Emacs, Netscape and Apache - together?

1999-06-19 Thread Wyn Snow
I have been trying to get all three: Emacs, Netscape Navigator, and
Apache all working on an X-windows Linux system.  I switched from
Hat to Debian because Apache was not working on my Red Hat system,
rather than try to muddle my way through learning what was wrong, I
figured okay, switch to Debian (a friend had installed Debian and
worked for him "right out of the box").

I have now become semi-experienced in installing Debian kernels,
dselect and dpkg, and have successfully gotten X-windows, Emacs, and
Apache working (and ppp, whew!).  However, Netscape Navigator is
at me, saying it cannot load libraries.  I have twice reinstalled
the library
it most recently complains about, so the library is not corrupted.

I recently spent a day installing kernel 2.0.34 with full X-windows
Emacs and web stuff, and configuring everything the way I want.  I
three different Netscape binaries off the Netscape site, all for
Linux, in
various flavors (4.06 Navigator only, 4.06 Communicator, 4.5x can't-
remember-if-it-was-just-Nav-or-Communicator).  After gunzipping and
tarring them and ns-installing them, and trying to run them,
they all said they could not load libXpm.so.4 (sigh).

Previously, I had installed a smaller (basic) workstation
and then added X-windows, and had a similar problem when I gunzipped
and de-tarred (and feathered) and installed Netscape: when I tried
run it, it complained it could not load libXt.so.6 ... durn.

In both cases, a library of that name was there, so I suspect this
some sort of version-compatibility problem.

I feel hopelessly inadequate to the task of getting Slink off the
Debian site.  Among other problems, I have a 14.4K baud modem, and
totally ignorant about how to select the packages I need.  My best
strategy has been to take a "larger than needed" set of stuff for a
workstation during a kernel-installation process, then delete stuff
I don't want.  This way, I figure I make sure I'm getting all the
that I need.  Also, I can do this only when the temperature is cool;
I have no air conditioner, and the installation process crashes when
it's too hot.  I also cannot afford to buy another CD-ROM at this
I am standing on the edge of an abyss called "soon to be homeless
crank the old marketing telephone blitz."

So what I want to do is get a Netscape Navigator (or Communicator)
will work with Debian Hamm 2.0.34.  Since I make web pages for a
including making cgi-scripts, I utterly need a working web server
and a
working browser (sorry, Arena crashes on me all the time) and my
text editor = Emacs --- and I need them on the same system!

Can someone tell me where to find a Netscape Nav-or-Com for Debian

Thanks muchly,

Re: Akkerman's idea of nonfree.debian.org

1999-06-25 Thread Wyn Snow
RE: Subject: dselect and contrib/non-free - DWN-6/22
> > Wichert Akkerman has proposed splitting non-free and contrib out to a
> > new server, nonfree.debian.org. The impetus for this is to emphasize
> > that they are not part of Debian, since "the distinction isn't as
> > visible as it used to be; advances in searching in the distribution
> > and tools like apt make it very hard to see when something is in main
> > and when not". The proposal will come up for a vote soon and is
> > generating lots of discussion.
> One thing that might help is if dselect does not sort purely alphabetical
> when sorting by section. contrib/* should not be between comm and devel,
> but rather be apart from main. Same thing for non-free.

I suspect that putting contrib and non-free on a different server
will make it harder for newbies like myself to get packages with
apt and harder in general to find things.  If that's correct, I
think a different approach to making a clear distinction would be

Perl and MySQL on Debian - I need help

2002-11-30 Thread Wyn Snow
I am stymied and stumped in attempting to get the DBI modules working and 
accessible on my Debian Linux system. If someone can help me, please email 

I have downloaded the following files from mysql.com:


(or whatever the current numbers are at mysql.com).

I put them in the [I think it was] /etc/lib/perl5/5.005/ directory.

I gunzipped and tar -xvf'd the .tar.gz files and then cd'ed into the 
appropriate directories and did perl Makefile.PL, but then make refuses to 
cooperate, saying that cc is not installed on my system.

Please be aware that I am not a proficient Linux person and am seriously 
considering converting to Red Hat, which apparently has these things 
installed as default.  I basically need to have several things working:

a web browser (I'd be glad to use Netscape, but the only browser I can get 
to work is lynx)

Right now, I have everything working except DBI. And it has been a 
challenge, every step of the way. I am not a happy camper.


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