Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread seeker5528
See if this gets through, my WiFi got flaky, which seems like it cause some 
issue with imap between Thunderbird and Comcast. Thunderbird claims the 
message was sent twice, but I never got a copy in my inbox. 

Here we go again, from the webmail this time. ;) 

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote: 

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't 
solve the problem. 

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, 
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc: 
echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt 

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc 
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it 
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time. 

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of 
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile 
files are ignored altogether. 

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I expected the 
login shell stuff to get 
sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell. 

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, incomplete, 
and/or GDM specific. 
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for current 
versions of GDM 
since I have not used GDM for a long time. 

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a Redhat 
thing that other 
distributions may or may not do. 

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant information 
in the 

Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you 
always want to run there. 

Later, Seeker 

Re: apt stuck at Reading database

2015-04-19 Thread seeker5528

//Is this still a work in progress?

/From: Luis Finotti
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 10:03:48 -0400

Dear all,

I had a power failure while I was away and when I came back the boot
failed, asking to run fsck manually, which I did.

*Many* errors where fixed and I could reboot to what it seems to be a
 normal session, except I cannot dist-upgrade or upgrade (I'm on
 sid, BTW):

If there is log information on what was fixed, that might be helpful, could
be a binary corrupted somewhere.

Taking into account there was already some clearing of some apt related 

elsewhere in the thread

If it was me, my next steps would be to clean some old stuff out and see 
if using

dpkg to install something will work.

As root something like..

dpkg --clear-avail
apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get -d upgrade
cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
dpkg -i *tiff*

If the packages fail to install then more investigation is needed to get 
that sorted.

If installation is successful then I might try

apt-get --reinstall install the same packages that dpkg installed 

Later, Seeker

Re: 9p/plumber to replace D-Bus?

2014-12-13 Thread seeker5528

On 12/12/2014 2:35 AM, wrote:

Le 12.12.2014 06:13, seeker5528 a écrit :

Personally I would prefer software X gets a poke in the arm and a
message indicating network status changed, screen orientation changed,
configuration changed here, there was an event in software Y that X is
set to react to, Z is advertising a service X can use, etc instead
of software X having to run around to multiple locations and check all
the time or on the odd occasion restart and take inventory of what has

Sometimes looking at what was makes it seem like what is
should be a little more.

Later, Seeker

This is a 35min long video. I'll watch it later. For now, I do agree 
with you that, X11 should not be in the middle of everything. And I 
think the same for every software, and this is what DBus does.

Probably should have posted a warning about the  length.

I never ran Next OS so didn't have the first hand experience, but seeing 
the video I thought it was pretty interesting what it was capable of then.

I was running OS/2 Warp back in that time frame which, at least on a 
superficial level, had some similar concept of publishing capabilities 
and making those capabilities available to other software on the system.

I did dust off my Warp disks 2 or 3 years ago and got it to install in a 
VM, but wasn't finding something I needed to make if fully usable. Saw 
enough though, as great as it was back in the day, it's a little awkward 
to try to go back to it now.

I was not clear enough when I spoke about the relation between X11 and 
softwares. In fact, I was only thinking the the actual only useful 
thing I have seen for now in general IPCs on my system: windows 
notifying that they need some attention. The window sends the 
notification, probably (never checked in code) through X11 protocol, 
X11 resends it to window manager. Ok, X11 is in the middle, but it is 
something which allows me, who does not use a mainstream DE, to have 
this feature too, and it is, imho, graphic-related.
Now, when I change, say, GTK's theme, I should not have to restard my 
applications to use it. And it's what dbus allows. But, there are 
actually many software that do not use dbus which supports such 
notification system, like daemons. They simply use signals, and on a 
given signal, they do something. No need for centralized dbus here.

There are multiple arguments depending on what level of things you are 
looking at and what you are looking to create.

Not being a programmer some of the implementation things get beyond my 
depth and the when to use when not to use questions.

Skipping some bits.

So, you have to choose between:
_ having a daemon running everytime, and an application which needs to 
listen at it's socket everytime (I guess it's how dbus works? If 
someone have any clue about this part of internal, I would be happy to 
learn), but which have a more flexible way to send messages (not tied 
to a protocol? I'm not that sure, but I suppose it can at least 
support non-standard messages), which is something I do not like: if 
the daemon crash, for a reason or another, or is exposed to a security 
issue, it's all applications using it which are in danger. Plus, it's 
not portable.
_ having a signal+socket+configuration protocol, which needs to be 
updated everytime an application is added to the system.

Here are some introductory things...

Not sure what to make of kdbus at this point...

There were some security questions raised and a question about how some 
situations that could lead to high memory usage in d-bus would be 
handled by kdbus that I don't know if was ever addressed anywhere.

Note that I only thought about the problem today, the solution I 
described probably have tons of issues, it have not been since years ;)
But, if someday, I wanted to build a DE (why not... a DE for power, 
keyboard users, which are not only obsessed by aesthetic, but by 
reliability by having as less as possible SPOF... the problem is that, 
for something like that, the core of a DE still need to be 
identified*) where everything can discuss with every other things, I 
would go that way.
Because I do not like SPOFs, and I see dbus as one of them (yes, X11 
is another one, in the way interactive software are usually builts, I 
know, but this one is quite hard to solve because of it's age, unlike 
dbus which is young --I mean, age is not what makes dbus hard to solve--)

What happens when things fail is always a concern.

Back when KDE and Gnome used different IPC it didn't prevent you from 
using GTK/Gnome apps in KDE or KDE apps in Gnome, main functions of the 
programs worked, but some secondary features may not work here or there 
making them seem a little foreign to the apps that were native to the DE

Re: making sound work in Jessie - how?

2014-12-13 Thread seeker5528

On 12/13/2014 3:43 PM, Paul E Condon wrote:

What packages should I make sure are properly installed? Where can I
find a check list of what needs to be done. While I'm typing this I
realize I might need to become a member of a special access group, but
what is the name of the group? These are things about which I need
up-to-date info, and there is mostly stale info on google (By stale, I
mean from the dark ages before the coming of Pulse.) But maybe my
problem has nothing to do with Pulse or systemd. Please suggest test
to make and information to give.
Gnome has used pulseaudio for a while now, KDE started using it too, 
don't know about the other desktops.

In a terminal window issue the command

/dpkg -s pulseaudio/

If that produces a result that makes it look like pulseaudio is 
installed then look for


Edit (creating it if you have to) a file named

add this line of text to client.conf

/autospawn = no/

Then in a terminal window issue the command

/pactl exit/

If that gives you an error try

/pulseaudio --kill/

Try something that plays audio. If audio works

For me personally the follow up to that on my system was, in a terminal window 
issue the commands

/cp /etc/xdg/autostart/pulse*.desktop ~/.config/autostart//
//cd ~/.co//nfig/autostart//
//ls pulse*/

for each pulseaudio*.desktop file that exists, open it in a text editor (gedit, 
kate, nano, etc...)
find the 'Exec=' line and comment it out with a '#' symbol at the beginning of 
the line


Later, Seeker

Re: How is typical home computer used today?

2014-12-11 Thread seeker5528

On 12/10/2014 11:22 PM, Bret Busby wrote:

I make the point that the term is a malapropism. Not that it is
invalid. A car central computer, which performs functions like heating
the seats, and, determining which seats are occupied, to illuminate
seatbelt not fastened on seat position indicator, are multi-seat
computers ; computers that do not include, provide, or, service,
seating, or, otherwise, interface directly, with the things upon which
people sit, are, surely not correctly to be named, multi-seat
computers, are they?

Hence, is the term, in the context that it has been otherwise used in
this thread, to refer instead, to multi-user computers, not a

Was the term misused earlier in the thread?

Multiseat computer refers to a specific type of set up

In the same way that all cars are automobiles, but not all automobiles 
are cars.
All multiseat computers are multiuser, but not all multiuser computers 
are multiseat.

Later, Seeker

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Re: 9p/plumber to replace D-Bus?

2014-12-11 Thread seeker5528

On 12/11/2014 8:33 AM, wrote:

Le 08.12.2014 18:59, Marty a écrit :

If this proves feasible, that's what I hope to do. I just want to know
if anyone thinks it's a good idea, before I commit time and resources.
My knowledge of all of the issues is sketchy at best.

Don't know about the feasibility.

When I first heard some guy was working on something called Wayland, I 
thought it sounded like something that was never going to be more than a 
personal project, but years later, it looks like not only is it gaining 
steam, it has competition. Whether that competition ever gets adopted 
outside of Ubuntu is a whole other question, but it exists.

These are the things that is for, get something out 
there people can get there hands on and provide a place to discuss it. 
You still have to do outreach to get people interested/involved, be 
responsive to their feedback, etc...

Oh. Then, I doubt it's useful since my opinion is that dbus is useless 
(my opinion, which depends on my uses of my computers).

Because I do not see why my softwares should discuss between them 
without asking me.

Your entitled to your opinion.

Personally I would prefer software X gets a poke in the arm and a 
message indicating network status changed, screen orientation changed, 
configuration changed here, there was an event in software Y that X is 
set to react to, Z is advertising a service X can use, etc instead 
of software X having to run around to multiple locations and check all 
the time or on the odd occasion restart and take inventory of what has 

Sometimes looking at what was makes it seem like what is 
should be a little more.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-07 Thread seeker5528

On 12/07/2014 at 06:37 PM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

Look, if you reboot a laptop instead of suspending/hibernating it, 
sooner or later you're going to have to think Hmm, it hasn't fscked 
for a while. It shouldn't be a surprise when it does. 

That brings up a whole different question about whether the better 
option would be fsck after X number of

days instead of X number of boots.

On 12/7/2014 5:29 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

Of course not.

But you may not be expecting it to happen *this* time - just that it
will happen at some point.

And you should still be able to cancel / abort it when it does happen,
and just have it happen again next time - just in case that's the best
option for the circumstances at hand.

If that results in you shooting yourself in the foot over the long term,
then that's your problem, because you made the decision to prioritize
the immediate benefit of cancelling the fsck over the long-term benefit
of letting it run.

If the option to cancel is there, then the resulting failure to do a 
complete fsck should mean that fsck get run
again on the next boot. So there should be no foot shooting unless the 
choice is consciously made to cancel

the fsck on every following boot.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-06 Thread seeker5528

On 12/6/2014 5:58 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

Well, it is not as if fscks happen out of the blue. Either you weren't 
paying attention and you were hit with the periodic fsck, or you make 
a habit of doing dirty shutdowns, and you know the fsck is going to 
happen anyway. 

Assuming your partitions are set to fsck every X number of days, unless 
you keep track of how many boots you

have done, I would say it is out of the blue.

Don't know when/where I was presented the option about how often the 
fsck should be ran, but I didn't want all
my partitions set to fsck on the same day, so I chose a different number 
of days for each partition. Sometimes it
might be 1 boot between, sometimes 28. That is assuming the X number of 
days setting didn't get reset to some

default along the way.

Yes, if you were not paying attention, it may feel as a surprise. And if
you are used to the bad habit of interrupting fsck, then not being able
to may feel as a bad surprise, but the problem is still *your* bad

Skipping one time because you are late for something doesn't make a habit.

Personally I'm more annoyed that instead of only sending me to single 
user mode if something is hinky with the
root partition, now if I I forget to plug in one of my secondary drives, 
or delete a partition and don't take it out of

the fstab before I reboot, I am sent to a single user login.  D'oh.

Later, Seeker

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread seeker5528

On 11/28/2014 6:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

I have a question along these lines:

Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
centrally administered.

Nowadays one person uses many machines
1. Simply multiple hardware
2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
idea to map the One-me -- Many OSes to
One /home -- Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on
sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
each others'
toes across OSes.

XDG is not relevant to that.

Database formats change. Software that use databases change formatting 
of information they store.

 Configuration options/formats change.

Software developers usually only plan for the upgrading of these things. 
If they do  plan for downgrades

 it would normally only be for rare special circumstances.

The Debian packaging system lets you downgrade packages, but there is a 
disclaimer for the same reason.

Allowing older versions of software access to newer databases, 
configuration files, etc... can get ugly.

Allowing older and newer the same increases the risk.

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

Depends on what you consider a down side.

Chrome and Firefox have solutions for bookmarks...

Assuming you don't just use webmail, and your email provider supports 
it, there is imap for email.

Pictures, music, etc... can all be kept on another partition, creating 
symlinks in your home directory
within each installation in place of the real Documents, Pictures, 
etc... that would normally be there.

As root you can do something like:

|groupadd sharedusers -g 2000

:to create a group in each installation:

|chown -R :sharedusers /location/of/shared/directory

:in one of the installations to change the group ownership of the 
directory where you put your pictures,

documents, etc... note the ':' before the group name.

To change group permissions on the shared files/directories you can do 
something like:

chmod -R g+rwX

:note capital X, execute/search only if the file is a directory or 
already has execute permission for some user.

Later, Seeker

Re: XDG Standard is not evil

2014-11-28 Thread seeker5528

On 11/28/2014 10:27 PM, seeker5528 wrote:
Pictures, music, etc... can all be kept on another partition, creating 
symlinks in your home directory
within each installation in place of the real Documents, Pictures, 
etc... that would normally be there.

As root you can do something like:

|groupadd sharedusers -g 2000

:to create a group in each installation:

|chown -R :sharedusers /location/of/shared/directory
:in one of the installations to change the group ownership of the 
directory where you put your pictures,

documents, etc... note the ':' before the group name.

To change group permissions on the shared files/directories you can do 
something like:

chmod -R g+rwX

:note capital X, execute/search only if the file is a directory or 
already has execute permission for some user.

Oh yeah, if you've done all that you might actually want your user 
account to belong to the shared group. ;)

as root:

|usermod -a -G sharedusers yourusername|

:note the capital G.

