MBR -- Getting tiresome. I really am sorry! (was Sorry, but I STILL can't sort out my MBR)

1998-05-10 Thread Tristan Day

dd if=/boot/boot.0301 of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

went through, ("1+0 in, 1+0 out" etc) but made no difference to booting --
still "Lil-" and system hangs.

also tried `lilo -U /dev/hda1' which seemed to work okay but didn't make any
difference to bootup either.

I also tried (treading dangerous ground now!) making every partition
unbootable apart from the NT partition, but that didn't work either, so I
restored it. Currently the ones active are:

/dev/hda6 -- that's my linux partition
/dev/hda2 -- that's a 4mb partition with boot.ini, io.sys and others, for
the NT boot loader
/dev/hda5 -- that's the NTFS partition containing NT

My system _did_ work before -- honest!!

Thank you all for still taking a notice of me (this is the 4th letter
concerning the MBR!)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but I STILL can't sort out my MBR

1998-05-10 Thread Tristan Day
Thanks to all for all the help and ideas, but it still won't work: here's
what has gone wrong:

The DOS 'fdisk /MBR' ran with no errors, but made no difference to bootup.

'lilo -u /dev/hda' says "boot sector of /dev/hda does not have a lilo

'lilo -u' runs fine and says that it has restored the original MBR, but now
on bootup,

"Lil-" comes up on the screen and the system hangs

(Just glad I have a recent kernel boot disk =) )

/boot/boot.hda doesn't exist.

I have no WinNT installation disks, but I remember trying this once to
restore the system and it asked for my Emergency Recovery Disk, which
apparently didn't have enough info on to restore anything. The only other
option was to reinstall WinNT, which is what I did at the time.

So I'm stuck.

Here's a list of the files in /boot/

""  -2.0.30
"  " -2.0.30

Sorry for hastling everyone for the 3rd time!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Still can't sort out MBR -- Linux and NT

1998-05-09 Thread Tristan Day
When I load from a boot disk (created by "format /s" at dos prompt in
Win95), fdisk doesn't work because it doesn't exist, thus

fdisk /MBR

doesn't work. If I try this in linux, it says MBR not found 


Tristan -- one unhappy WinNT4 and Debian dual-booter.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can I get a Hamm CD??

1998-05-05 Thread Tristan Day
Everybody's talking about hamm and I'm feeling left out =(
Phone lines are expensive over here in England and if you've read my recent
questions on zipping, you'll know I don't even have a modem connected to my
own computer yet, let alone a network or ISDN connection.
Is there anywhere I can get a hamm CD from??

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

=( NTFS woes

1998-05-04 Thread Tristan Day
Thanks for the shell info, I must have a messed up howto. 

Unfortuantely things didn't run sweetly:

-After trying it, I found that it isn't a shell script
-It's in .gz format, _not_ .tar.gz, changing it just confuses tar and gzip,
and tar tells me that it doesn't think it's an archive.
- That's all there is to the package, when unzipped all that results is
ntfs-971218. I try to run it but it doesn't like it, I try to make it an
executable shell script, and that doesn't work either
- The site I downloaded it from had a link to a readme, but I'm told by IE4
 that I can't connect to the server which it is on.

Does anyone know how to install this driver?


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DOS emulator doesn't like pkzip

1998-05-04 Thread Tristan Day
Here's my situation:

I have a Win95 machine connected to the internet at home

My own machine has Debian and NT, but NT is completely down at the moment.

I downloaded Netscape Communicator, a whopping 11MB, and had to span.

So I used my faithful PKZIP, a wonderful .zip compression utility, to span
over 8 floppies.

What I normally do then is to run pkunzip on NT, and copy the resulting file
onto my fat partition to let linux get to it. Unfortunately NT is down, so I
can't do this.

I tried to run pkzip on the Linux Dos Emulator, but it gave me nasty errors
suggesting that there is something wrong with my zip file, but there isn't.

What do I do? I've tried creating a dos boot disk from the Win95 machine and
using that to get dos, but it couldn't read any of my hard partitions.

I've heard that there's a .zip utility for linux, where can I get it and
will it work with disk spanning?



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how to make shell scripts executable -- and NTFS driver

1998-05-04 Thread Tristan Day
Okay, I've just downloaded the NTFS driver for linux.

