Liderable News | 08 Jan 2018

2018-01-09 Thread Liderable News
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Actualizaciones en Liderable

08 Jan 2018

[1] ▷ Ideas de oficinas en casa: trucos para maximizar tu productividad
By liderable
 / en Ideas Perfectas
 / el 08 Jan 2018 10:47 PM

Como tener una oficina en casa?. Esto te suena familiar verdad: necesitas 
aprovechar al máximo cada metro cuadrado de tu casa de dos dormitorios, por lo 
que terminas trasladando tu oficina en casa al ático o al sótano, un lugar con 
aspecto de OfiBrandCeo, ideal para un Emprendedor, pero no para los simples 
mortales. Es un sacrificio […]

La entrada [2] ▷ Ideas de oficinas en casa: trucos para maximizar tu 
productividadse publicó primero en [3] Liderable.

[4] Leer más
[5] ⭐ Pensamientos positivos para mejorar la personalidad
By liderable
 / en Para SER Mejor
 / el 08 Jan 2018 05:54 PM

Mejorar la personalidad es importante? Es la convicción de que se está lo 
suficientemente capacitado y preparado para poder hacer frente a cualquier 
situación que se nos presente aunque sea imprevista, puede ser personal o en 
nuestra vida empresarial. Aunque no se conozcan todas las respuestas, uno puede 
buscarlas y encontrarlas. Es una “sensación de […]

La entrada [6] ⭐ Pensamientos positivos para mejorar la personalidadse publicó 
primero en [7] Liderable.

[8] Leer más

Estamos convencidos que podemos hacer GRANDE a muchas personas mas, [9] 
registratepara [10] publicary seguir desde Liderable, hay algo único e 
interesante para personas con grandes ideas como Tú









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Hair Replacement - Real Stories, Real Drama

2014-01-22 Thread HairSite News


brought to you by HairDirect


27 real life stories, 27 real life struggles, all because of one thing: HAIR 

Find out what these men and women have to do to overcome their hair loss 
See if you can identify with any of the story below.


to read about their stories, their struggles,
and how you can get it FREE!

27 unique stories, 27 unique triumphs

to read about their stories, their struggles




This is an advertisement. The representations and contents are provided by our 
advertisers and do not represent the opinion of HairSite. Founded in 1997, 
HairSite is one of the world's largest and longest running consumer hair loss 
guide for men and women. We have one of the best readership in the world as 
independently verified by Quantcast. 

HairSite | po box 1741  | new york | NY | 10159 | US

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Hair Replacement - 27 Cases - Real Stories, Real Drama

2013-11-28 Thread HairSite News


brought to you by HairDirect


27 real life stories, 27 real life struggles, all because of one thing: HAIR 

Find out what these men and women have to do to overcome their hair loss 
See if you can identify with any of the story below.    


to read about their stories, their struggles,
and how you can get it FREE!

27 unique stories, 27 unique triumphs

to read about their stories, their struggles




This is an advertisement. The representations and contents are provided by our 
advertisers and do not represent the opinion of HairSite. Founded in 1997, 
HairSite is one of the world's largest and longest running consumer hair loss 
guide for men and women. We have one of the best readership in the world as 
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HairSite | po box 1741  | new york | NY | 10159 | US

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-07 Thread tdowg1 news
 I'm in the process of making new backup server, so I'm thinking of best
 way of doing it. I have 4 3TB disks and I'm thinking of puting them in
 software RAID10.

 I created 2 500MB partitions for /boot (RAID1) and the rest it RAID10.

 So far, so good.

 LVM will provide me a way to expand storage with extra disks, but if
 there is no more room for that kind of expansion, I was thinking of
 GlusterFS for scaling-out.

 Let me suggest a different approach. It sounds like you're
 planning on a lot of future expansion.

 Get a high-end SAS RAID card. One with two external SFF8088

I would 2nd the suggestion of investing in a high-end SAS RAID card.  I
would also avoid any kind of software raid if at all possible, at least for
partitions that see a lot of I/O.  I guess /boot would be ok, but I def
would not put my root or /home under software raid if I had a discrete
controller.  However, you did say this is a storage/backup server and not a
main machine... so I don't know... just something to think I guess.
 Software raid is free, so if performance becomes an issue you can always
upgrade :)

There are a lot of discrete hard disk drive controllers on the market.  If
you go this route, try to be sure that it supports SMART passthrough so
that you can at least get _some_ kind status your drives.


Re: Download Debian live CD testing?

2011-07-23 Thread news
opts! , sorry,  pardon me, please apologise myself ,excuse me, disculpe yo 
for the non bis in idem
 of last day , maybe
found something maybe useful (some said interesting) :

with my best
mr thuillier-charmet


 a colleague just asked where they can download Debian
 Live CD for testing/wheezy. Do they exist? TIA.


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virtual nics + official IP addresses: accessing internal servers

2010-01-28 Thread koen . news

Everything works qua NAT  redirects etc, except:
I'm trying to match virtual nic with external (official) IP i got from the

eth0: external iFACE official IP1
eth1: internal

i created via eth0:1 an extra interfaces that matches official IP2 so I
can forward traffic to a specific server. I know I can redirect specific
ports on IP1 to a server and that works.

(e.g. $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport  -j DNAT
--to = Works perfect)

IPtables doesn't accept eth0:1 as interface. But I can use the IP2.

2 questions:
1) Do i really need a virtual iFACE with IP2? I guess so
2) No other/better way to define multiple official IP's to one iFACE?
3) IP2 is the official IP e.g. $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d
IP2 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to = doesn't work

Any pointer on how to solve this problem? Maybe another approach. I will
need to do this for multiple servers...

Koen Linders

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login problems after permission change: unable to cd to home

2010-01-20 Thread koen . news
Problems started yesterday. I think when changing permission on root dir.
Debian Etch

Root login is no problem. I checked the permission of /etc / /root and set
them right according to a debian with same version.

Strace of login koenl says where all goes wrong:

3234  fchown32(0, 1008, 5)  = 0
3234  fchmod(0, 0600)   = 0
3234  rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
3234  clone(child_stack=0,
child_tidptr=0xb7dd7708) = 3235
3234  wait4(-1,  unfinished ...
3235  getppid() = 3234
3235  setuid32(1008)= 0
3235  chdir(/data/home/koenl) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  chdir(/)= -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  write(2, Unable to cd to \'/data/home/koenl\'\n, 35) = 35
3235  time([1263977226])= 1263977226
3235  stat64(/etc/localtime, 0xbf89dae8) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)  = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)  = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)  = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
3235  send(5, 84Jan 20 09:47:06 login[3235]: unable to cd to
`/data/home/koenl\' for user `koenl\'\n, 85, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 85
3235  close(5)  = 0
3235  munmap(0xb7f4b000, 4096)  = 0
3235  exit_group(1) = ?
3234  ... wait4 resumed NULL, 0, NULL) = 3235
3234  --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---

Any idea what to correct? Because of this samba fileserver and bind9 also
have problems. Any way to create rescue disk from other debian? i could
access that system with rsync from this one.


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News: l'immigration au Canada

2009-09-17 Thread news
L’immigration et la citoyenneté canadienne

La population immigrée du Québec


Le Recensement de 2006 a montré que 11,5 % de la population totale du Québec
est immigrante, la proportion la plus forte jamais constatée dans l’histoire
de la province. Cette proportion est de presque 20% pour le Canada, de 28,3
% pour l’Ontario et de 27,5 % pour la Colombie-Britannique.  La Région
métropolitaine de Montréal continue de regrouper la grande majorité des
immigrants résidant au Québec, soit 86,9 %.  Le plan stratégique 2008-2012,
prévoit une augmentation importante du nombre des immigrants UNIQUEMENT de
la province du Québec, qui doit passer à 55.000 en 2010. 

Source: Fiche synthèse sur l’immigration au québec – année 2008  du MICC

Comment devenir citoyen canadien? Il faut :

*   Être résident permanent du Canada, 

*   avoir vécu au Canada pendant au moins trois ans, 

*   connaître le français ou l’anglais, 

*   avoir une certaine connaissance du Canada.

Si vous avez des questions ou vous souhaitez immigrer au Québec, simplement cliquez ici!



Immigration in Canada

The census enumerated 6,186,950 foreign-born in Canada in 2006. They
represented one in five of the total population, the highest proportion
since 1931. In 2001, the foreign-born represented 18.4% of the population.

How to become a Canadian citizen? You must :

*   be a permanent resident, 

*   have lived here for at least three years, 

*   know English or French, 

*   learn about Canada.

If you have questions or want to immigrateto Canada, apply immediately! 

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9 Beauty Foods, the 5 Easiest Exercises Ever and More!

2009-05-12 Thread iVillage News

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iVillage News   May 12, 2009 - Newsletter  
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We offer tips on combating stress, working out (even if you only have five 
minutes!) and eating better.

Plus: What does healthy mean to you? We asked, you answeredin just five words. 
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IBS Restaurant Guide! Plus the charm for bloating, cramps, and constipation.

2008-04-15 Thread Heather's IBS News
Special IBS Restaurant Guide! Plus, the charm for bloating, cramps, and 

Heather's IBS News is meant to be viewed online. Please copy and paste this 
address into your browser window to view the newsletter:,yvbm,13y9,ibla,5wbd,igtr,9qxr

Re: Problem z instalacją...

2007-06-05 Thread znahor-news

On Tue, 5 Jun 2007, Marek Zdybel wrote:

staram się zainstalować Debiana.
Czasami wychodzi czasami nie.
Jeśli się uda zainstalować poprawnie, po pewnym czasie mimo wszystko
system się blokuje przy starcie i już podnieść nie chce... [...]

Prawdopodobnie Twój problem wynika z różnej (losowej) kolejności 
wykrywania dysków. Miałem coś takiego na jednej maszynie, ale nie 
pamiętam jak obszedłem ten problem.

Meine360 die Community für deine XBOX360 ist Online!

2007-05-19 Thread News!
die neue XBOX360 Community ist Online! 
Hier gibt es alles für deine XBOX 360!
Portal mit Forum! Schau doch mal vorbei!
Die Anmeldung ist natürlich kostenfrei!
Wir suchen auch noch Mitglieder für das 

-und Xboxnewsteam!

Wenn du im Forum aktiv Mitarbeitest und das 
Forum nicht einfach vollspammst könnte es
sein das du eines morgens deinen Job als
Moderator antreten kannst!
Wir sehen uns im Forum!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen!

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:: News Formação Solidária ::

2007-03-10 Thread news  
• Fundação Estudar inscreve para bolsas até dia 16;
• Brasil faz parceria na educação profissional
3634 ;
• SP: Governador defende “memorex” e prova
3633 ;
• Professores podem ser formados pela Capes
3632 ;
• Fórum reúne reitores do Brasil e da China
3630 .   

Re: [OT] DSL-Zugangsdaten geklaut was tun?

2006-06-30 Thread news
Salve Matthias!

Interessant wäre es, wenn Du über die Auflösung 
berichten würdest auf der ML berichten würdest
(ich mag solche OTs ;)

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Matthias Haegele wrote:
 Lohnt es sich rechtlich dagegen vorzugehen, bzw. wie sind die Chancen 
 auf Erfolg,
 schliesslich ist es bei DSL ja schwieriger die Quelle rauszufinden als 
 z.B. bei ISDN ...

