Re: Ter info: FileZilla

2024-07-05 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 05/07/2024 00:06, Richard Lucassen wrote:

On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 17:28:21 +0200
Rob van der Putten  wrote:

Verbazingwekkend dat er nog steeds ftp gebruikt wordt. Ik zou zo
snel mogelijk overgaan op ssh/sftp.

Voor anonymous FTP is het natuurlijk geen probleem.

Nee, ook met anonymous heb je dat idiote protocol. Weg met die troep.
Gebruik voor anonymous downloads gewoon http of https en voor uploads
sftp. Ik weet niet of je ntp server goed staat maar we leven in
2024, check het even :-)

Binnen tig µs;
En volgens de zelfde logica, zou je eigenlijk ook niet moeten ademhalen, 
want word ook al heel lang gedaan.

Zelf ben ik overigens geen fan van FTP, maar soms is er niets anders 
beschikbaar. Zo doet mijn oude TV settopbox niet veel anders.
Indien beschikbaar is sshfs wel aardig. Je kan dan remote spul lokaal 


Re: Ter info: FileZilla

2024-07-04 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 04/07/2024 10:34, Arjen Bax wrote:

Verbazingwekkend dat er nog steeds ftp gebruikt wordt. Ik zou zo snel
mogelijk overgaan op ssh/sftp.

Voor anonymous FTP is het natuurlijk geen probleem.

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards / Vennlig hilsen,
Arjen Bax

Op di 18 jun 2024 om 11:57 schreef Sjoerd :

Op 11 mei schreef Richard Lucassen:

Op 11 mei schreef Sjoerd:

Wat je nu ziet gebeuren, is dat FileZilla eerst contact probeert te
maken via het IPv6-adres. Na ruim 2 minuten geeft-ie het op, en dan
wordt overgegaan naar het IPv4-adres, waarna de verbinding vlot tot
stand komt. Maar als je dan iets wilt uploaden, wordt opnieuw eerst
het IPv6-adres geprobeerd, en herhaalt deze toestand zich.

Zet voor de betreffende host alleen het ipv4 adres in de hosts file (die
bestaat onder windows ook, dan forceer je de boel naar ipv4.

Afgelopen nacht was er weer een modem-update van KPN, maar hierna deed
IPv4 het ook al niet meer.
Een oplossing vond ik uiteindelijk op het KPN-forum.
In het modem is iets aan het beveiligingsniveau te wijzigen, waarna de
verbinding het weer doet.

"Na modem-update geen FTP meer"


Re: wat zijn de side-effects van LC_ALL="C"

2022-12-09 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 09/12/2022 12:58, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Hallo Gijs en anderen,

Op 09-12-2022 om 08:54 schreef Gijs Hillenius:


Een collega op het werk helpt me met het combineren van super-eenvoudig
te schrijven serietje van MarkDown regeltjes, die je dan met een enkel

| nix run git+https://url...dinges-theme/#pandoc-presentation 
--refresh --


omzet in een PDF.

Het werkt vlekkeloos op zijn machine (100% nix).

Het werkt bijna vlekkeloos op een VM ingericht met yum (rpm). Daar
moeten we  dat commando dan beginnen als:

LC_ALL="C" nix run git

Op mijn Debian Sid machine krijgen we gekke neven-effecten. Het werkt,
net als op die Yum vm niet zonder LC_ALL="C". Maar met LC_ALL="C"
verschuift op alle PDF pagina's het logootje, zo gauw als we ook maar
een enkel plaatje (JPG) invoeren.

Ik heb net bestudeerd.

/etc/environment is leeg

ssh een sshd config bevatten die
SendEnv LANG LC_* en AcceptEnv LANG LC_*


Iemand nog een ander idee?

Je moet tegenwoordig /etc/default/locale hebben, maar dat staat vast ook 
in .

"LANG=C" geeft soms problemen. Bijvoorbeeld het Python programma "rpl" 
werkt dan niet meer, en sommige tekens kunnen niet weergegeven worden 
lijkt me. Overweeg iets anders zoals "LANG=en_US.UTF-8", of wat ik ook 
vaak gebruik is de Ierse UTF-8 locale. Voordeel van die Ierse locale is 
b.v. dat ze in Ierland A4 papier gebruiken en Euro's als valuta etc. 
Eigenlijk staat alles dan vanzelf goed voor een Nederlandse computer die 
Engels als taal wil.

Locale doet ook sorteer volgorde. Met C is dat ascending unsigned byte 
value. Dat kan van essentieel belang zijn bij zoeken en sorteren.
Een nadeel is dat C ISO-8859-1 is. Er is echter ook een C.UTF-8. In 
scripts zet ik altijd een 'export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8,' voordat ik ze laat 
sorteren. Ik gebruik hem ook in software wanneer ik de locale wil hardcoden.

Misschien dat door dat andere papier in de USA (letter) het logo 

Als het goed is staat je papersize in /etc/papersize. Of dit de 
papersize van de locale (US en Canada US-Letter, rest A4) overruled weet 
ik niet.

Ik zou proberen de SSH config op default te houden, dat heb je volgens 
mij ook. "SendEnv LANG LC_*" hoort in ssh_config, en "AcceptEnv LANG 
LC_*" hoort in sshd_config.


Using (old) Ubuntu libjpeg packages to allow some older programs still running on recent debian

2022-08-03 Thread Maris, Rob

The subject is considered as dealing with Utnubu - but according to the appropriate wiki 
page, this team has stopped to exist "many years ago". Therefore I write in 
this list.

Next I describe a case which make me think that Debian has less a focus on 
keeping less recent lib packages part of more recent debian versions. More 
important: two other packages part of both Ubuntu and Debian prove to result in 
removal of old programs on Debian, but not on Ubuntu!

Regarding better backward compatibility: libjpeg8 and libpeg62 exists both in 
Ubuntu (till today); but in Debian only the latter. In my case I had to install 
libjpeg8 from ubuntu on my debian-based system (as well as 

Yesterday, I experienced that installation of jhead on a Debian based-machine results in 
installing just a slightly different version of libjpeg-turbo-progs and libturbojpeg0 
(compared to Ubuntu). In my case this would also incur removals of libjpeg8 and 
libjpeg-turbo8 & gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, which I "imported" some time ago 
from Ubuntu packages in order to continue the use of old application stuff. Doing the same 
(installing jhead on an ubuntu-based machine) does not affect anything. But: when apt install 
jhead is executed on Debian 11 *after* the next two Ubuntu packages are installed via dpkg, 
no complaints are made.

To be precise:
   Debian|  Ubuntu
   libjpeg-turbo-progs 1:2.0.6-4 |  libjpeg-turbo-progs 2.0.6-0ubuntu2
   libturbojpeg0 1:2.0.6-4   |  libturbojpeg 2.0.6-0ubuntu2

Please take notice of the extra 0-suffix in the libturbojpeg name from the Debian 11 
repository. My actual question: what does the Debian-version of these two libs make 
incompatible with libjpeg8 and three other libs - all "imported" from Ubuntu?

A practical problem arises with these two libs. When apt upgrade (or e.g. use KDE 
discovery) is being executed, the system will try to "upgrade" these two 
packages to the original Debian version. And that's annoying because I must decline those 
upgrades in order to prevent the automatic removal of four lib packages and one (old) 


Re: OT: Repositorio GIT

2022-05-14 Thread Rob Rob
El principal de debian hasta donde yo sé...

El 14 may. 2022 21:32, JavierDebian  escribió:
Buenas tardes.


¿Qué tan seguro es el repositorio git éste?



Re: Memoria RAM - Se me han perdido 1,2 GB

2022-04-19 Thread Rob Rob
Que gráfica tienes?

Quizás tenga memoria compartida entre la ram y la gráfica.

 Mensaje original 
De: Debian 
Fecha: mar., 19 abr. 2022 16:44
Para: DUS 
Asunto: Memoria RAM - Se me han perdido 1,2 GB
Buen día.

Siempre uno está aprendiendo.
Hoy, compañeros de oficina se quejaban de lo lento de un sistema
Windows, y verifiqué la memoria disponible que tenían; tenían una
versión instalada de W7 que no utiliza más que 2GB, por más que hubiese
más RAM disponible. Anécdota aparte, fui a verificar mi Debian, y me
encontré con esto:

Físicamente, tengo dos banco de 4GB RAM ADATA VLP U-DIMM 1600MT/s
PC3L-12800 ADDR1600W4G11 para un equipo de 4 procesadores AMD viejito.

1) Si consulto
# free -h
  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache   available
Mem: 6,8Gi   1,7Gi   3,6Gi35Mi   1,5Gi   4,8Gi

2) Si consulto
# hwinfo
12: None 00.0: 10102 Main Memory
   [Created at memory.74]
   Unique ID: rdCR.CxwsZFjVASF
   Hardware Class: memory
   Model: "Main Memory"
   Memory Range: 0x-0x1b32bbfff (rw)
   Memory Size: 7 GB
   Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown

3) dmidecode informa correctamente que hay dos bancos de 4GB.

¿Dónde están los 1,2GB que no veo?

