Kernel hangs on sound module

2002-09-05 Thread Steven Kurylo

Using the debian kernel image 2.4.18 (or 16, 17, etc) I try and insert 
the module for my sound card (es1371), the kernel hangs.  No oops, no 
messages anywhere, other than a being told loading the module was a 
success.  I have to press the reboot switch to get the machine going again.

I pulled out my es1371 sound card and turn onboard audio back on 
(via82cxxx_audio).  When the module is inserted, the kernel hangs again. 
 The last line I see is ac97_codec : AC97 Audio Codec, ID : 
0x4943:0x4511 (ICE1232).  No other modules are causing problems.

So I compiled my own 2.4.19 kernel and built via82cxxx_audio into the 
kernel.  The kernel again hangs when it reaches the sound card.

This machine has been running woody for over a year without problems. 
 When woody was released I installed a new HD and a clean new copy of 
woody.  I think this problem happend then, but I rebooted and it went 
away.  I've rebooted many times since then, same kernel, and never had 
this issue.  Now it won't go away.

The only other symptom of a problem I have found is that if I tried and 
boot using the debian kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4, the kernel hangs when 
partition check appears on the screen.  It seems like the partition 
check is finished, but it just hangs there.

The es1371 sound card is now working happily in another woody machine. 
 My onboard sound card works fine if I boot into windows XP (XP is on a 
different HD).

Some information about my system is below.  Does anyone have any ideas? 

Linux kurylo 2.4.18-k7 #1 Sun Apr 14 13:19:11 EST 2002 i686 unknown
Duron 900, 512 RAM, asus A7V motherboard
linux is on hda, windowsXP is on hde, and hdf is extra data
lspci says my sound card is 00:04.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA 
Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)

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Re: XMMS bug

2001-12-21 Thread Steven Kurylo

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

jesus.  speak of the devil.  i just spent about an hour on this today, in
fact.  you guys are mind readers.

i'm using OSS drivers (not alsa).  xmms kept segfaulting.  using the process
of elimination, i determined it was was the alsa plugin.

perhaps we should file a bug report..

i just went searching and I found bugs filed against xmms-alsa debian 
package and on the sites.

XMMS bug

2001-12-20 Thread Steven Kurylo

Running debian woody 2.4.12

I use XMMS all the time and have never had a problem with it.  Today I 
decided to play around with plug-ins so I did a
apt-get install `apt-cache search xmms plugin | cut -f1 --delimiter=\ 
|sed s#smpeg-xmms##` to get all the plugin packages.  I did the sed 
part since smpeg-xmms wouldn't install because libsdl1.2 wasn't availible.

Once all the packages are installed and I try to run xmms I get a 
segmentation fault.  If I do remove with the command above to remove all 
plug ins, then xmms runs fine.  I don't have time right now to go 
through each plug in to see which crashes xmms, but I was wondering if 
anyone else has thing problem.


Re: dpkg hiding packages?

2001-12-20 Thread Steven Kurylo

how does those tools should be used then?

presently, if I want to find out application XYZ is available I
dpkg -l '*XYZ*' and check the result. if i want something from the list, i 
then apt-get XYZ-whatever


Atleast on my system,

dpkg -l XYZ will look for a package already on my system by that 
name.  If I want to know about a package XYZ that isn't on my system I 
use apt-cache search XYZ then do apt-get install XYZ  If I want the 
details on package XYZ, before I install it, I do apt-cache show XYZ.


Lexmark E210 Printer

2001-10-05 Thread Steven Kurylo
I am runing Woody, kernel 2.4.9, using CUPS for printing.

I just got a Lexmark E210 laser printer which is supported under linux.  They 
want you to install their ghostscript rpm(or source) and then a cups ppd to 
use the printer.

I have not been able to get the ghostscript package to work under debian.  
I've used Alien - I then had to use dpkg to force the remove of gs, and then 
I installed the lemark ghostscript package (the lexmark package conflicted 
with gs).  The alien'ed package doesn't work properly in place of the debian 
gs package, apt/dpkg become broken because they want to re-install gs.

I've tried installing the Lexmark ghostscript from source but it won't 
compile and if it did I think I'd have the same dependancy problems.

Any suggestions? 

Re: ne driver in kernel 2.2

2001-09-06 Thread Steven Kurylo

Does anyone have any tips to getting a no-name ISA NE?000 clone working
with Sid?  I does work fine as I rebooted to Mandrake and used it...

