Re: upgrade kernel

2015-01-27 Thread mrr

On 24/01/2015 21:40, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

mrr a écrit :

I saw somewhere during kernel compilation an option to load a kernel on
the fly but I haven't gone further (maybe it was targeted at kernel

If you're talking about kexec, it just avoid the firmware POST and
bootloader stage of a complete reboot, but not the system init. AFAIK
you cannot just swap kernels while userland processes keep running.

That was it, thanks for the upgrade

Or are you talking about live kernel patching such as ksplice, which
allows security patches to be applied to a running kernel without
rebooting ?

So usually, you do reboot after a kernel upgrade if you want to run the
new one.

It's the only occasion (I hope systemd hasn't changed that!) when an
upgrade needs a reboot (or am I wrong?). Sometimes though you need a
simple log out / log in.

All running processes using an upgraded executable must be restarted,
otherwise it keeps using the old version. This include all the libraries
it uses. When the libc, which is used by most programs, is upgraded, it
may be easier to reboot the whole system.


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Re: Unable to configure UPS options

2015-01-26 Thread mrr

On 25/01/2015 03:00, Melvin Call wrote:

On 1/24/15, mrr  wrote:

On 24/01/2015 03:50, Melvin Call wrote:


So yeah, if you have some udev rule writing help that you can point me to, I
will try that avenue.

Hi Melvin,

I'll be pleased to develop a bit how I settled up a udev rule for the 
battery. The idea were to trigger an action every time the battery 
appeared as a kernel/udev event. Maybe tomorrow, if I have some free time!

In the battery case, the udev triggering (used to happen every about 10 
seconds on my laptop) were just kind of an exercise for me because I 
could have used cron with the same result and even more freedom (you can 
choose the delay).

But once you understand (a bit) udev you can easily do nice things like 
triggering a rsync script every time you plug in your usb disk and only 
that one!

I'll try to develop a bit my understanding of udev soon (novice 



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Re: Can't boot from pendrive

2015-01-24 Thread mrr

On 24/01/2015 16:10, Brian wrote:

On Sat 24 Jan 2015 at 15:26:19 +0100, mrr wrote:

On 24/01/2015 13:30, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Hi all.


I downloaded the file debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso and copied it onto a
pendrive with:

  $ dd if=debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync

If you create a /dev/sdc1 partition a launch the dd on it, does it work?

This cannot work because the boot sector of the drive would not be
written to.

So we have an answer as the OP finally installed the iso on sdb1!

> # fdisk -l debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso
> You must set cylinders.
> You can do this from the extra functions menu.

What does that gives ?


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Re: Can't boot from pendrive

2015-01-24 Thread mrr

On 24/01/2015 13:30, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Hi all.


I downloaded the file debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso and copied it onto a
pendrive with:

  $ dd if=debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync

If you create a /dev/sdc1 partition a launch the dd on it, does it work?

, but then can't boot from it even though the BIOS is - apparently - configured
so to do that.  Why?

Thanks for any help,



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Re: Questions to live-build

2015-01-24 Thread mrr

On 24/01/2015 13:30, Hans wrote:

Hello list,

I am looking for some answers, the live-build I could not find in the live-
build documentation. I hope, someone very experienced can help me.

The situation:
I created a live-build structure and with "lb config" and "lb build" I can
build an ISO-image. That is working well.

Question 1:
I want to change the chroot. For this, I chroot into the chroot and now I can
do my changes I want to do (i.e. change configs or add packages whatever).

How can I build a new ISO-image without the process of cleaning the chroot and
avoid unpacking of all the packages again and again? Is "lb clean" necessary?
"lb build" is doing that every time!

If I understand, created files inside the chroot are keeped upon reboot 
but not installed packets ?
If so (seems weird though), cleaning the chroot would just be a matter 
of executing a "remove" script when going to runlevel 0 or 6 (or whatever!)
Keeping packets is more challenging. Could you mount your iso image on / 
so as to work on a physical partition rather than a ramfs?
But I guess it wouldn't be as simple as the iso dynamically loads a 
valid file system on boot (I think). You could see the situation with a

$ df /

What about changing completely the strategy i.e.:
- boot on the iso.
- installation of packets
(- purging of unwanted files)
- eventually installing a boot loader (the iso obviously has one but the 
working file-system may not). I'm not sure it would work so I would do 
that in a second time, and the first time you boot with the new iso, you 
may use an extern tool.

- copying the entire root tree on some other support.
- creating an iso with the file generated above.

The difficulty might be to copy a file-system which is in use.

But I'm sure not a "very experienced" one so other answers will give you 
some more valuable information, not double hypothesis of what your 
question really is and my answer.

Question 2:
During build I see tons of "lb" commands, started by "lb build". Is there an
explanation of all the "lb"-commands, so that it might be possible for me,
doing a step-by-step build, i.e. giving me the possibilty to restart at a
certain point, when something crashes?