Si alguno sabe por qué sucede esto, así aprendo.

Muchas gracias


Re: Fwd: Re: ASTM Lab equipment protocol

2021-07-20 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 12/07/2021 15:40, Markos wrote:

OK. Now I understand a little bit more the situation.

You are referring to this pattern:
I didn't know this standard.

What I have seen in my experience with laboratory automation with some 
instruments/equipment is that each manufacturer has its own ASCII 
communication protocol.

Therefore, it is more viable to use some standard to specify a 
communication interface but without specifying the specific protocol of 
each equipment/instrument.

The only ASTM standard for laboratory automation with this approach 
(define interface) was the LECIS standard, which is now discontinued:

I discovered, a few days ago, the SiLA project to standardize automation 
in the laboratory:

But I still don't know the details.

I have already had to implement programs for serial communication with 
instruments and equipment in the laboratory.

But I don't remember seeing any Debian packages related to this ASTM 

The thing to do is probably to use github search and then download, 
install and test each relevant program. I found two which are programmed 
in C, so I can modify them myself if need be.

The vet however is perfectly happy with using the native skyla protocol, 
so I used this instead. They are already using my software and perfectly 
happy with it. The software simply dumps the data in a text file which 
they then can access. Nothing fancy here.
There is an other blood analyses machine heading this way, with yet an 
other protocol for which I will also write software.

In the long run ASTM is probably the way to go. With lots of googling 
you can actually find bits and pieces of the standard without having to 
pay for it.

I've found some programs for acquisition and graphic display of data 
received through the serial port.

But as they didn't have all the resources I decided to develop my own 
programs using the Tcl/Tk language, always using Debian.

I tried to document some of these projects on my website, which might be 

The material is in Portuguese but it is possible to translate it with 
the help of Google Translator:

Email-me if you have any question.


Re: ASTM Lab equipment protocol

2021-07-11 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 09/07/2021 20:43, Markos wrote:

Em 09-07-2021 10:21, Rob van der Putten escreveu:

Which Debian packages support the ASTM lab equipment (over TCP) 
protocol? An overview would be nice.
Please, explain with more detail, and some example, what exactly are you 
looking for?

The sister of a friend is a vet. She has blood analyses equipment which 
sends analysis results to a serial port. Each brand and model has it's 
own protocol.
Recently she acquired Skyla VB1. This device has both a serial port and 
Ethernet. It sends a ^A to the serial port, expects a ^F and then sends 
the data followed by a ^D, after which it expects an other ^F.

I did manage to get data from the device this way.

The device can also use the ASTM protocol. With ASTM it can also use 
Ethernet. Which is more practical.
I could not find a free version of the ASTM standard. Apparently, there 
is some Linux software which supports ASTM, but what I could not find is 
a nice overview.


Re: ASTM Lab equipment protocol

2021-07-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 09/07/2021 19:11, Brian wrote:

On Fri 09 Jul 2021 at 19:04:06 +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 09/07/2021 18:23, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:

On 2021-07-09 9:21 a.m., Rob van der Putten wrote:

Which Debian packages support the ASTM lab equipment (over TCP)
protocol? An overview would be nice.

Have you tried usign the search engine for going
thru the packages descriptions ?

Possibly using astm keyword ?

ASTM is not necessarily in the description.

That should give you some idea

If only things could be that easy.

The debian-med and/or the debian-science mailing list couls help out.

Now that is easy. I did not know about the archives. Or the search.
No results though. So this might be a bit of a dead end.
It doesn't mean that software doesn't exist. Just that ASTM was never 
discussed on a Debian list.


Re: ASTM Lab equipment protocol

2021-07-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 09/07/2021 18:23, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:

On 2021-07-09 9:21 a.m., Rob van der Putten wrote:

Which Debian packages support the ASTM lab equipment (over TCP)
protocol? An overview would be nice.

Have you tried usign the search engine for going
thru the packages descriptions ?

Possibly using astm keyword ?

ASTM is not necessarily in the description.

That should give you some idea

If only things could be that easy.


ASTM Lab equipment protocol

2021-07-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Which Debian packages support the ASTM lab equipment (over TCP) 
protocol? An overview would be nice.


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-23 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 23/05/2021 11:15, Geert Stappers wrote:

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 09:31:24AM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 22:40, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:

Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting,
dat is nieuw en nog niet voor iedereen

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet
verbinding te realiseren via Debian, dat gaat op
zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Gave documentatie.  De eerste tekening was al top.
Tekening twee en drie (over MTU) helemaal klasse.

UTF-8-Art (zie view source).

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet
bruikbaar is.

Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

Documentatie  _plus_  wat je ziet maakt de betere begripvorming.

Ik als vDSL klant, met een Fritzbox waar ik vanaf wil, begrijp het niet.

Het is handig als je wat ervaring hebt met PPP. Ik deed vroeger PPP over 
een seriële poort. Later PPP + PPTP met z'n Alcatel modem.

PPPoE is dan een volgende stap. En dan via VLAN.
De volgorde waarin de link word opgezet is andersom: Eerst VLAN6 en dan 

IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen
mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog,
omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar
kom ik wel uit denk ik.

Daar heb ik dus een script voor.
wide-dhcpv6-client doet een aantal retries en dan geeft ie het op. Vandaar
dat ik die pas start nadat de link op is.
Ik vergelijk het automobiel met verbrandingsmotor. Je kunt pas gaan

rijden als de motor loopt. Je krijgt de motor pas gestart als
de versnellingsbak in neutraal staat. Dus dat handelingen
in de juiste volgorde moeten gebeuren.

Laag voor laag;
Eerst de draadjes aansluiten.
Dan de interfaces configureren.
Dan de routing.

Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface
eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een
IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en
toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.
Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.

Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN,

Is er niet. De PPP interface heeft qua IPv6 alleen een link-local adres.
Alleen de ethernet interface heeft een global IPv6 adres. Dat is dus anders
dan voor IPv4. Het remote end van de PPP link heeft ook een IPv6 link-local

Mijn inschatting is dat output van dit rijtje verheldert:

ip link
ip address
ip route
ip -6 route

Ik heb maar even gegrept op 'wan' (wan is ppp interface) anders is het 
zoveel tekst;

sput:~$ ip link | grep wan
8: wan:  mtu 1500 qdisc 
pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 3

sput:~$ ip address | grep wan
8: wan:  mtu 1500 qdisc 
pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 3

inet peer scope global wan

sput:~$ ip route | grep wan
default dev wan scope link dev wan proto kernel scope link src
'default' is hier

sput:~$ ip -6 route | grep wan
fe80::561e:56ff:fe3c:6839 dev wan metric 1024  pref medium
fe80::/10 dev wan metric 1  pref medium
fe80::/10 dev wan proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default dev wan metric 1024  pref medium

'fe80::561e:56ff:fe3c:6839' komt overeen met ethernet adres 
54:1E:56:3C:68:39. Is dus de Juniper doos aan de remote kant.

'default' is hier ::/0


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-23 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 22:40, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en 
nog niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren 
via Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. 
Zijn er hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet 
bruikbaar is.

Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen 
mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog, 
omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar 
kom ik wel uit denk ik.

Daar heb ik dus een script voor.
wide-dhcpv6-client doet een aantal retries en dan geeft ie het op. 
Vandaar dat ik die pas start nadat de link op is.

Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface 
eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een 
IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en 
toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.

Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.

Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN, 

Is er niet. De PPP interface heeft qua IPv6 alleen een link-local adres.
Alleen de ethernet interface heeft een global IPv6 adres. Dat is dus 
anders dan voor IPv4. Het remote end van de PPP link heeft ook een IPv6 
link-local adres.

volgens mij krijg je die toch alleen via dhcp.

Maar bedankt voor je hulp!


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren 
via Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn 
er hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet 
bruikbaar is.


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);


Does anyone else use Bibus

2021-01-11 Thread Rob Hurle
   I'm using Debian Stretch and have been for some time.  For bibliographic
work, I want to use Bibus.  If anyone else out there is using this useful
bit of software I'd like to know, or if anyone knows of a mailing list to
discuss issues, I'd also like to know.  My problem with Bibus is to do with
editing styles.  In the "Fields Ordering" tab I am unable to delete any of
the items (such as "Author") that refer to database entries.  I can insert
new entries, but can't delete ones I don't want.  Is this a known bug?

  Thinking that Bibus using Python 2.7 might be the problem, I installed
Python 3.5:

debianrob [14:42] /usr/bin#rm python
debianrob [14:42] /usr/bin#ln -s python3 python

but Bibus did not like it:

debianrob [14:40] ~>bibus &
[1] 7175
debianrob [14:50] ~>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/bibus", line 21, in 
import os, sys, gettext, locale, ConfigParser, csv
ImportError: No module named 'ConfigParser'
[1]Exit 1bibus

(python 3.5 has a "configparser" module, but  linking  "ConfigParser" to it
raises other issues and I'm not competent with python).  Any ideas, or
direction to other sources of help would be most welcome.

