help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread chadi

hello all,

  ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some
problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a
PABX system ...  
  anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru
pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the dial tone) b4 dialing my


on selective multi file delete

1999-10-03 Thread Chadi
hello everyone ...

   i just finished downloading 2500++ files spread across lots of 
subdirectories using wget ...
   is there i can SAFELY delete all the .listing files created by wget scatered 
all throughout ???



corel on linux

1999-04-15 Thread Chadi
hi everyone !
 take a peak at this,,4,35166,00.html


Corel will base a Linux product based on the version of Linux from Debian. 
Debian's Linux can be purchased at many sites, Debian is a non-profit 


on bytes-per-inode Q

1999-04-14 Thread Chadi
Hello List,
  May I know at how many bytes-per-inode is the default debian (slink) install 
at ?
  Or, in my already working debian system, how do i know how many bytes/inode 
is it presently set at ?
  I am about to add a new hd as my /home and i want to make sure I make2fs them 
in uniform.

some DNS config q's

1999-03-30 Thread Chadi

hI all !
  i have successfully configured 
my DNS in a way that nslookup or will point to 
me, for example, ... i am master to this domain and doing a  $ 
whois will give myself ( as primary DNS and some free 
DNS service as 2ndary.
  my question is, how do i 
configure DNS so that doing  $ nslookup alone, (that is, w/o 
those prefixes i added like www, ftp, mail, etc) will immediately point to my 
address ?
  and another 
  about the lines in /etc/named.conf w/c 
allow-transfer "";  
  what if i want to allow 5 or 
10 diff addressess to do zone-tranfers on my data, how exactly do that 
thanks a lot and hope someone can 

auto sorting mail clients

1999-03-11 Thread chadi
Hi !
   im looking for a good email client (graphical and non-graphical) w/c can 
automatically sort out emails like put all mails where either the to: or the 
cc: fields contain etc etc.  seems like there are 
just too many of them to try out one by one.
   can anyone suggest something to me and maybe tell me in a few lines why they 
prefer that client ?

Re: remote xterm problems

1998-12-27 Thread chadi
  i experienced the same problems myself ... what i did was I reset term, i.e.,
  $set TERM=vt100
  try it and hope it'll help

>   When runing a remote xterm on a non-Debian box, if I invoke vi, the
>   fon'ts get trashed to somehting totaly unreadable. I have to use the
>   pulldown menu to do a full reset on the xterm, and then a control L to
>   redraw the screen.
>   Anyone have an idea what's wrong here?
>Factory Automation Systems
>Atlanta Ga.
>Windows 98: n.
>   minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a
>   16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit
>   microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit
>   of competition.
>(c) 1998 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

monolith woe / dynamic domains

1998-12-07 Thread chadi
hello everyone !
  i really am so very dissapointed w/ monoliths (* decision to end 
their services, specially now that i just acquired myself a static ip from my 
  does anyone here know of any other companies/organizations who provides the 
same service as monolith once did ?


monolith woe / dynamic domains

1998-12-06 Thread chadi
hello everyone !
  i really am so very dissapointed w/ monoliths (* decision to end 
their services, specially now that i just acquired myself a static ip from my 
  does anyone here know of any other companies/organizations who provides the 
same service as monolith once did ?


telnet timeout

1998-11-16 Thread chadi
hi !
  how do i put a telnet timeout to those who try to establish a telnet 
connection and doesnt successfully log in after 60 secs ?

IP assigning to LAN

1998-11-08 Thread chadi
hi all,
  anyway, i want to ask my ISP for 8 IPs that will be assigned to all our 7 
computers here, the other one for our debian box.  we only have a dedicated 
dial up account, is this possible ?
  any ideas or guidelines on how I may go about doing this ?
thanks a lot,

lost mail

1998-10-28 Thread chadi
Hi !
  due to a power failure i lost some email from this list.  id very much like 
it if someone can send in all messages regarding that question on sample 
/etc/hosts.deny & co. config ... denying all telnet & ftp access.

Re: clearing screen after logout & login screen

1998-10-27 Thread chadi
edit /etc/issue if u are on the local machine or /etc/ for telnet 
sessions ... that is, put a full screen of welcome messages on it and it will 
clear away all those funny characters
hope this helps,


On 10/27/98, at 1:31 AM, jim r wrote:

>How do I clear the screen after logout? so...instead of walking up on
>the remnants of the X server terminating and a login prompt, all that
>shows on the screen is the login prompt... what script is it?
>For that matter, how can I change the login prompt itself?both lines
>(Debian GNU/Linux (name) ttyX and login: )?
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Off Topic: Picture of GNU and Linux at

1998-10-26 Thread chadi
i checked the site out, so why did they call it Debian GNU/Linux anyway, what 
does the GNU mean ? ... isnt that an acronym or something ?