AFAIK ist es nicht schwieriger

 Bzw. an wen könnte ich mich da wenden?
CCC Mailingliste fragen

 Ach ja: ist ein T-Online Zugang ...

Das ein Kunde das Passwort vergessen hat dürfte
doch ein Standardfall sein und das einfachste sein,
wenn man diesen Fall behauptet

Andereseits wäre ich sauer und wenns eine Firma betrifft
ist auch nachweißlich ein Arbeitsausfall entstanden und
Du kannst ebenfalls eine schöne Rechnung stellen
- Anzeige gegen unbekannt
Es ist zudem ein Eingriff in die Kommunikationsmöglichkeit
Deines Kunden...- Sabotage.

Eventuell kann man 1.+2. gleichzeitig durchführen,
Vielleicht Verbraucherzentrale oder örtliche 
Staatsanwaltschaft/Gericht fragen (neben T-Online 
hotline) ob sie spezielle Ansprechpartner bei
T-Online bei Betrugsfällen haben.


Re: [no tan OT como parece] llamamiento a colaborar con debian

2006-05-09 Thread Lector News
Manuel Parrilla escribió:
 El Sábado, 6 de Mayo de 2006 13:14, escribió:
 Inigo Tejedor Arrondo escribió:
 Hola, usuaria/o de debian.

 Os invito a jugar al juego de debian-l10n-spanish, ¿como? así:

 Mira que bien, asi que al fin se logro lanzar el wiki-es de debian!!! Eso
 si que suena muy bien. Haber creo que comenzare a visitarlo y ver en que
 puedo cooperar.

 Ya lleva un tiempo. Me alegro que te suene bien y que estés dispuesto a

Realmente el animo y el entusiasmo me duro poquito... pues por lo que pude ver 
en el wiki, es que
no es verdaderamente un wiki o mejor dicho un wiki estilo wikipedia... pues 
practicamente mas
parece una tabla de contenidos (indice) y ya... nada mas.

Si lo que se busca es crear o mantener un wiki de traducciones, OK. Pero ademas 
de ver un par de
anuncios, nada vi para comenzar a traducir... y a mi no me interesa mucho tener 
que inscribirme a
una lista para participar.

La gente necesita, además de un cantante, canalizar su necesidad de un
líder de ideas, pero yo no soy un político, yo canto, es mi trabajo.
-- León Gieco. (1951-) Cantautor argentino.
* TagZilla 0.059 *

Re: ipw2200 wireless network card stops working

2006-05-07 Thread heimdal200599-news

Anton Piatek wrote:

I am wondering if anyone has had problems with their ipw2200 network
card losing connection after a while.
It can vary between a minute and twenty before the connection stops, and
I cannot figure out why.

I don't *think* I have anything running trying to reconfigure it, and it
still has the right ip address and routes set after it dies, I just
cannot ping anything apart from my own NIC.

I have tried a 2.6.15 and .16 kernel with the builtin iee80211 stack and
ipw2200 drivers, and even the latest stable and testing ipw drivers (and
new firmware and matchin ieee stack).


I had a similar problem when I upgraded linux-image from 2.6.11 to 
2.6.15. No sensible info in the logs, but finally I checked out the 
parameters for the ipw2200 module and tried hwcrypo=0. That made it. I 
have put it in /etc/modules:

ipw2200 hwcrypto=0 led=1

(led=1 turns on the wireless LED)

I'm using the ipw2200 and ieee80211* modules from the linux-image package.


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Re: Dell Inspiron 4000: Linux Install Fails

2006-03-10 Thread news
Salve Paul!

On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 11:55:48AM -0800, Paul Romero wrote:
 Dear User Group:
 I have not been able to completely install Debian Linux
 successfully on a Dell Inspiron 4000 laptop. The main
 hindrance seems to be the video chip/card which is an

I'm sorry that I'm not good with the X configuration,
but I use a Inspiron 4000 (1024 resolution) with Debian.
Woody wasn't  working automaticaly - but Knoppix do!
So I run Knoppix and copied the xconfig file.

Here a file that I use now - not shure what I changed
after copied it from Knoppix.

Live Linux Debian based:

BTW do you know



Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files

Section Module
Load  extmod
Load  xie
Load  pex5
Load  glx
Load  dri
Load  GLcore
Load  dbe
Load  record

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  keyboard
# German keyboard support
   Option  XkbKeymap xfree86(de)

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol PS/2
Option  Device /dev/mouse
Option  Emulate3Buttons

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   Monitor Vendor
ModelNameMonitor Model
HorizSync   30-100
VertRefresh 50-100
#   ModeLine 1400x1050 122.00 1400 1464 1784 1912 1050 1052 1064 1090 
-HSync -VSync
ModeLine 1024x768 65.1 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 768 771 792 +hsync 
Gamma  0.7

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
#Option NoAccel
#Option SWcursor
#Option HWcursor
#Option Dac6Bit
#Option Dac8Bit
#Option ForcePCIMode
#Option CCEPIOMode
#Option CCENoSecurity
#Option CCEusecTimeout
#Option AGPMode
#Option AGPSize
#Option RingSize
#Option VBListSize
#Option VBSize
#Option UseCCEfor2D
#Option EnableFP
#Option CRTOnly
#Option UseFBDev
Identifier  Card0
Driver  r128
VendorName  ATI
BoardName   Rage 128 Mobility LF
BusID   PCI:1:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
DefaultColorDepth 24

SubSection Display
Depth 1
SubSection Display
Depth 4
SubSection Display
Depth 8
Modes   1024x768  
SubSection Display
Depth 15
Modes   1024x768 
SubSection Display
Depth 16
Modes   1400x1050 
SubSection Display
Depth 24
Modes   1024x768

Section DRI


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TTY and structure request for further reading.

2006-02-23 Thread Demon News

During the course of my work I have recently come across references to tty. 
In ps, /dev/  and others. I realised that although I  see this all the time 
I don't actually know what it means. I searched the usual suspects and 
although I found that tty was/is a  system used by the deaf to make 
telephone calls I have not been able to find out how/why it is used in 
Debian/Linux. I did find the getty man and can see that this handles the 
logon and stuff from a tty connection. And I know the a pty is a pseudo type 
connect. What I don't understand is why I have ttys in ps and /dev/ and how 
they relate to the structure of the system. Is it a historical thing? I know 
they are something to do with modems and terminal connections also that they 
can be used for things like voice recording.

Any pointers to further reading that explains what these things actually are 
and how they are used would be most welcome.

I'm off to the admin manual to see if that has any info. TIA for any help.

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Brazilian Soccer News

2006-02-20 Thread Brazilian Soccer News




TetraBrazil offers International Coaches the unique opportunity to travel to Brazil and get the Brazilian National Soccer Association Professional Coaches’ License ("A" License). Brazilian National Soccer Coaches Association - ABTF - is the only organization in Brazil that certifies the Professional Soccer Coach. Recognized by FIFA, CBF, and other established soccer organizations. ABTF has been developing educational programs for coaches for the last 25 years. 

Register for a TetraBrazil TEAM CLINIC this summer by March 31 and get FREE Tuition to one of our Coahching Programs in Brazil:
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©1999-2006 TetraBrazil Soccer Academy, LLC. All Rights Reserved

We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. However, if you'd rather not receive future e-mail updates from TetraBrazil Soccer Academy,please reply this e-mail withsubject “REMOVE".


2005-09-03 Thread news

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

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Pen!s enlarge ripoffs (CNN maillist).

2005-05-26 Thread News

As soon as the stewardess serves the coffee, the airline encounters turbulence. 

Hey man, here's that site I was telling you about. They are offering huge 
discounts now.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error. Back To 
Square One
Nerd Bugs are Sons of Glitches!
Raise Cain

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Pen!s enlarge ripoffs (CNN maillist).

2005-05-26 Thread News

Like a chicken with its head cut off Dog Days

Hey man, here's that site I was telling you about. They are offering huge 
discounts now.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes Yankee
Always remember no matter where you go, there you are. Don't use a big word 
where a diminutive one will suffice.
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pen!s enlarge ripoffs (CNN maillist).

2005-05-26 Thread News

Foam at the Mouth New York Minute

Hey man, here's that site I was telling you about. They are offering huge 
discounts now.
Pull out all the stops Lollygag
Pull the plug Double Whammy
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problme de carte son

2005-04-04 Thread wireless-news
Je viens de passer sur Debian Sarge avec une P4C800 deluxe , j'ai rencontr les problmes de disques dur serial ATA
et maintenant j'ai un problme avec le son, la carte intgre reconnue comme comptatible ac97 ne donne rien pas un bruit...
Que regarder ? 
Alsa est install, Asus propose un driver pour cette carte mais incompatible avec les kernels 2.6 ..
Merci par avance pour vos conseils aviss.


2005-02-23 Thread news


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-02-23 Thread news


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

modprobe ndiswrapper killt system

2004-09-02 Thread imre-news
Grüsst euch Gruppe
Habe eine Intel 2200bg Karte und bekomme das ding mit ndiswrapper-0.10 
nicht zum laufen. Nachdem ich die Treiber geladen habe und anschliessend 
modconf ndiswrapper eingebe, bleibt mein system komplett stehen. in 
/var/log/messages gibt es auch kein eintrag. Es handelt sich um ein 
2.6.7 kernel auf sarge. Erfolgreich habe ich die Karte kurz mit ipw2200 
zum laufen bekommen, wollte es aber mit ndiswrapper installieren.

Kann jemand damit was anfangen und mir ein tipp geben?
Grüsse Imre
Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Kernel-Patches für Notebook Kernel

2004-08-28 Thread imre-news

Seit ein paar Tagen spiele ich hier mit einen Asus S5600N rum. Debian
Netinstall erkennt fast alles. Nach angepasster Kernel klappt es sogar mit
dem Touchpad und cpufreqd. Jetzt wollte ich einen endgültigen Kernel machen
und ich frage mich welche Kernel-Patch ich einbauen soll. Mir sind die
Energiesparfunktionen wichtig. Da ich den neuen Centrino hab, weiss ich,
dass ich den speedstep-centrino.c unter
src/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrion.c ersetzen muss.
Ausserden gibt es noch ein speedstep.patch.
Lässt ich das eine Button links oben auch irgendwie einsetzen um zwischen
CPU Performance zu wächseln??
Für ein paar tipps danke ich euch.

Grüsse Imre

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Internet High-speed connection by satellite // connexion haut-débit par satellite

2004-08-05 Thread news
Dear Mr.,

From now, you can get anywhere in Africa, a broadband shared high-speed satellite 
access :
- 24h/24
- From 99 Euro by month (without equipment)
- 1 to 13 users/PC can share the same connection or the same subscription.
- Speed from 64Kbps to 2Mbps

For more information I invite you on our web site on the following address:

The GTT team an myself are free to be in touch with you for any information.
Yours faithfully,

Sales account manager


Cher Monsieur,

Il est désormais possible, partout en Afrique, d'avoir un accès Internet par satellite 
- A haut-débit (type adsl) 
- 24h/24
- A partir de 99 euro par mois (hors équipement)
- 1 à 13 utilisateurs/PC peuvent partager la même connexion et le même 
- vitesse de 64 Kbps à 2 Mbps

Pour plus d'informations, je vous invite à visiter notre site à l'adresse suivante :

Mon équipe et moi-même sommes à votre disposition pour toutes informations.
Je vous prie de croire, Cher Monsieur, en l'expression de mes sentiments distingués,

Responsable client.

