status file probs??

1996-12-05 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
I don't think this is serious, but whenever dselect's helper
programs (I use dpkg-ftp) access the list of installed packages,
one of the lists is missing something.  How do I correct this

Processing status file...
Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install line 
75, STATUS chunk 7856.

Processing Package files...
Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install line 
124, PKGFILE chunk 15315.
Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install line 
124, PKGFILE chunk 1590.
Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install line 
124, PKGFILE chunk 553.

As I said, I don't think it's serious, but it is rather blatantly
obvious something isn't just so...

Any suggestions?

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Re: PPP Manual Dial?

1996-08-22 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
diald will allow one to dial manually and start ppp w/out requiring minicom.

Re: PPP Manual Dial?

1996-08-22 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
Eric Query: Is there any way I can manually dial in, login, and initiat PPP,
Eric then ask 'pppd' to start?
 There is a way using minicom,
 but the cycle:
  becoming root
  issuing pppd
  reading /var/log/messages
  killing pppd
  reissuing pppd with another number/chatscript in case it was busy
 is getting on my nerves

It would me too.
 So what I would like is some graphical front-end to pppd, displaying the
 status, and with buttons to start/stop a connection. This could be started
 by root at boot time, solving the suid problems.

This has been done.

 Including a prompt for the password in such a setup would be relatively

 Does anyone know of something of this kind?
 I vaguely saw a related tool for diald
Bingo.  Exactly what I had in mind.

Currently, if you setup diald, you can allow certain users access to the 
fifo that diald runs with. Then they, in turn, could use 'dctrl' which is
a tcl/tk script that shows the current status of the link, allowing you to
bring it up and down.

However, with a chat script, you would have to either
a) ask for the password in advance, write the chat script, and have chat
   do it's thing
b) run chat so that it exits when it gets the 'Password:' prompt, then ask
   the user to enter a password somehow (through a simple X dialog box or
   something) and then echo $PASSWORD ...since the 'chat script' gets stdout
   as the modem, then start a 2nd chat script to continue the connection
c) write another program that will take the place of chat that will allow
   interactive password input 'somehow'  perl, tcl/tk, python come to mind.

Hope this helps.


1996-08-22 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
I've a friend who is installing debian and he asked me to ask these questions..

why does the perl package depend on csh?

why does 'libc-dev' have a conflicting dependency with 'libc5' ??  It won't
let him install libc5-dev for some odd reasion.


Re: module cdu31a fails on insert

1996-08-21 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (renald loignon)
  May I ask, in all seriousness, and without a trace of sarcasm, where in
  the world (BUT preferably in the Debian installation instructions) one
  is expected to find this information?  I was used to the old
  cdu31a=0xPORT,IRQ syntax from the boot prompt, or as an append=...
  line in /etc/lilo.conf
 I don't see that it is documented at all outside of the kernel source.
 And if you think that this is a serious problem in Debian, it is. And it's
 not going to be helped unless more people like you volunteer to work on the

Is there any chance you have checked the bootparm-howto? ??  If it is not in there, I would suggest that
would be the best place for it.

Re: Tin+Suck

1996-08-20 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 Gith writes:
  I've installed tin and suck as way to read newsgroups locally.
  The problem is, i haven't figured out how to use tin to read the
  newly downloaded articles. If someone is using the suck+tin 
 I might be wrong on this, but isn't this a feature in tin that has yet to
 be implemented? From the man page:
  -R read   news   saved   by   the  -S  option  (not  yet
  combination for news, could you post here or e-mail me directly
  on how to do it..
 Where is the advantage of using suck over using tin -S?

I don't know what tin -S does.  Whatever it does, it is for a single user.  It
in no way makes these articles available for other users on the same machine,
let alone other news programs even on other machines.

The advantage of using suck + innd is that you get a news server on your 
machine that allows you or anyone else on your machine, plus anyone outside
your machine you allow to connect, the ability to read any news that is
on your machine.  You literally setup your machine to be a news server, it is
just that suck downloads articles and uses either rnews or innxmit (your
choice) to post articles to the news server.

