Problems making a bootable DVD

2017-12-23 Thread Zack Shelby
Thought you might want to know...

I recently downloaded the debian-live-9.3.0-i386-gnome.iso image hoping to 
create a bootable DVD for "test-driving" the new Debian OS.
I first tried to use 7Zip to burn the DVD, but the result was not bootable, 
which is a shame as this would have been the perfect workable solution.  So 
then I tried some of the links suggested at

Unfortunately, for the freeware programs, these links are either broken, or the 
attempted download caused my anti-virus software to go into high-alert mode and 
immediately pounce on and delete the files as I tried to download them.  (This 
applies to the links for 'ImgBurn', 'CDBurnerXP Pro' and 'ISO Recorder').

I am currently experimenting with another program that I remember using with 
some success on a previous occasion (from and hoping I can 
eventually get a bootable DVD so I can finally check out the new Debian.

I thought I would let you know the above in case you wanted to take action to 
save other prospective new Debian users from a similar fate - wasting their 
time turning to the above software to try and get a bootable DVD and maybe 
ending up with a virus on their system for their troubles as well.

Best regards (and seasons greetings)!

No Front Panel Audio On Asus ROG Ranger VIII

2016-11-27 Thread Zack
Hello Debian Users!  Before I start out, I want to mention that I have
already emailed the alsa-user list, but haven't gotten any replies.

I have an ASUS ROG Ranger VIII mother board.  The rear panel audio
works, but the front panel audio output does not (though input works).
The system recognizes when headphones are plugged into the front
panel, but no sound comes out.  Here is the output of the alsa-info

Things I've done:
1. I have gone into the alsa mixer and ensured that the front panel
audio was not muted and that the volume level was up.

2. I have opened up pulse's audio control and seen that the volume bar
is jumping around with the headphone port listed as the output sync.

3. I have gone into Windows and ensured the port worked.

4. I have done a couple of random tricks with aplay.conf

So far, nothing has worked.  You can see most of the stats of my
system in the link above, but I am running Debian Testing with the 4.8


Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack
Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho de tener 
una PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me habían dicho). 
Déjame contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin problemas en la misma 
máquina. El problema sólo surge con el Debian actual. También, durante 
el proceso de instalación, en la etapa "Seleccionar e instalar 
software", inmediatamente posterior a la etapa "Instalar el sistema 
base", son 327 los archivos que son instalados al seleccionar "entorno 
de escritorio Debian" y "utilidades stándar del sistema". Lo menciono 
nada más en caso de que guarde relación con el asunto en cuestión. Gracias.


El 06/10/2015 a las 19:50, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:31:01 +0200, Zack escribió:

Hola, debian user spanish.

Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del
sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de
arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no en entorno
gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo primero que me
dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué sucede. Lo
he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se cuelga en el
primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje.

Pues ese mensaje ya es algo, aunque por lo que dice parece más bien del
monitor, no de Debian. Quiere decir que la configuración para la salida
del monitor del servidor gráfico no es la correcta.

Después de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver de la
tarjeta de video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y
radical) sería la de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la que tengo es

Hombre, no creo que sea necesario un nuevo monitor.

Como root, ejecuta "lspci -vv", busca el apartado de "VGA compatible
controller", copia todo ese bloque y pégalo en el correo.

Me dijeron que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas
configuraciones. En fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver esto y  así,
experimentar el nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles
soluciones. Gracias.

Sí, seguramente tengas que definir a mano algún parámetro. Sería
interesante que subieras a el archivo completo que
tienes en "/var/log/Xorg.0.log".


Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack
Si me demoro en responder, es porque todo lo tengo instalado en la misma 
máquina (windoze y debian), y cada vez tengo que apagar la misma para 
colocar el cable en el hard disk que tiene Debian.

El 06/10/2015 a las 20:31, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 6 de octubre de 2015, 15:18, Zack <> escribió:

Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho de tener una
PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me habían dicho). Déjame
contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin problemas en la misma máquina. El
problema sólo surge con el Debian actual. También, durante el proceso de
instalación, en la etapa "Seleccionar e instalar software", inmediatamente
posterior a la etapa "Instalar el sistema base", son 327 los archivos que
son instalados al seleccionar "entorno de escritorio Debian" y "utilidades
stándar del sistema". Lo menciono nada más en caso de que guarde relación
con el asunto en cuestión. Gracias.


Quizá te falta la instalación de un firmware. Muestra la salida de:

# dmesg | grep -i firmware

Javier Silva.

Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack
Tienes razón, el instalador no instala el escritorio porque sólo son 327 
paquetes(uso la imagen del CD 1). En aptitude figura como no instalado 
GNOME. A qué se debe que el instalador no instala el escritorio? Durante 
el proceso de instalación, en la etapa "Seleccionar e instalar software" 
aparecen 2 opciones para elegir: Ambiente de escritorio Debian y 
Utilidades Estándar de Sistema, marco ambas para instalar.

El 06/10/2015 a las 20:51, José Maldonado escribió:

El 06/10/2015 13:49, "Zack" < 
<>> escribió:

> Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho de 
tener una PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me habían 
dicho). Déjame contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin problemas en 
la misma máquina. El problema sólo surge con el Debian actual. 
También, durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa "Seleccionar e 
instalar software", inmediatamente posterior a la etapa "Instalar el 
sistema base", son 327 los archivos que son instalados al seleccionar 
"entorno de escritorio Debian" y "utilidades stándar del sistema". Lo 
menciono nada más en caso de que guarde relación con el asunto en 
cuestión. Gracias.