Later, Seeker

Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-26 Thread seeker5528

On 11/26/2014 6:04 PM, Serge wrote:
Those XDG standards were created by X Desktop Group only to define 
unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop 
environments, not for some rogue applications to hide their own 
private files. Each of files placed in those directories is 
extensively documented by other XDG standards. Later some people 
started to abuse those directories and put there files, that never 
supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about standards 
or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files in 
their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and 
think that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, 
find xdg basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname 
files, to ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, 
.local, .cache... They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS 
or other XDG standards, they don't care about people who have to do 
2-4 times more work to find and migrate settings of selected 
application to another machine, they just don't want to see dotfiles. 
But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it to 
reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory. [1] 

 Are you saying you think it's a bad thing that .config files got moved 
in to a .config directory instead of multiple other locations?

The /etc/xdg location would be for the defaults, not the user specific 
stuff. Looking at /etc/xdg it does appear it could be used more.

It's not 2010 anymore so specs are adhered to better than they were when was posted, at 
least for the user specific stuff, .config, .local, etc

Later, Seeker

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Re: systemd-free alternatives are not off topic.

2014-11-23 Thread seeker5528

On 11/23/2014 9:17 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
What I see missing in these discussions is the vast number of people 
who don't monitor the lists. That is the huge majority of Debian 
users. Some will get a rude surprise when they upgrade and things 
don't work as expected. 

That's how it works with every major OS release, and some minor ones 
too. Often with other software too. Once in a while I still run into 
someone who buys a new computer and is surprised there is no place to 
plug in their parallel printer.

This is what release notes are for, highlighting changes and known issues.
In some cases not working as expected is a bug, in others it's by design.

The situation with Windows XP is evidence enough that many people are 
willing to spend excessive amounts of money keeping systems alive that 
are well past their DNR date to stick with something they know.

Many will be able to fix those problems - but at a cost of time and 
manpower. Others will have neither the time nor the money to fix the 
problems, and still others will not have the technical expertise to do 
so. Jerry 

For non technical people it is always good to recommend waiting a bit 
before upgrading to something new, I would normally say 2-3 months to 
let additional issues get uncovered, work a rounds to be found, fixes to 
be released ,etc...

With the amount of time between new Debian releases there is some time 
to sort things out in point releases and make some decisions on how 
things are to be for the next major release.

Later, Seeker

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Re: replacing boot and only disk drive

2014-11-23 Thread seeker5528

On 11/23/2014 12:03 PM, Doug wrote:
Yes, grub can boot Windows _just fine_ if Windows is bootable. Windows 
to be activated and I found that GParted's activation does not 

why I mentioned obtaining a program to activate Windows. If you only have
one computer, you should get that before you mess around.
(I don't pretend to know why this happens, only that it does. That's 
why there

are programs available to take care of that problem.)


Windows activation is a separate issue, but I'm assuming you meant...
Windows needs to be on the active partition.

Setting the partition flag to bootable/active in gparted works fine for 

It's the PBR (Partition Boot Record) that is the issue.

If I remember correctly using the copy/paste feature in gparted to copy the
partition to the new drive will copy the PBR, if someone knows different
please correct me.

If you need to write a new PBR.

Booting off the XP install disk, going to the recovery console and using the
fixboot command will write a new PBR.

Booting from Vista or Windows 7 install disk, going into the recovery tools,
command prompt, and using the bootsect command also works

bootsect /?

for a list of options. Bootsect has an option for writing  an XP 
compatible PBR.

Later, Seeker

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Re: systemd-free alternatives are not off topic.

2014-11-23 Thread seeker5528

On 11/23/2014 1:15 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
We're not talking non-technical people here. We are talking companies 
with ITcd departments managing multiple servers and desktops. We are 
talking small companies who contract their IT services. We are talking 
individual users running their own servers and desktops. But even for 
them, waiting 2-3 months is NOT going to fix their problems. Neither 
is waiting 2-3 years, because the problem is incompatibility with 
previous Debian releases.

Seems unlikely that the Debian devs will change from systemd as the 
default init.

But the options for sticking with sysv init have been discussed plenty.

In spite of the fact that the option for sticking with sysv init in a 
new install happens in a way some people object to, the option does 
exist, so that gives time for the Debian devs to sort out among 
themselves how sysv init will be handled in the future.

It will also provide time to see how many people with the required 
knowledge care enough to supply patches to Debian devs in cases where 
things are broken when sysv init is being used to bring up the system.

It will also provide the time to see how things develop with 
alternatives in cases where upstream requires parts of systemd for 
certain features to work.

I'm not in this for the debate, so I don't have anything to say beyond this.

Later, Seeker

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Re: replacing hard disk

2009-06-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 17:12:17 -0400
Stefan Monnier wrote:

  Are there any tips on moving the whole system from the old disk to
  the new one? Or do I just have to re-install ubuntu, re-install
  any updates and extra programs which are installed, find and copy
  modified config files, mails, bookmarks, etc?
 If you can connect both disks at the same time, and boot off of a Live
 CD (or a USB key), then the simplest option is:
 - connect both disks
 - boot off of your rescue USB/CD.
 - dd if=/dev/[olddisk] of=/dev/[newdisk]
 - wait

I prefer System Rescue CD:

: using ddrescue for the copy if there is any reason to suspect bad
spots in the hard drive.

With System Rescue CD all your hard drives will be sda, sdb, etc
doesn't matter whether they are sata or pata.

You can use the command:

fdisk -l

: to verify where the disks show up. Then issue the command:

ddrescue /dev/sda /dev/sdb

: assuming your old disk is sda and the new one sdb, new dis needs to
be at least as large as the old. Doing:

ddrescue --help

: will show you the syntax and list of available options.

The advantage ddrescue has is, on the first pass, when it hits a bad
spot on the disk it spends minimal effort attempting to read it before
moving on reducing the chance the drive will fail completely before you
get all the stuff from the good parts of the disk, once the first pass
is done it will make additional passes, breaking the bad spots into
smaller chunks in order to get much data as possible.

If you have a relatively small amount of stuff you consider to be of
high importance, it would be suggested to try to recover that
stuff first. Usually I will try with the file manager first, then if
there are errors during the copy, move on to other options.

Never tried ddresue with individual files, but it should be the same as
a partition or disk.

If the outfile needs to exist first you can use touch to create an
empty file:

touch /mnt/mountpoint/directory/filename

Later, Seeker

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Re: Recover data from formatted ext3 partition

2009-05-30 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 30 May 2009 11:12:52 +
Azhagu selvan wrote:

I am using debian and my present installation partition is
 accidentally formatted while trying to install ubuntu in another partition.
 Can i recover my files that i have stored in my previous home directory? If
 yes please suggest me a good recovery tool which could help me.

If it is formatted but nothing has been written to the partition, then
it is likely that you can recover at least some of the data.

I prefer using testdisk from the System Rescue CD:

I've had better luck using testdisk from there than from Debian or

As long you don't let testdisk write changes back to the partition,
you leave open the possibility to try other things.

Once you have testdisk scan the disk, you probably want to also do the
deep scan, you can select the partition you think is correct and you
should be given the option to view the files and copy them to another

Later, Seeker

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Re: Convert a 64 bits machine from debian32 to debian64

2008-09-17 Thread Seeker5528
On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:19:10 -0500
Sebastian Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now i want to change that... i want to have all 64bits libraries, and
 kernel.. i begin installing the amd64 linux image package and the amd64 libc
 version but now i dont know all of the implications of this change.

I managed to make the transition, just to see if it could be done, but
it wasn't easy and I wouldn't suggest it unless you just want to tackle
it for education purposes.

Don't know a way to force apt-get (or it's front ends) to download
and install stuff of a different architecture than you have installed,
but dpkg can be told to do it with a -force option architecture
[!]   Process even packages with wrong architecture

dpkg --force-architecture *.deb

: things will break along the way that need fixing, and I did have a
clean 64 bit installation on another partition that I started with
a minimal net-install installation so I could apt-get stuff and
have the packages to install in the installation I was making the
transition on and also so I could compare things and chroot the
installation I was making the transition in when things broke.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Strange problem with copy paste.

2008-08-25 Thread seeker5528

  I have not seen this personally, but it explains why so many Windows users
  suddenly getting infected with XP Antivirus and AV2008 over the last few
  Adobe Flash ads launching clipboard hijack attack:
 Not just windows, the proof of concept demo on that link works on my
 linux/mozilla boxen.

And that should cause some alarm bells to go off for some people who ignore
the first rule of security, 'It's never good enough' , and assume just because
they run Linux they are safe, but I doubt it will be enough to change the tune
of people who continually say it is fine to run as root and use the phrase 
been doing it for years and I've never had a problem' as if it proved their 
to be true.

Later, Seeker

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Strange problem with copy paste.

2008-08-24 Thread seeker5528

 -- Original message --
From: Jesse Welling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi all,
 I'm running Debian Testing for reference. The problem I'm having seems very
 very suspicious to me, and please don't think this is a joke, but I think my
 clipboard (or whatever takes care of copy paste) has broken. No mater what I
 try to copy from I can only paste this, which feels a lot like some kind
 of malware to me.  Has any one else seen this?

I have not seen this personally, but it explains why so many Windows users are
suddenly getting infected with XP Antivirus and AV2008 over the last few weeks.

Adobe Flash ads launching clipboard hijack attack:

Later, Seeker

Hi all,Im running Debian Testing for reference. The problem Im having seems very very suspicious to me, and please dont think this is a joke, but I think my clipboard (or whatever takes care of copy paste) has broken. No mater what I try to copy from I can only paste this, which feels a lot like some kind of malware to me. Has any one else seen this?
Jesse W.
---End Message---

Re: State of 64bit desktop

2008-08-24 Thread seeker5528

 -- Original message --
From: Todd A. Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 03:09:23AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  For Java, icedtea-gcjwebplugin is in main.  (Sun Java is not packaged
  but this free one is pretty good)
 The last time I checked, gcjwebplugin kept carping about being insecure
 and sandboxing being incomplete. Is this really any more secure than the
 gcjwebplugin itself?
 I don't really mind running semi-functional software, but I *do* mind
 running insecure software.

This was true, dealt with in IceTea according to this:


What can end-users expect to experience?

The big problem with deploying gcjwebplugin in the past has been GNU 
Classpath's lack of a security framework. The OpenJDK class library, on the 
other hand, has a complete robust security framework capable of safely running 
untrusted applets. Just by virtue of gcjwebplugin using IcedTea's appletviewer, 
instead of GNU Classpath's, it now supports safely running untrusted applets, 
and so we've enabled it by default for Fedora 8. The result is that most 
applets will run perfectly out-of-the-box, on a default Fedora 8 install on x86 
*or x86_64*.  

: End Quote

So from the standpoint of running applets on your computer, the security 
seems to be there.

As for connecting to a bank or other place that uses a signed applet that
needs to be authenticated or requires a secure connection, there still seems
to be stuff missing. But that just means it will fail, it's not something that 
compromise your security.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Ndiswrapper not work...

2008-08-22 Thread seeker5528

 -- Original message --
 I don't know how; but i use b43-fwcutter from Debian repositories.
 I use Lenny and broadcom card.

I finally got rid of my broadcom card because no matter what driver I 
tried to use results were inconsistent. It would work for a while, then at
some point after getting updates, I would have to fiddle with it. And if 
you google for solutions they seem pretty inconsistent across the board
with the range of solutions that work for some, but not for others.

My old card was a Linksys, I switched to a newer Linksys card that uses
ralink chipset and it has been working pretty well for me. Not at home
at the moment, but the chipset is rt61 or rt63. Used the driver from
the ralink website for a while initially, but have been using the version
that ships in the kernel for a while now. Initally the in kernel version 
worked fine for me, then there was a stretch where it had some kind
of glitch once in a while,  but still mostly worked. With the current 2.6.26 
kernel in unstable it seems to be fine again, don't know about the
kernel in Lenny.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Strange behaviour of K3B

2008-01-30 Thread Seeker5528
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:12:49 +
Alan Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to burn a Data DVD+R
 When I hit the burn button, the dialog box that pops up normally has a 
 drop down box which says the type of media detected.  This remains 
 steadfastly saying no media loaded regardless of whether I have or 
 not - meaning I cannot start the burn.
 Any suggestions

Did you get an answer to this?

The only thing I got is.

Are you sure your drive handles DVD+R?

Any new drives should handle DVD+ and DVD-, but older drives may not,
the older the drive the more likely it would do DVD+ or DVD- not both.

Later, Seeker 

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Re: Amarok and mp3

2007-09-21 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:25:09 -0400 (EDT)

 Hi, everyone,
  I recently install amarok (on amd64), using the xine engine, but it
 refuses to play any mp3 files.  After some searching, I also installed
 libxine1-ffmpeg, and have w32 codecs installed, but it still won't play 
 mp3s.  I tried dpkg-reconfigure and purging and reinstalling amarok, but
 it's still no go.  What am I missing here?

Try installing libmpeg and libmad.

Later, Seeker

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Re: debian port of timidity doesn't work here

2007-09-08 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 1 Sep 2007 00:49:12 -0500 (CDT)
Jude DaShiell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I figured to use timidity to listen to some midi files and found out 
 missing instruments make that impossible.  Would it be better to convert 
 the midi files to another format and listen to them that way and if so 
 which format and what tool does that conversion? 

Timidity does conversion and depending on the speed of your computer
conversion may be the best option.

To get a good sound out of timidity I use soundfonts. You can find
some at:

: In the Linux  section personal copy and unison are good. If you go to
their normal soundfont page and from there go to the big soundfonts
there is a lite version of personal copy also music theory 2 and
RealFont 2.1 are good choices, you will need the sfark extraction
utility to unpack the sfark and sfark.exe files for use:

: Once you have your chosen soundfont extracted, put it
in /usr/share/sounds/sf2, then edit /etc/timidity.cfg, just before the
line that points to freepats.cfg put a line in that points to the

soundfont /usr/share/sounds/sf2/PCLite.sf2 order=0

: I'm using personal copy lite at the moment, but normally prefer the
larger soundfonts, the order=0 tells timidity to look at the soundfont
for instruments first, if it doesn't find an instrument in the soundfont
it will look at the freepats instruments.