For me and my friends that live in a house, it is invaluable.  We have five
comp sci types who like to read news.  So I have setup my machine to be a
news server.  I follow all the linux.* newsgroups, and am planning on making
all of my mailing list subscriptions into a newsgroup as well.  It is alot
faster reading news, or grabbing binaries (my bandwidth waster is
alt.binaries.sounds.midi) from a local machine than over a modem.  And if you
set it up right, you can even post articles back to the mailing 
lists/newsgroups providing you have the ability to do so... For instance, at
UMR, like other colleges/universities, there is a set of 'local' newsgroups
that only machines with access to UMR can access.  Some of these are also
part of what I 'spool' on my news server because suck is just like tin when
it connects to a newsserver: it reads articles.  However, suck takes the
articles and allows either rnews or innxmit to transmit them to a newsserver
of your choice (usually your local machine), and thus you get your own
newsserver with the articles.

Personally, I have found suck's auto-recovery features lacking.  That, and
I have more than one news-server I wish to contact.  So, ever 1/2 hour as a
cron-job, I run the following script which grabs my mail from two different
news-servers and, from my experience, guarantees that all articles in are
eventually retrieved, even if on the next 1/2 hour run of the script.



   cd $tmphome
   [ -e $lf ]  exit 1
   touch $lf


   grabit () {
   while [ 0$se -gt 1 ] ;
 if [ -s newgrps ]
   for i in `cat newgrps`
 /usr/lib/news/bin/ctlinnd newgroup $i y $0
 echo $i 1  sucknewsrc
 rm -f newgrps
 count=$[ $count+1 ]
 $suck $1 -a -br spool ; se=$?
 [ -s spool ]  ls -l spool
 [ -s spool ]  /usr/lib/news/rnews -S localhost ./spool ; re=$?
 rm -rf Msgs suck.restart spool suck.sorted
 if [ -s suck.newrc -a 0$se -ne 255 ]
   mv sucknewsrc.7 sucknewsrc.8
   mv sucknewsrc.6 sucknewsrc.7
   mv sucknewsrc.5 sucknewsrc.6
   mv sucknewsrc.4 sucknewsrc.5
   mv sucknewsrc.3 sucknewsrc.4
   mv sucknewsrc.2 sucknewsrc.3
   mv sucknewsrc.1 sucknewsrc.2
   mv sucknewsrc sucknewsrc.1
   sort suck.newrc | uniq  sucknewsrc
   rm suck.newrc
   touch spool
 echo Suck Error: $se, Rnews Error: $re count: $count
 if [ $count -gt 20 ];
   rm $lf
   echo Suck Error: $se, Rnews Error: $re count: $count EXITING
   exit 1

   for i in $servers
 cd $i ; echo $i
 grabit $i
 cd ..
   rm $lf

The idea is that for each 'server' you have created a subdirectory in the
$tmphome subdirectory.  You can add newsgroups manually to the local news 
server by using ctlinnd manually, and then adding an entry into sucknewsrc, or
you can simply give the name each of the groups on a separate line in a file
'newgrps' in the server's subdir; if this file exists the script adds the
newsgroup to the local server and adds an entry in the 'sucknewsrc' file.

I'm also toying with a hack I've made of suck that, when I get it cleaned up,
I plan to send to the authors (or perhaps sooner, considering I've not worked
on it in a while).  The 'hack' is so I can, given an account on a remote
machine, telnet to that machine and then from that machine telnet to the
news server.  The reason being I have an account on the * machines in
my hometown, but am unable to read the newsgroups there unless I am logged in.
Obviously I would like to have them 'spooled' 

Re: kernel size (was: How do I get GATEWAY2000 PS/2 mouse to work?)

1996-08-20 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
  The real question is whether the default kernel should be bloated with
  features, or pared down.

I disagree. The default kernel need not contain anything that isn't necessary
to boot.  This means floppy, minix, and ramdisk drivers.  Ide might be useful;
this should (imho) be loadable as a module, though.   But anyway, to the
mouse.  ps/2 mice can be loaded as modules.  As long as it is loaded when it
is determined that the user has a ps2 mouse, I see no reason why it can't
be included in the available modules at boot time, and at the same time see
no reason why it should be in the default kernel; modules work. Use them.

If someone decides they'd rather not load the ps2 module, but compile it into
the kernel, well, they can.