Thanks heaps,
Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   +61 417 293 603 (Australia)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

Re: How to write in Chinese

2020-11-19 Thread Rob Hurle
I use Debian 9 and have installed iBus.  It is possible to type Vietnamese,
Chinese (in pinyin and/or characters) and English.  Many other languages
are available as input methods.  The method of swapping between the
language is configurable (I use alt/space).  Been very reliable.  你 好

Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   +61 417 293 603 (Australia)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 15:00, Markos  wrote:

> Please,
> I am studying Chinese and I need to install fonts to type ideograms in
> Debian 9.
> I use Brazilian Portuguese, but I don't want to reconfigure my computer
> to type only in Chinese.
> Using LibreOffice or with a specific program to generate the ideograms
> only when needed.
> Any tip?
> Thank you,
> Markos

Re: technical terms overhaul

2020-06-21 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 19/06/2020 21:14, Eike Lantzsch wrote:

On the danger of starting a flame war ...
thinking about the article by Gunnar Wolf on Planet Debian

instead of "whitelist" and "blacklist" I would like to propose the terms:
"allowlist" and "rejectlist"
instead of (for example on disk drives) "master" and "slave" I like to propose
the terms:
"lead" and "lag" which are e.g. used when electrically managing two pumps
working on the same hydraulic circuit.

What do you think?

How about parent, child, kill, zombie, cooked, raw, sane.
Male, female, bisex connectors.
Red and black.
In a classic concurrent server, a client connects. The parent creates a 
child. The child does all the work (child labour). After the work is 
done the child commits suicide or gets killed by the parent.

These metaphors are not necessarily very nice. The main thing is that 
they are clear.


Re: IPv4 v IPv6

2019-06-18 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 17/06/2019 12:11, Aidan Gauland wrote:

On 17/06/19 9:09 PM, wrote:

On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:05:11AM +0100, mick crane wrote:

I know nothing about IPv6.
Can somebody point to a good explanation ?

I'd recommend skimming the relevant Wikipedia [1] page.



I don't entirely agree that's a good introduction for someone without
any background knowledge in TCP/IP, but certainly a good resource when
one has some of the basics already.

To answer OP's questions,

Without knowing anything about it I'm wondering if I should request an
IPv6 range from my ISP to use locally.

Given that you do not already have a reason to do so, I would say not.

A network card have IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that are different, not
the same address in different notation?

A network card (also called an interface) can have both, and they are
not the same address.  IPv4 and IPv6 are two different network stacks,
with different addressing, routing, etc.

Then with firewalling do you need to specify both IPv4 and IPv6 ranges?

Yes, for the same reason as above.

Sadly, most of the world is still on IPv4, so until IPv6 is deployed
across the majority of the Internet, then if you're not a large entity,
there's not much reason to use IPv6 other than playing around.

Here's a gentler introduction to IPv6 that might also help:

I really like this one;


Re: please do *never* use GitHub for free software, was Re: Salsa vs Github

2019-05-18 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 17/05/2019 09:28, Dominik George wrote:

please do*never*  use GitHub for free software

Please explain, in detail, why.

If discrimination against parts of the community is not enough for you, here's 

An overview;


iotop not working

2019-01-12 Thread Rob McCathie

Hi List,

I run Stretch, I've just installed iotop and when I try to run it I get 

# iotop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/iotop", line 17, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 620, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 610, in 
    main_loop = lambda: run_iotop(options)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 508, in run_iotop
    return curses.wrapper(run_iotop_window, options)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/curses/", line 94, in wrapper
    return func(stdscr, *args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 501, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 155, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 434, in 

    lines = self.get_data()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 415, in get_data
    return list(map(format, processes))
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 388, in format
    cmdline = p.get_cmdline()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 292, in 

    proc_status = parse_proc_pid_status(
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/", line 196, in 

    key, value = line.split(':\t', 1)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

Any help appreciated.


Rob McCathie

Re: Still unable to restart networking on Debian 9 text mode only

2018-11-25 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 24/11/2018 18:25, Gary Dale wrote:

Reco has already explained why this approach is incorrect.

My own two cents on the problem is that Interfaces is meant to define 
how the network is brought up, not to change a running network. If you 
want to change a running network, use ifconfig or ip to change the 
address. e.g. ifconfig enp-s3 should work since all you are 
changing is the ip address.

I found this out the 'hard' way;
Edit '/etc/network/interfaces', '( ifdown eth0 ; sleep 1 ; ifup eth0 ) 
&' used to work, even over SSH. But with Stretch this no longer works.
With Stretch, I even had to write a script to bring up the WAN (VLAN + 

This doesn't bother me, but it does show that high level out of the box 
doesn't necessarily behave the way you might expect. In which case low 
level plus scripts works just fine.


Re: DNS Key rollover

2018-10-07 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 04/10/2018 20:32, Reco wrote:

Please do not top post.

On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 02:15:52PM -0400, Default User wrote:

Hi, Henning.

I am running Unstable, with 4.18.0-2 amd-64 kernel, all updated.

I don't know anything about bind. How do I know what bind version I am
running, and if I need to do anything regarding the change you mentioned?

Stretch's bind has this public part of root's KSK:

# grep -A2 20326 /etc/bind/bind.keys
 # This key (20326) is to be published in the root zone in 2017.
 # Servers which were already using the old key (19036) should
 # roll seamlessly to this new one via RFC 5011 rollover. Servers

I have an old config with just contains 19036.
However, the mkeys file in /var/cache/bind/ contains both. I think this 
is due to 'dnssec-validation auto' in named.conf.

If you have the same - there's nothing to do.
If you don't - DNSSEC will stop working for you in seven days.
If you do not use BIND - there's nothing to do.


Re: DNS Key rollover for dnsmasq [SOLVED}

2018-10-07 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 07/10/2018 12:36, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

On 07-10-2018 07:11, Rick Thomas wrote:

On further study, it seems that (in Debian Stretch, at least) the root KSK’s 
used by dnsmasq are taken from the file /usr/share/dns/root.ds, which is 
provided by the package dns-root-data; and that package seems to be part of the 
standard Stretch installation.  That file lists both keys (the new “20326” and 
the old “19036”). So it’s all set to go.  No need to panic…  (-:

Where did you get that information from? I found nothing about
dns-root-data in dnsmasq package.

It depends on dnsmasq-base, which recommends dns-root-data.
Stretch bind9 does not depend on dns-root-data. Backports does.

I'd just add a new trust-anchor to the configuration. Just copy and
paste from


Re: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 [solved]

2018-09-23 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 23/09/2018 20:07, Grzesiek Sójka wrote:

On 9/23/18 2:36 PM, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 23/09/2018 13:48, Grzegorz Sójka wrote:

I need to allow remote applications to connect to xorg. Since I log 
in using lxdm i have tcp_listen=1 in /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf. Thus Xorg 
is running without -nolisten tcp flag. Unfortunately:

$ xhost +localhost; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
localhost being added to access control list
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0

Any suggestions??

Did you check port 6000?
root@pc6:~# netstat -anp | grep 6000
tcp   0   0*   LISTEN   2684/Xorg
tcp6  0   0 :::6000    :::*    LISTEN   2684/Xorg

Bingo! The command gave me empty output.

Always start low level.

Now -nolisten tcp is the 
default Xorg behaviour. Thus, you need to add -listen tcp flag 

That changed some time ago.

I added:
arg=/usr/bin/X -background vt07 -listen tcp
to /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf and now it works perfectly.

Sometimes it's in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers or /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc
With lightdm it's in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf;


Re: cannot open display: localhost:0.0

2018-09-23 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 23/09/2018 13:48, Grzegorz Sójka wrote:

I need to allow remote applications to connect to xorg. Since I log in 
using lxdm i have tcp_listen=1 in /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf. Thus Xorg is 
running without -nolisten tcp flag. Unfortunately:

$ xhost +localhost; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
localhost being added to access control list
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0

Any suggestions??

Did you check port 6000?
root@pc6:~# netstat -anp | grep 6000
tcp   0   0*   LISTEN   2684/Xorg
tcp6  0   0 :::6000:::*LISTEN   2684/Xorg


Bug#908349: firefox-esr: no sound after upgrading from 52.9 to 60.2

2018-09-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Note: A reply in bugs failed.

On 09/09/18 10:08, Marco Lucidi wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 21:41:11 +0200 Samuel Thibault 
> wrote:
>  > Unfortunately AIUI upstream has stopped supporting ALSA, so we are 

>  > with pulseaudio for firefox.
> Is there any particular reason for pulseaudio not being listed in the
> dependencies?
> I mean, even if it's not a "core" dependency, I think it should be
> listed in rec or at least in sug.

Apparently there alternatives to pulseaudio. See;

Does anyone know why ALSA is no longer supported? Does Firefox run in a 
chroot? How much work would it be to add ALSA support?


Bind bug

2018-08-12 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

I don't think not using deny-answer-aliases is really an option.