It was in .gz format so I unzipped it, and got the same file minus the .gz
bit. I expected to find lots of other files, but didn't, which wasn't a
problem because I looked in the resulting file and found what seems like a
shell script.

Now I haven't a clue about shell scripts, as I'm used to dos batch files, so
I looked into the dos to linux howto, which told me that all I needed to
make the shell script executable was to type the following command:

chgmod +x 

so I typed in

chgmod +x ntfs-long-version-number

and it told me that chgmod didn't exist. I tried man chgmod and sure enough,
there's no entry.

What is the command if this isn't it?

Is this the right thing to do to get the NTFS driver up and running?


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Lilo woes

1998-04-30 Thread Tristan Day
Thanks to everyone who gave opinions and advice on the HTML editor. I can't
stand 'vi' (the DOS to Linux HOWTO is right when it says that DOS users
probably won't like vi! Is there a good tutorial? the man page assumes you
know it well), so when I get everything working again (see below) I think I
will have a look at  Netscape Composer. =)

Just reinstalled Debian, and everything worked fine until I configured lilo,
which decided that it didn't like the idea of not installing an MBR, so it
went ahead and did it anyway.
I *used to* dual boot WinNT and Debian 1.3.1 (not R6), and if there's any
possibility of restoring the Master Boot Record then I would like to persue

Partitioning is as follows

Hda1 = extended partition, can't get to it

Hda2 = 4MB partition with the NT bootloader and all it needs to boot up
Linux and NT

Hda3 = 100MB Linux Swap

Hda4 = about 300Mb (very happy I have this one!) All my important documents,
etc. FAT format

Hda5 = about 1.5gig: NT (NTFS format -- is the alpha driver usable/reliable
yet? Last time I heard it actually ignores Security information!! MS reckons
NTFS is impregnable!) This is where all the NT resides

Hda6 = Linux root

The only problem is that Linux is in the MBR, so it _seems_ unnecessary to
reinstall NT just for this. Is there a way of getting to the MBR? Is it easy
to change?

So my questions are as follows:

1. Where can I find a good tutorial for vi?
2. Can anyone suggest how I could restore NT as the default boot?
3. Failing 2, is there a way of booting NT from lilo or loadlin, or
something along these lines?
4. a)Can I get to the MBR, and how?
b) If so, is it easy to edit?

Thanks for help on any of these issues,


| |
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of my school:  |
| -St Bede's, Cambridge|
|  "Tristan you're so annoying!!  |
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|
Home page:
(completely useless and miserably neglected during preparation
 for GCSE exams) In the summer I'll have a _real_ project to get on with:
www.greensideburns.co.uk !!! Anyone know where I can get this dom name
cheaper than $70?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alternative to MS Frontpage web design?

1998-04-29 Thread Tristan Day
I'm not pleased. Not at all. I've used MS Frontpage 97 on WindowsNT for
quite a while for my web site,  and for compatibility and to save
confusion, I typed all filenames and target frames in capital letters (eg a
href="BLAH.HTM" target=MAIN). However MS doesn't like all capitals, and
changes it on its own accord. What this boils down to is that I've spent
about 3 hours going through my web site correcting every filename, so that
it works in linux. Another thing I am not happy about is that my marquees
created with frontpage 97 only work with MS IE (3 or 4), not with netscape!
I made sure that I included no ActiveX or Microsoft Plugins so that it would
work on any browser (apart from DHTML, but I'm going to change this when I
get the time), but FrontPage still decided that my pages mustn't look good
on any browser other than a MS one.

I really don't have the time or the patience to write all the HTML codes, so
I would like a decent web designing package that I can use in linux. Please
could I have some recommendations/suggestions of such a package, commercial
or not...




| |
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of my school:  |
| -St Bede's, Cambridge|
|  "Tristan you're so annoying!!  |
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|
*Home page:
*(completely useless and miserably neglected during preparation
 *for GCSE exams) In the summer I'll do it properly, and regularly update
* www.greensideburns.co.uk !!! Anyone know where I can get this dom name
*cheaper than $70? I think I'm going to use NetMegs for the Virtual Server.
*Is there a British one out there for as cheap as $6 a month?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux + Win95 + Win NT on one HD

1998-04-26 Thread Tristan Day
About 3 weeks ago I managed to get dual booting WinNT4 and Debian 1.3.1 (I
doubt it's R6) but faced the following problems, so I think they may be of
use to you seeing as I used the same mini-HOWTO.

