Re: [debian-reference manual] bullet point sign and its content misplaced

2020-06-23 Thread Vipul wrote:

> You see an empty bullet point with its related text just below? 

> Have you tried different web browsers?
Not yet, I reproduced this only on Firefox browser. Just checked, I
cannot reproduce this on Chromium browser; seems like issue is with Firefox.

> Do you have specific browser addons installed?
Yes, but I can reproduce this behavior on fresh "new profile" of
Firefox. Can you reproduce this on Firefox?

[debian-reference manual] bullet point sign and its content misplaced

2020-06-23 Thread Vipul

At some places, in debian-reference manual[1], bullet point and its
content is misplaced, that is content is present just below the bullet sign.

Here some examples,

- Removable Storage Device (Section 10.1.7)[2]
> "USB flash drive"

Sentence present just below bullet sign, and similarly there are many
more place like this.

- Filesystem choice for sharing data (Section 10.1.8)[3]
>  Partitioning them with fdisk(8), cfdisk(8) or parted(8) (see Section
> 9.5.2, “Disk partition configuration”) into a single primary partition
> and to mark it as the following.

- Sharing data via network (Section 10.1.9)[4]
> Encrypt it with SSL/TLS

I don't think author has intention to show these sentences like this. I
looked into source code of debian-reference manual[5], but found nothing
unusual i.e. if you look into source code of "Removable Storage Device"
(Section 10.1.7)[6], there is no syntactically difference in first and
second line, despite that "USB flash drive" sentence isn't present in
same line like "Hard disk drive" sentence.

First I was thinking that may be is running older release of
manual; but README file mentioned it clearly, is running
latest release[7]. Is it some kind of bug? Or I'm missing something.



Re: how to have a common prompt in bash and guake so I can view date and time as part of prompt ?

2019-12-13 Thread Vipul
> if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
> PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\$
> '

You forgot to add "\d", in PS1 value, that explains different behavior
of prompt in console and Guake.

May be, this could fix the problem

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then

\d \t \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\$'
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \d \t \w\$'

Now, as Wooledge suggested, replace "\d \t" with "$(date +"%d %b %Y

Re: Cannot open Chromium browser in same workspace (from which it was launched)

2019-11-29 Thread Vipul
> Thanks, for suggestions. I fixed this problem by clean re-installation;
Just after upgrading to Chromium 78.0.3904.108, again start facing the
same issue, menawhile cannot reproduce for other users. As far as I
remember, I haven't installed any gnome-extension which can possible
cause this issue. Don't know, what is happening?

GNOME: Deprecated "Battery Charge Monitor Manual" doc in yelp

2019-11-26 Thread Vipul

When I was figuring out "how to get battery full notification?" in GNOME
DE, I came across "Battery Charge Monitor Manual", in which it's
mentioned that there is a setting available to get notify when battery
is fully recharged; but in GNOME 3, currently there is no way available
to get battery full notification, alas! I've to write by own script and
schedule it using "cron" (any suggestions, if you've better idea).

Steps to reproduce:
1). Open "yelp" (aka gnome-help or help)
2). Click on "burger" icon (icon with three horizontal lines), present
in right-topmost part of title.
3). Click on "All Help" option.
4). Click on third section from top i.e. "Battery Charge Monitor Manual".
5). Click on "Preferences" option.

Now, look into documentation, I think, this part of document is
deprecated in GNOME 3. I asked about this, on #gnome IRC, some Ubuntu
users confirmed that they don't see this document in "yelp".

Is it a bug? Or, am I missing something?


Notify-send: same behavior for low and normal urgency level

2019-11-26 Thread Vipul

*notify-send* shows same behavior for both *low* and *normal* urgency
levels i.e. for both levels only a notification message appears in
notification level, for *low* urgency, it is expected. But for *normal*
urgency, it's not an expected behavior; as far as I remember, a
notification message is pop-up for 4-5 second and that message also
appears in notification list[1].

