Tracking Web Page hits

2000-02-06 Thread TKWJ3
I would like to be able to track people that come to my webpages.  
Information like where they came from ie search engine, directly typed in 
address, and etc would be nice.  But also to know what domain names there 
coming from including IP's would be nice.  This would help in marketing and 
is indead a great way to find out more about your clientel, that is if it can 
be done fairly easily.  Currently running Apache on a Debian box.  Also 
running more then one server on the same machine so it would be kinda nice to 
be capable to serperate each one easily as well.

Thanks in Advance,

Debian Attire and etc...

2000-01-31 Thread TKWJ3
Someone had sent a email out about a link to a site selling Debian shirts or 
something to that effect.  Well i deleted the email and was wondering what site 
it was.  If anyone knows please send me a email.

Re: help with kernel compiling

2000-01-31 Thread TKWJ3
Why 2.0.36 on your most important boxes?  Just wondering, im about to upgrade 
to the latest and greatest, but im currently at 2.0.36.

Sendmail and Log files.

2000-01-25 Thread TKWJ3
I am wanting to know what ip address a email was sent from using a POP3 
account.  Currently using sendmail, and im wondering in debian where there 
are some logs that would show me this type of info.  I know what the email 
address is that the person used, but im not sure on where to find this kinda 
info in my logs.  Maybe the other thing to look for would be a log showing 
what the Sendmail connected to...just some thoughts, would be nice to know.