> Zack.
> El 06/10/2015 a las 19:50, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:31:01 +0200, Zack escribió:
>>> Hola, debian user spanish.
>>> Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del
>>> sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de
>>> arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no en 
>>> gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo primero 
que me

>>> dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué sucede. Lo
>>> he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se cuelga 
en el

>>> primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje.
>> Pues ese mensaje ya es algo, aunque por lo que dice parece más bien del
>> monitor, no de Debian. Quiere decir que la configuración para la salida
>> del monitor del servidor gráfico no es la correcta.
>>> Después de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver de la
>>> tarjeta de video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y
>>> radical) sería la de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la que 
tengo es

>>> CRT.
>> Hombre, no creo que sea necesario un nuevo monitor.
>> Como root, ejecuta "lspci -vv", busca el apartado de "VGA compatible
>> controller", copia todo ese bloque y pégalo en el correo.
>>> Me dijeron que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas
>>> configuraciones. En fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver esto y  

>>> experimentar el nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles
>>> soluciones. Gracias.
>> Sí, seguramente tengas que definir a mano algún parámetro. Sería
>> interesante que subieras a 
<> el archivo completo que

>> tienes en "/var/log/Xorg.0.log".
>> Saludos,

Me huele a que no tienes escritorio especialmente luego que dices que 
solo se instalan 327 paquetes durante la instalación del SO. No se 
bien la cantidad de paquetes pero Debian Gnome como mínimo debe llegar 
a los 1000 paquetes en su instalación básica y con xfce debe llegar a 
las 800 o mas.

Revisa bien si has seleccionado algun DE o instalalo desde las TTY

Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack

Retomando el tema (es que uno tiene también otras actividades)...

Es que lo hacen parecer fácil y pasan por alto el hecho de que uno 
podría estar iniciándose en Debian (lo cual es mi caso).

De todo lo que leí, me pregunto: 1. cómo hago para conectarme a internet 
desde tty si ni siquiera tengo configurado el módem usb huawei e156b que 
2. en aptitude aparece GNOME Desktop Environment entre los "Not 
installed Packages".
3. ejecuté el comando "# dmesg | grep -i firmware: No pasa absolutamente 

4. ejecuté el comando "# lspci -vv". Aparece lo sgte:

"S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] (prog -if 00 [VGA 

Subsystem: S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
Control: I/O Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTX-" ...Y CONTINÚA (no puedo hacer 
Copy/Paste de toda la info porque todo lo tengo instalado en una misma 

5. no sé cómo acceder al archivo "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
6. tienen razón con lo del mensaje del monitor "Attention out of range" 
y aparece unos números con las iniciales HZ al lado.

El 07/10/2015 a las 0:05, José Maldonado escribió:

El 06/10/2015 14:35, "Zack" < 
<>> escribió:

> Tienes razón, el instalador no instala el escritorio porque sólo son 
327 paquetes(uso la imagen del CD 1). En aptitude figura como no 
instalado GNOME. A qué se debe que el instalador no instala el 
escritorio? Durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software" aparecen 2 opciones para elegir: 
Ambiente de escritorio Debian y Utilidades Estándar de Sistema, marco 
ambas para instalar.

> El 06/10/2015 a las 20:51, José Maldonado escribió:
>> El 06/10/2015 13:49, "Zack" < 
<>> escribió:

>> >
>> > Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho 
de tener una PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me 
habían dicho). Déjame contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin 
problemas en la misma máquina. El problema sólo surge con el Debian 
actual. También, durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software", inmediatamente posterior a la etapa 
"Instalar el sistema base", son 327 los archivos que son instalados al 
seleccionar "entorno de escritorio Debian" y "utilidades stándar del 
sistema". Lo menciono nada más en caso de que guarde relación con el 
asunto en cuestión. Gracias.

>> >
>> > Zack.
>> >
>> >
>> > El 06/10/2015 a las 19:50, Camaleón escribió:
>> >>
>> >> El Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:31:01 +0200, Zack escribió:
>> >>
>> >>> Hola, debian user spanish.
>> >>>
>> >>> Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del
>> >>> sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de
>> >>> arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no en 
>> >>> gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo 
primero que me
>> >>> dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué 
sucede. Lo
>> >>> he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se 
cuelga en el

>> >>> primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje.
>> >>
>> >> Pues ese mensaje ya es algo, aunque por lo que dice parece más 
bien del
>> >> monitor, no de Debian. Quiere decir que la configuración para la 

>> >> del monitor del servidor gráfico no es la correcta.
>> >>
>> >>> Después de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver de la
>> >>> tarjeta de video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y
>> >>> radical) sería la de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la que 
tengo es

>> >>> CRT.
>> >>
>> >> Hombre, no creo que sea necesario un nuevo monitor.
>> >>
>> >> Como root, ejecuta "lspci -vv", busca el apartado de "VGA compatible
>> >> controller", copia todo ese bloque y pégalo en el correo.
>> >>
>> >>> Me dijeron que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas
>> >>> configuraciones. En fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver esto 
y  así,

>> >>> experimentar el nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles
>> >>> soluciones. Gracias.
>> >>
>> >> Sí, seguramente tengas que definir a mano algún parámetro. Sería
>> >> interesante que subieras a 
<> el archivo completo que

>> >> tienes en "/var/log/Xorg.0.log".
>> >>
>> >> Saludos,
>> >>
>> >
>> Me huele a que no tienes escritorio especialmente luego que dices 
que solo se instalan 327 paquetes durante la instalación del SO. No se 
bien la cantidad de paquetes pero Debian Gnome como mínimo debe llegar 
a los 1000 paquetes en su instalación básica y con xfce debe llegar a 
las 800 o mas.

>> Revisa bien si has seleccionado algun DE o instalalo desde las TTY

Conecta tu pc a internet y ejecuta tasksel con eso podras ejecutar 
tareas automáticas de instalacion y podrás montarte el escritorio que 

Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack

Hay alguien?

El 06/10/2015 a las 17:23, Zack escribió:

Retomando el tema (es que uno tiene también otras actividades)...

Es que lo hacen parecer fácil y pasan por alto el hecho de que uno 
podría estar iniciándose en Debian (lo cual es mi caso).

De todo lo que leí, me pregunto: 1. cómo hago para conectarme a 
internet desde tty si ni siquiera tengo configurado el módem usb 
huawei e156b que tengo.
2. en aptitude aparece GNOME Desktop Environment entre los "Not 
installed Packages".
3. ejecuté el comando "# dmesg | grep -i firmware: No pasa 
absolutamente nada.

4. ejecuté el comando "# lspci -vv". Aparece lo sgte:

"S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] (prog -if 00 [VGA 

Subsystem: S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
Control: I/O Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTX-" ...Y CONTINÚA (no puedo hacer 
Copy/Paste de toda la info porque todo lo tengo instalado en una misma 

5. no sé cómo acceder al archivo "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
6. tienen razón con lo del mensaje del monitor "Attention out of 
range" y aparece unos números con las iniciales HZ al lado.

