2012-05-14 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Michelle Konzack wrote:

> If you have a legal License od SolidWorks, you can install WINE and 
> run it from there (it works very nice under GNU/Linux)

IIRC, solidworks performance relies heavily on hardware accelerated 
graphics. I'd be surprised to see wine handle this smoothly. 

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2012-05-13 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Csanyi Pal wrote:

> Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
> FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,

Yes, freecad aims to be an alternative to solidworks or inventor. The
project was started a few years ago and it makes good progress. But 
there is still a very long way to go until its goal can be remotely 
regarded as fullfilled .

> BRL-CAD can be installed from source.

brlcad is ancient software. Its interface was designed in the 1980s.
That is, it preceeds the invention of 3D mechanical CAD as we know it.
The UI implicitely assumes a text terminal and a plotter. There are 
elements of a "modern" GUI but they don't quite blend with the general
cancept. The interface has a severe tendency to make simple tasks 
complicated. I tried brlcad when I needed a 3D CAD application for 
a straight-up real world design. However, it took me more than an 
afternoon to put a cube on top of a sphere. 

In the end, I settled for varicad. This is a commercial 3D CAD application
that was developed on/for linux. Its list of features is moderately 
comprehensive. There is no much support for parametric design, though.
But the interface is quite intuitive.

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-04 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Frank McCormick wrote:

> That's what works here in gnome-classic.
That's what works in standard gnome themn, too. I have yet to see
a reason tot run gnome-classic beyond the obvious absence of compositing 

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Camaleón wrote:

>> 1. Gnome classic desktop displays no desktop icons.

Nautilus does not handle the desktop in gnome3 by default. But this
can be changes with a flag. The easiest way to set the flag back to
true is via gnome-tewak-tool: First line in section "Desktop".
gnome-tweak-tool comes in a package of its own.

>> 2. How can I examine the menu items to find where the underlying
>> programs they call are and are named? I have not yet come to an
>> understanding of how this part worsks.

The gnome3 way: 
1) Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen.
   (Alternatively, press the windows-key)
--> The screen warps to some kind of window chooser.

2) click "applications" in the upper left. 
--> The screen changes to an iphone-like carpet of klarge icons.
  Use the menu on the right to filter for specific groups of 

> Alacarte was the usual application to deal with GNOME menu 
> items but I think is broken somehow.

IMHO, the OP is missing the menu in the first place. This 
seems to be gone in gnome3. Same as with the icons on the 
desktop it is still there, just not in the default theme.

Steps to recover the gnome2 way:

1) call gnome-panel in a terminal. (Yet another gnome2 core
element that is hidden in the default theme of gnome3)
--> at least one panel appears on the top of the screen. 

2) do [alt right-click] on the panel. That is, hold the alt key 
during right mouse click. 
--> a menu pops up 

3) Choose "add_to_panel"
--> a chooser window lists a number of itzems that can be added
to the panel

4) choose "Main Menu", or "Menu Bar" click "ok"
--> The application menus known from gnome2 appear in the panel.

optionally: 5) right-klick on the menu to start alacarte and 
modify the menu. (no alt-button required, this time)
IIRC, the debian sub menu is not activated by default in wheezy.
I habitually make it visible.

The shut-down item seems to be missing in the exit menu if you 
click on the user name in the upper right of the screen. Press 
the alt key and it reappears. However, the "Main Menu" also features
a shut-down item like it always did.

If any of the gnome devs is listening: This game of hide and seek 
with UI controls is patronizing, annoying and just obnoxious.
Just stop it. Period.

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-26 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Doug wrote:

> This may be heretical for this list, but there are other distros in
> the world.
> I like PCLinuxOS, which is a rolling release, and is always up to
> date, if you just remember to update it once a week or so.

sounds like debian/testing :-)
With debian/stesing there is a benefit: You can stop updating once
"testing" is declared "stable". 