Is it a PNP card?  If so you need to use the isapnp tools.  Otherwise the 
card should have jumpers on it and you can set them to whatever IO and IRQ 
you want and ignore everything below.

$ pnpdump -c -o isaconfig
You may have to edit the file isaconfig, commenting out the line   

Then run
$ isapnp isaconfig

Then try
$ modprobe ne io=0x

where the io is the number that pnpdump reports in the isaconfig file.


Re: woody and php4

2001-06-14 Thread Steven Kurylo

I don't have that problem.

I installed php4 and edited the apache conf file to enable php4 (the module 
and the extenions), it worked right away.  Now the php4-mysql isn't in 
woody, but I just grabbed the sid version and its working just fine.


At 03:38 PM 6/13/01 -0500, you wrote:

is there any schedule as to when the problem with the version of apache, in
woody, and php 4 will be fixed?  For those that do not understand what I
mean.  The version of Apache in woody will not work with the version of


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Re: /etc/network/interfaces file

2001-03-13 Thread Steven Kurylo
You can read man interfaces for the full details, but this is what it 
should be...

# Configure ethernet interface
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

The auto eth1 tells it to start on boot up, the iface configures eth1 
as a inet (TCP/IP) static address.  Then of course the next lines are 
what that address should be.

At 12:38 PM 13/03/2001, Bill Fowler wrote:


I want to make my network config permanent with the /etc/network/interfaces
file in Debian 2.2.  The file is as follows:

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
# Configure loopback interface
ifconfig lo
# Configure ethernet interface
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}

It doesn't seem to work.  When I boot up the interface does not get
configured.  The message I get is:

Configuring network interfaces: /etc/network/interfaces: option without

Any help would be appreciated...


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Remote logins

2001-02-12 Thread Steven Kurylo


I'm running a Debian testing and another machine with stable.  I'm trying 
to setup the machine so only certain users can login in remotely with the 
sshd, right now any user can.

After poking around /etc/security/access.conf seems to be what I want to 
edit.  But I can't seem to get it working and I don't see any other 
instructions for it, other than the comments in the file.

After reading it seems to me that doing - : ALL : ALL EXCEPT LOCAL should 
stop everyone from logging in remotely, however it seems to have no 
effect.  Either the above is wrong or something needs to be reset for the 
changes to take affect.  The entire system has been rebooted so I can't see 
that being it.  Does the program login have to be edited in some 
fashion?  Or is the directory /etc/security the wrong place to be looking?


Re: Making My Network Work, or Why the Hell Are They Blinking!

2000-12-21 Thread Steven Kurylo

Since you only want to pointed in the right direction I suggest you start at

Since that is quite vague you can go here

And for even more specific type this in on your command line

man hosts


man hostname


man gateways

and finally

man insert anything else you want to know here

Personally I found the debain information on setting up on a network, if 
you didn't do it during install, to be quite lacking.

At 07:48 PM 21/12/2000, Xucaen wrote:

Hi all.. well it's that time again.. here I am in
front of a computer (a few of them, actually)
trying to configure my network settings. ahh
well, all I can say is a week ago I installed the
base system off of floppies and the install
configured itself, lastnight I install off of CD
and all my network files are empty!
ahh well..  I guess this is what they mean by

anyways, I found this snippet of info (see below)
somewhere on I have found numerous
info such as this.. helpful.. yes, but the
answer? not at all. you see, I have empty files,
and tho the snippet of info below tells me what
kind of info goes into the files, it does not
tell me what format the info should be in. syntax
is everything. without syntax, all the info in
the world won't help. Now, I hate asking for
answers, sincerely.. I don't learn anything by
getting answers from people.. but show me where
to get answers? ahh.. there's a learning
experience I could spend all night with.
so, finally to my question. HELP!!!
oh sorry, that wasn't the question..
Where can I find the format of these files?(see
below) Also, I need to know how to set up
/etc/gateways. again, I know what kind of info
goes in there, but I haven't a clue about format.
I will be right here digging away at this
mountain of info on debian hoping to find my

welp, that's my rant for the evening... if I have
blabbed too much I do appologize... it must be
that new coffee they have at work.