If you want to use timidity in alsa sequencer mode uncomment the line
in /etc/default/timidity that enables it, then open a terminal window
and type:

/etc/init.d/timidity start

: this will create a timidity alsa device for midi applications to use,
I believe you have to go into the options of each individual midi
application and choose the timidity alsa device.

If you want to convert the midi to audio look at the timidity man page
for the output options, I think there are options for ogg, flac, and
wav and maybe a couple others, no option for mp3.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Upgrade from 32bit Sarge to 64bit Etch

2007-06-08 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 02 Jun 2007 12:19:36 +0200
Joe Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another way you might want to go about it, is to just upgrade a 32-bit
 setup to a 64 bit one, rather than installing multiple versions.  That
 being said, I have both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version
 installed, but use the 32 bit version most of the time.  I *could* use
 the 64-bit version and chroot to the 32-bit apps that I need that are
 not available for 64-bit, but it's not very often that I need the 64-bit
 power and it IMO isn't worth the trouble of setting it all up.

I did this just to see if it could be done and I don't recommend it.
You need a clean 64 but environment to begin with and boot into when
things get sticky so you can chroot the system being converted, and
there are likely to be glitches with the system afterwords while you
are getting things sorted out. I still have one glitch when I upgrade
packages indicating indicating some error in that I don't
see in the clean install. 

If you go to google and search there are guides for setting up the
chroot environment on another partition, where to mount it, how to
bootstrap it, and I remember some mention of making it bootable as

I have not really noticed that much not being available for 64 bit. The
things I can think of off the top of my head are

Realplayer/Helix player
Java browser plugin

Depending on what you do swfdecode or Gnash might cover your flash
needs and the gcj browser plug-in might cover your java plug-in needs,
security is a concern with the gcj plug-in though.

Nspluginwrapper will let you use 32 bit plug-ins with iceweasel. It
works for flash if you download the tar.gz from adobe, extract it, then
use nspluginwrapper to install it. I have not got around to trying it
with java since there are extra issues with needing a 32 bit java in
addition to a 32 bit java plug-in.

I don't know if all the codecs from the mplayer site work, there is an
amd64 esenential codecs package.

Later, Seeker

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Re: what applications use famd?

2006-12-05 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:34:50 -0500
Matthew Krauss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get a larger list - see below.  Also, that list includes Gamin, which 
 actually conflicts with fam. In fact, I'm confused.  If I try to install 
 fam, it tries to rip out a lot of Gnome stuff, and some other things, 
 like Samba.  This is apparently  because these things need Gamin, which 
 according to it's description is a subset of fam.  Why would all these 
 packages require a subset of fam, but not take fam itself?

Gamin was created to be a drop in replacement for Fam, that is
smaller, more secure, blah, blah 

KDE and Gnome both use it and since it provides notification for
file system changes it serves a useful function. For example if you have
Amarok or Rhythmbox open and from another application or from the
command line copy a song into your music directory the applications are
notified of the change and update their music databasee.

In strict terms I don't know if fam or gamin are required by any of
these things that depend on having one of them or if it's just expected
that most people will want the functions they provide if certain
packages are installed.

Later, Seeker

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Re: DVD playback problems

2006-11-11 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 09 Nov 2006 13:33:22 +
Piers Kittel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you very much for your reply.
  From: Seeker5528 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Piers Kittel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dev$ ls -l hdb
  brw-rw  1 root disk 3, 64 2005-02-26 06:38 hdb
  I assume this should be cdrom not disk correct?
  That is what the Audio CD, DVD, VCD players want, the location of the
  drive, not the location where the disk gets mounted.
 If I try this, this is what I get:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mplayer dvd:// -dvd-device /dev/hdb


 libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss.
 libdvdread: Can't open /dev/hdb for reading
 Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/hdb

If /dev/hdb is your DVD drive then it should get the ownership of
root:cdrom, not root:disk. This an identification/enumeration problem
and the proper fix would be to figure out a udev rule or whatever that
would identify it and give it the correct ownership. 

Failing that the next best thing would be to create a script that runs
at boot the change the ownership.

I'm not that familiar with either of these things, but just to test the
theory try chowning the device ('chown :cdrom /dev/hdb' or 'chown
root:cdrom /dev/hdb') then playing a DVD.

Later, Seeker

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Re: DVD playback problems

2006-11-07 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:32:31 +
Piers Kittel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dev$ ls -l hdb
 brw-rw  1 root disk 3, 64 2005-02-26 06:38 hdb
 I assume this should be cdrom not disk correct?

That is what the Audio CD, DVD, VCD players want, the location of the
drive, not the location where the disk gets mounted.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Unofficial Firefox packages?

2006-11-07 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 14:24:42 +0800
Rage Callao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a script, something like make-jpkg for Java, that can be used
 to create a .deb from a FireFox binary tarball?

Look at checkinstall. 

Later, Seeker

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Re: udev

2006-11-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 22:17:27 +
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I pinned udev to version 0.079.1 a while back after suffering some serious 
 hassle with it when etch was testing.
 I'm still on etch - and synaptic claims that this is still the latest version 
 available. Must be wrong, surely?

Not sure what happens if you manually pinned the file, but if you used
the option in the synaptic menu then I don't think it will show newer
versions of the package.

Similarly (as an example) if you have sources for testing and unstable
and set testing as the default distribution in the preferences,
synaptic would only show newer packages that are part of testing.

If you right click on the package and select properties on the context
menu, the resulting window has a versions tab that shows you what
versions are available.

Also if you go into the preferences and select the option to show the
package details in the main window, then you get options in the main
window for viewing these details.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Window managers-which one?

2006-11-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:51:12 +
B. Hoffmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My question is which wm to use, as Gnome install metacity by default and
 I don't have experience with anything else.
 There's a lot of information on Google Groups and in the Debian
 archives, however I have a more specific question (bearing in mind this
 will be used as desktop and ratpoison is not an option).

Personally I prefer fluxbox, whether I am using it stand alone, with
KDE or with Gnome.

Currently I am mixing and matching stuff, starting what I want to run
from a .xsession file in my home directory. My .xsession file looks
like this:

# Begin .xsession
docker -iconsize 64 
wmifs -i eth0 
wmifs -i eth2 
wmnetselect -e /usr/bin/firefox -t 
fbpager -w 
kmixctrl --restore 
exec fluxbox
#End .xsession

Since I am using Gnome panel, visibility of the fluxbox panel is set to
false, and using kmix this way you have to edit
~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc setting Visible=false or kmix has this
annoying habit of popping up every time you log in instead of waiting
until you click it's tray icon.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Moving Unstable to new HDD

2006-11-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 02 Nov 2006 13:51:10 -0500

 Hello all,
 I have a 80GB+40GB pair of HDDs in my desktop. The 40GB is the one which
 came with the system and contains the original Windows installation. The
  80GB hard disk contains the Debian unstable system with different
 partitions for /, /boot, /usr, /home, /tmp, /var and a couple of others
 for data storage.
 I have ordered a 320GB SATA disk (along with a Promise controller card)

My normal method of dealing with this is to boot from a live CD,
usually System Rescue CD or RIP:

: create the partitions you want, at the sizes you want, format them,
change to the /mnt directory on the cd, make directories for each drive
(olddrive and newdrive). Mount all the partitions reletive to the way
the are when running from the drive.

Root of the old drive mounted at /mnt/olddrive, home on the old drive
mounted at /mnt/olddrive/home, etc..., and the same for the new drive.

With all relevant partitions mounted you would then do:

cp -av /mnt/olddrive/* /mnt/newdrive

: After all files are copied, edit the fstab file on the new drive as

I don't know what issues there might be with the SATA getting the
system to boot from the new drive. If it's not an issue to keep the old
and new drive both hooked up, I expect it shouldn't be a huge of an
issue to boot into the old installation and sort out any of the
remaining stuff that needs to be done.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Yes! a free legal source for downloadable music!

2006-10-06 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 15:45:46 -0400

 How do i get some music
 This may not be what you were looking for, but it's an interesting 
 find for legal, free downloads:

Hmmm, interesting, I will have to check that out and the others
links mentioned in the thread.

My additions to the free and legal music.

And last up,not a source of free downloads, but good.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Debian install and swap

2006-08-27 Thread Seeker5528
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 05:16:45 -0400 (EDT)
Ishwar Rattan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The system is a debian derivative. hdb2 is a primary
 partition for Linux swap. /etc/fstab has the entry:
 /dev/hdb2 noneswapsw  0   0

The entry looks fine to me. The entry my Debian unstable system looks
like this:

/dev/hda8   noneswapsw  0   0

If you issue the command in a terminal window:

cat /proc/swaps

: what does it tell you?

If it is not mounted I would use fdisk or cfdisk to check that the
partition type actually was set to linux swap, and change it if it
isn't. And then format it with the mkswap command.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Why not?

2006-07-15 Thread seeker5528

 -- Original message --

  Clearly all this is rather a matter of opinion; my only intent in
  posting was to provide a counter to your implication that KDE/qt was
  somehow obviously superior in functionality/usability, and that people
  only like Gnome/gtk for political reasons.  That's simply not true.
 GNOME *is* about politics as is the rest of the GNU Project.  So long
 as that pertains to Free Software, I have no problem with it and even
 support it.  What bothers me is when awareness of causes not related
 to the issue of software are pushed my direction.  I was largerly a
 fan of GNOME back in its early days until they set about on the whole
 bonobo thing and that is where they really lost me--I don't want
 somebody's personal cause/politics being shoved in my face.

Ignorance is bliss. A brief reference that could safely be ignored, unless you 
consider following a link to get backround information on the name to be pushed 
on you.

The real politics is GPL versus LGPL and making software work the way people 
work versus providing masses of options to the point that there must be an 
option in there some where that lets a person do what they want.

I think any group of bright, assertive, opinionated people is going to have 
some references to political causes coming up. I hardly see it as a reason to 
use or not use a particular peice of software. Although it is enough to make me 
want to unsubsribe from the Gnu Darwin mailing list.

I suppose you don't want to hear about the plight of the carrots then...

  And the angel of the lord came unto me. snatching me up from my place of 
slumber, and took me on high, and higher still until we moved through the 
spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me into a vast farmland of our 
own midwest. 

And as we descended, cries of impending doom arose from the soil. One thousand, 
nay, a million voices full of fear. and terror possessed me then. 

And I begged: angel of the lord, what are these tortured screams? and the angel 
said unto me: these are the cries of the carrots. the cries of the carrot. you 
see, reverend maynard, tomorrow is harvest day, and to them, it is the 

And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat with the tears of one million 
terrified brothers and roared: hear me now, I have seen the light. they have a 
consciousness! They have a life! They have a soul. Damn you! let the rabbits 
wear glasses. save our brothers.

Later, Seeker

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mount a CD-ROM automatically

2006-07-09 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:43:11 +0100
Magnus Therning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even if you are not running Gnome you can still use
 gnome-volume-manager+pmount, you just have to add it to your .xsession
 file, ~.kde/autostart directory, run it and save your session, or
 whatever is necessary for your environment, then run
 gnome-volume-properties to configure what what actions are enable and
 the app that you want to runs when the action is triggered.
 Just out of curiousity, can it also bu run from .login in a console

I'm not familiar with .login, but as far as I can tell there are no GUI
elements directly attached to the volume manager part of the equation,
so I would guess that you could run it from the console. However
gnome-volume-properties is a GUI application and I don't know how you
would configure gnome-volume-manager without it. If there is a gconf
editor you can run from the console it looks like you could configure
it that way.

Later, Seeker

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Re: DNS and resolv.conf

2006-07-09 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 07 Jul 2006 06:11:43 -0300
Tyler Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2) Do ISPs change DNS addresses often? Is there a way to detect it when 
 it happens, so I don't have to call them up for the new one every time 
 it happens?

They shouldn't change very often. Usually you can connect to your
router with a web browser and view the status of the internet
connection, which should include the current DNS numbers.

If your router is intercepting the DNS and passing it's self off as the
DNS server, this might be a feature you can turn off.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Mount a CD-ROM automatically

2006-07-07 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 05 Jul 2006 18:01:01 +0100
Magnus Therning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're running a GNOME desktop then gnome-volume-manager+pmount can
 take care of it.

Even if you are not running Gnome you can still use
gnome-volume-manager+pmount, you just have to add it to your .xsession
file, ~.kde/autostart directory, run it and save your session, or
whatever is necessary for your environment, then run
gnome-volume-properties to configure what what actions are enable and
the app that you want to runs when the action is triggered.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Hello Nethelpers [SSH / PUTTY]Strange behaviour with telnetd

2006-07-01 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 1 Jul 2006 07:57:51 +0200
jbmorla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, sorry I don't understand how the mailing list works.
 Should I reply directly from my mail client : gmail in IE6 ?
 Or should I do what I do now, reply to my own thread in the list itself ?

When you reply to something on the list, simply hitting the reply
button usually works, just make sure it is going to the list address
and not someones personal address. Don't know about gmail, but whatever
you did seems to have worked fine.

 How could sshd automatically decode data sent by the PuTTY session
 If it does not have the key to do it ?

  But I can't find where they deal with having duplicate of the same
 encrypted key
 On both client and server.

You generate one key on the server and a different key on the client.

These keys have two parts, private and public. You take the clients
public key and add to to the servers allowed list, when you connect
with the client the first time the servers public key is sent to the
client and you are asked if you want to add the server to your list of
known hosts.

I'm not a guru at this ssh stuff, google helps:

Later, Seeker

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Re: Gnome/KDE resources

2006-05-04 Thread seeker5528
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:16:16 +0100
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cool. Do you launch them just by kicking off kdesktop and gnome-panel 
 somewhere in the openbox config?