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-25 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Celejar wrote:

>> Squeeze stuff is rather old by now.
> Fair enough - I'm just saying that perhaps we shouldn't go around
> saying that linux support for Intel is perfect, when Debian stable is
> shipping badly broken software for mature and not obsolete hardware.
Well, this is the way the debian release cycle works. If you want a
distro with a fixed six month release period, then you may be better
off with ubuntu. In case you just need more recent versions of stuff, 
there is always testing, which is not as fragile as it sounds.
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Re: Lenny security support dropped

2012-02-11 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Andrew Wood wrote:

>> Well, I love Debian Lenny, the first release that I use regularly,
>> it's very sad news
> It was the first version of Debian I used too

It was my eighth release of debian -- Man, do I feel old now ;-)

> but I wouldnt call it a sad day. On the contrary Im excited for 
> the future of Debian - Wheezy and Gnome 3 look great. 

For my desktop I am less into look and more into functions. Gnome3
comes are some nice ideas with good usability.

> Using Wheezy as my main desktop OS now. Used to 
> be a Mac fan but hate the new UI in OS X Lion, think Gnome 3 is much 
> more elegant.

It sure is elegant. If only it would be less patronizing. 
Lots of formerly already few available config options are simply 
gone. Many others are better hidden than ever before. E.g. there 
is no GUI way to configure the backdrop of gdm any more. The top
panel is not configurable at all. More panels need some trickery
to spawn in the first place. There is no power off item in the 
panel menu, only log-out...

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Re: transmission

2012-02-04 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
cletusjenkins wrote:

> Is there any problems in general with bittorrent lately? I tried to
> launch transmission yesterday and this evening and had issues. I see
> no traffic up or down, and when it starts up all my torrents are
> paused, even the ones I'm just seeding.

Just tried it --> Everything is working fine, here. My system is
wheezy, updated every two or three days.

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Re: Regression when I try to get connected to a network server

2012-02-04 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
th.lamotte wrote:

> Since then I got a regression with any connection to the network: 
> any first attempts fail when using iceweasel, icedove, etc.

How do you connect to the internet? Dial-up, or DSL? Is there a 
router in between? Can you ping a computer on a local network?
Can you ping computers on the internet once you know their IP 
number? What does the network-manager say? What is the output of
   sudo ifconfig  

> I do not know where the weak package could be and how to track it.

apt keeps a log which packages it installed or removed. You can 
access it via synaptic:

1) sudo synaptic
2) file -> history

If the number of files affected by the update was not too large,
you may be able to narrow in the search for the culprit.

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Re: radeonhd removed from Testing ... in February, still gone?

2012-01-02 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Carl Fink wrote:

>> Some ATI cards need "firmware-linux-nonfree" package to enable 3D
>> acceleration:
> I figured that out, but installing it had no effect. And if it's

> Why isn't it a
> dependency for the fglrx or radeon packages?

Because the xserver still works without the firmware package. It just does not
benefit from the acceleration that DRI offers. 

Next qestion will be: 
   Why is the firmware package not installed by default in the first place?
   Because the licence of the firmware is barely acceptable in debian. 
   That is, what the "nonfree" in the name is about. As it happens,
   Debian as a project tries to depend as little as possible on nonfree

> Or at least pop up a message telling me it might be needed?

I got a pop-up notice when I installed the radeon package on my desktop.
Maybe, you missed it?

>> Magic is scarce in these days and your linux box needs a bit of user
>> action to be properly setup, mainly when it comes to configure VGA
>> cards :-)
> That's the wrong attitude, in my totally non-humble opinion.

You probably never set up a linux desktop back when xorg was still 
called xfree... ;-)

> Look at BlueTooth. Here's what I had to do to get BlueTooth working
> on my netbook:

Manufacturers do not make such a fuss about the interface
to blue tooth devices as they do with graphic cards. AMD, nvidia and
to an extent Intel too, treat the full command set to drive their 
chips like corporate secrets.

> I know video card makers don't make things
> simple, but that should be the target for all Debian hardware support.

Guess what, it actually is the goal for Debian -- It just happens, that 
the manufacturers... :-P

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getting started with spamassasin

2008-01-23 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak

I'd like to get spamassasin going on my desktop (testing/lenny). Mail 
enters this box via fetchmail which was configured to poll an imap 
server. Exim delivers it to the users. The procmail package is installed. 
Configuration of fetchmail was done by fetchmailconf, no special exim 
tricks. So, the mail system is pretty much Debian default. 

Still, I am a bit confused by the official spamassasin docs. There are 
just too many ways to do things. What is the easiest way to activate 
spamassasin on my box?

Kai-Martin Knaak

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