/** snippet of info I was telling you all
about **/

Another popular way to connect to the Internet is
via a LAN that uses Ethernet. This gives you a
high-speed local network in addition to Internet
access. Fortunately, though, you should have
already configured Ethernet networking during
installation so there isn't much you need to do
   /* sorry, I must interject here.. fortunately
I should have already configured netowrking
during installation  AAARRRGGGHHH!  */

If you ever need to modify your configuration,
here are the files that you will be interested

 /etc/init.d/network has things such as your
IP address, netmask, and default route.
 /etc/hostname records your hostname.
 /etc/hosts also records your hostname and IP


thanks all

in reading my email over I see that the tone of
this letter could be misconstrued as
bad-tempered. really, I am not one to fuss and
bicker. I'm actually in pretty good spirits, and
to show this fact I will supply a healthy dose of
emoticons. But, rather than go back and spread
them about the letter, I'll just give them all to
you right here..
=]:-)  /*this is my abe lincoln emoticon.. four
score and seven hours ago, I set fourth to bring
upon my puter a new operating system...*/

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

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Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Steven Kurylo

At 06:02 PM 19/12/2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:

I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want my
system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.

Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I don't
feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
top for what I would need on a single workstation.

I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed to
admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can install
and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. I
occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.

Any ideas?


Phillip Deackes

I first installed linux I was setting up a firewall/masq maching.  I found 
the information, and at the end, the firewall scripts at TrinityOS to be 
very useful.

Not sure if they have a pre-made script just for a single machine, but if 
they don't you can just chop the masq section at the end.


Re: IRQ: how to find out which is to be used?

2000-12-17 Thread Steven Kurylo
To find which IRQ a ISA PnP card is using, you need to use the ISA PnP 
tools.  I think it might even be installed with a default debian setup.

run pnpdump and it will scan for cards and tell you everything you need 
to know about the device to get it running.

Of course refer to the manfiles (man pnpdump ; man isapnp) or the isapnp 

Here is part of the results pnpdump returns for me (I have one ISA NIC)

(CONFIGURE PNP0060/5931815 (LD 0
# Compatible device id PNP80d6
# Logical device decodes 10 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0200
# Maximum IO base address 0x03e0
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 32
# (IO 0 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x0200) (CHECK))
# IRQ 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
# (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
 (NAME PNP0060/5931815[0]{NE2000 PLUG  PLAY ETHERNET CARD})

If you just want to know the IRQ (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E))) is all you 
need to find.  My card is on IRQ 3.

At 12:39 PM 17/12/2000, Erik Steffl wrote:

ktb wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 03:25:56AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
I have internal modem (real one, it works, the question is not about
  it and I know I should get external one:-) which acts as a serial port.
  It is ISA PnP card, can use different IRQs.
My main question is: how do I find out which IRQ it uses using linux
the only way I can do it now is boot windows and peek into control
  panel|system (btw it uses either 9 or 11)

 Have you taken a look at dmesg yet?  I know it shows the irq's
 of my network cards.  Also you can cat /proc/interupts.

  boot messages:

ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A

  so it's completely useless, it just sets it to 'standard' values, I
have to manually set it to proper IRQ (I put a line into


  the same, it just shows whatever I set. AFAIK it only shows actually
received interrupts, so unless I really use the modem it wouldn't show
anything, and to use modem I need to know interrupts.

  isn't there a way to find that out? I don't know how windows do it but
they are able to figure it out somehow.


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Re: eth0 on kernel 2.2.17

2000-11-26 Thread Steven Kurylo

eth0 isn't suppose to be in /dev

If your driver is loaded properly then all you have to do is ifconfig eth0 
ipaddress netmask up to configure the device and get it running.

Do man ifconfig for details.

To have debian configure it automatically on boot up edit 

I would point you to the howto for detail, however I can't remember where 
the right one is off hand.  Look at and

At 02:17 PM 26/11/00, Joseph Anthony wrote:

Re: Using putty for an X session

2000-11-23 Thread Steven Kurylo

At 01:56 AM 23/11/00, you wrote:

It doesn't have to support X, just port forwarding.  The user will have
to supply appropriate xhost and xauth authorization values.

Well Putty doesn't support that either :-)

SSH port forwarding and X forwarding.

Better solution IMO would be VNC.

Where is this other box, and if remote, why can't you just run terminal
access to it?

Re: OT?: How to enable my Linux network for W98 machines?

2000-11-22 Thread Steven Kurylo

At 09:13 AM 22/11/00 +0100, you wrote:


Does someone have a hint on how to set up W98 machines to work in my (small)
Linux (eth-based, 100Mbps) network. One Linux box is used as a
gateway, the others have their traffic routed using ipchains. Setting
up the ipchains rule and the gateway entry in the othe boxes Linux is
sufficient. DNS addresses are given in resolv.conf.