Re: RAID in Linux (was Re: SCSI and EIDE)

1996-08-17 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 Hi guys,
 starting a new thread about the subject... ;-)
 I'm still trying to get a grip on this...
 Few questions:
 1. can raid0/raid1 be done on either scsi or ide or both?
 2. what's the difference between raid0 and raid1?
 3. what exactly does it do? Does it mirror data accross multiple devices, 
 and if so, how does it maintain the data in all devices?
 4. How does one go about creating an md device? Would it automatically 
 mirror a non-md drive into the multiple devices?

Please read the manpage for the 'mdcreate' utility.  It answers all of these
questions.  That said, I'll attemt to exlain it in my own words.

raid0/raid1/linear are currently functional raid personalities that can be
used for any block device.  floppy+ide+scsi+zipdrive+whatever.  I don't know
if you could use a ramdisk, but I wouldn't be surprised.  ANY BLOCK DEVICE.

So, for my computer, I have:
/dev/hda hda1(1mb)  hda2(90mb)  hda3(50mb) hda4(60mb)
/dev/sda sda1(45mb) sda2(265mb) sda3(7mb)
/dev/sdb sdb1(45mb) sdb2(265mb) sdb3(7mb)

Long story on the reasoning behind this, but anyway, /etc/mdtab contains:

   /dev/md0 raid0,4k,0,72e5f713 /dev/sdb1 /dev/hda6 /dev/sda1
   /dev/md1 raid0,4k,0,7b8942ce /dev/sdb2 /dev/sda2

Which gets me an output of 'df' as follows:

   LightHouse~:$ df
   Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
   /dev/hda2  89183   79028 5550 93%   /
   /dev/md0  149794  13167118123 88%   /home
   /dev/md1  515289  45853930134 94%   /usr

(the 50mb partition on ide is swap).

Notice I am creating a /usr partition that is bigger than any one of my
drives alone, and also am using ide + scsi on the /home partition.

[ a note to those who would suggest I'm crazy to swap on ide when I have
  scsi--  my ide is 2x faster than my scsi disks because they are VERY old ]
[ a note to those who wonder about the 2 unused 7mb partitions on my scsi
  disks-- the 2nd scsi disk has problems reading the last 7mb of the drive
  and causes lockups.  So I decided to partition the drives around the 'bad'
  blocks. ]

Anyway, raid (or multiple device, md) in linux has 3 personalities availble
at this time:
   linear = appending all the block devices together.  So if you had
 md0 = /dev/hda1 + hdb3 + sda, the blocks would be accessed
  in this order:

  /dev/hda1 = { block1, block2, block3 }
  /dev/hdb3 = { block4, block5 }
  /dev/sda  = { block6, block7, block8 }

   raid0 = software disk striping.  So if you had
 md0 = /dev/hda1 + hdb3 + sda, the blocks would be accessed
   in this order:

  /dev/hda1 = { block1, block4, block7 }
  /dev/hdb3 = { block2, block5 }
  /dev/sda  = { block3, block6, block8 }

   raid1 = software disk striping + recovery; I am not certain of the block
 layout but it is similar to raid0 with not as much physical space
 available due to some data redundancies

So, when I was booting off /dev/hda2 on my machine, I simply typed:

mdcreate raid0 /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/hda6 /dev/sda1
mdcreate raid0 /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sda2

And now, upon bootup, I simply type:
mdadd -ar

Which activates the md devices.  At this point in time I am able to fsk and
mount the /dev/md* just as if they were hd*'s or sd*'s.  They are a block
device, like any other.

Honestly, you will get the idea when you toy around and start planning to do
your own raid'ing.  Especially when you grab the md utils and compile them,
while they compile you can read the man pages and you should have no problem.

It is actually fairly simple to use.


1996-08-16 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 Ricardo Kleemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  That's wonderful!
  Now will Linux implement anything greater than RAID0? 
It does.  Raid1 is in development.  It does partial mirroring using about 1/3rd
of the disk space for 'backup' data.

  Would you say your performance is significantly increased with striping?
I have an ncr53c815 card with two 312mb XT 1986 scsi-1 SLOW maxtor drives.
They definately perform much better after being raid0'ed.  If there would
be a point at which the data read from a drive was faster than the cpu could
crunch the raid0 'virtual' device, it would be slower than no raid at all.  I
personally don't see how any setup could be this 'disk fast' and 'cpu slow'.