Steps to reproduce:

$ notify-send -u normal "Test" "This is a test"
$ notify-send -u low "Test" "This is a test"

for both commands, I'm getting same output, a message appears in
notification list with title as "Test" and "This is a test" content. Any
idea why this happens?

OS: Debian 10.2
DE: GNOME 3.30.2
Packager version (libnotify-bin): 0.7.7-4

$ notify-send --version
notify-send 0.7.7



PS: I tried to reproduce this behavior on new user and get a
notification pop-up, but for both *normal* as well as *low* urgency
level. In current user *normal* urgency level behaves as unexpected
whereas, in new user, it behaves as expected. I even tried clean
reinstallation of *libnotify-bin* package, but still facing the same issue.

Any idea what's happening?

PPS: One thing common in both user, both *normal* and *low* urgency
level behaves same way, whether it's to pop-up a notification message in
new user or no pop-up in current user, meanwhile *critical* urgency
level works fine, in both users.

Re: [Solved] Cannot open Chromium browser in same workspace (from which it was launched)

2019-11-05 Thread Vipul

Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

> Good luck solving what's going on.

Thanks, for suggestions. I fixed this problem by clean re-installation;
removing each and every file related to Chromium including
~/.cache/chromium, ~/.config/chromium, etc for all users. Don't know,
why this didn't click in my mind, early, and why did re-installation
worked. I've tweaked very few settings (hardly 3 or 4) in the browser
which I tweaked once again just after re-installation; but, couldn't
reproduce that behavior once again. Alas! an unexpected behavior of
software which cannot be reproduced after re-installation...

Cannot open Chromium browser in same workspace (from which it was launched)

2019-11-03 Thread Vipul

I'm facing an issue with **Chromium** web browser (Debian's official
build). Chromium browser isn't opening in same workspace (workspace from
which I launched it). It always opens in workspace in which its last
window was closed, no matter whether that workspace exist? or not.
To fix this problem, I've to launch it twice, in first launch, let it
open in workspace it wants to open; and if this isn't the same workspace
in which I'm working, launch it again.

Some instances of problem:
1). Let's suppose, last window of Chromium is closed in workspace-X. If
I launched Chromium from workspace-Y; if **Y != X** (both X and Y are
not equal), my workspace automatically switched to **workspace-X** and a
Chromium window opens.
Launch Chromium twice times from **workspace-Y**.

2). Let's suppose, last window of Chromium is closed in workspace-X. If
I launched Chromium from workspace-Y and total number of workspace
currently you're using is Z and **X > Z+1**, it opens in workspace-Y,
which is an expected behavior.

I'm facing this issue from Stretch and asked about this on IRC; some
people suggests 1). disable all GNOME extension; 2). upgrade to Buster.
But, none of the solution works.

How to reproduce it?
1). Open a new workspace
2). Open terminal and run Chromium either from terminal or GNOME interface.

If someone using Chromium in GNOME desktop environment, can you
reproduce this issue? And, is this issue related to Chromium? or GNOME.

$ chromium --version
Chromium 76.0.3809.100 built on Debian 10.0, running on Debian 10.1

$ chromium
InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <-
error from previous GL command
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 2 times!
[1768:1806:1104/] After loading Root
Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 3 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 4 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 5 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 6 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 7 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 8 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 9 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 10 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 11 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 12 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 13 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 14 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 15 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 16 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 17 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 18 times!
GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 19 times!
Waited 125 ms for network service

(I looked for these error messages on the Internet but, none of them
related to my issue. All of them are related GPU issue.)

