Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:27:59 -0500
Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:

 On Sat, 1 Mar 2014 18:26:25 -0700
 ghaverla wrote:
  I will try Sabyon (sp?).  But it looks like it might move to systemd
  willingly leaving no option.  It is based on Gentoo, which I could
  move to.
 I tested Sabayon during my last distro shootout, and it's *a lot*
 different than Debian, especially Debian Stable. Sabayon is a rolling
 distro, which can be convenient, but means broken code could sneak
 onto your computer at any time. This is also true of things like
 Ubuntu, but it's not true of Debian Stable unless a security update
 is bad.
 Sabayon isn't all that easy to install. If I remember correctly, I was
 forced to configure the kernel myself at install time (I might be
 confusing it with Gentoo, this shootout was about 3 years ago). I got
 the kernel wrong, and had to boot from System Rescue CD. Anyway,
 Sabayon was difficult to install, and felt rather fragile to me. 
 I have no knowledge of init systems and couldn't possibly comment on
 systemd vs udev vs SysV, so I don't understand what's so terrible
 about systemd. But my research from 3 years ago tell me that
 Sabayon's no panacea.
 I just started using Debian (Wheezy) on a regular basis, and like its
 solid ease. Systemd would need to be awfully bad for me to give that

Hi Steve.  We both moved to Claws from kmail at about the same time.

Most of the programming I have done is numerical methods, but for years
on Debian I was compiling my own kernel.  I am trying to start a big
project at Savannah involving a bunch of number crunching, when this
came up.  But I have done a bunch of systems stuff, running Sabyon,
Gentoo or Slackware shouldn't be a problem.  I maintained a token ring
driver for a few kernel revisions past where upstream quit, cross
compiled gcc on Linux for Solaris, ported Perl-4.x to QNX-2.x.


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Re: Numerical Methods Programming: was: Four people decided the yadda yadda yadda

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 14:46:21 -0500
Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:

 On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:31:08 -0700
 ghaverla wrote:
  Most of the programming I have done is numerical methods, 
 What language did you use? I've used a little bit of Scheme, and kind
 of liked it for numbers.
 When you say numerical methods programming, do you mean this:

I still have fortran as a user ID on some websites.  My M.Eng. project
(mid 80's) was a dynamical system of differential equations where
equations disappeared at random, in VAX FORTRAN.  I had doubly linked
lists and garbage collection in FORTRAN to run this stuff.  I've done
some in C, some in C++ and a lot in Perl.

 I've often thought of writing a differentiator program in Python, or
 who knows, maybe Scheme, perhaps something that solves y = f(x) type
 equations simply by iterating closer and closer to see where it
 crosses the axes. This gets ever more inviting, because I'm
 continually forgetting more and more of my high school and college
 I'd love to know what you're doing and how you're doing it.

This big project I want to start at Savannah (the nongnu side) is
probably going to be 45-55 Perl modules when it is finished.  The data
I am working from is GPS tracklog data, but there is no reason a person
couldn't have trace element analysis of a surface from inside an Auger
microscope (my background is materials science and engineering).
Outliers happen, especially with personal GPS and no differentials (or
postprocessing).  Most of the methods for detecting outliers, strictly
speaking, can only be used to detect a single outlier in data.  One of
my modules is in implementation of Pierce's Criteria, where I have
tables to detect up to 9 outliers in up to 60 data points.  As I am
starting with tens of thousands of points, I have to get down to 60
before I can think about applying this to flag outliers (in GPS, some
errors are blunders, which can be corrected after the fact).  I am
using a median quadtree to partition the data so that it eventually
gets down to 60 or less points.  The idea is to surface things
eventually using thin plate splines, but they have a free parameter in
their design.  So, I want to wrap the TPS fitting with Leave One Out
Cross Validation.  To find the optimal value of the parameter, I am
supercharging Brent's Method for function minimization based on work
Jack Crenshaw ( has done, and adding some ideas of my own
(he wants his new version to work in embedded devices, I want mine to be
general purpose).

Another thing I am trying to set up, is coming up with a course
(professional development) to teach engineers about computational
statistics (Monte Carlo, bootstrap, jackknife, and others).

I'm a bit of an outlier in Materials Science and Engineering.


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 02 Mar 2014 16:53:59 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

  I disagree with the binaryness of
 Do you mean the *one* binary in systemd?  I'm pretty sure the source
 is available.

