Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato - Yes, I too wish you would explain....

2000-12-22 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:48:58AM -0500 wrote

 YES, writing up a quickie install method would be greatly appreciated.
 HOW about a quickie on installing from source, like CDROM #4 of the
 6 CD Debian package.  It is supposed to contain all the source for binary
 disc #1.  Thanks,  dave

I don't know about reinstalling from sources, I have not done that. 
Before reformatting the harddisk I did a dpkg --get-selections and backed
up /etc.  This is what does the trick, since all configuration files are kept 
in /etc.  I decided to clean up the system a little, so I did not push 
the seleciton list back in to dpkg (dpkg --set-selections),  but if you
want the system to be identical to the one you had before, running 
dpkg  --set-selections and initialing the install process (e.g. by running
dselect) should  give you the same system as before.  Replace the system's
/etc directory with your backup and you should be all set.

Cheers -- Stephan 

Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato - Yes, I too wish you would explain....

2000-12-22 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:10:38PM -0800 wrote
 Kenward Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Does the get/set-selections procedure work with apt-get, or does apt do its
 own thing?  I.e.:

I had indeed configured dselect to use apt - I just ran dselect to make sure
that some (for me) vital packages were selected. (Lesson 1: Don't ever trust
yourself at 1 o' clock in the morning!)

Have fun. -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***

Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato

2000-12-21 Thread Stephan Engelke
Johann Spies writes:

 Replace your libc6 package with the potato version using dpkg -i with
 the --force-depends option.

Unfortunately this did not work; I could not get around the
dependencies on glibc 2.2. 

To shorten a long story, I have done a reinstall, and got the system
up to working condition within three hours.  There's probably the odd
package still missing, but I am reinstalling everything by hand
intentionally, because it gives me a chance to clean things up a
little and get rid of unused packages.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***

downgrade from Woody to Potato

2000-12-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

this question has been asked before, but I could  not get any working
results.  After installing Woody a couple of days ago, I'd like to
downgrade to Potato again.  Is there a way to do this without
reinstalling the system? 

Reactivating the potato entries in /etc/apt/sources.list and deleting
the woody ones did not help.  apt tells me that my system is up to
date ;-)

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***

Installing PHP 4.0.3pl1 and Apache 1.3.14

2000-12-13 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone, 

currently I am trying to compile PHP 4.0.3pl1 as a DSO for Apache
1.3.14 on a pure Potato (2.2r2) system. So far without sucess.
The software compiles just fine, but during the final linking process
I get the following error message:

/usr/bin/ld: .libs/ undefined versioned symbol name 
/usr/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/src/php/cvs/php4'

The only configure-option I used was --with-apxs.
I am using an Apache which has also been compiled from scratch, not
the Debian-package.

In the PHP-INSTALL list's archive someone mentioned, that the 
c library used in Potato may be too old.  Could someone confirm or
deny this?  So far, I am shying away from an upgrade to the unstable

Has anyone succeded in compiling Apache/PHP 4 on a Potato system?

Thanks in advance  -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***

Re: making devices

2000-07-14 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hans writes:
 Could some kind soul please explain something I've never really figured 
 out: how to make devices under /dev. Like today I tried to set up my 
 scanner, but as there are no /dev/scanner (which is I think supposed to 
 be a link) or /dev/sg* SANE can't detect anything. MAKEDEV says it 
 doesn't know how to make the device scanner. I have a clean Potato box 
 and the scanner worked under Slink, but then again it had /dev/scanner. 
 Thanks for the enlightenment.

Use the MAKEDEV script in the /dev direcotry to create the missing
devices.  Then /dev/scanner should be a link pointing to the device to
which your scanner is attached:

# cd /dev
# ln -s /dev/sgsomethingorother /dev/scanner

where somethingorother is the number of the generic SCSI (sg) device
to which your scanner is attached.  If you have no other SCSI devices
I the system, I suspect that /dev/sg0 would be a good place to start
looking :-)

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **

RE: annoying C-s terminal freeze

2000-07-13 Thread Stephan Engelke

Michalowski Thierry writes:

 I think you can bind the freezing of the terminal to other keycodes than
 Ctrl-s, but I did not try to, so I suggest you read the appropriate manuals
 for the appropriate terminal emulators...unless others have already working

stty is your friend.stty stop ^s is a default setting.  Check
stty's manpage for details.

Ragards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **

Re: Which software to suck a whole website ?

2000-07-11 Thread Stephan Engelke
Jaume Teixi writes:

wget -r url

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **

Re: email program for newbie

2000-06-20 Thread Stephan Engelke

Marshall paul writes:
 _weeks_ to configure X.  OK, I can surf, now, but I want email, too.)

if everything fails, there's always /usr/bin/mail or /usr/bin/mailx.
Console based Mailers include mutt and pine.  Pine is quite straight
forward to use, epecially if you are not accustomed to the vi editor.
Mutt is IMHO more powerful and (for me) easier to use, but it uses vi
as its default editor.  You can of course configure it to use any
editor (set editor=/usr/bin/some obscure editor you like).  

On the X-Front there is a grat variety.  You may take a look at
Netscape's Messenger.  Alternatively you could look at tkrat,  XFMail,
or, or, or ... Fire up dselect and take a look at the mail section.
Personally I use VM, a mailer which runs inside (X)Emacs.  Emacs is
the one editor I use for everything, so it's open all day long, and
with VM I get a consisten handling.  
So for the console (or the xterm), my choice would be mutt.
As a matter of fact, I use XEmacs for editing and mailing on 
console screen, too.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Die Frauen haben es ja von Zeit zu Zeit auch nicht leicht. Wir Männer 
  aber müssen uns rasieren. -- Kurt Tucholsky ***

Re: make plus what?

2000-06-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Tom,

tom writes:
 pardon the really goofy question, but in order to compile, I need
 make,of course...but what else?  I'm having a bit of difficulty
 compiling cscmail...

Well, a compiler would be a favourite.

Seriously, what does cscmail complain about?  What do the
documentation and installation instructions list under prerequisites or
installation requirements?  

I don't know cscmail, but often one or more of flex, yacc, bison, or
certain libraries are required. 

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *** Don't get even, get odd! ***

Re: top

2000-06-18 Thread Stephan Engelke

 a simple question... why is it that when i use the 'top' command,  somtimes
 it does not show the list of processes??  does it
 have to be running a special vt100 or something??

how long did you wait for the screen to show?  Top need one sample
period before it displays the first process list related output.  On a
loaded sysetm, this may take a few seconds.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Die Frauen haben es ja von Zeit zu Zeit auch nicht leicht. Wir Männer 
  aber müssen uns rasieren. -- Kurt Tucholsky ***

Perl 5.6.0 and slink

2000-06-05 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

I have a number of questions related to the installation of Perl
Version 5.6.0.

I am trying to compile the Perl modules distributed with pilot-link
from to use them with a self compiled Perl 5.6.0
under potato. p Unfortunately the modules will not compile, even though
they compile and run fine when used with the Debian's Perl 5.005.

Has anyone experienced the same problems?  If so, have these problems
been solved?

I remember that there was a pilot-unix mailing list, but aparently I
mislayed its address when I unsibscribed. Now I am unable to find this
list.  Could a kind soul please supply me with this address again.

How does one handle the integration of the Debian configuration
modules into the new Perl tree?  Or is there no possibility to
deactivate the system supplied perl?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Staroffice

2000-06-05 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Stefan,

Goeman Stefan writes:
 I have seen some mails concerning StarOffice. 
 Can someone tell me where I can find this package, because I can not find it
 on the Debian distribution
 (or perhaps I am not searching good).

StartOffice is a product of Sun Microsystems (after they bought
StarDivision, anyway).   You sould be able to get it at  You need to download 60-70 Meg.
Best no to use the trusted 300 baud modem...

AFIAK they don't offer debian packages, but installation in /usr/local
or any other place is straight forward and simple.

