dns in an LAN?

1997-07-24 Thread tyc

 I have an debian linux box as server in an local area network, where
all clientes machines are in Windows.

 I have not an DNS server, thus all IP/name translations are doing
through the /etc/host file that I have in every machine. 

I want install an DNS server in my linux box to avoid the modificy every
/etc/host file in every machine when a newer client machine is add to
the network,but.how can I do it?

I just intalled the bind pakage,answer the cuestions it made me in the
installation, but how can I say it the IP address and names of the
network machines?



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ppp server

1997-07-23 Thread tyc

 I want setup my linux boox as ppp server to permit users access to it
whith an login and an password from windows systemts.?

Please, where can I find information about this?

I read PPP howto, but is here any more specific?

Could someone, that have an ppp server running, gime some advices?


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1997-07-23 Thread tyc

Whow can I make vim my default editor?


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1997-07-23 Thread tyc

My Midnigth Commander don't work well.

F1,F2,F3, and F4 don't make their functions. Why?

What can i do to solve this problem in my spanish keyboard

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Re: Installing from a pile of floppys

1997-07-21 Thread tyc
Luis Seidel Gsmez de Quero wrote:
 I've just installed Debian 1.3.1 on a 386SL laptop and everything is Ok
 for the base system. But now I would like to install some big packages
 with big .deb files that don't fit in a single floppy. Is there some
 preferred procedure for doing this?
  (I have some clues: use a MsDOS partition to install form and dump the
 files zipped in several floppies, use some PLIP or SLIP to link to
 another computer, but all of these sound a bit hard for me. I'm pretty
 sure that somebody else has faced this problem before. Any advice?

Sorry if I don't understand you.

If you can make a back up in another computer your can have resolved
this problem. Let's see:

you can make a pakages backup. Put selected pakages in one directory, as
seguridad  then make (in this directory):

  find . -print | cpio -ocv  /dev/fd0

This backup pakages to floppy.

To recover the back up make, in your current directory:
  cpio -icvd  /dev/fd0

and.yahoo...here is the pakages in your current directory.Now you
can install them.


Sorry...this is spanish:

Gracias, de que? ...tambien soy espaƱol hombre...y ademas estudie en la
politecnica...mira tu por donde.

Espero haberte ayudado, aunque quizas no entendi bien la pregunta..me
avisas si no..ok?


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