As I understand things, one of the benefits of systemd is a fast boot
process.  As I only boot my computer once per year (or so), this is
terribly important to me (sarcasm).  My computer spends a lot of time
doing BOINC.

As I understand things, to speed up the boot process, all the script
files get replaced with binary stuff.  If there is a problem, you're
hooped as you can't edit some text file to fix things.  Along with this
goes a more complicated PID=1.

The guys at Bell Labs were all smart guys.  Text files and simple PID=1
make a lot of sense.  There are lots of people who like the idea of
fast boot times.  I think most of these people are looking for
hibernation, not boot.

  But knowing Debian was going to change, I went looking for refuge,
  and things derived from Gentoo might be home, things derived from
  Slackware might be home.  
 Choice is good. Fortunately it's one of the key benefits of Open
 Source development.

There is no choice, when we are informed that systemd will be the
default in 8.0, when in unstable and testing systemd is already present
and seemingly no way to remove it.

Or rather there is a choice: your way or the highway.  And my decision,
was highway.

Maybe things were presented wrong.  Maybe things were not presented
when they should have been.  I have autism, and tend to take everything
at face value.

As I seen things, there was no choice.  As things progress, I still see
no choice, except the highway.


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
This isn't properly replied to.  I am new to Claws, and I have no time
to figure out gpg signing.

On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:56:22 +0200
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Sb, 01 mar 14, 20:03:54, ghaverla wrote:
  But the fact there are no options is what bothers me.
 There are options. Even if Canonical will be pulling the plug on udev 
 there is still OpenRC. The maintainer could use more help though.

I looked in Debian a week or so ago.  OpenRC wasn't even in
experimental.  Either I looked wrong, or it has only recently been
added.  I know OpenRC is at Gentoo (that where it came from, as I
understand things).

I don't understand Canonical pulling plug on udev.  Pulling plug on
upstart makes sense, pulling plug on systemd makes sense.


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 02 Mar 2014 13:05:20 -0600 wrote:

 Sure, systemd has its flaws (While I like the journal, there are
 downsides to a binary-based log when your system is screwed up and
 your only resource is a LiveCD. I don't know if there's a way to read
 the journal outside the system that created it.), but ultimately
 between our choices: Stick with SysV, Upstart (Which takes an
 everything and the kitchen sink approach to its dependency startups
 and encourages complexity.), and OpenRC (Which utterly misses the
 reasons why SysV needs replacing.), I'd choose systemd.

My inclination is to edit out even more, but perhaps too much context
gets hit.

I've been playing UN*X since 1984.  Init files are what they are.  They
get executed once at boot, and seldom seen again.  I've seen different
variations, including having everything in rc.local.

I want to do number crunching, I don't want to be bothered by the boot
process.  It works.  If I have to go make coffee while the boot process
is happening, I'll go make coffee.

In reading about UN*X since 1984, I have never seen mention of problems
with the boot process, niggles yes.  But things that cause the entire
system to be classified as unusable, no.  This kind of talk (writing)
in my experience, is just in the last maybe 2 months.

Systemd seems to have 2 proponents, people interested in fast booting,
and people interested in servers.  The intersection of those two groups
is almost the NULL set.  I think the answer to faster booting is
hibernation, and people have been playing with that for many years as
near as I can tell.  To the people running servers who want faster
booting, I would suggest that they not turn the things off.

It isn't change is evil, the saying is if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Up until a month or so ago, I wouldn't know Lennart from a hole in the
ground.  He has a history with projects.  Someone suggested he may not
have started Pulse, I don't know.  As far as I know, there are still
problems with Pulse.  I will not install Pulse on any system I set up,
and if someone wants me to take care of their Linux box, Pulse gets
removed.  He may not have started Avahi, I don't know.  I disable avahi
daemons and executables as a matter of course, for much more than 1
year.  My beef with Avahi?  For my LAN, I have 0 need.  Why is it
required?  Chmod 640 and the problem is more or less gone.  But I still
have the useless downloads, which cuts into my bandwidth and possibly
monthly allowance.  I don't want to download stuff I don't want or
need.  I have no idea if avahi is finished?

I read the Free Software/FOSS/Libre news a lot.  And I have more than a
decade.  I didn't see news that init scripts are broken.

With Respect To boot times, I would think moving to a specialised shell
that had no interactive capability (such as Gnu Readline) might be a
place to start.  That the shell often had to invoke subshells to do
things, to me might be a reason to try Perl to boot a system.  Just as
a trial, Perl is big.  But once you get it up and running, it doesn't
need to invoke inferior processes for many tasks, and is capable of
starting binaries with calculated arguments.