*Si cet e-mail ne devait par répondre à vos besoins vous pouvez renvoyer ce mail avec 
le sujet no needs
*If this email doesn't match with your need you can return this mail with the subject 
no needs


2004-06-25 Thread news


gibt es eine Möglichkeit auf einem Debian Rechner einzelnen
Usernunterschiedliche Netzwerkzugriffe zu erlauben?
Kann man als User seine Netzzugriffsmöglichkeiten auch selber
einschränken, z.b. durch soetwas wie /home/user/host.allow?

Auslöser für diese Frage, mich regen die Spy-Werbebanner von Heise auf
und ich möchte einfach mit einen Benutzerkonto heise einfach nur auf zugreifen können - unabhänig vom gewählten Browser, statt
immer die Liste der Werberhosts zu pflegen.

Heise ist aber wie gesagt nur Auslöser, einem Benutzer-account welchen
man nur für Emails nutzt könnte man so nur Rechte für den Mailserver
setzen, etc. IMHO ist es interessant nicht jedem Benuzter einen
vollständigen Netzzugriff zu erlauben.

Geht soetwas? Wie? Habt ihr Stichwörter URL-Tips für mich?


Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Mutt y las tildes

2004-06-15 Thread felix . news
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 11:21:45PM +0200, Ricardo Catalinas Jimenez aka TH1NK3R 
 Ya me he puesto enserio con la configuracion de mutt, pero todavia se me
 escapa el tema de que se me visualicen correctamente las tildes y las

Hmmm... bueno te cuento que fue un tema complicado para mi hacerlo funcionar, 
ya más de un año que soy un feliz usuario de mutt.

Te cuento cómo lo hice andar:

Paso 1:
Instalar locales -   apt-get install locales

Paso 2:
Configurar corréctamente locales [yo no los tengo por default en el sistema para
que las aplicaciones no me queden en castellano].

Paso 3:
antes de ejecutar el mutt:

export LC_CTYPE=es_AR
export LANG=es_AR

[jeje, yo porque vivo en Argentina].

espero que te sirva, yo estoy viendo perféctamente los acentos y eñes ahora 
mismo :)



áéíóúÜñ - si ésto se ve bien es porque está bien configurado :-)

Felix Cuello
- 862 -

Q:  What's the difference between a Mac and an Etch-a-Sketch?
A:  You don't have to shake the Mac to clear the screen.

Re: ayuda con fortune

2004-05-30 Thread felix . news
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 01:28:22AM +0200, Pablo Lled? wrote:
 Muchas gracias por adelantado

apt-get install fortunes-es
apt-get install fortunes-es-off
^^^ estas son un poco más bocasucias.

Como verás cada mensaje mío pone una fortune... en inglés o en
español... :)



Felix Cuello
- 696 -

Aunque la garza vuela muy alta, el halcón la mata. 

Re: No va el teclado ni en kernel 2.4.x ni en 2.6.x

2004-05-21 Thread felix . news
On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 11:18:11AM +0200, Biker wrote:
 Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] No sé si este será el lugar más indicado 
 para exponer
 mi problemilla, lo que pasa que hay gente que me ha dicho que es
 probable que sea cosa de Debian y no del Kernel.

Hmmm, te podrás imaginar que si fuera un problema de Debian ya
hubiéramos saltado todos a la yugular para que arreglaran el problema

A riesgo de sonar poco formal a la hora de hacer funcionar un kernel
nuevo, al menos yo, lo hago en los siguientes pasos:

para kernel 2.4.x

make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot

y luego configuro el lilo así:

En caso del kernel 2.6.x es más fácil todavía:
make modules_install
 me parece que está de mas... pero nunca lo chequeé
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot

y luego configuro el lilo así:

Al menos ésta secuencia de pasos me funciona y, en realidad, si hago
make menuconfig otra vez [y dado que grabé todo en .config] me vuelve a
mostrar la configuración anterior, nunca hago mproper.

Probáblemente ésto te funcione [a mi me funciona desde hace varios
kernels atrás].

PD: Después de haber leído todo lo que hacés vos creo que tendré que
revisar otra vez la documentación de cómo compilar el kernel :-)



Felix Cuello
- 636 -

One man's folly is another man's wife.
-- Helen Rowland

Re: La placa de red no funciona con 2.6.6

2004-05-20 Thread felix . news
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 07:55:36PM +0200, Aitor Moreno Martinez wrote:
 con el kernel 2.6.6. He probado con una via-rhine, realtek varias (la 
La via la tengo funcionando perfecto en el trabajo con un kernel bajado
de los sources de sid [ya compilado para athlon]:
:00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102
[Rhine-II] (rev 74)
Linux eniac 2.6.6 #3 Thu May 13 12:29:35 ART 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

La realtek 8139 la estoy usando perféctamente en ésta computadora que
tiene kernel 2.6.6 bajado de y compilado:
:00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
Linux anubis 2.6.6 #1 Thu May 20 00:19:00 ART 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

Si querés te paso mi config y lo ves.

saludos, suerte,


Felix Cuello
- 629 -

Al hombre de más saber, la mujer lo echa a perder. 

Re: Vim efecto escalera

2004-05-18 Thread felix . news
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 02:33:04PM +0200, Javi Castelo wrote:
 ¿Alguien sabe como corregir dicho efecto?

en el modo comando escribís:

:set noautoindent
:set nocindent

[alguna de las dos es... pero nunca recuerdo cuál :-)]

saludos, suerte


Felix Cuello
- 580 -

lux if macOS is for the computer illiterate, then windoze is for the
  computer masochists

Re: ¿emacs o vi?

2004-05-11 Thread felix . news
On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 09:28:06PM +0200, Juan carloS wrote:
 Siguiendo con la linea moderada de esta discusion :-) (quien lo diria), 

Como dicen, el vi esta en todos los *nix, el emacs no.

Coincido con Juan carloS, siempre tendr'as oportunidad de toparte con un
Por ejemplo... ahora estoy escribiendo desde una computadora que estoy
instalando [un debian/woody que se est'a convirtiendo en unstable] y el
disco esta con los paquetes minimos [salvo ssh con el cual estoy yendo a
mi casa donde tengo el mutt instalado]:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3  71G  133M   67G   1% /
bash: emacs: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# whereis vi
vi: /usr/bin/vi /usr/share/vi /usr/share/man/man1/vi.1.gz

Con lo cual los debian instalan vi por default pero no emacs en el base
install. [al menos con mi instalacion de mini-iso de debian woody]



Felix Cuello
- 563 -

Por San Eugenio, castañas al fuego. 

Re: Como re instalar copletamente la opcion de X??? NOVATO!

2004-05-07 Thread felix . news
On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 10:46:31AM -0400, Mauricio Rojas wrote:
Hmmm reinstalar no es una buena opción, en general salvo que el paquete
o algo dentro del paquete pora alguna extraña razón esté dañado.
Lo que si te conviene es ver si podés reconfigurar el X, para eso empezá

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

y fijate si con eso llegás a buen puerto,

loq ue sigue luego es pegarle una miradita a 


a ver si lo que está puesto ahi está bien,



Felix Cuello
- 541 -

A enemigo que huye, puente de plata. 

Re: Configuraciones post-instalacion

2004-05-07 Thread felix . news
On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 12:35:44PM -0300, Leonel Quinteros wrote:
 4- La distribución trae algún programa para copiar CDs?? La grabadora de CDs 
 necesita algún tipo de configuración especial?? hasta ahora, la he usado como 
 una lectora sin ningún problema...
El mejorcito es el k3b [de kde] al menos hasta ahora fue el más lindo
que he visto.

 5- El sonido no me funciona y no se como se configura... me recomiendan algun 
 howto, manual, tutorial o algo que me pueda ayudar??
Primero deberías tener levantado el módulo de tu placa de sonido
hacé lspci [fijate tu placa de sonido] y luego lsmod para ver si el
módulo está cargado... si no está cargado

modprobe nombredelmodulo

y luego fijate si podés escuchar algo [probá de setear los volúmenes con
algún programa tipo aumix]

 Perdón por la extensión del mail, pero me pareció mejor que enviar muchos por 
Por separado va mejor por dos motivos, uno porque te pueden responder
mejor [dado que no todo el mundo sabe de todo] y dos, porque está bueno
que en los threads históricos del foro quede como subject algo que otro
pueda usar en el futuro.

 Gracias de antemano por la ayuda
de nada!



Felix Cuello
- 543 -

The real reason large families benefit society is because at least
a few of the children in the world shouldn't be raised by beginners.

Re: Problemas de instalacion debian woody, ayuda!!!

2004-05-06 Thread felix . news
On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:39:28AM -0400, Mauricio Rojas wrote:
 1.- Por que si en disco 5/5 dice que el kernel es 2.4, instala el kernel 
Cuando bootea el cd y está dándote el cursor [creo que dice boot:] tenés
que escribir 'bf24' para que botee con un kernel 2.4.x

 2.- En la lista de módulos NO aparecen los módulos para mi hardware, 
 como instalo los correspondientes a mi hardware?
Probá primero de bootear con el kernel 2.4.x

 3.- Como configuro la red?
La instalación te pregunta la instalación configura el modulo de red y
luego de instalado el sistema operativo base te hace las preguntas para
configurarla. Si estás muy desesperado podés apretar:


hacer 'modprobe elnombredetumodulo' y luego un 'ifconfig eth0 ip' y
listo! ya tienes configurada la placa hasta que bootees ;-)

 4.- Como configuro la X, GNOME?
jeje bueno, comienza primero teniendo el sistema operativo base
instalado y luego seguimos con eso.

 Gracias por la ayuda, espero que este sea en cambio definitivo a una 
 distribución solida como Debian!

suerte y sigue consultando,



Felix Cuello
- 536 -

Bore, n.:
A guy who wraps up a two-minute idea in a two-hour vocabulary.
-- Walter Winchell

Re: find corriendo bajo usuario nobody

2004-05-05 Thread felix . news
On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 06:44:57AM -0500, L. Alejandro Bernal R. wrote:
 exagerada en el disco duro. Hice un top en encontré un find ejecutándose
 bajo usuario nobody.  No tengo instalado apache por que es una máquina
En general no es raro alguna de esas cosas. Dependiendo de las cosas que
tengas metidas en el cron.
Además, cuando veas esas cosas fijate de hacer un 'who' o un 'w' para
ver qué usuarios están conectados en tu computadora.
Esas escaladas repentinas de disco en general suelen ser programitas que
indexan cosas... no recuerdo bien ahora porque no los he instalado pero
el locate hace ese tipo de cosas cuando indexa.

 de escritorio. Inmediatamente reinicié la máquina apagando el
 cable-modem para que me asignara una dirección ip distinta.
Antes de tirar del cable revisá si hay alguien conectado, revisá las
conexiones con netstat -ant para ver quiénes están conectados e intentá
identificar todas.