Regards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Die Frauen haben es ja von Zeit zu Zeit auch nicht leicht. Wir Männer 
  aber müssen uns rasieren. -- Kurt Tucholsky ***

RE: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Dominic Blythe writes:
 thanks very much stephan - that clears it up a bit.
 so i could survive with, for instance X + sawmill + midnight commander, but
 then I wouldn't necessarily have all the handy taskbar/configuration

sort of :-)
Since neither KDE nor GNOME are mopnolithic block of software but
consist of a ton of small programs, there is no reason, why you cannot
start the relevant programs for the taskbar.

If you installed GNOME, try running gnome-panel after starting up X.
This will give you the panel, and it will also start up an instance of
the GNOME Midnight Commander, a filemanager.  You will not have the
session management by GNOME, i.e. saving and resorting the desktop
status and you will have to configure each application indiviually,
whereas when  using GNOME right away (starting gnome-session as your
window-manager) you are able to use the gnome control center to
centrally configure everything.  You should be able to use sawmill as
you Window Manager and have all the other neat stuff.

As usually, there's more than one way to do it.

Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder. ***

RE: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Stephan Engelke

Dominic Blythe writes:
 so is there a full-on desktop that's pretty tiny? 
 if i want to know what time/day it is i can look at the clock on my
 wall etc

Maybe take a look at xfce (  I am not sure what you mean
by tiny.  If memory usage is a concern, you are probably better of
using a plain window manager without too many bells and wistles,
like Window Maker or Sawmill.   
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder. ***

leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

last night I set up leafnode on my home system (Potato as of two days
ago) in order to retrieve news from my ISP (works like a charm).

At work I use Gnus as my news reader, and I'd like to use it at home,
too.  I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local
spool, rather than use nntp to localhost

(setq nnspool-spool-directory /var/spool/news)
(setq nnspool-nov-directory   /var/spool/over.view)
(setq nnspool-active-file /var/spool/news/

Now when I start up, Gnus complains that it cannot find the active
file.   I have been unable to find anything in the doc of leafnode
where it puts the active file.  I am using the XEmacs 21.1.10 and the
Gnus version which came with it.

Could a kind soul please help me to straighten my setup?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder. ***

Re: leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke

 Any particular reason not to use NNTP?

Speed, pure speed.  my first idea was to use nntp, but the Gnus manual
 says that using a local spool is recommended for speed reasons.  Nntp
works well, though.  I guess I' just have to switch.

 Leafnode's nearest equivalent to an active file is
 /var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo, but it's not stored in the same
 format as an active file so I'd be surprised if Gnus didn't barf on it.
 You should probably use NNTP to read news - Leafnode isn't intended to
 support anything else.

I didn't know that - I would have thought that the directory
structures and file formats are somewhat generic for most news
servers.  Oh silly me.

Thanks anyways.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder. ***

Re: Remove Sendmail

2000-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Jay,

Jay Kelly writes:
 Hello All,
 How can I remove Sendmail and install something just a get mail like
 fetchmail I guess? I accidently installed sendmail not knowing that I really
 dont need it.

Well, two things:
(1) First of all you need something to deliver your local mail.
What fethcmail does is to first pop the mail from you ISP, then
hand it over to your local mail tralsport agent (e.g. sendmail or
You could of course use a mailer with native pop3 support, like
netscape or mutt, but I don't know how well they work as I am
running the fetchmail/sendmail combo.

(2) Since you are most likely going to be writing mails, you will need
a piece of software to deliver this mail to its destination.
Again, this could be sendmail or exim, postfix, pic any MTA you

Bottom line:  you need a Mail Transport Agent, even if it's just for
the delivery of local error mails.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder. ***

Re: unknown file appeared in home directory

2000-05-07 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi David,

David Karlin writes:
 $ file jzip39143D5C0850D1C
 jzip39143D5C0850D1C: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
 Okay, now I know what _type_ of file it is.  What would have put this

What's in the archive?  Maybe the contents will tell you what the
original name used to be.

Did netscape crash on you while you were dowloading some zip-archive?
Did unzip die on you for some reason or other?
Did you computer crash so you had to reboot? 
Well, then again this file should be in the lost+found directory if it
has been slavaged by fsck...
Who is the owner of the file?  If it's not you, could this be a breach
in your system's securty?  

Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the
forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom,
no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. 
Eat leaden death, demon... -- (Terry Pratchett,

RE: sources of debian apps: is there a standard place?

2000-04-27 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Dominic,

Dominic Blythe writes:
 i'm pretty new to debian, but i'm compiling things becos what i want isn't
 available as binaries  - i'm praying i'll still be able to search and
 destroy stuff when i want to get rid of it without killing a lot of things i
 don't understand as well :-)

Well, you may want to have a look at a perl script called stow.
It's included in the Debian distribution.

It does a nice Job of allowing you to use a by-package-directory
structure, while automatically merging everythign together into one
tree by using symlinks.  

You can install your program in say /usr/local/packages/myprog1, 
cd to /usr/local/packages and stow myprog1.
This will create /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man/man1 (whatever is
underneat myprog1) and populate the directories with symlinks.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the
forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom,
no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. 
Eat leaden death, demon... -- (Terry Pratchett,

Re: Finding all user files

2000-04-04 Thread Stephan Engelke

Brian Clark writes:
 Can someone show me a way that I can find all files on a system belonging 
 to a specific user or group on a given system?

Short answer:  man find  :-)

Long  answer:  find / -group groupname -print
Long  answer:  find / -user  username  -print

 I've tried to find this out on my own, but I'm having trouble figuring out 
 what it is exactly that I'm looking for. :-)

find(1) is your friend.

Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Simple text screen editor

2000-04-04 Thread Stephan Engelke

John Gould writes:
 Ease of use is much more important
 than editing power, hence the requirement to not use vi or vim.
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Some options are:

* pico - used to be included with pine, I think it's available seperately
* joe  - a mixture of Wordstar- and Emacs-compatible keystrokes...

I'd probably try pico, but that's just personal preference for cases
like this.

Best regards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape

2000-02-15 Thread Stephan Engelke

Timothy C. Phan writes:

   Does 'potato' support netscape 4.7, 

 and where can I get the netscape?  Thanks!

It's either part of the non-free distribution (check dselect for the
netscape packages) or grab one from

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: logrotate

2000-02-01 Thread Stephan Engelke

[ logrotate troubles ]

 logrotate.conf. The problem is that everytime it rotates my syslog files
 (weekly) it screws up syslog by making log to messages.0 etc... basically
 all my normal syslog files with a .0 extension. Anyone have this happen to

This is normal behaviour for syslogd, it is not related to
logrotate. I've had this happen to me under various versions of
Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and Linux. Try renaming your syslog's output file
by hand and you will encounter the same effect.

I don't really have any idea why this is the case, it's probably a
question of not closed filehandles - maybe some kind soul could
clarify this for all of us :-)

 I have temorarily added a restart to the rotate for syslog to restart
 syslog which solves the problem but it still creates the files.

This is the preferred solution I have seen on enessitally every site
which rotates its syslogs - and under any kind of UNIX-dialect, too.
Personally I think it's a good idea to HUP your daemons after rotating
their log files.  I just keeps this a little tidier.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** from the Sendmail-FAQ:  Question 3.6: deprecated. ***

Re: Sound from cassete to mp3

2000-01-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Antonio,

Antonio Rodriguez writes:
 What is the best way of transferring sound stored in cassete to mp3? Can
 this be done without the microphone?

you should be able to get an adaptor cable of the form 2-Chinch -
3.5mm (whatever this type of plug is called in English :-). These
cables are often part of a soundcard package.  If you do not own such
a cable, visit you local Hifi store.

Then connect your sound cards line in with the tapedecks output
sockets, hit record on your computer and play on you tapedeck.

If you own one of those compact stereos you'll have to check what type
of output sockets this machine offers.

I have to mention one thing,thoug:

Typically the sound quality of a regular tape is fairly low compared
to CD's, additionally there is always some background noise created by
the tape machine's motors.   You may be disappointed with the results
of your experient.  I'd simply see if I can buy the CD..

TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ***  ~, sweet ~ ***

Spell checker which understands HTML

2000-01-19 Thread Stephan Engelke \(Club Céronne\)

is anyone aware of a spellchecker that ignores HTML-tags while doing
its job?  Preferably one for which a German dictionary exists.  I know
that ispell is TeX- and nroff-aware (according to the manual), but I
have had no luck with HTML. I am running the ispell included in the
slink distribution - maybe I just missed a command line switch?!

Thanks for any hints in advance.

TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ***  ~, sweet ~ ***

Re: Spell checker which understands HTML

2000-01-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Joey,

Joey Hess writes:
  that ispell is TeX- and nroff-aware (according to the manual), but I
  have had no luck with HTML. I am running the ispell included in the
  slink distribution - maybe I just missed a command line switch?!
 In potato at least:
   -h The input file is in html format.

which version of ispell are you running - I checked mine and it says
3.1.20.  After some checking on the net  it seems that this is the
most recent version available in source form.
My ispell does not offer the -h option. says slink's ispell is version 3.1.20-0.4 whereas potatoe's
is 3.1.20-4.  What is this suppoed to tell me?  The basis for these
packages has not changes, has it?
What's the difference between these two?

Ciao - Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** Hautpsache es geht vorwärts, die Richtung ist egal! ***

Re: small lab

2000-01-14 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Mario

Mario Olimpio de Menezes writes:

   I need to set a small lab where one machine will be a server and
 3 or 4 others clients. These clients will mount /home from server and I
 would like to have a central authentication. All machines already run
   What's the better way to do this?
   Any suggestion is welcome, please!

I suggest you use the automounter (check the autofs and exports man
pages) to share the home-directories.

For central authentication you may want to look at NIS or NIS+ (more
secure).  I am not sure if there is a NIS+-impelentation available for
Linux (our site uses plain NIS).
These Network Information Services keep a password map in a central

Name service can be achieved by either setting up a small DNS-Server
or via NIS/NIS+.  You do not really want to update /etc/hosts by hand
or automatically if you are running on a network -- in my expeirience
it's just to errorprone.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ***  ~, sweet ~ ***

Re: Emacs 20.4

1999-11-04 Thread Stephan Engelke

Hi ,

Nic Ferrier writes:

 When running inside X windows (using latest GNOME and Enlightenment
 is WM) the DEL key and the deletechar key are mapped to the same key

This is perfectly normal (for Emacs, that is).  It's an Emacs/XEmacs
issue and not related to your X version or your windowmanger/desktop.

Add the following line to your ~/.emacs file or your site-start.el
file to make the delete key send DEL instead of Backspace.

 ;; DEL deletes to the right
 (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)

Note: This may clobber some mode specific mappings for the delete key.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Y2K conversion simplified: Januark, Februark, March, April, Mak, June,
Julk, August, September, October, November, December.  ***

Re: Perl

1999-11-04 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Tim,

Tim Bedding writes:
 Is Perl 5 part of the standard Debian 2.1 installation?

Perl 5 is  part of the standard distribution. Whether or not you
install it is up to you.
Check with dpgk -l  or dselect.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Y2K conversion simplified: Januark, Februark, March, April, Mak, June,
Julk, August, September, October, November, December.  ***

Re: C programing

1999-10-26 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:07:28PM +, John Carline wrote:
 Stephan Engelke wrote:
  How 'bout Kerninghan, Ritchie:  The C Programming Language. Sorry,
  forgot the publisher.
  There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around.  Check
  your local bookstore.

 After spending the last two days trying to convert a C program I wrote some 
 6 years ago in microsoft C into linux. I just have to echo this question.
 Is there no linux specific/best book that covers gcc and g++.  One that
 includes all the standard library calls . I currently have four books on
 C (not the Kerninghan book though. I'll have to go look at it) and 
 they're basically worthless. I'm not sure if it's that they're simply
 too old or too 'microsoft', but I'd love to find a
 book on gcc that would be a simple but complete reference for the 
 occasional C programer.

Kerninghan/Ritchie do not cover gcc as such - even though most of their
examples are take from a UNIX system and some are based on UNIX
systems.  The C Programming Language is IMHO a book to learn the
basics from. 
It's not the book you want to read to assist you in porting software
from one system to another.  For special needs regarding Linux systems 
refer to the library's info-documentation.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: C programing

1999-10-25 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 01:30:34PM +0200, Benak Istvan wrote:
 Someone tell me how can I find a doc about C programing (I downloaded
 the Programmer's Guide, but I can't programming under C, so I want to
 learn it!)
 So I need a doc for lammers!

How 'bout Kerninghan, Ritchie:  The C Programming Language. Sorry,
forgot the publisher.
There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around.  Check
your local bookstore.

Cheers, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: Emacs20: problem redefining umlaut-keys

1999-10-21 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Jonas, 
On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 12:46:04AM +0200, Jonas Rathert wrote:
 I've got some problems using Emacs 20 with my Debian/GNU Linux system
 (potato): In my .emacs I have the following lines:
   (define-key c-mode-map [?ö] [) ; o-umlaut - [

here's an example of what I do on my system, using FSF Emacs 20.4.1.

(defun insert-c-left-bracket () (interactive) (insert \[))
(define-key c-mode-map (quote [246]) 'insert-c-left-bracket)

Use the keycodes you send to the list (223, 252, 246, ...)

Hope this helps.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: dvips -d 2400 How??? default printer does not support 2400dpi

1999-10-21 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 11:00:11AM +0200, Daniel Haude wrote:

  this only concern metafont to produce a dvi. dvips relies on ghostscript
  (either gs or gs-alladin) to do the conversion.
 What does dvips need ghostscript for? 

It doesn't.  All one needs ghostscript for is printing on
non-postscript printers and as a backend for gv/ghostview.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: Printable area for HP LJ 6L

1999-10-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 02:08:23PM +0200, Laurent Martelli wrote:
  DP == David Purton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   DP printing seems to more or less happen, except that the printable
   DP area seems to be incorrectly set.  For example when I print a
   DP text file using a2ps, it starts printing too far inside the page
   DP edge and doesn't fit everything in.
 I have similar problems using the chord utility. The page numbers are
 very near teh bottom of the page, and they are printted printed
 completely. Characters are cut horizontally.

AFAIK this is an a2ps problem. I have encountered this both with a 6L
and an old Deskjet 500.  Enscript, on the other hand, runs flawlessly
on my 6L. No missing characters and pagesize is set properly, too.

Other than the a2ps problem, I have had no trouble at all with my HP6L
What happens if you print from Ghostscript?

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: X, WindowMaker, and the such

1999-10-08 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 09:28:28AM +0200, Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:
 Btw, how do I compile a new wmaker for slink? The slink version is 
 Window Maker 0.20.3 and I think the unstable version is not as unstable as
 the slink version...

Go to

Grab Window Maker 0.61.1, libPropList 0.9.1 and WindowMaker-extras-0.1.
They are all available via links on the main page.

Start by compiling and installing libPropList, next build the Window
Maker and optionally install the extras package (additional icons and
If you have automake installed, you need to upgrade to Version 2.13,

All the software compiled flawlessly on my Slink system.

The default installation location is /usr/local - since you build it
yourself and do not have any entries in the package-database, I would
leave the prefix set to /usr/local.  If you set it to /usr you may not
be able to get rid of the software if you want to.
Possibly even consider using stow.

Mail me if there are any further questions.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: Clock is loosing time

1999-10-05 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi David,

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:07:02AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:
 Is there a way to sync the time with a server when I start a PPP, so I won't 
 have to worry about this in the future? I vaguely remember a mention of this 
 when installing Slink.

Check xntp and ntpdate.  I believe there is a .deb-package called xntp.
Next place a call to ntpdate servername in your ip-up.d.

This should do the trick.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: metafont

1999-09-20 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Andrew,
On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 09:50:48AM +0200, Andrew Hately wrote:
 Is there a debian metafont distribution?

Metafont is part of the TeX package (tetex-*.deb).

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke   o[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
--- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
-- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: Brand spankin new user...

