Re: hello?

2002-06-02 Thread vanillicat
> Does this list work? I receive it via news and now through email, but
it seems spotty. Messages are missing, including my own request for help
with Abiword.
> Just a simple ACK would be appreciated, thanks.

Hi Jim,

Just a note that this message of yours got through.

Also, your query regarding abiword made it through to me as well.  I'm
having the *precise* same issue, so I too am watching what turns up.

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making an emergency rescue floppy

2002-06-27 Thread vanillicat
Hello list,

I'm trying to make an emergency rescue floppy that will be capable of
booting my system in the event something happens when booting from the
MBR.  The idea is to get the same floppy that the installer asks if you
want to create during the installation, as an alternate way of booting
into Debian.

My searches turned up the boot-floppies package, but trying to apt-get
it turned up the following error:

Package boot-floppies has no available version, but exists in the
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
of sources.list
E: Package boot-floppies has no installation candidate

I've also gotten a recommendation to use mindi, but I wasn't sure if
this was the best package to use.  I don't need to create a special
floppy, just one that'll boot my system the same as if it were booting
from the hard drive.  Is there a replacement for boot-floppies that I
should be using?  Thanks!

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Re: network configuration problem

2002-06-28 Thread vanillicat
On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 02:49, Lars Jensen wrote:
> Also, how do I change my host name.

I believe hostname is stored /etc/hostname

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Re: Problem with installation media

2002-10-20 Thread vanillicat
On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 10:06:42AM -0500, Robert Ames wrote:
> Hello,
> I downloaded the stable release of Debian (Woody) via jigdo. I downloaded all 7 iso 
>images. Each time, it reported that the checksums were correct.
> When I went to install, I got the message from CD 1 that the file 
>/instmnt/pool/main/m/modconf/modconf_0.2.43_all.deb was corrupt. In case the download 
>had an issue, I re-downloaded the iso image and re-burned it. I got the same message. 
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Robert Ames

It's a long shot, but did you happen to download from the same mirror
both times?  You asked for *any* ideas :)

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Re: Wish us all luck...

2002-11-04 Thread vanillicat
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 06:02:23AM -0500, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
> XFree86 4.2 has moved to testing - should be okay, but this is where we
> find out...

Well, I upgraded last night, and things seemed fine, but I just came
back to my computer to find it with a blank screen, and locked up hard.
I had to do a hard reboot.  I don't see any errors in .xsession-errors
or in /var/log/XFree86.0.log though, so I'm not sure how to know whether
or not it was a result of the upgrade.  *shrug*  Other than that, the
upgrade went fine for me.

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Re: Looking to switch to debian...

2002-11-10 Thread vanillicat
On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 10:59:02PM -0600, ZephyrQ wrote:
>   Big question here--NVidia drivers.  Does Debian handle them well? 

I've installed them several times now, and have yet to run into any
problems.  Debian has nvidia package as well to track them, as

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Re: xauth or xhost no longer required?

2002-11-29 Thread vanillicat
On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 11:48:13AM -0800, Roy Pluschke wrote:
>  P.S. Oops!! I must apologize to Karl I hit the "Reply" button instead of
>  the "Reply to list" button and by accident sent my reply to him personally.

Do they have two buttons for these functions in Sylpheed now?

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Re: how to make a boot disk??

2002-11-29 Thread vanillicat
On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 05:52:39PM -0800, damar thapa wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now trying to recompile kernel for the first time
> in Debian. I do not have a floppy to boot the system
> in case the kernel panics. How can I do that in
> Debian?
> Looking at /etc/lilo.conf, it seems that I have to do,
> "dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=8192". But it asks for
> root disk, please advise.
> Damar
> Note:  I sent this message yesterday, though I
> actually had not subscribed the list.  Since I have no
> clue whether that went through or not, I am  sending
> this again.  My apology, if the list is going to get
> the same message twice.

