URL sendsms

1997-10-22 Thread Stoyan Kenderov


Dipl.-Inform. Stoyan Kenderov  __  __  _   _ email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH\ \/ / (_)_ __ | | __ fax  : +49 721 9652 210
Geschaeftsbereich Xlink \  /| | | '_ \| |/ / phone: +49 721 9652 223
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /  \| | | | | | RIPE : SK23-RIPE
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany /_/\_\_|_|_| |_|_|\_\ www-old.xlink.net/~kenderov
  PGP: http://www-old.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

  NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH, Sitz Chemnitz.
   Kreisgericht Chemnitz/Stadt HRB 4217 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michael Rotert

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: X11 Display permitions

1997-08-14 Thread Stoyan Kenderov

excuse me if my suggestion underestimates your X11 knowledge, but
what is the contents of the environment variable $DISPLAY  when you are 
logged in as root and as a normal user?

Could it be, that this variable has no value when logged in as an user, so
that your X11-applications fail to connect to the X11-server on your host?

If my suspicions apply please set the DISPLAY variable to :0.0 and try
again to run the application...

Alternatively, you are using Xauthority type of connection authorisation for
your server, and in your user's home-directory is a (old) wrong key-file
.Xauthority ...

hope this hepls,


On Tue, Aug 05, 1997 at 02:11:11PM +0800, Luka Pravica wrote:
 when I'm not logged in as root, I can start X but many programs I try to run
 give the following error: cannot open display.
 I can run the same programs as root, without any problems. 
 Probably I have to change permitions for opening Xdisplay, but I couldn't
 find how.
 Thanks in advance,
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Dipl.-Inform. Stoyan Kenderov  __  __  _   _ email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH\ \/ / (_)_ __ | | __ fax  : +49 721 9652 210
Geschaeftsbereich Xlink \  /| | | '_ \| |/ / phone: +49 721 9652 223
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /  \| | | | | | RIPE : SK23-RIPE
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany /_/\_\_|_|_| |_|_|\_\ www-old.xlink.net/~kenderov
  PGP: http://www-old.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

  NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH, Sitz Chemnitz.
   Kreisgericht Chemnitz/Stadt HRB 4217 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michael Rotert

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Zyxel

1997-03-25 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Hi Jason,

I ran my Linux box for about two years now with an old Zyxel 1496E as an
answering machine under different versions of vgetty. I can tell you, it 
works like a charm! No problems, no surprises!


 Has anyone used Zyxel(?) it is in the unstable directory and looks a lot like
 mgetty (v,and the fax stuff).  Has anyone used vgetty and had it work 
 *with out problems*.  I asked earlier about using my linux box as an aswering
 machine and got tons of messages telling me to use vgetty and now that I've
 read some of the docs I am not sure about which modem to buy.
 BTW : I still havent solved my problem with not being able to telnet into my 
 box, I think I'm going to do a total reinstall of the stable tree, I'm at 1.2 
 Jason Killen Question Stupidity
 Monolith : the new ANSI standard for humans  RPS : better living through 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] world domination

Stoyan Kenderov/ 
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  phone: +49 721 9652 220
Geschaeftsbereich/\ LINK fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /___ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany   http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
   PGP: http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc
 NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH, Sitz Chemnitz.
   Kreisgericht Chemnitz/Stadt HRB 4217 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michael Rotert

Re: pdf files

1996-12-09 Thread Stoyan Kenderov

The heavy duty solution is Adobe's Acrobat Reader. take it from

The free solution is xpdf, comes as a debian package already, or
as of recently - Aladdin's gs (ghostscript 4.03) comes also packaged for
your debian installation (you are using one, don't you ;-)
 This isn't debian specific, but what does it take to read/print pdf files
 in linux?


Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___ http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/
 [Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's]
PGP: http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

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StarOffice3.1 segfaults :-(

1996-11-25 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Hello everybody,

I know this is not the right place to ask, but I'm sure, among the
DEBIAN users there are some, which do use StarOffice's suite, like me.

May somebody kind enlighten my, why do my scalc3, swrite3, smath3
etc. constantly segfault when run from the shell of a normal user?

If I start them as a superuser, they work just fine.
I started scalc3 within 'gdb' and unwinded the stack after the segfault.
It happens inside the routine: 

(gdb) bt
#0  0x40dc5f17 in XpListPageSizes ()
#1  0x408f1f88 in OWPrinter::SetOutDev ()
#2  0x408f230c in OWPrinter::InitPrinter ()
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x40dc5f17 in XpListPageSizes ()

I looked up XpListPageSizes() in the symbol information of the  libxp3.so
library (provided with StarOffice) but it didn't help me any further :-(

As described in the install manual I initially source the .sd.sh
shell-script (from the user I am currently logged in), then start the
daemons svportmap and svdaemon and then try to fire up StarWriter e.g.