1999-09-16 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 02:52:02AM -0700, Craig B wrote:
 One last note, I don't mean to discourage you from using Debian, but it
 _is_ the most difficult to install. I understand that RedHat and Caldera
 are the easiest.  You may want to get your feet wet with one of those
 and then graduate to Debian (it has a lot to offer) after you have
 earned some salt.

well, I respecfully disagree. IMHO it's better to jump into the cold
water, i.e. start with Debian right away, rather than starting with one
of the supposingly easier ones and then spend some time learning
about the differences between Debian and some other distribution.
And if you finally got your Red Hat or Caldera set up, why would you
want to reinstall everything just to use a different distribution.

If you haven't worked with Linux before it does not matter which
distribution you choose - IMHO they are all equally complicated to

A friend of mine who had no prior experience with Linux and is not too
sharp with computers took a look at different distributions and decided 
to install Debian, because he liked the generic way this distribution 
offered, without any specifig configuration files or system dependent 
config tools.
He got Debian up and running on the first try and is quite happy with it.

I do not think one needs to be intimidated by Debian because the
installation procedure is a little more complicated than SuSE's yast or
Red Hat.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
--- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
-- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: Is there any way to view MS Excel files under linux?

1999-09-15 Thread Stephan Engelke

Hi Alex,

the StarCalc part of the StarOffice-suite is able to import
Excel-files. Gnumeric also (partially) understands the Excel-format.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
***Die 10 Gebote: 279 Wörter
   Die Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitserklärung:300 Wörter
   Die Verordnung über den Import von Karamellbonbons: 25.911 Wörter ***

Re: Release names

1999-09-07 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Urban,

On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 07:22:30AM +0200, Urban Gabor wrote:

 Just a slightly offtopic question, what are the names Debian chooses for
 the releases? I mean, bo, hamm, slink and potato?

for the price of only $49.95 + tax + shipping/handling I give you ... 
the Debian-FAQ.  Dive deep into the infinite wisdom of this document!
Find out everything you allways wanted to know about life, universe and
Debian GNU/Linux!  This misterious document has been anxiously guarded 
by a secret sect, the Keepers Of The Wisdom for many centuries.  

In book 6, verse 6 (Where do these codenames come from?) you will
find the your point of entry into the heaven of knowledge.

Become part of the few men and women to reach the highest level of

(Make checks payable to the Debian people, you'll have a 30 money back

Sorry, couldn't resist (no offence meant) ;-)

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for poof ... ribbit. ***

Re: getright or netvampire for Debian?

1999-09-07 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 01:28:28PM +0200, Jure wrote:
 Is there any similar software for Debian?


It's part of the GNU progject and it comes with the Debian

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for poof ... ribbit. ***

Re: How do we restart X?

1999-09-06 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 08:24:21PM +0800, Ling Alexander wrote:

   When I telnet in from another machine, I always check see that
 all the background jobs are running fine.  The only problem is that my
 previous login (the one that hung) is no longer listed under ps and top,
 so I do not know how to kill and restart the X-server.  I end up having to
 reboot the machine.  

   Anybody got any ideas on how to fix this problem?

there should be a process for the X-Server (the binary is typically
called X).  Try a ps ax | grep X (capital X) and kill or kill -9 
the X-Server.  This is a brutal way, but it should get rid of the X for

Is it possible that only the Netscape hangs?  This is a problem I
encounter once in a while.If you can find the netscape in the
ps ax-list, try killing it first.

So long --  Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for poof ... ribbit. ***

Re: Text processing under Linux - newbie question

1999-09-01 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Alex,

 I've heard such words as TeX, LaTeX, TeTeX, Emacs that should
 deal with subj. But where can i find some kind of introduction and
 feature description for this apps and general conception for using them.

Emacs is a text editor.

TeX is a typesetting system developed at Stanford University by 
Donald E. Knuth.  It uses a compiler-program called tex to interpret
the ASCII-source files of the documents.  LaTeX is the name of the most
commonly used macro package by Leslie Lamport.  teTeX is the TeX/LaTeX/..
distribution by Thomas Esser.  Your Debian comes with this

In TeX/LaTeX the content and the markup are completely seperated, sort
of HTML with style sheets.  You type your text into your favourite 
texteditor, e.g. Emacs, run the TeX-compiler and view the device
independet output.  You are able to program you own macros and to
easily extend/replace the existing document classes.

The concept is somewhat archaic, just remember that TeX 1.0 what released 
in 1979, twenty years ago.  For further information refer to
There is a list of TeX-related books on this web-site.

Oh, and as opposed to MS word TeX/LaTeX handles 50+ pages without

If you are after a software with GUI, drag 'n' drop and WYSIWYG you may
want to take a look at Startoffice ( or at the
Linux version of WordPerfect.

My suggestion is to get either Lamport's LaTeX handbook or the LaTeX
introduction by Helmut Kopka (available in English and German) 
and start using LaTeX.  

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: perl leap year function?

1999-09-01 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

  Is there one available in any of the perl modules? If not I could just
  hardcode the next few into my script...

isn't that essentially why we've got a Y2K problem, because nobody
thought those old COBOL hacks would last mor that 5 years... and that
was 30 years ago.  Seriously: Write a subroutine to do this for you.
In a few years you will ge glad. 
Here's my version; the leapyear formula comes straight out of
Kerninghan and Ritchies The C Programming language.
You may want to add some error checking, but it should do the job.

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

$thisyear = 1999;

if ( isLeapYear($thisyear) ) {
print $thisyear,  is a leapyear.\n;
} else {
print $thisyear,  is a not leapyear.\n;

# compute if argument is a leap year,
# return 1 if leapyear, 0 if not.
sub isLeapYear
my $year = $_[0];
if ( (($year % 4 == 0)  ($year % 100 != 0)) || ($year % 400) == 0)  {
return 1;
return 0;
So long -- Stehan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: any gif animator for linux!!

1999-08-26 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 01:56:01AM -0700, ZEN MYSTIC wrote:
 is there any gif animator available for linux...if so
 pls tell where to get...

try whirlgif, it should be part of the Debian distribution.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Adaptec AHA-2940

1999-08-25 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Andrew,

On Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 01:21:46PM +0100, Andrew Hodgson wrote:
 Anyone know if this SCSI adapter works with Debian?

I am using an Adaptec 2940 U2W without any problems.  The machine is
running Slink and humming right along.

There are some special 2940-boot disks around, since your problem
is aparently not unique.  Check the Debian web-site to download those
disks.  Maybe they help.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Logitech Mouseman / X

1999-08-25 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Fraser,

 Just got a new computer and cannot get the mouse to work with X no matter what
 I try.  The mouse is 3 buttons, PS/2 and labeled as a Logitech Mouseman.

which mouse-type did you choose for gpm?  I assume you chose ps2.
The same protocol should work with X11.  Do not choose the Mouseman 
protocol, AFIAK it's reserved for older (very old) Logitech mice.

Did you restart X after making the changes to /etc/X11/XF86Config?
How did you make the changes?  Did you use a program like XF86Setup?
XF86Setup lets you test the current mouse configuration by clicking on
the apply button. 
What happens if you try to recreate the X configuration file from
scratch using xf86config of XF86Setup?

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: user name lenght

1999-08-24 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 09:50:29AM +0200, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
 -   The usual max is 8 characters. You can use more but why?
 - because i have a long surname ;-).
 don't risk problems with programs  scripts which take only 8 chars; use
 your first name as login then ;)

Initials are common, too.  Alternatively abbreviate your surname
or think of a creative way to assign user ids (ok - for use at hoem
this is usually overkill...)

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Moving slink to kernel 2.2

1999-08-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Raymond,

On Thu, Aug 19, 1999 at 09:23:51AM -0400,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

  I've done some poking around on the website, but I can't seem to find a
 list of what needs to be upgraded to move to 2.2. I'd rather not go to
 potato just yet, so is there a set of instructions for running slink on

there are two methods:

(1)  The hard way
get the kernel
untar the sources
configure the kernel
compile the kernel
be merry and have a drink
install the kernel

(2)  The Zen way
Grab the kernel sources and check the README file.  It will
tell you what versions of what tools you need to achieve a state of
perpetual freedom and happyness.   