From my experience it is significantly faster.  It is literally (for me)
doubling the number of read-heads that can be reading or writing data at a
given time.

  How many drives can be striped?

You can have 4 raid devices. /dev/md0 - /dev/md3.  I am not aware of a
limitation on the number of 'block' devices that can be grouped under each
raid device.  I would also be surprised if you were not able to increase the
numbers if you needed to.  Reminds me of ppp/slip in it's early stages.  A
default limit of 4.  Then they raised it to 16, and finally to 
on-the-fly-creation of devices up to a default limitation of 256, with an
easy #define to change to increase this limitation.  I see no reason why the
raid devices will not follow this pattern.

 md just groups a number of physical disk partitions into one logical one,
I'm being picky, but no, it groups block devices.  I couldn't get it to work
with a loopback device, so perhaps right now block device = hard drive.  But
it shouldn't have to.

One happy raid0 user.

Re: How do I get GATEWAY2000 PS/2 mouse to work ?

1996-08-15 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Aug 13 16:44:48 1996
 Someone (sorry, lost name) wrote:
  -- one never knows if/when PS/2 mouse is going to be available in a 
 downloaded kernel, whereas serial support is virtually always there.
 Todd Fries ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) responded:
  Oh give me a break.

 Users shouldn't have to recompile their kernels to get their PS/2 mice to

Fine.  Tell me your kernel version number and processor type and I'll have
ps/2 drivers targz'ed and uuencoded to you within a few hours.

 In my case, I used to select a module named psaux, and my PS/2 mouse
 worked fine.  Recently I upgraded to Debian 1.1, circa July 1st.  As far
 as I can tell, the psaux module is no longer an option.

Sounds like someone forgot something to me.  I haven't started using Debian
yet; I am going to make a gradual migration as I like to do everything on
my system so I understand what is going on.  Needless to say, I would never
trust a menu system to do things I should be doing myself anyway, but since
you seem to, you are considerably correct in saying that if a piece of code
is not in the kernel and it can be compiled as a module, I see no reason why
it cannot be optionally loaded and included with a distribution.  But that is
my personal opinion and in no way represents Debian.

 Coincidentally, my mouse no longer works (when I startx, the system says
 Fatal server error: Cannot open mouse (No such device)).
Duh.  No driver, no mouse support.  See above for a quick return.

 My situation is caused by one or more of the following:
   1.  I am doing something wrong.
If the option is not there guess not.
   2.  There was a more serious problem with my OS upgrade.
Newer kernels replace older kernel modules.  Therefore upgrading should have
gotten you everything you needed, instead of removing something you had.
   3.  Debian has a bug in its PS/2 mouse support.
I certainly can't determine this.
   4.  Default support for PS/2 mice was intentionally removed.
Hopefully not.  My guess is an oversight/installation disk space concern.  I
recall some of the module tar files were reportedly bad; perhaps the mouse
got left out?  I am guessing here.

 Unfortunately, I haven't had time to look into this seriously so I'm
 still Debian-less.

Just because a system attempts to make things easier for you shouldn't mean
you ignore the details and rely on it exclusively without making any effort
at all to fix what is not working.

FYI, all you have to do is download the kernel source tree from one of many
kernel tree mirrors.  Say, is
a favorite of mine.  Grab linux-2.0.12.tar.gz.  Type 

   tar xvzf linux-2.0.12.tar.gz
   cd linux
   make menuconfig
[ specify the processor type and make a module for non-serial mice and ps/2
   make modules
   (as root) make modules_install
   (as root) depmod -a
   (as root) modprobe psaux

Wow, you have ps2 mouse support.  Now wasn't that difficult?

 But I'm suffering from a massive case of disbelief that this default
 capability would intentionally be removed.
Whether it is or is not intentionally missing is a side issue.  You wish
to use your mouse.  One thing I have found to be true in life is that if it
needs to be done, and nothing is being done, do it yourself.  So if debian
isn't meeting your needs, in the several days you have been discussing this on
this list, you could have compiled your module several times over.  Not that
that justifies Debian in not having ps/2 support for you, but you do what
has to be done to get done what you want to get done.