El 07/10/2015 a las 0:05, José Maldonado escribió:

El 06/10/2015 14:35, "Zack" < 
<>> escribió:

> Tienes razón, el instalador no instala el escritorio porque sólo 
son 327 paquetes(uso la imagen del CD 1). En aptitude figura como no 
instalado GNOME. A qué se debe que el instalador no instala el 
escritorio? Durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software" aparecen 2 opciones para elegir: 
Ambiente de escritorio Debian y Utilidades Estándar de Sistema, marco 
ambas para instalar.

> El 06/10/2015 a las 20:51, José Maldonado escribió:
>> El 06/10/2015 13:49, "Zack" <> escribió:
>> >
>> > Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho 
de tener una PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me 
habían dicho). Déjame contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin 
problemas en la misma máquina. El problema sólo surge con el Debian 
actual. También, durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software", inmediatamente posterior a la 
etapa "Instalar el sistema base", son 327 los archivos que son 
instalados al seleccionar "entorno de escritorio Debian" y 
"utilidades stándar del sistema". Lo menciono nada más en caso de que 
guarde relación con el asunto en cuestión. Gracias.

>> >
>> > Zack.
>> >
>> >
>> > El 06/10/2015 a las 19:50, Camaleón escribió:
>> >>
>> >> El Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:31:01 +0200, Zack escribió:
>> >>
>> >>> Hola, debian user spanish.
>> >>>
>> >>> Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del
>> >>> sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de
>> >>> arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no 
en entorno
>> >>> gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo 
primero que me
>> >>> dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué 
sucede. Lo
>> >>> he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se 
cuelga en el

>> >>> primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje.
>> >>
>> >> Pues ese mensaje ya es algo, aunque por lo que dice parece más 
bien del
>> >> monitor, no de Debian. Quiere decir que la configuración para 
la salida

>> >> del monitor del servidor gráfico no es la correcta.
>> >>
>> >>> Después de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver de la
>> >>> tarjeta de video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y
>> >>> radical) sería la de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la que 
tengo es

>> >>> CRT.
>> >>
>> >> Hombre, no creo que sea necesario un nuevo monitor.
>> >>
>> >> Como root, ejecuta "lspci -vv", busca el apartado de "VGA 

>> >> controller", copia todo ese bloque y pégalo en el correo.
>> >>
>> >>> Me dijeron que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas
>> >>> configuraciones. En fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver 
esto y  así,

>> >>> experimentar el nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles
>> >>> soluciones. Gracias.
>> >>
>> >> Sí, seguramente tengas que definir a mano algún parámetro. Sería
>> >> interesante que subieras a el archivo completo que
>> >> tienes en "/var/log/Xorg.0.log".
>> >>
>> >> Saludos,
>> >>
>> >
>> Me huele a que no tienes escritorio especialmente luego que dices 
que solo se instalan 327 paquetes durante la instalación del SO. No 
se bien la cantidad de paquetes pero Debian Gnome como mínimo debe 
llegar a los 1000 paquetes en su instalación básica y con xfce debe 
llegar a las 800 o mas.

>> Revisa bien si has seleccionado algun DE o instalalo desde las TTY

Conecta tu pc a internet y ejecuta tasksel con eso podras ejecutar 
tareas automáticas de instalacion y podrás montarte el escritorio que 

Re: Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack

Tenía otras actividades, debido a eso ahora me vuelvo a conectar.

El 06/10/2015 a las 21:58, Zack escribió:

Hay alguien?

El 06/10/2015 a las 17:23, Zack escribió:

Retomando el tema (es que uno tiene también otras actividades)...

Es que lo hacen parecer fácil y pasan por alto el hecho de que uno 
podría estar iniciándose en Debian (lo cual es mi caso).

De todo lo que leí, me pregunto: 1. cómo hago para conectarme a 
internet desde tty si ni siquiera tengo configurado el módem usb 
huawei e156b que tengo.
2. en aptitude aparece GNOME Desktop Environment entre los "Not 
installed Packages".
3. ejecuté el comando "# dmesg | grep -i firmware: No pasa 
absolutamente nada.

4. ejecuté el comando "# lspci -vv". Aparece lo sgte:

"S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] (prog -if 00 [VGA 

Subsystem: S3 Graphics Ltd. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
Control: I/O Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTX-" ...Y CONTINÚA (no puedo hacer 
Copy/Paste de toda la info porque todo lo tengo instalado en una 
misma máquina).

5. no sé cómo acceder al archivo "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
6. tienen razón con lo del mensaje del monitor "Attention out of 
range" y aparece unos números con las iniciales HZ al lado.

El 07/10/2015 a las 0:05, José Maldonado escribió:

El 06/10/2015 14:35, "Zack" < 
<>> escribió:

> Tienes razón, el instalador no instala el escritorio porque sólo 
son 327 paquetes(uso la imagen del CD 1). En aptitude figura como no 
instalado GNOME. A qué se debe que el instalador no instala el 
escritorio? Durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software" aparecen 2 opciones para elegir: 
Ambiente de escritorio Debian y Utilidades Estándar de Sistema, 
marco ambas para instalar.

> El 06/10/2015 a las 20:51, José Maldonado escribió:
>> El 06/10/2015 13:49, "Zack" <> escribió:
>> >
>> > Entonces, con lo que me has dicho, el tema no pasa por el hecho 
de tener una PC que ya tiene sus añitos (porque eso es lo que me 
habían dicho). Déjame contarte que Debian Lenny 5 lo instalo sin 
problemas en la misma máquina. El problema sólo surge con el Debian 
actual. También, durante el proceso de instalación, en la etapa 
"Seleccionar e instalar software", inmediatamente posterior a la 
etapa "Instalar el sistema base", son 327 los archivos que son 
instalados al seleccionar "entorno de escritorio Debian" y 
"utilidades stándar del sistema". Lo menciono nada más en caso de 
que guarde relación con el asunto en cuestión. Gracias.