System Information:
OS: Debian Buster (v10.1)
Desktop environment: GNOME (v3.30.2)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bash isn't reading ~/.profile file when login from GNOME

2019-08-22 Thread Vipul
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 02:48:45AM +0000, Vipul wrote:
>> (output is empty string that means TEST_BASH variable is unset. see
>> below output of hd command)
>> $ hd <<< "$TEST_BASH"
>>   0a|.|
>> 0001
> I prefer printf %s "$variable" | od -tx1 -An
> wooledg:~$ x=$'foo\r' y=''
> wooledg:~$ printf %s "$x" | od -tx1 -An
>  66 6f 6f 0d
> wooledg:~$ printf %s "$y" | od -tx1 -An
> wooledg:~$ 
> Your test is also reasonable, as long as you understand that <<< adds
> a newline (0a) which has to be accounted for.
>> which is kind of expected behavior because is presence of
>> ~/.bash_profile file login shell (bash) will not read ~/.profile but,
>> not clear who reads ~/.profile when login from GNOME interface.
> An excellent question, which only a GNOME user can answer.

To know who actually reads ~/.profile I've set an environment variable
"SHELL_PRO" by adding `export SHELL_PRO=$(echo $0)` line in ~/.profile
file then re-login and typed following command in gnome-terminal

$ echo "$SHELL_PRO"

Is it reasonable test?

Similarly, I've done in ~/.bash_profile file (export SHELL_BASH=$(echo
$0)) and login from console

$ echo "$SHELL_BASH"

which is expected.

> I also wonder whether you're performing your tests with your own regular
> user account, or a brand new user account created specifically for
> these tests.

On both means first, I face this issue on regular user account then,
test it on new user account.

> If your tests give different results in a brand new user account, then
> it's possible you've got some custom config in your regular account
> that's distorting the results.

Test gives me same result on both accounts (regular user as well as
newer one).

>> I think, it's sh (bourne) shell because according to INVOCATION
>> section bash man page if bash is invoked as sh, it tries to mimic bash
>> behavior by reading ~/.profile.
> Yes, sh (either dash or bash) invoked as a login shell would read
> ~/.profile. 
> It's also possible that something else is explicitly dotting in ~/.profile.  

I think it's not. Here is my ~/.profile file:

> The first candidates that come to mind are ~/.gnomerc
> or ~/.xsessionrc or something in a system-wide GNOME session or Debian
> X session config file.
>> This behavior have something to do with Debian default configuration not
>> with any part of graphical interface program.
> Possibly, but you'd have to *find* it to prove it.
> >> I asked this on they said try ~/.config/environment.d/
> Hmm, that's new to me.  Took a couple tries to Google it, but I came up
> with <>,
> which is also apparently available as environment.d(5) locally.
> It still isn't clear to me what actually READS these files, but it does
> look like something that merits investigation.

Systemd reads /etc/environment and files present in /etc/environment.d/

> On my system, there isn't much that's currently using them, but I did
> find:
> wooledg:~$ ls /etc/environment.d/
> 90qt-a11y.conf
> wooledg:~$ cat /etc/environment.d/90qt-a11y.conf
> wooledg:~$ env | grep QT
> wooledg:~$ ls /usr/lib/environment.d/
> 99-environment.conf
> wooledg:~$ cat /usr/lib/environment.d/99-environment.conf 
> wooledg:~$ 
> So apparently (a) it works, even for users like me who use console logins
> plus startx, and (b) someone decided I needed QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 in my
> environment.
> wooledg:~$ dpkg -S /etc/environment.d/90qt-a11y.conf
> at-spi2-core: /etc/environment.d/90qt-a11y.conf
> I don't even know what that is.
> wooledg:~$ dpkg -s at-spi2-core
> ...
> Priority: optional
> ...
> Description: Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (dbus core)
>  This package contains the core components of GNOME Accessibility.
> O... k...
> wooledg:~$ aptitude why at-spi2-core
> i   google-chrome-stable Dependslibatspi2.0-0 (>= 2.9.90)
> i A libatspi2.0-0Recommends at-spi2-core (= 2.30.0-7)
> All right.  That one's on me, then.  That's what I get for using
> third-party packages.  Anyway, it doesn't seem to be hurting anything.
> And it's been an interesting investigation.
> Finally, I'll point out this part of environment.d(5):
>The configuration files c