>It is not a cow it is a gnu.
>Main Entry: gnu
>Pronunciation: 'nü also 'nyü
>Function: noun
>Inflected Form(s): plural gnu or gnus
>Etymology: Khoikhoi t'gnu
>Date: 1777
>: either of two large African antelopes (Connochaetes gnou and
>C. taurinus) with a head like that of an ox, short mane, long
>tail, and horns in both sexes that curve downward and outward
>And I couldn't get to the site either.  Just keep trying I am sure it
>will be up soon.
>"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
> because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes."
>  - unknown
>Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Purdue University
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

long LAN

1998-10-26 Thread chadi
  I know you are the guys who has the real experience about these kinds of 
things and I was just wondering if you can give me suggestions as to how I may 
go about with this something that i just thought of.
  What do you think is the best way (or any other way you can think of) for us 
to link our local LAN to another LAN (same school, diff. campus) about 800-1000 
meters away without having to resort to phone lines or leased lines.  This is 
far too much for coax or UTP right ? ... Is there any way around this and still 
get like 500++ kbps tranfers ?
  Any suggestions will be very much appreciated,

Re: creating preselected configurations for DSELECT

1998-10-25 Thread chadi
Milan Durovic posted this before but seemed to have payed any attention to it.  
His idea sounded great to me (I'm sure it will also sound great to you those 
who are in the computer realted businesses) so Im posting this again.
Hope to hear something from you guys !



I am interested in creating predefined selections of packages, similar
to those that appear when you first install Debian (the ones with names
like "scientific workstation", "Games machine", "Network server",
"Developer", "Standard", etc.

I would like to add my own "standard configurations" to those on the
Debian distribution. Ultimately, this should all end up on the
customized Debian CD. So, when I take the task of installing Debian on
100+ PCs, the task is greatly simplified.

Where exactly are these predefined selections of packages specified on
the Debian distribution? How can they be modified? How to add new
package selections to it?


Re: Survey about linux

1998-10-09 Thread chadi
how about, isn't that good enough ? ...

On 10/9/98, at 1:19 PM, David Welton wrote:

>For those of you who like to stand up and be counted, here is a survey
>being conducted about linux usage.  I have nothing to do with it, just
>thought I'd pass the information on...
>David Welton
>   Debian GNU/Linux -
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: can´t start Netscape

1998-10-08 Thread chadi
please take note that netscape requires a lot of lib's , specially the ones 
from section /oldlibs/ ... go to the debian homepage > packages and try to see 
what those packages are ok ? ... and when u install netscape use the 
netscape???.deb installer, put the 9mb something netscape package in /tmp ... 
and off u go


On 10/8/98, at 5:42 PM, Vasili Goutas Kernel Hacker wrote:

>I´m running debian Linux 2.0 and try to start Netscape, but I get the
>´can´t load library´. I have added the path to this lib in
>the environment variable LIBRARY_PATH but its still the same.
>I can´t find any readme or howtos which describes what env. variab.
>Netscape needs.
>MOZILLA_HOME is also set right.
>Any ideas?
>*  Vasili GoutasRATIO Entwicklungen GmbH *
>*  P:+49-(0)40-369007-37  Admiralitätstr. 59 *
>*  F:+49-(0)40-369007-25D-20459 Hamburg *
>*  Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

on dpkg usage

1998-10-05 Thread chadi
hi all !!!
  may i know whats the difference between using "dpkg -i filename.deb" and 
"dpkg --configure filename.deb" ... and which is probably the best option AND 
w/c one does a check whether u have violated some package rules like installing 
conflicts ... tenks

netscape4's program size

1998-10-04 Thread chadi
   i was looking for the Netscape4 package on and i found the 
package, netscape4 4.0-12, i was about to download it when i found out that its 
only 16kb in size ... 16,828 bytes !!! are they serious !!!???
   if theres anyone here who has tried installing the netscape4 package on 
debian, i would really appreciate it if u can tell whether that 16 kilobyte 
debian package really worked ...
   thanks in advance :)

req libs for Netscape 4

1998-10-03 Thread chadi
   hello, im using debian 2.0 and also installed X but when i tried to install 
and run Netscape 4.06, it dumped a bunch of "not found this/that" lib ... is 
there anyone here who can help me as to exactly what sets of libraries shouldi 
install to get netscape running ?
   im a bit low on disk space here so i cant just install all of em just to get 
it to work.
   thanks a lot in advance ...

on libs for Netscape 4.06

1998-10-03 Thread chadi
   hello, im using debian 2.0 and also installed X but when i tried to install 
and run Netscape 4.06, it dumped a bunch of "not found this/that" lib ... is 
there anyone here who can help me as to exactly what sets of libraries shouldi 
install to get netscape running ?
   im a bit low on disk space here so i cant just install all of em just to get 
it to work.
   thanks a lot in advance ...