>> >
>> > Zack.
>> >
>> >
>> > El 06/10/2015 a las 19:50, Camaleón escribió:
>> >>
>> >> El Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:31:01 +0200, Zack escribió:
>> >>
>> >>> Hola, debian user spanish.
>> >>>
>> >>> Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del
>> >>> sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de
>> >>> arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no 
en entorno
>> >>> gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo 
primero que me
>> >>> dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué 
sucede. Lo
>> >>> he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se 
cuelga en el

>> >>> primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje.
>> >>
>> >> Pues ese mensaje ya es algo, aunque por lo que dice parece más 
bien del
>> >> monitor, no de Debian. Quiere decir que la configuración para 
la salida

>> >> del monitor del servidor gráfico no es la correcta.
>> >>
>> >>> Después de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver 
de la

>> >>> tarjeta de video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y
>> >>> radical) sería la de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la 
que tengo es

>> >>> CRT.
>> >>
>> >> Hombre, no creo que sea necesario un nuevo monitor.
>> >>
>> >> Como root, ejecuta "lspci -vv", busca el apartado de "VGA 

>> >> controller", copia todo ese bloque y pégalo en el correo.
>> >>
>> >>> Me dijeron que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas
>> >>> configuraciones. En fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver 
esto y  así,

>> >>> experimentar el nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles
>> >>> soluciones. Gracias.

Entorno gráfico

2015-10-06 Thread Zack

Hola, debian user spanish.

Tengo una cuestión que resolver con respecto a la instalación del 
sistema: todo el proceso en sí fue con éxito, pero al momento de 
arrancar, el mismo sólo inicia en modo línea de comandos, no en entorno 
gráfico. Estuve averiguando en otros mailing lists, y lo primero que me 
dijeron es que intente con el comando -startx- para ver qué sucede. Lo 
he hecho, pero no sucede nada, el sistema se reinicia y se cuelga en el 
primer pantallazo "Attention, out of range", ése es el mensaje. Después 
de ello, me dijeron que la falla radica en el driver de la tarjeta de 
video, por lo cual propuse que una posible solución (y radical) sería la 
de comprarme un monitor nuevo, ya que la que tengo es CRT. Me dijeron 
que la solución pasa más bien por cambiar ciertas configuraciones. En 
fin, hasta ahora no he podido resolver esto y  así, experimentar el 
nuevo desktop environment de Debian. Leo posibles soluciones. Gracias.


An issue with the Debian installer

2015-09-25 Thread Zack

Hi, guys, how's it going? I got one question:

I installed the system using the CD 1. Everything was fine (the 
installation process). But, when the system runs, it shows the command 
line mode only, not the graphical environment, I mean, not GNOME. What 
should I do to resolve this issue? As I said above, all the installation 
process was ok. Thanks.

Re: Issue installing Debian

2015-09-25 Thread Zack
Yes, I did it. I selected the Debian desktop environment and the 
standard system utilities (the two options by default), and of course, 
the base system.

El 25/09/2015 a las 21:34, Noah Duffy escribió:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015, at 01:32 PM, Zack wrote:

Hi, guys, how's it going? I got one question:
I installed the system using the CD 1. Everything was fine (the
installation process). But, when the system runs, it shows the command
line mode only, not the graphical environment, I mean, not GNOME. What
should I do to resolve this issue? As I wrote above, all the installation
process was ok. Thanks.

Did you select a Desktop Environment to be installed from the installer?
  If you have a decent Internet connection, I recommend using the net
install ISO. It will download the latest packages.


Re: Issue installing Debian

2015-09-25 Thread Zack
As I write before, I used the CD 1 to install the system downloaded it 
from via bitTorrent. The procedure is ok, right?

El 25/09/2015 a las 21:41, Zack escribió:
Yes, I did it. I selected the Debian desktop environment and the 
standard system utilities (the two options by default), and of course, 
the base system.

El 25/09/2015 a las 21:34, Noah Duffy escribió:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015, at 01:32 PM, Zack wrote:

Hi, guys, how's it going? I got one question:
I installed the system using the CD 1. Everything was fine (the
installation process). But, when the system runs, it shows the command
line mode only, not the graphical environment, I mean, not GNOME. What
should I do to resolve this issue? As I wrote above, all the 

process was ok. Thanks.

Did you select a Desktop Environment to be installed from the installer?
  If you have a decent Internet connection, I recommend using the net
install ISO. It will download the latest packages.


Re: An issue with the Debian installer

2015-09-25 Thread Zack
I do not understand why the installer do not install the desktop 
environment (GNOME).

El 25/09/2015 a las 20:43, real bas escribió:

Hello Zack,
I suggest you install mate-desktop (looks like gnome2) instead of 
gnome3 if you have Debian Jessie.

2015-09-25 13:06 GMT-04:00 Brad Rogers < 

On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 11:58:40 +0200
Zack < <>> wrote:

Hello Zack,

>should I do to resolve this issue? As I said above, all the
>installation process was ok. Thanks.

Try what Zack said first, but it's possible that you didn't install a
graphical DE.  I believe one is highlighted, but not selected in the
installer (I haven't used an installer for several years, but will be
doing so soon(ish)).

If you find X won't start, as root do; apt-get install gnome

Then you should be set.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Early morning when I wake up, I look like Kiss but without the make up
Strong - Robbie Williams

Re: An issue with the Debian installer

2015-09-25 Thread Zack
Come on, guys, I'm serious. I want the system installed on my computer. 
Should I download again the iso image to retry with a new installer? An 

El 25/09/2015 a las 21:21, Brad Rogers escribió:

On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 21:07:34 +0200
Zack <> wrote:

Hello Zack,

I do not understand why the installer do not install the desktop
environment (GNOME).

Because you didn't tell it to.

Issue installing Debian

2015-09-25 Thread Zack

Hi, guys, how's it going? I got one question:
I installed the system using the CD 1. Everything was fine (the
installation process). But, when the system runs, it shows the command
line mode only, not the graphical environment, I mean, not GNOME. What
should I do to resolve this issue? As I wrote above, all the installation
process was ok. Thanks.