Re: mailing list vs "the futur"

2018-08-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 10/08/18 01:03, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

No.  This is an absolutely terrible idea.  Here's why mailing lists
are (along with Usenet newsgroups) vastly superior to web-based anything:

I prefer Usenet to mailing lists. I read dozens of mailing lists and I 
don't want all that data on my computer. This is why I use a mail to 
news gateway.
What I really like about Usenet, is the way everything is neatly 
organized by subject. The same applies to mailing lists when using a 
Further more I don't have to create an account for each group. I just 


Linphone dependencies

2018-02-12 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Package: linphone depends on linphone-nogtk. But I don't see why.
It contains no libs, just the binaries linphonec and linphonecsh. Which, 
as far as I can tell, are never called from linphone. In fact, I can 
move them to an other dir and still run linphone.

What did I miss?


Re: stretch and DNS name resolution service for other devices on a LAN

2018-01-19 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 19/01/18 15:08, Andy Hawkins wrote:

I guess I don't *need* IPv6, but as a technology geek it's just something I
wanted to play around with. I've set up a tunnel with Hurricane Electric
that gets me a fully routable IPv6 prefix that I can assign an address from
to each of the devices on my LAN.

If you have got your own IPv6 /48 combined with RFC1918 IPv4 then split 
horizon DNS is probably a good idea;

I do use a 192.168/16 for my local IPv4 addressing, but given that moving
forward IPv6 is likely to become more and more available, I thought it worth
having a play with. I can now (if I want) allow IPv6 access to every device
on my internal network without having to worry about NAT and port forwarding
to get connections through my firewall.

Thanks for the pointer to tinydns, I'll take a look.

AFAIK Bind is the only named with a good split horizon implementation.


Re: Kernel problem?

2018-01-07 Thread Rob Hurle
Thanks to everyone who provided help with this failure of the
4.9.0-5-686-pae kernel.  I have tried both "nopti" and "pti=off" kernel
parameters to see if it is the fix for "Meltdown" which is causing the
problem, but neither parameter changes anything. Since the system doesn't
even get to the kernel fsck stage, I don't have any logs to be able to
either report a bug or analyse the problem.  I also realise now that
auto-update is turned on by default in Stretch, so that is how the new
kernel became installed.  I have temporarily turned auto-update off because
I don't want any automatic update to clobber my only working kernel - the
4.9.0-4-686-pae.  The updating system only seems to keep 2 generations of

Any further ideas would be very welcome.

Cheers, Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   +61 417 293 603 (Australia)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

On 8 January 2018 at 13:11, <> wrote:

> On 07/01/2018 21:27, Marc Auslander wrote:
>> The new kernel implements the "fix" for meltdown.  You could try booting
>> with the fix turned off - I believe the kernel parameter is pti=off
>> Rob Hurle <> writes:
>> Hi All,
>>> I'm running Stretch and yesterday I did my normal:
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo apt-get upgrade
>>> It seemed to install vmlinuz-4.9.0-5-686-pae (and associated config
>>> and image files, etc) in place of 4.9.0-4-686-pae versions. Now the
>>> system won't boot at all. I have reverted to 4.9.0-4-686-pae and all
>>> is well. My questions are:
>>> 1. Does anyone else see this?
>>> 2. How can I revert without losing my working 4.9.0-4-686-pae system?
>>> Can I just change the soft links for initrd.img and vmlinuz at / to
>>> point to the 4.9.0-4-686-pae versions instead of the 4.9.0-5-686-pae
>>> ones? Will this break something else for a future upgrade?
>>> Any help much appreciated. Thank you.
>>> Cheers, Rob Hurle
>>> -
>>> Rob Hurle
>>> e-mail:
>>> Mobile: +61 417 293 603 (Australia)
>>> Telephone: (02) 6236 3895
>>> 28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia
> Hi, if the hang is due to memory isolation option, then "nopti" added as a
> kernel boot parameter will cancel it. If you are on an Intel machine this
> will leave you exposed to the new class of "Meltdown" attacks.
> This kind of boot problem seems to happen to a very small number of
> systems, patches are already queued in the kernel to (hopefully) correct
> this, but you will have to wait for them to be merged.
> Hope it helps.

Kernel problem?

2018-01-06 Thread Rob Hurle
Hi All,

  I'm running Stretch and yesterday I did my normal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

It seemed to install vmlinuz-4.9.0-5-686-pae (and associated config and
image files, etc) in place of 4.9.0-4-686-pae versions.  Now the system
won't boot at all.  I have reverted to 4.9.0-4-686-pae and all is well.  My
questions are:

1.  Does anyone else see this?

2.  How can I revert without losing my working 4.9.0-4-686-pae system?  Can
I just change the soft links for initrd.img and vmlinuz at / to point to
the 4.9.0-4-686-pae versions instead of the 4.9.0-5-686-pae ones?  Will
this break something else for a future upgrade?

Any help much appreciated.  Thank you.

Cheers, Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   +61 417 293 603 (Australia)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

Re: Lightweight Audio-Only DLNA player

2017-10-18 Thread Rob McCathie

On 17/10/17 23:37, Robert Latest wrote:


there's plenty of DLNA capable media players around, but all of them
(or at least, all that I could find) are gargantuan packages with tons
of functionality and dependencies that I don't need or want. This is
supposed to run audio-only on a small headless SBC with a USB
connected DAC, nothing else.


minidlna is not suitable?


Rob McCathie

Re: Asterisk security update

2017-10-05 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 04/10/17 20:10, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 04 Oct 2017, Rob van der Putten wrote:

The Asterisk security update seems to exclude amd64; I can't find a
13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u2_amd64.deb in pool.

It's in stable-new:

% rmadison asterisk|grep 9u2
asterisk   | 1:13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u2   | stable-new | source, 
arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips,
mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x

and it will (likely) get accepted into proposed-updates for stable as
soon as the amd64 build is present:

I'm not sure why the amd64 buildd hasn't yet built that package, though.

Apparently it's a dak bug.


Re: Asterisk security update

2017-10-04 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 04/10/17 17:33, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

On Wed, Oct 04, 2017 at 05:24:21PM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:

The Asterisk security update seems to exclude amd64; I can't find a
13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u2_amd64.deb in pool.

That is quite strange.  There have been reports of uploads disappearing
from the ftp-master host some days ago as a result of an outage:

Those threads may shed some light on the matter.

According to there is no 
13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u2_amd64.deb. Which is a bit confusing when one 
expects an update.


Asterisk security update

2017-10-04 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

The Asterisk security update seems to exclude amd64; I can't find a 
13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u2_amd64.deb in pool.


Re: DVD won't eject after playing DVD

2017-08-25 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 20/08/17 17:59, Rob van der Putten wrote:

An other bit stretch 'weirdness':
After playing a DVD with VLC, the eject button is dysfunctional and I 
have to type 'eject' on the command line to get it to eject.

Found an other one;
File type icons are missing in a file listing. ^L fixes this.

How do I fix this?


Re: Debian v9 it's a stretch

2017-08-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 24/08/17 15:39, Dan Ritter wrote:

As of Stretch, the standard OpenSSH sshd does not support
Protocol 1, so there's no particular reason to enforce it
by stating Protocol 2.

I assumed as much. It's just a simple way to keep rkhunter happy.

PermitRootLogin now defaults to "prohibit-password", which
means that you can log in as root with a proper SSH key or
via other methods you have set up, but not with a password.
Another useful argument is forced-commands-only, which requires
both public-key authentication and a command="blah blah" option
in the authorized_keys file, and only allows those commands to
be run. If you've got a pull backup system, that can help.

The alternative would be to reconfigure rkhunter.


Re: Debian v9 it's a stretch

2017-08-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 22/08/17 21:16, Rob van der Putten wrote:

Upgrade from amd64 Jessie (insserv, bare ALSA).
I kind of miss xfce-mixer Alsamixergui works, but xfce-mixer looked 

I use qasmixer now;
I removed the xfce4 meta package, since it insists on pulse related stuff.
There is no xfce4-artwork in Stretch, but the Jessie version works.

I'm very happy that Firefox works on bare ALSA.

I posted a few things, probably kernel bugs.
Apart from that, seamless transition. Even my serial mouse still works.
Rkhunter nags a bit about SSH. Even though things seem to be OK. I still 
have to look into that.

I added;
Protocol 2
PermitRootLogin no
to /etc/ssh/sshd_config


Re: NFS creates hidden port

2017-08-23 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 22/08/17 18:01, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Question is whether it can be unambiguously recognized in netstat output
as long as it is visible.
Further: Is it always only one hidden port ?

It's always a callback from a Stretch NFS server to a Jessie NFS client. 
It occurs when the client mounts. The port moves from established, to 
wait to hidden.

When the Jessie box mounts a dir exported by Stretch, the Stetch box 
does a callback. When the Stretch box mounts a dir exported by the 
Jessie box, the Jessie box doesn't callback.

As a temporary fix a disabled the callback by mounting with NFS version 
three (vers=3) on the Jessie box.


Re: Debian v9 it's a stretch

2017-08-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 21/08/17 18:29, deloptes wrote:

No issues, even with new installation on new disk :)

Upgrade from amd64 Jessie (insserv, bare ALSA).
I kind of miss xfce-mixer Alsamixergui works, but xfce-mixer looked 
better. I'm very happy that Firefox works on bare ALSA.

As Greg wrote, please share the issues.