Thankful for any hints.


Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___ http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/
 [Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's]
PGP: http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

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Re: elm problem

1996-10-29 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
 Waiting to read mailbox while mail is being received: attempt #0

 Giving up after 7 iterations.
 Please try to read your mail again in a few minutes.
 However, I can use mailx to read my mail.

Please check the file ownership of your mail-folder in

and also of the file  

These are often screwed up (don't ask me why)...I already had this kind of

Jeneral hint with the diagnostic of such faults is to run the program inside 

just run

strace elm  

and watch the output...Somewhere you will notice kernel file-operations
failing with an error-code. Strace gives you a short verbose reason, and
further you can figure out which file is causing the misbehaviour.

hope this helps

Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___ http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/
 [Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's]
PGP: http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

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Re: How to interrupt the boot process?

1996-10-13 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Hi Toni,

there may have been much more profound answers to your questions, bu t in
case, there were none, here is what I do when in trouble:
 Now I have some questions:
 - How can I stop the boot process half-way to get a single-user root shell?

At the beginning, just after your POST completes (BIOS checking the system),
hit CAPS LOCK once - this is prerequisit for Lilo  to prompt you for
further input befor bootstraping Linux...

At the Lilo:  prompt, you may alter some kernel-driver parameters, as well
as the init-behaviour.

the keyword single at the Lilo-prompt will bootstrap Linux in single-user
   All I did in terms of ^C, ^Q@(#*$ and Alt-any-key didn't help, regardless
   of where in the boot process I press them.

I don't know of such keypresses, that equal the SPARC Boot

 - Is there an equivalent to chroot in Debian Linux (I only can compare to
   BSD* here).

Yes there is an equal chroot. I'd better cutpast portion of the man-page
 chroot - change root directory

 chroot newroot [command]

 The chroot command changes its root directory to the supplied directory
 newroot and exec's command, if supplied, or an interactive copy of your

 Note, command or the shell are run as your real-user-id.

 Note also that in the Debian GNU/Linux version only chroot(2) is
 In the original 4.4BSD-Lite version both chdir(2) and chroot(2) are

 - When having a set of kernels how do I manage to get them all have their
   individual System.map?

don't know if you can...but it isn't critical during bootstraping.
Hope this helps.

Stoyan Kenderov/ 
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  phone: +49 721 9652 220
Geschaeftsbereich/\ LINK fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /___ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany   http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
   PGP: http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov/public.key.asc

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Re: identname@remote.host for inetd SECOND TRY

1996-09-23 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
 I'm sorry, I hit the wrong key last minute...

No problem, happens to me all the time :)

 In some other distributions, there is the possibility to get log-entries as:
 Sep 22 10:05:25 sku in.telnetd[31280]: connect from
 [fake names]
 What I want is to get this also in my Debian distribution...
 is that possible? I cannot find it in /usr/doc etc...

This is what tcpd (the TCP wrapper) is configured to do on these other
Check whether your services (in /etc/inetd.conf) are beeing wrapped into
tcpd. If yes, check whats the contents of the two files /etc/host.allow and

If they don't exist, you have to install the tcpd-software first...then read
the docu supplied.

The configuration you demand is part of the /etc/host.allow file. There you
can specify an action to execute on each successful or failing connection

Hope this helps


Stoyan Kenderov/ 
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  phone: +49 721 9652 220
Geschaeftsbereich/\ LINK fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /___ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany   http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
  PGP Key fingerprint =  72 EC 34 1F BC 74 89 BA  FF 74 29 85 40 6B 5C F9 

Re: APache virtual domains

1996-09-23 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Make sure you have loaded (or compiled) the ip_aliases module into the
kernel, or you will never get this alias interface running.

hope this helps.

regards, Stoyan

 I tried setting up a virtual domain with apache by doing this ...
 ifconfig eth0:0
 route add -host dev eth0:0
 i put this in the S20apache file after the server had started.  I got an
 SIOCADDR: no such device error?

Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___ http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's 
  [finger me for my PGP public key]

Re: apache package

1996-09-11 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Bernard Leach wrote:
 It seems that Mark Shuttleworth is no longer maintaining the
 apache package.  Just wondering who, if anyone has picked
 it up and if there is a 1.1 version.

