Re: Debian Package Manager Worthless Junk???

1998-07-11 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Fri, 10 Jul 1998, Mike wrote:
 On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:
   The package management system is largest reason, why I use Debian. 
 and its the largest reason why I use RedHat.

Would you care to substantiate this so that we might have some
intelligent comment from both sides?

-Greg Mildenhall(Running perfectly-stable Hamm)

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Re: smail upgrade, machine no longer accepts mail

1998-06-04 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Michael B. Taylor wrote:
 I recently upgraded my smail to the new version (from 'stable', not the
 deep frozen stuff) and my machine stopped accepting mail.  I think I found
 the cause.  I found this in /etc/inetd.conf
 # smtpstream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
   (will be restored by smail postinst)
 Uncommenting this line and rebooting put me back in business.  I guess
 the smail postinstall script forgot to restore it.
OUCH!! inetd will reread /etc/inetd.conf if you send it a HUP signal:
#killall -HUP `pidof inetd`
You certainly don't need to reboot the machine :)

I (and others) had reported this bug to the maintainer some time ago, and
just today I got a message saying it had been fixed.
Hopefully noone will have to worry about this in future.

-Greg Mildenhall( 7~he 7~hought /|ssassin )

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Re: Convert RedHat install to Debian ..

1998-05-19 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Mon, 11 May 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Mon, 11 May 1998, The Thought Assassin wrote:
 : On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 :  I've got a Sun Netra I5, with serial console only.  The current Debian
 :  boot disks don't like the serial console, so I used RedHat's instead.
 : Boot floppies are very customizable.
 The problem is with init on the boot disk, not the kernel.

Can't you doctor the boot disk to use the serial port instead of tty1?
Are the sparc bootdisks that different from all the others?


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Re: How to organize NFS server?

1998-05-13 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Chris R. Martin wrote:
 I have an old 486 with a few hard drives in it that I want to use as a
 server. I'd like to store debian-packaged apps such as gcc, x11, xemacs etc
 on the server, yet keep some functionality on my local drive so I don't
 need the server all the time.
 what is the best way to do this under debian? I thought of
 exporting/mounting /usr on the server, but will that cause major problems?
 What if I have a local /usr directory? Will I still be able to access it
 when not using the server?
if you move /usr, you won't have functionality on your local drive
Personally, I'd move /usr/X11, because that's where the big heavy stuff
is, and none of it is essential
/usr/local as well, if you have anything there.
To make it work properly, install packages on the server first, then
install the same package on the client, with the directories mounted.

 Also, what does the group think about using a /apps directory instead of
 /usr ? I know it's not filesystem standard, but it seems this might get
 around a lot of problems of mounting /usr remotely. 
I'd say a lot more trouble than it's worth.
Really, that is what /usr/local is for. Things that are not integrated
into your system to the point that they need to go in /usr/bin might be
seen as a general rule-of-thumb for what is in /usr/local.
If you have a big app like Staroffice or Applixware, it will probably be
in /usr/local, if it is not in /usr/X11.

Well, actually, /local usually means local to the machine but in
practise, it meant the above.

 btw I have about 500MB of local space and up to 4GB on the server. 
More than enough. I should definitely say that the above would work well,
especially since I have done it with 170 / 540 before :)

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: Convert RedHat install to Debian ..

1998-05-11 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 I've got a Sun Netra I5, with serial console only.  The current Debian
 boot disks don't like the serial console, so I used RedHat's instead.
 Now I've got this Netra Linux box :)
Is there any reason why you can't just take the kernel from the RedHat
boot floppy and put it on the Debian boot floppy?
Or even build a custom kernel from your RedHat install and put that on the
debian floppy.
Boot floppies are very customizable.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: IP Masq and users

1998-05-10 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Breathnach, Proinnsias (Dublin) wrote:
 Anyway what I need is to ask all users connecting (from any of the client
 machines (2 * W95, 1 * Linux) 
 to 'login' before they're allowed net access (mainly for monitoring - who's
 running up the usage bill etc.) 
 Is there an easy way to do this ?, the HOWTO doesn't seem to mention
 requiring passwords for access, but I
 might have missed it !
There are numerous ways of doing this, but I want to tell you about an
interesting project I was involved at at the local highschool.
The highschool was a little different in that SAMBA filesharing was an
essential part of our setup, but other than that, it was an
IP-Masquerading ppp Gateway.
Each user had a home directory on the server, which they could mount from
any of the workstations using samba.
now the smbd (which accepts the samba connections)has an option to run a
script, either as that user, or as the superuser, when a particular shared
directory is mounted, and this script can be given the IP address of the
calling machine, and the username of the client as arguments.
So I used this script to trigger the appropriate ipfwadm commands when the
user mounted his or her home directory, and a similar script was run when
the user unmounted the home directory, which would undo each of the rules
applied previously, and store the results of the accounting rule.

Seemed to work quite well once some of the client-side bugs were ironed
out, and if, or anyone, wants a hand with setting such a system up, I'd be
glad to hear from you.

-7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: A funny little mistake

1998-04-26 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, Thomas J. Malloy wrote:
mv thefile.tar.gz  /~ .  Now I have a 800k file named ~ on / .  I 
 tried to  mv ~  normalfilename and this does create a normal file, but 
 the ~ file still exists.  If I try  to rm ~   the system thinks I want 
 to delete my home directory. 

prefacing the '~' with a backslash ('\') ought to do the trick.
the backslash is the shell's delimiting character, and the shell will not
try to expand anything directly after a backslash.
so mv \~ newname

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: A funny little mistake

1998-04-26 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, The Thought Assassin wrote:
  the backslash is the shell's delimiting character, and the shell will not
  try to expand anything directly after a backslash.
 This is the best thing to try first - although I have seen some things
 that even this won't work on.


