Re: joe and lynx on a short terminal

1996-08-30 Thread renald loignon
>Here's what I have in /ect/profile to do what I think you want;
>TTYTYPE=`tty|cut -f 3 -d /|grep -f - /etc/ttytype|cut -f 1 -d " "`
>  if [ "$TTYTYPE" = "" ]; then
>   :
>  else
>  fi
>unset TTYTYPE
>/etc/ttytype looks like this;
>vt100 ttyS0
>vt100 ttyS1
>vt100 ttyS2
>vt100 ttyS3
>In this case I set all the serial ports to vt100 and leaving
>everything else alone. I forget where the ttytype idea came from but I
>ripped it off from somewhere.

Well, SCO Unix, SCO Xenix and (waaay back when...) Tandy Xenix all do it
that way, except for the device coming first, and the term type second, on
the line...

Re: Fix for your serial/PPP problems

1996-08-25 Thread renald loignon
>After I saw the original post about irqtune here, I decided to ask about
>it on the kernel list.  Linus is looking into it now.

Funny thing is, the following message was posted in that very same kernel
list on August 7th, and even though I and a couple of others chimed in with
confirmation of the problem, at that time Linus did not appear to notice the
thread, or chose not to respond (we all have the same 24hours/day to work
with, after all, so I understand)

On August 7, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wallace Poon) wrote in

>I used Linux 1.2.13 and then up to 2.0.3 and found no problem in
>using rz in Minicom for downloading. Once I upgraded to
>2.0.9 and beyond, there is ALWAYS CRC errors when the IDE hardisk
>read/write. There is also packet dropped in PPP session.

>So could someone help me with this problem ?

>The Quantum 1.7G IDE is connected to the on-board IDE controller.


> Apparently, irqtune only helps with some (probably buggy) interrupt 

I politely beg to differ, in that I think you are generalizing excessively
and prematurely.  In Wallace's case above,  the same hardware did not
exhibit the problem with a slightly earlier version of the kernel (2.0.3),
so there's some food for thought.

Furthermore, in the case of my own target machine (a modest 386-40 with 8MB
RAM), I can and *have* done problem-free high-speed (V34) downloads under
DOS, Windows95, OS/2 Warp Connect and older Linux kernels (e.g. 1.2.13 as
found in Slackware 3.0 and RedHat 3.3.3).  Now of course Wallace and I only
represent two data points, but shouldn't that be enough to caution you
against prematurely declaring all affected hardware to be buggy?

> Below is
>Linus' reply along with a kernel patch that *may* possibly have the same
>effect as irqtune on systems where irqtune does make a difference.  On my
>system, I see no improvement whatsover with irqtune.  But, others have
>seen substantial improvement.  Someone told me he saw some improvement but
>at the cost of slowing down his SCSI drive.

Better to slow down disk I/O a bit than to suffer frequent overruns (and
their consequences such as block resends, PPP stalls, etc...) on incoming
serial traffic, no?  Anyway, it's all a matter of priority (which is exactly
what this irqtune gizmo is supposed to allow us to tune...).

I'm glad this is being discussed and tested by a lot of knowledgeable
people.  That's all I hoped to achieve by bringing this issue up in here.
Thank you for doing your share by managing to attract Linus' attention to it
on the kernel mailing list...

Re: Fix for your serial/PPP problems

1996-08-22 Thread renald loignon
>renald loignon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>: Could someone knowledgeable in low-level kernel matters take a look at the
>: following?  I looked at the Web page, and though it sounds interesting
>: overall (and it WOULD solve a serial problem I experienced with Debian 1.1.1
>: and kernel 2.0.6), there appear to be some technical inaccuracies which give
>: me second thoughts. Any comments appreciated.

>What are the inaccuracies you are referring to? Seems to be ok 
>as far as I can tell except I dont know enough about PIC 
>programming to tell if he is right on that.

Well, one example from his Web page:

"irqtune defaults for a standard IRQ configuration. It assumes that 
 the highest priority device should be on IRQ 3. This is normally the 
 first serial port on standard configurations, which is what you want. "

Unless something has changed since I wrote my first interrupt-driven serial
driver on an XT, under PC-DOS 2.0, COM1 uses IRQ4, whereas COM2 uses IRQ3.