I posted a few things, probably kernel bugs.
Apart from that, seamless transition. Even my serial mouse still works.
Rkhunter nags a bit about SSH. Even though things seem to be OK. I still 
have to look into that.

Going back - might be an option perhaps for the next 2-4y.
changing dists - you may face same on other dist as well


Re: NFS creates hidden port

2017-08-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 22/08/17 15:23, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

It seems that it was fixed or suppressed intermediately.
The newer post says "It's back!".

I already stated my enthusiasm on occasion of your post about DVD ejecting.
It is discouraging to get ignored after having invested substantial
effort in diagnosing or at least reliably reproducing a kernel problem.

Well, complaining is futile. Try to work around in user space.
E.g. try to patch unhide-tcp so that it reads the NFS port number from
a file which you create before the Rkhunter run.

You could let function checkoneport() return "ok" if "port" is the
registered NFS zombie. This would be done before the function runs
netstat by
if (NULL != (fich_tmp=popen (command, "r")))

I would have to find out when NFS does a callback an then dump the local 
port into a file.


Re: NFS creates hidden port

2017-08-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 22/08/17 12:38, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Rob van der Putten wrote:

I think this may be a kernel bug.

A valid theory for now. I googled on:
brings me to
Some suspicious kernel commit ids are mentioned in
It looks like the original poster ended up speaking to himself. Insightful
but lonely.

One year late the problem appeared again

And this post is over a year old. One would expect this to be fixed by now.


Re: NFS creates hidden port

2017-08-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 22/08/17 11:44, wrote:

This raises the question why netstat does not show Rob's NFS ports.
Does NFS change the port fast enough so that netstat and port scan differ ?

A good question. I guess we need more details from the OP.

The hidden port lingers on for days. Until one restarts NFS. NFS then 
uses an other port which clearly shows in netstat, until it becomes 
hidden again. And the daily rkhunter [1] starts complaining about it.


I think this may be a kernel bug.


NFS creates hidden port

2017-08-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

More stretch weirdness:
Rkhunter alerts me to a hidden port. Restarting NFS changes the port 
number. Today I did a netstat after restarting NFS and then run 
unhide-tcp a few times: It's the client side of RPC NFS callback.

What can I do about this?


DVD won't eject after playing DVD

2017-08-20 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

An other bit stretch 'weirdness':
After playing a DVD with VLC, the eject button is dysfunctional and I 
have to type 'eject' on the command line to get it to eject.

How do I fix this?


Re: Stretch vim doesnt cut and paste

2017-08-19 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 19/08/17 14:10, Brian wrote:

"set mouse=" in ~/.vimrc.

In /etc/vim/vimrc it doesn't work.
In ~/.vimrc it does.



Stretch vim doesnt cut and paste

2017-08-19 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

After a upgrade from jessie to stretch I can't use the mouse to cut and 
paste in vim.

nvi works, nano works.
As quick fix I removed xxd and installed the jessie version of vim, 
vim-common and vim-runtime. This does work.


Re: Replace systemd

2017-07-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 05/07/17 17:27, Don Armstrong wrote:

It already exists:

You can just append:

preseed/late_command="in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core"

to the installer command line.

Or you can roll your own install media with its own syslinux.cfg which
adds that or something more complicated in a preseed file.

You don't need to fork the installer, or submit any patches upstream.

If you want something more complicated, like not installing systemd at
all, you'll have to pass --include and --exclude options to debootstrap
using the base-installer/includes and base-installer/excludes preseed
options; something like:

base-installer/includes=sysvinit-core base-installer/excludes=systemd-sysv

but that's totally untested.

You need to modify your net install DVD too;


Re: Apology to siduction 17.01 (was Re: why??why?why??)

2017-03-13 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 13/03/17 15:54, GiaThnYgeia wrote:

Out of my frustration and lack of understanding, or the belief that all
systems should run as trouble-free as clean-debian, and possibly due to
just getting tired of fighting something too long, I bad-mouthed
siduction in public.

My source of frustration came from fighting an installation in a tired
old system (64bit) and a mediocre not so smart monitor.  Most installers
and systems I've seen use 800x600 as their boot/grub screen.
Siduction probably doesn't have access to an old monitor.  What this
meant was the screen would blank out and have an internal error showing
not-compatible meanwhile the grub time would expire and boot up
eventually to a graphical login screen.  So I thought some weird boot
system prevents me from seeing what's going on or giving me options, so
in effect I lost access to all other installed systems.

With a clean head and a different pc I went in as root and looked on the
usb what the grub config looked like and simply replaced the high
resolution to an 800x600 and delayed the default boot sequence just in case.

Siduction ... the best grub-configuration I have seen yet, once you can
get to it and edit it :)

Sorry Siduction!

PS  But you (siduction) should lower your graphics expectations down a
notch or two.  There are some 1024 monitors still around.

My server has a 12 Inch 640x480 monitor (IBM 8513).
Installers shouldn't make assumptions about resolutions.

PS2  Maybe a way to scale back and confirm visibility of the grub menu
before it boots the default may help, if you MUST high a high definition
grub screen.

PS3  Being more confident I can back up and restore my experimentation
with siduction really did help as well ;)  dd/xorriso and all!

PS4  More than a week ago when I subscribed to their forum "I asked" on
why would their installer not run on very similar systems.  Never
thought the monitor was IT.  I got no response from them ... but I
assume small teams of developers can't address everyone's complaints.


Re: `Filter failed' no print error message

2017-03-13 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 13/03/17 17:27, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Brian <> writes:

On Sat 11 Mar 2017 at 21:06:23 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Brian <> writes:

On Tue 07 Mar 2017 at 15:41:54 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Thanks, `cups' alone was enough.  Now the printer seems to be configured.
But it does not print, and, when I get into `jobs', I see they are
stopped with "Filter failed" claim.  What can I do?  Please help.

Read the wiki and find out how to activate debug logging. Produce an
error_log and examine it for the filters which are run and which one
failed. Tell us about all the filters.

Also, post your printer make and model and the output of 'lpstat -t'.

I noticed that CUPS does not really provide the PPD file I'm adding.  In
fact, there in the managing section, `Modify Printer', where it says `Or
Provide a PPD File', I select the file: ML-191xspl2.ppd, which is in my home
directory, then click on `Modify Printer' and it seems all right; but then,
when I get into it again, the file is no more there, and there is `No file
selected' instead.  Maybe this is related to my `Filter failed' problem...?

There are seven instructions in the advice given. You haven't provided a
response to any of them. If there is a problem with following what is
required, please ask.

As the wiki suggests, I did:

 # cupsctl --debug-logging

.  Then I did:

$ lpstat -t
scheduler is running
system default destination: Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series
device for Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series: 
Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series accepting requests since Sun 12 Mar 2017 07:44:58 
printer Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series is idle.  enabled since Sun 12 Mar 2017 
07:44:58 GMT
Sending data to printer.
Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series-16 rodolfo 457728   Sat 11 Mar 2017 
19:56:36 GMT
Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series-17 unknown   1024   Sat 11 Mar 2017 
20:09:12 GMT
Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series-18 unknown 457728   Sat 11 Mar 2017 
20:20:18 GMT
Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series-19 rodolfo 457728   Sun 12 Mar 2017 
07:44:49 GMT

The file /var/log/cups/error_log is very long.  I noticed in it the following

D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 4741)
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops (PID 4742)
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl (PID 4743)
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 4744)
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] pdftops - copying to temp print file 
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] execv failed: No such file or directory

Someone is calling a program which isn't there. Or the path is wrong.
Does pdftops exist?

D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] PID 4743 
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl) stopped with status 102 (No such file 
or directory)
D [07/Mar/2017:14:35:23 +] [Job 1] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to 
"debug" to find out more.

Don't know what to do now, please help...

While installing Jessie I noticed that I had to manually edit some file 
to get things to work. I think it was printers.conf, but I'm not sure.


Re: Do have programs have poor documentation? (was ... Re: Why? -- "A Modest Proposal")

2017-03-12 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 30/12/16 18:25, deloptes wrote:

Lisi Reisz wrote:

Try reading what I have actually said, whilst making some attempt to
understand it, instead of just contradicting it.  You do enjoy
contradicting people, don't you?

Hah, Lisi I just got the same impression from Xen.

I am glad to hear that the education system in Holland is better than
here.  I am not surprised and do not doubt it.

If nothing changes the education systems in all FED subordered countries
will be equally bad in not more than 20-30y. We'll have 2 class society as
in the middle ages.

Xen, I knew older dutch people who were speaking 4-5 languages ... nowdays I
heard languages are not more subject in school. Why learn German anyway,
when everybody speaks English? Isn't it that way now in the schools in NL?
And this is just in 10-15y period. Not to discuss about the TV channel
quality in NL. Compared to UK it was indeed better (irony). I don't know
about US, but here in EU all is getting averaged to the lowest mark
possible. When I was studying dutch some 20y ago I watched dutch TV and it
was still good, but now it is rubbish, and the same all over Europe. A lot
of people stopped watching TV - I don't for 10y already.