Such as what?


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Re: PINE Debian Package

1998-04-25 Thread The Thought Assassin
If we distribute a binary package that consists of the original source,
the debian patches, and an installation script that patches, compiles, and
installs, then surely we are not distributing a patched binary?
Users are patching it for themselves :)
Alternately, we could just make it an installer packae that says please
have orig,patch.dsc in /usr/src, just like the netscape installer says
please have netscape.tgz in $TMPDIR, and give explanations, or even
automations, on how to get it there.
Well, that is my suggestion, and I am fairly confident that there should
be a way to slip it or something like it past UW's license.

On a side issue, doesn't anyone use elm? Are there reasons why it is all
mutt vs. pine? On a freshly installed system that I have not downloaded
pine onto, I usually use elm. I can't see any disadvantages of elm, at
least on the surface, and it seems a little more extensible than pine (no
doubt due to licensing :) I am considering whether I should just switch to
it so I can stop supporting retentives like UW. (The observant will notice
I am writing this in pine :)

-Greg Mildenhall

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Re: Linux cannot find NE-2000 network card

1998-04-25 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, Hans Ehrbar wrote:
 But when I boot the machine it says: Network is unreachable
Can you send the outputs of ifconfig and route -n
These will show what your situation/problem is.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: Using tix AND Blt with hamm system! HELP

1998-04-17 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Cormac McGuinness wrote:
 Now, after upgrading to hamm on one machine, it appears that tix41 requires
 tk8.0, but blt4.2 (actually BLT v2.3) requires tk4.2 ...
A raw 'hamm' install will not fully support BLT. You will have to upgrade
to the latest 'bacon' snapshot, and make sure that you have BLT-compliant
version of the lettuce and tomato packages.
Without these three important packages, your system will be toast.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: Windoze 95 is not multi-tasking, it just pretends it is multitasking.

1998-04-17 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, C.J.LAWSON wrote:
 Well for what it is worth my own opinion is that 95 just like its forbears
 is an app. loaded on dos 
No. A program becomes an operating system when it installs it's
own interrupt servicing routies. Win95 does this, and though it kicks back
to DOS's interrupt handlers for some things, it does this via calls from
it's own handlers. DOS is merely used as a boot loader, and windows seems 
to forget to unload it.

 and for this reason I think we should be talking about whether or not dos is
 a true multi-tasking OS ... It certainly is capable of becoming one.
There is nothing to talk about. DOS is not a multitasking OS, and it
cannot become on without a major rewrite, (such as win95, which is a
poorly implemented, but nevertheless true multitasking OS) at which point,
we can't really call it DOS.

 The question is, has it been implemented?
Yes, they rewrote DOS and called it windows. it multitasks, but it isn't
DOS. (It does use DOS as a boot loader)

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: NiC Cards

1998-04-17 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:
 have any AUI port on any of mine, as Nathan does.  Does the 3c59x module
 exist in /lib/modules/2.0.x/net?  If not compile it as a module, install
 it and reboot.
No, the whole point of it being a module is that you can just use insmod
to insert it, and you won't have to reboot at all.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: Is X breaking my monitor?

1998-04-16 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Will Lowe wrote:
 Every few minutes,  the screen wavers a little -- like it was made of
 jelly and someone's shaking in just the slightest bit.  Is this a
 monitor problem,  or is my video card going,  or have aliens changed the
 properties of the local space-time continuum?

Check for new sources of electromagnetic radiation that might have been
introduced to the vicinity.
Speakers, motors, toasters, UFOs...

-Greg Mildenhall

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Re: PPP dies early / some progress

1998-04-16 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
 I have made some progress towards solving the problem. It
 turns out that my machine insisted on having the IP address
 for the session with my ISP, which is used as address for the
 serial device on incoming connections. I have defined this in
 my /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0. If I remove that entry, the connection
 gets established. Now I have to find a way to use the serial interface
 for both incoming and outgoing connections. Any ideas?
Changing it manually:)
Well, perhaps setting up something that will do this when you switch
If you remove that file, you can explicitly name the IP address when you
start ppp for an incoming connection.
ppp also has the ability to suggest an IP address, but to accept whatever
the remote demands. An incoming box should listen to the suggestion,
whereas your ISP will override it.

 Unfortunately, after this not all is well. After pppd exchanges IP
 addresses, it reports something like: 
   ppp not replacing default route to eth0[]
 This is my network board. So I am still not talking to the
Your box thinks that it can reach the world via your ethernet card.
Shatter it's illusions.
Somewhere in the bootscripts, you will have a route add default gw line
which you don't want. Then you will have no default gateway, and ppp won't
think twice about setting your ISP up as your gateway.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: PPP dies early / some progress

1998-04-16 Thread The Thought Assassin
On 16 Apr 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Unfortunately, after this not all is well. After pppd exchanges IP
  addresses, it reports something like: 
  ppp not replacing default route to eth0[]
 In remove the default gateway line in /etc/init.d/network
Better not to remove it altogether, just comment it out.
And perhaps delete the right hand side, to prevent confusion.
will do fine.