Your message did indeed go through.  You can read the replies to your
query in the archive at:


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Re: Testing has broken my fonts today

2002-09-18 Thread vanillicat

On 18 Sep 2002 10:05:09 -0500

> Actually, this bug explains the problem in more detail:

Thanks so much for linking to this.  I got panicky when none of my
programs were working, and I couldn't mail debian-user because Sylpheed
is a GTK app!  Mozilla functioned fine though, so I could read the list.
 The tip offered in that bugreport did the trick for me:

"Changing the /usr/sbin/update-ms-fonts script to the previous behavior
by uncommenting the creation of the symlinks and commenting the deletion
of the symlinks returns the system to a working state regarding these

I made these changes, and ran update-ms-fonts again, and everything
works now!

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Re: Testing has broken my fonts today

2002-09-18 Thread vanillicat

Oops, I realize I forgot to mention that I didn't have defoma installed,
so I used apt-get to install this, as well as x-ttcidfont-conf.  I also
added /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType and
/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID to my FontPath as mentioned
by x-ttcidfont-conf as well as by Alan's message.  I did all this before
changing and rerunning the update-ms-fonts scripts, after which
everything worked again.

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Re: Testing has broken my fonts today

2002-09-18 Thread vanillicat

On 18 Sep 2002 13:51:56 -0400
"Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You should not need to do both.
> Defoma font management is a _replacement_ for the part of the
> update-ms-fonts script that was commented out; that's why it was
> commented out.

Right, I understand that this is what is supposed to happen.

> The "Right Way" is to not uncomment stuff from the update-ms-fonts
> script, but rather to allow Defoma to manage the fonts correctly.  If,
> for some reason, this doesn't work automatically then you need to
> report a bug on this.

There already is a bug on this (I think).

According to the bugreport:

"Defoma does not create symlinks as the previous msttcorefonts package
did." and

"Changing the /usr/sbin/update-ms-fonts script to the previous behavior
by uncommenting the creation of the symlinks and commenting the deletion
of the symlinks returns the system to a working state regarding these

Simply installing Defoma and x-ttcidfont-conf.d (also adding relevent
FontPath entries in XF86Config-4) did not get things working.  Only
after I proceeded to modify the script did things work again.  I guess
it's just a bug.  I do appreciate that you've pointed out the *Right
Way*, as it's clarified my undestanding of the situation.  I'm not
exactly a guru :)

> Strange that you didn't have defoma installed, though, because the
> msttcorefonts package Depends on defoma... how could you install
> msttcorefonts without it?

I had an older version of msttcorefonts installed.  I gather that the
defoma dependency is a new one?  Though perhaps I'm wrong about this. 
At any rate, defoma was not installed on my system.  I ended up doing an
apt-get remove --purge msttcorefonts, and then apt-get install
msttcorefonts to make sure that nothing was left over from the old
installation.  I have no idea if this was necessary or not, but I didn't
think this could hurt.  I think defoma was installed at the time of my
fresh installation as of this morning.  From other posts, it appears
that msttcorefonts doesn't currently depend upon x-ttcidfont-conf.d; is
this indeed the case?

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Re: mass installation on XBox

2002-10-02 Thread vanillicat

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 09:20:37 -0700
"deFreese, Barry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Total curiosity here but why on Earth would you purchase 100 Xboxes to
> run Linux?  Weren't you complaining in the "Problem with Debian"
> thread about giving money to Microsoft?
> Just curious.

Since Microsoft loses money on each Xbox purchase (the idea being
they'll start making a profit when the user purchases something like 3
games), in a way, this is taking money from Microsoft.

I believe they're releasing new XBoxes to try and prevent people from
using them for purposes other than MS intended.

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Re: OT: mass installation on XBox

2002-10-02 Thread vanillicat

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 16:22:51 -0400
Oleg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I refuse to believe this nonsense. What university is this, and what
> public grant will pay for the illegal use of hardware? Even from a
> purely practical point of view, XBox will not pay for itself as a
> cluster component.
> Oleg

How is it illegal to use hardware that he legally owns?

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