Re: Bash isn't reading ~/.profile file when login from GNOME

2019-08-20 Thread Vipul
Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 20 aug 19, 10:36:19, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 02:27:40PM +0000, Vipul wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> From few days, I'm trying find answer of a question "which program does
>>> read ~/.profile if I login from graphical user interface (for ex: GNOME)?".
>> These are, of course, incomplete.
>> The short answer is: if you login through a Display Manager (a graphical
>> login program), NOTHING reads ~/.profile.  Ever.
> Some (most?) X terminal emulators have the option to start a login 
> shell, which would read ~/.profile.

Probably, gnome-terminal is not a X terminal emulator but, it does able
to recognize variables set in ~/.profile file when login from GNOME
interface. Why is so?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bash isn't reading ~/.profile file when login from GNOME

2019-08-20 Thread Vipul
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 02:27:40PM +0000, Vipul wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> From few days, I'm trying find answer of a question "which program does
>> read ~/.profile if I login from graphical user interface (for ex: GNOME)?".
> These are, of course, incomplete.
> The short answer is: if you login through a Display Manager (a graphical
> login program), NOTHING reads ~/.profile.  Ever.

Try this if you're using GNOME with bash as a default shell. Export two
variables in $TEST_PRO and $TEST_BASH by adding these line `export
TEST_PRO="Hello from profile"` and `export TEST_BASH="Hello from bash"`
in ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile file respectively.

Now, login from GNOME interface and run following command in gnome-terminal

$ echo "$TEST_PRO"
Hello from profile

$ echo "$TEST_BASH"

(output is empty string that means TEST_BASH variable is unset. see
below output of hd command)

$ hd <<< "$TEST_BASH"

Whereas, login from console then behavior is reversed

$ echo "$TEST_PRO"

(output is empty string. see below output of hd command)

$ hd <<< "$TEST_PRO"

$ echo "$TEST_BASH"
Hello from bash

which is kind of expected behavior because is presence of
~/.bash_profile file login shell (bash) will not read ~/.profile but,
not clear who reads ~/.profile when login from GNOME interface.
I think, it's sh (bourne) shell because according to INVOCATION
section bash man page if bash is invoked as sh, it tries to mimic bash
behavior by reading ~/.profile.

This behavior have something to do with Debian default configuration not
with any part of graphical interface program.

> So, let's try to guess what the actual goal is here.
> If your goal is to set an environment variable in every program in your X
> session, and you're not using GNOME, then you can put an export command
> in ~/.xsessionrc and it should work great.
> If you are using GNOME, please find out how to do it, and then tell us,
> because as far as I've been able to determine, GNOME makes this completely
> impossible.

I asked this on they said try ~/.config/environment.d/

> Normal window managers run programs as children of themselves, using the
> standard Unix fork-and-exec model.  The window manager is executed with
> various environment variables, umask, resource limits, and so on, and
> its children inherit these.  So, the standard Unix login configuration
> stuff all works.  You edit a magic dot file, you login, the dot file is
> read by a shell, the shell executes your window manager, the WM inherits
> your desired environment, and everything launched from the WM also
> inherits this environment.  Easy peasy.
> But with GNOME, applications are launched by sending a message to dbus,
> and then dbus spawns things as *its* children.  They are not children of
> the WM.  They do not inherit the environment from the WM.  They inherit
> the environment from dbus.
> And there is no known way to configure the environment of dbus in a way
> that is useful to end users.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bash isn't reading ~/.profile file when login from GNOME

2019-08-20 Thread Vipul
Hi there,

From few days, I'm trying find answer of a question "which program does
read ~/.profile if I login from graphical user interface (for ex: GNOME)?".