I run fluxbox and start just about everything extra from my .xsession
file and have the option for the fluxbox panel to be visible set to
false in the fluxbox init file with a fair percentage of those being
windowmaker dock apps.

# Begin .xsession
wmifs -i eth0 
wmifs -i eth2 
wmnetselect -e /usr/bin/firefox -t 
fbpager -w 
exec fluxbox
# End .xsession

With the Gnome settings daemon started this way it allows me to change
things from the settings menu on the Gnome panel or from the Gnome
control center and have those settings applied when I start my X
session. At least for the mouse cursors and probably for other things
as well I have to restart the X session before I see the changes, where
in a full gnome session the changes are immediate.

I have not tried to do the same thing with KDE stuff, but I do run a
more KDE centric distrobution where I use fluxbox as the window manager
for KDE with an X session like this:

# Begin .xsession
export KDEWM=fluxbox
exec startkde
# End .xsession

In this configuration I disable the option in KDE of showing the
desktop icons, which disables right click stuff too so you have access
to the right click stuff provided by the window manager.

I have used Metacity with KDE this way as well with the addition of
starting gnome-settings-daemon from the KDE autostart directory so my
choice of GTK themes and Metacity window boarders would stick and also
running a single gnome panel at the top of the screen and kicker at
the bottom. 

One of the things that sold me on using Fluxbox as my window manager
was the ability to put any application windows together to form a single
tabbed window just by using the middle mouse button to drag the title
bar of one window over the title bar of another. It's not a feature I
use heavily but it does come in handy if you've got some on going task
that has you doing stuff in 2 or 3 different applications or
with multiple windows of a single application that doesn't provide tabs
on it's own.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Udev problem when filesystem found

2006-05-04 Thread seeker5528
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:14:04 +0200
miguel velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all! yesterday night I installed my Debian Etch widh KDE 3.5 at
 home and everything could be ok untill I rebooted my computer. At this
 moment in the boot process watched:
 Waiting for root file system.. (hay se queda unos minutos)
 Aler! /dev/hda3 does not exist. Dropping to a shell !
 Now I have limited console with no all commands and the next file
 system in my PC:
 $ df -h
 filesystemSize  UsedAvailableUse % Monted on
 udev379.0M  28.0K   378.9M  0%/dev

I don't know if it's the same thing happening to you, but I did
experience something similar to this.

In my case I was dropped in to a busybox shell and after some moments of
poking around and not figuring out anything else to do I exited the
shell and my system continued to boot and it never happened again after

Later, Seeker

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Re: ati fglrx and xorg 7.0.0

2006-04-25 Thread seeker5528
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:05:46 +0200
Ivan Glushkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
 the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
 that package should be filed.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   fglrx-driver: Depends: xserver-xorg ( 6.9.99)
 E: Broken packages
 So in the moment there is NO way to install fglrx drivers on debian/sid. 
 As said in an advantage of xorg 7 is the modularity, 
 which is used in ubuntu, where already the package xorg-driver-fglrx 
 exists. So the question is is an analogue package for Debian, and if 
 not, what should I do to get fglrx installed on my laptop?

Maybe the drivers have been updated since you wrote this?

I am running Debian Unstable and the fglrx packages installed fine for
me and using make-kpkg to create the kernel modules package then
installing worked as well.

There seem to be some performance issues after doing this. Performance
on 3D stuff seems OK but for non 3D stuff there seems to be some issues.

So it seems there is some trade off in having good 3D or having
everything else work at the moment.

If you have a 9200 or less it shouldn't be an issue, just use the
mesa/DRI ATI driver that ships with Xorg.

If you have a card with an R300 chipset there is an experimental
branch of the mesa/dri  radeon driver that extends the ATI driver with
support for these.

There are instructions here:

: For installing binary snapshots, but they never seemed to work as it
was stated they should and with the move to 7.x that seems to go

If you do what it shows here:

: about the I915 driver:

DRI with i915

libmesa stops working after upgrade to 7.* of XOrg with i915 driver
(and maybe some others). MESA in sid is too old. It is necessary to
download new drivers from [WWW]
and copy * files to /usr/lib/dri/. This is [WWW] bug# 359328

You can do the same thing for the R300 driver. You might need to shut
down the X server and do a 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' afterwards.

For basic usage performance is good and stable. For 3D the
range of stuff that is supported is a question and I have had some lock
ups. The lock ups could be because the other mesa stuff really should
be upgraded as well not just the driver.

Not sure I really want to get into compiling the mesa CVS stuff. I
think newer mesa stuff is slated to be upgraded with 7.1, but no
telling when that will be:

Later, Seeker

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Re: disableing gnome destop background?

2006-04-08 Thread seeker5528
On Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:50:43 -0800
Britton Kerin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to be able to display pictures for my desktop background,
 and change them every so often.  It seems that gnome doesn't do this,
 so I though I'd just do it from a script with xsetbg, but I think for
 this to work I need to somehow tell gnome to not do anything to the
 X root window.  I couldn't figure out how to do this, can anyone tell

If you install gtweakui it will give options for showing different
things on the desktop, none for just the wallpaper though. If you
disable the desktop completely then you will have no icons or wallpaper.

I think if you use the gconf editor and go to 'desktop -- gnome --
background' and disable the wallpaper there it will still show icons on
the desktop.

Personally I use GAI BGSwitcher
which I think will work as a gnome applet without having to disable the
wallpaper elsewhere. 

Also you might look at chbg which there is a version of in debian.

Later, Seeker

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Re: how to begin with qemu and networking

2006-04-05 Thread seeker5528
On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:25:05 +0200
Rakotomandimby Mihamina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The host is a Linux Debian amd64.
 - How could I set the internal IP of the host to

When I played around with QEMU in the past I found these scripts on the

Lately I have just been using the -user-net option since I only run one
guest environment at a time and am only worried about connecting the
guest to the internet it serves my need.

It does say in the script that it is expected to be obsoleted by the
-user-net option and I don't know if this is the case yet or not.

On Debian unstable with QEMU installed looking at:


It does look like there are some additional options, for having multiple
guests talking to each other either on the same host or on different

My understanding of this is not deep, but that gives you some stuff to
look at. 

 - Is the emulated guest a 32bit or a 64 like the host?

This may be a matter of semantics, but to my way of thinking the guest
is not emulated. The guest is a real operating system that you install
inside the virtual environment.

Host - QEMU - Guest

I don't know what the generically named binary emulates on the x86_64
version of Debian, but if it turns out not to be the one you want you
can use the binary named for the machine you want to emulate:

qemu-i386  qemu-mipsel  qemu-system-arm   qemu-system-sparc
qemu-armqemu-img   qemu-ppc qemu-system-mips  qemu-system-x86_64
qemu-armeb  qemu-mips  qemu-sparc   qemu-system-ppc

Later, Seeker

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Re: Radeon : scanpci failure ? DRM+DRI disabled

2006-03-30 Thread seeker5528
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 08:19:43 +0100
Bruno Costacurta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (WW) RADEON(0): Enabling DRM support
  *** Direct rendering support is highly experimental for Radeon 9500
  *** and newer cards. The 3d mesa driver is not provided in this tree.
  *** A very experimental (and incomplete) version is available from Mesa CVS.
  *** Additional information can be found on
  *** This message has been last modified on 2005-08-07.

A: It indicates above that the experimental drivers are not in the tree
you are using.

 drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
 drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
 drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
 drmOpenDevice: Open failed

B: After little googling it appears that this message is an indication
that the kernel module is not loading.

If you were only getting the first message I would think it would be
enough to install the mesa packages from Debian unstable
libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-glx, and libglu1-mesa. These packages work
for me with a 9500 Pro.

I suspect you will have to get newer stuff from:

: follow the instructions for installing the snapshot. I did this on
my system and for some reason I had to 'apt-get install --reinstall
xserver-xorg' before I could get back into an X session, but once I was
done it seemed to work and be using the newer stuff.

If you still get the drmOpenDevice errors I did find a relevant post

: If those don't get you going you might have to try getting the fglrx
driver working. Looks like it's available in the repositories at
least in Debian unstable if you have non-free in your sources.list so
I'm assuming you could use kernel-package to compile and create a .deb
file for the kernel module.

Later, Seeker

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Re: How do I make my NIC pick the same ETH port every time?

2006-03-25 Thread seeker5528
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:09:28 -0800
 My NIC keeps jumping around between eth0 and eth1 every so often when I
 reboot. It is real annoying! How do I get it to stick to be the same all the
 time? It is conflicting with a firewire controller...

My last go around with the network issue was:

: don't know about the issue of it conflicting with the firewire
controller though. If one or both of them is a card then you could try
moving them to another slot. Or is there something on the firewire
that is getting an eth assignment?

Later, Seeker

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Re: modprobe.d and post-install problem

2006-03-05 Thread seeker5528
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 09:28:13 +0200
Andras Lorincz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a tv-tuner with saa7135HL chipset and works fine with kernel version When booting I want to pass the module alsa=1 option and to load
 the saa7134-alsa module also. So I took these steps:
  1. created a file /etc/modprobe.d/tuner which contains this:
 options saa7134 alsa=1
 post-install saa7134 insmod
  2. run update-modules
  3. reboot to see if these take effect
 The result is that the saa7134-alsa module doesn't get loaded and this
 message can be read on boot:
 WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/tuner line 2: ignoring bad line starting with

I would have thought it would have complained when you ran

And I second the opinion that you should be looking at 'man modprobe.d'.

If you want saa7134-alsa to be loaded after saa7134 then you would need
a line looking something like:

install saa7134 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install saa7134; /sbin/modprobe

: If these modules live in your kernel lib directory and are picked up
by depmod then there should be no reason to include the path to them.

The other poster forgot, or overlooked (?) that you need
--ingore-install before the command to load the module the rule is for
to prevent a second attempt at running through the whole process. 

You can look at /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base to see additional examples of
what the install lines can look like.

If you want to be able to do 'modprobe -r' to unload the modules then
you may need a remove line in addition to the install line that removes
the modules in the reverse of the order in which they were loaded.

Later, Seeker

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Re: midi support in debian

2006-03-02 Thread seeker5528
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:53:55 +0300
Roman Makurin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) $ sudo aptitude install awesfx
 2) Copy from Driver`s CD sound fonts to /usr/share/sounds/sf2
 3) $ sudo modprobe snd_emu10k1_synth
 4) $ asfxload 4GMGSMT
 5) $ pmidi -l
  Port Client name   Port name
  62:0 Midi Through  Midi Through Port-0
  64:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
  65:0 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 0
  65:1 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 1
  65:2 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 2
  65:3 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 3
 6) $ pmidi -p 65:0 ~/Desktop/MIDI/X-S1AALL.MID
  there is nothing happened on this step

Hmmm, my last message got bounced back, but that's OK since then I have
found something new. A little package called ld10k1 (LDtenKone).

On my system with ld10k1 installed/enabled it seems to screw with the
mixer stuff causing only an OSS like subset of the sliders to show up. I
uninstalled this package and things seem to work as expected.

I have to try the instructions in the awesfx documentation about
getting the soundfont loaded during boot up.

During my experimentation I have modified a line
in /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase from:

 install snd-emu10k1-synth modprobe --ignore-install snd-emu10k1-synth
 /usr/bin/asfxload PC51d  /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install

: to: 

install snd-emu10k1-synth modprobe --ignore-install snd-emu10k1-synth
 /usr/bin/asfxload PC51d  /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install

: for the dense each 'install blah blah' line above should be a single
line in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base. ;)

This works but it is not optimal as this file will surely get over
written on future updates making it necessary to do it again, so only
do the above if the instructions in /usr/share/doc/awesfx/README.Debian
don't work for you.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Controlling eth0,eth1,... assignment order?

2006-02-28 Thread seeker5528
On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 20:36:35 +0100
Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The solution given below has been working for some time now, until udev
 0.085-1 from Feb 19 was installed. Then the behaviour is wrong again,
 eth0 is associated to the 8139too driver and eth1 is associated to the
 3c59x driver. What has changed in the udev functionality? The
 file /etc/udev/static-nic.rules linked
 to /etc/udev/rules.d/025_static-nic.rules does not seem to be run at
 startup anymore :-( This issue should probably be an FAQ by now. Any

Even though the old version of the script worked I think technically
the script was never correct. Maybe it was just udev being changed to
more closely match behaviour as it is expected to be applied else where?
 Whatever the case I had to modify the script changing things that were
being evaluated to a == sign where before I had a single = sign which
now gets interpreted as setting a value. What I am using currently
looks like this:

# Start of udev rule for static ethernet device names.
# Place in /etc/udev then from the command line do 'chmod 0644' then
# 'ln -s /etc/udev/static-nic.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/025_static-nic.rules'
# Mapping specific MAC address to specific device names to ensure
# predictable behaviour with things that expect a specific network card
# to show up with the same name.
# SYSFS{address}==MAC address - MAC address should be the machine
# address of the network card the rule is for. Double == because this
# is a comparison
# NAME=name - name is the device name you want used for the interface.
# These could be standard names eth0, wlan0, etc... or if you prefer
# something more descriptive lan, internet, wireless, etc... Single =
# because we are setting the name

KERNEL==eth*, SYSFS{address}==00:01:02:03:04:05, NAME=wireless
KERNEL==eth*, SYSFS{address}==10:11:12:13:14:15, NAME=ethernet

# End udev rule

Later, Seeker

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Re: udev problem

2006-02-18 Thread seeker5528
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 11:33:58 -0500
Jonathan Dill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On a second box, I thought I would get smart 
 and install yaird and remove initramfs before I switched from 2.4 to 2.6 
 kernel, but that didn't work somehow.