Do you have a reference on sysvinit maintainer having problems?  I
don't anticipate having  time for a couple of months, but maybe after.


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-02 Thread ghaverla
On Mon, 03 Mar 2014 12:52:40 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 You *imagine*, not think (using reductive logic?). I'm sure your
 not a bully who forces your ideas onto those that do want fast boot
 instead of hibernation.

Did you really need to send this?  The entire note, not just this


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-01 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 02 Mar 2014 01:28:38 +0100
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 We Arch users made a poll. Even if more users would have been against
 systemd, the developers would have switched to systemd, but most users
 wanted systemd. We, around 49% and me were against systemd, but around
 51 % were pro systemd. Nowadays it makes live easier for all of us who
 use several different distros, when _all_ or at least the most
 important distros will switch to systemd. To discuss pros and cons of
 systemd a time machine is needed, to go back more than 3 years ago.
 To discuss it in 2014 is a little bit to late.

I don't begrudge DD deciding to make systemd the default in 8.0.  But
the announcement of that, was the first time systemd came on my radar.
Hence, I (not the person who started this thread) couldn't have engaged
in debate 3+ years ago either.  I disagree with the binaryness of

But knowing Debian was going to change, I went looking for refuge, and
things derived from Gentoo might be home, things derived from Slackware
might be home.

In trying to investigate this weeks ago, it was not a measured
argument I was observing.

I started with Linux with the 1.2.13 kernel, and my first job was
upgrading a Linux box running 1.2.9 with 1.2.13.  I have run across a
lot of news, email, blogs and projects since then.  There are a handful
of personalities I dislike, and there are a handful of projects I
dislike.  Usually, you can find a replacement.  Sometimes you have to
remove stuff.  One of the first sets of projects I found myself
removing if present, or staying away from was Pulse audio.  Some people
never had problems, I think they did fresh installs where Pulse was the
default.  If Pulse ever had a problem, it usually seemed to turn into a
nightmare.  Long before I heard of Avahi, I had read about zeroconf.
Seemed like a neat idea.  I had no use for it.  Then I found avahi
causing me grief on KDE, and then I find out it is zeroconf, and it is
required (or close to it).  So, I just got in the habit of removing
execute permission on all the binaries.  Up until a few weeks ago, I
had no idea who was behind either Pulse or avahi.

Udev has bothered me.  And then comes the systemd announcement, and
part of that is involved systemd taking over udev.  About that time, I
learn who is behind systemd, and that this is the same person who was
behind Pulse and avahi.  And since then, I seen a note that this same
udev thing is going to get pushed into the kernel.  Soon.

I will try Sabyon (sp?).  But it looks like it might move to systemd
willingly leaving no option.  It is based on Gentoo, which I could move
to.  And once upon a time I ran slackware, so I could move to that,
which looks like it will have options.  At least to some things.  And
most recently, I built a debian package from source with pbuilder, in
an effort to learn about removing unwanted functionality (PolicyKit).
It turns out I also had to remove dbus and fax support, but I don't
need either of those for my printing needs.

It is possible that there won't be problems with Debian (or other
distributions), but I think there will be.  So I am moving, it is just
to be determined how far.

But to read that a split of 49:51 means there can't be options is


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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

2014-03-01 Thread ghaverla
On Sun, 02 Mar 2014 03:11:24 +0100
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sat, 2014-03-01 at 18:26 -0700, ghaverla wrote:
  But to read that a split of 49:51 means there can't be options is
 I was inaccurate, I guess there were much more than 51% pro
 sytsmed ;). But indeed, systemd caused the longest flame wars on
 several mailing lists I ever read + I participated to some of those
 flame wars.

The only flame wars I liked were the emacs/vi ones.

I was using slackware before they turned the tarball into a package.  I
can go back to that if need be.  I've used HP-UX, Solaris, QNX and
other things UN*X or UN*Xlike.  BSD would not be a problem.  Plan 9
might be interesting.

But the fact there are no options is what bothers me.

But, I have a friend a couple of thousand km away, who has a partially
borked system, and we are trying to talk him into getting things back
up.  So, I will come back to this later.


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Re: pbuilder

2014-02-28 Thread ghaverla
On Thu, 27 Feb 2014 20:22:55 -0700
ghaverla wrote:

 I guess I am trapped by an update that is midway through.
 I was meaning to recompile hplip, and one suggestion was pbuilder.