 On the other hand, if you have a serial mouse on COM1, it is likely that
the modem will be on COM2, and therefore his default action of giving
maximum priority to IRQ3 actually makes sense, despite the incorrect
statement about the _FIRST_ serial port being on IRQ3.

I thought there was something else wrong in his explanation of interrupt
numbers and priority numbers, but after a second reading, it seems I was

Re: simple but useful debian enhancement

1996-08-22 Thread renald loignon
>Following the thread about how to enhance dselect/dpkg to ease 
>re-installation, I would like to suggest my idea:
>A menu item in dselect to store the present configuration on the
>base diskettes.

Or on a separate diskette reserved for that purpose...

Re: Fix for your serial/PPP problems

1996-08-21 Thread renald loignon
Could someone knowledgeable in low-level kernel matters take a look at the
following?  I looked at the Web page, and though it sounds interesting
overall (and it WOULD solve a serial problem I experienced with Debian 1.1.1
and kernel 2.0.6), there appear to be some technical inaccuracies which give
me second thoughts. Any comments appreciated.

"Craig A. Estey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>Hi, Folks
>All of you have posted problems with serial/PPP to comp.os.linux.* newsgroups
>(under various heading listed at the end of this message).
>I had exactly the same problems.  I did some microsecond resolution performance
>profiling of the kernel.  I found a kernel bug and devised a fix.
>I have been scanning the groups and have not found a similar fix anywhere.
>Online documentation (FAQ format) that explains all (the *real* problem is
>IRQ priority):
>The entire package:
>I've been running the patch for over a month and I tripled the throughput
>of my 33.6 modem from 700 chars/sec to over 2500 chars/sec.  It also fixes
>data dropouts.
>I'm going to post this to the newsgroups but I need some testing in various
>Please give it a try. I'd greatly appreciate your feedback via email.
>Send your configuration data, what performance you got, what you think.
>Craig Estey
>> Erratic IP forwarding via PPP
>> Hanging file transfers (ppp,linux 1.2.13)
>> Has SLIP gotten slower in 2.0.x?
>> Help with pppd error messages in syslog
>> How to measure speed of my  link
>> Linux:/PPP dead end! Do I need NT?
>> Modem quits after 20 seconds
>> Modem trouble (Need Help)
>> NFS over PPP usable?
>> Only getting half my bandwidth through modem (ftp)
>> PPP 2.2.0f connect to Xylogics Annex 4000 hangs
>> PPP Slowness
>> PPP hangs while sending large files
>> PPP problem even after looking at many references/posts to no avail
>> PPP routing problem
>> PPP unreliable
>> PPPD Problem w/ Pentium & Kernel 2.0.7
>> Q: SLIP comm waits on IDE disk
>> RTS/CTS flow control problems with Motorola BSP
>> Re: *very* slow SLIP
>> Re: Has SLIP gotten slower in 2.0.x?
>> Re: How to get precise interrupt timing? (reading RC PPM signal)
>> Re: PPP slow (450bytes/sec)
>> Re: PPP throughput, tuning, & network info
>> Re: Serial port problem with Linux-2.0.x (x > 3)
>> Re: Slow -> halt modem
>> Serial port problem with Linux-2.0.x (x > 3)
>> Speeding up telnet?
>> TCP connections and degrading performance
>> Unexplained PPPD hangups.
>> Weird PPP Latency Effect
>> help I have a very slow ppp connection
>> modem trouble(help)
>> ppp setup problem
>> ppp2.0.d problems. It a BUG or a configuration mistake 
>> ppp: frame with bad fcs
>> serial handing bug in 2.0.12?

Re: output of shutdown -h now

1996-08-21 Thread renald loignon
>I am reluctant to bring this up again, since I saw it just a few
>months ago on this list, and didn't pay attention at the time.  So,
>at the risk of rehashing this problem (if that is what it is), I am
>submitting it again since I am now having the same difficulty myself.
>I am using the original Debian 1.1 release (kernel 2.0.0), and when
>I issue a "shutdown -h now" command, I get the following:
>System halted
>general protection: 
>CPU: 0
>EIP: 0010: [<00173257>]
>EFLAGS: 00010046
>eax: 5307  ebx: 0001  ecx: bfff0003  edx: 
>esi: bf0c  edi: 08000e4a  ebp: bfff0003  esp: 005a5f80
>ds:   es:   fs:   gs:   ss: 0018
>Process halt (pid: 220, process nr: 6, stackpage=005a5000)

>I'd like to know if this is normal, or a symptom of a needed kernel upgrade,
>or something else entirely.  I hate to post this again, seeing that you have
>all probably solved this and moved on.  But I would greatly appreciate any
>help that you may possibly be able to give.