Typing 'man mkinitrd.yaird' shows:

To  let yaird build the initial boot image when a Debian kernel package
   is installed, rather than the default mkinitrd, put the
following  line in /etc/kernel-img.conf:

  ramdisk = /usr/sbin/mkinitrd.yaird

   Support  for  the ramdisk variable is built into the kernel
package; it is available in Debian kernels packaged since june 2005.

: worked for me. I had troubles getting the initrd image updated though
and finally ended up doing an 'apt-get install --reinstall' of my
kernel to get the job done.

Later, Seeker

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Re: splashy in sid

2006-02-18 Thread seeker5528
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 13:31:01 -0800
L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda9 ro quiet
 splash vga=791
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-

If vga=791 is not working for you you might try a different one.

In case it's not obvious rows are color depth columns are resolution. ;)


If you have an auto generated grub menu.lst then you should add the
option in the upper part of the file if you want to keep it from
getting nuked in a future upgrade:

## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro

To add the vga option the kopt line would then become:

# kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=791

Later, Seeker

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Re: Newly added TV Card disables existing sound card.

2006-02-14 Thread seeker5528
 I have an onboard sound card that has been working fine based on
 default settings for some time. I have added a Pinnacle TV card and
 now find that the sound card is no longer configured after boot. Can
 anybody provide advice on what config step I am missing?

Looks like it is configured accoridng to this:

 desktop:~# lsmod | grep snd_
 snd_via82xx 29604 0
 snd_ac97_codec 69508 1 snd_via82xx
 gameport 4736 2 analog,snd_via82xx
 snd_mpu401_uart 8000 1 snd_via82xx
 snd_rawmidi 25316 1 snd_mpu401_uart
 snd_seq_device 8264 1 snd_rawmidi
 snd_bt87x 14536 4
 snd_pcm_oss 54376 0
 snd_mixer_oss 19904 3 snd_pcm_oss
 snd_pcm 97480 3 snd_via82xx,snd_bt87x,snd_pcm_oss
 snd_timer 25668 1 snd_pcm
 snd 57380 14 snd_via82xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_raw
 snd_page_alloc 11720 3 snd_via82xx,snd_bt87x,snd_pcm
 As best as I can tell the right modules are loaded for the soundcard
 but /proc only sees the TV card?

Could be an IRQ conflict as was suggested in another post.

I thought the configuration files were done in a way that cards using
snd_bt87x would not become card 0 if the module was loaded before the
module for the sound card, but if you ran alsa conf that may not be the

First, from the command line I would type:


: to reconfigure alsa making sure that VIA gets indexed as card 0,
then if the problem persists I would do:

cat /proc/interupts 

: to see if an IRQ is being shared between the audio device and the TV
card. If the IRQ is shared then try moving the TV card to another slot.

Could be the VIA chipset and the TV card just don't like each other as
well. I have an older Pinnacle card on a VIA chipset board and mostly it
works, but once in a while the system will get a little tempramental
and reboot or lock up when I open TV Time or switch desktops while TV
Time is open.  Sound was never an issue for me though. It's actually
been tempramental on 2 other VIA chipset boards as well, but the system
it's in now is the first one with on board audio and the other two
systems would only lock up some times when switching desktops.

Later, Seeker

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Re: XOrg+Radeon = No Direct Rendering?

2006-02-10 Thread seeker5528
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:14:32 -0600
Jacob S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Section Device
 Identifier  ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf
   [FireGL 9000] Driver radeon
 BusID   PCI:1:0:0
 Option  UseInternalAGPART yes
 Option  RenderAccel true
 Option  AccelMethod EXA
  Section Device
  Identifier  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QL [Radeon
8500 LE]
  Driver  ati
  BusID   PCI:1:0:0
  I don't know if it is valid to specify radeon any more? I had a
  problem with it at one point and when I did 'dpkg-reconfigure
  xserver-xorg' it wasn't shown as an option anymore. I never tried any
  of the extra options so I don't have any input to give there.
 Yes, radeon is still valid. I'm still using it. Both radeon and ati
 seem to work for my 9200, but radeon is slightly faster in my

I played around with the options, this is what I got now and it works
for me.

Section Device
Identifier  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QL [Radeon
8500 LE] Driver  ati
BusID   PCI:1:0:0
Option  AGPFastWrite yes
Option  AccelMethod   EXA

: Render acceleration is enable by default so no need to specify

Adding the EXA option dropped the performance shown by GLX Gears, but
it works. 

Adding the AGPFastWrite increased the frame rate reported by GLX Gears,
but not even one quarter as much as it dropped by adding the EXA option.

Tried setting the agp mode to 4, but that just kills my system when X
tries to initialize so didn't play with that any more.

Before I played with the options GLX Gears was reporting frame rates
above 2000 now it is reporting around 1972.

Later, Seeker

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Re: XOrg+Radeon = No Direct Rendering?

2006-02-09 Thread seeker5528
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:12:43 -0600
Jacob S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I mentioned ppracer as a bit of a sidenote, since not all applications
 in Sid could handle Xorg's dri at first. Up until just recently,
 glxgears/glxinfo would show I had dri enabled in Xorg, but applications
 like ppracer would only show about 20fps (and cpu usage would go
 through the roof). 
 If you prefer glxgears stats, though... I'm currently getting ~1400fps. 

Interesting. I have a Radeon 8500 LE and I get around 2095 with
glxgears an it's pretty constently within 2 or 3 frames either way.

Glxgears by it's self does not really seem like that much of an
indicator of what you can expect for performance in general though.

Later, Seeker

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Re: XOrg+Radeon = No Direct Rendering?

2006-02-09 Thread seeker5528
On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 09:53:47 +0100
Renato Serodio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh, I forgot about the xorg.conf file..

I have a Radeon 8500 LE

The most significant differences between your and mine are the
following sections. 

 Section Module
 # Loadextmod
   SubSection  extmod
   Option omit xfree86-dga

Section Module

I have not GLcore line and direct rendering works fine for me. Also I
don't know what the purpose of 'Option omit xfree86-dga' was, but I
think it was dropped at the time entered unstable or shortly after
in my configuration.

 Section Device
   Identifier  ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf [FireGL 9000]
   Driver  radeon
   BusID   PCI:1:0:0
   Option  UseInternalAGPART yes
   Option  RenderAccel true
   Option  AccelMethod EXA

Section Device
Identifier  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QL [Radeon
  8500 LE]
Driver  ati
BusID   PCI:1:0:0

I don't know if it is valid to specify radeon any more? I had a problem
with it at one point and when I did 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' it
wasn't shown as an option anymore. I never tried any of the extra
options so I don't have any input to give there.

Later, Seeker

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Re: weird fam/samba problem

2006-02-07 Thread seeker5528
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 22:05:36 -0600
Jacob S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fam was started by /etc/init.d/fam on my Sid machine. (I say was
 because it appears my machine is now using avahi, since I did an
 apt-get upgrade the other day.)

These are unrelated things. Avahi provides a framework for Multicast
DNS Service Discovery AKA zeroconf AKA rendezvous AKA bonjour AKA
whatever Apple decides to call it next week.

Fam is for tracking changes to files and reporting those back to
applications. Gamin is intended to be a better replacement for fam,
whether it lives up to that I don't know, but it's what I have
installed on my system.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Removing Exim 4 from Sarge

2006-02-07 Thread seeker5528
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006 13:46:25 +
Brad Stockdale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What I would like to know is what is the best way to remove the 
 preinstalled binary of Exim so that I can download the source and compile it 
 manually? When I try to remove it through aptitude, it wants to remove all 
 the packages dependant upon it which I don't want to do since I will be 
 installing another copy of Exim anyway.

Sometimes I might prefer to use equivs to create a dummy package then
compile and do 'make install', but for something like this I would
probably use checkinstall to create a .deb package. 

If you are given the option with checkinstall (don't remember off the
top of my head) you need to specify that it provides
mail-transport-agent to satisfy the dependency for packages that that
depend on one. If checkinstall doesn't give you the option you can
still use equivs to create a dummy package that satisfies the
dependency. Looking at exim in apt-cache it looks like you should
probably put mail-transport-agent in the conflicts and replaces fields
as well.

Later, Seeker

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Re: resolution default selection

2006-02-07 Thread seeker5528
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006 22:04:21 -0800
Joel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any other suggestions as to how I can accomplish this? Again, I'd like 
 1400x1050 for normal desktop use, but be able to switch (via XRANDR) to lower 
 *and higher* resolutions. The only other thought I have it to place the 
 xrandr -s HxV command in an X initialization script, but that seems like a 
 very hackish way to do it.

I'm not sure if it has made it out of unstable, but there is a
gnome-randr-applet package providing a Gnome panel applet for this,
assuming you use Gnome as your desktop or if not you start gnome-panel
as part of your X session.

In my configuration I am using fluxbox with all the toolbar stuff
commented out in the fluxbox init file and this in my .xsession file:

# Begin .xsession

wmifs -i eth0 
wmifs -i eth1 
exec fluxbox

# End .xsession

Later, Seeker

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Re: How to add a new dir to my PATH?

2006-02-07 Thread seeker5528
On Mon, 6 Feb 2006 08:21:08 -0800
Marc Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 01:40:53PM -0200, Bruno Buys wrote:
  Apparently the issue is solved, so thanks for everybody's inputs. But it 
  looks weird, to me. How come there's .bash_profile and .bashrc on my 
  home, that aren't read when the systems loads right to X? Or, I can't 
  set my env, when in X by any other means...

To set my path during the X log in process I add a line to
the .xsession file in my home directory that exports the path I

export PATH=~/some/directory:$PATH:/some/other/directory

: if your display manager lets you choose a session type (KDE, fluxbox,
etc...) and you choose one of those instead of the default session then
your .xsession file may not be read.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Debian equivalent to service?

2006-02-07 Thread seeker5528
On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 20:44:45 -0500
Jerry Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 These distinctions (at least 3 and 5) are actually useful when debugging 
 problems with your X config.  It just saves a step on some activity.
 On debian, I have to kill gdm, fiddle, and restart it.

I can see situations where there would be some value in having
different runlevels for different things, but for the given example I
hardly see the differnce between typing:

/etc/init.d/gdm stop

fiddling with stuff

/etc/init.d/gdm start

: or typing:

init 5

fiddling with stuff

init 3

: Or am I missing something?

Later, Seeker

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Re: ReactOS (was windows desktop under linux)

2006-01-27 Thread seeker5528
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:28:14 +0200
David Baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Qemu with ReactOS is either installing to/saving to its disk image file or 
 simply to ram-disk like knoppix does. A second, empty disk image can be 
 created as the D drive as well. I have had this work running Knoppix 
 through qemu.

I downloaded the disk image and looks like it is only about 200 MB. I
have not investigated whether you can expand the disk image. If you
can make the disk image bigger the standard utilities (partition magic,
qtparted, etc..) should work to expand the size of the partition. 

 As for the speed, even the mouse lagged way-way behind.

That is to be expected to some degree. Probably doesn't help that
ReactOS is only an alpha level project and is a bit flakey.

 Some more questions:
 1. I wonder if the qemu off Sid has kqemu support enabled or if I need to 
 compile qemu as well.

Kqemu is not open source and has restrictions on redistrobution that
make it doubtful or maybe even impossible (it's been a while since I
looked at it).

If you 'apt-get source qemu' and add kqemu to the source directory and
do dpkg-buildpackage I think the resulting package will then include
kqemu. You might have to look at the qemusourcedirectory/debian/control
file for a place where options are specified and change the options.

 2. The reactOS is (can be if I can get it to compile correctly) compiled for 
 linux. Should I not be able to run it directly rather than through qemu?

Can you run any of the BSDs or BeOS on Linux without a virtual machine
emulator? I think not.

If you want something that runs natively use Wine. ReactOS is intended
to be a complete OS in it's own right, just because it shares a lot of
code with Wine does not mean it can be compiled to run natively.

 3. How might I make a disk image of my real windows partitions and boot that 
 under qemu?

dd if=/dev/hdXX of=winXX.img

I think you can use this image directly, but if not you can create a
disk image and use a CD or ISO of one of the Live linux distrobutions
in a Qemu session to partition the disk image and copy the file from
your home directory to /dev/hda1 device in the Qemu session. I haven't
deleved into sharing files with the Qemu session, but one of the
options (I think -net user) is supposed to make your home directory
available as a network share.

Later, Seeker

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Re: ReactOS (was windows desktop under linux)

2006-01-24 Thread seeker5528
On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 19:11:10 +0200
David Baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This baby runs slower than a qemu knoppix session off a CD. Even with kqemu 
 installed. I do not know how one would run one's own apps in such a virual 
 machine since the only programs are those it has compiled into its image.

The ReactOS tour shows screen shots of applications running so it seems
the ability to install things must be in there.

Is this not working or or did you not look for information on how to
access a CD from inside the Qemu session?

Typing qemu with no options gives you a list of options for starting a
Qemu session and from inside the session typing the key combination:

Ctrl Alt 1

: the last key being the number one gets you the Qemu console. It's
been a while, but I believe if you type the word help in the console it
gives you a list of available commands.

If the TCP/IP is working in ReactOS now it seems you should be able to
download and install things as well.

Later, Seeker

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Re: gnome firefox thunderbird

2006-01-23 Thread seeker5528
On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 23:26:44 +
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I keep seeing messages about Firefox and Thunderbird but it's never 
 about this and I can't find any info about how to control this in Gnome:

Gnome has nothing to do with it. I expect Thunderbird probably is
defaulted to sensible-browser and sensible-browser finds the
system wide default set in /etc/alternatives (you can use galternatives
to configure this by changing x-www-browser).

 I want to click on a link in Thunderbird emails, and see the Firefox 
 browser pop up a new browser window in the foreground.

Different browsers have different ways to specify how to open a
link in a new window so you have to find out how to do this for the
version of firefox you are using then find out how to make the change in
thunderbird to call Firefox directly with the option you want.