The update wen through today.  I do not know what the intended way to
update the sudoers file is.  What I did was
edit /usr/share/psycho/users/uid (where uid=debian) to enter the

= /usr/sbin/pbuilder /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satsifydepends

#debian ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pbuilder
#debian ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satsifydepends

This at least lets pbuilder run a long time, before dying with what
seems a fairly common problem.

cp: cannot stat 'debian/tmp/etc/dbus-1': No such file or directory.

So, I will see what turns up.


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2014-02-27 Thread ghaverla
I guess I am trapped by an update that is midway through.

I was meaning to recompile hplip, and one suggestion was pbuilder.

I set up a new user to do the compiling under, and was hoping to put
the pbuilder environment in that HOME.  It took a few tries to get
pbuilder create from building everything in /var/cache.  Got passed

I made my few changes to the hplip package, and tried to build it.  I
kept having sudo kill the process because of some environment
variable.  The same error message goes back 4 years (or more), I seen
numerous suggestions for changes to sudoers, and a few for command
lines, nothing changed.  Sudo killed things midway through.

Well, I still had things in /var/cache, so I altered my .pbuilderrc
file to once again point to /var/cache.  The pbuilder process went
further.  Right away, pbuilder noticed I had some dependencies missing,
and went about trying to satisfy them.  Well, my normal apt-get  has a
stack of 100 or so packages that I am holding off on upgrading (many
waiting for a necessary X upgrade).  So instead of pbuilder just
looking to upgrade half a dozen packages, it felt it needed to upgrade
all of them, not just the half dozen it needed.

Earlier, I had discovered I was missing libsnmp-dev and libdbus-1-dev
(playing with ./configure), so it would seem that something in the
debian control information for hplip is missing those 2.  Those 2 were
among the half dozen that pbuilder later wanted to update.  After
killing this runaway update I didn't want to do, I tried to manually
upgrade the half dozen or so packages that pbuilder was anxious about,
and most of them it says are fine on my system, a couple are trapped
until some cups updates come through I guess.

I can live with printing being down for a couple of days, maybe those
packages will show up, and I can try building new base.tar files that
supposedly have all the depends in them.  I guess if I unbundle the
tarball, chroot in, I should just be able to apt-get what is missing
and rebundle the tarball.

But, it would seem that whatever environment variable(s) is involved,
the bug in pbuilder was fixed for the circumstance where everything is
in /var/cache, but not if the build environment is somewhere
under /home/.

I have two other emergencies I was supposed to drop everything for, so
I am moving on to them.  If someone had more (useful) ideas on things
to try with pbuilder in /home, I can try those tomorrow or Saturday I
guess.  If people were interested in this report, wonderful.  If not,
well I got some more typing practice.


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Re: Re: [OT] KDM No Longer In KDE ?!?

2014-02-22 Thread ghaverla
Trivia really.

Long ago, I tried to set up kdm to run multiple x servers, and it was
too opaque for me, and so I tried gdm and found it easy.  There were
other aspects of gdm I liked.

Then Gnome 3 came along, and its gdm3 couldn't do multiple x servers
(or so I read).  Consequently, I am still running gdm-2.20.11-4.  On
unstable.  With Debian doing so much updating lately (get rid of
deadwood, like old users such as myself), I figured I better download
the 2.20.11-4 source package from oldstable before it goes away.

But, sometime between now and April, I will be moving to Gentoo,
Slackware or beyond.  I guess 15 years of Debian is enough.


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Re: Help with command - cp

2014-01-26 Thread ghaverla
Your requirement (to skip hidden files and directories) is what is
usually required.

But, as a generic rule, you can use the echo command to help with
analysing how the command line shell might expand a wild card.

echo cp /path/to/src/* /path/to/dest  some_tmp_file

If I do this on my home directory, I could a huge list as I have too
many files.  Which is why I redirected the output to a file.  And
looking in the file, I find that there are no hidden directories or
files copied.

If we look at your command line, you have two switches -R and -p.
The -R turns on recursive copying, not only is every file
in .../sourcedir/A copied, every subdirectory of .../sourcedir/A, and
subdirectories of those, to the end of the file tree is copied.  The -p
switch asks for the preservation of metadata: ownership, groupship, and

If you are the owner of the files  under sourcedir/A and you are also
the owner of destinationdir/B, I would expect the ownership and
groupship to already be proper, and so it is only the file time
information which is being preserved.  Preserve is important if root is
doing the copying.


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