On a slink system freshly installed from CD I chose (1) and never had a
problem.  Slink is 2.2 ready. (I did check the kernel readme
afterwards an noticed that all packages are current enough.)

Be aware of the changes in  the networking code, though.
You do not need the route commands in /etc/init.d/network anymore.
They will create a harmless errormessage at boottime.  Comment them

Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Moving slink to kernel 2.2

1999-08-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Thu, Aug 19, 1999 at 09:04:37AM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:

  problem.  Slink is 2.2 ready.
 Not according to

OK. I'll guiltily rephrase the answer: 

I have not encountered any trouble running kernels 2.2.3 and 2.2.9 on a 
slink system straight off the CD.  I have not yet encountered any of
the potential problems mentioned in the document pointed to to the
above URL.

Sorry for creating confusion.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Printing problem

1999-08-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Y'all,

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 07:51:10AM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
 Isabelle Poueriet wrote:
  lp|hplj4l|HP Laserjet 4L:\
 Why use a printfilter? As far as I know, all HP LaserJets have built in
 support for postscript. 

no, they do not all come with PS support!  Especially the L-series
doesn't do Postscript!

I do not use magicfilter myself, but is it possible, that the filter
which is being used only accepts Postscript files.
If so, try to run the text file through a2ps or enscript first.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: Creative Labs 3d blaster 16MB

1999-08-15 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 07:20:54PM -0700, Oz Dror wrote:
 Is the card above supported?
 if so which version of x11 I need.

Yes, it's supported, I am using it wight now!
Support starts with the XFree SVGA-server I believe. If you're using
Slink you will need to uprade your SVGA-Server, since Slink comes with
Xfree 3.3.2. 

 where can I get mode lines up to 1600x1200

XF86Config should be your friend.  I've got my card running at
1280x1024. No problem at all.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: egcs

1999-08-14 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Robert,

On Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 07:40:09PM -0600, Robert Kerr wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm using egcs for my software project.  This is the output for g++ -v.
 gcc version egcs-2.91.60 Debian 2.1 (egcs-1.1.1 release)

are you aware that the egcs team is now the official maintainer of gcc?
Egcs and gcc were merged to create gcc 2.95.  Egcs development will not
be continued. There are some gcc 2.8 features which have no been
included in gcc 2.95 yet - please check the Cygnus-site
( for further information.

I don't think there is a need to send a bug report now.
If you still think that egcs 1.1.2 will be necessary, compiling the
compiler suite youself is quite simple (./configure; make; make
install does the job).

I still think that you ought to try gcc 2.95.  Be aware that it's quite
unforgiving as far as illegal language contructs are - once again,
check the developer teams's site at cygnus.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: killing ALL of a user's processes at once

1999-08-13 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Guilherme,

 I was wondering if there's a way to kill all of a user's processes
 at once... This would be VERY useful in cases like today, when I made a
 little mistake in my crontab and a process that should be started at
 6h00 am was started once for each minute between 6h00 and 7h00... OK, it
 was VERY stupid to put * 6 on the crontab instead of 00 6, but then the
 only solution I found to stop all those 60 processes that were running
 when I got here, at 9h00, was to reboot the machine...

Oh Oh ...

If all processes are the created from the same program, say
/usr/local/bin/foo, then killall /usr/local/bin/foo would solve your
problem.  This is probably what you wanted this morning.

If you are trying to kill off all processes started by a certain user
try somthing like

# kill `ps aux | awk '/userid/ { print $2 }'`

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: [Debian: KDE] How to change the screen resolution

1999-08-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Michelle,

On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 03:21:13PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:

 Please can anyone tel me, how to change the screen 
 resolution to 1024x768x256 ???

you want to make changes to /etc/X11/XF86Config.

There are two programs to aide you in this process:

(1) xf86config, terminal tool and
(2) XF86Setup, which has a nice GUI and lets you click and point to
anything you need.  The program needs to be run as root.

Hope this helps.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
  hate leads to suffering.  --  Master Yoda (more or less) ***

Re: script to remove blank lines ?

1999-08-10 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 12:25:03PM +0530, venu wrote:

 if in a file I have say 10 lines and some of them are blank lines ,how do i
 remove the blank lines ?

grep -v ^$ filename

This gets you all lines with something between the line's beginning (^)
and its end ($).  Or rather without nothing between beginning and
end (-v is grep's negation option).

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of
 the time.  To be specific the Plug almost always works. ***

Re: Linux Kernel 2.2.10

1999-08-09 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Graham,

On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 08:48:51AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have just downloaded and installed the image and headers for the 2.2.10
 kernel, and I am now getting the following error on boot
   SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
 Does anyone know what the program is?

did you by chance upgrade from a 2.0.x kernel?  If so you need to know
that the networking code in the 2.2.x kernels has changed.  You do not
need to explicitly use the route command - the kernel will do this for
you.  Call to route and friends usually result in the errormessage
you mentioned.   Check /etc/init.d/network and comment out the route
commands, this should do the trick.  I am not sure if you need the
gateway setting in this file either. 

Have fun.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of
 the time.  To be specific the Plug almost always works. ***

Re: most: cannot display *.gz files

1999-08-05 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 08:15:53AM +, Walter Logeman wrote:

 While we are on the subject, what I can't do is stop the file
 from scrolling past, is there a way to view them page by page?  

cat  filename| more
zcat filename.gz | more
gzip -dc filename.gz | more (generic way, zcat usually is a link to gzip)
more filename

If the pager less is installed, replace more with less if you like.
Less also comes with a decompression-mode.

zless filename.gz

zless, gzip and zcat also operate on files created by compress(1) (i.e.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of
 the time.  To be specific the Plug almost always works. ***

Re: tail -f /var/log/messages and top

1999-07-29 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Patrick,

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 04:02:43PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 Thanks for the answers on this.  It seems the top problem is due to the NT
 telnet client.  Could someone recommend a decent telnet client for NT.  It
 needs to be something that the techies at work won't be horrified by which
 usually means a proper uninstall routine for when I move offices.

Add something like this to your /etc/profile, ~/.bashrc, or .profile:

# correct terminal settings if connecting from Nice Try
if [ $TERM == ansi ]
export TERM

Works like a charm and is probably the easiest sollution as far as
maintainance goes.   This is the solution we chose for you entire
This sollution has the advantage of coming with the most widely
distributed uninstall solution of all times: use your favourite text
editor. :-)

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***

Re: tail -f /var/log/messages and top

1999-07-28 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Patrick,

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 10:26:43AM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 enterprise:/home/patrick# tail -f /var/log/messages
 Jul 28 07:14:11 enterprise -- MARK --
[ ... lots of marks removed ... ]

This is syslogd's way of telling you that it's still alive (you don't
have to feed it, though.)  Another place to look for error messages
would be /var/log/syslog, if you are using the default

Take a look at this file, maybe you need to customize it a little to
see more messages or maybe the messages you want are written to a
different file.

I don't know what might cause your top problem.

 I'm having problems with dropped connections and would like to be able to
 use these commands.  If this is a RTFM, please do let me know which FM to R.

PPP usually writes to /var/log/syslog, some, but not as many of the
daemons's messages are sent to /var/log/messgaes, too.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***

Re: .tgz? How do I go about extracting them?

1999-07-27 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:41:18PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
 There's a very complex method listed in my Running Linux book.  But,
 given the rate at which Linux is evolving, pretty old.
 Is there a easier, newer way than that convoluted string piping from
 gzip to tar etc. ?

The gzip -dc filename.tar.gz | tar -xf - -Method is the generic way to go
about this task.  This works on  any Unix system.

If GNU tar is at hand, which is usually the case unter Linux, use the
-z-switch.  This processes the file with gzip first; it turns the
above command into

tar -xzf filename.tar.gz

Note that gzip understands both .gz-files (of course) and older .Z
(compress) files.

