
My computer accepted the installation of  "Debian Jessie" and
at the end of the installation once the computer tray  automatically opened I 
took the DVD out as the 
iso file requested.  After that I clicked on "Continue" and the computer
 shut down and  automatically restarted and stopped at this:

First stage Debian GNU/Linux Bootstrap
Press I for GNU/Linux
Press c for CDROM
Stage 1 Boot:
Loading second stage bootstrap...

I am stuck at that for a long time.  There is nothing I can do with my computer.
I have tried other things but nothing worked. I have tried it by holding
 the T key after turning on the computer. It goes to a screen where a huge sort 
of icon keeps moving on the screen of the computer but it shows me nothing 
else.  It does not let me do anything.  I have tried holding   
Alt+Command+O+F   but "Open Firmware" just gives me two options: "shut down" or 
"mac-boot".  When I type on mac-boot the computer goes back to:

First stage Debian GNU/Linux Bootstrap
Press I for GNU/Linux
Press c for CDROM
Stage 1 Boot:
Loading second stage bootstrap... 

I have tried to install other Linux programs so it would erase "Debian Jessie" 
from my computer.  In fact, I have right now the very same DVD with Ubuntu iso 
file in the tray inside the computer.  It did install Ubuntu previously in my 
computer before my attempt to installed "Debian Jessie".  When I hold the  c  
key when I start the computer it will replace (for about 30 seconds) the last 
line that reads "Loading second stage bootstrap..." with  "Loadind CD ROM...".  
See it below.

First stage Debian GNU/Linux Bootstrap
Press I for GNU/Linux
Press c for CDROM
Stage 1 Boot:
Loadind CD ROM...  (it will show this line for about 30 seconds)
Loading second stage bootstrap...  (after 30 seconds this line will show again) 

When it returns to "Loading second stage bootstrap..." it does not do anything 
and I can't get out of it.

Please, can someone help me.



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