ARTE [1] and TV5 [2] are still interesting sometimes. The BBC used to be 
brilliant, but dumbed down considerably over last few decades.
TV5 comes with subtitles in various languages. ARTE is dual language 
French - German.



Re: Do have programs have poor documentation? (was ... Re: Why? -- "A Modest Proposal")

2017-03-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 29/12/16 14:44, wrote:

[sorry for the late response.]

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 11:05:48AM +0100, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

It is not easy to describe a program with many use cases and even
more particular settings and actions.

What lacks to my experience as confused reader and as best effort writer
is the user's view on the programs. man pages should document the details
and often do sufficiently.
But the user looks for solutions, not opportunities.

An interesting thing to ponder is whether a tractor manual should explain
how to prepare a field to plant carrots.

No, but you might want to put a carrot man page in section 7 (I like 
section 7).

Also, think of man pages as a reference (what does that switch do again?)
not as a "first introduction" or tutorial.

e.g. I'd be annoyed if a chess database program's documentation consisted of
how to play the game, rules of the game, etc.


Re: Whats the alternative to .xinitrc

2017-02-20 Thread Rob Brewer
Greg Wooledge wrote:

> Debian's Xsession is not the same as Red Hat's.
> If you need a home directory that will work consistently across different
> operating systems, then I *strongly* suggest you stick with startx and
> make .xinitrc a symlink to .xsession for backwards compatibility.  Any
> attempt to reverse engineer and consolidate different display manager +
> Xsession combos across multiple operating systems is likely to lead to
> mental breakdown.

I'm a committed Debian user these days so no need for any backwards 
compatibility but Red Hat was the first distro I ran (must be 20 years ago 
now) but I can remember mapping out the startx processes but not the 

Thank you for Xsession WIKI, I wish I had found that a few days ago, it 
would explained all I needed to know. 


Re: Whats the alternative to .xinitrc

2017-02-20 Thread Rob Brewer wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 01:32:37PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
>> On 2017-02-20 12:49:34 +0100, wrote:
> [...blah...]
>> > See man (5) Xsession and poke a bit through the scripts in
>> > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/, then have a look at /etc/X11/Xsession.options,
>> > then at /etc/X11/Xsession.
>> I don't see any contradiction to what I've said. Note that I haven't
>> mentioned .xsessionrc at all, only .xinitrc, which is a different
>> thing.

Thank you for your explanations, I must admit that I didn't expect it to be 
so involved. I seem to remember mapping out the X startup processes a number 
of years ago but I was running RedHat then, so I suppose it has changed a 
lot in the meantime.



Re: Re: Whats the alternative to .xinitrc

2017-02-19 Thread Rob Brewer
>> I am running up to date KDE Sid with SDDM but I need to start the gnome 
>> keyring at x startup to satisfy Midori dependencies.
>> The Midori FAQ suggests adding  “export `gnome-keyring-daemon –start`” to 
>> the historical .xinitrc but this seems to be ignored as does .xsession as 
>> suggested by the startx man page.
>> As .xinitrc has worked OK in the past, how do I now set the user 
>> when X starts?
>My .xsessionrc is functional. The magic happens in
>   /etc/X11/Xsession.d/40x11-common_xsessionrc
> +---
> | # This file is sourced by Xsession(5), not executed.
> | 
> | #Source user defined xsessionrc (locales and other environment variables)
> | if [ -r "$USERXSESSIONRC" ]; then
> | fi
> +---
>Attention: I'm running SysV init -- perhaps things are different in other

Thank you for your help, I was wrong footed by the man page which suggested 
using .xsession not .xsessionrc so I guess the man page needs an update. Looks 
like it is now OK after changing to .xsessionrc.

Also sorry for the double posting, I has DNS problems which caused me to be 
unsubscribed and I didn't see the replies.


Whats the alternative to .xinitrc

2017-02-18 Thread Rob Brewer
I am running up to date KDE Sid with SDDM but I need to start the gnome 
keyring at x startup to satisfy Midori dependencies.

The Midori FAQ suggests adding  “export `gnome-keyring-daemon –start`” to 
the historical .xinitrc but this seems to be ignored as does .xsession as 
suggested by the startx man page.

As .xinitrc has worked OK in the past, how do I now set the user environment 
when X starts?


Re: potential damage to Debian "stable" when installing packages from "testing"

2016-12-08 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 08/12/16 16:27, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:

0) backport it yourself. It is not that hard to dget a dsc file from
testing and try to build it for the current release. Often works without
additional efforts.

That's what I do. I'm rather blunt about it;
1. Does it compile?
2. Does it install?
3. Does it work?
4. Am I still happy about it after a while?

Recently I ran into some squid and libcap3 problems;

According to a friend it's OK to replace the maintainer supplied symbols 
file with the generated one. And the libcap3 does indeed compile and 
build a package.
I'm considering building Squid with it and want to name the new package 
3.5.22-1~bpo8+2 instead of 3.5.22-1~bpo8+1.

Is this possible and how do I do this?


Re: Debian *not very good

2016-11-26 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 26/11/16 18:38, Rob van der Putten wrote:

I run XFCE on my desktop. I had to add myself to sudo to make things
work properly.

And admin.
admin is needed to get xconsole syslog to work.
sudo to keep xdm logout from complaining. I use lightdm now though.
I edited the cups config manually. The web interface breaks stuff.


Re: Debian *not very good

2016-11-26 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 25/11/16 22:26, Latincom wrote:

Is there a step by step guide or How to on line?
I have 1 Wheezy without Systemd, and i would like to upgrade it.

You can do both an upgrade and an install from scratch without systemd;
I had to make some other changes to get things to work though. Reading 
the release notes and keeping a close eye on the install process helps.

I run XFCE on my desktop. I had to add myself to sudo to make things 
work properly.


Re: IPv6 Problems

2016-10-06 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 06/10/16 07:29, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

iface etho0 inet static

See post by Georgi Naplatanov.

address 2620:7:a000::1
netmask 64
gateway  :::c0a8:101

:::c0a8:101 is; Kernels use ::/96 addresses 
internally and not on networks. So I don't think this is going to work.

2000::/3 addresses work.
And probably fe80::/11 too.


Re: Is nagle disabled?

2016-09-10 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 10/09/16 13:37, Nicolas George wrote:

Le quintidi 25 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Rob van der Putten a écrit :

So the question should have been 'Is delayed ack disabled'.
I have a hard finding decent information on the subject, so I did a bit of
I send tiny bits of data (two bytes at a time) to a little echo  server. As
it turns out, the use of delayed acks and therefore nagle, depends on the
time between sending the bits of data and the RTT.

I do not think you can really test delayed ACK with an echo server: the
principle of delayed ACK is to leave a little time to the application to
send a reply, because then the ACK can be bundled with the reply, saving a

With an echo server, the reply comes immediately, never letting the delay
for the ACK expire.

I use netcat6. From man nc;
nc6 --continuous --exec cat -l -p 
So the data goes from nc to cat and then back to nc.

Timestamps (epoch.microseconds) are dumped to a file on transmission and 
to an other file on reception of the 'echo'. Further check with tcpdump. 
Experiment on LAN and experiment over DSL;
When the time between the bits of data is larger then the RTT, data is 
send at two bytes per TCP packet.


Re: Is nagle disabled?

2016-09-10 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 09/09/16 19:57, Rob van der Putten wrote:

I thought I overlooked something. And this is it.

So the question should have been 'Is delayed ack disabled'.
I have a hard finding decent information on the subject, so I did a bit 
of experimentation;
I send tiny bits of data (two bytes at a time) to a little echo  server. 
As it turns out, the use of delayed acks and therefore nagle, depends on 
the time between sending the bits of data and the RTT.


Re: Is nagle disabled?

2016-09-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

On 09/09/16 18:19, Stefan Monnier wrote:

I suggest you re-read's_algorithm
Nagle only kicks in when there are un-acknowledged packets.  So on the
first packet, there is no delay.  There will be a delay on the *second*
packet if it's small and we haven't yet received confirmation that the
first packet was received.

I thought I overlooked something. And this is it.


Is nagle disabled?

2016-09-09 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

I'm experimenting with TCP to see how long it takes to send a small 
amount of data from A to B. One would expect a latency of a few hundred 
milliseconds, but it's a few hundred microseconds instead. It is as if 
Nagle's algorithm has been disabled.


Problem with linphone and twinkle

2016-07-25 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Linphone doesn't sort contacts in alphabetical order.
Twinkle crashes when I switch virtual desktop during a call.

Any ideas?
Suggestions for other softphones?


Re: Squid security

2016-06-04 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Rob van der Putten wrote:

The libs are different.

So I build a backport.
And a libecap3 backport. It wants libecap3.


Re: Squid security

2016-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Rob van der Putten wrote: wrote:

No need to build a backport. Just use the sid/unstable testing version
on apt-get

I didn't check the library compatibility. Thanks.

The libs are different.

It's a bit odd though. Every version patched except stable.


Re: Squid security

2016-05-21 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there wrote:

No need to build a backport. Just use the sid/unstable testing version
on apt-get

I didn't check the library compatibility. Thanks.
It's a bit odd though. Every version patched except stable.