7~he 7~hought /|ssassin

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Re: Reverse DNS lookup at telnet

1998-04-12 Thread The Thought Assassin
On Sun, 12 Apr 1998, Scott D. Killen wrote:
 I run a server with Debian 1.3.1 installed.  This machine is set up as an 
 internet gateway to a 3 bit subnet.  Diald is installed for automatic 
 dialup internet connections.  My machine runs a caching name server that 
 the machines on the subnet use as a nameserver.  The problem is that when I 
 telnet from a machine on the subnet, the server does a reverse lookup of 
 the connecting machine's IP address, but it can't answer it's own request 
 so the Internet link goes up.  This makes telnet connections very slow... 
 especially if the dialup connection doesn't work.
 How can I solve this problem?  I want to either stop doing reverse lookups 
 when answering telnet requests, or, ideally, I want to set up bind so it 
 can answer reverse lookups for addresses on my subnet

What you appear to want is for your machine to be the primary DNS for
reverse lookups on your ISP's subnet (reverse lookups are delegated in no
finer granularity then 8bit blocks if I am not very much mistaken) when
the link is down, and for it to be a secondary when the link is up.

If this is indeed what you want, then use /etc/ppp/ip-up and
/etc/ppp/ip-down to effect this change.

-Greg Mildenhall

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Re: How to get dir colors to work?

1997-03-23 Thread Thought
ls --color=auto will do it.  man ls

On Sat, 22 Mar 1997, johannes martinez wrote:

 What files does one have to edit to get ls to display colors?  And as a
 total aside, how do you get xdm working?  It says starting xdm at the
 end of my boot but all i get is a nice console prompt.
 johannes martinez

Re: How to uninitialise partition?

1997-03-23 Thread Thought
If your old drive was for DOS, does DOS see the partition anymore?  For
example, is there still a C: but it's unreadable (Invalid Media), or is
there just no C:?  I've accidently been in a fdisk (I think it was linux)
and deleted one of my DOS partitions on accident, and got REALLY lucky
because I booted off a DOS bootdisk and ran fdisk and re-created the
partition of exactly the same size before and all my files (FAT and all)
were still there.  I ran scandisk and lost 4096 (one block) somewhere, but
I just disregarded it and counted my lucky stars.  

If there is a C: (all this time assuming you old files were on C:) and it
says Invalid Media or something like that, try UNFORMAT.EXE - maybe you
were lucky and there was a image on the disk (a duplicate of the FAT
table) that's still there (I know that lately some programs make a
duplication of the fat table - Win95's does I think.  How do I
know?  One time I was using partition magic and it said that my duplicate
FAT had inconstancies with my real one.  Weird..)  Anyway, I'm not sure
exactly how far linux's 'initialization' process goes...  Just some things
to try.. 

On Sun, 23 Mar 1997, Nick Cropper wrote:

 During a long and complicated floppy installation (trouble due
 to DOS's fdisk -- not debian) I managed to initialise my old
 harddisk (containing all my files) instead of my new one.  It
 was just an initialisation (no surface/low-level scan) which 
 is why I'm still holding a glimmer of hope that someone can 
 suggest a retrieval trick.  Is there any way to access the 
 files that were on that partition?
 Nick Cropper

Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

dpkg and shadow

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
Hi all, it's me again.  First off thanks for the numerous replies to my
chmodding question :)

Is there a way to make dpkg give me a list (output) of ALL the packages
(installed and not installed) along with their descriptions?  Even just
the short one-liner descriptions?  The reason I'm asking is because
occasionally I want to search for some type of package by a keyword but
I think that the / command in dselect only searches the package
filename.  I wanted to do something like 
% dpkg --print-all-descriptions-etc | grep -i shadow
or something...  Maybe I could go to the
/var/lib/usr/local/bin/hoopdeha/dpkg/debian/wherever and do a grep -i
shadow **/* ?  I dunno...  Oh, that reminds me of another question, but
I'll keep it civilized for now :)


Ok, here's another question about shadow..  I got the following files:

and used dpkg to install them, and everything works fine, but will I ever
need /etc/adduser.conf or /usr/sbin/adduser or /usr/sbin/addgroup again?
Or should I just delete them?  Shadow came with replacements for all of
these, like useradd and groupadd etc, right?  (I can't remember where to
find a list of all the files those packages made...)


Here's a quick question: Why is my /home g+s staff?
drwxrwsr-x   4 root staff1024 Mar 19 23:05 /home/


Here's another quick question:  I have an Iomega Zip drive, and
occasionally I get the message:
sda: Write Protect is off
 sda: sda4
when mounting.  Is there a command out there somewhere to write
protect/unprotect disks?  And why is it sda4 instead of sda1?  (Ooops, I
guess that's two questions!)


Oh, I'd just like to mention that setting up tty-snoops to automatically
snoop ttyp1 on tty7 (virtual console 7) all the way through ttyp6/tty12 is
REALLY handy!  I can spy on peoples with a press of a buttons! :)


One of the main reasons I'm using zsh is because I love it's command
completion and expansion behaviour, for example, **/* for every directory
and subdirectory and everything within.  I often use grep something
**/*.  My question is, is there a way to either remove the actual
directories from the listing, or mute the grep: blah: Is a directory
message?  Or better yet, is there a program that will search my whole disk
(or at least all the data in a directory tree) for a word(s)?  Lately I've
just been saying grep something **/* | more; so that all the grepped
stuff will end up at the bottom and not mixed in with the grep: blah: Is
a directory message.


Anyway, that's it for today.Well, for this morning at least...  Well
untill I reboot, okay?? :)  Thanks again everyone

Re: Possible problems with

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
m lunch..

er, um, sorry.  my route there has been stable all morning...

. o (man, I'm hungry now!)