 ¿Qué será?
Como decía antes, en general, son programitas que indexan archivos.

No recuerdo haber visto escaladas de disco en las computadoras que tengo
conectadas que no hayan sido por procesos que tenía en el cron y que ni
me acordaba lo que hacían.



Felix Cuello
- 530 -

Los viejos jueces nunca mueren, simplemente preparan el juicio final.

Re: RV: Eliminar Spam

2004-05-05 Thread felix . news
On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 04:50:46PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Al final lo he dejado asi, pero no funciona, este fichero (.procmailrc) lo
 he puesto en /home/fulanito (fulanito es el directoria de la persona en
 cuestion), ¿que es lo que hago mal?. Gracias..
 :0fw: spamassassin.lock
 *  256000
 | /usr/bin/spamassassin
 * ^X-Spam-Status:Yes

El primer problema que encuentro es que esta mal el filtro de la
cabecera, te paso lo que agrega el spamassassin a los mails con spam:

X-Spam-Flag: YES

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on myserver
X-Spam-Level: ***   

X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=15.4 required=5.0 tests=FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS, 

Fijate que para que te funcione la regla debería ser

^X-Spam-Status: Yes.*

[un espacio entre el : y el Yes y un .* para indicar que hasta el enter
querés que tome todos los caracteres].

Si querés hacerla más fácil cambiala por:

^X-Spam-Flag: YES

y ahi te debería funcionar,

Yo lo tengo puesto así:
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

y me lo manda a una carpeta de spam [a veces la miro para ver si algún
mail de alguien cayó ahi... que me ha sucedido].

Si los querés tirar pone:

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 531 -

A prohibitionist is the sort of man one wouldn't care to drink with
-- even if he drank.
-- H.L. Mencken

Re: como obtener un entorno de red

2004-04-22 Thread felix . news
On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 01:27:00PM -0300, maby wrote:
 alguno me pùede decir como hago para conectar las dos maquinas con un
 ethernet, y mas, tambien como ver las maquinas, porque no se me ocurre nada
Con un cable cruzado conectando las dos placas de red. Y para ver las
máquinas con un simple ping debería bastar.



Felix Cuello
- 463 -

Signs of crime: screaming or cries for help.
-- The Brown University Security Crime Prevention Pamphlet

Re: visores dvi

2004-04-20 Thread felix . news
On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 07:34:59PM +0200, Juan carloS wrote:
 alguien sabe si existe algun visor de ficheros .dvi (los que genera el 
 latex al compilar) para gnome que no sea el xdvi (como por ejemplo el 
 kdvi para kde)?

catdvi - DVI to plain text translator
dvilx - a dvi viewer for X
spawg - a simple TeX DVI previewer with a simple GTK+ UI
spawx11 - a simple TeX DVI previewer for X11
tkdvi - A TeX DVI previewer based on Tcl/Tk
xdvik-ja - Japanized DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xgdvi - a TeX DVI previewer for X, with a nice GTK+ UI

No se si hay mas... éstos fueron algunos de los que me tiró 

apt-cache search dvi

[sólamente pegué los que me pareciero más apropiados]



Felix Cuello
- 452 -

To IBM, 'open' means there is a modicum of interoperability among some of their
-- Harv Masterson

Re: Error de rat

2004-04-19 Thread felix . news
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 06:13:44PM +0200, Antonio wrote:
 El error que me muestra es
 XF86 Open Serial: Cannot oopen device /dev/input/mice
 Generic mouse: Cannot open
 Preinit Failet for input device

Yo tengo un Mouse PS/2 [de los viejos de m$ de dos botones] y... la
verdad es que /dev/input/mice tampoco me funcionó mucho...
te paso mi configuración de /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 a ver si tenés suerte:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Serial Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol Microsoft
Option  Device /dev/ttyS0
Option  Emulate3Buttons true
Option  Emulate3Timeout 70
Option  SendCoreEvents  true

espero te sirva,



Felix Cuello
- 448 -

Maryann's Law:
You can always find what you're not looking for.

Re: script que envie un correo al finalizar

2004-04-15 Thread felix . news
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 01:58:00PM +, Antonio wrote:
 Hola linuxeros
 quiero que un script, al finalizar, me envia un mail a cierta cuenta de
 correo. el problema es que el ordenador donde debe correr está asilado y
 accede a internet por un proxy. Qué programa de línea de comando debo
 usar? Debería poder darle el servidor y el puerto para poder enviar el
 correo, como en telnet?

Si el script es en PERL lo mejor es:

Si el script es de Shell... lo mejor es:

mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  textodelmensaje.txt

 si es posible mejor con un ejemplo, que soy nuevo en esto y a veces me
 cuesta, jeje

de todas formas siempre man mail te va a dar más ayuda que yo... porque
todo esto fue medio de memoria.



Felix Cuello
- 433 -

Lo único que impide a Dios mandar un segundo diluvio, es que el primero fue
-- Nicolás Sebastien Roch 'Chamfort'. (1741-1794) Académico

Re: Kernel 2.6.5

2004-04-15 Thread felix . news
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 05:00:48PM +0200, Pa palpate wrote:
 PTengo un problemilla con el kernel compilado 2.6.5. A la hora de cargar 
 los módulos me da el siguiente error.../P

La verdad es que no recuerdo si en el kernel 2.6.x era necesario... pero
te fijaste de hacer

make install_modules

una vez compilado el kernel?

También fijate que es lo que tenés puesto en:

A ver si el módulo que estás queriendo cargar está ahi o no,

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 434 -

Here comes Mr. Bill's dog.
-- Narrator, Saturday Night Live

Re: hola

2004-04-15 Thread felix . news
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 03:16:13PM -0300, Gerardo Caillabet wrote:
 a menos que KaZaA haya sacado una versión para linux... aunque me parece
 que esta chica esta mas perdida que Bush en Congreso de Pacifistas
Hubo una versión para linux hace un año o un poco mas. Era para consola
y andaba bastante bien, nunca supe por qué la dejaron de sacar.

Igualmente... no me importa ;-)... apt-get install mldonkey



Felix Cuello
- 438 -

Al guerrero no le agradan los frutos demasiado dulces. Por esto
ama a la mujer. La mujer más dulce deja siempre un sabor amargo.

Re: Resoluci

2004-04-14 Thread felix . news
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 12:52:50AM +0200, Conchita Herran wrote:
 Muy buenas a todos y una pregunta que espero sea breve:
 Para cambiar la resolución en XFree86 hay que reconfigurar obligatoriamente 
 el XFree86Config con XF86Setup por ejemplo?? 
No, podés configurar el X abriendo el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 y
editándolo a mano [cosa que suelo hacer cuando instalo].

 Una vez cambiada la resolución siempre hay que reiniciar la sesión o el 
Creo que entiendo a lo que te referís... vos lo que querés hacer es
cambiar la resolución sin tener que tocar la configuración todo el

Hasta donde se lo que tenés que hacer es:

1.- Configurar tu X para que acepte varias resoluciones de pantalla.
2.- Luego lo único que tenés que hacer para cambiar de resoluc es

CTRL + ALT + '+'  

CTRL + ALT + '-'

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 431 -

Rascar y comer comienzo ha menester. 

Re: Problemas al reproducir m

2004-04-11 Thread felix . news
On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 12:32:05PM +0200, lutux wrote:
 He puesto los permisos de /dev/dsp para que se pueda leer, escribir y

hmmm fijate que /dev/dsp no sea un link simbólico a /dev/dsp0 y que
éste, a su vez, tenga mal los permisos.

La otra es fijarse bien que no haya ningún otro proceso usando el
dispositivo [ej: usando KDE y que algún proceso esté capturando el

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 393 -

No dejes camino por vereda. 

Re: Variables de Entorno en KDE-KDM

2004-04-11 Thread felix . news
On Sun, Apr 11, 2004 at 02:29:30PM -0300, Marcelo Fernandez wrote:
 [...] en referencia a la configuración de JAVA sobre Debian
 Perdon por la longitud del mail

Mirá... yo en éste instante tengo el eclipse abierto con java
funcionando y a riesgo de parecer un 'cavernicola' configurando ... te
cuento que :

bajé el jdk 1.5beta y copié su contenido en


luego hice:

drwxr-sr-x9 root staff4096 Apr  8 14:54 java
lrwxr-xr-x1 root staff   9 Apr  8 14:55 jre - java/jre/

El eclipse me lo ha tomado bien... aunque edité el archivo 

[al fin y al cabo quiero que todos los usuarios puedan usarlo]

y le agregué en el PATH -


la verdad es que fue 'santo remedio'... estoy compilando y anda todo
bastante bien.

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 401 -

Is this foreplay?
   No, this is Nuke Strike.  Foreplay has lousy graphics.  Beat me again.
-- Duckert, in Bad Rubber, Albedo #0 (comics)

Re: Sarge y teclado en X

2004-04-10 Thread felix . news
On Sat, Apr 10, 2004 at 01:35:59PM +, Pedro M. (Morphix User) wrote:
 Acabo de actualizar Sarge y tb estoy utilizando gnome 2.4, pero no tengo
 ningún problema con  ni , me temo que es problema tuyo ...

Vengo atrasadísimo con el thread me parece... no lo leí y lo borré
:-(((, así que quizás alguien ya lo haya dicho.

Me sucedió EXÁCTAMENTE lo mismo y lo único que hice fue cambiar la
configuración del teclado haciendo:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

cuando te pregunta el tipo de teclado yo tenía puesto pc104 :-) y me
tomé el trabajo de contar las teclas y eran 105 :-), así que donde
decía pc104 puse pc105 y el  y  empezaron a funcionar perfecto.

Saludos y espero que sea eso,

[la opción más rápida es abrir el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 y
cambiarlo a mano, pero con el dpkg-reconfigure anda tambien pero no es
aptos para ansiosos como yo :)]

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 391 -

Living in LA is like not having a date on Saturday night.
-- Candice Bergen

Re: Letras del arranque m

2004-04-10 Thread felix . news
On Sat, Apr 10, 2004 at 08:36:03PM +0200, JORGE BASTIDA wrote:
 Hola , tengo una Debian Woody , ahora en Sid .. y en el arranque ( con el 
 pingüinito y tal ) las letras me salen muy grandes... y quisiera que saliesen 
 más chiquititas... se que es una chorrada... xD pero... 

Agregale a /etc/lilo.conf [si es que usas lilo] una linea que diga


[mira bien el man lilo.conf]

Luego bootea y fijate cuáles opciones te da... te va a pedir que le
digas en qué modo arrancar o una opción para ver la lista... ahí te
aparecerán todos los modos posibles, luego lo configuras en el lilo y

saludos y suerte,


Felix Cuello
- 392 -

OK, enough hype.
 -- Larry Wall in the perl man page

Re: amule + vnc

2004-04-05 Thread felix . news
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 01:25:30PM +0100, Debian User wrote:
 P.D. me han recomendado usar amule y vnc, si alguien conoce algo mejor, ruego 
 me lo digan

Si no te molesta cambair de cliente de esas redes... podés utilizar el

Lo ejecutás y luego lo controlás via web, tan fácil como ir a:


y tenés una linda interfaz web para bajar cosas.