Newer versions of GNU tar (1.12) also support bzip2 compressed files (.bz2)
with the -I switch.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***

Re: Apache and user cgi scripts

1999-07-22 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 03:36:32PM +0200, Robert Varga wrote:

 .htaccess in it contains:
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

possibly you need to allow Override of the addhandler options in one
of the global config files.  Also,  try adding (uncommenting) the
AddHandler directive in one of the global config-files.
Did you include support for the .htacces facilites? Is it configured?

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***

Re: Mcopy

1999-07-21 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 07:23:04PM +1000, Doug Young wrote:

 I can't figure how to use it though . MAN mcopy says to type 
 something like eg mcopy -t/resolv.conf /dev/fd0 but that only gives
 me Can't open /dev/fd0/resolv.conf: Not a directory

My mcopy manual tells me to try mcopy sourcefile targetfile.  
Targetfile is a MS-DOS drive letter like a: :-)

mcopy -t /resolf.conf a:

Should do the trick, provided that there is an MS-DOS-filesystem on the
floppy.  If not, use mformat a: to create the filesystem and then use

/etc/mtools.conf should contain a line like

drive a: file=/dev/fd0 exclusive

This defines a: to be your first floppy drive.

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die Gräber dort hinterm Strauch? 
Sie rauchten nicht - und starben auch! ***

Re: Suggestion for Newbie Guide Lines

1999-07-20 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 09:57:26PM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote:
 One issue: there is already a lot of documentation out there.  ( I will
 not vouch for its quality or lack thereof, but volume is something that it
 does not lack).  Every package should have a manpage, and often there is
 stuff in /usr{/share}/doc/package also, as well as all the web-based

the most common problem I have encountered when suggesting Linux as an
OS to other people is, that even though there is a wealth of docs out
there, new users don't know where to look for them.  Newbies need to be told
where to find the information.  I think that in many cases the doc's are
not read simply because the user is not aware of them (I had a user in here
the other day who, after two years of using a UNIX system, did not know 
about the man command ...).  I think this is a problem which needs to be

I think the idea of a bug report/debian-user post-checklist is great.

   * ) a list of (too) commonly asked questions and answers 

I think that a pointer to such a list would be sufficient - provided it
is part of the base system install. How good is any documentation if
the user/system administrator is not forced to install it? ;-)

   * ) a list of places to look for further documentation
  - man/apropos
  - info
  - /usr{/share}/doc/HOWTO
  - online places

+ online version of the (Debian-specific) FAQ.
There are some tools out there to automatically maintain a FAQ. Maybe
something like the FAQ-O-Matic could be helpful, does anyone have
experiences with such a system?

   * ) a checklist that the user can follow to attempt to report
   (or maybe even fix...) problems as they occur
 Checklists are easy for users to follow, require no
 previous knowledge, and teach processes for fixing things.
 And they might lead to more detailed bug reports, easier to resond to.

They most definitly do.  The user will supply all vital information,
even if the user is not able to tell which information is considered
vital by himself.

Just my $.02.

So long -- Stephan 
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cron, crontab, etc.

1999-07-20 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 01:07:09PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 I want to schedule a command to run updatebd every 6 hours.  The man pages
 for cron and crontab don't have any useful info on how.
 How do I do this?

Add the following line to your crontab (use the crontab -e command):

0 0,6,12,18 * * * /where/ever/updatedb/lives

The format is:
minute (0-59),
hour (0-23),
day of the month (1-31),
month of the year (1-12),
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday),
command to be run.
* stands for any value.
The above example runs the command /where/ever/updatedb/lives
every day of the month, every month of the year, every day of the week, 
at the hours 0:00 (midnight) 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 (6:00pm).

You may need to set the path in updatedb explicitly, I don't know the
script's internals.

I don't have a Debian box handy - maybe you need to look at the manpage
in section 5 (file formats) of the manual:

man 5 crontab

The basic format should be described in both the crontab(1) and the
crontab(5) manpages.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die Gräber dort hinterm Strauch? 
Sie rauchten nicht - und starben auch! ***

Re: Centralized script ...

1999-07-15 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 10:13:01AM -0500, Debian Developer wrote:
 I am beginning to realize that one of the biggest difference (drawback) of
 Debian versus Caldera or SuSE is the abscence of a centralized file (i.e.
 /etc/rc.config like in SuSE) to hold a bunch of environment variables that
 define the behavior of the scripts in /etc/rc*.d
 Is this a design intention, is this a goal ?

Just my two cents:
I don't think there is any need for environment variables to control the
behaviour of the rc?.d-scripts.  What would you like to configure?

In fact, the use of rc.config is one of the reasons I went away
from SuSE and chose Debian.  SuSE would not permit me to make partial
use of the rc.config file.  I have not been able to adapt some (not
all) configuration file by hand without having them replaced with the
files generated automatically from the rc.config settings.

I like having the option of doing everything by hand or by a specifig
configuration script (e.g. sendmailconf).  I did not find a good way to
do something like this using SuSE.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die Gräber dort hinterm Strauch? 
Sie rauchten nicht - und starben auch! ***

Re: KDE 1.1.1 will it run under slink?

1999-07-06 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 05:59:42PM +1000, Carley, Jason Australia wrote:
 Last question for the night. Running slink, can I use kde 1.1.1 from the
 binary debs without running into library problems?  

I compiled my KDE 1.1.1 on a stock Slink system, I believe I used a
self compiled qt 1.44.  Check for the latest Qt 1.x to be sure.
Everything's running fine so far (I still like Window Maker better
though, but that's off topic.)

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die Gräber dort hinterm Strauch? 
Sie rauchten nicht - und starben auch! ***

Re: [DEBIAN] version of tar that does bzip2

1999-06-04 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Nico,

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 10:33:28AM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:

 is there a version of tar somewhere that will recognize bzip2
 compression?  I don't like untarring in two passes :-)

bzip2 -dc filename.tar.bz2 | tar -xvf -

works with any tar; bzip2 -d uncompresses and -c sends output to stdout
(the pipe), tar -f -  reads stdin (the pipe) as input.
This does not leave and uncompressed file around, the original
compresseed tar-archive is left untouched.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: 2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 01:22:21PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 I have two questions to pose to the enlightened ones in this mailing
 list (boy am i poetic today, maybe because a I've a couple of
 presentations to do today :( ):
 Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder
 (so that their email sents a message for every message they got) saying
 that they are on hollidays. 

Vacation is your friend here.

 The ideal would be the possibility to create filters so that the auto
 responder does not awnser to mailing-lists or a certain number of
 addresses. Can this be done ?

You may want to play around with procmail to achieve this - check the
procmail and procmailex man-pages (or was it procmailexamples?) and read
up on formail.
Procmail can be configured to include the functionality of vacation - 
it just requires a more elaborate setup.

 Number 2 : Is there any linux app capable of showing MS Media Player asf


So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: DNS lookup with Netscape 4.5, 4.51 and 4.6

1999-05-31 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

thank for the numerous responses on the my Netscape problems -- 
aparently my Netscape version readded a default name for a news
server.  I had to remove all news-specific configurations three times
before the relevant entries stayed empty.  I really thought that the
entry had been disabled - stupid me. Now Netscape works as expected.  
Thanks again.  

 I started having the same problem today, and adding 'forward only;' to my
 named.conf seems to have improved the situation.  I no longer have to wait for
 a lookup or timeout for Netscape.

I did that too - it's been very helpful.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: How to reset a printer from debian?

1999-05-28 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Wojciech,

On Fri, May 28, 1999 at 04:43:57PM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:

 Hi all!
 I have a small problem with my server. It serves as a netware printer (with
 mars nwe and HP-DJ670C). Sometimes it happens, that one of users sends
 a print job in the wrong format (e.g. binary data for HP-LJ).

wouldn't it be more practical to write a filter which sends files
in unwanted formats directly to the big bit bucket rather than to the
By checking the first few characters of the printjob you should be able
to determine the filetype and decide if you want to send it to the
printer or not.  This way you could set up a queue which only accepts 
certain file formats and ignores the rest.
Optionally you could probably add some code to create a message, if a
file was rejected, although this is usually not the filter's job.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: Making Makefiles

1999-05-27 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Brad,

On Thu, May 27, 1999 at 01:47:29AM -0500, Brad wrote:

 i'm getting started writing C/C++ programs that are more than one file
 long, so i decided it's about time i learn to make a makefile. The make
 info page mentions automake, the automake manpage hints at
 i'm getting confused!

automake and friends are used to create the GNU-style configure
scripts (which in turn generate Makefiles).  I am sure you have seen those.
The configure-scripts are nice and easy to handle as far as automatic
variable substitution goes (prefix=,...) 