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Pete Templin wrote:

   It's possible that there are problems with, aka  It's also possible that I'm just losing it, or that my
 employer's internet route to that site is out to lunch.  I've contacted
 someone at, and I'll pass word along as I find out more.
 Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
 PGP fingerprint = BD 9D 90 1C 8D 6D CA 21  D7 0F 2D C6 29 93 A6 1E

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
Obviously most people here either are Linux EXPERTS or they have *WAY* too
much time on their hands!  Hehehehe just kidding :)  chmod a+rX actually
worked quite nicely.  I know I know it may not do the exact same thing as
writing a script to do it, but sheesh! :)

On 20 Mar 1997, Graeme Stewart wrote:

 Thought [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
  I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
  directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
  be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
  all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
  permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks
 You might try something like this:
 #! /bin/bash
 for direc in `find . -type d` ; do
 chmod $direc a+rx
 for file in `find . -type f` ; do
 chmod $file a+r
 | Graeme A Stewart, pgp public key  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |  Key fingerprint =  AF C7 BF A4 52 D5 3C 3B  17 A5 62 43 DA 15 E8 97  |
 |   Keep a good head, and always carry a lightbulb. Dylan   |

Re: XWindows .deb package for debian gnu linux

1997-03-20 Thread Thought

I'd like to know where to get a base, self explainatory, do-it-all-at-once
XWindows installation too.  Right now I only have the base zsh and
virtual-console interface going, but I kinda want to install X as well...

As for the partition problem, I'm not sure if you really need a swap file
at all.  I am running Debian 1.2 on my P166 w/ 64M RAM without a swap file
at all.  I just have one 400meg partition.  I've had the system up for
about 40 hours now, doing various things on it, and here's my memory
[9:10:02]/root# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 63100  27516  35584   4480  19060   4668
-/+ buffers: 3788  59312
Swap:0  0  0

So if you're not planning on being a network server or anything, I don't
think having a swap file would be that necessary.  However, if you still
want one, doesn't a more recent version of DOS FDISK (e.g. Win95) allow
more than 2 logical drives?  I thought it would let you just delete your
E: and make a new E: and F: drives.  (Man, grammar with drive letters is
though stuff!)  And if it doesn't, I'm not sure if linux fdisk will or
not.  In either case, deleting E: shouldn't have an effect on C: or D:.
It's just a question of how many logical drives will the programs allow
you to have.  You might also want to check out a program called Partition
Magic - it's a retail DOS program that allows you to resize partitions,
change drive letters, clone partitions, and even change the FATs, from
FAT to FAT32 for example.  It also supports Ext2, OS/2, and HPFS systems.

...  Oh, and I fear for the people who have to read this, because the
lines were too long on my screen BEFORE I quoted (and were being wrapped)
- now they have a   in front of them - I'm curious to know what kind of
mess it'll make :)

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Paulo Gustavo Raymundo Silva wrote:

  Hi . . .
  I'm potential Debian GNU/Linux user and I have some questions no covered 
 by this FAQ.
 I would like to get some information about where I could find the XWIndows 
 files for the newest 
 version of the Debian linux (probably X11 R6.3) in the deselect .deb 
 distribuition pack.
 Following the Debian GNU/Linux instructions I just got to generate the 6 
 disks with the Kernel and the Base .deb Pack. I looked for the X11 in the ftp
 site and didn't had sucess to find the X11 .deb pack, I just encoutered 
 several programs
 and utilities (e.g. FVWM, OLWM, Xclock, ...).
  I also have a doubt about the instalation process. My PC is Pentium 100 
 MHz / 32 MB /
 HD 2.1 Gb with a 504 Mb WIN95 active(bootable) primary partition and a 
 extended partition
 with two DOS logical drives (D: with 1.0 Gb and E: with 504 Mb). The logical 
 partition E:
 was created to be used with Linux, and C:  D: will continue to be used with 
 WIN95 (I expect
 that Debian Linux will instal any kind of Master Boot Record program loadable 
 at startup that
 will ask what Operating System (WIN95 or Linux) will be loaded).However, the 
 instructions say that linux requires two partitions: a 16-128 Mb swapp file 
 partition and
 the real linux self partition, both marked in partition table as UNIX 
 partitions. These 
 instructions also say that the instalation program will ask if there are two 
 partitions like
 those at the HD and iff the answer is NO the linux partition program (like 
 DOS FDISK) will
 create them. I would like to know if is possible to transform the second DOS 
 logical drive
 at the extended partition (E: 504Mb) in two new UNIX logical drives (e.g. 64 
 Mb  440 Mb) at 
 the same extended partition where previously there was a logial DOS drive (D: 
 1 Gb), at the
 same Western Digital EIDE HD with a previously defined DOS primary partition 
 (C: 504 MB) 
 with no data loss.If your answer is No, where can I encouter a DOS based 
 program that 
 modifies the partition table with no data loss at the partitons not modified 
 (I my case,
 is necessary to delete drive E:, create two new Unix logical drives in this 
 region and
 to keep unchanged The C: and D: partition information and disk structure).
   Thank's in advance by these informations . . .
   Paulo Gustavo

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
The chmod a+rX did exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Re: the warez dudez won't leave me alone...

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
If you have a Dynamic IP assigned each time you log on, then most likely
someone else on your ISP ran or is running a FTP site, and his site was
advertized somewhere.  I doubt it has anything to do with your wu-ftpd.

Note: Previous version of wu-ftpd have been known to have security holes,
but I still don't think that they could smell that you were running it
and trying to break in...