I don't think that the HOWTO made clear that you have to run lilo (by simply
typing in 'lilo') before you peel the bootsector to point the NT loader to.

That was the simple problem that stopped it working for me. Don't forget
that if you change any set up details or modify lilo at all, you have to
type lilo again and peel the bootsector off again: It's perfectly simple but
it means that you must always keep the boot disk =)

You do have NT version 4 don't you? If you have NT 3.? then there's a
separate HOWTO for this.

Regarding the partitioning program, I really don't recommend using one
program for all partitioning. If you want to create a partition for NT, use
the NT partitioning program. If you want to create a partition for Linux,
use the Linux one. HOWEVER, I don't recommend using 95 or dos for
partitioning, --apart from what you did in dos to get started-- as long as
you have NT4. This is because dos and 95 (especially 95) were essentially
designed to run as the only OS on your system, because 95 is considered an
'end user' platform, not for power users and developers, etc. NT4 is much
nicer, in the way that it was designed to coexist with 95 and other OSs
because it is aimed at the power user/developer  -- hence the rather nice
bootloader. This means that _IMHO_ Use NT4 for disk partitioning for NT and
95 partitions, and use the linux one for linux partitions. NT4 seems to
accept that you do have partitions that are alien to it, and that you might
want to keep them =) It doesn't recognise the linux partitions as linux
ones, but it does recognise that there is a partition there that it knows it
doesn't understand and assumes that it's important.

I like the NT disk administrator for managing 95/dos/NT partitions (it's in
the 'administrative tools' section and is always installed with NT4), but
would never use anything but linux to manage linux partitions

Good luck,

| |
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of my school:  |
| -St Bede's, Cambridge|
|  "Tristan you're so annoying!!  |
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|
Home page:
(completely useless and miserably neglected during preparation
 for GCSE exams) In the summer I'll to have a _real_ project to get on with:
www.greensideburns.co.uk !!! Anyone know where I can get this dom name
cheaper than $70 ? How about a British one? I think I'm going to use Netmegs
( www.netmegs.com ) for a virtual server -- $10 a month for 5 megs + own
domain name as above, as long as I pay $70 to another outfit.
Any ideas on this? Helpful hints? Email me - please!
FN:Tristan John Day
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(01223) 860592
TEL;HOME;FAX:(01223) 861676
ADR;HOME:;;90 Cambridge Rd;Waterbeach;Cambs;CB5 9NJ;ENGLAND

Oh dear. Fatal mistakes...

1998-04-19 Thread Tristan Day
Fatal mistake no1: Searched for Debian Port of Quake2
Fatal mistake no2: FOUND Debian Port of Quake2
Fatal mistake no3: Got libc6 and xlib6 as needed
Fatal mistake no4: Tried to install using dpkg, which told me it conflicted
Fatal mistake no5: Used dselect

Then the conflict screen came up, and I played about with it a bit, and then
decided to abort and uninstall libc6 and xlib6. So I *'ed all the ones it
told me to purge on the conflict screen, and put a nice little minus sign
next to libc6, xlib6 and quake2.

Fatal mistake no6: selected 'remove' in dselect

and lo and behold, dselect removed most of my packages, and x went black.

On a reboot, the screen flickered and turned on and off repeatedly until I
press ctrl+alt+del. I can't even log on before this happens.

So, this is my first time screwing up Debian 1.3.1. This is a habit of mine
I acquired while running WinNT4.

How do I get libc6 and libc5 to like each other next time? (+ xlib6g and

How do I reset dselect so that I don't have to put a '*' on every package I
already have so I don't do this again??


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-04-17 Thread Tristan Day
I'll probably get lots of flames from this, but anyway,

I'm a newbie who got X up and running a couple of weeks ago and am gradually
getting everything to work, (eg laser printer, sound card, etc) and I really
think that this piece of information is quite useful:

I see (and have written) a great deal of newbie questions about lots of
quite simple things like 'how do I format a floppy?' and 'How do I set up my
bus mouse?' and 'my CD drive doesn't work,' etc.