Felix Cuello
- 366 -

La gracia es la belleza en movimiento.
-- Lola Gavarrón. (1951-) Periodista española. 

Re: Problema con fetchmail

2004-04-05 Thread felix . news
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 08:54:54PM -0300, Gerardo Caillabet wrote:
 estaba empezando a configurar fetchmail y me da este error
 ¿ alguien tiene idea de a que se debe ?
 no he encontrado ningún archivo de configuración que haga referencia a 
 y por lo tanto no se por que lo inserta al principio del nombre del servidor
 al parecer es lo que està complicando

hmmm... si no te molesta cambiarlo por getmail... te paso la
configuración de getmail. Lo tendrías que poner en el 


las siguientes lineas:

delete = 1

server =
username = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
password = 
postmaster = |/usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

server =
username = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
password = 
postmaster = |/usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Felix Cuello
- 370 -

Un hombre no es sino lo que sabe.
-- Francis Bacon. (1561-1626) Filósofo y estadista británico. 

Re: Unidentified subject!

2004-03-21 Thread felix . news
On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 04:41:28AM +, Chainy wrote:
 No se que nivel de inform??tica tendr??s y si sabes algo de unix, pero no
 recomendar??a Debian para empezar con Linux, hay por ah?? distribuciones
 m??s facilitas para novatos.  Yo empec?? con Debian, por cabezoner??a y me
 costo bastante arrancar.
Hmmm... no se si estoy de acuerdo. Quizás no con debian clásico, pero se
puede optar por Knoppix que es la distro de debian que más ayuda a los
usuarios nuevos.

Yo siempre utilicé debian puro hasta que conocí Knoppix y la verdad me
quita MUCHOS dolores de cabeza al instalar [ya que el proceso de
detección de hardware es automático], aunque tiene la contra que para
volverlo decente en los paquetes que instala me toma un par de horitas.

La otra ventaja del Knoppix es que se puede usar y aprender sin
necesitdad de particionar el disco que teníamos lo cual lo vuelve una
herramienta muy potente cuando tenemos usuarios que vienen de sistemas
operativos arcaicos [errr...:)] y queremos metere linux para que

Mi recomendación si Debian es el objetivo... KNOPPIX.



Felix Cuello
- 323 -

Madruga y verás; trabaja y habrás. 

Re: Programacion en C

2004-03-19 Thread felix . news
On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 11:38:57AM -0300, Maria Eugenia Marquetti wrote:
 Estoy buscando informacion acerca de entorno de programacion  en C 
 (ANSI C) para  trabajar sobre Red Hatt 2.4. Tambien se me ocurrio usar 
[Red Hat 2.4? wow!... hay que actualizar eso :-P... imagino que te
referirás a la versión de kernel]

Hmmm hay algo interesante para hacer algo introductorio que se llama
RHIDE. Es una copia casi exacta del famosísimo entorno de desarrollo de
Borland [Turbo C++ o Borland C++] que funcionaba para DOS. El editor es
sencillo y se puede usar cualquier compilador, inclusive el GCC, tiene
debugger y anda muy bien.

 el vi, el gcc y el make, pero estoy buscando una alternativa mas simple 
 de trabajo. Se trata de dar un curso introductorio y no complicar a la 
 gente con  los comandos del linux, que bien saben, es un trayecto que 
 puede resultar complicado.
Si quieres algo más gráfico yo usé durante mucho tiempo un programa
llamado 'Anjuta' que es lo mismo que el anterior pero para X y es muy
bueno ya que tiene incorporadas algunas funciones de 'autocompletar' que
resulta muy cómodo para codificar. Otra alternativa un poco más pesada
es usar 'Eclipse' que es una IDE para java hecha en java, que permite
anexarle unos plugins para C y C++ [el plugin que yo usé se llama CDT].

 Les agradezco si pueden ayudarme. Agradecida.

De todas formas... la verdad es que el vi + gcc + make es muy
recomendable, sobre todo si en lugar de vi se usa VIM.
Igualmente si vas a hacer algo 'introductorio' no creo que necesites
make, salvo que luego el curso se extienda y sigan programando más
cosas con el código que tenían antes, para compilar cosas sueltas el gcc
sobra de lejos.



Felix Cuello
- 309 -

Estás mas colgao que el windows 95!!.

Re: Login de modo texto

2004-03-13 Thread felix . news
On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 05:25:22PM +0100, David Soler wrote:
 No puedo desintalar el xdm, me da el siguiente error:
 # apt-get remove --purge xdm
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested
 an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that
 some require packagees have not yet been created or been moved out of
 ... (mas parrafada) ...
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependecies:
kde: Depends: kdm but it is not going to be installed or
 E: Sorry, broken packages

Mi recomendación [creo que ya lo he visto en otro mail], borra el SXXxdm
del directorio de servicios de tu runlevel [ej: /etc/rc2.d/S80xdm]

De todas formas quizás te resulte más sencillo hacer el install y remove
de paquetes usando aptitude así ves cláramente [antes de que te de el
error] todas las cosas que vas a desinstalar o instalar sin hacerlo.

saludos y suerte!


Felix Cuello
- 295 -

El que corre mucho, se cae de panza y el que no corre no alcanza. 

Learn Why thousands Americains have a new Job

2004-03-02 Thread News
Join over 400 000 americains  using a great diploma not limited to
Bachelors. All profession accepted.

1 212 629 1971

Denied post to s-news

2004-02-09 Thread s-news-owner
Your message to the s-news list has been denied
for the following reason(s):

The address from which you posted is not subscribed to the s-news list.
Duplicate Message Checksum (Mon Jan 26 14:49:54 2004)
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The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as 
a binary attachment.

NOTE:  An attachment was deleted from this part of the message,
because it failed one or more checks by the virus scanning system.
The file has been quarantined on the mail server, with the following
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It is recommended that you contact your system administrator if you
need access to the file.  It might also be a good idea to contact the
sender, and warn them that their system may be infected.
---End Message---


2003-12-30 Thread CAD NEWS 2003
Hello Again.
I hope you are fine and business is starting 
to pick up for you.

This is just a quick email to advise you that there is a new 
company in the U.K which you maybe interested to hear about. 

There name is Quest For Catia and they will soon become one of 
the leading CAD design training companies in Europe in 2004.

There website is one of the best that I have seen and it explains 
everything in detail. Simply use the following link to visit their 

They also have a new link exchange index which can be entered from 
the home page but due to the site is relatively new, there are no 
links yet but if you are CAD or pro engineering related and 
interested in exchanging links, simply follow the instructions on 
the linking page and contact Quest. 

Ok. I hope you have a great New Years.

Kind Regards.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unidentified subject!

2003-11-26 Thread News Admin
From news Mon Nov 24 23:59:23 2003
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
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for newsmaster; Mon, 24 Nov 2003 23:59:23 +0100 (MET)
Newsgroups: cz.muni.redir.debian.user
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From: Tomá¹ Je¾ek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dotazník: Kdo si koho vybírá a proè ?
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 Dobrý den,
 máte trochu èasu ve jménu akademické solidarity pomoci studentovi
 práci vyplnìním dotazníku? Jmenuji se Tomá¹ Je¾ek a v rámci
 studia na FSS MU provádím výzkum týkající se postoje souèasné èeské
 k volbì partnera. Pokud se se mnou chcete podìlit o
 své názory a tím mi pomoci ke tøem kreditùm, otevøete si, prosím,

 Za Va¹i pøípadnou snahu neskonalé díky :-).

 Pøeji krásný den.
 Tomá¹ Je¾ek

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unidentified subject!

2003-10-20 Thread News Admin
From news Mon Oct 20 14:18:50 2003
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for newsmaster; Mon, 20 Oct 2003 14:18:50 +0200 (MEST)
Newsgroups: cz.muni.redir.debian.user
Path: news
From: Martin Homola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: problem after installing nVidia drivers
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I have got a nVidia GeForce graphics card. I was using the 
`nv' driver and everything worked just fine (except 
acceleration). I downloaded and compiled nVidia drivers and 
since then my Xserver refuses to work properly. I got my 
linux configured to start the XServer  after booting - I am 
using KDE. But the X login screen doesn't show up. The 
booting process rund OK while outputting to the text 
console, but upon the XServer start the screen just blinks 
for three times and stays in the text mode.The XServer ends 
saying it cannot load the `nvidia' driver. When i load the 
module via `insmod nvidia', it says that i'm trying to load 
a module without GPL compatible licence, but it gets 
installed. When I start the XServer after that (e.g. 
startx), everything's allright and the XServer starts up 
without complaining. KDE is running just fine and also the 
graphics acceleration works.

Can't I _force_ the XServer to load the module somehow? Or 
is the nvidia kernel module omitted in some script so that 
it doesn't load (e.g. /etc/modules.conf)? Am I confusing the 
`nvidia.o' kernel module with the nvidia X driver?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Do Not Call Sign Up Info

2003-10-13 Thread American Profiles Marketing News

 Here is the latest on the Do Not Call (DNC), regulations.  As you may be aware, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of a lower court ruling that deemed the Do Not Call registry unconstitutional.  What this means is the FTC will be moving forward to enforce its DNC program.  

 American Profiles will continue to comply with legislative mandates and respect a consumer's choice to limit telemarketing calls.  

 All orders with phone numbers will require Subscription Account Numbers (SANs) for any end user who purchases telephone output.  

 Now and in the future, any order with any telephone number output, will require the SAN to be associated with that order.   

 To get a SAN, click on FTC Signup then click on the "National Do Not Call Registry" banner to aquire your SAN. 

 End users that may be exempt from the DNC laws because they do telemarketing for:

 Non-Profit Fundraising 
 Market Research 
 Political Organizations

A Subscription Account Number (SAN) is needed by American Profiles in these cases as well. These end users would register as an "exempt organization". Exempt telemarketers have the choice of removing or flagging DNC phone numbers. A SAN is required in both cases when placing orders.

 We have found a very good article regarding the impact of the "Do Not Call" lists which is posted for your convenience at this link: The Do Not Call Impact

Have a Great Day and Good Luck!

American Profiles


2003-09-19 Thread News Informática

Gostaria de informações sobre o Debian 

Tenho uma escola de informática com mais de 13 anos 
de mercado na Cidadede Criciúma, Santa Catariana, gostaria de oferecer 
serviços e cursos Linux, para nossos clientes, de algumadistribuição. Tenho 
um conhecimento médio sobre o linux, e gostaria de fazer algumas 
1- Que tipo de suporte vocês oferecem?2- 
Quais os procedimentos para nos tornarmos um curso oficial?3- Existem 
material em português?4- Que tipo de material vocês oferecem? (Básico, 

Sem mais para o momento, 
agradecemos.Joelson de SouzaDiretor 

NEWBIE: während Knoppix Upgrade kein DNS mehr

2003-09-17 Thread news . remien

ich bin gerade dabei mein Knoppix (unstable/testing) zu upgraden.
Im Prinzip läuft auch alles reibungslos. Allerdings kann ich nun nicht mehr
eine Namensauflösung durchführen. Der Ping zu einer IP Adresse funktioniert,
aber z.B. auf funktioniert nicht mehr.
Wer kann mir da evtl. helfen.
Bei route -n steht der default gateway auf ppp0, eine Firewall ist nicht
eingerichtet, das Knoppix Upgrade habe ich bei einem frisch installierten
Knoppix durchgeführt.
Ich wähle mich per DSL ein, die DNS Server werden automatisch bei der
Einwahl eingetragen, mir werden die IP Adressen der DNS Server auch bei plog
Sofern die Infos nicht ausreichen, liefere ich gerne weitere.