I had the same symptom with Debian 1.1 with kernel 2.0.0, and it went away
when I reinstalled with the mid-July base disks with kernel 2.0.6.  I hope
this helps...

Re: module cdu31a fails on insert

1996-08-20 Thread renald loignon
>> I'm getting confused.  Isn't the purpose of /usr/lib/module_help/arguments
>> to document the arguments that can be given to a module when it is
>> activated?

>I don't think the cdu31a information is in there - we must have missed
>it when we created modconf. Also, not everyone uses modconf, which is the
>only thing that displays the module_help files.
>We don't have a person who follows the kernel and keeps an accurate list
>of module arguments. Also, Lars took on "modconf" when I had too much to
>do, but he was less than enthusiastic about it. We could use another
>volunteer to be the module mayven.

I hear you Bruce.  I most certainly do not wish to put down the fine efforts
that you and the rest of the Debian group are putting in.  Also, I consider
it quite likely that I will eventually get involved (again) in some
non-profit group or other having to do with computer software and/or the
Internet. (In fact, "been there, done that", if you will give some
consideration to some 5 years of involvement in Fidonet at many levels).
Honesty, whether I join the Linux camp or another will depend on the success
of my current efforts to bootstrap myself into this community.

For now, most of my on-line interactions are done with Eudora for Windows
(email), Free Agent (news) , WsFTP and Netscape for Windows.  Thus, as a
example of obstacle to my progression, I cannot easily grab a set of
HTMLized FAQs from the Net for local perusal because they use long
filenames.  Also, I am constrained to getting the msdos-i386 branch of the
distribution sites, even though dselect seems to be somewhat reluctant to
use these DOS filenames...  And if I start seriously considering the
purchase of a CD copy of the distribution, to give dselect the long
filenames it prefers, I have to face a non-documented module argument...

"When it's not one thing, it's another..."   ;-)))

Hey, don't let me spoil your fun.  Whenever I point out a flaw in the Debian
distribution, I do it in the spirit of providing useful feedback, and with
no malice whatsoever.  Consider it my first level of contribution to your
fine work.  Hopefully, in the fullness of time I will feel confident and
knowledgeable enough to participate in more significant ways.  In the
meantime, I'm still here, so despite my setbacks, I haven't given up



Re: module cdu31a fails on insert

1996-08-18 Thread renald loignon
>Use the argument "cdu31a_port=0x340" when you install the module. It also
>understands "cdu31a_irx=N".

May I ask, in all seriousness, and without a trace of sarcasm, where in the
world (BUT preferably in the Debian installation instructions) one is
expected to find this information?  I was used to the old
"cdu31a=0xPORT,IRQ" syntax from the boot prompt, or as an "append=..." line
in /etc/lilo.conf

Re: [Fwd: Virus Alert]

1996-08-17 Thread renald loignon
>Not true. You can't get a virus from reading an email message.
>Notice that the original post came from AOL.. :)

O... Cheap shot!   ;-)

>(who wonders how many people deleted this message in fear when they 
>saw the Subject: line..)

We... the subject didn't contain "Good Times" after all...

Re: Installation-problem

1996-08-06 Thread renald loignon
>On the other hand, you could copy the relevant directories off of the CD
>and put them into the path structure that this version of dselect wants to
>find them.

what exactly IS that path structure that dselect expects?  I would like to
know the answer to this for two different scenarios: 

1) Long (i.e. original) filenames on a Linux-native (ext2fs) file system;

2) Short (msdos) filenames on an msdos partition.

Thanks in advance,


(Sorry Dale, I sent my first copy of this to your address because that's
what my editor puts in automatically, and I forgot to change it before sending).

RE: Questions

1996-08-04 Thread renald loignon
>>And when I use "mount" command, it doesn't show CDROM is mounted.

>???  'df' will show you what filesystems are mounted, not mount.

Just type 


without any parameters, and see what output you get.

"Live and learn", eh?