Hi Bernard,

you may want to know, that the package version  1.0.5-1 gives me
on an ordinary machine, ordinary setup a lot of oops

I am out of time in the moment, but I will give it a closer look
this weekend and try to isolate the bug...

Besides, the kernel doesn't freeze on the general protection
oops'es and nothing else happens. Only this annoying syslogs.

Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email:
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___
Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's 
  [finger me for my PGP public key]

Re: -lX11 problem

1996-09-10 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Boris Beletsky wrote:

Hi Boris,

you might try adding an -L/usr/X11R6/lib to the CFLAGS line of the
Makeflag (or unlesss you don't use one on the gcc line.
I also had this sort of trouble a long time ago. Which compiler version
and binutils are you using?

It is a misnomer in the configuration of the GCC, ld I think.

just my 2 cents.


 - ---
 ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
 - ---
 the reason it's wierd that i do have xlibs and include files installed

Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email:
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___
Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's 
  [finger me for my PGP public key]

Netscape3.0 'ERASER' ?

1996-09-09 Thread Stoyan Kenderov

I started updating my old netscape3.0b5 today with the 3.0 linux-elf binary
released recently on their FTP server.

Relaying on my experience with earlier versions I proceeded with the
update assuming that netscape WILL INCORPORATE MY OLD BOOKMARKS into the new

In vain! It deleted the bookmarks.html file completely...

O.K. I made yesterday the obligatory full system backup, so I didn't scream
vor vengence, but it was embarassing, isn't it?

Could it be the Debian netscape installation package netscape_3.0.deb that
wiped out something? (I don't thing so) ?

Any way! You users/developers out there in DEBIAN Land and beyound might
consider it paying more attention to this toy when upgradeing.


PS: Lets find the backup tape now...


Stoyan Kenderov/ 
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  phone: +49 721 9652 220
Geschaeftsbereich/\ LINK fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /___ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany   http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
  PGP Key fingerprint =  72 EC 34 1F BC 74 89 BA  FF 74 29 85 40 6B 5C F9 

Re: /dev/audio /dev/dsp WORK NOW!!!

1996-09-01 Thread Stoyan Kenderov

to everybody who answered my questions regarding the non-working 
/dev/audio, dev/dsp on my SB16 under linux-2.0.15 .

It proved indeed to be Device or resource busy!
NAS was to blame...and me of course!

I found it out, after having recompiled and rebooted the kernel tausend
times. Finally I overcommed my tire and examined the kernel boot and daemon 
log messages and see, there it was...NAS starting

I updated Debian recently and have unwillingly marked NAS for installation, 
without first asking myself whether I need the raw /dev/audio and

Thanks Ian, your suggestion would have brought me to the point
15 minutes earlier, but I was not on the Net at that time :-) . Thanks

 Stoyan Kenderov writes (/dev/audio  /dev/dsp  Device or resource busy ???):
  The sparing comments in the source point to an IRQ or DMA conflict when one
  gets constant Device or Resource busy mesages on each:
  cat blabla.au  /dev/audioor
  cat uuhuu.wav  /dev/dsp
 Have you installed `nas' (the `network audio system') ?  It takes over
 your sound hardware permanently.  If you have then deinstall it.


PS: It's really very relaxing to know that such a great list stands behind
you, when you are in trouble! Keep the good work!
Stoyan Kenderov/ 
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  phone: +49 721 9652 220
Geschaeftsbereich/\ LINK fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3   /___ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany   http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
  PGP Key fingerprint =  72 EC 34 1F BC 74 89 BA  FF 74 29 85 40 6B 5C F9 

/dev/audio /dev/dsp Device or resource busy ???

1996-08-31 Thread Stoyan Kenderov
Hello DEBIAN user/programmers,

After kernel v2.0.0 I have been unable to produce any sound on my SB16
sound card. 

Is there a known bug (up until kernel 2.0.15) in the SB16 code of USS that I
missed during my vacations?

The sparing comments in the source point to an IRQ or DMA conflict when one
gets constant Device or Resource busy mesages on each:

cat blabla.au  /dev/audioor
cat uuhuu.wav  /dev/dsp

But I haven't changed anything in the configuration of my hardware, nor my
kernel parameters...

Sorry but I didn't encounter any hint's in my /var/adm/messages eighter.
The USS does not permit compilation with DEBUGING on, does it?

Thankfull for any hints or suggestions,


Stoyan Kenderov/ phone: +49 721 9652 220
NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH  \/  fax:   +49 721 9652 210
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3/\ LINK email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany  /___ http://www.xlink.net/~kenderov
Opinions stated herein are my own, not necessarily my employer's 
  [finger me for my PGP public key]