At the moment, when I am building a live-system, and it crashes after several
hours because of a dmaged package or something else, I have to fix it, then
restart again and wait agian for hours. I hope, there is a better solution.

If building an iso works as I said above (or otherwise) you would have 
your backup and a new starting point but it would not prevent the crash!
Crashes are quite seldom on Linux (well, for sure on my wheezy at 
least!), anyway the best idea would be to find the cause and fix it.

Maybe there is a crash dump somewhere (that stays across reboots)?
Does it crashes on both distributions?
Does it crashes if you don't install anything (to test that, you would 
need time, at least twice the mean time between failures, maybe a night) ?

I am building mainly debian-live and kali-linux.

Thank you for every hints!

Best regards


Just ideas man, just ideas! As I said, I'm not a professional in that field!


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Re: upgrade kernel

2015-01-23 Thread mrr

On 16/01/2015 17:50, Marc Auslander wrote:

Pol Hallen  writes:

Hi folks!

a security updates of kernel is available (from apt-get upgrade), so:
must I reboot my pc (after upgrade) to avoid security problems? Is
there another way?

thanks for help!


I always reboot after a kernel related upgrade on the grounds that if
something goes wrong, I want to know about it right now.

The alternative is that sometime in the future, a scheduled or
unscheduled reboot leads to trouble and you have no idea what caused it!

I saw somewhere during kernel compilation an option to load a kernel on 
the fly but I haven't gone further (maybe it was targeted at kernel 

So usually, you do reboot after a kernel upgrade if you want to run the 
new one.

It's the only occasion (I hope systemd hasn't changed that!) when an 
upgrade needs a reboot (or am I wrong?). Sometimes though you need a 
simple log out / log in.



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Re: Unable to configure UPS options

2015-01-23 Thread mrr

On 24/01/2015 03:50, Melvin Call wrote:


I have two computers, both running Wheezy and the
XFCE4 Desktop. Both have attached UPS devices, and
lsusb shows the UPS attached to each machine. Yet,
on one I have options to configure actions to take
when on battery, and on the other I have no "On
Battery" tab. I enabled the battery monitor plug-in
in the notification area on both, and the problematic
one shows only to be online (no battery present).

I am looking for help to enable the battery option
on the second machine so when the power goes off
the system will shutdown or suspend to RAM at my
choosing. I have compared installed packages between
the two and see nothing significant. What would my
next step be, please?


Hi Melvin,

You can use:
$ acpi --battery
to get battery information.

You can create a udev rule to trigger (for example) a suspend to RAM 
(/usr/sbin/pm-suspend) when the battery is unplugged or below a limit.

I can lead you to information about that if you are interested.

Apart form this I have no clue about the xfce widget (I'm not on a 
laptop) but you could try some of the xfce4-power-* commands:

$ xfce4-power-information
$ xfce4-power-manager
$ xfce4-power-manager-settings

And of course, continue to investigate differences (maybe in /etc or in 
~/.local) between your 2 computers, that's a good idea!



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Re: So much for a wheezy install, massive fail

2015-01-20 Thread mrr

On 20/01/2015 15:40, Gene Heskett wrote:


I just started to do a wheezy 2.8 install on a disk with 4k sectors, this
after researching and finding a partitioner utility that DOES know about
4k/sector disks.  That is gdisk. which found the gparted setup and fixed
it, all I had to do was write it to the disk., gparted, an old version is
not capable of aligning things correctly.

So the disk is all partitioned and formatted but empty.

Now I find I cannot bypass the disk partitioner in the installer, nor can
I force it to use these partitions on the hilited drive   This is using
the installer in "expert" mode.

   It will not let me change the "do not use" when I hilite a partition and
hit enter.  It doesn't even acknowledge the mount points "/boot" and "/"
already set.

I'm not sure I understand the latter sentence correctly but in doubt :
Mount points can't be already set, the logic comes once the installation 
is over (i.e. in grub and in /etc/fstab).
And if your partitions aren't recognized you can't assign them some 
mount points but maybe that's what you meant!

This is less than a desirable thing.

How can I both bypass the broken partitioner, AND force it to use the
partitions it finds on the hilited drive?

Cheers, Gene Heskett

I remember I had a similar issue installing debian maybe one year ago.

If I get it right, some partitions created with some tool wasn't 
recognized by the debian installer partitioner (it had something to do 
with gpt & sorry for the lack of precision). What were important is 
that, as you were already advised by other contributors, using the 
debian partitioner had solve the problem.

A 4k/sector value shouldn't raise an issue, well I think fdisk, gdisk, 
parted ... would make their way out of it.
If partitions aren't aligned (especially bad for SSD) you can do it 
manually e.g. create your 1st partition at sector 256 (x 4k = 1M) for 


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Re: How to change installer image?

2015-01-20 Thread mrr

On 20/01/2015 10:00, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


i forgot to point to
for an overview of this SYSLINUX feature.