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Richard Morin wrote:

 Hi folks just wanted to pass along my suprise that the warez doodz have
 been trying to get into my *home* machine which is only connected via
 dialup ppp, and get this I use a dynamic ip.  
 Here is just some of the attempts...
 Mar 17 19:52:02 joanrich wu-ftpd[788]: failed login from [], mac 
 Mar 18 11:52:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[1421]: failed login from [], mac
 ...and 4 more from this guy. 
 Mar 18 11:53:42 joanrich wu-ftpd[1426]: failed login from [], mac 
 and 8 from this guy...  
 Mar 18 13:04:43 joanrich wu-ftpd[1647]: failed login from [], mac 
 Mar 18 13:06:10 joanrich wu-ftpd[1648]: failed login from [],mac 
 Mar 19 23:27:04 joanrich wu-ftpd[3617]: failed login from [], mac 
 Mar 19 23:33:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[3628]: failed login from [],mac 
 ...this guy was persistent, about 8 tries with different id, mac, Mac,
 warez and so on... 
 Just thought I'd pass this along to others like me who might have wu-ftpd
 on their system to learn about it.  I've not yet had time to think much
 about it till now. 
 I guess this means that somehow someone has listed my machine on a warez
 list eh??  Kinda funny in a mosquito like way.
 Can I leave these kidz a nice message somehow??
 Richard Morin
   There are two major products to come out of Berekley:  LSD and UNIX.
 We don't believe this to be a coincidence. Haahaaahaaheeho..

Re: Sound

1997-03-20 Thread Thought

 Correct me  modify as needed. :)

Ok, I'll try :)

 The other problem I have currently is with sound. I have a Sound Blaster 16 
 which is usually on Address 220, IRQ 5, DMA's 1  5, 330 for Midi, etc.
 I've read the Sound-HowTo document, and downloaded the VoxWare Sound drivers 
 2.5, but not had much luck so far. The installation instructions aren't that 
 One would assume that I'm going to have to rebuild the kernel, etc, so where 
 can I find a copy of the source for it? Do I already have it but I don't 
 realise it?

You probably don't already have it if you didn't choose to install it, but
you can check /usr/src/linux anyway.  (If /usr/src/linux is there, then
you have it.)  If you don't have it, you can get it using the dselect
program.  It's under kernel-source-2.0.27:
Opt develkernel-sourc 2   2   Linux kernel source.
I don't know if there's a stable version with debian past 2.0.27, but my
dselect still says 2.0.27 and I just updated it from today.

Anyway, once you get/have it, cd /usr/src/linux; and type 'make
menuconfig'.  If that doesn't work, then you don't have ncurses installed,
and type 'make config' instead.  (All without the little 'quotes' too.)
This will let you only compile in what you need, and it will get rid of
the time consuming searching for all that hardware you don't have.  You
can also install audio support.  (Make sure to install /dev/audio support!
If you don't, you'll have a lot of problems.  (I overlooked /dev/audio and
just went directly with SB16 only, and I had a headache - you have to
install them both)

Once you're done with make [menu]config, type:
make dep;
make clean;
make zImage;

I'm not sure what to do with zImage, because I don't use loadlin.  I guess
ask someone else about that.  (with LILO you just type make zlilo instead)

 Help! Maybe I should've used the copy of UNIX System V release 4 in the 
 'cause we've got stacks of books... but this is more fun! :)

Naaa.  Reformatting is GOOD for you!

 I've successfully got LOADLIN working now anyway, which should stop me 
 constantly changing the MBR to swap operating systems. Phew. Can one assume 
 that if I rebuild the kernel I will have to copy it across again?

Why use loadlin?  LILO is much better..  I don't know anything about
loadlin, but I know that if you use lilo you won't ever have to fiddle
with MBRs again.

 And finally... on bootup it's still looking for all kinds of hardware that I 
 don't have, and I read somewhere about how to remove it... can I assume that 
 since I may have to rebuild the kernel to get sound support, then the other 
 hardware support is in there too, i.e. a rebuild will get rid of it?


 Have fun,
 Fido: 2:2500/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Security Issue

1997-03-19 Thread Thought
If someone else owns the directory that the file is in, then they
basically own the file allocation table and can rename the file to
anything they want, or remove the filename alltogether.  It's basically
like they own the filecabinet, and the other person's file is in the
cabinet.  Even though they may have a lock on the file so that nobody can
read it, the person who owns the cabinet can throw out the file.  Isn't
that how it should be?

On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Matthew Tebbens wrote:

 I'm not sure if this is normal, but it seems that any file owned by
 someone else and in one of my directories can be deleted by me even
 if I don't have the proper permissions to do so. I also can rename the
 file, but I can't alter the file. This holds true even if the file
 is owned by root.
 Is this normal ?
 If so, what things can I do to someone elses file thats in one of my
 directories , just delete or rename the file ?
 As root, what if I want to keep a file in someones directory without them
 deleteing it ?  As I see it now, that can't be done ?!?!?

Re: SVGATextMode?

1997-03-17 Thread Thought
Why do you want to run SVGATextMode anyway?  I ran it once and it was more
trouble than it's worth.  The only good of it is to make more lines on the
screen, and you can set your kernel vidmode to EXT for that  (50 line

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, Bjoern Starke wrote:

 where to find a good HOWTO or FAQ for SVGATextMode? I have read the
 manpages and found them very unintelligible and userunfriendly. Has
 anyone running a S3 Graphics 2001 (Stealth Dram 64) running with it
 and can mail me his TextConfig file to have a look at it?