I'm trying to get colored man page output by sourcing ~/.less_termcap"
[1] file from ~/.profile [2] but, LESS_TERMCAP_xx unset and empty

$ hd <<< "$LESS_TERMCAP_mb"

To fix this problem I've to source ~/.profile from gnome-terminal
(output after running `source ~/.profile` in gnome-terminal)

$ hd <<< "$LESS_TERMCAP_mb"
  1b 5b 31 3b 33 32 6d 0a   |.[1;32m.|

This problem only happens when I login from graphical interface whereas,
login from console works perfectly fine means value of LESS_TERMCAP_xx
set correctly and gets colored man page output.

I've asked this question on some IRC channels (#debian, ##linux, #bash)
but, didn't get the right answer. Some says
* "Login from graphical interface doesn't trigger login shell" then
who reads ~/.profile file?
* "Bash isn't started as login shell" but bash is my default login
shell which I verified by login from console and check default login
shell entry in /etc/passwd file.
* "Graphical Desktop Managers don't read ~/.profile file" with which
I agreed. But, I've a counter question if no one reads ~/.profile file,
how does value of PATH variable set correctly which I've set in
~/.profile file.

$ echo "$PATH"

From this, I've concluded that some program must reads ~/.profile when I
login from graphical interface but, not by bash may be some other shell
(for ex: sh, ksh etc) despite of being bash as default login shell.
Please correct if I'm wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

## Additional info:

Debian Stretch (v9.9) with GNOME interface.

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

## References:

[1]: (link to ~/.less_termcap file)
[2]: (link to ~/.profile file)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Firmware Bug]: battery: (dis)charge rate invalid.

2019-06-13 Thread Vipul
I'm using Debian Stretch 9.9(stable) in HP Notebook. From around 4-5
weeks oftentimes, I'm getting "[Firmware Bug]: battery: (dis)charge rate
invalid." warning message in kernel ring buffer probably this was
started after upgradation of Linux-header package[*]. Till yesterday, I
was thinking that problem is with battery[**] but yesterday, when I
can't fully charge battery (freezes at 92%) then I run command `sudo
dmesg -k -l warn,err` and gets same warning message. So, I immediately
install "acpi" package and run `acpi -b` command and it shows me
"battery never gonna fully charge" message.

After searching on-line I found this


  But, my older battery capacity was 100%  ( acpi -V ) and I get this
message only at the time of charging. Battery life reduced to half to
third quarter an hour.

How can I fix this error message?

[*]: Clean Installation
I'm not sure about package name because on that day I updated many
packages and I can't send log of updated packages because due to some
reason I've to do clean installation of Debian[1].

[**]: Battery replacement
Around 2 weeks ago BIOS starts showing warning message "Battery need to
be replaced" with some error code. Fortunately, battery was in warranty
period so, I got a new one but this error message not gone.

$ uname -a
Linux debian 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1+deb9u2 (2019-05-13)
x86_64 GNU/Linux



Recover data from unallocated space

2019-06-05 Thread Vipul
I had a dual booted PC ( Windows and Debian in HP notebook with 1 TB hard-disk) 
and from few months Windows cannot starts ( because one day I was in hurry 
change size of two of partitions using "gparted' and to fix this I had many 
solutions but failed) so, yestarday I decided to fix it by using HP system 
recovery option. When I run system recovery whole system was freezed for more 
than half hour so, I decided to forcefully shutdown machine by pressing power 
button after that I power on my machine BIOS message shows "No operating system 
found" ( all EFI files are deleted even which are in HP folder) and I ended up 
with like this

/dev/sda1  567296  158795775 158228480 75.5G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda2   158795776  159942655   1146880  560M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda3  1920552960 1953513471  32960512 15.7G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda42048 567295565248  276M EFI System

And an un-allocated space of 839.4 GB. I mainly concerned about data in Linux 
partition data (which was in sda8).