With Firefox 1.5 I can go to the command line and type:

firefox -new-window

: and it opens the link in a new window, it may be different with
1.0.7. Don't know how the command is specified in Thunderbird but if it
shows something like:

sensible-browser $S

: then you would change it to:

firefox -new-window $S

I'm sure changing the default browser in Thunderbird has been covered a
million times on the net, so it shouldn't be too hard to find the
details for it.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Urgent problem with ext3 filesystem!!!

2006-01-22 Thread seeker5528
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 13:38:19 +0100
G-Point [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when i boot my pc, it stops on root filesystem check, because it says that a
 file has 6 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 0 file(s)
 so i can't boot linux.

There are six different parts in the file where it points to a single
block, which in the dos/windows world would be known as a crosslinked
file if that helps you understand the situation any better.

 i don't want to delete that file, how can i solve my problem?
 copying that file to another partition?

If you can boot from another disk (Knoppix maybe as suggested in
another post) and copy the file that would be one solution.

 running fsck or ex2fsck?
 i tried to log in as root and typed fsck -n (assuming no to all questions,
 you know) and i saw that it first asks: clone multiply-claimed block(s)?
 and then : delete file?
 what can i do?
 cloning them will damage anything?

The damage is already done. If you let it clone the blocks five copies
of the block should be made (for a total of 6) so each instance of
claimed ownership will have it's own copy of that data. The end result
of this should be the same as you would get if you boot from another
disk and copy the file.

Later, Seeker

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Re: apt-get source

2006-01-21 Thread seeker5528
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 16:05:43 +0200
David Baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Having failed to get apt-build to work, I tried this. I can easily compile 
 install stuff that the kde packages will not due to dependency problems 
 (around qt3 and kde) and I get the Debian version (versions posted on 
 kde-apps, sourceforge had unrelated compilation problems!).
 A few kudos here:
 1. The sources are expanded into the home/user's directory. /usr/src might be 
 a better choice but this is OK, however

The source goes where you are when you do the apt-get.

 2. The permissions are set to a strange mix of root (apt-get must be run as 
 root) and some default user, in my case knoppix (forgive me Debian, I have 
 sinned). So before proceding, a chown -R to me:me :-)

Has not seemed to be a problem as far as I can tell on my machine.

 3. If I simply compile and install, the thing goes to /usr/bin. This is very 
 undesirable since this install is not registered in apt. The configure 
 prefix must be set to /usr/local or /opt or anything other than /usr.

It is intended to be built with dpkg-buildpackage from the top level of
the source directory, in which case you will be informed if any build
dependencies are missing. If the expected versions of packages don't
match your system you either have to correct that or correct the stuff
in the source/debian directory. In many cases this could be as simple as
changing all instances of conflicting version information in the
control file. 

 Now, a recent post taked about dpkg-repack'ing such an installation. Would 
 this make a deb out of this installation that would work canonically? (In 
 this case, I would leave the prefix to its /usr default.)

The way dpkg-repack works is it uses information about the
installed package from /var/lib/dpkg/info/ to make a new .deb file,
information that doesn't exist for things not installed through the
packaging system, hence the repack and not pack.

You can use check-install to create a .deb package from source you
compile, but there will not be any dependency information/resolution.
It's good when used sparingly, but try not to get too carried away with
big groups or too many layers of packages.

Later, Seeker

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Re: su/sudo cannot X

2006-01-19 Thread seeker5528
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 17:29:35 -0500
Lei Kong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a strange problem with my thinkpad z60t, running debian testing.
 I ran these commands in konsole or xterm under kde:
 $xhost +
 $ sudo -s
 kedit: cannot connect to X server
 What is wrong?

If you just want to run one program try kdesu :

kdesu [someprogram]

: On the 'xhost +' thing. Doesn't seem like it would be good if the ability to 
run X programs as root in a terminal was denied from elsewhere and the user was 
allowed to change it. Did you try doing su first and then doing 'xhost +'?

When not using a display manager and logging in as a user and doing startx, 
then starting a root session in a terminal X programs work.

When using KDM, GDM, or WDM as the display manager only KDM causes this not to 
work by default. If you use GDM and run gdmsetup, it even has options to allow 
remote root log in, not sure how the options affect logging in remotely as a 
user and then doing su or sudo.

Later, Seeker

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Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-17 Thread seeker5528
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 16:53:44 -0400

 At last!
   Not only am I not inebriated, but I remembered where I read what I 
 based my missive on. :-)
 An extract from which goes as follows:
 The ATAPI standard describes method of sending SCSI commands over IDE
   transport with some small limitations to the real SCSI standard.
   SCSI commands are send via IDE transport using the 'ATA packet'
   command. There is no SCSI emulation - ATAPI drives include native
   SCSI command support. For this reason, sending SCSI commands to ATAPI
   drives is the native method of supporting ATAPI devices. Just imagine
   that IDE is one of many SCSI low level transport mechanisms.
   This is a list of some known SCSI transports:
   -   Good old Parallel SCSI 50/68 pin (what most people call SCSI)
   -   SCSI over fiber optics (e.g. FACL - there are others too)
   -   SCSI over a copper variant of FCAL (used in modern servers)
   -   SCSI over IEEE 1394 (Fire Wire)
   -   SCSI over USB
   -   SCSI over IDE (ATAPI)
   As you now see, the use of the naming convention ATAPI-SCSI emulation
   is a little bit misleading. It should rather be called:
   IDE-SCSI host adapter emulation
 Sooo, hopefully I was wrong, but I knew what I really meant(?).

I can live with that. ;) 

I remember reading some time ago about how SCSI specifications get borrowed 
from on occasion in the creation of other specifications/standards.

A quick google search produces:

: which I am pretty sure was the same thing I read before.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Can't use dpkg (and thus apt-get et al.)

2006-01-15 Thread seeker5528
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 14:31:51 -0500
David R. Litwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The file available.old has an uncorrupted copy. Shall I simply copy the good
 lines in to the file available and save it? The reason I've not yet done so
 is that it says it is a binary file and saving (or is it altering?) could do
 some bad things. But, if you think it is alright, I'll fix it.

I don't know why available would be listed as a binary file. A result of the 
corruption maybe?

My suggestion, rather than messing around with editing and such, would be to do:

dpkg --clear-avail

: to clear the available list, then do:

apt-get update

: to repopulate it.

Later, Seeker

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Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-14 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 20:17:50 -0400

  Don't you think it would be more confusing to tell people that SCSI
  emulation was built in to ide-cd. If you tell them that then they will
  be expecting to have srX devices for their drives
 1) I have symlinks:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /dev/sr*
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2006-01-11 13:52 /dev/sr0 - 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2006-01-11 13:52 /dev/sr1 - 

I have not had any srX links since I started using a 2.6.X kernel and
stopped loading the ide-scsi module, so clearly there is no scsi
emulation here.

Since I upgraded to a DVD burner I have 3 links cdrom, dvd, and cdrw
all pointing to /dev/hdb.

If you actually have SCSI CD/CD-RW, DVD/DVD-RW drives then srX devices
will be created with 2.6 kernels because they actually are SCSI devices.

If you are using a 2.6.x kernel, have IDE CD types of drives, are not
loading ide-scsi, and those drives are showing up as sr0 and sr1 then,
hmmm, that is very interesting. 

Later, Seeker

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Re: Loadable kernel modules not unloadable

2006-01-13 Thread Seeker5528
On 12 Jan 2006 00:45:10 -0800
hillbilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a question to Marc Perrudin...
 In directory /etc/ only have a modprobe.d/ directory.  Should the
 'local' file be in there or should I create an /etc/modprobe.conf/
 directory as indicated in your response and place the 'local' file in
 that one instead?

If you wanted to create modprobe.conf it should be a
file /etc/modprobe.conf, but if you create it then the stuff
in /etc/modprobe.d will stop being processed. So unless you want to
manage everyting yourself it is best just to create a file
in /etc/modprobe.d of whatever name fits the prurpose you are creating
it for. If it is specifically to keep the parport module from loading
then call it parport.

Normally the only modules I have to remove are ivtv or orinoco_pci. To
do this I open a terminal window and type one of the following:

modprobe -r ivtv
modprobe -r orinoco_pci

: All modules that were loaded as dependencies should also be removed
when this is done. For example ivtv is dependant on tuner so if I
remove ivtv tuner is also removed, but if for some reason I loaded
tuner seperately before loading ivtv then removing ivtv would not
cause tuner to be removed. 

Later, Seeker 

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Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-13 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 16:32:17 -0400

 My experience, FWIW, Simply put:
 In kernel 2.4, ide-scsi module, we got used to the scsi-emulation concept.
 In kernel 2.6, we were (somewhat confusingly, IMO) told the above, i.e.: 
 SCSI emulation is not required in v2.6..
 IMHO this _should_ have said something along the lines of:
 SCSI emulation is now built-in, in v2.6 'ide-cd' [compiled-in or as a 
 module], so 'ide-scsi' is NO LONGER REQUIRED to achieve the _still_ 
 _necessary_ SCSI emulation.

Don't you think it would be more confusing to tell people that SCSI
emulation was built in to ide-cd. If you tell them that then they will
be expecting to have srX devices for their drives.

Scsi emulation always seemed like a kludge to me anyway that should
have only been used as the exception instead of the rule when the
proper driver was broken for a particular device.

I think people would be a lot less confused if the upstream guy
doing the cdrtools stuff  would get over it and do away with the big
scary sounding message that comes up with 2.6 kernels to the effect of
'oooh you don't have scsi emulation this might not work' just because he
would prefer to only support scsi.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Controlling eth0,eth1,... assignment order?

2006-01-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 00:52:26 +0100
Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With the new way of device creation and module loading (udev, discover
 etc) my ethernet modules (3c59x,8139too) are loaded in different order
 with kernels 2.6.12 and 2.6.14. For 2.6.14 3c59x is loaded first
 corresponding to eth0 and then 8139too corresponding to eth1. With
 kernel 2.6.12 they are loaded in reverse order, giving the wrong names
 on my interfaces, and the interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces
 becomes wrong. How to bind modules to eth interface numbers? Any hints
 on which of the /etc/modules, /etc/modules.conf etc should be used, and
 which are obsolete?

An explanation I saw in another post explained that with newer kernels
in Debian hardware is initialized asynchronously so you never know which
card will become eth0 and which eth1 and this matches what I
experienced with my cards. 

If all you need to do is apply the correct configuration to the correct
interface and don't have a reason to care which card is designated eth0
and which is designated eth1 then you could copy the script from /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples
into /etc/network and map the configuration to the mac address of each
card with some text in /etc/network/interfaces like:

auto eth0 eth1
mapping eth0 eth1
script /etc/network/
map 00:00:00:00:00:00 wireless
map 11:11:11:11:11:11 ethernet

: In this example you would then create interface entries for wireless
and ethernet the same as you would have otherwise done for eth0 and

iface wireless inet static
 name Wireless LAN card
 wireless_essid your_essid
 wireless_key1 your_128_or_64_bit_encryption_key

iface ethernet inet static
 name Ethernet LAN card
: This worked for me. If I booted one time and my wireless interface
was designated eth0 it got the correct configuration and if it got
designated eth1 it still got the correct configuration.

If you need a specific card to be eth0 or eth1 (in my case firestarter
requires this) then instead of the above you would create a udev rule.

Based on previous posts on the list I created a file in /etc/udev/
named static-nic.rules with the contents:

# /etc/udev/static-nic.rules
# Set permission to 0644  'chmod 0644 static-nic.rules', then symlink
#'ln -s static-nic.rules rules.d/025_static-nic.rules'
# Purpose:
# Mapping specific MAC address to specific device names for cases where
#  that is expected.
# SYSFS{address}=MAC address - MAC address should be the machine
# address of the network card the rule is for.
# NAME=name - name is the device name you want used for the interface.
# These could be standard names eth0, wlan0, etc... or if you prefer
# something more descriptive lan, internet, wireless, whatever...

KERNEL=eth*, SYSFS{address}=00:00:00:00:00:00, NAME=eth0
KERNEL=eth*, SYSFS{address}=11:11:11:11:11:11, NAME=eth1


: This way eth0 is always mapped to my wireless card and eth1 is always
mapped to my ethernet card.

Later, Seeker

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Re: dhcp client wifi setup

2005-12-26 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 24 Dec 2005 19:29:30 +
Richard Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am obviously missing the obvious here.  An IBM Thinkpad, sid, orinoco
 wifi card talks to the Netgear DG834G router when security is disabled,
 but when I turn WEP on it doesn't connect.  
 /etc/network/interfaces has 
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 wireless-essid Coig
 wireless-key ------xx

I have a card that uses the orinoco-pci driver and I specify the key
with a line like this:

wireless_key1 xx

: I think the only important difference is the omission of a separator
in the key leaving just the 26 characters of the key.

Normally I only see keys listed with out a separator or with a ':'
character between each hex digit which would make it.

wireless-key xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Later, Seeker

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Re: Changing over to udev

2005-12-17 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 19:45:03 -0800
Marc Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And I'm using udev on this box.  Not that I like it, not that I give a
 tinker's damn about demonstrating how big my d*ck is by how empty I can
 make /dev (and that emptiness has meant I've had to write rules for every
 symlink I ever had in there)... I just wanted persistent naming for four
 external USB hard disk enclosures.

I'm not really understanding what this issue with symlinks is?

On the rare occasion I have poked around with rules udev
was easier to figure out for me than devfs was.

The issue with recent kernels where you can't predict which network
card will be initialized first and get eth0 and you need a specific
card to be eth0. The list archive shows a pretty handy solution using
a udev rule.

I have not had to create a symlink for any hardware
devices /dev/dsp, /dev/adsp, /dev/hdX, /dev/sdX, /dev/video0, etc...
all show up without me having to do a thing.

I had a DVD drive as my only CD type device and for it I
had /dev/cdrom, /dev/dvd, and /dev/hdd showing up in /dev. Recently I
replaced it with a DVD burner and automagically I now also
have /dev/cdrw that shows up, didn't have to do a thing.