Re: Program to randomize lines of text file

1997-03-17 Thread Thought
Just go ask a friend who knows some basic C to write a program to do that
for you.  I could do it in less than 10 lines of code most likely

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, Gandalf wrote:

 Does anyone know of a script or binary that randomly output the lines
 of a text file, i.e its usage would be
   prog file - lines of file output in random order

Re: testing tonight

1997-03-14 Thread Thought
What's wrong with ASCII art?  Just don't waste the time scrolling down to
read it...

_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/_/
   _/  _/_/  _/_/  _/_/  _/_/_/  _/
  _/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/  _/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/
 _/  _/_/  _/_/  _/_/  _/_/  _/_/  _/
_/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/

On Thu, 13 Mar 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote:

 On Thu, 13 Mar 1997, Pure Energy wrote:
  [annoying ASCII art .sig Bobbitted]
 Say adren,
 Are you a regular on or something?  Lose the nasty art.  A
 full page .sig is a bit excessive, don't you think?
 Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
 My employers like me, but not  | and genius.  We aim to erase that line
 enough to let me speak for them. |--Unknown

Re: /bin/sh != /bin/bash ? [was Re: zsh vs bash]

1997-03-13 Thread Thought
Maybe either the scripts are so old that they were never updated when
newer shells besides bash came out, or maybe they assumed that all newer
shells would be bash-compatible, or maybe the people who wrote them are
just stupid :)  Not everyone's a genius you know :)

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Steve wrote:

  I set my system shell to zsh as well, and replaced all the /bin/bash in
  /etc/passwd to /usr/bin/zsh, but when I tried to move /bin/sh to point to
  /usr/bin/zsh, all of the /etc/init.d/* scripts blew up.
 If those scripts actually require bash then why isn't the first line
 #!/bin/bash? Is this a bug, or is it written in stone that /bin/sh and
 /bin/bash are equivalent?

Woah, check this out:

1997-03-13 Thread Thought
Woah, check this out:  I just installed Debian a couple days ago, and
'thought' is my first user with UID 1000 and GID 1000.  Look at what I
found when I was poking around:

[21:35:35]/etc# find / -gid 1000

All of those files have GID 1000 ???  Look:

[21:37:40]/etc# l /usr/doc/procmail
total 19
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Mar  6 21:05 ./
drwxr-xr-x 102 root root 2048 Mar 10 01:02 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 thought  thought  4199 Apr 10  1995 FAQ.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 thought  thought  1887 Sep 27  1994 FEATURES.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 thought  thought  5982 Oct 31  1994 HISTORY.gz
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   21 Mar  6 21:05 README.DEBIAN -
-rw-r--r--   1 thought  thought  2817 Dec 22  1994 README.gz

Why in the WORLD would stuff in /usr/doc/procmail have uid/gid 1000??  The
first file I noticed with gid 1000 was /etc/cron.daily/ppp

Just interesting is all.  I'm going to chown all of them right now! :)

Re: ps/2 mouse woes

1997-03-13 Thread Thought
I have a PS/2 mouse (Go ASUS! :) too.  Why don't you just install psaux
and Support for mouse (Not serial mice) fully instead of installing as
modules?  But if you really want to, you should just be able to make
config and put psaux back in as a module and then make dep;make clean;make
zimage;make modules;make modules_install etc...

On Thu, 13 Mar 1997, Michael Stoia wrote:

 I am a veteran Slackware Linux user, but I recently decided to wipe
 Slackware out and go with Debian.  I decided to recompile the kernel
 myself with support
 for PS/2 mice.  In addition to that I deleted the psaux module that
 Debian installed.  I didn't think both would be needed.  Well  now
 my mouse does not work with gpm or X-Free86.  How can I get the psaux
 module again without re-installing all of Debian's modules.  I would
 really appreciate any advice.  It is miserable having an OS without a
 Michael Stoia
 ERC Computing Center

Re: maximum mount count

1997-03-12 Thread Thought
Can you just 'touch /fastboot' to ignore that?

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Martin Stromberg wrote:

  I need to reboot my PC once or twice a day. Lately, I had a boot message 
  displaying '/dev/hda3 has reached the maximum mount count. Checked 
  I found no option to deselect this mount count check in the mount man 
  Does anybody knows ?
 If it's an ext2 file system then you are looking for tune2fs -i 0.
  JP L


1997-03-12 Thread Thought
What does chmodding a directory u+s do?  And why is /floppy chmod g+s?

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-12 Thread Thought
I set my system shell to zsh as well, and replaced all the /bin/bash in
/etc/passwd to /usr/bin/zsh, but when I tried to move /bin/sh to point to
/usr/bin/zsh, all of the /etc/init.d/* scripts blew up.  Most of their
scripting is done in bash format, so unless you want to either make zsh
bash-compatible before running the scripts, or you want to rewrite every
script made for bash, I'd just leave /bin/sh pointing to /usr/bin/bash (I
moved my /bin/bash to /usr/bin/bash just for consistancy...)

Just a newbie's opinion :)

On 12 Mar 1997, Tomislav Vujec wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James W. Lynch) writes:
  This subject brings up a question I've had for a long time.  Bash appears
  to be the shell that I get when I log in as root or do an su command.
  I'm from the old school and prefer vi editing of commands, but I have
  yet to be able to make bash use vi as root.  I've set EDITOR and FCEDIT.
  I've set editing-mode vi.  I can't seem to get root to use anything
  but emacs editing mode.  Is this a diabolical plot by the Linux developers
  to force emacs on the world? 8^)
  Bash works as expected, described and designed when I'm a normal
  Can I do it? How?
 I use vi as a root, and vi editing mode, but in zsh. Yes my root shell
 is zsh. Now days when zsh runs autoconf configure scripts I am even
 thinking to put it for /bin/sh instead of bash... heard that zsh
 developers do that.
 P.S. As a normal user I use xemacs, but of course in viper mode :-)
 Tomislav Vujec   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion...