Squid security

2016-05-21 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

This puzzles me a bit: Information on source package squid3;

Do I need a to build a backport to be safe?


Re: [partially solved]Re: Iceweasel uses wrong charset

2016-05-12 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Michael Lange wrote:

On Wed, 11 May 2016 18:43:50 +0200
Michael Lange<>  wrote:

According to this (yet probably dated ) page:
universal_charset_detector might help if it were enabled by default.

Just looked at the above page again, and noticed that the "japanese"
charset detector also supports UTF-8 and cp1252. So I tried to set
intl.charset.detector to "ja_parallel_state_machine" and actually at least
the minimal utf-8 text file I just tested (which contains no more than a
bunch of german umlaut characters) is now displayed correctly.

Yesterday I found
But gmane dropped my post.


Re: Iceweasel uses wrong charset

2016-05-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there wrote:

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 12:34:29PM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:

I actually thought about this. But it just seems crude;

vim some.txt

It does work though.
But I want UTF-8 without a BOM. It is, after all, the default locale.

Everyone wants that... except Microsoft, it seems.

Is Firefox really this braindead?

Sometimes I fear that too.

Note: If you edit this again, vim doesn't show the BOM any more.
It's there though.

That's because it has been enshrined by the Unicode Consortium. I think
I know who pushed that (Apple might have helped, though). So Vim's
correct in tolerating that on input.

I don't think they like BOM. After all they named it 'ZERO WIDTH 

Perhaps you can help yourself by even uglier tricks (like with an
http-equiv header in your HTML). But best would be if you could
exorcise this abject behaviour from Firefox.

For HTML this works.

I can even put hieroglyphs in a plain text file and print it using a 
plain text print queue. UTF-8 just works.

Firefox however, insists on putting a square peg into a round hole.

Let us know...

The only way to fix this is probably to edit the source.

I have a very old iceape that actually gets it right. An older version 
had a 'remove all bookmarks' button, which no longer exists.
With iceweazel one actually has to create a bookmark to switch 
javascript on and of (the plug-in for this does not work).
And with jesie's apache there is no longer a default mime-type or 
cern-meta module because _NO_ _ONE_ uses this any more.

Apparently I'm a figment of my own imagination.


Re: Iceweasel uses wrong charset

2016-05-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there wrote:

This is happening only on local files? Perhaps FF is expecting that brain
damaged byte order mark to recognize the file as UTF-8?

When the data come over HTTP there are other out-of-band hints to communicate
the encoding.

Try editing the file with some Microsoft cra^H^H^H text editor and saving
as "Unicode": that might insert the BOM at the beginning.

Just a shot in the dark.

I actually thought about this. But it just seems crude;

vim some.txt

It does work though.
But I want UTF-8 without a BOM. It is, after all, the default locale.
Is Firefox really this braindead?

Note: If you edit this again, vim doesn't show the BOM any more. It's 
there though.


Re: Iceweasel uses wrong charset

2016-05-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Michael Lange wrote:

you can try the following:

type "about:config" into iceweasel's address bar (without the quotes of
course), then type "charset" into the config's search bar. Several options
should appear. Look for the key "intl.charset.default". Is the value
already set to "UTF-8"? If not, double-click the current value and change
it to UTF-8 , this should hopefully fix it.

This seems the obvious thing to do.
It doens't work though.


Iceweasel uses wrong charset

2016-05-11 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

UTF-8 is my default locale. So obviously text files are UTF-8 as well.
So why does iceweasel insist that these are windows-1252? How do I fix this?


Analog, domain not given and IPv6

2016-05-06 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

I was under the impression that Jessie's Analog would support IPv6. It 
turns out it doesn't.

Older thread on the subject;
So I applied the same hack as before;


Re: Problems after upgrade to Jessie

2016-04-30 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Rob van der Putten wrote:

How do I get cern_meta.load?
Is compiling Apache myself the only option?

And default mime type is no longer supported. Which is really annoying 
if you want to read compressed text files with a web browser.


Problems after upgrade to Jessie

2016-04-29 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

I run into the following problems after upgrading to Jessie;
- logresolve segfaults.
- Apache misses cern_meta.load
- console-kit-daemon complains;
console-kit-daemon[4676]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source ID 154 was not found 
when attempting to remove it

How do I get cern_meta.load?
Is compiling Apache myself the only option?


Re: [apt] geen updates

2015-10-17 Thread Rob van der Putten


Rob van der Putten wrote:

Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Misschien is dit zinnig:

Ik krijg;
$VAR1 = \'HTML::Template : Attempt to set nonexistent parameter \'ipv6\'
- this parameter name doesn\'t match any declarations in the template
file : (die_on_bad_params => 1) at ../lib/Application/ line 475. ';

Heb de webmaster gemaild.

Geen reactie.
Heb X-Forwarded-For in mijn Squid disabled. Blijkbaar gaat over zijn zeik van IPv6 adressen in 
request header lines.

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

Re: [apt] geen updates

2015-10-07 Thread Rob van der Putten


Richard Lucassen wrote:

Het is alsof-ie het ergens cachet of dat-ie het ergens anders aan

Ha, cache!
Als er ergens een proxy server tussen zit, hoort daar eem max-age=0 bij.
Ik had ooit;
Acquire::http::Proxy ";;

Maar ik doe dat nu in Squid;
# Keep Debian fresh
refresh_pattern ^(ht|f)tp://.*debian.*/Packages\.(bz2|gz|diff/Index)$   0   
0%  0
refresh_pattern ^(ht|f)tp://.*debian.*/Release(\.gpg)?0 0%  0
refresh_pattern ^(ht|f)tp://.*debian.*/Sources\.(bz2|gz|diff/Index)$ 
0   0%  0

refresh_pattern ^(ht|f)tp://.*debian.*/Translation-en_GB\.bz2$  0   0%  0

Check ook even je enviroment;
set | grep -i proxy

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

Re: Sound card question

2015-10-01 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Seeker wrote:

If you do actually have an audio out and a line out and the line out
doesn't produce
audio when something is plugged into the audio out, it may be an
indication that it's
a hardwired mechanical function built into the audio out jack to break
the circuit to the
line out jack when anything is plugged into audio out.

Systems with headphone jack at the front and a line out at the rear, 
will often switch of the the line out off when a headphone is plugged in.
This feature can usually be switched of by means of a jumper on the 

Consult your motherboard documentation.


Re: Sound card question

2015-10-01 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Danny wrote:

No jumpers on the motherboard ... :( ...

Sometimes it's the way the connector is plugged into the motherboard or 
the front panel.

Sometimes it's a BIOS setting.
Look for AC 97.

If all of this fails you need to hack the hardware a bit. See;

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

mate and ibus

2015-09-22 Thread Rob Hurle
Anyone using ibus on mate desktop?  I've just moved to jessie and prefer
the mate desktop to gnome.  However ibus won't change to another input
method (unikey for Vietnamese in my case).  mate opens up ibus-unikey ready
for Vietnamese input and will not recognise the key sequence to change to
English ( blank in the default case, but nothing else works when any
other combination is chosen).  ibus-unikey works correctly for gnome.
Anyone else had this problem?

Cheers, Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   0417 293 603 (Australia)
  0948 243 538 (Vietnam)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

Re: Unwanted application autostarting at login with XFCE

2015-07-26 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Stephen Powell wrote:

Reposting, since the original post seems to have gotten lost in
the mail.

I've got an annoying problem.  Every time I login to the XFCE desktop,
an application starts that I don't want.  (It happens to be abiword.)
I close the application window and go on, but it starts up again the
next time I login.  I've checked

Check if it's running in de background.

Applications -  Settings -  Session and Startup

in the Application Autostart and Session tabs, but abiword is not
listed there.  I've searched the Internet, but did not find anything.

Any ideas?

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

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Re: Flash update

2015-07-15 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Curt wrote:

A rather fuzzy statement.

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

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Flash update

2015-07-14 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Apparently .481 is buggy as well.
Just to see what would happen, I renamed;
Youtube complains about a missing plugin, but works anyway. It seems 
that FF 31.8.0 has enough HTML 5 support to make this work.

ISDS is evil. Abolish ISDS.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Gnome 3 VNC server issue

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Nieuwenhuizen
When try to enable my vnc server on Debian Jessie:

I have to unmanage my network interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces

The only way to start remote desktop on my internal interface is to let the 
gnome network manager control my interface.

This is unwanted behavior as i use my system als server and want to manage my 
interfaces by config file rather then using the graphical network manager.

 - start vnc server without network interfaces
 - show the interfaces managed by the /etc/network/interfaces

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Re: Flash update

2015-06-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Sven Arvidsson wrote:

Or consider making do without it. :)

Any alternatives?
I hate flash!

Flash seems to be in a category of its own when it comes to security



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Flash update

2015-06-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

For i386 the new version is;


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Re: Nova Desktop

2015-06-18 Thread rob

On 18/06/15 10:43, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Thursday 18 June 2015 00:04:12 Jose Martinez wrote:

Anyone know anything about the Nova Desktop application.  I have it
installed and set it up, but it doesn't seem to affect my desktop
background.  I have several .jpg images that I had wanted to cycle
through the desktop background, and it seemed that Nova was just the

I have found references to Android and references to Ubuntu.  Are you sure
that it works on Debian?