Carsten Remien

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Re: Approved

2003-08-21 Thread send-news
Subject: Welcome to Our Newsletter!


Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!

You should receive your first copy within a week. In the meantime, please visit our 
newsletter web page for back issues:

If you experience any problems in delivery, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Again, thanks, and we hope you'll enjoy the newsletter!

 Original Message 

 Please see the attached file for details.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-08-21 Thread send-no-news
Subject: Unsubscribe


Your unsubscribe request has been received, and you will be removed from our emailing 

We hope you consider subscribing again at a later date: 'The Flashing Twelve' seeks to 
show that computers need to be improved, and as a subscriber you add credence to the 

And of course, information and offers unique to newsletter subscribers make it 
additionally worthwhile reading.

Your subscription will be cancelled shortly. If however you receive another copy of 
the newsletter in the next week, please disregard it - it will be the last one.

Until later (we hope).

 Original Message 

 Roll over and die :)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dpkg --remove gab Fehlerrückgabewert 1 zurück

2003-04-05 Thread news
Hallo Kenner,

ich habe versucht dansguardian zu installieren, was nicht geklappt hat.
Nun wollte ich es (per dselect) wieder deinstallieren. Dies scheiterte mit der 

running dpkg --pending --remove ...
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von dansguardian (--remove):
 Paket ist in einem sehr schlechten inkonsistenten Zustand - Sie sollten
 es erneut installieren, bevor Sie es zu entfernen versuchen.
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:

dpkg --remove gab Fehlerrückgabewert 1 zurück.

Dummerweise schlug auch das erneute Installieren fehl.
Das Problem ist nun, das andere zu installierende Pakete nicht mehr konfiguriert 
denn dpkg steigt immer vorher aus:

Preconfiguring packages ...
(Lese Datenbank ... 31718 Dateien und Verzeichnisse sind derzeit installiert.)
Vorbereiten zum Ersetzen von dansguardian 2.5.2-0-0.1 (durch .../dansguardian_2.5.2-0-
0.1_i386.deb) ...
Stopping DansGuardian: invoke-rc.d: initscript dansguardian, action stop failed.
dpkg: Warnung - altes pre-removal-Skript wurde beendet mit Fehler-Status 1
dpkg - probiere stattdessen Skript aus dem neuen Paket ...
Stopping DansGuardian: invoke-rc.d: initscript dansguardian, action stop failed.
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von /var/cache/apt/archives/dansguardian_2.5.2-0-
0.1_i386.deb (--unpack):
 Unterprozess neues pre-removal Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
Starting DansGuardian: error reading:
Error parsing the dansguardian.conf file or other DansGuardian configuration files
invoke-rc.d: initscript dansguardian, action start failed.
dpkg: Fehler beim Aufräumen:
 Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
Vorbereiten zum Ersetzen von mount 2.11y-2 (durch .../mount_2.11z-1_i386.deb) ...
Entpacke Ersatz für mount ...
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again
Press enter to continue.

Was kann ich tun, um dansguardian loszuwerden oder - noch besser - heil zu 
Für Tips oder Hilfe Danke ich,

-- Kai Backhaus --

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Scaner les cd d'installation

2003-03-31 Thread Sebastien news

J'ai installé Debian woody depuis 3 cdrom (que j'ai eu dans un journal ) et
j'ai downloadé les 4 cd restant (woody RC1) et je ne sais pas comment les
scaner comme proposer lors de l'installation .

j'ai essayé avec dselect, mais on me demande ou est le fichier Packages.gz
puis ou sont les package *.deb et ca recommance en boucle.

j'aimerais juste tous les rescaner, qqun a-t-il la solution ?

d'avance merci.

Umlaute in der bash

2003-02-21 Thread hp . news
Ich habe heute zum ersten Mal debian 3.0r1 installiert und komme an einer   
Stelle einfach nicht weiter.  
Die bash will einfach keine deutschen Umlaute annehmen. Das sieht dann   
folgendermaßen aus:  
 echo Das ist echt l\344stig!  
Das ist echt lästig!  
Wenn ich aus der bash vi oder tcsh starte, funktioniert es.  
Auch unter X (natürlich bis auf bash auf der Konsole) klappt alles.  
Ich habe mittlerweile so ziemlich alle FAQs abgegrast und in /etc/inputrc   
und mit  
set input-meta on (auch: ... off)  
set output-meta on (auch: ... off)  
(auch: set convert-meta off)  
(auch: set meta-flag on)  
alle Kombinationen eingetragen. Hätte ich danach neustarten sollen? Ein   
Ausloggen und wieder Einloggen brachte jedenfalls keine Verbesserung.  
 echo $LANG  
 echo $LC_CTYPE  
Auch dpkg-reconfigure locales   
habe ich schon hinter mir.  
Irgendwie stehe ich einfach nur noch auf dem Schlauch. Wer kann mir   
Vielen Dank!  
Hape Schaal 

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging  more +++
Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Hébergement de sites Internet - OFFRE DE NOEL!

2002-12-20 Thread OWS S . A . News
Title: Untitled Document



cette priode de ftes et en tant que spcialistes 
de l'hbergement de sites internet, nous avons 
le plaisir de vous faire profiter de notre offre spciale 
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Nous sprons 
  vraiment vous permettre, pour ces ftes de fin d'anne et par 
  cette offre, de bnficier d'un service d'hbergement 
  professionnel  un prix vraiment abordable.

effet, pour toute nouvelle demande d'hbergement enregistre 
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bnficierez du tarif exceptionnel de 99.- 
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  Gestion et administration autonome de votre compte 
  (modification de mot de passe, e-mail, etc.)


de domaine non inclus 

e-mails entrants et sortants sont automatiquement vrifis 
par notre systme de dtection de virus. En 
cas d'infection, le message est dtruit et l'metteur 
du courrier est averti.



Pour profiter 
  de cette offre exceptionnelle, vous pouvez enregistrer votre demande  
  l'aide de notre assistant  l'adresse:

Si vous souhaitez plus 
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Place de la Gare 4 - CP 804
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Phone +41-21-3453611
Fax +41-21-3453619 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 




2002-08-27 Thread linux-scene News Redaktion

Hallo noch einmal,

ich habe nun nachdem man mir sagte, das mod_webapp nicht das ist was es 
sein sollte mod_jk geladen und installiert, folgende Einträge habe ich 


IfModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat4/jk/
JkLogFile /var/log/tomcat4/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13




laut Vorgabe, da habe ich nur dir Kommentare entfernt

folgende Fehler Meldungen tauchen im log auf, aber warum und wie kann 
ich das beseitigen:

[jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (196)]: In jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (635)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat process.
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (848)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, send_request failed in send loop 0
[jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (196)]: In jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (635)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat process.
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (848)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, send_request failed in send loop 
[jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (196)]: In jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed errno = 111
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (635)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat process.
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (848)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, send_request failed in send loop 

hoffe mir kann geholfen werden

cu christian

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: mod_jk

2002-08-27 Thread linux-scene News Redaktion

Mathias Gygax wrote:

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:55:09PM +0200, Christian Meissner wrote:


hier die ausgabe von
netstat | grep 8009

tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:32796  
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:32794  
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:32792  
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:33015  
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:33015  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:32789  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:32787  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:32796  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:32794  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:32792  coder001:8009   
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:32789  
ESTABLISHED tcp0  0 coder001:8009   coder001:32787  
ESTABLISHED tcp   60  0 coder001:8009   coder001:33024  

das sieht alles tiptop aus.


hast du /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} schon angepasst? tomcat hat tcp_wrappers


nein, was sollte ich da genau hinein schreiben ?

wenn in /etc/hosts.deny z.b. ein deny auf ALL ist, dann müsstest du in
/etc/hosts.allow noch

8009: ALL : ALLOW


Gut, wenn ich dann hosts.allow und .deny leer lasse, dann ist das sicher 
auch kein problem ?

sagt das catalina.out logfile von tomcat noch was genaueres?

Das steht in catalina.out:

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.3

und hier das aktuelle catalina_log:

2002-08-27 16:45:28 HttpConnector Opening server socket on all host IP addresses
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpConnector[8180] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpProcessor[8180][0] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpProcessor[8180][1] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpProcessor[8180][2] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpProcessor[8180][3] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 HttpProcessor[8180][4] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:46 Ajp13Connector[8009] Opening server socket on host IP address
2002-08-27 16:45:46 Ajp13Connector[8009] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:47 Ajp13Processor[8009][0] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:47 Ajp13Processor[8009][1] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:47 Ajp13Processor[8009][2] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:47 Ajp13Processor[8009][3] Starting background thread
2002-08-27 16:45:47 Ajp13Processor[8009][4] Starting background thread

bekommst du im browser irgendwelche fehlermeldungen?


im Browser erhalte ich bei .jsp dateien eine Meldung, das die Datei 
nicht vorhanden sein soll,
egal, von wo ich sie öffne, ausser auf dem Tomcat direkt.
Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint auch noch im HTML - Format und wird nicht 
als Seite angezeigt.

Beim Öffnen eines Servlets kommt ein 'Speichern unter' Dialog, das 
heisst hier wird wieder nichts ausgeführt, auf dem Tomcat direkt funzt 
es wieder.

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: mod_jk

2002-08-27 Thread linux-scene News Redaktion

Mathias Gygax wrote:

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 04:54:01PM +0200, linux-scene News Redaktion wrote:

Gut, wenn ich dann hosts.allow und .deny leer lasse, dann ist das sicher 
auch kein problem ?

sollte eigentlich nicht. das geht auch in ordnung, wenn beide leer sind.
dann haben alle zugriff auf alles.


im Browser erhalte ich bei .jsp dateien eine Meldung, das die Datei
nicht vorhanden sein soll, egal, von wo ich sie öffne, ausser auf dem
Tomcat direkt.  Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint auch noch im HTML -
Format und wird nicht als Seite angezeigt.

hast du einen virtuellen host konfiguriert? poste sonst mal die konfig.

nein, virtuelle host habe ich noch keine, soll vielleicht später mal 
sein, jetzt reicht erst einmal eine maschine, mit einem einfachen localhost.

hier der teil aus der httpd.conf:

IfModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat4/jk/
JKLogFile /var/log/tomcat4/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

includest du in der apache config das mod_jk konfig file?

hast du ein

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

oder so in der virtual host config drin?