Well what would be a good subject then?

1997-03-11 Thread Thought
Please if you have time just skim this message and maybe you can show off
your knowledge :)

1) Is there a way to turn on Numlock by default, or better yet, to
prevent it from being turned off?  My BIOS sets Numlock to ON when I boot,
but when I load the kernel (with lilo) it turns numlock off. :(  Is there
a way to make it leave it on, or to turn it back on on all my Virtual
TTYs?  (I've put the setleds command in /etc/init.d/ but that only effects
the first Virtual Console, even when I set the 'defaults')

2) Currently I have 6 Virtual Console lines in my inittab, but I've heard
that there's a way to only have one of those lines, and to be able to
create Virtual Consoles on demand by pressing Alt-Uparrow or something.
Is there a way to do this?  It seems kind of pointless to have six gettys
running when I'm only using 2, and it's a pain when I am using up all 6
VCs and need more.

3) Speaking of Alt-Uparrow, is this the same thing as 'kbrequest' in
inittab, and why doesn't either of them work?  Is there a way I can bind
keys to make initd do commands?

4) Is there a way to disable the Visual-Bell?  A lot of my programs (like
less) have options to turn off the bell, but they say If your console has
a Visual Bell, it will be used instead.  Well that stupid flashing is
even more annoying than the bell I'm trying to get rid of! :)  Is there a
way to disable the Visual Bell?

5) I just installed shadow-login_960810, shadow-passwd_960810, and
shadow-su_960810 on my system.  Everything works fine, but I was wondering
if there was any way to customize 'login'.  For one, if you have a 'login
incorrect' (coz of misspelt names or wrong passwords or wahtever) it take
about 3 very annoying seconds to retry.  Is there a way to make it ask for
a new login: immediately instead of waiting?  I'm guessing that the pause
is a 'feature' to deter password guessers from breaking in, but I think
it's just annoying and would rather have it turned off.

6) Another login question: my host name is because I'm
living in a dorm, and whenever I get the login prompt it always says
res154002 login:.  Well, I know this is just being picky, but is there a
way to make it not say res154002?  It looks really tacky.  I'd rather it
just say login:.  Is there a place where I can get the source for a
'login' with shadow capability so I can just edit all these options in a
config.h or something?

Ok, well that's all the questions I can think of for now...  I've asked
other questions on this list and have gotten friendly responses - thanks!
I've gotten all my modules in a basket and am using zsh now :)  Oh, and a
note to people thinking of converting shells: if you switch to zsh and
think of switching your /bin/sh link to zsh instead of bash, you'll get a
bunch of errors when running /etc/init.d/rc, so don't do it!  hehe, I had
that problem today and got a bunch of /etc/init.d/rc: no such file or
directory errors or something like that...

Later Gators!

A young girl lost her puppy

1997-03-10 Thread Thought
Hi Debians, so the subject line got your attention huh?  I figured
if I titled this message Stupid Questions nobody would pay
attention.  But now that you're here, here's some simple questions to keep
you on your toes! :)

1) Is there a way to turn on Numlock by default, or better yet, to
prevent it from being turned off?  My BIOS sets Numlock to ON when I boot,
but when I load the kernel (with lilo) it turns numlock off. :(  Is there
a way to make it leave it on, or to turn it back on on all my Virtual
TTYs?  (I've put the setleds command in /etc/init.d/ but that only effects
the first Virtual Console, even when I set the 'defaults')

2) Currently I have 6 Virtual Console lines in my inittab, but I've heard
that there's a way to only have one of those lines, and to be able to
create Virtual Consoles on demand by pressing Alt-Uparrow or something.
Is there a way to do this?  It seems kind of pointless to have six gettys
running when I'm only using 2, and it's a pain when I am using up all 6
VCs and need more.

3) Speaking of Alt-Uparrow, is this the same thing as 'kbrequest' in
inittab, and why doesn't either of them work?  Is there a way I can bind
keys to make initd do commands?

4) Is there a way to disable the Visual-Bell?  A lot of my programs (like
less) have options to turn off the bell, but they say If your console has
a Visual Bell, it will be used instead.  Well that stupid flashing is
even more annoying than the bell I'm trying to get rid of! :)  Is there a
way to disable the Visual Bell?

5) I just installed shadow-login_960810, shadow-passwd_960810, and
shadow-su_960810 on my system.  Everything works fine, but I was wondering
if there was any way to customize 'login'.  For one, if you have a 'login
incorrect' (coz of misspelt names or wrong passwords or wahtever) it take
about 3 very annoying seconds to retry.  Is there a way to make it ask for
a new login: immediately instead of waiting?  I'm guessing that the pause
is a 'feature' to deter password guessers from breaking in, but I think
it's just annoying and would rather have it turned off.

6) Another login question: my host name is because I'm
living in a dorm, and whenever I get the login prompt it always says
res154002 login:.  Well, I know this is just being picky, but is there a
way to make it not say res154002?  It looks really tacky.  I'd rather it
just say login:.  Is there a place where I can get the source for a
'login' with shadow capability so I can just edit all these options in a
config.h or something?

Ok, well that's all the questions I can think of for now...  I've asked
other questions on this list and have gotten friendly responses - thanks!
I've gotten all my modules in a basket and am using zsh now :)  Oh, and a
note to people thinking of converting shells: if you switch to zsh and
think of switching your /bin/sh link to zsh instead of bash, you'll get a
bunch of errors when running /etc/init.d/rc, so don't do it!  hehe, I had
that problem today and got a bunch of /etc/init.d/rc: no such file or
directory errors or something like that...