Which DE are you trying to use it on and why is the DE's own
background manager not adequate?


Debian package desktopnova


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Re: CUPS default printer setting in Jessie

2015-06-07 Thread Rob Hurle
You should be able to use the CUPS interface:


I use this for my Canon LBP7200Cdn printer, but I haven't gone to Jessie
yet.  It handled the setting up in the change from squeeze to wheezy.

Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
Mobile:   0417 293 603 (Australia)
  0948 243 538 (Vietnam)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

On 8 June 2015 at 12:43, Paul E Condon wrote:

 My printer was working a few weeks ago at printing files in Emacs,
 but now I get an error message that the default printer has not
 been set. I don't recall having done any setting of the default
 when it was working. I had thought it happened automagically
 because of some special code in some package. But it seems not.
 I think I should use lpoptions to set the default, but I can't
 find any information about what a legitimate text string should
 look like. Where can I find some examples of what one actually
 types at the command prompt? And some discussion of how it works.
 My printer is an HP Laserwriter 5MP, which is a very old model
 that has centronix parallel and long distinct AppleTalk connector.

 The can't be much wrong except for configuration because I can
 print documents from a modern MacBook Pro laptop running Mac OS X.
 But that is more of a hope than a rational expection.

 Please help.

 Paul E Condon

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Flash update

2015-04-15 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

The most recent version is 11,2,202,457. For i386 that's:

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Re: apt stuck at Reading database

2015-04-11 Thread rob

On 10/04/15 21:56, Luis Finotti wrote:

Dear all,

I've been trying to fix this problem, but have not found a solution
yet. (I've also asked at the aptosid list without success.)

Before I resigned myself to a reinstall, I thought I'd post the output of

 strace apt-get dist-upgrade

(I killed the process a few seconds after it got stuck.)  The first
4000 lines are here:

At line 37886, we start to see

 pselect6(43, [0 40 42], NULL, NULL, {0, 50}, {[], 8}) = 0 (Timeout)
 wait4(8948, 0x7ffd2430a5c0, WNOHANG, NULL) = 0

repeat over and over. At line 38006, we see:

 select6(43, [0 40 42], NULL, NULL, {0, 50}, {[], 8}) = 1 (in
[40], left {0, 264028})
 read(40, (Reading database ... \r, 1024) = 23
 write(1, (Reading database ... \r, 23) = 23
 write(4, (Reading database ... \r, 23) = 23
 wait4(8948, 0x7ffd2430a5c0, WNOHANG, NULL) = 0

before the pattern above starts to repeat again.

Of the last 117592 lines, most are the (repeating ones) above, only
1012 are different. I've post these different ones, i.e., the result

 tail -117592 DU.txt | grep -F -v 'wait4(8948, 0x7ffd2430a5c0,
WNOHANG, NULL) = 0' | grep -F -v 'pselect6(43, [0 40 42], NULL, NULL,
{0, 50}, {[], 8}) = 0 (Timeout)'


Again, just a last attempt.

Best to all,


If you haven't already try:
rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
apt-get update
and if needed
dpkg --configure -a

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Flash update

2015-03-14 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Most recent version is For i386 that's;

Comet: A very large bouncy castle.

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Re: rsync question

2015-02-07 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 07:58:22PM +, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
 I need to rsync several, but not all, the Maildir directories under /home.
 I have a file with all the user accounts, so what would the script be to 
 say take each user account name and then rsync up each Maildir directory.
 The rsync command would be:
 rsync -arv ./[username]/Maildir/ root@[computer]:/home/[username]/Maildir/
 I have already gone through each user's directory and manually done each 
 one over the course of the week. Now I want to be able to sink up using a 
 single command.
I think you want to use rsync's --include-from parameter.  That lets you
specify a file which contains all the includes.  I don't think you need
a catch-all --exclude=* after that, but I'm not 100% sure.  Take a look
at the FILTER RULES section of 'man rsync'.

It would be something like:

rsync -arv --include-from=my_include_file ./*/Maildir/ 

and my_include_file would be something like:


I think you want to specify 'Maildir' after each user.  Otherwise you
might end up including a directory named 'user1' which resides in
user3's directory.  In other words, be as specific as possible with your

I haven't tested any of this.  Just going from memory.


Description: Digital signature

Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-17 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 07:50:33PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I've not tried other solutions.  I worry that the ones folks seem to like
 most do more
 than I need or want in terms of management.  I want my stuff where I can
 see it, so
 to speak, and where I can use the ancient tools (tar, dd, gzip and so on)
 to work with it.
You might take a look at rsnapshot, then.  It uses hard links to avoid
backing up the same file more than once, but everything ends up in its
own directory that you can see and manipulate with standard tools.

Backuppc does put everything together where you can see it, but it does
so by using its web interface or command line tools that are specific to

I understand you have a lot of storage space.  But the less space your
backups take up, the more backups you can have.  I keep daily backups
for x number of days, weekly backups for y days, yearly backups for z
days.  All of this for multiple machines.

Another benefit of not backing up the same files over and over again is
that you can perform backups over the internet to an offsite location,
and it doesn't require as much bandwidth.

But it is hard to argue against sticking with the tried and true
ancient tools.

 I'm a bit ashamed I've never tried (or needed) a system restore before.  So
 this problem is, it's probably lurking in all of my backups.  I may just
 make image
 backups of my bootable partitions real quick now, pending resolution of
 this difficulty.
Yeah, you gotta test...  But for my Linux systems I usually don't worry
about backing up the OS.  I keep install media handy and if I have a
disaster, I reinstall the OS and then restore my data and certain things
in /etc.  But that is a more manual process than just restoring the
whole thing at once.


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Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-16 Thread Rob Owens
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 07:19:52PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I'm trying to develop a reliable backup method that does not use
 proprietary tools or formats, and is free as in beer.  I thought I had it,
 but i just tried a restore, and it's a miserable failure.  I wonder if
 anyone here can point out the error of my ways.
 I have a tar backup of the entire system, excluding /sys, /proc and /dev.
 I have a tar backup of a bind-mount of /dev.
 These were taken while the system was running, but quiet.  I did it this
 way because I cannot get the system to boot into single user mode.  Putting
 single on the end of the linux like results in a black screen.
 I restored these, created /sys and /proc, and tried to boot the resulting
 partition.  It boots, but X does not come up, or even seem to try.  I can
 do a console login to my usual account, and stuff is there.
Check the permissions on /tmp.  It should be drwxrwxrwt.  Without the
't' at the end, stuff like X logins won't work (in my experience).

Description: Digital signature

Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-16 Thread Rob Owens
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 08:47:01PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 8:41 PM, David Christensen 
  There are two basic kinds of backups:
  1.  File system -- e.g. a copy of the files and directories on an mounted
  and operating drive.
  2.  Raw binary image -- e.g. a copy of the bytes on a drive taken when the
  drive is powered, but the partitions, volumes, file systems, etc., are not
  For system drives, the former won't work; you need the later.  I connect a
  large hard drive (to hold the images), boot Debian installation media into
  rescue mode, and use 'dd' to backup/ restore system drive raw binary images.
  I was hoping for some details on why this won't work on system drives, or
 conditions under which it just might.  Another user has suggested I read which suggests that
 it actually should work.

Image backups are definitely easier for doing disaster recovery of an
entire machine.  And when you have that kind of problem, you may really
appreciate having to do less work / make fewer decisions.

But filesystems backups can be used for disaster recovery.  I've done
it.  One potential problem is that on a running system, things change.
So at the start of your backup, you backup file A.  At the end of the
backup, you backup file Z.  But in the middle of the backup, both file A
and file Z have changed.  And some software requires that file A and
file Z be in sync.  When you restore, those files are not in sync and
you could have a problem.

In practice, I haven't seen this be a problem much on home desktop
machines.  But that's not to say it couldn't be a problem.

Another thing to consider is hardware changes.  This can make certain
devices be named differently when you restore.  eth0 becomes eth1, and
/etc/network/interfaces doesn't have a stanza for eth1.  /dev/dvd
becomes /dev/dvd1, and your cd burner was set to look for /dev/dvd which
no longer exists.  These things can be fixed in the /etc/udev/rules.d

UIDs of disk partitions will change.  If /etc/fstab references UIDs, you
need to update it.  Same for /boot/grub/grub.cfg, although for that you
run update-grub2 from the restored system (you'll need to boot with a
live cd and chroot, or you'll need to boot with Super Grub Disk or
similar).  You will also need to install the bootloader on the new hard
disk.  'grub-install /dev/sda' 

The UUID and Grub issues don't show up when restoring from an image
backup, but the network card and cd burner issues can.

There are a lot of free software backup solutions available.  I would
recommend using one of those, unless this endevour is more for learning
experience than anything else.

Backuppc may be overkill for your case, but it's pretty good.  It will
do file pooling and compression, so keeping multiple backups of one or
more machines doesn't take up much disk space.


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