You do not need the mentioned post processing programs if
xorriso already added an isohybrid MBR to the ISO. But you
may beef up your genisoimage ISO if you use the same SYSLINUX
version as debian-cd does.
( strings /mnt/iso/isolinux/isolinux.bin | grep ISOLINUX
   ISOLINUX 4.05 20121210
So i guess it is SYSLINUX 4.05 which you would to have to install.

Have a nice day :)


Well Thomas, I'll keep your previous message for future reference, 
nicely done! And

Please skip reading my message below!


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Re: How to change installer image?

2015-01-19 Thread mrr

On 19/01/2015 20:30, Johannes Graumann wrote:

3) nano /tmp/debian-7.8.0-i386-CD-1-mod/isolinux/txt.cfg ...

I'm not sure about the mean of this step, is it to change the text 
printed at early boot time (a kind of menu?) ?

Anyway, make sure you don't have an error here.

4) genisoimage -o debian-7.8.0-i386-CD-1-mod.iso -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-
load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/

When you look inside the usb key, is everything alright?
I mean do you have all files and folder in root directory?
Because I may have issued a slightly modified command line i.e.:

genisoimage -o debian-7.8.0-i386-CD-1-mod.iso -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-
load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c 
isolinux/ ./debian-7.8.0-i386-CD-1-mod/*

5) dd if=debian-7.8.0-i386-CD-1-mod.iso of=/dev/ bs=4M; sync

Contrary to the original image, the resulting usb stick is NOT recognized as
bootable ...

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Joh

And last, I just had a weird idea (or not?) , you could try to load your 
system in a virtual machine (virtualbox, vmware ...) so you could follow 
step by step the boot process (from the outside I would say!).


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Re: how to paste selected text / keyboard shortcut

2015-01-19 Thread mrr

On 19/01/2015 19:20, mrr wrote:

Is there any way I could paste the selected text with a keyboard shortcut ?

Thanks everybody for all the answers, I will think about it tomorrow 
(time to sleep a bit).
Just one thing, I didn't know about the shift+insert shortcut but seems 
to paste what is in the clipboard (got with ctrl+c for instance) rather 
than pasting the last selected text! But, It's too late for me to think 
so I postpone.

Good night for those in Europe and for folks overseas, a nice evening!


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how to paste selected text / keyboard shortcut

2015-01-19 Thread mrr

Hi everybody.

Ok, my question is in the title but I think I should be more precise so:

I often use the mouse to select some text and then I can paste it using 
the central wheel button of the mouse (that can be simulated by clicking 
both buttons if you don't have the wheel button but I'm getting out of 

Is there any way I could paste the selected text with a keyboard shortcut ?

Maybe this isn't possible with only one shortcut as pasting may depends 
on the application _taking_ the paste (I mean that pasting some text in 
thunderbird or in a shell might involve a different logic but it sure 
works with the central button the same way so??).

It's not that important but I'm so lazy and taking twice in a row the 
mouse uses my right hand!



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Re: problem with corrupted root password

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 15/01/2015 01:00, Gary Dale wrote:

On 14/01/15 04:26 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 03:07:09PM -0500, Comer Duncan wrote:

I recently got wheezy up and running.  I installed xfce4 and like it.

However, today in the process of trying to spawn a root terminal (in
Accessories) and going through a cycle of trying to get authorized but
being prevented by repeated complaints that the system password I
used was
not correct, I now find that I can not get logged in in single-user
I have thus royally screwed up.  So, how can I get the system password
changed to something new?

Thanks for help and apologies for making such an error.

Boot using a Live CD, then as root:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 (or whatever device is your root partition)
chroot /mnt/sda1

I'd change the chroot command to
   chroot /mnt/sda1 bash

to ensure you get the correct shell. System Rescue CD, for example, uses
zsh by default so chrooting with specifying the shell will get you a
not-found error.

Wouldn't it work too if you delete the root line in /etc/shadow ?
When I say delete, I mean just the hash, you would leave a line:


And just for fun (well maybe I'll try this later) if you take your user 
hash in the same file and copy it in the place of the root hash, 
wouldn't root get the same password as the user one?

All this from a boot cd of course!


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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 14/01/2015 06:00, Bob Proulx wrote:

Trying to hide in an unusual username is obscurity not security.  You
may have heard the term that obscurity is not security.

Well obscurity may help, think about the man who loose his car key 
somewhere in an obscure place but will begin looking for it where there 
is some light because it's easier to see around!

Said otherwise, the "black hat" may try to hack easy targets (with known 
username) before hacking you (with weird username), no?


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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 14/01/2015 23:00, Brian wrote:

I can remember "TwasBrilligAndTheSlithyToves" and associate it with an

Before signing up I do

 echo TwasBrilligAndTheSlithyToves | sha1sum | base64 | cut -c -30

The output is what I give to a site as a password.

Furthermore, before any future logins I can run the command again to get
the same password. Isn't this on-line and off-line cracking taken care

Excellent, combining memno-technique sentence + hashing to get a 
pseudo-aleatory easy to remember password!
Well, that's elegant and efficient, thanks for the idea, that will be my 
new strategy henceforth...


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