Some are embarrassed about writing such questions, but everyone replies to
them politely and are happy to help.


Most of these questions are very common, so they are an unnecessary burden
on the network, etc. Also, the answers given are good but you often want
more detail, so...

The HOWTOs and MINI-howtos are here to help. I've been looking through the
/usr/doc/howto on my Debian 1.3.1 machine, and most of the questions I first
asked on this list were answered in great detail, not only were the
questions I had already asked been answered, but the answers were explained
in detail too, which I feel is very important for a new user (because it has
been important and beneficial to me).

A brilliant one was the DOS-to-linux HOWTO, which described the linux
alternatives to DOS commands such as how to format a floppy.

You can find them on a debian ftp site, or on a distribution CD if you have

just go into dselect and choose to install 'doc-debian' and 'doc-linux'.

You may already have them installed on your system: you should find them at


There's a HOWTO (or mini-HOWTO, I can't remember) that has a list and short
explanation of all the current HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs available. It's either
in '/usr/doc/HOWTO', or /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini

There's also some mini-HOWTOs which describe processes like setting up a
bus-mouse or sound card. They are in '/usr/doc/HOWTO/mini'

I just thought that this was worth mentioning,


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Can emacs and xemacs coexist?

1998-04-17 Thread Tristan Day
I've got xemacs installed on my stable Debian 1.3.1, and it works just fine,
but I want to use emacs for file viewing and manipulation in a normal
console because I don't like vi. I tried to install emacs in dselect but it
tells me I have to take components of xemacs out, because they conflict. Is
this a small conflict that would be OK to force using dpkg, or do I have to
choose between them?



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Strange umount permission denied

1998-04-16 Thread Tristan Day
I keep getting an error message telling me that I can't unmount my CD drive.

I mount it with

mount /dev/hdc /cdrom

and normally I am able to unmount it with

umount /dev/hdc /cdrom

but whatever I do:

umount /dev/hdc


umount /cdrom

or the first command, it tells me that the CDROM is in use, and says
'permission denied' even when I'm root.

I look in X and close all applications, then look at the other consoles and
logout of them, but the same still happens.

Then I restarted X with

/etc/init.d/xdm stop

/etc/init.d/xdm start

but it makes no difference. It only happens sometimes, but when it does
happen I can see no solution other than to reboot.

I tried the -force argument with umount but it told me that this is not yet
supported. If I press the eject button on my CD drive, that doesn't work
either and the CD doesn't come out.


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Sound problems

1998-04-16 Thread Tristan Day
I can play CDs through my headphone jack on the drive, but Debian doesn't
like my sound card.

Tkdesk always looks for one at /dev/audio and tells me that it doesn't
exist. I know that /dev/audio doesn't exist but how do I get it there? I
looked for a sound card driver package, and only found AWE ones and nas.

nas tells me it can't connect to the audio server or something like that.

I tried

man nas

which told me that nas is for playing sound over a network, so is this
really what I want? All I want to do is:
1) Play CDs thru sound card
2) Listen to/Record .wav files
3) Listen to MIDI files

Is there a package that I've missed that'll support my soundblaster 16
compatible card?



| |
| This message was sent using |
| Micro$oft Express. - Don't blame me, mother   |
| insists.
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of St Bede's, Cambridge |
|  "Tristan you're so annoying!!  |
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|

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Deity and staroffice in Debian 2??

1998-04-14 Thread Tristan Day
About a month ago there were many people raving about deity, the replacement
to dselect.
Will it be in the Debian 2 release?

Also what about StarOffice being in the next release? I saw a .deb installer
for it in 'unstable'.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Really have to use .deb to install anything?

1998-04-12 Thread Tristan Day
Do you really have to use a .deb installer file for every program you want
to install?

Thing is that I accidently downloaded the wrong netscape (v4.2 or something
similar) and it was 8 megs long so it took 2 hours on my humble 14.4

Anyway, it wouldn't work because the .deb installer is for 3.01 so I got
that version (only 2 megs) and it worked.

I'm sure that if I had a .deb installer for v4.2 (or whichever it is) then
it would work in Debian, but we have to wait for a .deb file don't we??