2004-05-19 Thread Zack Brown

Zack Brown

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Choice of X fonts in Emacs

1999-03-31 Thread Zack Weinberg

I'm using emacs19 with slink (2.1).  I use font-lock mode to syntax
highlight C.  When font-lock wants an italic font, it uses
-adobe-courier-medium-i-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1, which
looks hideous; this is because -adobe-courier-medium-i-normal only
exists as a scalable font.  I'd much rather it would use
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 instead,
which has a bitmap version that looks fine.  (The only difference in
the names is replace -i- by -o-)

I have told Emacs to use the proper font for the `italic' and
`bold-italic' faces via X resources, but this does not carry over to
the font-lock faces.  I don't want to write resources for every single
italic face that might appear.  Is there any way to tell Emacs
that it should use -o- fonts for italicization, always?  Failing
that, is there a way to tell the X server that requests for
-adobe-courier-*-i-normal should be remapped to


getting asp to work

1998-12-12 Thread Zack Brown
I have had no luck getting 'asp' to work. I connect to my provider using
ppp, figure out my new dynamic ip number from grepping /var/log/debug,
create a ~/.asp/debian (my hostname is 'debian') file with legal metaip
numbers that include the ip number returned by my grep. But when I run 'asp
debian', nothing happens. It just sits for awhile and then exits. I suppose
it's querying the net because I can see my modem lights blinking, but it
fails to confirm my ip number. Even if there is another computer with
hostname 'debian' out there, asp should at least return their address.


apache: httpd: cannot determine local host name.

1998-12-12 Thread Zack Brown
I installed apache, but at the end of the configuration stage it failed to
start, giving an error. I ran apacheconfig, and got the following output
(essentially the same error):

Save these changes to the configuration files? [Y/n]

Rotated `/etc/apache/httpd.conf' at Sat Dec 12 09:53:35 EST 1998.
Restart Apache now? [Y/n]
Stopping apache with apachectl ...
httpd: cannot determine local host name.
Use the ServerName directive to set it manually.
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I don't know why it should have trouble finding my hostname. It's right
there in /etc/hostname. I don't know how to use the 'ServerName' directive,
whatever that is.


Re: getting asp to work

1998-12-12 Thread Zack Brown

 On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Zack Brown wrote:
  I have had no luck getting 'asp' to work. I connect to my provider using
  ppp, figure out my new dynamic ip number from grepping /var/log/debug,
  create a ~/.asp/debian (my hostname is 'debian') file with legal metaip
  numbers that include the ip number returned by my grep. But when I run 'asp
  debian', nothing happens. It just sits for awhile and then exits. I suppose
  it's querying the net because I can see my modem lights blinking, but it
  fails to confirm my ip number. Even if there is another computer with
  hostname 'debian' out there, asp should at least return their address.
  ASP = Active Server Page !?!?
  I think that ASP's only could be executed if installed on a Micro$oft
 server (using Internet Server Pages or Internet Information Server)! 

I'm talking about the debian package called asp.


  Best regards,
Nuno Carvalho

linux in the workplace

1998-12-10 Thread Zack Brown
I have the opportunity to introduce linux into my company, completely
replacing the very flaky windows 95 system that we currently use.

Their primary software is Paradox and FileMaker Pro 4.0. As far as I can
make out, the other needs of the system are trivial (word perfect,
networking, internet connectivity, etc.). But for the database programs, the
need is for a graphical, form-based system of data-entry; label generation;
and other standard features. Easy scripting and extensibility would be a
definite plus.

Ideally, I would set up the system on my laptop, bring it in, and show them
how much better it is than what we currently use. So the look and feel must
be at least as good as what we currently use, in order to have a chance at

The basic system I am planning on will be Debian/KDE, since I use Debian
myself, and find KDE to be most similar in appearance to ms-windows (no
insult intended to KDE).


junkbuster recipe for linux today

1998-12-10 Thread Zack Brown
Has anyone figured out a junkbuster recipe for the Linux Today web page?


has anyone installed gimp-manual?

1998-12-08 Thread Zack Brown
I've tried about five times to download the gimp-manual package from, and each time it has been corrupt. At least two of those
times, the corrupt files were identical. Before I try downloading it yet
again, could someone please confirm that it is actually possible, or point
me to a url that definitely has an uncorrupted version?


upgrading slink cripples dselect/apt (and X) !!!

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown

I upgraded some packages this morning, and now running dselect gives the
following error:

dselect: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

Also, X gives graphics screen and mouse cursor, then craps out, giving the
same error in ~/.xsession-errors

I tried using dpkg to install the old packages, but it either refuses to
uninstall libstdc++ because so many packages depend upon it, or to install
the old version because a version is already installed. Catch 22.


unavailable dependencies: libgtop1 and libguile4

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown
These packages are needed by some gnome packages, but they don't seem to be


RE: More dselect wishes

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown

   Please, people!  dselect is free software, under GPL.
   Instead of daydreaming about a thousand features, implement them
 and submit the patches to the current maintainer!

Are you suggesting that anyone who does not have the skill to implement
features should not participate at all?

No one has to implement the features that I or anyone else ask for. But we
are not asking for bizarre, useless things. The ideas in this thread have
all been heartfelt, useful indicators of things that actual developers might

If you don't want to implement the suggestions people make, then don't
implement them. But don't get on people's back for trying to make the
software better in whatever way they know how. Sheesh.

A nice way to look at it is that suggestions are sort of like idea-patches.
People submit their idea-patches to the maintainers, and the maintainers
decide whether to apply them with patch-brain or not.

Bottom line: suggestions can do no harm, and they may help.


Re: [Perl-AI] distributed intelligence

1998-11-24 Thread Zack Brown
 Hands up who thinks we can build a global web mind with what we've got
 right now.

It's a pretty vague question. Do you mean a mind on a level with human
powers? I say no. Do you mean a mind that is very interesting? We can do
that on our desktops. Can you be more specific about the capabilities of the
mind we're voting on?

I'll say right now, if your proposal includes any kind of significant
handling of memories, such as holding a topic of conversation with something
much more sophisticated than eliza-type keyword mapping, my hand is down,
down, down.

In my (foolish) opinion, the issue of memory strikes at the heart of
intelligence, and is far, far behind the current state of the art of nn, ga,
and fuzzy logic. We don't even have any meaningful models to experiment

Please correct me. I would love to be wrong.


p.s.: I think a global neural network comprised of participating client
machines, and requiring no central server (!), is currently possible and
would be quite fascinating.

I'm working on a system that implements this. I've been calling it aidist.
It creates a global distributed network in which there is no need for a
central server, and each participating node acts as an input node, a hidden
node, and an output node. The brain organizes itself into indistinct
clusters of compatible and mutually enhancing activities, based on the
desires of the participants.