Later, Seeker

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Re: screen resolution

2005-11-27 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 23:58:51 +
Bob Hynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone remind me how to change the screen resolution in Debian when
 the Configure - Desktop application doesn't have the option for 1024 X
 768? I can't get anything higher than 832 X 624 at 75Hz. I know the
 system is capable of it with Windows.

Same suggestion as already posted:

with   #  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 .or.   xserver--xorg  
gives you that opportunity.

: with the additional suggestion that you find out what horizontal sync
and vertical refresh your monitor is capable of before you reconfigure
so that when you get to the monitor configuration step you can choose
advanced and type in the correct ranges for example:

HorizSync   31-85
VertRefresh 50-160  

: are the numbers for my monitor (ViewSonic 21PS).

If you have the documentation for the monitor these numbers should be
in there, could be on a sticker on the monitor as well, if not google
for it.

Later, Seeker

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Re: aic7xxx driver floppy for sarge

2005-11-13 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 9 Nov 2005 16:31:10 -0800
David Kirchner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 This may sound like a stupid question, answered in some FAQ somewhere,
 but I just can't find it. Does anyone know which Sarge floppy image
 contains the aic7xxx SCSI driver?

From here:

floppy/cd-drivers.img   -- CD drivers, including all SCSI

: I'm thinking if your cdrom drive is bootable you should just be able
to boot from there instead of messing with floppy images.

If you are not able to set the SCSI CD as the boot device for some
reason (as opposed to booting then failing to run) then you could always
make a floppy for Smart Boot Manager and from it's boot menu select CD
as the drive you want to boot.

Later, Seeker

Re: dpkg-reconfigure clamav doesnot work

2005-11-13 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:07:33 +0530
Siju George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dpkg-reconfigure doesn't seem to work with clamav.
 What should I do to reconfigure the clamav package seetings??

Synaptic shows me that clamav-base and clamav-freshclam use debconf so I
would try both of those.

Later, Seeker

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Re: grammar checkers

2005-11-13 Thread Seeker5528
On Sun, 13 Nov 2005 02:38:02 -0500
Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A function of computers is to help people to communicate, and become
 empowered. Some computer users are recent immigrants, for whom English
 is not their first language.   Some computer users did not have a
 chance to attend post-secondary education, and worry about how they
 sound.  And some are educated, but still like to have both their
 spelling and grammar checked once in a while.  Whenever I ask, in a
 Linux forum, why Linux word processors do not have grammar checkers, I
 usually receive snobby answers implying that grammar checkers are
 stupid, and therefore so am I.  And this always surprises me. 

There is grammar checking for Abiword, but it's a work in progress and
not available for a released version.

For those who think grammar checking is stupid.

How many times have you seen posts asking about duel boot?

As fascinating as the idea of setting up multiple OSes to face each
other in single combat sounds, I think this is not really what these
people are wanting to know. ;)

Is this not the kind of error that grammar checking is intended to

Later, Seeker

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Re: setting up wifi / interpreting errors

2005-11-07 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 11:22:12 -0500
Matt Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have added the following stanza to my /etc/network/interfaces:
 iface ut-wifi inet dhcp
wireless-mode managed
wireless-essid UTORwin
wireless-key s:UToronto1home
wireless-keymode open
wireless-channel 1
 (the last 2 lines were added when things were clearly not working, but
 didn't seem to change anthing...)

I'm not 100% sure, but I think all the wireless statements need an
underscore and if this is not a typo s:UToronto1home I think a colon is
not valid in a text key and a 128 bit key would be some combination of
13 letters and digits.

I am assuming whatever mapping you did from your actual device name to
ut-wifi is correct since I have not played around with these types of
configurations. Try the bare minimum: 

iface ut-wifi inet dhcp
wireless_essid UTORwin
wireless_key1 UToronto1home

: This formatting works for me on my home configuration with 128 bit

   3. If this is your first UTORcwn connection, you will see the following 
   Welcome to UTORcwn
   Your MAC Address '12:34:56:78:90:AB' is not registered

   Your MAC Address needs to be registered

   (Note: The values after MAC Address will be different with your
 wireless card.)

  If this is not your first UTORcwn connection or you see a screen
 requesting only a password, enter your UTORdial password to connect to

   4. Click the Go and Register your address button.

From this description I would guess that after the wireless connecton
is made you are passed to a gateway and it is with the gateway that
you have to register your MAC address with. So this is not something
that should prevent you from seeing a successful wireless connection.

Later, Seeker

Re: apt-get install wants to remove too much

2005-11-06 Thread Seeker5528
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 18:03:00 +0100
Thomas Schuett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when I do  apt-get install mozilla-browser

 it answers:
 WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
 This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
   e2fsprogs sysvinit

I would try doing:

apt-get install --reinstall e2fsprogs sysvinit

: and see what changes it wants to make and go from there. If you want
to start with a Knoppix base and install from Debian repositories there
is potential to break your installation and you have to be willing to
take risks and use the packaging tools if you want to make the

The transition can be made, but like was said in another post:

Knoppix isn't Debian, and all the morons in the world can't make it so,
no matter what they want to claim.

Some configuration stuff seems to be pretty deeply ingrained and even
after upgrading every package on the system Knoppix configuration stuff
still remains.

Once upon a time I did the Knoppix hard drive install and updated from
Debian unstable just about every day for more than 2 years. Lots of
upgrades lots of replaced configurations a few bouts of purging and
reinstalling packages and even after all of that there was residual
stuff from Knoppix. One day I had an issue that I am pretty sure was
caused by the differeces between Knoppix and Debian that I couldn't
figure out. 

That's not saying you shouldn't do it, just saying be prepared.

Later, Seeker

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Re: chmod mistake

2005-11-06 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 12:49:39 +0100
David Dorward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Something along the lines of:
 chmod -R 700 ~/
 find ~/ -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
 might do what you want.

Would it be better to do this?

find ~/ -P -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
find ~/ -P -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;

Just thinking that following symbolic links might not be such a good

Later, Seeker

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Re: about properties

2005-11-06 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 06:03:51 -0800 (PST)
Nevruz Mesut Sahin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I bougth new computer which Linux is installed on it. how can I see the 
 hardware properties of the computer by terminal  comands
  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.  

In addition to the other suggestions I suggest installing lshw if
it's not already install and using that.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Useful GUI apps on low-mem computers?

2005-11-06 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:56:00 -0500
Mitch Wiedemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My question is, if you had a computer with 64 MB of RAM, and you wanted
 to give the novice user the ability to browse the web, use e-mail,
 instant messaging, create documents and spreadsheets, etc.   What window
 manager and GUI applications would you choose?

I first suggestion (because I have actually tried it) is DSL (Damn Small

Another candidate that I have not tried is Puppy Linux.

I would use the 2 slowest machines you have and compare how they run,
ease of configuration, etc...

Later, Seeker

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Re: Problems moving from KDM to GDM

2005-11-05 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:03:14 -
marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Due to bugs in KDM being unable to run remote sessions via XDMCP - which 
 have apparently been fixed in unstable [1] - I have had to move to GDM. 
 However, I've immediately hit a few problems that I hope experienced GDM 
 users can help me with. I am using KDE.
 1. The Start New Session menu item has disappeared.
 How do you run multiple sessions in GDM?

On the Debian portion of the menu in apps -- system you potentially
have 3 GDM related menu items:

GDM setup - For configuring GDM.
GDM flexiserver - For starting additional fullscreen X sessions.
GDM flexiserver in Xnest - For starting additional windowed sessions.

The flexiserver in Xnest item should only show if you have xnest

 2. The logout options do not provide for reboot and shutdown. How do you 
 enable these options in GDM?

Not 100% sure, but I think this is a session management thing. When you
are running a Gnome session the shutdown and reboot options show up,
if not they don't.

That's not to say it isn't possible to set it up.

 3. This is possibly a packaging problem. When I do
 # dpkg-reconfigure kdm (or gdm)
 to switch session manager, the runlevel configuration is not altered. 
 So, while /etc/X11/default-display-manager is altered, the system ends 
 up without a service to run at boot, and ends at the command line. Am I 
 doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Don't know what's going on there, when you do dpkg-reconfigure on any
of the display managers then whatever you choose as the default should
provide the log in during boot up.

Looking in /var/log/syslog may reveal something.

 4. The KDE Control Centre seems to have two problems with GDM.
a. Under System Admin/Login Manager, KDM is displayed when GDM is 
 both active and listed in default-display-manager. Is there a way to 
 configure GDM in KDE's Control Centre?

Don't think this is going to happen, but you never know.

b. Under KDE Components/Session Manager, the options do not appear to 
 work. Same question as the last one.

GDM should not have any effect on that. If ksmserver is running the
options should work same as always, if some other session manager is
running then they won't.

Look for something hinky in your .xsession-errors file and in
XFree86.0.log or Xorg.0.log depending on which you are running.

Later, Seeker 

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Re: rosegarden4 no sound SOLVED

2005-11-01 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 21:45:44 -0700
David E. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Playing with alsamixer/kmix etc. does not seem to help, as now playign
 a wav file - or playing back wav content I just record plays some
 horrendous noise instead of the desired result. mp3 files are playing
 fine, and I have amarok loaded now. Still, I might have bollixed up
 something temporarily as that normally has always worked fine. But for
 some reason or other, the sliders in alsamixer  kmix aren't always
 connected to the intended ones, and that's something I've noticed now
 for sometime. Instead of for intance raising the volume with Master or
 PCM, wave surround is the one I use. Could (possibly) the cables be
 plugged in wrong? I dunno, and haven't really looked, to tell you the
 truth. I've just managed to get used to it :).

I'm not a big fan of KDE in general, but kmix seems to be the best
mixer right now. The seperation of stuff into the input, output, and
switches tabs is nice.

I don't do a lot of recording. The main things that seem to be factors
is muting or disabling non used stuff in  particualr iec958 stuff for
the optical in coaxial interfaces. Then there is the mic boost, which
seems best muted and capture volume which seems best set to %10 or less
in volume. The volumes on the input tab are a factor as well as on the
output tab. I don't have kmix on the computer I'm on at the moment, but
there is a slider on the input tab I believe labeled as wave that
corresponds to the pcm volume on the output tab. If the stuff on the
input tab is set low then that limits the volume you get even if the
stuff on the output tab is all the way up. 

I don't think it is generally an issue, but at least with MythTV
using a TV card where you have to plug the audio output from the TV
card to the line in on the sound card the line in needs to be muted
or you end up with this wierd echo effect. With other software it
would need to be unmuted or else you won't hear what is going on
while you are recording.
 In truth, I'm a newbie when it comes to sound fonts and midi playback,
 since I've only sparingly played with it. Apps like rosegarden make it
 worthwhile to try again to get it working :). One thing - if I load a
 sound font (maybe a big one?) does it hamper the sound card - so at
 some point I would have to unload it in order to use other things, or
 can I just keep it there?

My dealings with midi is pretty limited I have a few tens of MBs of
midi files that I listen to once in a while often with months in

Since the soundfonts are loaded in the system ram I think the amount of
ram  you have is a bigger factor than the card it's self. When you are
not doing midi stuff other audio related functions of the card should
not be affected, so unless you want to free up ram for some other task
I don't see a reason to unload the soundfont. 

I have 512 MB of RAM and the soundfont I normally use (JClive21)
weighs in at 50 MB and I don't really notice any significant impact
from leaving it loaded all the time. 

I don't know what the limitation on the size of the soundfont is for the
Linux stuff, but the one really big soundfont I have (Fluid R3) includes
this note:

 2.  I've included 2 files as you can see. The first one is the core
of the bank and has all the GM instruments along side with the GS
instruments that are recycled and reprogrammed versions of the GM
presets.  The second 3 meg file will give you full GS+SFX kit
compatibility should you choose to utilize it. The reason I broke it up
into two files is because the Live! has a 142 meg limit for loading a
font at one time, therefore this was the most logical thing to do. 

I have not tried Fluid with my Live card just because of the size issue
and figuring out what I need to do with the second file, but for
timidity there is a configuration file for Fluid at:

: along with some examples for your timidity.cfg file. 

I have tried a few other soundfonts in the 60 to 80 MB range and the
difference in impact on the system doesn't seem to be all that
noticeable. As far as how they sound bigger is not always better and
sometimes it's actually worse. 

  The README.Debian file in /usr/share/awesfx tells you how to load a
  soundfont and how to make it load automatically when the
  snd_emu10k1_synth is loaded.
 OK then. Getting that working too. I found a font site on the net and
 thus have a followup file - how to convert sfpack to sf2?

The company that made the sfpack utility seems to be dead, but you can
find a copy of the extraction utility at:

: along with a few decent soundfonts, even a couple that are gzipped
for Linux users. The last time I tried it the utility worked fine using

Most commonly the soundfonts are compressed with sfark these days and
there is a a Linux version of the extraction utility at:

: which will extract both the 

Re: desktop icons in gnome

2005-10-31 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 00:34:09 + (UTC)
Ed Kademan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to get rid of the trash, computer, and home icons on my gnome
 desktop.  I tried
 gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible false
 gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /apps/nautilus/desktop/computer_icon_visible 
 gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /apps/nautilus/desktop/home_icon_visible false
 gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false
 but this didn't work.  I would appreciate any suggestions.  Thanks for your 

Install gtweakui it provides options for this.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Easy Debian Wireless 101

2005-10-27 Thread Seeker5528
If you are looking for something to use for your server it might be
better to just get a wireless access point rather than putting in a

Another alternative depending on the need is one of these:

Later, Seeker

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Re: problem with fonts in sid

2005-10-24 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 18:22:40 +0800
Bai-Lin Deng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have both kde and gnome installed in sid and found the following
 problem: I have specified both gtk and qt fonts at 9 pixels. However
 when I firstly launch gtk applications in kde, the gtk fonts seems to
 be smaller than qt fonts. And after I launch gnome control
 center(simply launch it), the problem is fixed. So now I have to
 launch gnome control center first if I want the gtk and qt fonts to be
 at same size. Anyone with similar problems? Thanks all.