So is there a way of installing a program in a tar.gz file without a .deb
file? All gunzip gives me is the filename of the zip file minus the .gz bit.
In DOS there's quite a nice zip utility called pkware which unzips a package
of files which includes an executable installer. Surely that's a much better
way of doing things?

Also, this may detract some people from debian linux or indeed any of the
linux distributions in favour of Win95 + NT + DOS, because you can't get the
latest version of anything, and many Win95 + NT + DOS people are very much
concerned with getting the very latest version of a program such as
netscape, but with linux they'll have to install an older version of
everything unless it's supported as a patch or comes with a .deb file.

Does the new replacement for dselect do this??

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Re: Hi

1998-04-12 Thread Tristan Day
I have a genuine Intel P200 MMX, with 32mb RAM

It runs v. well in Linux but in Windows it's disappointing unless you have a
really nice graphics card (like at least 8 meg) but anyway, memory and hard
drive speed is what slows down my computer, so I'd recommend 64meg and an
ultra-fast-wide-scsi hard drive as swap memory is always needed. Those two
things in my opinion are essential if you want to exploit the potential of
the cpu because I don't think my machine would run any faster even with a
PII because swap space on hard drive is used as memory and slows the whole
thing down, so even a P200 isn't working to 100% usage most of the time.

Anyway, try your best to get a PII because you won't be able to upgrade much
at all, and socket 7 motherboards will become obsolete. This is my problem.

The MMX instruction set is what speeds up an MMX CPU, and Linux doesn't use
this, because MMX is really aimed at Win95 people for games and graphics
(Corel 8 is MMX enhanced) anyway, MMX claims to be 20% faster for any _non_
MMX application anyway (ie a P166 MMX is 20% faster than a normal P166 in
linux or unix or anything.)

The AMD K6 is quite good and I think it's much cheaper but its performance
varies. With some benchmarks and applications it runs faster than intel but
others it doesn't. I wouldn't but a K6 purely because of higher performance
because I'm not convinced.

>>In other words, the difference between a P200 and a P200MMX is nada.<<

no no no! It's 20% faster!

Good luck, try to find a cheap P2 so you'll be able to upgrade,


| |
| This message was sent using |
| Micro$oft Express. - Don't blame me, mother   |
| insists.
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of St Bede's, Cambridge |
|  "Tristan you're soo annoying!!|
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|

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Re: Windoze 95 is not multi-tasking, it just pretends it is multitasking.

1998-04-11 Thread Tristan Day
I think what they mean by *true* multitasking is:

1. Win95 is designed to make the program that you have 'active' (the top
program you are using at the time) work fastest and gives it max power while
the background tasks (the ones you've got open but aren't using at the
moment) have a very small amount of CPU usage and are minimised in memory.
This can be a complete pain if you're using lots of programs on a server or
many important, power-demanding programs at once, and is really crummy for
CAD/CAM and other such programs.

2. Linux seems to think it's running on several terminals, because you can
run lots of different consoles at the same time, as if you were only using
one (eg when you press Control-Alt-F2, F3, etc). Win95 doesn't do this.

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Desktop: colours and fvwm

1998-04-11 Thread Tristan Day
fvwm95 won't work. It says it's installed but nothing happens and ovwm comes
up instead. If I uninstalled ovwm would fvwm95 take its place? I've
installed fvwm95, fvwm-common and fvwm2.

Also, how do you change the colours for the desktop and for the windows (eg
title bar) ? My colours are distinctly distasteful, but can't seem to change
them. xcolors doesn't do anything.

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Staroffice: Nice links but no banana

1998-04-11 Thread Tristan Day
Thanks for the links guys, but unfortunately they quickly brought me to a
very large download. Here in England there's no free local calls, and I'm
paying for my own, so when I see a 40 meg dnld, I quickly get the hell out
of there. That's annoying, because you can't get it on CD can you?

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Where/how can I get Staroffice?

1998-04-10 Thread Tristan Day
I hear everyone saying how good staroffice is but don't know where I can get

Also netscape won't install because it says it needs a .tar.gz file not a
deb file with netscape in. What do I do?



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LibICE and general X install

1998-04-07 Thread Tristan Day
When trying to install lib6 and many x-related packages to get x running, I
keep being unable to install them, as dpkg tells me that I haven't got
libICE something-or-other. I looked thru www.debian.org/packages and can't
find it.

