On 07/05/2017 10:25 PM, David Griffith wrote:
I'm aware of that technique.  What I was talking about is a menu
option that pops up when the install is running that explicitly
asks the person installing which init to use.

On 07/06/2017 01:28 AM, Ansgar Burchardt replied:
But there are far more urgent questions that don't get asked
at install time either:

1. Which editor to use at the default editor.
   (Even worse: emacs isn't even included in the install by default!)
2. Which shell to use as the login shell.
   I still have to install my favorite shell (zsh) manually :-(
3. Which web browser to install. Not everyone prefers Firefox.>
4. Which mail user agent to install.

I can go on.  All have to be chosen after install and I don't think
there is a good reason the init system should be special: likely a
larger number people cares more about the software they use all the
time.  So if anything, one should probably ask about that.

On 07/06/2017 03:09 AM, Dejan Jocic also replied:
There was no such option when SysVinit was default. Why would it
exist now? There are also no options to choose default browser,
editor, video player, music player and so on. But everyone is
free  to install and set as default whatever they like.
Including init system.

I would include among those UNasked questions:
  1. What is a common feature of the above and others in this thread?
  2.Thus, what is the Catch-22 quagmire faced by the installer team?

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