thorough

/!\ Seriously, don't do this. Doing this will break Debian and leave you
with a system that doesn't work and can't be fixed. Use Backports instead!

What is the best way to install vim 8.1 on stretch?

2018-11-15 Thread Shane Dev

I have a fresh install of Debian stretch including the relatively old vim
8. There is no vim version in stretch-backports. One solution is to
download the latest source from and build it on my pc but then I
would lose the benefits of apt package management. I could also add the
testing repositories to my apt configuration files and install the vim from
there. What is the recommended approach?

Re: Questions about upgrading from stretch to testing

2018-11-14 Thread Shane Dev
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 16:04, john doe  wrote:

> Any reasons why you want package from testing and not from Stretch
> backports?
> because I didn't know Stretch backports existed - now I do. It seems to
offer to the stability of the stretch destribution with the ability to
upgrade certain packages to more up to date versions. Thanks for the tip!

Questions about upgrading from stretch to testing

2018-11-14 Thread Shane Dev

I downloaded firmware-9.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso and successfully installed a
minimal debian stretch on my UEFI/GPT disk. I then I replaced all
references to "stretch" with "testing" in /etc/apt/sources.list and
executed sudo apt update; sudo apt install gnome-core firefox-esr.
Everything works as expected but I have the following questions which I
posted on the debian-testing mailing list. Since no-one answered, I thought
I would try here -

1. according to uname -r, I am running 4.9.0-7-amd64 which appears to be
the stretch kernel. Is it safe to run the stretch kernel with programs /
apps / utilities from testing?
2. I noticed the intel-microcode package is not installed. If I install it,
could this testing version conflict with the stretch kernel?
3. Last time I tried apt upgrade, my grub menu was replaced with the grub
command prompted. If there any way to avoid this happening again?