I think of aidist more as a distributed computer than a distributed mind,
although ai, or even linguistic communication between the global structure
and individual participants, are conceivable.


  ==| GIGO ==

Re: Slow mail delivery

1998-11-22 Thread Zack Brown

  I'm reposting this message since I've never seen my original come
  I'm having problems with mail delivery on my local box.  When I d/l my
  mail from my isp (using fetchmail), it is taking over 5 minutes
  (probably closer to 10) for the mail to get delivered, i.e. for the
  machine to say I have new mail, not for it to come down from my isp.
  Any ideas on what could be causing this, and how to fix it?
 You are not alone.  smail and fetchmail here.

I had that problem. But in /etc/init.d/smail change the -q10m to -q10s
and see if that helps. I don't know why the default is a ten minute wait. We
should at least get an option during installation.

Anyway, good luck.


 Paul Serice

Re: Slink broke after upgrade (Thank's it's working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Zack Brown
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51eba775e2f0aa38a4e2b5603ea16b5a  zsh_3.1.2-9.deb


more X in slink stuff...

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
I'm using slink. When I run startx, I get the following errors:

xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xinit: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Aside from the fact that X is broken in slink, is there any way around this?
What deb file is the library available?


trn trouble on slink

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
When I try to run trn, I get the following error:

Warning: Couldn't open /etc/news/whoami to determine hostname!

Caught an internal error--.newsrc restored


slink gives errors installing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
I've downloaded gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb three times, and each time it failed
to install due to errors. At least the last two time, the download gave the
same file, which leads me to believe it's not ftp corruption. Here's a
couple samples:

# dpkg -D1 -i gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb
(Reading database ... 48701 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking gimp-manual (from gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb) ...
D01: process_archive oldversionstatus=not installed conflictor=none
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
dpkg: error processing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

# dpkg -D2 -i gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb
D02: maintainer_script_new nonexistent preinst 
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
dpkg: error processing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
D02: maintainer_script_new nonexistent postrm `/var/lib/dpkg/'
Errors were encountered while processing:


suggestion: transparent .deb files revealing logical structure

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
Here's an idea.

Many packages have a logical structure in which certain parts of the
structure change nearly independently from other parts. I suggest breaking
these into independent .deb files, while having package managers like apt
and dselect optionally only be aware of them as single packages. That way we
don't have to be bombarded by lots of packages with virtually the same name
(packa, packa-doc, and so on), but at the same time it would allow package
maintainers to actually split their packages into even more little pieces,
according to the logical structure of their package. This would allow apt
and dselect to downloaded only the changed elements of a package.

So it would be a double winner: (1) since only the changed parts are
downloaded, the total download time is brought down. (2) Since apt (or
dselect) would ignore the multitude of .deb files, and only list the logical
packages by default, package listings would be a lot shorter and easier to

And of course, anyone who wanted to could just tell apt or dselect to show
all .debs regardless of logical connection. They could even have their own
internal dependencies, so we'd be able to choose which parts of a package we
wanted to install, without fear of unknowingly breaking the package.

Taking this a step further (although I haven't thought about this part of
the idea until now), it might be possible to layer this idea, so that
depending on an option given to apt (or dselect), more and more packages
could be logically linked, shortening the visible list of packages and
making it easier to choose what you want to install. At the most extreme,
this would result in something like what happens right before the debian
installation runs dselect: it asks if you want to choose an umbrella-type
set-up, including a lot of logically related packages. So this idea would
allow a finer grain control over that kind of thing.

As a further detail, it could be possible to specify that in general you
want to see a particular level of logical abstraction, but that for certain
packages you want to see a different level of logical abstraction, or even
the individual .deb files themselves.

I see a lot of ups but no downs for this idea. Am I missing something?


dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-10 Thread Zack Brown

For what it's worth, here's a wishlist for debian install scripts (in no
particular order).

1) There doesn't seem to be any order regarding which packages are
downloaded first. I suggest that, by default, dependencies should be
downloaded before the files that depend upon them. Likewise, there doesn't
seem to be any order in installation. I suggest the same thing for that.

2) If there are a lot of .deb files sitting around, this slows down dselect
by producing a lot of screen garbage during the install phase. I suggest
that .deb files that have already been installed (or that have not been
marked for installation) should not be displayed during this phase.

3) At the end of the install phase, dselect asks if it should delete
installed packages. I suggest that either the default be changed to 'no', or
else it be made possible to change the default via a config file. I really
hate having a single keypress be able to wipe out days of downloading.

4) It would be great to have a utility that searched my .dpkg/ tree and
identified any debs for which newer versions have already been downloaded.
That way I could delete the old ones and save space.

5) It would be great to do the following: take the output of dpkg -l and
feed it to dselect, so dselect automatically selects all the packages given.
That would make it much easier to install from scratch and still have the
system the way I like it. In other words, once I initially have the system
the way I like it, I could redirect dpkg -l to a file. Then, at any
subsequent reinstall, I could tell dselect to select all the packages from
that file.

6) In the install phase, when dselect asks if I would like to select the
individual packages, it would be fantastic if I could run up and down the
list, choosing and unchoosing various items, while seeing a dynamic update
of how much total space will be required. Also, even better would be the
ability to specify which packages should be downloaded before others (to
override the actions of suggestion #1 above).

7) In the select phase, rather than interrupt a selection when a conflict
or dependency is encountered, I suggest merely listing the dependencies and
conflicts indented beneath the selection, while moving the cursor to the
next item below that list. On the other hand, I have no problem having
conflicts and dependencies pointed out to me when I try to exit the select
phase (as the current version of dselect does).

8) Last but not least, during the select phase, when searching for
packages, only package names are searchable. I would really like to search
descriptions as well.

