The cnews upgrade in bo is dangerous if you do not back up your
/var/lib/news directory first! It will leave SOME of your configuration
files but will overwrite others with the default cnews files.

Files that get changed are (at least) sys, batchparms, mailpaths.

It seems to leave explist alone. I have not looked at controlperm yet.

Is there any way that the maintainer can check for an existing set of
these files and at least copy the existing ones safely out of the way
instead of overwriting them? 

It also seems to use a different overview strategy with a duplicate tree
under /var/spool/news/over.view instead of a simply .overview in each of
the existing news directories. This resulted in errors every time newsrun
is executed (could not open
/var/spool/news/over.view/news/group/name/.overview )

George Bonser

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