 Thanks for your support,

Hope I've come across as trying to help.

Re: OS/2 HPFS File System - Is this a Bug?

1996-08-14 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 On Tue, 13 Aug 1996, Jim Worthington wrote:
  I'm running OS/2 Warp with HPFS on several of my drives.
  I noticed that Linux 1.1 fdisk reveals two different file system
  identifiers for these
  HPFS partitions:
/dev/sda5  id 7  OS/2 HPFS
/dev/hda2  id 17 Unknown
 This a little bit of a guess, (I have never used os/2 and linux on the 
 same machine, and I never got os/2 to run right either) but I am think 
 that /dev/hda2 might be your os/2 boot manager partition.  Are you using
 it? If you are, and linux's fdisk says it only 1 or 2 MB large, then I
 would  just remove it from your /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab files.

your suggestion doesn't hold water considering below he says it complains but
mounts the filesystem id 17 fine.

  Has anybody else observed the two different identifers for HPFS
  filesystems?  Is this a Bug?  Linux produces some error messages when
  mounting the id 17 filesystem but it everything seems to work ok.  I
  didn't observe any error messages when mounting the id 7 filesystem
  which also works fine.
  OS/2 Warp doesn't complain at all.

Of course OS/2 shouldn't complain.  But are you sure you have OS/2 Warp or
the Merlin beta?  I installed os/2 warp myself and never got this particular
'id 17' partition.  Still, could you use os/2's fdisk and see what kindof
partition os/2 thinks the partition on the ide hard drive is?

Perhaps this is another id number we should add to the types that fdisk/linux

Especially if you can mount the os/2 volumes correctly, you should not worry
but wonder when os/2 started using the new id and how to get the maintainers
of fdisk to realize this fact, perhaps even to name it appropriately.

BTW, there is available a rw os2 ext2 driver.  It allows os/2 to mount ext2
read-write.  Worked fine when I had os/2.  But I ran out of space and lost the
hd (shock therapy doesn't work with hd's :-) os/2 booted from, so I never


Re: Re^3: How do I get GATEWAY2000 PS/2 mouse to work ?

1996-08-13 Thread Todd Tyrone Fries
 My experience is that there are a couple of good hardware reasons for 
 getting serial mice instead of PS/2 mice:
 -- we accidentally fried a BIOS chip by delivering a static charge through 
a PS/2 mouse.  This has never happened with a serial mouse,
and leads me to suspect that the PS/2 connector (or at least the
connector  we used to have on our R.I.P. Asus '486 motherboard) is less
robust against  static than an serial connector.
This sounds like the only hardware reason to me.

 -- removing the PS/2 mouse frees up an IRQ.
Perhaps for you.  I cannot put ANYTHING on the irq used by my ps/2 mouse
because my p60 does not let me disable it.

 -- one never knows if/when PS/2 mouse is going to be available in a 
downloaded kernel, whereas serial support is virtually always there.
Oh give me a break.  If you are not experienced enough to compile your own
kernel for your own custom hardware you should never be giving advice to
other linux users until you are.  SHEESH.  It is not that hard.  Do a
'make config' once, cp .config to some safe place, then if you must remove
your kernel source tree or upgrade or compile someone else's kernel, you can,
and the copy the file back and say 'make oldconfig'.  IT IS NOT THAT HARD
PEOPLE!  I personally have 14 different 'configurations' for different
people in my 'safe place' away from the kernel tree.  So I can compile for
14 different people if they ask me to.

That said, I have a ps/2 port and am using a serial mouse.  Why?  Because
before I had this pentium motherboard I did not have a ps/2 port and thus
had a serial mouse.  I am too cheap to go buy a ps/2 mouse, but when I
borrowed one from a friend to verify the port worked (easily compiled as
a reboot) I experienced a much more responsive mouse than the
three serial mice I have tried since.  I for one intend to get a ps/2 mouse
when I have the extra money.
 I have had some problems with some serial mice though, particularly those
 cheap ones which change their state when the power goes off.

Hehehe, you mean the cheez-ball 3 button mice that when initialized must have
the right button pressed or they go into 2 button mode? grin