I hope no one takes offense to these suggestions. I'm just trying to help.


printing problem [was Re: Problems switching to debian

1998-11-05 Thread Zack Brown
# CONFIG_82C710_MOUSE is not set
# CONFIG_PC110_PAD is not set
# CONFIG_QIC02_TAPE is not set
# CONFIG_WATCHDOG is not set
# CONFIG_RTC is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV is not set
# CONFIG_NVRAM is not set
# CONFIG_JOYSTICK is not set

# Ftape, the floppy tape device driver
# CONFIG_FTAPE is not set

# Filesystems
# CONFIG_QUOTA is not set
# CONFIG_MINIX_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_NFSD is not set
# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set
# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set
# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set
# CONFIG_AFFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set

# Native Language Support
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_737 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_775 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_852 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_855 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_865 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_866 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_869 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_2 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_5 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_7 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R is not set

# Console drivers

# Sound
# CONFIG_SOUND is not set

# Kernel hacking



The next step: supercomputer via disparate nodes

1998-11-05 Thread Zack Brown
Although this is not strictly on topic, it seems strongly related to a kind
of kernel development. I checked out, and they seem to have
a much different approach to the question. They are more concerned with
parcelling out portions of a task, not with making an actual usable

Would anyone care to make predictions about when we might see a computer of
this kind (and what obstacles stand in the way):

1) each node consists of a niced user-space program running on top of linux
(i.e. participation in the whole does not require the dedication of all

2) no node is more or less vital to the system than any other (!)

3) nodes can connect and disconnect at will via ppp or other mechanism
(contributing cpu cycles for the time they are connected) without seriously
disrupting the operation of the whole (if the node does not arrange to
reconnect within a certain time (negotiated based on the assigned job), the
job is reassigned). The way I envision it, a daemon is configured to watch
(at intervals) for an internet connection. When it finds one it negotiates
and connects to the whole.

4) nodes can locally select to include or exclude jobs (via config file)
initiated by particular users. PGP authentication ensures identity of user.
The effect of this is that most users won't actually be able to use the
power of the computer, but various worthy causes will, because participants
will include them in their config file.

5) any node can submit a job to the whole (so once you're connected, that's
your login session).

6) a mailing list or newsgroup would serve for debates about the merits of
particular tasks, in which various worthy causes could state their cases.

7) various administrators could maintain their own lists of worthy causes,
which participants could choose to mirror, to avoid the noise of the
discussion groups while still donating their cpu power to the supercomputer.


Re: Problems switching to debian

1998-11-02 Thread Zack Brown

On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

  1) printing is completely dead. It's as though I didn't have a printer.
  Nothing I do has any affect on it. This has nothing to do with any changes I
  made to my system. It's dead from the moment I install.
  I have a WinBook XL (which runs linux great in general by the way) and a
  DeskJet 500, as well as a parallel port iomega zip drive.
  I don't think it's the zip drive, because I tried installing from scratch
  without it, and it didn't help.
  The only unusual thing I can think of is that when I got the printer cable,
  I needed one with pins sticking out of both ends (instead of with one male
  and one female connector) because that's just the way the ports are
  built. The salesperson was surprised at this, but I figure the cord plugs in
  so that can't be the problem.
  I've recompiled both a 2.0.34 and a 2.1.126 kernel several times, with no
  luck. I've looked through the Printing HOWTO, and just generally poked
  around in /etc with no luck. I'm desperate.
 Have you tried running magicfilter? Is the lpr daemon running?

I don't have magicfilter, but even catting to the /dev/lp? files don't work.
But I do have the daemon running: ps aux includes this line:

lp   13914  0.0  0.9  1556   868  ?  S20:29   0:00 lpd MAIN


 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Print Postscript in draft-mode on Canpn BJ200, today!

1998-11-02 Thread Zack Brown

 I have spent some time in the ghostscript source trying to make my BJ200e
 print Postscript in draft-mode. Anyone who uses the BJ200 knows it can be a
 real ink-hog when priniting some documents, and most of the printing I do can
 be done in draft mode.

You might try the effect of, for example, putting
{0.5 mul 0.5 add} settransfer
at or near the top of the PS file.
This should map all colours from 0 (black) to 1 (white) into the
range 0.5 to 1 instead. Or experiment with other numbers.


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Problems switching to debian

1998-11-01 Thread Zack Brown

I recently switched from Slackware to Debian, and overall I am happy with
it: in particular, configuration is much more regular than with Slackware,
and I really appreciate that.

There are still a few stubborn little problems that are actually pretty
central to my work. I'm hoping I can find help here.

1) printing is completely dead. It's as though I didn't have a printer.
Nothing I do has any affect on it. This has nothing to do with any changes I
made to my system. It's dead from the moment I install.

I have a WinBook XL (which runs linux great in general by the way) and a
DeskJet 500, as well as a parallel port iomega zip drive.

I don't think it's the zip drive, because I tried installing from scratch
without it, and it didn't help.

The only unusual thing I can think of is that when I got the printer cable,
I needed one with pins sticking out of both ends (instead of with one male
and one female connector) because that's just the way the ports are
built. The salesperson was surprised at this, but I figure the cord plugs in
so that can't be the problem.

I've recompiled both a 2.0.34 and a 2.1.126 kernel several times, with no
luck. I've looked through the Printing HOWTO, and just generally poked
around in /etc with no luck. I'm desperate.

2) The next problem I've been having is something like the screen in
minicom. The borders of the windows are drawn in weird characters as opposed
to the pseudo-graphical lines I'm used to. This is not so big a deal, but
I'd like to clear it up. In /etc/kbd/config there's what looks like a
commented out console map file, but I don't know where the rest are or how
to set different ones. I think I just need a few basic tips on what's going
on there.

3) Finally, it looks as though Expanded Plain TeX is not giving me some of
the abilities I'm used to.

In particular, \frac and \everyfootnote seems to be gone. They're there if I
put the line \ifx\eplain\undefined \input eplain \fi at the top of my
source file, but not if I just use the 'etex' command (even though etex runs
and seems to work except for giving errors).

In general, switching to Debian has been a really positive experience. I
just really need help with (primarily) the printing problem.


Re: gcc can't compile, egcc can!??

1998-06-14 Thread Zack Weinberg

C vs. C++ aside, there's a real problem here.  The symbols
__libc_init_first and _environ ought to be defined in; I'd
guess that gcc isn't telling the linker to pull in libc.

What do you get if you do this:

gcc -v -o hello hello.c

[Note I'm not actually on the mailing list, please cc: me on replies.]


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gcc can't compile, egcc can!??

