I have Problem on my SparcStation 10

2001-02-23 Thread usuario cualquiera
 Hi, I would like you help me.
 I install debian for sparc on sun machine(sparc satation 10), so everything go
well but when i shutdown its, its never get start again, this kind the machine
have its own systems and did not reconize  linux systems.

its presente a prompt like this: ok? o boot : 

What  can i do to resolve this problem, if somebody can help me i can apreciate 
very well  

Wvdial - How do you surf without being root?

2001-03-18 Thread Usuario Universo Online

My questions regards the safety of using the wvdial program to log on 
the ISP and surf.
Wvdial can only be set to be run as root, isn't that right?
If it isn't so, how should you set permission to run it without being 
Is this even something we should be worrying about? Is it safe to run 
wvdial as root then surf?

Help would be greatly appreciated, I'm not quite a total newbie with 
Linux, but I'm not a "techie".
Thank you.

Best regards,

Henry L.

TeX/LaTeX: How do you configure it? How do you get it "rolling"?

2001-05-13 Thread Usuario Universo Online

I've downloaded all the packages for minimum Tex/LaTeX installation 
under Debian. However, my tetex-bin package is still broken (it's "C**" 
in dselect), but there's no "conflict" or abything. It seems it's a 
matter of configuring.
I've already tried texconfigure. I'm stuck. The packages don't work, 
I don't know why.
Does anyone know of a step-by-step tutorial for setting up TeX/LaTeX 
under Debian? Or "known problems"?

Thank You.

Best regards,

Henry L.