This is not what make does: make simply checks the exsiting object
files and starts  a selective recompilation and link process if

Check the make info files again, they contain a pretty good
introduction, including examples.  For the beginning automake is
probably a touch too advanced :-)

 What's a good way to learn to make good makefiles? 

Stick to the info files and look at other people's Makefiles - just
remember to have your own idea about what's good for you and what's

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

DNS lookup with Netscape 4.5, 4.51 and 4.6

1999-05-27 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

on my slink system I have noticed the following behavoiur:

Whenever I start Netscape (version = 4.51) it tries perform a DNS lookup
of my local hostname (  After approx. 5 minutes 
the page finally loads.

I am using the glibc2/unsupported versions of Netscape.
There is an apache webserver running on port 80, which is supposed to
serve the starting page. The system is its own DNS server with its own 
database. Neiter lynx nor nslookup run into this timeout.
The hostname is properly resolved.
The syslog tells me, that named tries to contact one of its forwarders;
these forwarders are machines my ISP provides, therefore I get the
errormessage network unreachable if I am not connected. When I am 
connected to my ISP Netscape 4.51+ starts fine.

Netscape 4.5 does not have this problem!  I have not changed 
the user specific configuration files.  All smart functions are disabled.

Has anyone notices this behaviour, too?
If so, what might cause the problem - what could I do to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: man!

1999-05-25 Thread Stephan Engelke

  I can not reboot
  my computer every time i install something!
 I did that in Windows for years.

that's one reason you're running Linux, isn't it?

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: HTML formatter

1999-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke

 is there a program that formats html source code. I would like to have
 a pretty printer for HTML just like 'indent' does with c source code.

for interactive work the Emacs's html-helper-mode may be an option.
Select the entire buffer and run M-x indent-region (forgot the keystroke,

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: setting up a home lan

1999-05-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Shao,

On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 04:14:40PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:

   Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
   to talk to each other via ethernet.
   In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

Check /usr/doc/HOWTO.  There should be (if installed) an Enterhnet-HOWTO
and a network-HOWTO; I'm not 100% sure about the names, just take a
look into the directory.

First you need to setup the hardware (network-cards, Twisted Pair or
RG58-wire, if you will be using TP).  If your netword-adaptors are 
Plug-and-Pray cards you will need to use isapnp (cf. man isapnp, 
man isapnp.conf) to initialize your cards. Next, you need to compile the 
networking support either into the kernel or compile and install the necessary
modules.  /etc/services and friends should be setup OK if you have not
changed them.  Depending on what you want to do, you may need to edit 
the /etc/hosts files on both computers or install a DNS server on one
of them to achieve name resolution.
Possible IP-addresses are (for example) everything starting with
192.168.  This is a private network, which is not used anywhere on the
internet, so you will not create any duplicate IP-addresses.

So much for a road-map.  The HOWTOs will know more about you specific

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: filtering of text files

1999-05-06 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Richard,

On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 12:12:37PM +, Richard Harran wrote:
 I need to filter some text files to convert all the letters to the same
 case, and to remove punctuation.  I guess I should use 'sed', but the
 man page is disfunct, and I'm struggling with the info.  Could someone
 give me a hint (particularly for the case change thing).

you may want to consider any of the awk-dialects ({n,m,g}awk).
awk's got functions called tolower(argument) and toupper(argument)
for case changes.

To simply convert everything to lowercase and remove the punctuation 
one could use the following awk command ($0 contains the entire line of
text.) and pipe the result to sed:

awk '{ print tolower($0) }' inputfile | sed -e 's/[.,:;]//g'  outputfile

The sed command replaces all occurences of whatever you place in the
brackets with nothing. You may need to add more punctuation to the

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: Writing CRON job to null.

1999-04-27 Thread Stephan Engelke

  command /dev/null 21
 What does the 2 and 1 stand for, and the  ?
 One is standard output, right?

2 is stderr, the standard error message output.
(For example, try make  /tmp/foo; /tmp/foo will be (almost) empty, since
make throws (almost) all messages to stderr.)

Regarding the ampersand-contruct:
Channel 2 is redirected to channel 1 which is redirected to /dev/null.
In short: all error messages go into the big bit bucket.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: dependencies

1999-04-20 Thread Stephan Engelke

On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 08:20:22AM -0500, ktb wrote:
 A few weeks ago someone posted a command that showed the dependencies of
 a program.  I must have inadvertently deleted it and can't find it in
 the archives.  Anyway I would like to know how to reveal what libs a
 program uses or needs and once I find the libs know how to find the
 package the libs reside in. How do I do this? 

you can get information about the dependencies on shared libraries with
the ldd command.

Type ldd executable.

On my SuSE 5.3 system at work this yields:

$ ldd /bin/ls = /lib/ (0x4000c000)

As far programs go, you may be able to use dselect to resolve the
dependencies for you.  Otherwise dpkg is your friend.
I don't have the exact options handy, since I only use Debian at home.
Hope this helps at little bit.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

new ATI graphics boards

1999-04-16 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

I am thinking of upgrading my computer's graphics board to 
either one of the two new ATI cards: ATI Rage Magnum or ATI Rage Fury.
I am not sure what the difference between these two cards is
(my dealer didn't either) - except for the price.

Now I am wondering if anyone has any experience with either one of
these two boards?  How do they perform under X11?  Do they work at all?
I could not find these cards listed in the compatibility lists at

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, btw.  the other day I complained about M-x brew-coffee not working
in emacs :-) ... Thanks to all those who pointed me to the
Coffee-mini-HOWTO.  Has anyone actually build this?

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: kernel 2.2.5 symlinks

1999-04-16 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Armin,

 those symlinks. But I've problems to compile some libraries. Someone
 told me, that this can be caused by different versions of installed
 includes or libraries, that don't fit together.

the directories vs. symlinks are part of the Debian policy.  There are
no symlinks in order to keep the system headers stable.
Check - I don't remember the exact URL.  Maybe someone
else could supply the URL or a location in a /usr/doc ?

 Must I delete the directories /usr/include/{arm,linux,scsi} and replace
 them with those symlinks?

If you do need newer kernel header you can go ahead and save (rename)
the directories and create the appropirate symbolic links.  I've done
this on my hamm system during the first kernel upgrade and have never
expierienced an problems with software compiled prior to the change.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: your mail

1999-04-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
 Therefore I start Emacs routinely during login and use it
 for everything that involves editing. It is only a pity that I have up
 to now not been successfull to let Emacs mob my floor or wash my

Yeah, and M-x brew-coffee doesn't work either :-)

Anyhow, Emacs let's you achieve a very high degree of automtization of a lot
of menial tasks like indenting, switching windows and typing latex ... 
repeatedly, ... ; in Emacs all it is required is C-c C-C RET.
IMHO Emacs is an integrated development environment which
let's you do your work a lot quicker than a number of other tools.  Also
you don't have to remember a lot of different (commandline) commands or 
have to think about how this program's GUI works opposed to that other
one's GUI.

There is also a wealth of additional modes out there which are not included 
in the distribution but make your life easier.  Emacs is as lean or as 
bloated as you make it!  (It even includes your shrink; try M-x doctor :-)

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***


1999-04-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

I am looking for a specific Emacs major mode (matlab-mode).
I know there used to be an Elisp-archive - I just lost it´s address.

Could a kind soul please help me out and post the address?

Thanks a lot.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: [Re: TAR command question ]

1999-02-02 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi there,

On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 07:22:57PM +1100, Jiri Baum wrote:
 Note that if you want to use this on a non-Debian system, some versions of
 tar don't take the z switch. In that case, compress or gzip separately.