1998-06-14 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Sat, 13 Jun 1998 22:51:30 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 13 Jun, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 What do you get if you do this:
 gcc -v -o hello hello.c

This is what I get:

% gcc -v -o hello hello.c
gcc version
 ld -m elf_i386 -dynamic-linker /lib/ -o hello
 /usr/lib/crt1.o /usr/lib/crti.o
 -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ /tmp/ccd01600 -lgcc -lc -lgcc
 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ /usr/lib/crtn.o
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `__libc_init_first'
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `_environ'

Hunh.  It is pulling in the C library (-lc).  Next thing is to see
what egcc and/or g++ do differently; can you try the same thing with
either of them?  (I only need to see the link line, so you could do

gcc -c hello.c

egcc -v -o hello hello.o
g++ -v -o hello hello.o

to cut down on the noise a little.)

Also, another thing that might possibly produce this error is if
/usr/lib/ is mangled.  Can you check that that's an ordinary
file containing something like

GROUP { libc.a }

please?  It ought to affect both compilers if that's wrong, but it's
worth checking. 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gcc can't compile, egcc can!??

1998-06-14 Thread Zack Weinberg

It looks to me as if the gcc drivers aren't doing anything wrong.  But
this is a big fat clue:

ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, may conflict with lib
ld: warning:, needed by /lib/, may conflict with

The linker called by gcc/g++ 2.7 is attempting to link your program
with the crt1.o from libc6 but the dynamic library from libc5.  That
implies you have strange environment variable settings or mangled
linker config files.  egcc has a wrapper for ld which is smart enough
to straighten this out.

If you have environment variables named LD_somethingorother
(LD_RUN_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.) unset them and try again to
compile with gcc 2.7.  Also, do this:

ld --verbose | more

This will produce much incomprehensible output; you care only about
the first few lines, which should read like this:

GNU ld version 2.8.2 (with BFD
  Supported emulations:
using internal linker script:
OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-i386, elf32-i386,
SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); 
SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/elf_i386/lib);

If it doesn't say using internal linker script, or if any of the
SEARCH_DIR entries have the word `libc5' in them, you have a problem
with your linker installation.

% cat /usr/lib/
/* GNU ld script
   Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
   the static library, so try that secondarily.  */
GROUP ( /lib/ /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a )

*blink* I thought that was only in development libc.  What do you get
if you execute /lib/ as a program?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gcc can't compile, egcc can!??

1998-06-14 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Sun, 14 Jun 1998 11:39:30 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 14 Jun, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 It looks to me as if the gcc drivers aren't doing anything wrong.  But
 this is a big fat clue:
ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, may conflict with l
ld: warning:, needed by /lib/, may conflict with
 The linker called by gcc/g++ 2.7 is attempting to link your program
 with the crt1.o from libc6 but the dynamic library from libc5.  That
 implies you have strange environment variable settings or mangled
 linker config files.  egcc has a wrapper for ld which is smart enough
 to straighten this out.

% cat /etc/ is unrelated.

% ld --verbose
GNU ld version 2.9.1 (with BFD 2.9.1)
  Supported emulations:
using internal linker script:
OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-i386, elf32-i386,
SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR

Hmmm.  I don't even have a /usr/i486-linux/lib directory!!

It's a hook for if you want to do cross compilation.  Don't worry
about it.

I bet you have spurious library symlinks in /lib or /usr/lib.  For a
normal library, like libm, the only files that should exist are

/usr/lib/ - /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ - /usr/lib/

The C library is a little weird, because the real thing lives in /lib
and is a file.  That should be set up like this:

/lib/ - /lib/

Alongside this will be the files for libc5, which will be like this:

/lib/ - /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ - /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/ - /lib/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/ - /usr/lib/

(The shared libraries -- -- may also be in
libc5-compat; I don't have a debian 2.0 system here to check on.)

The key thing here is that the links need to point to the
libc6 libraries.  Check that there is no /lib/ link.  In fact,
there should probably be no files in /lib at all, except
/lib/  ( files are ok.)  Check that /usr/lib/
points at /usr/lib/

% /lib/
GNU C Library production release version 2.0.7, by Roland McGrath et al.
Compiled by GNU CC version

Hmf, I guess Uli backported that to the 2.0 release.  Your
/usr/lib/ is fine then.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gcc can't compile, egcc can!??

1998-06-14 Thread Zack Weinberg
On Sun, 14 Jun 1998 16:46:45 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/lib/ - /lib/

/lib/ - /lib/
/lib/ - /lib/
/lib/ - /lib/

I have now removed /lib/ link and 'gcc -o hello hello.c'

Other compiles were still complaining about 

ld: warning:, needed by /lib/, may conflict with libc.s

I looked at /lib/ links:

/lib/ - /lib/

I removed /lib/ and /lib/ and all seems to
be well now. 

You probably want to remove _all_ /lib/lib*.so links.  You definitely
want to remove the ones that point to libraries compiled with libc5.
ldd will tell you which those are:

$ ldd /lib/ = /lib/

General principle: you can not mix libc5 and libc6 code.  That goes
for libraries as well -- any nontrivial shared library (such as
libncurses) will use C library functions.

 The key thing here is that the links need to point to the
 libc6 libraries.  Check that there is no /lib/ link.  In fact,
 there should probably be no files in /lib at all, except
 /lib/  ( files are ok.)  Check that /usr/lib/
 points at /usr/lib/

I have:

/lib/ - /lib/ *** Is this trouble?

Yes it is.  Programs that use libm will get the same sort of conflict.

/lib/ - /lib/
/lib/ - /lib/

These are also trouble; they're the libc5 versions of libreadline and
librl.  Delete the links.

With this all fixed I just did a kernel compile and it went without a
hitch.(I did not change the /lib/ link above).

This all started when I upgraded from bo to hamm.
Something must not have cleaned up its links when being upgraded.

This machine has been upgraded in place since Debian 0.93 days but
this is the first problem I have had like this.

What seems to have happened is that the hamm libraries put the .so
links into /usr/lib, but the libraries from some pre-FSSTND debian put
them in /lib.  ld searches /lib before /usr/lib, so it uses the libc5

bo puts .so links in /usr/lib, so it was earlier than that.  You
never noticed before because you never had a C library major version
change.  (And hopefully it'll never happen again :)

One thing that bothers me is that your kernel compile was affected.
The kernel shouldn't use anything from libc.  If the kernel boots it's
fine, but there might be something strange going on there.

Also I wonder what libm is doing in /lib.  That's probably legitimate,
but I'd think nothing needs it before /usr is mounted.


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