Later Gators!

Re: Installing a new kernel....

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
I just had this problem 2 days ago :)  After playing around with
everyone's responses, here's what finally worked:

cd /usr/src/linux
rm -r /lib/modules/*
make config
make dep
make clean
make zlilo
make modules
make modules_install
/sbin/depmod -a
pico /etc/modules
Commented out all the lines in /etc/modules I didn't need anymore, which
happened to be all of them

You might want to move /lib/modules/* to another directory instead of
deleting them (I tried just renaming the directory 2.0.27 to 2.0.27.old,
but it didn't seem to work).  You might also need to do something
different with /etc/modules.  I needed to edit that file because I got
vfat: module not found messages etc. when I booted.

Anyway, I hope that helps, and that all the paths I mentioned are correct
:)  I'm new to debian and I just wrote this off of memory so...

Re: Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
If reget doesn't work, have a friend with a fast connection download it
and split it up to smaller files :)

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

   the service that I use to get onto the internet only allows me 1 
  hour at a time, then I have to quit and log back on.  There are somefile 
  that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to download and the service I 
  use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could I 
  download it?
   Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
 Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Kyron 4000

Re: Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
I normally don't compile sound board support, because I never use sound in
Linux, but I was just messing around and I decided 'what the hell' and
included it when I was remaking my kernel, and I got a bunch of missing
configuration files/setup errors when trying to compile too.  I just
thought 'ahh screw it' and compiled without sound.  Is there a problem in
2.0.27 with sound?

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, David James Loken wrote:

 I have been trying to recompile my kernel 2.0.27. I would like to
 use Menuconfig but I'm missing the
 file 'lxdiaglog.o' in /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog. Does anyone know
 where I can get a copy?
 So I tried running 'make config' that goes along fine until I try to compile
 the sound board option.
 gcc tells me I'm missing the 'configure' in /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound. I
 have read the Readme.linx file, 
 but I don't how to run the script that is appended to the end of
 Readme.linux after I have deleted the first 
 part of file.
 Also I have tried to compile the 2.0.27 kernel without sound. 'make
 config' works fine but, when try 
 running 'make dep' gcc say it can't find 'mkdep.c' even though 'mkdep.c' is
 present in /usr/src/linux/scripts.
 If it is in the wrong directory which directory should I put it in.
 Thanks in advance,  73 for now.
 Dave Loken VE6DJL 

Re: Locate

1997-03-08 Thread Thought
Try running updatedb to fix your locate problem

df will tell you about your disk space

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

   when I use locate I get an error.  This is what I get if I type 
 like locate what ever.  Like locate new.stuff.  I get locate: 
 /var/lib/locate/locatedb: No suck file or directory.  Can anyone tell me 
 why?  And is there a command to see how much disk space I have left?
  Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kyron address: 4000

Re: nslookup

1997-03-08 Thread Thought

edit your /etc/hosts and put mybox on the line with

it should then look something like:   localhost mybox

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Gith wrote:

 Ok, I think this gets into the bind/named realm and I really try to avoid
 going there if at all possible.
 Here's the general question,
 Running nslookup localhost  shows me this:
 # nslookup localhost
 Server:  localhost
 Non-authoritative answer:
 Running nslookup mybox shows me this
 # nslookup mybox
 Server:  localhost
 *** localhost can't find mybox: Non-existent host/domain
 In general, how could I get nslookup to return
 when queryed about mybox.
 Any ideas?
 Willie Daniel

zsh vsh bash

1997-03-08 Thread Thought
Hey, what do you guys think is better, zsh or bash?

Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Whenever I run /sbin/depmod -a, I get the following errors:

*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/atixlmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/busmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/icn.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/ipx.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/isdn.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/msbusmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/pcbit.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/psaux.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c501.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c503.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c505.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c507.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c509.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c59x.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/8390.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/ac3200.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/apricot.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/arcnet.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/at1700.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de4x5.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de600.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de620.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/depca.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/dgrs.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/dlci.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/e2100.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/eepro.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/eexpress.o

and on and on and on for about 100 more lines...  What should I do about
that?  (Oh, and other than /sbin/depmod -a, I followed all of the steps
you mentioned in the previous reply to the letter, including the make
modules and make modules_install)

Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Do you or does anyone else get these errors right after installing Debian?
I would imagine that at least for the first day or so most everything
would be error free and ready to go, but maybe not?  The only thing I can
think of that would cause ME to have these errors and nobody else would be
that I do a make zlilo and my boot is /dev/fd0 even though my root is
/dev/hda2 (in other words, I stick in my floppy to boot off /dev/hda2).
Could this be causing a problem?  I don't really see why it would affect
/sbin/depmod...(I think the root to solving this problem would be found
easier by looking at why depmod gets errors instead of why the kernel does
at bootup, no?)

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, William Chow wrote:

 On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Thought wrote:
  Whenever I run /sbin/depmod -a, I get the following errors:
  and on and on and on for about 100 more lines...  What should I do about
  that?  (Oh, and other than /sbin/depmod -a, I followed all of the steps
  you mentioned in the previous reply to the letter, including the make
  modules and make modules_install)
 Again, delete these modules. You probably don't need them. I believe your
 make modules made ALL the modules instead of the specific ones you
 specified. There's a file in the source tree supposedly that will allow
 you to specify which modules to make and not make.

Matrox Millenium

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Does anyone out there know right off hand which chipset to choose when
configuring X for the first time with a Matrox Millenium card?