Also one of the packages says it needs ccp whatever that is.

Also, when I'm trying to install xserver (the S3 version) I'm told it can't
find a mouse at /dev/mouse because it doesn't exist. I know it doesn't but
don't know how to get it...

Plus, whenever trying to run xdm the screen completely packs in and I have
to reboot.

I'm told I should run XF86Setup but it says it's not there despite
instructions in x's doc files.

Basically x won't install at all.

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Re: x is dead - non-free

1998-04-04 Thread Tristan Day
After loads of problems with LSL ( after 2 weeks they wrote back to me
saying my credit card was out of date because 1/10/98 in England means 1st
October and over in America it's 10th Jan, and I wrote back correcting them
but they said that I have to use another card)

I am facing a real dilemma with Distribution disks. If X becomes non-free,
there will be no point buying a Debian distribution CD if I am correct

I mean, if X isn't on there, I'll have to dnld everything anyway, or buy Red

What a pain. X is a large part of Debian, it's stupid to make it non-free...

| |
| This message was sent using |
| Micro$oft Express. - Don't blame me, mother   |
| insists.
| "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon,   |
| Headteacher of St Bede's, Cambridge |
|  "Tristan you're soo annoying!!|
|  I'm sorry, you're not really,  you're very sweet"  |
|  -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher|

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Systems Labs - Orders and Ignorance

1998-03-26 Thread Tristan Day
I'm from Britain, and ordered a distribution CD thru LSL < www.lsl.com > 10
days ago

On the confirmation screen I was told I would recieve a reciept and that
"all orders will be posted within 24hrs"

Anyway, concerned about whether or not my order was sent, I wrote 5 days ago
to their reception < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > expressing my concern and asking
for confirmation

2 days later I sent another copy of the first message I sent, and still have
had no reply, no bounces and no CD.

I'm not amazingly surprised the CD hasn't come yet, but what I am worried
about is the fact that I have had NO correspondance from them at all.

In a few days I'm going to send a £4 cheque to someone in Britain instead if
I get no reply, but I've given LSL my credit card details, etc etc etc.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-03-21 Thread Tristan Day
When I ask Debian 1.3.1 to unmount my 3.5" to take it out of the drive, I
get 'Command Not Fount' or something along these lines: it seems "unmount"
doesn't exist! How do I get round this so I don't have to reboot every time
I change disks?

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Dual Booting Win NT and Debian

1998-03-18 Thread Tristan Day
After going through the 'NT OS Loader + Linux mini-HOWTO,' I managed to dual
boot Linux and NT, but only using a boot floppy for Linux. Although I am
pleased that this time I installed Debian it didn't lock me out of NT, I
still want to dual-boot from my hard drive as promised by the HOWTO.

I have copied the bootsector using

dd if-/dev/hda6 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

and put it onto my c: drive, and put the line


into the end of my Boot.ini file, but on booting and selecting Linux from
the NT Dual Boot screen, I get




and I have to reboot. I tried copying the bootsector of my boot floppy, but
the same happened again. NT is looking for another installation of NT, when
it should just load Linux.


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It's all so confusing, so should I get a CD Distribution?

1998-03-15 Thread Tristan Day
OK, I'm finding all this Linux thing really difficult because I'm using it
on my home computer and have to go to my mother's college to download
things, and I'm a total newbie  so I
don't have a clue when it comes to recompiling the Kernel to put NTFS
compatibility on, and installing X Window etc. Therefore, I am considering
buying a distribution.

1) Would you recommend a distribution disk for a newbie?

2) Are there different ones to get? 

3) I know this is a Debian list, but do you recommend Debian for
user-friendliness? What are its advantages/disadv. ? I read an article about
Red Hat being good, but it's expensive (£50 = $85)

4) Can I dual-boot Windows NT and Debian?


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X Window - help!!!

1998-03-12 Thread Tristan Day
Being *completely* new to Linux, I thought the Windows-like environment
would be part of the Debian Installation.
I guess what I was after was Xwindow/Xfree or something.

I looked all over the site and searched for both, but can only find
reference and packages that run ON it rather than xwindow itself...

How do I get it??


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