Beim Öffnen eines Servlets kommt ein 'Speichern unter' Dialog, das 
heisst hier wird wieder nichts ausgeführt, auf dem Tomcat direkt funzt 
es wieder.

es scheint mir, als du den virtual host nicht richtig konfiguriert hast.
du könntest natürlich auch einfach ein redirect auf den tomcat webserver
machen. sonst mit JkMount die JSPs an den (offensichtlich
funktionierenden) AJP13 connector (port 8009) weiterleiten.


und hier noch meine server.xml:

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN debug=0
  Listerner className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig/

  Service name=Tomcat-Standalone

Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector
   port=8180 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   enableLookups=true acceptCount=10 debug=0

Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
   port=8009 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   acceptCount=10 debug=0 address=

Engine name=Standalone defaultHost=localhost debug=0

  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
  prefix=catalina_log. suffix=.txt

  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /

  Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=webapps unpackWARs=false

Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
 directory=logs  prefix=localhost_access_log. suffix=.txt
 pattern=common /

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
 directory=logs  prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt

Context path=/manager docBase=manager
 debug=0 privileged=true/





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Debian-User: Your work-at-home report: How to Find Freelance Work

2002-06-13 Thread news
Hi Debian-User

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Unidentified subject!

2002-05-26 Thread news

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WTS: HP best prices

2001-11-02 Thread news
Title: IT-NEWS from BlueCom Danmark A/S (all)

Dear Partner,
Attached you will find
  the best market prices for HP products. All products are in stock - ready to
   Below we have listed
  a few of our best offers on HP equipment and other selected products: 


  URGENT need the following: 150pcs HP LaserJet 4050 (Target 783,00 USD)



  sell the following:

  71 17" Color Monitor 



  72 17 Color Monitor


  91 19" Color Monitor 



  P920 19" Color Monitor 



  P1120 21" Color Monitor 




  Omnibook XE3 PIII700 14TFT 64/10 W98



  Omnibook XE3 Cel550 14TFT 64/5 W98



  Omnibook 6000 Cel550 14TFT 64/5 W98



  Omnibook 6000 PIII600 14TFT 128/6 



  Omnibook 6000 PIII600 14TFT 64/6 W98




  E-Vectra P733 128Mb 8.4Gb CD lan W98 



  Vectra VL400 SF P800 64Mb 10Gb CD lan W98 



  E-PC C700 128Mb 10Gb lan W98



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New partners and improvement of existing partner relationships

2001-09-05 Thread news
Title: Untitled Document

are looking for both new partners and improvement of existing partner relationships.

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We have pinpointed
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Monthly Drawing Winner!

2001-04-02 Thread news

Dear Lista RAVES Debian,

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2001-02-03 Thread News
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2000-09-05 Thread news

September 5, 2000, NO. 14

Welcome again to IT.NEWS - BlueCom's weekly 
newsletter for all players in the international IT Channel - vendors, 
distributors, resellers, dealers and brokers. Read about the latest trends in 
the IT market, products, prices, partnerships, major companies and much 


1. Intel RecallIts 1.13 GHz Pentium III Chip
2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux Lab
3. First Storage Product From IBM/Compaq 
Alliance4. Sony to Spend USD 940 Million on Chip Plant5. 
HyundaiJoins Anti-Rambus Legal Fight6.Handheld Makers Foresee 
Christmas Shortage


MESSAGEThis week's TOP-7 CRAZY prices at BlueCom Danmark A/SIntel Etherexpress Pro 
10/100 Mbit WOLONLY 
USD35.50Click here forthe next 6 
crazy prices**1. Intel Recalls Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
ChipLast week Intel Corp. recalled its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
processor on the very day that archrival Advanced Micro Devices Inc.announced that more than 10 PC makersare to producemodelsusing its 1.1 GHz Athlon processor. Intel stated that it was recalling its processor 
becausea lab test had highlighted malfunctions when using certain 
kernels of the Linux operating systems.The 
problem apparentlyresults 
from the higher heat produced by the 
faster processor and some portion of the Linux code. Analysts say that AMD now hasa clear lead in processors, and thatIntellaunchedthe 1.13 GHz Pentium III before it 
was completely ready in an attempt 
toremaincompetitive. Intel has announced that it will take 
several months to correct the problem, which 
gives AMD more time to ramp up its 1.1 GHz shipments. In the coming 
months AMD will introduce Athlon chips with even higher speed grains, aiming for 
1.5 GHz in the first quarter.Source: CNet News and Electronic Buyers 
News.2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux LabComputing 
heavyweights IBM, NEC, Intel, Dell Computer and Hewlett Packard are joining with 
Linux companies to coax the operating system into high-end, multiprocessor 
machines, the companies announced last week. The computing powerhouses are 
joining forces to create a laboratory where open-source programmers can improve 
the performance of Linux and associated software on these expensive servers. The 
new Open-Source Development Laboratories,due to receive multi-million dollar funding annually 
from the companies participating, 
willprovide a way for independent programmers to push Linux into 
this high-prestige domain.Source: CNet News

3. First Storage Product From 
IBM/Compaq Alliance 
The first open storage product of the IBM 
and Compaq alliance has been announcedas 
the Modular Storage Server. The alliance was made public on 6th July.Since then, IBM hasundertaken full training of its storage sales 
force and storage networking architects, plus many of itsbusinesspartners. Customers will now be able 
todeploy open storage networking solutions using both IBM and Compaq 
products. IBM has 
availability of 36 gigabyte 10,000 RPM disk drives for its "Shark" 
Enterprise Storage Server, which can result ina performance 
improvement of up to30 percent.Italso 
introduced the IBM FastT200 Storage Server, the industry leading entry 
level server for the NT marketplace,featuring two one gigabit per second 
Fibre Channel connections. The Modular Storage Server will be 
availableon 29th September and the FastT200 will be 
availableon the 12th September. Source: 
IBM4. Sony to Spend USD 
940 Million on Chip PlantSony 
stated last week that it will spend more than US$940 million over the 
next five years on a new plant to produce microchips used in mobile phones, 
digital cameras and other devices, as the companyattempts toincrease production of such 
goods. Sony willbeginconstruction in November in the 
Kumamoto district on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. The factory is scheduled 
to begin production in October 2001.Source: Sony5. 
HyundaiJoins Anti-Rambus Legal FightThe 
company says its lawsuit is a pre-emptive strike against Rambus's pressure to license its synchronous 
technology. At stake is the validity of 
the patents protecting the technology for 
memory ICs, microprocessors, and core-logic chipsets - andtherefore who gets to control the industry's 
future. Similarly, Hyundai has joinedMicron 
Technology in a separate effort to invalidate patents held by memory 
intellectual property designer Rambus.Source: TechWeb
Makers Foresee Christmas ShortagePalm, Handspring, 
Sony and other makers of handheld computers will have trouble filling 
ordersfor rhe Christmas 
periodbecause of the ongoing parts shortage, according to 
executives and analysts."We're 
in backlog on literally every single product in the line," Palm chief 
competitive officer Michael Mace said. "Today the thing holding us back is our 


2000-09-05 Thread news

September 5, 2000, NO. 14

Welcome again to IT.NEWS - BlueCom's weekly 
newsletter for all players in the international IT Channel - vendors, 
distributors, resellers, dealers and brokers. Read about the latest trends in 
the IT market, products, prices, partnerships, major companies and much 


1. Intel RecallIts 1.13 GHz Pentium III Chip
2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux Lab
3. First Storage Product From IBM/Compaq 
Alliance4. Sony to Spend USD 940 Million on Chip Plant5. 
HyundaiJoins Anti-Rambus Legal Fight6.Handheld Makers Foresee 
Christmas Shortage


MESSAGEThis week's TOP-7 CRAZY prices at BlueCom Danmark A/SIntel Etherexpress Pro 
10/100 Mbit WOLONLY 
USD35.50Click here forthe next 6 
crazy prices**1. Intel Recalls Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
ChipLast week Intel Corp. recalled its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
processor on the very day that archrival Advanced Micro Devices Inc.announced that more than 10 PC makersare to producemodelsusing its 1.1 GHz Athlon processor. Intel stated that it was recalling its processor 
becausea lab test had highlighted malfunctions when using certain 
kernels of the Linux operating systems.The 
problem apparentlyresults 
from the higher heat produced by the 
faster processor and some portion of the Linux code. Analysts say that AMD now hasa clear lead in processors, and thatIntellaunchedthe 1.13 GHz Pentium III before it 
was completely ready in an attempt 
toremaincompetitive. Intel has announced that it will take 
several months to correct the problem, which 
gives AMD more time to ramp up its 1.1 GHz shipments. In the coming 
months AMD will introduce Athlon chips with even higher speed grains, aiming for 
1.5 GHz in the first quarter.Source: CNet News and Electronic Buyers 
News.2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux LabComputing 
heavyweights IBM, NEC, Intel, Dell Computer and Hewlett Packard are joining with 
Linux companies to coax the operating system into high-end, multiprocessor 
machines, the companies announced last week. The computing powerhouses are 
joining forces to create a laboratory where open-source programmers can improve 
the performance of Linux and associated software on these expensive servers. The 
new Open-Source Development Laboratories,due to receive multi-million dollar funding annually 
from the companies participating, 
willprovide a way for independent programmers to push Linux into 
this high-prestige domain.Source: CNet News

3. First Storage Product From 
IBM/Compaq Alliance 
The first open storage product of the IBM 
and Compaq alliance has been announcedas 
the Modular Storage Server. The alliance was made public on 6th July.Since then, IBM hasundertaken full training of its storage sales 
force and storage networking architects, plus many of itsbusinesspartners. Customers will now be able 
todeploy open storage networking solutions using both IBM and Compaq 
products. IBM has 
availability of 36 gigabyte 10,000 RPM disk drives for its "Shark" 
Enterprise Storage Server, which can result ina performance 
improvement of up to30 percent.Italso 
introduced the IBM FastT200 Storage Server, the industry leading entry 
level server for the NT marketplace,featuring two one gigabit per second 
Fibre Channel connections. The Modular Storage Server will be 
availableon 29th September and the FastT200 will be 
availableon the 12th September. Source: 
IBM4. Sony to Spend USD 
940 Million on Chip PlantSony 
stated last week that it will spend more than US$940 million over the 
next five years on a new plant to produce microchips used in mobile phones, 
digital cameras and other devices, as the companyattempts toincrease production of such 
goods. Sony willbeginconstruction in November in the 
Kumamoto district on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. The factory is scheduled 
to begin production in October 2001.Source: Sony5. 
HyundaiJoins Anti-Rambus Legal FightThe 
company says its lawsuit is a pre-emptive strike against Rambus's pressure to license its synchronous 
technology. At stake is the validity of 
the patents protecting the technology for 
memory ICs, microprocessors, and core-logic chipsets - andtherefore who gets to control the industry's 
future. Similarly, Hyundai has joinedMicron 
Technology in a separate effort to invalidate patents held by memory 
intellectual property designer Rambus.Source: TechWeb
Makers Foresee Christmas ShortagePalm, Handspring, 
Sony and other makers of handheld computers will have trouble filling 
ordersfor rhe Christmas 
periodbecause of the ongoing parts shortage, according to 
executives and analysts."We're 
in backlog on literally every single product in the line," Palm chief 
competitive officer Michael Mace said. "Today the thing holding us back is our 

Oportunidad de Empleo

2000-01-11 Thread news
I-Team, Inc busca incorporar personas emprendedoras con conocimientos y/o
experiencia en:

- Flash
- NT Server
- Exchange Server
- Site Server Commerce Edition
- SQL Server
- Visual Basic
- C++ 6.0
- Java Scripts

Enviar curriculum a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I-Team, Inc.
Carabelas 241 piso 6
1009 Buenos Aires


1999-09-24 Thread news at d2.rete
this is a test, don't read.