It's only GNU tar that supports the -z switch. On onther systems use:

gzip -dc filename.tar.gz | tar -xvf -   to unpack
tar -cvf filename.tar ; gzip filename.tar   to compress

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: windowmakers .0.20 and dockit.

1999-01-11 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Rod,

On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 01:08:54PM -0500, Person, Roderick wrote:
 Hey All,
 Just got windowmaker 0.20.0 running and I noticed that dockit does seem to
 work. I tried to run it from Midnight Commander and it said it didn't exist
 although I can see it plain as day.

it has become obsolete with the advent of the emulate appicon feature in 
the attributes menu.

So long,
Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Life isn't fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: Chat scrpit trouble

1999-01-09 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 09:35:34PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 And the under-20 crowd says, What's a turntable?  :)

Gee, I am getting old - I still USE one of those things once in a while :-)
Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! ** 

Re: KDE 1.0.....

1998-12-14 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 01:16:09PM +, Rich Hartman wrote:
 Is KDE 1.0 available anywhere in *.deb format - does anyone know if 
 debian is going to continue releasing KDE? I have the old KDE 
 installed, and it's a little buggy - if debian is vetoing them, maybe 
 I should think about switching to Gnome? But is that anywhere near 
 ready for prime-time?
Hi Rich,

the best place to go looking for KDE .debs is at their site:
I've seen KDE .deb-packages in their ftp-area. It's also accessible via the
web interface at

Usability depends on what you consider old.  I am using a self compiled
version 1.0.  The only thing which bugs me about this 1.0-release is the
documentaion.  I a lot of cases all I  got to read was something like:
Currently there's no documentation avilable for this program.  All in all,
I think KDE's pretty usable, though.
The last release I saw of GNOME (0.30 I think) was still too unstable to be 
considered seroiusly.
Maybe you want to  look at a regular windowmanager, rather than a desktop
environment.  Window Maker 0.20.3, for instance, is what I am currently using.

Hope this helps.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Re: ???current directory in prompt in bash???

1998-12-08 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Rich,

On Tue, Dec 08, 1998 at 08:38:00AM +, Rich Hartman wrote:
 Is there a way to have bash include the current directory in the 
 prompt of bash? Actually, let me re-phrase that my root account 
 DOES include the current directory in the the prompt, but I have no 
 idea why or how... I've tried to copy my root's .bash_profile to my 
 regular-user's .bash_profile, but it still doesn't work any 

something along the lines of 
export PS1=\\w \$ 
is your friend.  the excape-sequence \w produces the current working
directory if I am not mistaken.
Check man bash for more details (search for PS1).
Also, check root's .bashrc, most likely the prompt variable is defined here.
on my Hamm-Systems .bashrc sources .bash_profile.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Re: kernal building

1998-11-24 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Arve,

 the final message is:
 make: wish: Command not found.

You need to install the tk packages (possibly even the tk-dev one, too).

So long,

Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Re: iomega zip (scsi)

1998-11-14 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Damir,
I am running an external SCSI Zip on a NCR 53c810-Controller, using the
53c8xx-driver, too.  I have NEVER experienced or heard about any problems with
this setup - my to disks, DAT tape and CD-Rom are quite happy.

I don't know what a Zipzoom adaptor is - so I cannot comment on that.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

was: Network-card unoprational

1998-11-09 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

first of all thanks for all the suggestions - I've got my problem narrowed
down to a PnP-problem.
I have the following cards installed in my system:
3C509 - PnP disabled, irq 15, iobase 0x210 (both supported by the card)
SB AWE 32 PnP   (everything but the IDE-interface enabled by isapnp 
 IDE disabled with (ACT N))
Sedlbauer ISDN card PnP (enabled by isapnp)

I am probably facing a hardware confilct between the 3Com card an the 
Souldblaster. The NIC has the tendency fo ferget its setting under Linux
and to reset to irq 5 and iobase 0x300.  Alternatively it might be  
conflicting with the IDE-interface of the AWE 32, which defaults to irq 15.

It seems to me that none of the PnP cards really cares what isapnp tells them 
to do. None of the (potentially used) interrupts/iobase addresses are listed
in /proc/interrups and /proc/iobase.

How do I tell the Souldblaster NOT TO activate the IDE interface and thus
free irq 15? (Is there anything to read on this subject (manuals/HOWTOs))?

Thanks for thinking about this.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

VAIO notebooks

1998-11-09 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi there,

is someone successfully running Debian on one of Sony's VAIO-series notebooks?
I am thinking about getting one ...

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Network-card unoprational

1998-11-08 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

after installing Debian 2.0 on my system I am facing the following problem:
whenever I use a 2.1.x-Kernel the network-card driver module for my 
3Com 3c509B (ISA, irq=15, iobase=0x210) will not load. The driver error message
is a repeated device or resource busy. 
Whenever  I use a self-compiled 2.0.x-kernel the card initializes and runs
fine, but now X-windows will not start anymore ;-) I don't get any error
messages in this case.
Everything works fine with the default kernel that came with the system.  
I rather like (and need) the autofs feature and the vold-package.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Network/X-windows trouble

1998-11-04 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone, 
here's something strange I am chewing on right now:
I am running a Debian 2.0 Hamm system.

When using the Kernel 2.0.34-sources included in the distribution to create 
a custum kernel, I am not able to run X-Windows - the server simply quits
without error message (at least without one I can see).
Also isapnp produces a segmentation fault whenever it is run.

When using sources for the Kernel release 2.1.125 obtained from the net to 
build a kernel isapnp seems to work just fine, X windows runs nicely, but 
whenever I try to load the driver module for my 3Com 509B-network card
I get the message device or resorce busy. Mind you, this works fine under

Is there anybody out there who has any idea what might couse this?
(I'll gladly supply further information if necessary.)

Thanks in advance.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Re: ISDN Sedlbauer speed card

1998-10-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Martin,

On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:13:19AM +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
 Does anyone know if the isdn support in either hamm or slink supports
 this beast ?

the Sedlbauer cards are supported as part of the HiSAX-ISDN driver.
It's part of the recent kernels. Check your kernel configuration, you 
need to include the ISDN subsystem and compile support for the protocol 
(probably Euro-ISDN) and for the card's chipset into the kernel.  Just
run make menuconfig and go to the section ISDN-subsystem.

You are also going to need the isapnp tools, since the Sedlbauer cards are 
plug and pray cards (check the manpages for isapnp and pnpdump).

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

printing trouble - operation not supportet by device

1998-10-13 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,
I am looking for help with the printing subsystem, or rather /dev/lp1 in
general.  FYI I'm running Debian 2.0 with Kernel 2.1.123.
I've got the follwing problem:  whenever I try to print anything I get
following errormessage from lpq (print job started by root to avoid
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Local Deskjet'
Queue: 1 printable job
Server: pid 282 active
Unspooler: pid 283 active
Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Operation not supported by device',
[ deleted ]

When I try to cat /etc/profile  /dev/lp1 I get the same error
message: bash:
/dev/lp1: Operation not supported by device.
This also happens with kernel version 2.0.35.
Does anyone have anyone have any idea what might cause this? 
I tried to compile the parallel printer support as a module and directly
the kernel. Both ways yielded the same results.
I also disabled the parallel port IDE device support?
Any hints are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++

German Umlauts on the console.

1998-10-13 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,
my system keeps giving me keyboard related toubles. I am running Debian
2.0 with Kernel 2.1.123. I am trying to get a German keyboard layout on
the console. My keymap is  The problem is:  I
cannot get German umlauts to display on the console. 
The curious thing is: I umlauts are displayed at the login prompt, but
as soon as I log in, either as normal user or as root, the umlaut keys
are not recognized anymore, no umlaut-characters are displayed, the
cursor does not advance, furthermore the sharp-S-key displays the last
command entered.  I checked the Keyboard HOWTO but had no luck following
its suggestions. 
Does anyone have any pointers for me? 
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++