One solution would be to create .desktop file in $HOME/.kde/Autostart
for the gnome-settings-daemon. I have one I use for this purpose at

Later, Seeker

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Re: ways to read man pages

2005-10-24 Thread Seeker5528
The KDE and Gnome help applications (khelpcenter and yelp) both show
the man pages. Useful if you are not sure exactly what you are looking

Later, Seeker

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Re: rosegarden4 no sound SOLVED

2005-10-24 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 19:06:35 -0700
David E. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Timidity is too slow here to run in real time (Athlon 1ghz, 2.6.13
 kernel, sarge). There are too many skips and places where it repeats
 notes over and over again (buffer probs?). Secondly, even when sfxload
 is run, timidity doesn't use these sound fonts, right? Thus something
 like Bach's cello suites don't sound anything like a cello. I thought
 this soundblaster live 5.1 card was supposed to do all that midi stuff
 - please -- i''ve gotten better results with an adlib.
 Yet, although I am pretty sure this worked once (early 2001? on
 Mandrake?) I have not been able to get any sound out of midi save for
 using timidity mid file. 
 Am I not understanding something fundamental here? Isn't the
 Soundblaster supposed to have an onboard midi sequencer or something?

If you want to use as soundfont with timidity you have to configure
timidity to use a soundfont with something like:

#specify the location to find  patch sets/soundfonts

dir /usr/share/sounds/sf2

#Patches to load for bank 0

bank 0

soundfont JClive21.sf2 order=0

: in /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg. 

sfxload is for loading .sbk or .sf2 files when using the oss driver
with compatible soundblaster cards.

asfxload is for loading .sbk or .sf2 files when using the alsa driver
with compatible soundblaster cards.

Compatible cards would be AWE32, AWE64, Live, and Audigy cards. I
believe for Audigy cards it currently only works for cards the use the
emu10k1 driver. 

It looks to me like there is no midi support for cards using the
ca0106 driver. 

I believe the AWE32 only used .sbk files, AWE64 could use both .sbk
files and .sf2 files. The newer cards can only use .sf2 files.

The README.Debian file in /usr/share/awesfx tells you how to load a
soundfont and how to make it load automatically when the
snd_emu10k1_synth is loaded.

If you are required to know a port number and you have pmidi
installed you can issue the command:

pmidi -l

: and get a list the midi devices that you have. The ones that show on
my system are:

 62:0 Midi Through  Midi Through Port-0
 64:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
 65:0 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 0
 65:1 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 1
 65:2 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 2
 65:3 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 3

: Using any one of the 4 wavetable devices should give you audible midi
playback if everything is loaded and working correctly.

Later, Seeker

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Re: OT: Damaged harddisk and/or disk controller - ps

2005-10-20 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:44:06 +0200
Kjetil Kjernsmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  - do not mix ata-66 with ata-100
  - do not mix ata-100 with ata-133
 Hmmm, OK. Is it that fragile...?
 The slave is a 4.5 GB Western Digital something someone threw after 
 me... I dump things that are semi-important onto that for redundancy.

Using the WD in combination with a newer drive could be an issue and
even if it is the only drive on the cable it could have issues if it
is ran on an 80 wire cable. 

For many people money is an object and they don't want to upgrade a
drive if they don't have to and so attempts are made to find solutions
that work.

Sometimes two drives just don't like each other.

Sometimes a 40 wire cable has to be used because the people in question
want to keep an older drive. Usually the preference is to put the older
drive in combination with the CD-Rom drive, but some newer drives don't
like running from a 40 wire cable.

I have one system with a Gigabyte motherboard that has some odd
behaviour, I never got it sent back within the warranty period and it
has been working the same for about 2.5 years. If I start it up and let
it boot normally the machine locks up within 5 minutes almost every
time. If I boot to a floppy, pause the boot, whatever... and let it run
for 30 seconds or so and reboot, it runs fine with no further issues
until it has been shut off for a while. 

I don't do anything with the computer in question that make it's issues
significant and it does occasionally fail to see the drive at boot
time, usually it's few and far between.

The Maxtor drives I have had available to me for my personal use a 15, a
20, and a 40, all 3 drives have given me seek complete errors that show
in the log files that occur during the boot process on different
computers, but outside of that seem to work with no real problems.
Maxtor provides a utility to check their hard drives, which should
catch most issues. You can download the utility from the Maxtor
website, or if you prefer it is also included on the Utimate Boot CD which is not a bad CD to have around.

If it is the drive that has the problem then from what you have
desribed it may not be an issue that the test utility is able to pick
up, so it may take some trial and error to figure out the real problem.

Using the Maxtor without it being paired to another drive is an easy
test to do before getting into the things others have suggested that
require additional parts or test equiptment.

Later, Seeker

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Re: savage card,, DRI, Mesa

2005-10-16 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 09:48:24 +0200
Francesco Bochicchio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 :01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8KM266/KL266]

I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there
is any direct rendering support for any of the IGP chipsets from VIA/S3
outside of the unichrome family of chipsets.

There was a proprietary driver for the KM266/KL266 family, but I don't
think it ever did work all that well and it is not very likely that it
will work with a current distro.

Later, Seeker

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Re: mp3 player/network

2005-10-15 Thread Seeker5528
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 22:34:08 -0400
Roger Creasy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a home network, a win xp desktop, a win xp laptop, and 3 Debian
 desktops. Everything seems ok with the network. All boxes have internet
 access and can share files, etc. However, I cannot play mp3 files that
 reside on the windows desktop on the Debian boxes. Any ideas? I am using
 players that installed with Debian (Juk, noatun).

I never tried it from Windows, but gnump3d is my preferred way to make
my music files available to other machines on my network.

Doesn't sound hard to set up.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Knoppix KDE problem + apt problem

2005-10-15 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:28:48 +0200

 dpkg: error processing 
 (--unpack): trying to overwrite 
 `/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/16x16/apps/edu_languages.png', which is 
 also in package kdebase-data
 dpkg: error processing 
 (--unpack): trying to overwrite
 `/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/', which is also in package
 kdelibs4 dpkg: error processing 
 trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde3/', which is also in 
 package kwin
 dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
 dpkg: error processing 
 /var/cache/apt/archives/ksvg_4%3a3.3.2-2sarge1_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/mimelnk/image/svg-xml.desktop', which
 is also in package kdelibs-data

Usually if I am doing something where I am getting errors like this I
would force the removal of the offending packages, then try to fix the
broken dpendencies:

dpkg -r --force-depends kdelibs4 kdebase-data kwin kdelibs-data

apt-get -f install

: use 'man dpkg' to see the full list of options or 'dpkg --force-help'
to see only the --force options. You can force an overwrite of
files that exist in another previously installed package. Generally
speaking I do not view forcing an overwrite of files that exist in
another package to be a good solution as seems to be common in the rpm
world (shudder) ;), but there have been times when I have made
exceptions to that rule. 

Later, Seeker

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Re: why do I need fam?

2005-10-13 Thread Seeker5528
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 08:59:18 -0400
golfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I running sarge with 2.6.8-686 as a desktop workstation.
 I notice a slow down when I'm doing something as simple as copying a
 large file and top shows the 'cp' command only using about 7% of cpu,
 but also shows 'famd' as a big hog, using about 60-70 % cpu.

Fam (file alteration monitor) is used to communicate when files are

Gamin is a subset of fam and most things that like to have fam
installed are satisfied with it.

Before giving up on the whole fam idea I would try gamin to see if it
has the same performace issue.

The gamin readme file lists these goals:

 The main goals of the project are:
 1/ minimize the security model of FAM
 2/ simplify the code base
 3/ provide an API and ABI compatible replacement for FAM
 4/ try to fix some other issues like resource consumption

Later, Seeker

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Re: reboot with fsck and bad block check

2005-10-04 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 1 Oct 2005 22:04:15 +1200
Chris Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I see that the badblocks man page has a big fat warning:
This  can  be  overridden  using the -f
  flag, but should almost never be used --- if you think you're smarter
  than the badblocks program, you almost certainly aren't.  
 I'm sorry, I'll read that again. Um it *is* in the man page!

Fsck.ext3 and fsck.ext2 are file system specific and have the -c option
to check for bad blocks, but these are not called directly by the init
scripts during the boot process.

Fsck is called during boot up, which hands off the workload to the
file system specific variants as needed and the man page only lists a
subset of the file system specific options, no -c option.

If you type fsck --help at the command line, it shows you the fsck.ext3
options that show on the fsck.ext3 man page not the generic subset
that shows on the fsck man page.

If it did accept the -c option it would be less of a hack job to get it
to be used, but I think it would still take hacking on the init scripts.

Later, Seeker

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Re: GNOME other menu

2005-10-03 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 01 Oct 2005 20:02:03 -0400
Titus Barik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For example, when I use Fluxbox, I have an Apps menu, a Games menu, a 
 Shells menu, a Programming menu, and so on. Most of these applications 
 under these menus and these menu groups don't appear in my GNOME menu.

I still have an other section showing on my menu so I would guess that
you just don't have anything installed that gets placed in that

As for the things you list above these are the standard Debian menus
and should show up on the applications menu under Debian.

Later, Seeker

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Re: rosegarden4 no sound SOLVED-UNSOLVED!

2005-10-03 Thread Seeker5528
On Sat, 1 Oct 2005 17:39:01 +0100
debian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 snd_ac97_codec 59268  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_via82xx

Do you actually have both a Soundblaster Live or Audigy and via onboard
sound? It would seem very off if you didn't and both of these modules
loaded succesully, but I figure it's good to ask anyway.

If you do acutally have hardware that can do the midi you should not be
using timidity.

If you don't have any reasons to have both cards you should disable the
via sound, or if you actually want both you should create a file
in /etc/modprobe.d with options to index the cards and also following
the instructions from /usr/share/doc/awesfx add a line to this file to
load your soundfont:

#options for multiple cards.

options snd_emu10k1 index=0
options snd_via82xx index=1

#Soundfont option for emu10k1 compatible hardware should all be one
#line of text.

install snd_emu10k1_synth /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install
snd_emu10k1_synth; /usr/bin/asfxload kawaistereogrand


Your soundfont should be located in /usr/share/sounds/sf2

 Port Client name   Port name
 64:0 VIA 82C686A/B rev20 MIDI - RawVIA 82C686A/B rev20 MIDI
128:0 TiMidity  TiMidity port 0
128:1 TiMidity  TiMidity port 1
128:2 TiMidity  TiMidity port 2
128:3 TiMidity  TiMidity port 3

but pmidi -p 128:0 mymidi

runs ok, but plays nothing  (same for port 64)

64:0 is the midi port so unless you have an external sound producing
midi device you won't hear sound through that port.

If you have more than one sound card it may be sending the audio
through the wrong card, but

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 44100Hz, buffer size
= 2048

... there may be an issue using timidity as the alsa sequencer when you
are using jack. There may be something I missed, but I didn't get it to
work the last time I tried.

If you have two soundcards that could also be causing some wierdness
with asfx when it is attempting to load the soundfont.

 asfxload kawaistereogrand.sf2
 No Emux synth hwdep device is found

It seems very odd that emu10k1 modules are loaded, but the stuff showing
the midi ports only reports port information for via and timidity and
that asfxload reports no hardware. I don't know if it makes a
difference, but as in my example above I leave the extension off of the
file name when using asfxload to load it.

Also is kawaistereogrand.sf2 a full instrument set or just keybaords
or piano or something? It sounds suspicously like the latter from the

Later, Seeker

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Re: upgrading to etch after installing sarge

2005-10-02 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:56:17 -0700
Andy Streich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks.  I've pinned udev.  Any hint on how to avoid this kind of thing in 
 future with some other package upgrade?  I was using synaptic, added testing 
 to the repository after installing sarge, and then chose Mark All Upgrades. 
 I thought that part of debian way of package management was preventing a 
 package being installed without its dependencies being present or at least 
 installed at the same time.  Or is this something peculiar to a kernel 
 dependency?  (Or do I just have the wrong conception of the whole scheme?)

The newer udev that requires the 2.6.12 or newer kernel doesn't have a
dependency on reflecting that, instead a check is done during start up
and if your kernel is not new enough udev is not started.

Mostly things should continue to work without udev. Looking at the
dependants in Synaptic I don't see any indication that would cause Gnome
to break when udev is not running so I suspect the Gnome issue may have
been unrelated(?).

Since this is a special case you are limited in ways to protect against
the situation. Running apt-listbugs may potentially have provided a

In defense of the maintainers a version of udev requiring the 2.6.12
kernel was introduced before a 2.6.12 kernel was available in the
repositories, because of that, because most things should continue to
work and because not everyone who compiles their own kernel uses kernel
package, I see some logic for handling things the way they were done.

Later, Seeker

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Re: gnome upgrade in testing

2005-10-01 Thread Seeker5528
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 02:15:04 -0400
Rick Pasotto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you're using testing you should expect this type of thing to
 No, I shouldn't. It makes no sense to upgrade the data for an
 application if the application itself is being removed.

It's not that uncommon over time for packages to get split or merged,
whatever makes sense relative to how it fits in the bigger picture.

In this case the change log shows:

control-center (1:2.10.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Don't overwrite DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_ENV completely.
  * 24_theme_dont_require_metacity.patch: make gnome-theme-manager work
without metacity being installed (closes: #315730).
  * Use type-handling's Provides: feature to avoid hacking the control file.
  * Remove the capplets package, which doesn't have a purpose anymore. Move
all package contents back to gnome-control-center.
  * Remove most Replaces: and Conflicts:, not useful anymore.
  * Standards-version is 3.6.2.

Later, Seeker

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