Is there a way to recover data from un-allocated space? I can send any kind of 
log if required.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Configure your PC to contribute to Debian community

2019-05-08 Thread Vipul
Hey there,

I've been using Debian from couples of years but haven't contributed yet back 
to community. I want to contribute to Debian by maintaining packages and fixing 
bugs. Since I'm using Debian for work purpose also so, I don't want to mess-up  
with my system by installing unstable packages or libraries. Is there a way to 
get isolation for work & contribution purpose to keep yourself organized? 
    I can get isolation by using Docker image or install one more copy of 
Debian in PC and switch between them but that would be painful. I want to hear 
from contributors & maintainers Which method they are using or prefer to get 

Sorry, if this a wrong place to ask this question, then where should I ask?


PS: I'm not subscribed to this mailing.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: jupyter notebook immediately crashes with dead kernel

2018-11-05 Thread vipul kumar
Run Jupyter-notebook from terminal. Send log report which you'll get on 
terminal while running jupyter-notebook.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, November 6, 2018 5:30 AM, D. R. Evans  wrote:

> Running current debian stable (64-bit).
> I installed the jupyter-notebook package (which caused several other packages
> associated with python3 to be installed).
> There was no indication of any problems with the installation, and I didn't
> see any messages suggesting that anything else needs to be done to run 
> jupyter.
> But when I run the application and try to create a new notebook using File |
> New Notebook | Python3 on the web page
> http://localhost:/notebooks/Untitled1.ipynb?kernel_name=python3, the
> python3 kernel will not start and I get a message saying that it has died.
> Attempts to restart the kernel produce the same result.
> What else do I need to do to get this package to work? Or is there somewhere
> on the system where I can find a more useful error message?
> Doc Evans
> Web:

Re: Help me Linux

2018-10-30 Thread vipul kumar
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, October 30, 2018 1:47 PM, P M  wrote:

> Hey, this is Piyush M.
> I am a computer science graduate from 2015.
> It was 2009-10 when first time I heard about Linux. Although in my area there 
> was only Microsoft but I managed to download Linux. My first Linux was 
> ubuntu. I was very happy to see its function and its working. I enjoyed that 
> time without having little knowledge about computer. Since then I feel my 
> relationship with the Linux and open source and free software.
> Although right now I am using Windows but still I feel very enthusiastic and 
> energetic with Linux; even I don't know what the reason is.
> The reason for this mail is, I am not really very expert or well versed in 
> any computer language or any field of computer. But I feel strong connection 
> and relationship with Linux. I also love Python programming language. Despite 
> of this love and attraction and affection I was unable to learn anything 
> because I wasn't having enough time and we people in India don't have that 
> much Linux craze and courses available. In short due to no guidance I was 
> unable to do anything and I am on the same position since last 9 years with 
> only few improvements.
> I believe whoever reading this mail is far more knowledgeable and experienced 
> than me and having good knowledge of Linux. Please help me! suggest me what 
> can I do? how should I proceed? how should I go further in the field of 
> Linux? and what can I do with and how to go further in python? Here 
> everywhere Microsoft is going on and no response for open source and LINUX is 
> there, so please help me to clear my understanding, broaden the way of my 
> seeing. I need clear conception of what I can do and what can be done. As I 
> mentioned there is no guidance I have here. I can contribute 2 hours daily 
> along with the job and daily schedule. My love is python and Linux.
> My one more query is that there is no any alternative available in linux for 
> Corel draw, MS office, video editing software. Although there are many claims 
> of alternatives but the reality is harsh, they are not as simple and 
> productive as the windows software. Please clear my view regarding this also.
> I just have downloaded kde manjaro and soon install it on my laptop to have 
> new experience.
> I can understand this is very lengthy mail but its really important to get my 
> doubts cleared and my vision broadened. Please reply me as soon as possible.
> Thanks for the time you spent on this mail. Will be happy to see you replied.

If you're novice to Linux, this course ( ) is worth considering. And if 
you're facing any error or problem then search for solution on internet (most 
of them are already asked by someone on stackexchange network or forums) or ask 
on mailing list if you're not getting any answer and make some friends who're 
using linux.

Anyone cannot help you until and unless you don't tell what's your problem.