1. Which are the corresponding steps in W98?

In the TCP/IP properties in windows set your IP and Subnet Mask.
Gateway is the IP of your Linux box.
Under DNS configuration you need to put the DNS IPs of your ISP (which 
should be in resolv.conf)

Here is a link from a the HOW-TO

2. Giving the IP address, gateway address and the host identity of the
IP network driver entries for the W98 box I have been able to ftp to
the linux box(es). Which steps are necessary to connect to the Internet
via the gateway, from W98. Do I have to install bind for DNS services
via named?

Not if you use your ISPs DNS servers

3. Since I can ftp to my Linux boxes, if the service was enabled I
could log in to Linux from W98, using eg telnet, right? Is it possible
to do the reverse, i.e. login to the W98 box(es) from Linux box(es),
for example to use remote control tools? Are there any open source versions
of such tools (not netbus/backorifice?) and SSH servers/clients available?

If you have a telnet server running, yes.  I have never found a free telnet 
server for windows that I liked.  If anyone knows of one I would love to know.
As for a telnet/ssh client for windows, I like 

4. For file and printer sharing do I have to install Samba?

I don't know of another way, although I'm not very experienced.  However I 
found samba extremely easy to setup.

5. How to enable automatic dial up for pppd, when traffic is present on
the other machines? A dial-up ISDN connection is used for this. I have
tried diald but did not like it (too long tineouts before releasing
the connection).

I have a direct connection so I don't know much about dial on demand.

6. Anything else to think of?

Other than reading the HOW-TO linked above and its recommended reads I 
don't know of anything else.


HDs at boot up

2000-11-22 Thread Steven Kurylo
I have a error come up while the kernel is booting, although it doesn't 
affect the machine it makes the kernel loading take much longer than it should.

I am running woody and I have one HD (hda) its an IDE.

During boot up I get the following

ide1: SIS5513 Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
hda: WDC AC21200H, ATA DISK drive
hdc: no response (status = 0xa1), resetting drive
hdc: no response (status = 0xa1)
hdd: no response (status = 0xa1), resetting drive
hdd: no response (status = 0xa1)
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
hda: WDC AC21200H, 1222MB w/128kb Cache, CHS=621/64/63

It then goes on to probe the floppy drive, then look for scsi (none) and on 
to the partitions.

I have no hdc and hdd however its probing for them, why?  This takes a fair 
bit of time since there are no HDs there and I have never seen this before 
(although I don't have much experience :-)

One last thing my HD has that might be causing a problem is that is has 
EZ-BIOS from Maxtor installed (this loads before lilo).  Its not something 
I need, however I can't get rid of it.  It was installed long ago when this 
machine had another HD and needed EZ-BIOS to recognize the 10GB HD.  I 
removed the Maxtor HD awhile ago, however EZ-BIOS won't uninstall because 
it can no longer find a Maxtor HD attached to the computer.  Considering 
the effort to get a Maxtor HD attached, I have just left it there.

Thank you,


Re: Using putty for an X session

2000-11-22 Thread Steven Kurylo
Unless I am reading the putty wishlist wrong, putty doesn't support X in 
its current form

Unix/X (need a local-xterm back end)

At 02:08 PM 22/11/00, you wrote:

Unfortunately at work I must use a windows machine, but Id like to be able
to use Putty to connect to my machine. I can bring up a standard SSH2
session but I am ignorant when it come to starting an X session remotely.
How do I go about getting X on my machine at work? I know it has to do
with starting X on a new display. Should I use startx -display ?? and
if so what is that display.
Adam Edgar

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Re: dselect

2000-11-22 Thread Steven Kurylo
I am sure you will get several replys like this, however as a Debian newbie 
aswell I find console-apt (capt) to be extremely easy to use and I can 
always find what I need.

apt-get install console-apt  to install it and capt to run it.

Never truely got the hang of dselect either :-)

Re: Telent

2000-11-22 Thread Steven Kurylo
You cannot use root to login with telnet.  Its disabled by default for 
security reasons.

At 11:28 PM 22/11/00, you wrote:
I have a question. Is there some configuration that I need to make in 
order to telnet in to my Linux box. I have a static ip, and i can log on 
locally. I have the gateway configured. I get the log in thru telnet and 
enter root and then password. Everytime I get incorrect login I know this 
is not correct because i can log in locally. Can i use root to log in? I 
very new to Linux and Debian and need some advice.

Thanks in advance

Jeff D