Re: ASCII formatting for plain text email

2023-02-04 Thread TRS-80
Pierre Willaime  writes:

> Le 31/01/2023 à 21:14, Greg Wooledge a écrit :
>> A .signature file is only written once, so it doesn't matter how
>> tedious it is to produce the desired formatting.
> But you are right, .signature file is only written once and I am looking
> for a simple way to write email with some minimal ASCII formatting. This
> is why I am looking for an automatic solution.

As Greg already stated, you only need to calculate spaces if the content
will be changing (i.e., date or other field(s)).  Otherwise just write
what you want statically in signature file as mentioned.

> I do not want to do ASCII art, I am only searching a simple way to do
> something close to the debian-annouce emails.
> The Debian Project
> Updated Debian 11: 11.6
> December 17th, 2022
> How this header is generated?
> So do someone knows:
> 1- a simple way to draw a line (without pressing 72 times on "-")
> ---

Since you mentioned Emacs (in OP).  One answer has been posted already
about how to do so interactively.  Here is how to do so with ELisp:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (insert-char ?- 72)

> 2- a simple way to align some text to the right (that is to say to
> automatically calculate how many spaces are needed to fill the gap
> between the text on the left an the text on the right for 72 characters
> line.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun my-insert-line-justified (left-text right-text)
"Insert justified line.
  Spaces between LEFT-TEXT and RIGHT-TEXT will be calculated
  automatically, based on 72 character overall width."
(let* ((left-chars (length left-text))
   (right-chars (length right-text))
   (spaces-count (- 72 left-chars right-chars))
   (spaces-string (make-string spaces-count ? )))
  (insert left-text spaces-string right-text)))

> 3- a simple way to do boxes (no present in debian-annouce header)

If you put together both things I provided above (perhaps along with
some '|' characters), you should be able to figure this out for

As others have pointed out, consider doing so tastefully/sparingly.


Re: Syncing Firefox tabs without a Mozilla account

2023-02-04 Thread TRS-80
John Hasler  writes:

> Is there a way to Sync Firefox tabs without a Mozilla account?

It's not 'sync' but I use the Add-On called 'Export Tabs URLs'.  I like
its ability to customize the link export format, in my case to Orgmode

There are a number of 'tab export' Add-Ons doing variations on the same

I save them to a file in a directory which is synced across devices
using Syncthing.  It's a bit of a manual process, but I don't do it
often enough that it bothers me.

For true 'sync' you may need to run some sort of standalone
(self-hosted) Firefox sync server.  I seem to recall reading about such
things, but never investigated further as that was not a need I had.


Re: Please help me install Tomcat

2023-02-02 Thread TRS-80
Amn Ojee Uw  writes:

> I've tried to install Tomcat, different version, like so :
> /# Download the latest release of tomcat 10.1.5//
> //wget
> //
> //# Create tomcat directory//
> //sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat//
> //
> //# Extract the binary file with tar command in the /opt/tomcat path//
> //sudo tar -xvf apache-tomcat-8.5.85.tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat
> --strip-components=1//


> I really don't even know what to do with that info. I am an enthusiast
> programmer and not a trained computer programmer, thus I find this
> kind of things really challenging.

Given these comments, I am not understanding why you are trying to
install from tarball when it appears to me that Tomcat is available in
the Debian repos (at least in Bookworm and Sid):

It looks like 'tomcat10' is the package name you are looking for.


Re: 2FA

2022-05-03 Thread TRS-80
steef  writes:

> Hi folks, after long time back home. with a question.
> Is 2FA installable on my OS debian11 and, if yes, how do I do that?

Did you mean:

1. Something to do 2FA when loggin in to Debian (if so, Dan's already
answered that).

2. Some software you can install on Debian which is capable of doing
2FA elsewhere (in broswer and programs)?

In the latter case, personally I use KeePassXC, but I am sure there are