1999-09-21 Thread news at d2.rete
test message, don't read.

Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-15 Thread news: news
 ES == Eugene Sevinian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ES I would like to know if there are any 
ES well known sites which are running linux?

How about dejanews (they have even a paper describing their setup on
their website) or 


procmail: two actions on a mail

1999-04-15 Thread news: news

this may not be the best forum, but anyway: I want to perform two
actions (saving to a folder and forwarding) on a mail via procmail.

Some doc I found has two possibilities for this. Either the c
option, but then I have to duplicate the condition, which looks ugly.

Another thing is to use a {   } construct.

I tried:

* ^X-Mailing-List:.*debian-user\@
! debian-user


but only the first entry gets executed (I checked by switching them).

What is missing in this receipe?


Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-15 Thread news: news
 ES == Eugene Sevinian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ES It would be more preferable to present non-linux related
ES sites. However, thanks again and send me more such links ! Please :)

ES BTW, how many hits usually occur at these sites? Is such info is
ES available?

For, here is what  once wrote in a mailinglist:

Version: Roxen Challenger/1.2.34
   Booted on: Sat Nov 28 10:46:31 1998
   Time to boot: 1 sec
   Uptime: 58 days, 10:38:27

   Sent data: 130.26 GB 216.40 Kbit/sec
   Sent headers: 18.92 GB
   Number of requests: 100185573 1190.40/min
   Received data: 31.78 GB

This, on a run-of-the-mill PC running Linux 2.0.36
We've run these boxes up to 120 hits/second.

Typical download server...

Version: Roxen Challenger/1.3.32
   Booted on: Mon Dec 7 10:03:00 1998 
   Time to boot: 1 sec
   Uptime: 49 days, 21:39:12

   Sent data: 1197.77 GB 2330.39 Kbit/sec
   Sent headers: 423.20 MB
   Number of requests: 2027907 28.20/min
   Received data: 761.77 MB


Re: procmail: two actions on a mail

1999-04-15 Thread news: news
 AW == Andrew Waltman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AW Try:

AW :0
AW * ^X-Mailing-List:.*debian-user\@
AW {
AW :0c:
AW ! debian-user

AW :0:
AW mail/incoming/
AW }

Thanks, I have just added this. I will see, how this article is
handled :-) And it seems I have to check what is mungling my From:


Re: apache mailing list for users?

1998-05-20 Thread Linux Weekly News
Ulisses Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I found some lists via search, rather than via the structure:

II. Your search on apache matched 4 mailing lists:

  apache Game
  News and information about the Apache Server 
  Apache Week in HTML format 
  Discussion about the Apache ModPerl Module

So you might want to try again. 

Liz Coolbaugh
Linux Weekly News

 On Thu, 14 May 1998, TRSchultz wrote:
  At 06:01 AM 5/14/98 , Ulisses Alonso wrote:
  That's the question, if there is please emailme and tell me how I can
  subscribe to it
  The URL below can be used to find almost any e-mail list.
 Thanks for your reply
 I think it is not listed (I search in /select/Computers/Internet/WWW/Servers/)
 PD: Anybody knows about it?
 Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource Temporarily Unavailable

1998-04-22 Thread News Account
I recently upgraded a computer from kernel v 2.0.29 to 2.0.33. It has a
Promise UDMA controller card, and the patch is written against 2.0.33.
The harddrive now works fine. However, I get the message SIOCSIFFLAGS:
Resource Temporarily Unavailable when the system tries to set up the
network interface. The same happens when I try ifconfig eth0 up or start
The 3c509 driver seems to load properly. When I type ifconfig eth0, it
shows the card's harware address and the computer's ip address, etc.
I'm not sure where to find info on this. Thanks for your help.

John Paul

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SEUL's choice of sendmail

1998-01-29 Thread Linux Weekly News

Since you haven't gotten an answer to this question in a couple
of weeks, I suggest you take it to the seul-project list, which
can more likely answer your question.

Liz Coolbaugh

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Nautilus News

1998-01-28 Thread Nautilus news
 rischia di interferire!
 con le abitudini alimentari degli squali. Per attirarli si gettano infatti 
esche a base di sangue nell'acqua. Una specie di zoo al contrario: in gabbia 
c'è l'uomo, nella parte del cibo...
[26/01/98 : 17:15]


USA - Clinton nega relazione con la Lewinsky

Bill Clinton nega tutto. Con il volto teso
 da un accenno di rabbia, il presidente americano ha negato di avere mai avuto 
una relazione sessuale con Monica Lewinsky, 24enne ex stagista alla Casa 
Bianca, e di averle mai detto di giurare il falso sulla relazione. L'occasione 
per la smentita - fatta usando verbi al tempo passato, e non al presente, come 
quelle precedenti -
 e' stata l'annuncio alla Casa Bianca del varo di un programma doposcuola per 
tenere i ragazzi americani lontano dalle strade, presentazione ripetutamente 
interrotta da applausi di incoraggiamento della ''first lady'' Hillary Clinton, 
vestita di giallo ed elogiata dal marito per il contributo dato allo sviluppo 
del programma, del vicepresidente Al Gore e di tutto lo staff democratico. ''Ho 
una cosa da dire al
 popolo americano: non ho avuto una relazione sessuale con quella donna, la 
signorina Lewinsky, ne' ho mai detto a nessuno di mentire -ha dichiarato 
Clinton - Queste insinuazioni sono false ed io devo torn!
are a lavorare per il popolo
 americano''. Ovvero a dare gli ultimi ritocchi al Messaggio sullo Stato 
dell'Unione che dovra' pronunciare domani di fronte al Congresso di Washington. 
[26/01/98 : 17:07]


ITALIA - Carniti: Orario di lavoro a 32 ore

I Cristiano Sociali avanzano a governo e forze
 politiche e sindacali una proposta per la riduzione dell'orario di lavoro non 
a 35
 bensi' a 32 ore a parita' di salario. A presentare i caretteri della proposta 
di legge sara' il leader del movimento Pierre Carniti, gia' segretario della 
Cisl, in una conferenza stampa
 che si terra' domani nella sala stampa di Montecitorio. Interverranno i 
parlamentari dei Cristiano Sociali.
[26/01/98 : 17:01]


USA - Compaq scala Digital Equipment

Maxifusione fra due delle maggiori manufatturiere di computer del mondo. La 
Compaq e' divenuta azionista di maggioranza della Digital Equipment dopo aver 
acquisito titoli per 9,6 miliardi di dollari. Il potenziale fatturato annuo 
della Compaq, che diviene cosi' la terza
 produttrice di PC, dopo IBM e Hewlett Packard, e' quindi di 37 miliardi di 
[26/01/98 : 15:07]


CANADA -  100 candeline per due gemelli

Murray e Muriel Legate, fratello e sorella, hanno festeggiato i loro cento anni 
con una grande festa organizzata dall'anministrazione della cittadina  di Fort 
Saskatchewan, ad Alberta. Sono i gemelli più longevi del Nord America e 
probabilmente del mondo. Secondo ilGuinness dei primati, esiste una 
probabilità su 50 milioni che due gemelli arrivino insieme all'invidiabile 
traguardo. Entrambi -hanno detto- fanno quotidianamente delle passeggiate. E' 
canadese anche la donna più anziana del mondo: è Marie Louise Meilleur,ha 117 
[26/01/98 : 12:43]


'NDRANGHETA - Picchiato perchè omosessuale

Lo hanno sequestrato, picchiato selvaggiamente fino quasi ad ucciderlo. Poi lo 
hanno legato ed appeso ad un ponte, minacciando di lasciarlo cadere nel vuoto. 
All'origine di tutto una relazione omosessuale che la vittima, un giovane di 20 
anni di Africo Nuovo, un paesino vicino a Reggio Calabria, aveva con il parente 
di un esponente della 'ndrangheta locale. Quella relazione era incompatibile 
con l'onore della famiglia e così è scattata la ritorsione.
[26/01/98 : 12:00]


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Re: Newbie here- please don't flame me!

1997-10-28 Thread News Account
There are extensive how-to's at, one of which explains
upgrading and installing a new kernel. As for your sound card, the setup
is less than straightforward. There is a very good FAQ at
which explains the setup for that. 

Welcome to Linux,

John Paul

On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Ignus Fast wrote:

 Aloha!  I'm new not only to this group, but to Linux as well.  I have
 everything installed and running that I could figure out (including X11,
 which was a major pain in the butt), but have a few questions regarding
 the kernel.
   I wanted to install a kernel which would have support for my modem (USR
 56k) for PPP, AWE-64 (or AWE-32 support) sound card, and Linksys
 Ethernet card.  I checked in the additional devices in the package I
 installed (From Boot Magazine's bootdisc 15), but could only find
 support for the serial/parallel ports and my ps2 mouse.  The install
 instructions refer to a [23]special folder for custom kernels; I
 couldn't locate this on the CD, and the special folder on the Debian
 site only had one kernel in it.
   If anyone can refer me to a decent FAQ or just give me some help, I
 would be most obliged!  I also have no idea yet (but am a fast learner)
 on how to install said kernel once I do get it...  Please respond either
 here or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Thanks in advance,
 TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
 Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Unidentified subject!

1996-12-08 Thread news
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Path: not-for-mail
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Bonser)
Subject: Re: trouble with debian and networking
Date: 08 Dec 1996 02:39:21 GMT
To: Martin L.W. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Newsreader: knews 0.9.6
Organization: Oriole: A South Bay Network site.
Lines: 37

Martin L.W. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Debian users,

Hopefully you can help me.  I am new to Linux and Debian (though I know
UNIX specificall SunOS quite well).  

I have this system on a small network ( connected to the
Internet through a CISCO router.  Many of the systems are NT 4.0. based.

the IP address for the linux box (cabernet) is
the netmask is set to

If you have a class C net the netmask should be

net address is set to   is that right?
broadcast IP# is set to

Try for broadcast address (I think)

gateway (the cisco router) is set to
the DNS is set to
nameserver is
the main server ( is

Any obvious places I should look or think about?


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Unidentified subject!

1996-11-22 Thread news
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Path: not-for-mail
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Bonser)
Subject: Re: PPP
Date: 22 Nov 1996 04:41:25 GMT
X-Newsreader: knews 0.9.6
Organization: Oriole: A South Bay Network site.
Lines: 30

SLiRP will do PPP too.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (J.H.M.Dassen) writes:
  Are there any programs available for linux that allow you to
 logon to a normal telnet getty and then start up a PPP connection from
 the command line?  I have a dialup connection to the whole network, but
 the PPP lines for this school are monstrously overcrowded.

I'm not aware of such a tool for PPP, but there is one for SLIP: 
SLiRP. Basically, you dial in, make a terminal connection, preferably
make that connection 8-bit clean, and start a daemon on the remote

Check out /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Dip+SLiRP+CSLIP.gz (doc-linux package).

Hope this helps,
PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

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